alherald lseer wjii opeim way days - chronicling america · 2017. 12. 19. · los angeles herald:...

LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL ax, 1905. LOS ANCKI.F.S. April!". Tlm<>.| nar^lJTh^ljfJ f| WI nd?| VM~|Weat her f'a.mTl 29.i>»"| I II | NFJ."|" 1 MM'ear. 5 p.m. l 2!>.R7 | »9 | 7J I W. j 1 o j Cloudy. Maximum temperature, «<t; minimum, 4*. Weather Conditions SAN FRANCISi'O, April 20.—Th» pressure has fallen rapl.lly on the coast, nnd it mod- erate disturbance Is rnpl.lly coming In from California, south of Telmrhnpl— Clniirlv, unsettled weather Friday; probably ehnw- »is; fresh southwest Los Aneeles mid vjelnlty—I'b.ti.iv Friday; THE WEATHER 8 Discouraged? AlHerald LSeer WJII Opeim the Way to Better Days MARRIAGE LICENSES BCHUrtERT-MILLER-Karl August schul«rt, 64, native of lieiinniiy and rrsl.lent nf Jos Anireles, lo Ijiiirn MINT, M, native of Oer- many an.l resident of 1....- Ansel's. BRESIMKYF.U-KllltKS-Theoilore Hieslmeyer, 23. native of Missouri nn.l resident of Hol- lywood, to Ly.lln, 21, native of rail- fo:-nia ami resident of Prospect Park. NYHY-WAUIUDN- Nelll M. N>b>. Bi nntlve of Denmark an.l resident of l-"i« Angeles, lo Anna M, Walnren. 'J.'.. native ..f Denmark and resident uf I/is Atltrles. DKMARCUS-UICKMOHR-John O. Demnrms. 27. native of Tennessee and resident of Sail JFranclsco, to Kate 1,. Hl.kniore. 10. native of t:allfornU sn.l resl.lent of Snn Framlsco. BUNNERO-BAHACLVC— VItO Hunnero. 2!>, na- tive nf Italyand resident of Lot Ans.'les. to Trasa Baraeloo, .\u25a0".'. ntllv« of Italy and r«sl- <lent of Los Angeles. ItfXiAN-UIIYAN-Charks S. lloKan. 17. na- tive of Nebraska and resl.lent ot Palms, to Jlnry F. Hryan, 24, native of Washington and resl.lent of !.«.« Angeles. THOMPSON-PAAR-lleorge W, Thompson. 21, native of Texas an.l resilient of Los Angeles. to Luetta Paar, 21. nntlve of Texas and resident of l.os Aneeles. McVBV-HAHDKSI Y-How.irrt Tt. MeVey, :."., ureles, to Mamie A. Hardesty. 2:., natlvr! ot Ohio and rtsldent of Los Angeles. . DEATHS AMES—Mary J., S3S West Jefferson street. native of New York, mitral Insufficiency; as-ed 71 years. COOI^-KIIr W., in:n Cnlton street, cardiac DICKINSON— Mar'lanlne T.. Clara Hnrton hos- pital, native of lowa, rheumatic endocar- ditis: sged 64 years. EMMONB—Mary, 221 West Twenty-second street, native of New Jersey, pnralysls; a«e,l 72 years. FBLIX—Mary. SIR Allso street, nntive of Cali- fornia, phthisis pulmonalls; need 27 yenrs. lIANSEN—Andrew, counly hospital, nntlve of Sweden, pulmonary tuberculosis ; aged "4 years. JACOIT—HenryP.. Townsend and First streets. native of France, septlcemla; aged S3 years. LACY— lsabella. W6S West Thirty-sixth street. native nf England, gcrnor; nged MANSON-John J., ]2.'.3 West Flrty-flrst street, native of Illinois, pulmonary tubercu- losis; aged 32 years. MARIA— Margarita S., 23.".« Enterprise street. native of Los Angeles, gastro-enteritls; nged MARTIN— Frnnk Tl.. 452 Enst Thirty-eighth street, native of I.os Angeles, pneumonia; aged fl months. NOWAKOWSKI— John. 78S Knhler street, nn- PARROTT— I^ee E., I2M Wall street, epileptic convulsions: aged 8 years. BTOLI.— Henry William, 544 South Hill street, native of ijermnny, hypertrophic sclerosis of liver; aged 66 years. Peck & Chase Co., undertakers nnd embalm- ers: lady assistant. 433 S. Hill. Tel. Main 81. GLOVER- A P. an.l wife, 231U I/a Grande street. Aprild, a dans liter. HOOLB— E. S. nn.l wife, DK4 lncrahnm place, April Ifi. n daughter. UOLOATE—C. K. and wife, Edendale street, April IK, a son. EFFRKY—F.Imnre and wife. ::71 West Avenue Fifty-seven, April IK. v daughter. McCirißE—John .1. and wife, 422 Sierra street. April l«. n daughter. VKHSTKR-Wllllnm M. an.l wife, 14r,:, r.nst Forty-sixth street. April In, a daughter. WlTT—Edwlfl M. nnrl wife. HiintinKtun Park. Mari-h 14. a daughter. DIE'? TA'EPTnN—In this city, April IS. 190.', Ilenia- mln S. Weston. a native »f Salem, Mass., need 72 years and 7 months. Funeral ser- vices at the ch.ipel of Robert L. (iarrelt & To , 345 North .Main street, Friday, April 51, at 12 o'clock. Interment at Wilmington, Gal, Special car will leave Sixth and Main streets at 1:30 p. in., returning at 5 p. in. ELlJsL— Lambert, on April 1". 1905. Funeral o'clock. Friday. April 21; from late resl- rlenre, 601 St. Paul avenue. Interment Itosedale cemetery: prlvnif. FUNERAL NOTICES Attention tnemh-rs of the loyal W. R.iC— Members nf the various W. It. «'. ar.- request- ed to attend th» funoral of Mrs. L. K. W. Cool, to be held at the parlors nf I'exter Kami-on Co.; 1133 S"Uth Flower street, Satur- day morning. April 2J. Nt ID o'clock. Uy order of 111.' pr.sid.nts. Matll.lii M. I'olenian. Sianton Nil 1«: lyittle Shearer, Hartlett Logan No 7: Rose L. Thew. Kenesaw No. Si; Carpenter, L'niMe Sinn No. 4M. Wymore. N.'h.. pap-'ri please ropy. BRESEE BROS. GO. T £\?ri?^ BROADWAY AND SIXTH BTREET I^dyAssistant Attend. UNnFRTAKFRS Ijdlen and Chr.dren. IHlUUllflftUlJ PIERCE BROS. & CO. Tun-ra! directors. 810-Sl2 S. Flower »tr»»t. Our iady undertaker, MUs Elizabeth Thomp- scn. In attendance for women and children 6ay or night. Phono Main 18 27: Homo 227. CUNNINGHAM & O'CONNOR ONUEBTAKERB, have removed tn 10»l So. «;rnnd Aye. Phones— Main 4D3: lloiiv 40.1 CONTRACTORS OUR STORY AND A HALF HAVE FULL HEIGHT CEILINGS When you nr,? In the Interior they have all the appearance of it full two-story house, and our desiens aro artistic and unuunal, besides a saving of expense to you in ilia building of a story and a luilf house, wo can get prettier aim men.- graceful exterior ef- fects. Come in and let uk klvo you a list of some of the best known and most reputable business men In the city whom wu havu built for, Their unqualified reoorumendatlgn it, uur b'.st advertisement. li. N. LAMBERTH & CO., OENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTORS, Mom** ll'il."' BROKERS IR..W. POINDKXTUR, UIiOKER, W!) WlL- cox hiiimiiik, deal) ii mis. mortgages and oiler flrm-elHs.i securities. Loans uegotlatnd at lowest market runs. If you wlwli to lend money on mat mortgages., 1 run pine,. It fov you safely un.l at a t.ili rat* of InteriHt Reieiiiiie: First Nutlunul liank, Lus An- fc'i-1.-s .s'at|.,iiiil Hank. J.. \V. l-UISUUXImt, 4UU WILtOX lILILU- IMU, deals in stocks, bouda. inorlgtuea. Klrst-class securities only. If you want t.ualii.'ii* raqulrlnv a tiuuaclal agent, call oa LOST AND FOUND I.OHT HMAI.I, BLACK PUHHH CONTAIN- liik about »i In lilver, trunk key, twenty- live cards for Angel'ii Flight. Hi -ward to return to Hotel Nugent. Third and Grand avenue. I.UKT-OIILD I'itllHHNKCKLAI'K ON MANI- Iou H\enu» or Aye. "I,I'rl.luy. April 11. 11.- warilIf returned In 21i«l 1...-..,1.I '...-.., I. O.i Avenue. JvOST -JEKHKY COW FROM 1440 POUTH Orange (irove a\e , H uih Puadtna. Libt-ial unard. PltuSH MAIN 123 i. WANTED j Help— M«U - . * A*Trn- nnt-rtana nentpnper snil.^ltnn. Apple It rlreulntlng department between !:»• SB4I I a. m. nml 4 :RO and S p. m. lA>n ANGEI.ES lIF.RALD. HI'MMFt, nnnp. * TO , EMPLOYMENT AOF.NTB .„ A strictly first-class, reliable ngeney. All Kinds of h»lp promptly furnished. Tour or- ders tollelted. Mr, lii East Second street. Tletw.en Mnln nnd Los Angelen HW. Laigest and best equipped offices on the rsolfe Const. Tei<i,|vines-M»ln Wt. Jloms tot W.WTKH- invXiTih mTnistkrs OF THE K.upel, ..r tli..s.. (.pending vneatlon, mnv lind pleasant nnd remunerntlve r..en|.n- ftl.ih: hUllnegn leßltlinnte. rleatl nn.l par- tl.iilnrly Millr.i t,. this elnfs of (tenlle- men, Call nt DtO HYltNl-: itlll.lilXil. SO MEN AND in ll<lY<r.