all growing dren i oats- in things j4egh it is a...

I t J t Y > 1JA1LY SUN MINEsVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 22 1909 z rift 5 = NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORIDAA- vocado pears are aid to still be very plentiful In the section around Estero Mt Dora has organized a branch of the Citrus Exchange with most of the crop ulnaily ig a The water in Lake Euutis Is said to be still rielng and Is but little be low the rtoor of the city duck The citizens of Immokaloe are ad- vocating good roads and have started a movement to bond the county for this cause The colored school house at Lees burg was burned last week The en- tire building was destroyed Including many books The Ft Myers High School opened with an enrollment of two hundred and seventyone and new pupil are still coming in The Daughters of the Confederacy at Miami will celebrate Marlanna Day which Is on the 27th of this month with a big picnic dinner News of great importance to Plant City is that work has actually begun on the extension of the Plant City and Gulf railroad to Arcadia The city authorities of St Augustine are taking steps to have a concrete bridge erected to span the Maria Sanchez creek at South street Caterpillars are doing the oak trees In St Petersburg a great deal of harm Some of the trees have been literally stripped of their leaves it is said Engineer F M Lacy of Tavares- was employed In Leesburg last week locating the exact position at which the electric light poles are to be placed The largest Item of business at St Petersburg last week was the sale of 13000 school bonds and the 15000 Internal Improvement per cent bonds The work on the Lakevlew Hotel t Leesburg has advanced so far that the men from the East who were helping to push the work along have returned home Vm Wiggins of Chokoloskee ex pects to sown get a new power cane mill with an engine to drive it and he will then be equipped to a superior grade of syrup it Is not known yet whether the Manhattan Hotel at St Petersburg vlll open this year or not The hotel experienced such a bad season last winter that It may not be opened manufac- ture > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The water in the Eau Gallle river in at high level caused by the recent rains and the water Is being brought down through the Hopkins canal which now drains the new settlement f Arcadia Work will begin October 1st driving Pilings for the terminals at South Boca Grande The new powerful dredge will be delivered soon and will begin Immediately filling In and dig Sing channels Last week from a point Just a few miles from Sutherland what might be called a carload of green was shipped North The roll toad men who handled the fruit said it was as green as could be The convicts who have been work- Ing on Herbert avenue and the road to Sugar mill at Port Orange havt- ttovtd over to the Peninsular to on the road along tilt from Sw brit Zf t Ponce Park Th lhodt rfpiitchColllng Furniture ConiiMDv of jHck onville art ImvliiB- lj ini anhoui erected at tin w of Vn klnKton and Aahlc- yJ It u ss hy 90 f ot and will ID surplus tocki of iiiiic men HI work t ik- i 1 inr work jv metric latin gen out Jtut HI tkU and uut tf tH ors sUnck a thus catulHg gftioline to Work river t t ho 81111 Iaro slrwl tk fijAICf grape- fruit chore a r r I tore Aft r Pt nrscola k stir Ilplt 1IAt lose thy < > > > > > > Growing chil dren need just the things that are in Quaker Oats- It is a great strength builder and is digested easily Ignite Not much damage was done however The Ft Thompson Park Ice and Electric Co has purchased from an Atlanta man a tenton complete Ice plant consisting of a boiler Corlla engine and everything uptodate The company expect t have complete an outfit as any In the State Pensacola Is to have a threestory modern jail so arranged as to com- ply with the new law which separates whites from blacks and men and of both races A sick ward will also be provided padded cells a per- fect sewerage system and some mod- ern means for the winter season About a month ago a china nest egg belonging to a lady in Dade City mysteriously disappeared One day last week a neighbor living one mile distant killed a snake and noticing that it had swallowed something he cut the snake open and found an egg On comparing it with some other china nest eggs that this lady had they feel sure that it Is the long lost egg An acldental shooting took place in McDavid last Thursday Miss Eva McClammy and sister were examining- an old pistol with no idea that the weapon was loaded when the gun went off the shot passing into Miss McClammys abdomen She was taken to the hospital in Pensa cola as soon as possible after the acci- dent occurred and was operated nj on The wound