alma 38-39. do your parents have a favorite child?

Alma 38-39

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Page 1: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child?

Alma 38-39

Page 2: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child?

Do your parents have a favorite child?

Page 3: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child?

Corianton 91 verses

Alma 39-42

Helaman 77 verses

Alma 36-37

Shiblon 15 verses

Alma 38

Shiblon: Alma 38:2–5 

Page 4: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child?

Which couple is most filled with love?v.12Filled with LOVE?

Page 5: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child?

“Alma counselled his son Shiblon to ‘bridle all [of his] passions, that [he] may be filled with love.’ Significantly, disciplining the natural man in each of us makes possible a richer, deeper, and more enduring love of God and of His children.

“Love increases through righteous restraint and decreases though impulsive indulgence.” (Elder Bednar, April 2013)

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“Bridle” your passions

“Is self-denial wise because something is wrong with our passions, or because something is right with our passions? Alma did not say eliminate or even suppress your passions, but bridle them—harness, channel, and focus them. Why? Because discipline makes possible a richer, deeper love” (Elder Bruce C. Hafen,

The Belonging Heart [1994], 302).

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“Sin is intensely habit-forming and sometimes moves men to the tragic point of no return. As the transgressor moves deeper and deeper in his sin, and the error is entrenched more deeply and the will to change is weakened, it becomes increasingly nearer hopeless and he skids down and down until either he does not want to climb back up or he has lost the power to do so” (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, ed. Edward L. Kimball [1982], 83).

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Rank these sins from minor to major

Drinking beerFornication (sexual transgressions)Kicking puppiesMurderEating way too much food at

ThanksgivingStealing a carDenying the Holy GhostPushing an old lady

Alma 39:3-6

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Deny the Holy Ghost Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be

forgiven unto men: Matt. 12:31–32; ( Mark 3:29; Luke 12:10; )

It is impossible for those who were made partakers of the Holy Ghost to renew them again unto repentance: Heb. 6:4–6;

If ye deny the Holy Ghost and know that ye deny it, this is a sin which is unpardonable: Alma 39:5–6; ( Jacob 7:19; )

They have no forgiveness, having denied the Only Begotten Son, having crucified him unto themselves: D&C 76:30–35;

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“What must a man do to commit the unpardonable sin? He must receive the Holy Ghost, have the heavens opened unto him, and know God, and then sin against him. He has got to say that the sun does not shine while he sees it; he has got to deny Jesus Christ when the heavens have been opened unto him, and to deny the plan of salvation with his eyes open to the truth of it.” (Joseph Smith, King Follet Discourse, Ensign, May 1971).

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“The sin against the Holy Ghost requires such knowledge that it is manifestly impossible for the rank and file to commit such a sin. Comparatively few Church members will commit murder wherein they shed innocent blood, and we hope only few will deny the Holy Ghost. (Spencer W Kimball, Miracle of Forgiveness, pg 112)

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Murder Different types of murder (see Doctrine and covenants 42:18, 79)

ImmoralityAlma 39:8-12

Page 13: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child? STATEMENTS

Page 14: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child?

What is considered dating? How is it defined?

Dating is when two people arrange to pair up with each other and participate in an activity.

However, many teens use the word dating to describe a couple that has decided to be exclusive, but this is not the kind of dating you should be doing in your teens.

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Is dating before you are 16 a sin that must be repented of?

Modern prophets have counseled against all dating before 16 and to avoid steady dating until after High School, so willfully disregarding this counsel should not be taken lightly. While dating early may not be something you need to confess to your bishop, you should repent by asking Heavenly Father’s forgiveness for not following the standard set by modern prophets.

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When Can We Pair Off and Be Exclusive?For the Strength of Youth says, “Avoid going on

frequent dates with the same person.” The reasons for this counsel have to do with

timing and safety. You’re not yet ready for marriage, so steady dating has no real purpose yet. And people in that kind of relationship will probably want to begin to express their feelings physically. The longer the relationship goes on with no immediate prospect of marriage, the more likely a couple is to get into trouble.

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Why wait? Why not steady date?

In a study of 2500 LDS youth, “80 percent of youth who did date before they were 16 had become sexually involved enough to require a bishop’s help for repentance.”

“Speaking of Kissing,” New Era, Jun 2001, 38

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Mormon Message: Chastity – What are the Limits?