\|l<M'T 12 Vi:>l!.« hid. Apply stme. entinnre MAHON oI'KKA HOtWR, HIM st.. Pi O'clock Sun. lay morning, April S3, WANTED— AT ( INCE, rAI«TnOSO,iMKATHT y..iinx man with R.....1 refer»n.-es. to assist nt the Hwe.llsh Institute. 6M West Pi t. PUS. WAI.PKN & OLSON. _\u25a0 Situ.-.cions— hiaie POSITION * DESIRED > BT» A FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper; Inns: experience, iiulck anil ac- curate. Cnn liMii.lle concern of any size. No objection to country. Hest of local refer- ences, Ad.lress BOX DIG. Heralil office. FOR HIS CHILD'S lI XALT 11 A MACHINIST wishes a position In the west; best references. FORNARI. Ht. jlelena P. 0., Balllmhre^ Md. Help Female 35 WOMEN AND« WIUI.S BETWEEN S AND 72 years old. Apply statra entrance MAHON OPEUA MOUSE!, Hill St., Sun.lay, April 2:!. glO o'clock a._m. To Purchase Re<i| Estate —HAVE rL'RCHABEKS FOK-^ BUSINIibS I'iiOl'tlllTV, HOUSES. LOTS. LIST YOUR PKOPKRTY TODAY AND BE ASSURED OF MY PROMPT ATTENTION. FRANK LEItCH. 121 HENNE BLOCK. WANTED— SMALL TRACTS We hnvn constant applications from por- one, two, Hire" nnd five acres, near the. city nnd convenient to car lines. Lei us list your holdings. JONES & RYDER LAND CO., » Ground ' Floor, 21> w, :id st. Money WANTfc.U-6 PEK CKNT NKT INTEKtST, payable s?ml-annually on our paid-up cer- tlticutes; nothing belter :n -.ho market; unl- Eafe 03 government bonds, secured by de- posit of first m . riKuries with a trustee; In- vestigate; write for booklet and information to the PROTECTIVE SAVINGS BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, W. G. Blewitt. Secretary, 101 N. Broadway, Los Angeles. To Rent rtA.VAJID ALL OWNERS OK RENTAL PROPERTT TO KNOW THAT WE DO A MENTAL BUSINESS DON'T WORRY IF YOU WANT A TENANT LIST YOt'H PROPERTY WITH US MINKS« PARISH. t!5 ROUTH HILL STREET. WANTED-KOR ONK MONTH, r,i>ii]i Rimim In first-class family; option of board, by at- torney and wife. 630 PARRUTT BLDG., San Francisco. To Purchase Miscellaneous WANTED—TO RUT. FURNITURE AND houesehold t-'^.ls. Wo pay 1-3 more than others. COLYEAR'B, .\u25a0:2-24 S. Main. Phones: Main 111"! Home 2K.4. WA.NTKD- TO P.I.TV SEi'"NIM'I,ASS RKS- tnurmii. A.blrrss H"X 1"2. Herald nffli-p. money to loan "do ~ YOU NEED MONEY? We can lend you email or large amounts on real estate from 5 to 7 per cent. Jiuild- lng luuna n i-pi-daliy. BOBEHT MITCHELL CO., 508 South Broadway. MONEY TO LOAN—AN* AMOUNT, SHORT or I. ng time, on furniture, pianot, diamonds, live stock, eta smelly ccuadcnttal, reliable COLYEAR FURNITURE CO.. in S. Main Street. Phones. Main 111': Home 1164. CASH CONFIDENTIALLY LOANED SALA- oui employers' knowledge un.l without in- doiKers; eatsy payments; puaitlvely lowest rates, NotcH bought, luans on stocks. Die. Hjuih. 10:30 a. m. to 1 p. m. und 2 to i,:Mp. m. COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT CO., til Frost P.lock. Tilt CRESCENT LOAN CO.. SI'ITE 70.J-701 Laokershim building, cor. 3d and Spring. Loans niuiiey lv salaried people on their confidential. j ' '_J MONEY LOANED SAIAKIED PEOPLE AND ethers, without security; \u25a0 any payments. Ijiriiest business In 50 principal cities. TOL- MAIN. Room 43J Maauu Bldg. cor. Im •rd nroiidway. MONKY TO LOAN oy FIRST-CLASS CITY property for building purposes. TIIOS. J. HAMPTON CO.,'11I) 8. Broadway. 1.. A. R. H. ON DIAMONDS, FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK, etr.; iow rates; prompt, reliable. REID A CO., 142 S. Uroadway. Room 128. Phone iO2H. llo.Si'.V TT. LOAN-THOMAS S. WADtJ- WOKTH 319 and 320 Douglas building, will lend money on cityor country real estate. It. U. ll>.-.l>i;.\ II H, 4011 billu., i7i7j*4. . loans ii,»iii') nu rciil entute, stocks and bonds. Buildingloans a specialty. IT YOU WANT To" LEMJ" OK~HIJKIIOW money call on QOHDON & HUIIHAHD. 44J piilHiMa HI..CX. PHYSICIAMS VH. A.M. AlitS. CAKTfcK tiIjDC^aaFULLV treat all feti.aie disiußeu un.l Ii i. gularltlrs; 20 years' experience; consultation free. Hours, I la. in. tu R p. in.; hun.luys. 10 to 12 a. m. 204 MERCANTILE PLACE over [43 H. Spring. U.Mj.aL.<Jv.'h.titiKUL PIIACTK'K, liXi'fciHl- en.ert. competent ladleii' BpeelKllst; strictly reliable; cases guaranteed. Mitt) WOODS. Itl W. 10th bet Flgueroa ami Franelpeo. CANCER 7J111 1 fikI ) - MItsT H. J. liUl DOE RRM*- <dy. Free treatment given worthy poor Tuesdays an.l FrLlujs. 2 to 4 p, in. J. C. AI.DKU.II, M. ])., 454 So. HprlllgSt. b<Ji; TliEltN IIUMK TOR LADIICS UUKINU connntmnit: homes tor children. DR. C. UL IBMITH, 727 nellevus aye. Tel. Main n««. Jl'LlAN.MACRAE. ELECTRICIAN-MENTAL mid norvous dmeaneb. 1030 K. IUU'E. Home 4004. iIH. I'AVUJH-KBMAUS ISPIiOIALIHT AND TRAN3FEH AND BTORAGI I'OI.YKAIt WAl:l:il()l'SE CO. l'lre Pr.Mif. 4ir,-iii sun Pedro St. open Hi.u'UKx or separala Iron rooms. M.nliiK un.l paikliiK ri asiuiablri ratfH '.mil udvuuci-d on etoiUKf. Muln Ofnc*. m B, MAIN. Pli..n..K-Miiln 1117; Home IM.-.4, PIANOS WANOS HOLD ON EABIT PAYMKNTS^ Pluuus reuiua at low rates. A. U. UAUI). n»-:h piano Houai:. ud.. hi winstuu^l Phone Hlai-lc 131S Horn, phone. W6. AUTO LIVERY ' tit.Aii, 'uaboUlNß.' ausyiuioL^' *T Ul-mS. MAIN.l-buu.-Uum. IU; Mala 4MT. \ FOR RENT MOIIM* »1«--FIVf:-TlOOM~ MODKRN cnTTAGB, 12"« Santa Fe; also 1710 Noimnndle st; $H. Includ- Int wjter. WIi:.SKNDANGER, 221 Laughlln JfMtt. M_ Furnished Houses FOR 'HENT-A I'INK Ft'HNlSlll'.ti HOISK of 7 rooms on Whlttler St., bet. nth mid Mil. Thl« Is elemnt for $4.V Hee>\ HKALTV TMUBT CO., 121 So. Droadws*, Ilinnmi Main M«. Ilnm«,_l'rl._Kx m. _ Furnished Rooms FUR $IH YOU CAN RENT 1 ROOMS. COM- Pletely furnished, new elegant: hou«»keep- liib; gns range, bath, telephone, hot water; do*" In. 3.14 M.IUTII FIGIIEROA; also »>4 NORTH FRSMONT, $10 unfurnished. 30 Foil RENT-TWO NH'KLY ITRNtSIIKD front loMins, lustantaneitiis heater; $10 and $12; private family; In: Telephone, Humu 44W. lIS'4 so. UI.IVE ST. HANDSCIMX, PI'NNV FL-HNtsTiTrD ROHM" new. m...lfrn flat; hath, el»iMirlty. Free Spanish lesson*. 412 W. I2TII, Home trl. 7«21. JK-THRKR ROOM B, '- CO MPLBTK LT'FTJ R- nIshe.I, new. housekeepiiiß, in new building _;iS N. FREMUNT AYE. __ 30 _ \u25a0-:\u25a0 \u25a0 Flat* To LET—MODERN FLATS-WATER FREE $10—3 rooms, :04 N. Fremont. $12-3 rooms. :'l2 N. Fremont. $12— ;) rooms, 3-14 S. Flgueroa. $12-4 rooms. Vl9 N. Flgi:eroa. $!(>—3 rooms, 3;n fv Flguorua, furnished. $l«—s rooms, 1018 W. First. $IS 3 rooms, 104 N. Fremont, furnished. $IS-3 rooms. 21S N. Fremont, furnished. $:o— « ro.mis. :i;10 S. Flgueroa. 30 WIKSKNDANUER. 221 Laughlln Bid*.- ForOio you can rentT rooms. co^H I'letely furnished, new elegant; housekeep- ing; gas range, hath, telephone, hot water; close In. .'..-it SOUTH FIGUEROA; also 204 N. FREMONT. $10 unfurnished. 30 TO « LET— 1 1 JtOOMH « AND{BATH, IUNFUIT nlshed, In heautirul apt. house, rarpete.l balls, lanltnr service. Very sunny, l'.ent only }Ji. No clilldren tin.lor 12. 308 SOUTH I'll', IKIMA BT. $S-;l HiloMS, OAS RANGE. HATH, I'HONK, hot water. 201 N. FREMONT AYE. Ii Furnished Flats $l«-3 ROOMS, HOUSEKKEPLNO, FUR- nlsh«d complete; new, elegant, gas ranite. tiath. hot water, telephone. Janitor. ;'S4 PIH'TH FIGL'EROA; alao 204 NOKTH FRE- MONT. 6-30. FOR $H YOU CAN RENT THREE ROOMS, completely furnished for housekeeping; new; gas range, biith. phone; close In. 334 S. FIGUEHOA, Also 204 N. FREMONT. 