was a very serious one and may prove fatal Interesting Booklet Free The second edition of Booths Famous People a 32page booklet has just been published and will be sent tree to any reader of this paper A l slal card will hook contains portraits and concise autobiographies of some tam oils people including Conan Doyle Maude Adams Madam Currie the dls roverer of Hndiurn and Sir Thomas Lipton the merchant prince of the world ali do- Th 100 horse powe wo- men ¬ ¬ There are tour pages of valuable information such as Help in Case of Accidents Antidotes for Poison Stamp Flirtation How to Tell a Pursuits Age bible facts and figures and other Jntereitlns features Men- tion this paper when writing and ad- dress Booths Hyomei Co Buffalo X Y I DEAD FROM PELLAGRA CHARLOTTE N C Sept 21 Mrs Buena Uinklns died at the Presbyte- rian Hospital yesterday of pellagra the eighth victim of the disease since Its presence was announced in the community- The woman was taken 111 a year ago with what seemed to be diar rhoea Later eruptions appeared on her arms hands feet and ankles then followed internal Inflammation and swollen tongue She suffered no pain but was emaciated and very weak Physicians are nonplused Sewn other cases are now under treat PAMALA IK unlike any other nifdlrine ever UHW for CHILLS and FEVER Mr T J M Tv v of the NW Orion writ T I IHtO 1 I M M- ffnil fr JMN rtia nitil rifer I trrl a I I wiw- M t rVrr rfUl ftl left Hlil I f It Ilkrt M H 4IMH l IMAla Will MuLM MALARIA t tk ntf f ti nn JvMim In pity JIIInt 1 IIJ IaarUt flr four I tad J Cum NUII l Itt tu lulls topic P1M ALt f1 wud ttu1i t tksug pew i form Lud 17 Ita yuuh ¬ ¬ > < + THIRTYSIXTH YEAR FOR MISS TEBEAU AN OLD INSTITUTION THAT GREAT FAVORITE Started With An Enrollment of Fifty and Same Was Increased Tuesday- For the thirtysixth year Mss Mag- gie Tebeaus School was opened most successfully on Monday morning with an enrollment of mr fifty in attend- ance which number was largely in- creased during Tuesday and more are expected to come later in the session This school which has been so successfully conducted by Miss Te beau has been one of the mainstay of the city and an Institution that the city points to with pride and great interest for It has turned out Sons of the brightest and best young men and women of the State Only recently this school was desig- nated as the Diocesan School of Flor- ida by the Episcopal Church and this in itself will cause it to bring many new scholars from other sections of the State The opening enrollment this term- Is most satisfactory to Miss Tebeau and assistant Mss Thomas and they anticipate a great Increase within the next few days particularly young la dies who have already engaged rooms at the school With this popular private school running the University overflowing- and the Nigh School with an enroll ment nearing the sixhundred mark- it truly makes Gainesville the lead ing educational center of Florida and each can be pointed to n places of the highest class where the child may receive all the care and attention that is desired- A number of the patrons of the school as well as members of the Diocesan Council were present at the opening exercises Many people delude themselves by saying It will wear away when they notice symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble This Is a mistake Take Foleys Kidney Remedy and stop the drain on the vitality It ctres backache rheumatism kidney and bladder trouble and makes every trace of pain weakness and urinary trouble disappear J W McColluni w CoA Fateful Breach eff Etiquette Under the third empire In France SalnttBcuve brought disgrace upon himself because nt breakfast at Tullerles be carelessly opened his nap- kin and placid It over his two knees To this be added the crime of cutting his eg In two at the middle Court etiquette prescribed that the half napkin should lie on the left knee and the top of the egg was to bo broken with the edge of the spoon and drained with the tip of the spoon For his fallings In these respects name was stricken off the Imperial visiting list London Chronicle IS Sainte the fold- ed mere- ly Beuves ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CASTOR For Infants and Cliildm- At Kind You Have Always BiagM Bears th Signature of The Town f Buthlre Residents of a miserable seaport on the Persian gulf called their town Bu shire Boosbeer It has narrow dirty Ill paved streets The city Is visited by earthquakes and simooms and stints Its children of wholesome air and fresh- water It appears however to have enjoyed hilt repute among the ancient Elamltes who Inure left burled about under rnolderlns heaps bricks with cuneiform Inscriptions In summer the citizens of Itusblrv live In a heat that Is almost unbearable- Her