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  • 8/3/2019 Allot Communications - MobileTrends_H2-2010_FINAL


    a mind for networks

    Allot MobileTrendsGlobal Mobile Broadband Traffic Report

    H2, 2010

  • 8/3/2019 Allot Communications - MobileTrends_H2-2010_FINAL


  • 8/3/2019 Allot Communications - MobileTrends_H2-2010_FINAL


    a mind for networksAllot MobileTrends Global Mobile Broadband Trac Report, H2/2010

    2011 Allot Communications. All rights reserved.1

    Executive OverviewThe Allot MobileTrends Report is an ongoing initiative to track global IP application, bandwidth usage

    and bandwidth growth in mobile broadband networks. The anonymous data in this report was collected

    rom July 1 to December 31 2010 (H2, 2010), rom leading mobile operators worldwide with a combined

    user base o more than 210 million subscribers. This paper presents some o Allots key ndings.

    This is the th Allot MobileTrends Report to date.

    Key Findings from H2, 2010 Global mobile data bandwidth usage grew by a signifcant 73%, culminating in a 190% overall

    2010 growth rate.

    Video streaming continues as the astest growing application type with 94% growth. Video

    streaming remains the single largest application type worldwide, accounting or over one thirdo global mobile data bandwidth.

    YouTube remains the single most important website or video streaming and sharing, and is

    responsible or 17% o overall global mobile data bandwidth.

    Twitter grew with a breathtaking 378% increase in global mobile data bandwidth. During 2010,

    Twitters annual increase was an astounding 1800%.

    Apples App Store is responsible or 89% o overall app store download trafc. Googles

    Android Market experienced a rapid growth rate o 177%.

    File sharing represents a signifcant 30% o mobile bandwidth.

    Voice over IP (VoIP) and Instant Messaging (IM) application types remain the second astest

    growing application worldwide with an 87% increase in global mobile data bandwidth.

    Skype continues its dominance o the mobile VoIP market, accounting or 87% o global mobile

    VoIP bandwidth.

    ConclusionVideo streaming and social media, continue to assert their dominance within the mobile broadband

    market. In addition, the growth in app store downloads is testimony to the vibrancy, dynamic natureand potential o this market.

    The impact that mobile broadband has had on the way we live our lives cannot be underestimated as

    we take the age o anywhere-connectivity completely or granted. As operators move towards 4G/LTE

    and converged networks, they need to understand that it is not just the sheer volume o trac that is

    relevant, but also the unique value that these individual applications provide to us. Leveraging this

    value will become even more critical as operators will be expected to provide a more enriched and

    personalized experience or their users.

  • 8/3/2019 Allot Communications - MobileTrends_H2-2010_FINAL


    Allot Communications

    2011 Allot Communications. All rights reserved.2

    Allot MobileTrends Global Mobile Broadband Trac Report, H2/2010 a mind for networks

    Global Bandwidth & Application Growth

    Growth in mobile data usage, H2/10

    Global bandwidth continued its steady growth during the second hal o 2010 with 73% growth,

    culminating in a 190% overallannual growth or 2010. This strong growth intimates that, as mentioned

    in the previous report, the mobile broadband market has still not reached its ull potential and thatthis dynamic market has a long way to go beore achieving ull maturity.

    Video streaming continued to lead the roster o application types with 94% growth over H2 2010,

    cementing its position as the astest growing application type worldwide. The consumption o

    video streaming applications continues to increase, and with smartphone sales accounting or 19%

    o worldwide mobile devices sales1 and tablets becoming increasingly popular, videos popularity

    sees no sign o abating. File sharing continued to grow at a rate o 36%. These typically aggressive

    application types are still responsible or much o the congestion within mobile data networks.

    VoIP (Voice over IP) and IM (Instant Messaging) applications continued as the second astest-growing

    application type with an 87% rise. The dramatic rise in bandwidth used by these types o applicationsrefects the depth o the synergy between social media apps and mobile broadband which is made

    more user-riendly by the increasing range o device-standard multimedia eatures.










    VoIP & IM FileSharing


    Global Mean: 73%


  • 8/3/2019 Allot Communications - MobileTrends_H2-2010_FINAL


    a mind for networksAllot MobileTrends Global Mobile Broadband Trac Report, H2/2010

    2011 Allot Communications. All rights reserved.3

    Application Breakdown

    As expected, video streaming has remained the worlds most dominant application type with 37% o

    global mobile bandwidth, and shows no signs o waning popularity.

    File sharing represents 30% o global mobile bandwidth, as the application type continues to be

    popular with subscribers who regard the mobile internet as a direct substitute or xed connectivity.

    VoIP and IM expanded their bandwidth share to 4% in the second hal o 2010. Despite the signicant

    87% growth2 that these application types experienced, their actual bandwidth share is relatively

    minor. The real signicance o these application types is in how easy they are to use on smartphones

    and mobile internet devices (MIDs), the loyalty that users display towards them, and their resultant

    must-have nature which has made them a strong driver or buying devices.