30 $18-THREE ROOMS, COMPLETEL. FUR- nlshed. new, elegant, In new building; housekeeping: phone, bath, gas range, 218 NORTH FREMONT AYE. 30_ Stores and Offices SEVERAL FINE STORES IN THE "BltOHXSTOXE," NOIITIIHEST COK- NKKFIFTH AM> SAN I'KDKO NTRKKTS) GOOD SIZE;LOW RENT; LONG LEASE. EXAMINE THOROUGHLY OUR NKIV FIVK-BTORY HOTEL OR ROOMING HOUSE, WEST SIDK OF MAIN, BE- THIiEN I-II'TH ANI> PIXTH STREETS; MTKAM HEAT: ELEVATOR I EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. WILL «IVK JIVE OR TKN-YEAK LEASE AT SUCH PRICK AS WILL INSURE IT A GREAT MONEY-MAKER. OFFICES TO KENT IN SEVF.RAL OF OUR Bl'H.niMiS. AT FROM $10 PER MONTHTO *»0. EVERY CONVENIENCE. R. A. ROWAN * CO.. 200 11. \\. HELLMANBUILDING. iy\)Bcellaneou« FOR RENT—FOR COAL AND WOOD yard, with building 40xfin; stable for horses; lot 87x137. on Pico street, near Harvard boulevard: rent $12 per month. See lip). HARLAN. 143 South Rroadwav. SPECIAL NOTICES WALTER HROS., 627 SOUTH SPRING— Sanllas wall cover, 2.«: yard; washable pa- pers, 2.-.c roll; elsewhere 33c to 45c; good border and paper for 12-ft. room, $1; equaled nowhere in the U. S.; ml papers, latest tap- estry, two tones and burlnp effects, at lowest cash price; best paint. 11.60 gal.; shingle stain, 7.-.c; barn and roof paint, 90c; 7-ft. Fhartes, 2..C and 3T.c; molding, 2c ft.; freight paid on out-of-town orders over $5 if this paper is mentioned. WINDOW SHADES-SPECIAL LOT 7-FOOT npßiiue shn.l.'S. 26ci best paint. $1.50 per gal.; good paper and border for 12-foot room, $1; largest variety washable papers, L'oc; elae- whera 35c. Headquarters for burlaps. Moldings. 2e per foot. WALTER BROS., 6J7 S. Spring. SORDIiH AND PAPEH KOK 12-FOOT HullM, $1; all borders sarre price as paper; best paint, $1.50 gal.; .-ft shades, 3. ; ,0; molding, Jc foot. WALTER BROS. 627 S. Spring. and up; general drayage. Tels. Mala' 3«SI. Home 2184. 317 W. SECOND ST. P.'ONKIiR CARPET CLEANING WORK3. Tel. Main 217: Home 217. "C S. Oilva. Up- BATHS AND MASSAGE ELECTRIC^BATH AND MASSAGE SANI- tarluin;^>f|ib, vapor, electrlo and steam \u25a0 bntlis; ctnropody, mnnicurc, scalp treat- ments and racial jnassußO. Home phone >iliU3. Jilts. M. HERBERT, Manager. iJolj West First. FOR COLDS. RHEUMATISM, ALL BLOOD disorders try Electio Invlgorator Vibratory treatments, tub, vapor, steam, electrlo baths. 701 MS. mtOADWAY. Electric Institute. EASTERN TRAINED GRADUATE OPRR- atiirs—Tub, varnr nnd electrlo lilanket baths. 127' i N. IIROADWAY. Hours 9 to 12. Under new management. FJRST-CLAHS VAPOR AND TUB ~BATHs" mashiign and Llecti lcily ; nnjfr new n.on- agement. 702 S. SPRING, Suite 223, 226, 257. SCIENTIFIC TREATMENTS— NO SUNDAY treatment; nfn.'e hours. 9 to 9. 223 W. KECONI) ST., Rooms 213-215. Home 2229. BERNARD DATII PARLORS REOPENED at 30914 WEST FOURTH STREET; for- iiwlyRoom 9. 11f. '4 Routh Broadway. 321 SIII'TII lllLir-VATOR AND TUB BATITs, maaiuga r..r colda, rheumatlam, nervousness. Open every .luy. CLARK'S ELECTRIC BATHS AND MAS- Mige; scalp treatment. 137 S. BROAD- WAY. Kenned patronage. ELECTRIC TKKATMKNT AND MASSAGE- Wi TEMPI.X STHKET. Room 4. 11ATI1S AT 455 S. UROADWAY,NOW UNDER new management. Open Sundays. BATHH-ROOM 1. ?-K> TEMPLE ST. PALf.iISTS AND MEDIUMS » J ltu*\ bXUAUI' MAMoi'it.L.Li, Incut clulivuyaiii mij pulimsi; advice upun huiiiuiu, luwsuiia, Invaaimunts, nun Ing. marrluge, love, divorce; gives name.i, dates, facts, statistics; sullsfHcllon guar- anteed. 444Vj B. SPUING BT. D"iT GItUKM. CLAIKVOVANI. TuTnUZ bualnert muuium Ind life reaaer. lUadlngt dally. Balis'action of k. pay. Test circles Tuesdays, Thursdays, evenings, B o'clock. ROOM 16. 113'^ SOUTH SPUING BT. MHS. PAItKrTIZ"MISUiUM AN"d~PALMIST- Llfe readinK, business, lawsuits, removal!, mineral locations, spttculailnns. love and all effalrs of Mfe. 4KV4 B. SPRING ST.. Ron-n t MACHINERY IRON AND bRASS FOUNDRY COMPANY Atlantic stivul uud Buutu Fe tracks. •ivii'l.liniii- 1031 Hume. Office 128 Hulliuun Illuik, Uroadway, Telephones bmi Hume; 1604 Main. All kinds ot Iron, brans, copper und sled laoilnim madtf. Prices reasonable. Bervluu promM. Orders solicited. M. L, Wliki, pres. J. H. Anderson, Bupt R. Daniels. Secretary. PATENTB ANO PATENT RIGHTS HAZAHir'i"7iAHI?HAM. > ' pATBNTkI"^?!? uimcrs. Bprlug aiid illlU. i'»l.ut buos, lite. \u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666•\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u26664>4>»4>4># i! Tic Best of Their lind I! ! Herald Liners f s) <> \u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666(»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u26664>»*4>4>4»* DENTIST* sclTiffm'an' dental"~col Hi 7N. Spring St. Painless extracting, fill- ing, crown and bridge work, flexible rub- ber plates. Pure gold fillings, 75c up; nil other fillings, 60c up: cleaning teeth. 60c up; gold crowns and bridge work, J2.60 Ings and Sunday forenoons. fHANKTtbTe NsT ~i 1 2Tvt~BOl'T~H~ s V H I NI I ATTORNEYSATLAW ADVICK FREE-^GENKKAL LAW PHAU- tlce; no fee without sauces. Call or write G. W. COOK, 6?1 S:imson blo:k. corner Third nnd Spring* Open every pvnI ti£. DIVORCE LAWS—ADVICE FREE; NO FEK without success: private. J. U, SMITH. 123 W. Third st. Room !08. Bto 8 p. m. FOR SALE Houses FOR SALE— A BARGAIN. We have for sale a strictly modern, new, Btory-and-a-half residence, located nt 322 North Breed street. Take Brook- lyn avenue car. This place contains »lx largp rooms, reception hall and bath on the first iloor; expensive grille work, com- bination lighting fixtures, cement walks and the very best oC plumbing, which Is otlurwise it is not finished, but can flnlshed complete for very little money. Th» former owner of this house, was forced to dispose of same, therefore we can buys this place will make $500 within the next sixty days. J. BVHRIS MITCIIET, & TO., OWNERS. Contractors and Builders, 325-327 Douglas Building. Sunset Black 3991. Home 3774. FOR SALE- COTTAGE BARGAINS. »1430—4-room cottage Brooklyn ave.—J3oo cash. Balance (15 per munth. 118.10— 6-room cottage, $wn cash, balance $20 $2230— 4-room cottage, furnished, $400 cash, balance «20 per 'lionth. $2250— 6-room cottage, N. Roto rt.. JCOO cash. Balance $20 per month. $2300—6-room cottage, 161)9 Council st., modern. Easy terms. NORTON & HAY, 318 W. Third St. FOR PALE- BUNGALOW. SIX ROOMS. MAGNOLIA AVENUE. A new nnd handsome bugalow of Fix rooms, on a very large lot loOxir.9): If close In. near Wept Sixteenth street and between two car lines; has all the mod- ern Improvements, cove ceilings, polished floors, handsome lawn, nice gnrden In rear, nice shade trees, etc. J5OO down, balance $15 i>er month. JONBS & RYDER LAND CO.. Ground Floor. 218 West Third Street. FOR PALE— New six-room cottage, with reception hall, bath, china closet, largo pantry and Boreen porch: you can select your own paint, wall tints nnd mantel; lot f.nxlso tj alley; one and one-half blocks from car nn.l well located; price (3160; $20i> cash, balance monthly; now is the time to buy: have your own garden, flowers, etc.; let your rent pay for your home. E. G. DEVENS. 227 Laughlin Bldg, .315 8, Broadway. Home Phone 8321. FOR SALE-$3750; TERMS. $500 CASH. 2-STORY 7-ROOM HOUSE NEAR AD- AMS AND NOKMANDIE; POLISHED FLOORS, BRICK MANTEL;FIXTURES. 8- ROOM MODERN, VV. JEFFERSON, NEAR McCLINTOCK, J2650; $550 CASH. R. E. IBBETSON & CO.. HOME 2110. 