Sorrow Ppnirfi sobbed small Sadie mmjr- eanury is Never mind replied her father Ill buy you another tine Oh Im calm rwjwi d Smll but when I liMIt raw tlt poor llttlf thing I eruct Ilk a cUIWExclmnge Ir AWrittflhy tb great KttKlU- hphMkton Mkl WiUek your y When thwy r nffwctwl life U IN- ilnttRor Fotojr KWN y rutuwljf- mtifc Healthy kWHy correct url iwtry lrrKi ritl4M awl MII tk urgent J W MoC ikM Jk Co n7 wl kid II MoM 2 d had dour news tuner Do know of woman who ever received benefit from taking Lydia Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound- If any woman who is with ailmeht to sex will ask her neighbors this question she will be surprised at the result There is a community its country where women cannot be found to health this famous old remedy made exclusively from a simple formula of roots During the 30 we have published thousands- of from these grateful women been cured by Lydia E Compound and never all that time have we a without the writers Never have we knowingly published a testimonial that was not truthful Here one just received a few ago If anyone doubts that this is a true and honest statement a womans ence with Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound write and ask Houston Texas When I first began taking Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound I was a total wreck I had sick for three years with female troubles chronic dyapcpftiav and a liver trouble I had tried several doctors MedicbMMbat nothing did me any good For three years I lived ea medicines and taongkt I waaldt never get well when I read an advertismcnt of Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound and was advised to try it 44 My husband got mo one bottto of tile Compound sad it die me so much good I continued its vie BOW a well weainiti and enjoy the best of health advise all women suffering from sack trouble te Lydia E Pinkhnms Vegetable Compound a trial They wont regret it for it will sorely cure you Mrs Bessie L 810 Cleveland Sk Houston Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely not to give such a medicine as a Why not do as much good as it did Mrs A 4 L 0 o 1I- t you E ri I Hear lam I giver her 41S i II11b4111 M J4egh Hicks ¬ FOR SILVER SERVICE Board of Trade Takes Action to Se- cure Funds At the suggestion of Mayor DavU the Gainesville Board of Trade have taken up tbo matter of raising funds fr the puriKjso of a silver service for the battleship Florida Parties desiring to contribute to the fund can notify 1 F Hampton vho Is secretary and the amounts will be credited hollowing is the list of contributions up to last night U P Hampton Bon D R Colson 100 Chlelds Warren 100 H S Chubb 100 B E Cannon 100 H D Arnold 100 W R Thomas 100 W W Hampton Jr 100 E D Turner 100 H P Robinson 100 A R Harper 100 T W Shonds 100 W H Anderson 100 R G Zetroucr 100- J W Dlandlng 100 E G Baxter 100 Dr Gco S Waldo 100 Pblfer Bros 100 Gco K nrooma 100 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Gainesville Florida An Institution of the First Rank sup- ported by State and Federal Funds- or Florida Young Men Thorough Courses Leading to Degrees cf B A B Sc M A M Sc and L L B In Arts and Science Agriculture Chemical Civil Electrical and Me- chanical EnKlnoorlnp Law Normal cbool Graduate School Expenses Exceedingly Low For Catalogue write to A A MURPHREE A M L L D President ¬ ¬ Dr H C Spencer 100 Hon Frank Clark I00 Geo Glass High Springs Loc Contributions to the above fund will be received from parties residing at any pbint Health Means the ability to do a good work without undue fatigue and to And life worth living You cannot have Indigestion or constipation with out its upsetting the liver and pollut- ing the blood Such a condition bost and quickest relieved by Her bind the best liver regulator that tho world has ever known Sold by W M Johnson The waat ads do more real itfiacBs tbau aM ctner brokers com blaed la tact tHy otart of tks that tie kcx k ra afcata laisa Hicks CAPUOINE Cures Sick ache Also Nervous Headache TraTelerBT Headache and aches froai Grip Stom- ach Troubles or Female troubles Try CapudlBO Its JlQvM effects fas- e4lately SoM hy fcniealnu FLORIDA STATE COLLEGEF- OR WOMEN Tallahassee Florida A College without a parallel in tb South offering and iliplosen In the following departments I A College of Liberal Arts II A School of Industrial Arts HI A School of Flue Arts IV A School of Expression V A School for Teachers To Tuition Other expenses very low For further Information address EDWARD CONRAD M A Ph D President Iw AJachuIL county darN est bulB Had degrees p may- be trot spit ¬ > ¬ Miss Tebeaus School THE DIOCESAN SCHOOL OF FLORIDA Reopened September 20 1009 TliirtySiith Year NO 400 WEST MAIN STREET 8 GAINESVILLE FLORIDA I i I