    Mobile data usage broken down by top

    applications, H2/10





    File Sharing30%

    Other Apps3%VoIP & IM


    Mobile data usage trends broken down by

    top applications, Q2/09-Q4/10

    Web Browsing

    Video Streaming

    File Sharing

    VoIP & IM











    Q2/09 Q3/09 Q4/09 Q1/10 Q2/10 Q3/10 Q4/10

    2 See page 2

  • 8/3/2019 Allot Communications - MobileTrends_H2-2010_FINAL


    Allot Communications

    2011 Allot Communications. All rights reserved.4

    Allot MobileTrends Global Mobile Broadband Trac Report, H2/2010 a mind for networks

    Video Streaming

    YouTube experienced signicant growth in H2, 2010 o 190% as compared with 123% in H1, 2010.

    The overall annual growth during 2010 was 547%. As video streaming continues to reign supreme

    within mobile networks, YouTube continues as the single most signicant website or video streamingand sharing, now accounting or 45% o the overall mobile video streaming trac and 17% o the

    total trac on mobile networks.

    Although VoIP and IM applications account or a small percentage o the overall mobile broadband

    bandwidth, their growth indicates that despite their low impact on actual bandwidth usage, their

    popularity and rising installed base indicate that these applications are likely to play an increasingly

    signicant role as they are oten seen as direct alternatives or other operator services.


    Other Apps.83%

    Other VideoStreaming



    YouTube as a percentage o total global

    mobile video streaming, H2/10

    YouTube as a percentage o total global

    mobile bandwidth, H2/10

  • 8/3/2019 Allot Communications - MobileTrends_H2-2010_FINAL


    a mind for networksAllot MobileTrends Global Mobile Broadband Trac Report, H2/2010

    2011 Allot Communications. All rights reserved.5

    App Stores

    Apples App Store is by ar the most popular app store to date, with downloads rom this store

    responsible or an 89% share o the overall app store download trac. Googles Android Market lags

    ar behind with only 9% o the download trac. However, in terms o growth this situation is reversedwith Android Market experiencing a rapid growth rate o 177% during H2, 2010 as opposed to App

    Store which grew at a much slower 54%.

    As the mobile value chain continues to evolve, operators are increasingly looking at launching their

    own app stores as a means or them to add value to their oering and increase their ARPU. The

    relationship between the app stores and the take-up o smartphones and MIDs is symbiotic with each

    element driving the other orward. With worldwide mobile app store revenue orecasted to increase by

    190% in 20113, app stores are certain to play a prominent role in the mobile value chain evolution.

    App Store Share, H2/10 App Store Growth, H2/10




    Apple AppStore89%




  • 8/3/2019 Allot Communications - MobileTrends_H2-2010_FINAL


    Allot Communications

    2011 Allot Communications. All rights reserved.6

    Allot MobileTrends Global Mobile Broadband Trac Report, H2/2010 a mind for networks

    Social Networking

    Twitter continued to grow at a breathtaking rate during the second hal o 2010, with a 378% increase

    in global mobile bandwidth. The overall annual growth rate or 2010 was a tremendous 1800%. This

    is undoubtedly due to a variety o actors including the increase o 100 million registered accounts over20104, the growth o Twitter as a mainstream orm o communication where people are increasingly

    tweeting instead o texting messages, the continuing integration o Twitter into other social networking

    sites, and o course the increase in smartphone and MID adoption.

    Facebook experienced signicant growth during H2, 2010 with a 267% rise in global mobile bandwidth

    and a 1000% growth rate in 2010. One o the likely explanations or this is the ongoing increase

    in mobile Facebook users which now stands at 200 million active users who are twice as likely to

    be active on the website as non-mobile users, and also the increasing number o mobile operators

    who are actively promoting Facebook to their subscribers5. The usion that exists between dierent

    social media websites continues to strengthen as these sites expand their oering or users and they

    become a more entrenched part o our daily lives.










    Twitter Facebook YouTube MySpace


    Growth in top social networking and video sharing applications, H2/10

  • 8/3/2019 Allot Communications - MobileTrends_H2-2010_FINAL


    a mind for networksAllot MobileTrends Global Mobile Broadband Trac Report, H2/2010

    2011 Allot Communications. All rights reserved.7

    Yahoo! Messenger




    Google Talk1%

    Windows Live





    Google Talk12%



    Other IM15%

    VoIP and Instant MessagingApplicationBreakdown

    Top VoIP applications in mobile

    broadband, H2/10

    Skype has continued to increase its dominance o the VoIP market and is now responsible or 87%

    o global mobile VoIP bandwidth. During H2 2010, Skype grew by a tremendous 114%, increasing

    urther the gap between itsel and other VoIP applications including Google Talk, Yahoo! Messengerand Windows Live. Skypes increased hold on this market is due in part to the rise in partnerships

    with mobile operators to preload Skype on handsets, and thereore to present users with a ready-to-

    use, ocial VoIP alternative to traditional phone calls.