316 TRUST BLDG. FOR SALE-WALL STREET TLOT, 117 FEKT FRONTAGE, BETWEEN S9TH AND 40TH. GOOD CHANCE FOR BUILDER. BOLE CARROLL J. DALY & CO- AGENTS, ill WEST FIRST ST. MAIN 736; HOME W'J6. t-'Ull SALIC- LET US BUILD FOR TOO " A modern S-room cottaga, with porcelain plumbing, everything complete and ready to move Into, for $1200; a 6-room for $ISM; .uher for .-ast or on Installments. WHITING,THOMPSON * CO., Phone. Home 1075. 23" Bvrno Bide. FOR BALE AT A BARGAIN— ANGELENO HEIGHTS. New 6-room cottage, strictly up to data and modem: It must be sold at once and Is yours for $2700. It could not be duplicated short ot $3000. Reasonable terms. $2700 $.'7OO OALDWHLI. & CO., 403 Currier Illdg. ~ ctfv. building'company. 6204 Pouth Broadway. Telephone 1619. Have tlie best; It really costs less. If you me going to build you will want to see our plans and we want your wink. Houses built \u0084ii monthly payment* for responsible parties. IJ.ieolul iifTer: $2SDO—B rwinis, 8. \V., lot 4Sxl2«. $2000— 5 r.mms, on the hills, clohc In. COTTA'aEI-^^-BOUTH^^— WEST "OK MAIN Five rooms Knsy Payment* Strictly modern Finished In sugar pine Beautiful struct...Near car line...North front $2400 Small payments $300 i-aah, balance small monthly payments. THE REALTY TRUST COMPANY OF LOS ANGELAS. 1-11 South Broadway. Phones— Home, Exchange Dili; Main 665. NKW FIVK-ROOM COTTAGK WITH LAItOH reception hull, bath, toilet, wash bowl, china cloKrt, tine iiiuuti'l; klulii and natural finish; Imp. street; till' cuttutt« Is cliwe to Maple uve. on 43d st. Price )L'|i»i; $l,"m cash, bal. $25 per munth. Inc. Int. E. G. DKVKNU, H7 IjuikliUiiHlilg., 315 H. Uroadway. Horn* l'huiie 8331. FOX BALE-ONLY $W PER MONTH FOR~A beautiful Hvt-rnniii i'i.iukc. ni'iir Union ay«. Olid Slat St.; price $27011. JUNKS & itVDI.I: LAND CO.. 218 West Thlrg st. FO»: KALIS— MODBH I-HOOU II o U ri jo on Hobart Blvd., near Adums St.; priua (4000; $600 cash, balance monthly. CUAt b. MANN. IU W. 4lu st. FOR SALfc Houses NO. Hiifi HARVAntJ BOULEVARD, LOT 34. Houston HilKlltsTract, Wxi4o t.n enst side of street; two-story, eight loom!!, built In Archl- maln rooms stained nemlxh oak left with rlull rubbed effect; gas and electricity throughout: four bedrooms In white enamel, rubbed with pmnlci- stone anil oil: parlor and dining room separated by sliding doorx; very conveniently m-runued with paoa pantry mi rool sl.le; two toilets, porcelain laundry tubs, fine si reen porch, cemented cellar, etc. A SNAP for half cash, for JIISO. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE and hall, No. 15D7 W. .Wlh St.; lot uOxin In Alderson & Son's West .lerTerwin Street Tract (Just south of and adjoining the Charles Victor Hall tract). ' Street nicely Improved with palms, building restrictions, etc. .lust completed six-room cot- tage; coved cellliurM In ball, dining room ami parlor; floors finished, walls tinted! best nf plumbing. Including porcelain laundry tub. Everything mndern and up-to-date; ha-s cooler that will cool; lot fenced, cement walks and lawn In. You willsay thin plar« Is worth $32110, hut we i-an sell for oyly »265 i). FIVE ROOMS AND HALL, bungalow stylo. Tlrlck columns about veranda: No. 1.if.2 W. S6Ui In tract nnined next abovo; lot 60x136. north front: parlor, hall and dining room finished in selected yellow pine, door finished; electric fixtures and shades In; kitchen In green slain flemish oak; one bed room and bath In white enamel; toilet separated from bath; fences, cement walks nn.l fine lawn. A BARGAIN, half cash, only J2"n.l. AL.DKRSON BROTHERS. Owners, 2% Laughlln lildg. FOR SALE- MODERN COTTAGE. $2800. Located In the Victor Hall tract. Just oft Adnma street, on a line large lot. Dining room mid livingroom flnlshed in Flemish oak. Kitchen la built In the buffet style, withline large pantry. Screen ponh has tank closet and Instantaneous heater connected with all rooms. Bed- rooms are finished In white enamel, with built-in chiffoniers. Fine porcelain bath, two porcelain wash trays, modern low down toilet, sanitary washbowl. Fine cc- Member.x T,. A. Realty Board. AI.TTIOI'SE BROS., 234 LauEhlln nidg.. 316 S. Broadway. Main 283; Home Ex. 263. IHII.n A COMFORTABLE HOME FOX YOURSELF. We furnlßh you a plan, up to date, nf any design you desire, artistic elevations, built of the best material., at the very lowest prices. For only Jisnn we will build you a five-room bungalow, with hall, closets, and bathroom, first-class plumbing, leaded glass In china closet, mantel, fixtures and sidewalks all complete. fall at the office and let us explain our easy payment plan to you. Plans and specifications free. 433 Mason Building. CALIFORNIA BUILDING CO., Corner Fourth and Uroadway. Kntrance on Fourth Street. Phones— Main 3305: Home 6^.36. SET YOUR PRICE, An elegant home on Kllcndale place; all modern. Lot 90x1Bo; grounds highly improved, barn, etc. Owner must reach eastern Inter- ests. Let us give you full particulars. Any rea- sonable offer taken the place. See A. M. SHOOK, iSole Agent), 'GOLDEN BTATE REALTY COMPANY, 121 South Spring st. HOUSES lIUILT ON EASY PAYMENTS— Come to our ifflce and talk It over. We and will gladly explain what, we can do for you. It costs you nothing to look over our got what you wut we' willdraw It for you lite uf charge. *\u25a0*\u25a0.**— BLISS ft GOUI.I>, M4 Johmon HulWlng. KOIt BALE—I 724 REID ST., BEAUTIFUL modern bunsal jw, large Itvlnsj room, oak fin- ish, beam ceiling, handHnine bilrk mantel, chain electric fixtures, polished floors, porce- lain hath mill basin, wash trays, etc., be sure au.l see this before buying; ensy terms.. K. S. WILLIAMSON, Builder, iki2 Grant lilUg. roll BALE MODERN EIGHT-ROOM house on W<-st Sixteenth street, near Mag- nolia n y i mi.' ; on high gruund. near Alva* radii terroool bit r.nsl.Mi; price jr>6oo; easy terms If dcvii* il. CHAB. K. MANN, 31S West Fourth Btl'eot, BEE US UUIOKE UUILDING. ~ We build tv suit. Plans free, Get our UOTTKAIA lilios,. Contractors and Builders. 127 LauKhllu Building. 315 B. Uroadway. Phone Home 8821. FUR BALK-S2OTO WILL BUY A NEW AND modern five-room bungalow on a rlrst-clnss high, dry lot; »*».' cush; balance same as lent. JONES & ItYDKR LAND CO., 218 W. Third st. »oii bALK-HOU8K8; BUILT ON EAUT lurina. Get my prices; plans free. W. W. ANDERSON. Contractor and Builder, 4tu Hradhury Bulldlrg. U', Tl' .' W. CUjirtb KOK UAttUAINB IN real estate, with Hen While, MS URYBON City Lots and Land* •60 DOWN •rd flO per mouth without Interns •uye m lot Itmnt on a graded ua tilled tircvi, cement sidewalk* fcfcd curb. One block from uliMirie llun end well located. Only a few lots left. Kirn AUK U. MM'iNT « CO., Mole Agent*. Members L. A. Realty Huurt. luu UK*. tlt-xll W. b.wuiij •(. FOR BALE |HOO EACH. Two lots, southwest, where nothing- Is telling f..i' less than llOuii. if y. lv will buy them' tnu lots yuu can muke |::oo each in three tv six months. W. 11 dUKAII, 408 .Kihiison SuildlnS- City Lot* nnd Lands __ § ~ ii I * | THE MCCARTHY CO.'« $ * ' f * * » MAIN KTRKKT AMI * « * * MONF.TA AVKMK TRACT. * I II i * No. 1. * 9 \u25a0 * { i i \u25a0 onl.r Eighteen t'nsoiil !.ot«. « * » * * s i « All I'iiinriiinrM from the llfle f * « * liisur;iiii c and Tmst Co. tf I I s I \u25a0 Aiij piirrhnsers nnnllnsr lo re«ell * > their lut* run lIM them nt $ \u25a0 « \u25a0 our hi.inrh i.rTl.e, 1 ifllelh « ft \u25a0 * nnd Mnln strrrla. \u25a0 « X » 8 * > « $ * « All street work umlrr w«.v. s « \u25a0 « * « * « « » THE MrCARTIIV CO. 8 3 X % % X Mnln Office In Our Own ltiillding, s 8 % * 203 North llnmiluii.v. * 5 S * * t »__ «3S CASH— *IO A MONTH Huys lovely lots In ooooooTToooooo o HAWTHORNE TRACT o ' Only three blocks from ths NEW HUNTINOTON CAR SHOPS At Fifty-fourth and S. Park aye. FINE LARGE LOTS—J3RO UP. All street and wnlks done and paid for. 80 PER CENT LESS THAN LOTS NEAR111". REE US AT ONCE. W. F. THORNE & CO., OWNERS. Home 1654. Room 311, 218 S. Broadway. (iVSTVVS. SMITH & BRO., Sola Agents for the FLORENCE VILLA TRACT, Near Florenclta Park. Lots )225 and up. CLKLAND HOME TRACT. Lots containing over 9000 square feet. 1300 and up. Good list of city houses and lots. Also close-In business property. 