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rift 5




vocado pears are aid to still bevery plentiful In the section aroundEstero

Mt Dora has organized a branchof the Citrus Exchange with most ofthe crop ulnaily ig a

The water in Lake Euutis Is saidto be still rielng and Is but little below the rtoor of the city duck

The citizens of Immokaloe are ad-

vocating good roads and have starteda movement to bond the county forthis cause

The colored school house at Leesburg was burned last week The en-

tire building was destroyed Includingmany books

The Ft Myers High School openedwith an enrollment of two hundredand seventyone and new pupil arestill coming in

The Daughters of the Confederacyat Miami will celebrate Marlanna Daywhich Is on the 27th of this monthwith a big picnic dinner

News of great importance to PlantCity is that work has actually begunon the extension of the Plant Cityand Gulf railroad to Arcadia

The city authorities of St Augustineare taking steps to have a concretebridge erected to span the MariaSanchez creek at South street

Caterpillars are doing the oak treesIn St Petersburg a great deal of harmSome of the trees have been literallystripped of their leaves it is said

Engineer F M Lacy of Tavares-was employed In Leesburg last weeklocating the exact position at whichthe electric light poles are to beplaced

The largest Item of business at StPetersburg last week was the sale of13000 school bonds and the 15000Internal Improvement per centbonds

The work on the Lakevlew Hotelt Leesburg has advanced so far

that the men from the East whowere helping to push the work alonghave returned home

Vm Wiggins of Chokoloskee expects to sown get a new power canemill with an engine to drive it andhe will then be equipped to

a superior grade of syrup

it Is not known yet whether theManhattan Hotel at St Petersburgvlll open this year or not The hotelexperienced such a bad season lastwinter that It may not be opened








The water in the Eau Gallle riverin at high level caused by the recentrains and the water Is being broughtdown through the Hopkins canalwhich now drains the new settlement

f Arcadia

Work will begin October 1st drivingPilings for the terminals at SouthBoca Grande The new powerfuldredge will be delivered soon and willbegin Immediately filling In and digSing channels

Last week from a point Just a fewmiles from Sutherland what mightbe called a carload of green

was shipped North The rolltoad men who handled the fruit saidit was as green as could be

The convicts who have been work-Ing on Herbert avenue and the roadto Sugar mill at Port Orange havt-ttovtd over to the Peninsular to

on the road along tiltfrom Sw brit Zf t Ponce Park

Th lhodt rfpiitchColllng FurnitureConiiMDv of jHck onville art ImvliiB-

lj ini anhoui erected at tinw of Vn klnKton and Aahlc-yJ It u ss hy 90 f ot and will

ID surplus tocki of

iiiiic men HI work t ik-

i 1 inr work jv metriclatin gen out Jtut HI tkU

and uut tf tH ors sUnck athus catulHg gftioline to

Work river





Iaro slrwltk




a r


I toreAft r

Pt nrscola k stirIlplt1IAt



< >






Growing children need justthe things thatare in QuakerOats-

It is a greatstrength builderand is digestedeasily

Ignite Not much damage was donehowever

The Ft Thompson Park Ice andElectric Co has purchased from anAtlanta man a tenton complete Iceplant consisting of aboiler Corlla engine and everythinguptodate The company expect thave complete an outfit as any Inthe State

Pensacola Is to have a threestorymodern jail so arranged as to com-ply with the new law which separateswhites from blacks and men and

of both races A sick ward willalso be provided padded cells a per-

fect sewerage system and some mod-ern means for the winter season

About a month ago a china nestegg belonging to a lady in Dade Citymysteriously disappeared One daylast week a neighbor living one miledistant killed a snake and noticingthat it had swallowed something hecut the snake open and found an eggOn comparing it with some otherchina nest eggs that this lady hadthey feel sure that it Is the longlost egg

An acldental shooting took placein McDavid last Thursday Miss EvaMcClammy and sister were examining-an old pistol with no idea that theweapon was loaded when thegun went off the shot passing intoMiss McClammys abdomen Shewas taken to the hospital in Pensacola as soon as possible after the acci-dent occurred and was operatednj on The wound was a very seriousone and may prove fatal