    Yahoo! Messenger has remained the most popular Instant Messaging application (in terms o non-

    VoIP usage) and accounts or almost 27% o global IM bandwidth. However, it should be noted that

    since H2/2009 Yahoo! Messengers share o IM bandwidth has consistently eroded6.

    QQ, a Chinese language IM application has retained its popularity amongst its international target

    market with 19% o the global IM bandwidth and remains the third most popular IM application

    worldwide. QQs audience resides mainly but not wholly in the APAC region.

    Top IM applications in mobile

    broadband, H2/10

    6 Allot MobileTrends Report, H2/2009

  • 8/3/2019 Allot Communications - MobileTrends_H2-2010_FINAL


    Allot Communications

    2011 Allot Communications. All rights reserved.8

    Allot MobileTrends Global Mobile Broadband Trac Report, H2/2010 a mind for networks

    MobileTrends Report Methodology

    The MobileTrends Report is based on statistics collected rom mobile networks around the world,representing more than 210 million subscribers. The detailed inormation was gathered using the long

    term reporting capabilities o Allot NetXplorer, Allots centralized management & reporting system. The

    length o the collection period allows accurate identication o usage trends and patterns, reducing

    the infuence o any temporary events in the monitored networks.

    The data collected or this report was totally subscriber-anonymous. Subscriber identiying inormation such

    as IP addresses, usernames or MSISDN were not retained in the data gathered rom the mobile networks.

  • 8/3/2019 Allot Communications - MobileTrends_H2-2010_FINAL


    a mind for networksAllot MobileTrends Global Mobile Broadband Trac Report, H2/2010

    2011 Allot Communications. All rights reserved.9


    App StoresApp stores reer to a service available to users o smartphones and mobile internet devices, e.g.,

    tablets, netbooks, etc., that enables them to download a wide range o ree and paid applications,

    specically suited or the particular MID. App Stores include Apple App Store, Google Android Market,

    BlackBerry App World, Nokia Ovi Store, Palm App Catalog, Windows Marketplace or Mobile and


    File Sharing

    Reers to HTTP download services, in particular rom One-Click hosting sites such as RapidShare and

    Megaupload and P2P applications such as Bittorrent and eMule. In previous reports File Sharing was

    broken down into Peer-to-Peer and HTTP download.

    Instant Messaging (IM)

    Originally, instant messaging applications delivered real-time text-based communications between

    two or more users over the internet. Todays IM applications oer a wider range o communication

    services including video conerencing, voice communications and le transer. Instant messaging

    applications include Windows Live!, Yahoo! Messenger, QQ and so on.

    Video Streaming

    Reers to communication directed through video sites including either user generated content (UGC)

    such as YouTube or content provided by sites such as Hulu, and BBC iPlayer.

    Voice over IP (VoIP)Reers to sotware applications that allow users to deliver over IP networks in general and internet in

    particular. Internet VoIP is provided by a range o applications such as Skype, GoogleTalk and also by

    most popular Instant Messaging applications.

    Web Browsing

    Reers to HTTP trac associated with website browsing or other HTTP trac which is not downloading

    or streaming. In addition, web browsing also includes apps delivering real time updates and statistics

    over HTTP.

  • 8/3/2019 Allot Communications - MobileTrends_H2-2010_FINAL


    a mind for networks

    Americas: 300 TradeCenter, Suite 4680, Woburn, MA 01801 USA Tel: (781) 939-9300 Toll ree: 877-255-6826 Fax: (781) 939-9393

    Europe: NCI Les Centres dAaires Village dEntreprises Green Side, 400 Avenue Roumanille, BP309,

    06906 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France Tel: 33 (0) 4-93-001160 Fax: 33 (0) 4-93-001165

    Asia Pacifc: 6 New Industrial Road, #08-01, Hoe Huat Industrial Building, Singapore 536199 Tel: +65-6283 8990 Fax: +65-6282 7280

    Japan: 4-2-3-301 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062 Tel: 81 (3) 5297-7668 Fax: 81(3) 5297-7669

    Middle East and Arica: 22 Hanagar Street, Industrial Zone B, Hod-Hasharon, 45240, Israel Tel: 972 (9) 761-9200 Fax: 972 (9) 744-3626








    theirrespectiveholders. [email protected]

    About Allot CommunicationsAllot Communications Ltd. (NASDAQ: ALLT) is a leading provider o intelligent IP service optimization and revenue generation solutions or mobile and xed broadband operators and large

    enterprises. Allots rich portolio o solutions leverages Dynamic Actionable Recognition Technology (DART) to transorm broadband pipes into smart networks that can rapidly and eciently

    deploy value added Internet services. Allots scalable, carrier-grade solutions provide the visibility, topology awareness, security, application control and subscriber management that are vital to

    managing Internet service delivery, enhancing user experience, containing operating costs, and maximizing revenue in broadband networks. For more inormation, please visit