730 H. W. HELLMANBUILDING. Main 2712. Home 1453. Members L. A. Realty Board. A. F. WKnsn-.R & CO. Room 302. MASON BLDO. —OCEAN PARK LOTS The most desirable place to live in all of CITY PROPERTY In all parts uf Loa Angeles. See us If you contemplate buying. \ \u25a0zz A. F. WEBSTER & CO LOTS FOR SALE. HAMPTON TERRACE. A FEW LOTS IN THK HAMPTON TER- RACE TRACT. THE MOST DESIRABLE RESIDENCE SECTION IN LOS ANGICLKS . COUNTY, ELUVATION ABOUT 6I» FEET. HIGHLAND PARK WILL BE THE BER- KELEY OH' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, AND IS NOW PLANU'ED TO LIVE OAKS AND PALMS. THE STREET WORK ON THE HAMPTON TERRACE WILL BE STARTED IN THRKK WEEKS, GUARAN- TEEING THIS PROPERTY TO BE THE . HEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY. GO OUT i TO THE TRACT, LOOK THE PROPERTY OVER AND YOU WILL AGREE THAT \u25a0 THERE IS NO BETTER PLACU FOR A HOME. THE LOTS ARE ALL LARGE. THE SMALLEST BEING 60X150, AND THE PRICES RANGE FHOM |7(K) TO J2OOO. ' BUILDING RESTRICTIONS: HIGH PRES- SURE. PURE CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER TO THE HIGHEST POINT ON THK TRACT. THOB J. HAMPTON. 119 S. BDWAY. L. A. R. B. CURTIS I'ARK TRACT. 38TH AND CO.MI-- ton avenue i easy terms t buy a lot (or $100 and watrh It grow in value.; street band' soniely Improved f agent on tract. Slauion car. n'IESKNDANCiUR. 221 LaugbUn Bid*. —— H ~ ~ VILLA LOTS IN FULL BEARING ORANGR TREEB. W* can offer a few lots 100x175. covered with full bearing orange trees; 30 and 50 trees to each lot; close to electrlo car lint, Los Angeles: pure mountain water piped; In ths midst of thrifty settlement, with school, churches, stores, telephone service, modern conveniences Price 1350 to f4.-,0: >4 cash, balance six, twelve and eighteen months. We willfur- nish free transportation. Don't buy small 40-rt. lots for more money. Go and look at our lots at our expense and we willleave your own Judgment to decide. Corns today. UItIDKK ft HAMILTON. 2r> W. md street. FOR BALK— OWN YOUR OWN HOME. CHOICE AND CHEAP. $1160 Brand-new and modern live-room cottage, on lot 40x75; much under value; . tinted wulls, three bedroouu, porcelain bath, bowl and toilet; a wonderful bur- gain: special ivhmiii for selling; 1115); terms. t'.'OO cash und t'JO month: a cozy lit tic home for little inuney; tix\r tent uud make money. GL'H 11 HILL, owner, 136 H.iutU HruiUKuy. With Strong & Dickinson. FOR BAL6 City Lots md Landt RORF.RT MARSH * CO.. SC3 Herman W. Hellman Bids;. EAST 6EVENTH STREET. AN IMPROVED SOUTHWEFT CORNER BETWEEN PAN TEDRO AND CENTRAL AYE. Improved with substantial Improvements, paying t2oO per month but rented for too little money. w») have It for t4O.<W) Improvements worth 1/1,001) Leaving land valued at 0n1y. ...522,000 Being at the rstn of $2SO per front foot. making It positively the cheapest corner oa the street this side of Central aye. •.<.-.•, TVs can deliver It at this prlca NOW. NEXT WEEK » ROBERT MARSH ft CO., 303 Herman W. Hellman Bldg. BUT A HOMESITE IN THE BEAUTIFUIi KELLAR TRACT. \u25a0 Situated in the southern part of the cltjr, within six minutes from the business center. on thfl Long Beach electric line. city water piped to every lot. In this subdivision there Is an abundanc* t ho plzp of t liplot**, locfttlon, price &nd short distance from business, it has no equal In the city. Lois 50 and 60 feet frontage, some lots ars ISO feet deep, J3M.OO—AND UP-JSM.OO. U down—Bal. to suit. GOLDEN STATE REALTY COMPANY. SOLE AGENTS. 421 So. Spring Street. Phones— Home, Ex. 66; Sunset, Main 2911 open Sundays. Free Transportation. Branch, Sixth and Main. _ BICJ BARGAIN TO BITILDr-'.S. 600 feet front. In new tract, where, them Is a demand for new homes to sell or rent. All street work done. 800 FF.KT—SISOO ONLY. W. F. THORNE. OWNER. Home 1654. Room 311, 218 S. Broadway. FOR SALE— SPECIAL BAROAIN. Fine corner. 2 blocks west of Westlalte Park. Must be sold to close party Interest. R. S. SAUNDERS, Room 412,_Chamher jif Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE—A FINR CLOSE-IN BUV.~ For a. corner lot, 66 feet frontage, near on the hill. A. W. R4>SS, 430 Bradbury Bhlg;. L.A.R.H. «T CASH. |10 MONTHLY, *45fc FINS large lots. Flgueroa park, 55th street; larg* fruit trees, make Ideal homes; cement walks and curbs. Will quadruple In value: Oar- WIESENDANGER. 221 lAUßhlllfBld«.° 10 ' Si:.O—LOT 40X135; 39TH, NEAR COMPTON, IN Curtis Park. Agent on tract. Street Im- provements substantial, finished. No such bar- gains elsewhere. WIKSKNDANOKR. 221 Ijiuehlln Hlock. 5-15 $4.iO—LOT 40X1K; 31.TH, NEAR COMPTON, IN provements substantial, finished! No such bar- gains elsewhere. WIESENDANGER, 221 Laughlln Hlock. . 6-15 FOR SALE—LARGE FINE LOTS ON PA- eillc Electric, time 15 minutes; prices I2SO to 1450, on easy terms. C. 8. MILES, 103 3. Uroadway. ; Suburban Property ON PASADENA ELECTRIC LINE. : Six acr^s ot teven-year-old navel oranges on the Pasadira electric line, an Ideal place for a home and yet In a fast growing vicin- ity. J6OOO. Terms to suit. Owner going east, Sco UOLDKN STATE ItKALTY COMPANY, 421 South Spring st. FOR SALE—ALTADENA PROPERTY~ specialty. L. M. PRATT, Laughlln Bldg. Suburban Property Alhambra THE ALHAMBRA IMPROVEMENT ABSO- clntion luivo arranged a series of excur- sions with frco drives about Alhambra. Tickets and full information can ba ob- tained at the office ot the association, 334 DOUGLAS BLOCK. . \u25a0 Suburban Property Hollywood NICK LEVEL LOT, 50x146, WITH CEMENT curbs, graded streets and sidewalks; conven- ient to school, church and car line; located between Western and Vermont avenuti. Prlca (300; 126 cash, $10 monthly. CHASI. 6. MANN.315 West Fourth St. . \u25a0 Stocks and Bonds' " WHERE OOLD JS, There go to get It. Another (Jimrlei- Million Dividend lias Just be.en declared by Tonopah. : The i'lltshurg Tonopah Kxtrnslnn Mine la on the same veins, In Hie ground, not on paper. The company Is pushing Its work 'Itiy and night, with every assurance, of soon reaching the same ore now piiylOK \u25a0 imii'lrr million every Hired months. A llinlte.l number of shares aro offered for a limit.'. l time, at 20 cents. rail or send for mapa and Information. WRIOIIT & HAMMKRS. Fiscal Agents. 320 H.vrne Illdg. Home, 6900: Main 6HII, Real Estate— Unclassified liliy BALT LAKH CITY RHAL ESTATH now; business, residence, and acreagt all parts of city; correspondence solicited. Call \u0084ii Mocks & Lynch, 311) Atlas block, when In Salt Laks Live Stock Poultry, Birds, Dogs FOX HALK-THOItlil'(llllllti:l> HLACK Ml- noica hens, uxtru Hue und large stock, I1.IK); white leghuriis, Howard strain, 11.00; brown ifKhornu. 85c; Plymouth rocks; good layers. 453 AHBO HT, I HAVU THK MOST COMPLETE LIST OP orange groves In the stato. If Interestud. _"^_L- M. PUATT, 60S Laughlln Bulldlnn. Live Stock— Horses, Mults, Cattle JERSEY FAMILY COWS; INSTA LLMENTa or cash. NIUS3. tiO K. Waabiogtoa.