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Interpretation of physicality


One Acquaintance

Two Friendship

Three Casual Dating

Four Serious Dating

Five Engagement

Six Marriage

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Interpretation of physicality


One Acquaintance

Two Friendship

Three Casual Dating

Four Serious Dating

Five Engagement

Six Marriage

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“When you are young, do not get involved in steady dating. When you reach an age where you think of marriage, then is the time to become so involved. But you boys who are in high school don’t need this, and neither do the girls. (President Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, Nov. 1997, 51).

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Interpretation of physicality


One Acquaintance

Two Friendship

Three Casual Dating

Four Serious Dating

Five Engagement

Six Marriage

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Interpretation of physicality


One Acquaintance Handshake

Two Friendship

Three Casual Dating

Four Serious Dating

Five Engagement

Six Marriage

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Interpretation of physicality


One Acquaintance Handshake

Two Friendship High Five

Three Casual Dating

Four Serious Dating

Five Engagement

Six Marriage

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Interpretation of physicality


One Acquaintance Handshake

Two Friendship High Five

Three Casual Dating Brief hugs and flirtations

Four Serious Dating

Five Engagement

Six Marriage

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Interpretation of physicality


One Acquaintance Handshake

Two Friendship High Five

Three Casual Dating Brief hugs and flirtations

Four Serious Dating Holding hands, kissing

Five Engagement

Six Marriage

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Interpretation of physicality


One Acquaintance Handshake

Two Friendship High Five

Three Casual Dating Brief hugs and flirtations

Four Serious Dating Holding hands, kissing

Five Engagement Lingering kisses

Six Marriage

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Interpretation of physicality


One Acquaintance Handshake

Two Friendship High Five

Three Casual Dating Brief hugs and flirtations

Four Serious Dating Holding hands, kissing

Five Engagement Lingering kisses

Six Marriage Intimacy

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Keep it HorizontalOne Acquaintance Handshake

Two Friendship High Five

Three Casual Dating Brief hugs and flirtations

Four Serious Dating Holding hands, kissing

Five Engagement Lingering kisses

Six Marriage Intimacy

Page 30: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child?

Keep it HorizontalOne Acquaintance Handshake

Two Friendship High Five

Three Casual Dating Brief hugs and flirtations

Four Serious Dating Holding hands, kissing

Five Engagement Lingering kisses

Six Marriage Intimacy

Page 31: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child?

Keep it HorizontalOne Acquaintance Handshake

Two Friendship High Five

Three Casual Dating Brief hugs and flirtations

Four Serious Dating Holding hands, kissing

Five Engagement Lingering kisses

Six Marriage Intimacy

Page 32: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child?

Keep it HorizontalOne Acquaintance Handshake

Two Friendship High Five

Three Casual Dating Brief hugs and flirtations

Four Serious Dating Holding hands, kissing

Five Engagement Lingering kisses

Six Marriage Intimacy

Page 33: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child?

Keep it HorizontalOne Acquaintance Handshake

Two Friendship High Five

Three Casual Dating Brief hugs and flirtations

Four Serious Dating Holding hands, kissing

Five Engagement Lingering kisses

Six Marriage Intimacy

Page 34: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child?

Keep it HorizontalOne Acquaintance Handshake

Two Friendship High Five

Three Casual Dating Brief hugs and flirtations

Four Serious Dating Holding hands, kissing

Five Engagement Lingering kisses

Six Marriage Intimacy

Page 35: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child?

Keep it HorizontalOne Acquaintance Handshake

Two Friendship High Five

Three Casual Dating Brief hugs and flirtations

Four Serious Dating Holding hands, kissing

Five Engagement Lingering kisses

Six Marriage Intimacy

Page 36: Alma 38-39. Do your parents have a favorite child?

Alma 39“By assigning such seriousness

to a physical appetite so universally bestowed, what is God trying to tell us about its place in His plan for all men and women? Clearly among His greatest concerns regarding mortality are how one gets into this world and how one gets out of it. He has set very strict limits in these matters. …

Elder Holland “Personal

Purity,” Ensign, Nov. 1998, 76–77).

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Alma 39“In matters of human intimacy,

you must wait! You must wait until you can give everything, and you cannot give everything until you are legally and lawfully married. To give illicitly that which is not yours to give is emotional Russian roulette. If you persist without the sanction of heaven, you run the terrible risk of such spiritual, psychic damage that you may undermine both your longing for physical intimacy and your ability to give wholehearted devotion to a later, truer love…

Elder Holland “Personal

Purity,” Ensign, Nov. 1998, 76–77).

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Alma 39

“On your wedding day the very best gift you can give your eternal companion is your very best self—clean and pure and worthy of such purity in return.”

Elder Holland “Personal

Purity,” Ensign, Nov. 1998, 76–77).

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Alma 38-39