alstom grid technical institute rusty rae, alstom grid technical institute marcom what is it all...

ALSTOM GRID Techn Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Techn MARCOM What is it all about?

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Page 1: ALSTOM GRID Technical Institute Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Technical Institute MARCOM What is it all about?

ALSTOM GRID Technical Institute Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Technical Institute

MARCOM What is it all about?

Page 2: ALSTOM GRID Technical Institute Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Technical Institute MARCOM What is it all about?

Do you have support from leadership?

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Page 3: ALSTOM GRID Technical Institute Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Technical Institute MARCOM What is it all about?


If your organization has a MARCOM person or department:

Beg, buy, borrow, steal:

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Get them involved as early as possible!

If they are not available, here is the Cliff’s Notes version of MARCOM

Page 4: ALSTOM GRID Technical Institute Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Technical Institute MARCOM What is it all about?


Approved, Nov. 1, 2011

MARCOM:• Targeted interaction with your people• Uses one or more media• Reaches a specific audience • Impacts its behavior by informing, persuading,

and reminding

Page 5: ALSTOM GRID Technical Institute Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Technical Institute MARCOM What is it all about?


• Speak with one voice

• Help your messages rise above the din

• Resonate with target audience

• Achieve better results

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Page 6: ALSTOM GRID Technical Institute Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Technical Institute MARCOM What is it all about?

Study first, then you decide

Who is the target audience?

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• Age• Gender• Job category• Habits• Communication style

Page 7: ALSTOM GRID Technical Institute Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Technical Institute MARCOM What is it all about?

The Plan

Objectives     • What do you want to happen as a result of your marcom

activities? • What customer behaviors do you hope to inspire?• Develop Value PropositionMessages     • What do you want customers to know?Vehicles     • Which communication vehicles best convey your

messages?Budget and schedule     • How much do these vehicles cost to develop? • What is your budget? When should the vehicles be

released?Presentation title - 01/01/2010 - P 7

Page 8: ALSTOM GRID Technical Institute Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Technical Institute MARCOM What is it all about?

Develop a value proposition for your HPI program

A value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered by your HPI program.

It’s the primary reason that members of your organization should get involved with the HPI program• Explains how the HPI program will make your

constituents’ life better (relevancy),• Delivers specific benefits (quantified value),• Tells why they should buy in instead of remain

complacent (unique differentiation).

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Page 9: ALSTOM GRID Technical Institute Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Technical Institute MARCOM What is it all about?

What the value proposition is NOT

It’s not a slogan or a catch phrase:

“Craftsman tools. Because we’re worth it.”

It’s not a positioning statement

“America’s #1 Bandage Brand. Heals the wound fast, heals the hurt faster.”

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Page 10: ALSTOM GRID Technical Institute Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Technical Institute MARCOM What is it all about?

What makes a good value proposition:

• Clarity! It’s easy to understand.

• It communicates results a your team will get from buying into HPI program

• It says how it’s different or better than the current way of doing business

• It avoids hype(avoid superlatives - best) and hyper jargonese (‘value-added interactions’).

• It can be read and understood in about 5 seconds.

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Page 11: ALSTOM GRID Technical Institute Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Technical Institute MARCOM What is it all about?

Communications considerations

• Websites: Intranet, extranet, other corporate sites

• Corporate knowledge repositories: anywhere you share corporate knowledge (Wikis, SharePoint, etc)

• emails: Reach out to your stakeholders to share information and encourage them to engage.

• Staff/dept. meetings: Meet with your stakeholders during their regularly schedule meetings to provide updates on the planning process.

• Brown Bags: Schedule regular events to share info on HPI; great opportunity for other team members to speak on the topic

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Page 12: ALSTOM GRID Technical Institute Rusty Rae, Alstom Grid Technical Institute MARCOM What is it all about?

Communications considerations (page 2)

• Listservs/Twitter/Facebook: – Leverage social media tools du jour of your organization

• Posters: post around office/ campus to raise awareness and build excitement

• Corporate Newsletter: leverage as appropriate to raise awareness; message can and should come from corporate leadership

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The end of the beginning

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