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Post on 05-Feb-2021




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    LOS ANCKI.F.S. April!".

    Tlm.| nar^lJTh^ljfJ f|WInd?| VM~|Weat herf'a.mTl 29.i>»"| 4« I II| NFJ."|" 1MM'ear.5 p.m. l2!>.R7 | »9 | 7J IW. j 1o jCloudy.

    Maximum temperature, «n ANGEI.ES lIF.RALD.


    A strictly first-class, reliable ngeney. AllKinds of h»lp promptly furnished. Tour or-ders tollelted.

    Mr, lii East Second street.Tletw.en Mnln nnd Los Angelen HW.

    Laigest and best equipped offices on thersolfe Const.


    121 So. Droadws*, Ilinnmi Main M«.Ilnm«,_l'rl._Kx m.

    _Furnished Rooms

    FUR $IH YOU CAN RENT 1 ROOMS. COM-Pletely furnished, new elegant: hou«»keep-liib; gns range, bath, telephone, hot water;do*" In. 3.14 M.IUTII FIGIIEROA; also »>4NORTH FRSMONT, $10 unfurnished. 30

    Foil RENT-TWO NH'KLY ITRNtSIIKDfront loMins, lustantaneitiis heater; $10 and$12; private family; In: Telephone, Humu44W. lIS'4 so. UI.IVE ST.

