all about asp net 4 0 hosam kamel

All About ASP.NET 4.0 Hosam Kamel Senior Software Engineer ESRI Northeast Africa @HosamKamel 1

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All About ASP.NET 4.0

Hosam Kamel

Senior Software Engineer

ESRI Northeast Africa


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• Overview

• Core Services

• New Features in the Microsoft Ajax Library

• Web Forms

• Dynamic Data

• Visual Studio 2010 Web Designer Improvements

• Web Application Deployment with Visual Studio 2010

• Q and A


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Core Services

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Core Service – Web.Config File


• Web.config (Past)

– Contains all the configuration for a Web application.

– Grown considerably over the past few releases of the .NET Framework as new features have been added, such as AJAX, routing, and integration with IIS 7

– This has made it harder to configure or start new Web applications without a tool like Visual Studio

• Web.config ( .NET Framework 4)

– The major configuration elements have been moved to the machine.config file.

– The web applications now inherit these settings.


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Core Service – Extensible Output


• Old Caching mechanism

– In memory

– Heavy traffic

– Memory consumed by output caching can

compete with memory demands from other

portions of a Web application.

• Custom output-cache providers.

– Output-cache providers can use any storage

mechanism to persist HTML content


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Core Service – Auto-Start Web


• Application_Load

• Auto-Start

– ASP.NET 4 runs on IIS 7.5 on Windows

Server 2008 R2

– Starting up an application pool, initializing an

ASP.NET application, and then accepting

HTTP request


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Core Service – Permanently

Redirecting a Page• Response.Redirect

– HTTP 302 Found (temporary redirect) response.

– An extra HTTP round trip when users attempt to access the old URLs

• RedirectPermanent– Issue HTTP 301 Moved Permanently responses.

• Search engines and other user agents that recognize permanent redirects will store the new URL that is associated with the content, which eliminates the unnecessary round trip made by the browser for temporary redirects.


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Core Service – The Incredible

Shrinking Session State

• Depending on how much information a

developer saves in session state, the size

of the serialized data can grow quite large.

• compressionEnabled="true“!


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Core Service – Expanding the

Range of Allowable URLs

• URL path lengths to 260 characters.

– (based on the NTFS file-path limit)

• To allow longer or shorter paths (the

portion of the URL that does not include

protocol, server name, and query string)

– maxRequestPathLength=“260”

• To allow longer or shorter query strings

– maxQueryStringLength="2048"


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Core Service – Multi-Targeting

• <compilation targetFramework="4.0"/>


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Web Forms

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Web Forms– Meta Tags

• MetaKeywords

• MetaDescription

• You can set these properties at run time.


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Web Forms– Enabling View State

for Individual Controls

• ViewStateMode property.

• Enabled, Disabled, and Inherit


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Web Forms – Changes to

Browser Capabilities

• HttpBrowserCapabilities

• ASP.NET 4, these browser definition files have been updated

– blackberry.browser - chrome.browser

– Default.browser - firefox.browser

– gateway.browser - generic.browser

– ie.browser - iemobile.browser

– iphone.browser - opera.browser

– safari.browser


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Web Forms – Routing

• ASP.NET 4 adds built-in support for using

routing with Web Forms.

• Routing lets you configure an application

to accept request URLs that do not map to

physical files.

• http://website/products.aspx?categoryid=1


• OR http://website/products/software


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Web Forms – Client IDs

• The id attribute in HTML that is rendered for Web server controls is

generated based on the ClientID property of the control

– ctl00_MasterPageBody_ctl01_Textbox1

• ClientIDMode

– AutoID

– Static

– Predictable

– Inherit


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Web Forms – ASP.NET Chart

Control• 35 distinct chart types.

• An unlimited number of chart areas, titles, legends, and annotations.

• A wide variety of appearance settings for all chart elements.

• 3-D support for most chart types.

• Smart data labels that can automatically fit around data points.

• Strip lines, scale breaks, and logarithmic scaling.

• More than 50 financial and statistical formulas for data analysis and transformation.

• Simple binding and manipulation of chart data.

• Support for common data formats, such as dates, times, and currency.

• Support for interactivity and event-driven customization, including client click events using Ajax.

• State management.

• Binary streaming.


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Web Forms – Project Template


• Empty Web Site

• Empty web application


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Web Forms – CSS Improvements

• controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion

• "3.5". "4.0".

• Disabling Controls

• Hiding div Elements Around Hidden Fields


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Web Forms – Project Template


• Empty Web Site

• Empty web application


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Web Application Deployment with Visual Studio 2010

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• Deploying to a shared hosting site.

• In an enterprise environment.

• Web deployment features in Visual Studio 2010 include the following major areas:

– Web packaging

– Web.config Transformation

– Database deployment

– One-Click Publish for Web applications


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Web Packaging

• IIS Web Deployment Tool


• Zip file + meta data– IIS settings, which includes application pool settings, error page settings, and so


– The actual Web content, which includes Web pages, user controls, static content

(images and HTML files), and so on.

– SQL Server database schemas and data.

– Security certificates, components to install in the GAC, registry settings, and so



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Web.config Transformation

• Transform a Web.config file from

development settings to production



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Database Deployment

• A Visual Studio 2010 deployment package

can include dependencies on SQL Server



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One-Click Publish for Web


• IIS remote management service to publish

a Web application to a remote server


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