Interesting Booklet FreeThe second edition of Booths

Famous People a 32page booklet hasjust been published and will be senttree to any reader of this paper Al slal card will

hook contains portraits andconcise autobiographies of some tamoils people including Conan DoyleMaude Adams Madam Currie the dlsroverer of Hndiurn and Sir ThomasLipton the merchant prince of theworld




100 horse powe





There are tour pages of valuableinformation such as Help in Caseof Accidents Antidotes for Poison

Stamp Flirtation How to Tell aPursuits Age bible facts and figuresand other Jntereitlns features Men-

tion this paper when writing and ad-

dress Booths Hyomei Co BuffaloX Y


CHARLOTTE N C Sept 21 MrsBuena Uinklns died at the Presbyte-rian Hospital yesterday of pellagrathe eighth victim of the disease sinceIts presence was announced in thecommunity-

The woman was taken 111 a yearago with what seemed to be diarrhoea Later eruptions appeared onher arms hands feet and ankles thenfollowed internal Inflammation andswollen tongue She suffered no painbut was emaciated and very weakPhysicians are nonplused Sewnother cases are now under treat

PAMALAIK unlike any other nifdlrine ever UHW for

CHILLS and FEVERMr T J M Tv v of the NW Orion

writ T I IHtO 1 I M M-

ffnil fr JMN rtia nitil rifer I

trrl a I I wiw-

M t rVrr rfUl ftl left Hlil I f It

Ilkrt M H 4IMH l IMAla Will MuLM

MALARIA t tk ntf f tinn JvMim In pity



IIJ IaarUt flr fourI tad




Itt tululls

topic P1M ALt f1

wud ttu1i t tksug

pew i

formLud 17 Ita yuuh










Started With An Enrollment of Fifty

and Same Was Increased


For the thirtysixth year Mss Mag-

gie Tebeaus School was opened mostsuccessfully on Monday morning withan enrollment of mr fifty in attend-ance which number was largely in-

creased during Tuesday and more areexpected to come later in the session

This school which has been sosuccessfully conducted by Miss Tebeau has been one of the mainstayof the city and an Institution thatthe city points to with pride andgreat interest for It has turned outSons of the brightest and best youngmen and women of the State

Only recently this school was desig-

nated as the Diocesan School of Flor-

ida by the Episcopal Church and thisin itself will cause it to bring manynew scholars from other sections ofthe State

The opening enrollment this term-Is most satisfactory to Miss Tebeauand assistant Mss Thomas and theyanticipate a great Increase within thenext few days particularly young ladies who have already engaged roomsat the school

With this popular private schoolrunning the University overflowing-and the Nigh School with an enrollment nearing the sixhundred mark-it truly makes Gainesville the leading educational center of Florida andeach can be pointed to n places ofthe highest class where the child mayreceive all the care and attention thatis desired-

A number of the patrons of theschool as well as members of theDiocesan Council were present at theopening exercises

Many people delude themselves bysaying It will wear away whenthey notice symptoms of kidney andbladder trouble This Is a mistakeTake Foleys Kidney Remedy andstop the drain on the vitality Itctres backache rheumatism kidneyand bladder trouble and makes everytrace of pain weakness and urinarytrouble disappear J W McColluniw


Fateful Breach eff EtiquetteUnder the third empire In France

SalnttBcuve brought disgrace uponhimself because nt breakfast atTullerles be carelessly opened his nap-kin and placid It over his two kneesTo this be added the crime of cuttinghis eg In two at the middle Courtetiquette prescribed that the half

napkin should lie on the left kneeand the top of the egg was to bo

broken with the edge of the spoonand drained with the tip of the spoonFor his fallings In these respects

name was stricken offthe Imperial visiting list LondonChronicle













CASTORFor Infants and Cliildm-

At Kind You Have Always BiagM

Bears thSignature of

The Town f ButhlreResidents of a miserable seaport on

the Persian gulf called their town Bushire Boosbeer It has narrow dirtyIll paved streets The city Is visitedby earthquakes and simooms and stintsIts children of wholesome air and fresh-water It appears however to haveenjoyed hilt repute among the ancientElamltes who Inure left burled aboutunder rnolderlns heaps bricks withcuneiform Inscriptions In summer thecitizens of Itusblrv live In a heat thatIs almost unbearable-