    HANDSCIMX, PI'NNV FL-HNtsTiTrD ROHM"new. m...lfrn flat; hath, el»iMirlty. FreeSpanish lesson*. 412 W. I2TII,Home trl. 7«21.

    JK-THRKR ROOM B, '-COMPLBTKLT'FTJR-nIshe.I, new. housekeepiiiß, in new building

    _;iS N. FREMUNT AYE. __ 30 _\u25a0-:\u25a0 \u25a0


    $10—3 rooms, :04 N. Fremont.$12-3 rooms. :'l2 N. Fremont.$12— ;) rooms, 3-14 S. Flgueroa.$12-4 rooms. Vl9 N. Flgi:eroa.$!(>—3 rooms, 3;n fv Flguorua, furnished.$l«—s rooms, 1018 W. First.$IS

    —3 rooms, 104 N. Fremont, furnished.

    $IS-3 rooms. 21S N. Fremont, furnished.$:o—« ro.mis. :i;10 S. Flgueroa.30 WIKSKNDANUER. 221 Laughlln Bid*.-

    ForOio you can rentT rooms. co^HI'letely furnished, new elegant; housekeep-ing; gas range, hath, telephone, hot water;close In. .'..-it SOUTH FIGUEROA; also 204N. FREMONT. $10 unfurnished. 30

    TO « LET—11JtOOMH «AND{BATH,IUNFUITnlshed, In heautirul apt. house, rarpete.lballs, lanltnr service. Very sunny, l'.entonly }Ji. No clilldren tin.lor 12. 308 SOUTHI'll',IKIMA BT.

    $S-;l HiloMS,OAS RANGE. HATH,I'HONK,hot water. 201 N. FREMONT AYE. Ii

    Furnished Flats$l«-3 ROOMS, HOUSEKKEPLNO, FUR-

    nlsh«d complete; new, elegant, gas ranite.tiath. hot water, telephone. Janitor. ;'S4PIH'TH FIGL'EROA; alao 204 NOKTH FRE-MONT. 6-30.

    FOR $H YOU CAN RENT THREE ROOMS,completely furnished for housekeeping; new;gas range, biith. phone; close In. 334 S.FIGUEHOA, Also 204 N. FREMONT. 30

    $18-THREE ROOMS, COMPLETEL. FUR-nlshed. new, elegant, In new building;housekeeping: phone, bath, gas range, 218NORTH FREMONT AYE. 30_

    Stores and Offices




    R. A. ROWAN *CO..200 11. \\.HELLMANBUILDING.

    iy\)Bcellaneou«FOR RENT—FOR COAL AND WOOD

    yard, with building 40xfin; stable forhorses; lot 87x137. on Pico street, nearHarvard boulevard: rent $12 per month.See lip).HARLAN. 143 South Rroadwav.

    SPECIAL NOTICESWALTER HROS., 627 SOUTH SPRING—Sanllas wallcover, 2.«: yard; washable pa-pers, 2.-.c roll; elsewhere 33c to 45c; goodborder and paper for 12-ft. room, $1; equalednowhere in the U. S.; ml papers, latest tap-estry, two tones and burlnp effects, at lowestcash price; best paint. 11.60 gal.; shinglestain, 7.-.c; barn and roof paint, 90c; 7-ft.Fhartes, 2..C and 3T.c; molding, 2c ft.; freightpaid on out-of-town orders over $5 if thispaper is mentioned.

    WINDOW SHADES-SPECIAL LOT 7-FOOTnpßiiue shn.l.'S. 26ci best paint. $1.50 per gal.;good paper and border for 12-foot room, $1;largest variety washable papers, L'oc; elae-whera 35c. Headquarters for burlaps.Moldings. 2e per foot. WALTER BROS.,6J7 S. Spring.

    SORDIiH AND PAPEH KOK 12-FOOT HullM,$1; all borders sarre price as paper; bestpaint, $1.50 gal.; .-ft shades, 3.;,0; molding,Jc foot. WALTER BROS. 627 S. Spring.

    and up; general drayage. Tels. Mala' 3«SI.Home 2184. 317 W. SECOND ST.

    P.'ONKIiR CARPET CLEANING WORK3.Tel. Main 217: Home 217. "C S. Oilva. Up-


    ELECTRIC^BATH AND MASSAGE SANI-tarluin;^>f|ib, vapor, electrlo and steam\u25a0 bntlis; ctnropody, mnnicurc, scalp treat-

    ments and racial jnassußO. Home phone>iliU3. Jilts. M. HERBERT, Manager.iJolj West First.

    FOR COLDS. RHEUMATISM, ALL BLOODdisorders try Electio Invlgorator Vibratorytreatments, tub, vapor, steam, electrlo baths.701 MS. mtOADWAY. Electric Institute.

    EASTERN TRAINED GRADUATE OPRR-atiirs—Tub, varnr nnd electrlo lilanket baths.127'iN. IIROADWAY. Hours 9 to 12. Undernew management.

    FJRST-CLAHS VAPOR AND TUB~BATHs"mashiign and Llectilcily; nnjfr new n.on-agement. 702 S. SPRING, Suite 223, 226, 257.

    SCIENTIFIC TREATMENTS— NO SUNDAYtreatment; nfn.'e hours. 9 to 9. 223 W.KECONI) ST., Rooms 213-215. Home 2229.

    BERNARD DATII PARLORS REOPENEDat 30914 WEST FOURTH STREET; for-iiwlyRoom 9. 11f. '4 Routh Broadway.

    321 SIII'TII lllLir-VATORAND TUB BATITs,maaiuga r..r colda, rheumatlam, nervousness.Open every .luy.

    CLARK'S ELECTRIC BATHS AND MAS-Mige; scalp treatment. 137 S. BROAD-WAY. Kenned patronage.


    11ATI1S AT 455 S. UROADWAY,NOW UNDERnew management. Open Sundays.


    PALf.iISTS AND MEDIUMS»Jltu*\bXUAUI' MAMoi'it.L.Li,Incut clulivuyaiii mij pulimsi; adviceupun huiiiuiu, luwsuiia, Invaaimunts, nunIng. marrluge, love, divorce; gives name.i,dates, facts, statistics; sullsfHcllon guar-anteed. 444Vj B. SPUING BT.

    D"iT GItUKM. CLAIKVOVANI. TuTnUZbualnert muuium Ind life reaaer. lUadlngtdally. Balis'action of k. pay. Test circlesTuesdays, Thursdays, evenings, B o'clock.ROOM 16. 113'^ SOUTH SPUING BT.

    MHS. PAItKrTIZ"MISUiUM AN"d~PALMIST-Llfe readinK, business, lawsuits, removal!,mineral locations, spttculailnns. love and alleffalrs of Mfe. 4KV4 B. SPRING ST.. Ron-n t


    IRON AND bRASS FOUNDRY COMPANYAtlantic stivul uud Buutu Fe tracks.

    •ivii'l.liniii-1031 Hume.Office 128 Hulliuun Illuik, Uroadway,

    Telephones bmi Hume; 1604 Main.All kinds ot Iron, brans, copper und sled

    laoilnim madtf. Prices reasonable. BervluupromM. Orders solicited.M. L, Wliki, pres. J. H. Anderson, Bupt

    R. Daniels. Secretary.


    >'pATBNTkI"^?!?uimcrs. Bprlug aiid illlU.i'»l.ut buos, lite.

    \u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666•\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u26664>4>»4>4>#

    i! Tic Best of Their lind I!

    ! Herald Liners fs) • \u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666(»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u26664>»*4>4>4»*

    DENTIST*sclTiffm'an' dental"~colHi7N. Spring St.

    —Painless extracting, fill-

    ing, crown and bridge work, flexible rub-ber plates. Pure gold fillings, 75c up; nilother fillings, 60c up: cleaning teeth. 60cup; gold crowns and bridge work, J2.60Ings and Sunday forenoons.

    fHANKTtbTe NsT ~i12Tvt~BOl'T~H~ s VHINII


    tlce; no fee without sauces. Call or writeG. W. COOK, 6?1 S:imson blo:k. corner Thirdnnd Spring* Open every pvnIti£.

    DIVORCE LAWS—ADVICE FREE; NO FEKwithout success: private. J. U, SMITH. 123W. Third st. Room !08. Bto 8 p. m.


