alkarma language school chapter 6 lin’s search the magic flute

Alkarma Language School Chapter 6 Lin’s Search The Magic Flute

Upload: kristen-gouldin

Post on 01-Apr-2015




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Slide 2 Alkarma Language School Chapter 6 Lins Search The Magic Flute Slide 3 Alkarma Language School Jing took the bag of jewels and went into the forest. He followed the sound of a flute. He saw the golden bird sitting on a branch at the top of a tree. He gave the bag of jewels to Chang. He put the golden bird under his arm and set off back to the palace. But when the golden bird heard the flute again, it flew away into the forest Lets recall what happened in the last chapter. Slide 4 Alkarma Language School You are going to have a few minutes to read pages 23, 24 and 26. Lets start reading chapter 6 Slide 5 Alkarma Language School The Emperors second son was called Lin. It was his turn to catch the golden bird. Lin did exactly like his brother Jing. The next day, he took a bag of jewels and went into the forest. Slide 6 Alkarma Language School Lin heard the sound of a flute. People and animals sat in a circle around the boy playing the flute. As Chang played the flute, the golden bird sang a beautiful song. Lin gave the bag of jewels to Chang and took the golden bird. Slide 7 Alkarma Language School Lin put the bird in a basket and set off back to the palace. But again, the golden bird heard the flute and it flew away from Lins basket into the forest. Slide 8 Alkarma Language School Read chapter 6 again Answer pages 12 & 13 in the workbook.