Her SorrowPpnirfi sobbed small Sadie mmjr-

eanury isNever mind replied her

father Ill buy you another tineOh Im calm rwjwi d Smll

but when I liMIt raw tlt poor llttlfthing I eruct Ilk a cUIWExclmnge

Ir AWrittflhy tb great KttKlU-hphMkton Mkl WiUek your y

When thwy r nffwctwl life U IN-

ilnttRor Fotojr KWN y rutuwljf-mtifc Healthy kWHy correct urliwtry lrrKi ritl4M awl MII tk

urgent J W MoC ikM Jk Co

n7 wl

kid II



d haddour



Do know of woman who ever receivedbenefit from taking Lydia Pinkhams Vegetable Compound-

If any woman who is with ailmehtto sex will ask her neighbors this question she will besurprised at the result There is a community its

country where women cannot be foundto health this famous old remedy made

exclusively from a simple formula of rootsDuring the 30 we have published thousands-

of from these grateful women been curedby Lydia E Compound and never

all that time have we a withoutthe writers Never have we knowinglypublished a testimonial that was not truthfulHere one just received a few ago If anyone doubtsthat this is a true and honest statement a womansence with Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound writeand ask

Houston Texas When I first began taking Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound I was a total wreck I hadsick for three years with female troubles chronic dyapcpftiavand a liver trouble I had tried several doctors MedicbMMbatnothing did me any good

For three years I lived ea medicines and taongkt I waaldtnever get well when I read an advertismcnt of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and was advised to try it

44 My husband got mo one bottto of tile Compound sad it dieme so much good I continued its vie BOW a well weainitiand enjoy the best of health

advise all women suffering from sack trouble teLydia E Pinkhnms Vegetable Compound a trial They wontregret it for it will sorely cure you Mrs Bessie L810 Cleveland Sk Houston

Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surelynot to give such a medicine as a Whynot do as much good as it did Mrs


4 L




t youE



lamI giver








Board of Trade Takes Action to Se-

cure FundsAt the suggestion of Mayor DavU

the Gainesville Board of Trade havetaken up tbo matter of raising fundsfr the puriKjso of a silver service forthe battleship Florida

Parties desiring to contribute tothe fund can notify 1 F Hamptonvho Is secretary and the amountswill be credited hollowing is thelist of contributions up to last nightU P Hampton BonD R Colson 100Chlelds Warren 100H S Chubb 100B E Cannon 100H D Arnold 100W R Thomas 100W W Hampton Jr 100E D Turner 100H P Robinson 100A R Harper 100T W Shonds 100W H Anderson 100R G Zetroucr 100-

J W Dlandlng 100E G Baxter 100Dr Gco S Waldo 100Pblfer Bros 100Gco K nrooma 100


An Institution of the First Rank sup-

ported by State and Federal Funds-or Florida Young Men

Thorough Courses Leading to Degreescf B A B Sc M A M Sc

and L L B

In Arts and Science AgricultureChemical Civil Electrical and Me-

chanical EnKlnoorlnp Law Normalcbool Graduate SchoolExpenses Exceedingly Low For

Catalogue write toA A MURPHREE A M L L D




Dr H C Spencer 100Hon Frank Clark I00Geo Glass High Springs Loc

Contributions to the above fund willbe received from parties residing atany pbint

HealthMeans the ability to do a good

work without undue fatigue and toAnd life worth living You cannothave Indigestion or constipation without its upsetting the liver and pollut-ing the blood Such a condition

bost and quickest relieved by Herbind the best liver regulator thattho world has ever known Sold byW M Johnson

The waat ads do more realitfiacBs tbau aM ctner brokers comblaed la tact tHy otart oftks that tie kcx k raafcata laisa

Hicks CAPUOINE Cures Sickache

Also Nervous Headache TraTelerBTHeadache and aches froai Grip Stom-ach Troubles or Female troublesTry CapudlBO Its JlQvM effects fas-

e4lately SoM hy fcniealnu



Tallahassee FloridaA College without a parallel in tb

South offering and iliplosenIn the following departments

I A College of Liberal ArtsII A School of Industrial ArtsHI A School of Flue ArtsIV A School of ExpressionV A School for Teachers

To Tuition Other expenses very lowFor further Information address



Iw AJachuIL county














Reopened September 20 1009 TliirtySiith YearNO 400 WEST MAIN STREET 8 GAINESVILLE FLORIDA