    HousesFOR SALE—

    A BARGAIN.We have for sale a strictly modern,

    new, Btory-and-a-half residence, locatednt 322 North Breed street. Take Brook-lyn avenue car. This place contains »lxlargp rooms, reception hall and bath onthe first iloor; expensive grillework, com-bination lighting fixtures, cement walksand the very best oC plumbing, which Is

    otlurwise it is not finished, but can b«flnlshed complete for very little money.

    Th» former owner of this house, wasforced to dispose of same, therefore we can

    buys this place willmake $500 within thenext sixty days.J. BVHRIS MITCIIET,& TO., OWNERS.

    Contractors and Builders,325-327 Douglas Building.

    Sunset Black 3991. Home 3774.


    »1430— 4-room cottage Brooklyn ave.— J3oo cash.Balance (15 per munth.

    118.10— 6-room cottage, $wn cash, balance $20

    $2230— 4-room cottage, furnished, $400 cash,balance «20 per 'lionth.

    $2250— 6-room cottage, N. Roto rt.. JCOO cash.Balance $20 per month.

    $2300—6-room cottage, 161)9 Council st., modern.Easy terms.

    NORTON & HAY,318 W. Third St.



    A new nnd handsome bugalow of Fixrooms, on a very large lot loOxir.9): Ifclose In. near Wept Sixteenth street andbetween two car lines; has all the mod-ern Improvements, cove ceilings, polishedfloors, handsome lawn, nice gnrden Inrear, nice shade trees, etc. J5OO down,balance $15 i>er month.

    JONBS & RYDER LAND CO..Ground Floor. 218 West Third Street.

    FOR PALE—New six-room cottage, with reception

    hall, bath, china closet, largo pantry andBoreen porch: you can select your ownpaint, walltints nnd mantel; lot f.nxlso tjalley; one and one-half blocks from carnn.l well located; price (3160; $20i> cash,balance monthly; now is the time to buy:have your own garden, flowers, etc.; letyour rent pay for your home.

    E. G. DEVENS.227 Laughlin Bldg, .315 8, Broadway.

    Home Phone 8321.

    FOR SALE-$3750; TERMS. $500 CASH.



    R. E. IBBETSON & CO..HOME 2110. 316 TRUST BLDG.




    MAIN 736; HOME W'J6.

    t-'Ull SALIC-

    LET US BUILD FOR TOO"A modern S-room cottaga, with porcelainplumbing, everything complete and readyto move Into, for $1200; a 6-room for $ISM;.uher for .-ast or on Installments.WHITING,THOMPSON *CO.,

    Phone. Home 1075. 23" Bvrno Bide.


    New 6-room cottage, strictly up to data andmodem: It must be sold at once and Isyours for $2700. It could not be duplicatedshort ot $3000. Reasonable terms.

    $2700 $.'7OOOALDWHLI. & CO., 403 Currier Illdg.~

    ctfv. building'company.6204 Pouth Broadway. Telephone 1619.

    Have tlie best; It really costs less. If youme going to build you will want to see ourplans and we want your wink. Houses built\u0084iimonthly payment* for responsible parties.IJ.ieolul iifTer:

    $2SDO—B rwinis, 8. \V., lot 4Sxl2«.$2000— 5 r.mms, on the hills, clohc In.

    COTTA'aEI-^^-BOUTH^^— WEST "OK MAINFive rooms Knsy Payment*Strictly modern Finished In sugar pineBeautiful struct...Near car line...North front

    $2400 Small payments$300 i-aah, balance small monthly payments.THE REALTY TRUST COMPANY

    OF LOS ANGELAS.1-11 South Broadway.

    Phones— Home, Exchange Dili; Main 665.

    NKW FIVK-ROOM COTTAGK WITH LAItOHreception hull, bath, toilet, wash bowl, chinacloKrt, tine iiiuuti'l;kluliiand natural finish;Imp. street; till'cuttutt« Is cliwe to Mapleuve. on 43d st. Price )L'|i»i; $l,"m cash, bal. $25per munth. Inc. Int. E. G. DKVKNU, H7IjuikliUiiHlilg., 315 H. Uroadway. Horn*l'huiie 8331.

    FOX BALE-ONLY $W PER MONTH FOR~Abeautiful Hvt-rnniiii'i.iukc. ni'iir Union ay«.Olid Slat St.; price $27011. JUNKS & itVDI.I:LAND CO.. 218 West Thlrg st.

    FO»: KALIS—MODBHt» I-HOOU IIoUrijoon Hobart Blvd., near Adums St.; priua(4000; $600 cash, balance monthly. CUAtb. MANN. IU W. 4lu st.

    FOR SALfc

    HousesNO. Hiifi HARVAntJ BOULEVARD, LOT 34.

    Houston HilKlltsTract, Wxi4o t.n enst side ofstreet; two-story, eight loom!!, built In Archl-

    maln rooms stained nemlxh oak left withrlull rubbed effect; gas and electricitythroughout: four bedrooms In white enamel,rubbed with pmnlci- stone anil oil: parlorand dining room separated by sliding doorx;very conveniently m-runued with paoa pantrymi rool sl.le; two toilets, porcelain laundrytubs, fine sireen porch, cemented cellar, etc.A SNAP for half cash, for JIISO.

    SIX-ROOM COTTAGE and hall, No. 15D7W. .Wlh St.; lot uOxin In Alderson & Son'sWest .lerTerwin Street Tract (Just south ofand adjoining the Charles Victor Hall tract).'Street nicely Improved with palms, buildingrestrictions, etc. .lust completed six-room cot-tage; coved cellliurM In ball, dining room amiparlor; floors finished, walls tinted! best nfplumbing. Including porcelain laundry tub.Everything mndern and up-to-date; ha-scooler that will cool; lot fenced, cementwalks and lawn In. You willsay thin plar«Is worth $32110, hut we i-an sell for oyly »265i).

    FIVE ROOMS AND HALL,bungalow stylo.Tlrlck columns about veranda: No. 1.if.2 W.S6Ui In tract nnined next abovo; lot 60x136.north front: parlor, hall and dining roomfinished in selected yellow pine, door finished;electric fixtures and shades In; kitchen Ingreen slain flemish oak; one bed room andbath In white enamel; toilet separated frombath; fences, cement walks nn.l fine lawn.A BARGAIN, half cash, only J2"n.l.

    AL.DKRSON BROTHERS. Owners,2% Laughlln lildg.




    Located In the Victor Hall tract. Justoft Adnma street, on a line large lot.

    Dining room mid livingroom flnlshed inFlemish oak. Kitchen la built In thebuffet style, withline large pantry. Screenponh has tank closet and Instantaneousheater connected with all rooms. Bed-rooms are finished In white enamel, withbuilt-in chiffoniers. Fine porcelain bath,two porcelain wash trays, modern lowdown toilet, sanitary washbowl. Fine cc-

    Member.x T,. A. Realty Board.AI.TTIOI'SE BROS.,

    234 LauEhlln nidg.. 316 S. Broadway.Main 283; Home Ex. 263.


    We furnlßh you a plan, up to date, nfany design you desire, artistic elevations,built of the best material., at the verylowest prices.

    For only Jisnn we will build you afive-room bungalow, with hall, closets,and bathroom, first-class plumbing, leadedglass In china closet, mantel, fixtures andsidewalks all complete.

    fallat the office and let us explain oureasy payment plan to you. Plans andspecifications free.

    433 Mason Building.


    Corner Fourth and Uroadway.Kntrance on Fourth Street.

    Phones— Main 3305: Home 6^.36.

    SET YOUR PRICE,An elegant home on Kllcndale place; all

    modern. Lot 90x1Bo; grounds highly improved,barn, etc. Owner must reach eastern Inter-ests.

    Let us give you full particulars. Any rea-sonable offer taken the place.


    121 South Spring st.

    HOUSES lIUILT ON EASY PAYMENTS—Come to our ifflce and talk It over. We

    and willgladly explain what, we can do foryou. It costs you nothing to look over our

    got what you wut we' willdraw It for youlite uf charge. *\u25a0*\u25a0.**—

    BLISS ft GOUI.I>,M4Johmon HulWlng.

    KOIt BALE—I724 REID ST., BEAUTIFULmodern bunsal jw, large Itvlnsjroom, oak fin-ish, beam ceiling, handHnine bilrk mantel,chain electric fixtures, polished floors, porce-lain hath mill basin, wash trays, etc., be sureau.l see this before buying; ensy terms.. K. S.WILLIAMSON, Builder, iki2 Grant lilUg.

    roll BALE—