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High Performance with Java [email protected]

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High Performance with Java

[email protected]

Page 2: Alto Desempenho com Java


In the beginning was the Tao. The Tao gave birth

to Space and Time. Therefore Space and Time

are Yin and Yang of programming.

Programmers that do not comprehend the Tao are

always running out of time and space for their

programs. Programmers that comprehend the

Tao always have enough time and space to

accomplish their goals.

How could it be otherwise? From

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What is High Performance?

•HitachiH8 8 bit cpu, 16 MHz

•32 kb Ram

2 X Sun SPARC Enterprise


6 Quad Core 2.4ghz - 6 MB L2

Cache,Sparc VII CPUs, 48 hw

threads, 32Gb RAM


Sun Microsystems:


Aad van der Steen HPC Page -

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High Performance is all about

“Delivering solutions which meet

requirements within time and space

constraints using available resources


The most important resource: brain time.

HW increases performance with time, brain

decreases performance with time.

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Why Java?

• Mature technology

• Speedy and Stable VMs (those who were

burned in the early days still loath it,


• Lots of high quality tools

• Lots of high quality available libraries

• Large ecosystem

• NOT the language itself

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GSM 101


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A small case study

• Goal: Analyse 17 G (gzip’ed) worth of

MSC Call Detail Records (CDRs in Mobile

Operator Lingo)








Note: Sensitive information was hidden

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A bit more info

• Aproximatly 170 G uncompressed

• Exactly 359 014 695 cdrs

• Trivia: about 3 days worth of GSM call


• Correlate CDRs with Customer information

• Peformance goal : running time must be

below one hour.

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Performance Budget

Network Bandwith

and Latency

Disk Bandwith

and Latency

Memory CPU

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If you don’t take a temperature you

can’t find a fever

• Measure the progress as the system is


• Make *honest* measurements. Prove

yourself wrong.

• Avoid premature optimization – How can

you know? If you’re within your

performance budget don’t worry

(*) Fat Man’s Law X – “House of God”

Samuel Shen -

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"The journey of a thousand miles starts

with a single step." Lao Tse

• Line read performance

1811229 Line Sample

Sample timmings:

real 0m13.872s

user 0m13.366s

sys 0m4.056s

ETA: ~45 minutes

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I/O Tips

• Use Memory Mapped Files (see and MappedByteBuffer


• Use Buffered I/O - BufferedInputStream

• Optimal buffer size multiple of OS page

size (usually 8k)

• If the process is I/O bound and have fast

CPUs, consider processing compressed


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One more step

• Extract date of call and customer phone









Censored numbers to protect the innocent

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Split lines by columns

String fields[] = line.split("\\|");

Sample timmings:

real 1m0.670s

user 1m1.252s

sys 0m6.015s

ETA: 3 hours, 18 minutes

~ 6 x slower!!! Exceeded the performance budget

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When in doubt, profile

~85% spent splitting fields!

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String fields[] = split(line, '|', 3,10,11);

Sample timmings:

real 0m13.450s

user 0m13.425s

sys 0m3.965s

ETA: 44 minutes e 35 seconds

14 extra lines of java code and we’re back on track

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Must get SIM card data

• SIM card Type (prepaid, postpaid, ...)

• ~ 15 million record table

• Database constantly under load

• 4000 querys/s (0.25 ms/q) spare capacity

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Database Tips (JDBC)

– Reuse connections!

– Read only ? setReadOnly(true)

– Allways use PreparedStatements

– Allways explicitly close ResultSet (GC


– Turn off autocommit

– Use batched operations and transactions in

CRUD type accesses

– Large ResultSets? Increase fetch size! rs.setFetchSize(XXX)

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• Too slow!

• Assuming an average rate of 4000 q/s:

ETA: ~ 1 day, 56 minutes

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• TimesTen

• SolidDb

In Memory Databases

• H2

• Hsqldb

• Derby

Emebeded Relational

• BerkeyleyDb

• Infinitydb

Others Embebed

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Must keep a balance


Cost, Complexity,

Learning Curve (aka neuron

Time), Maintenance

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Remebering old times

• In C/C++ you could map structs to


• The amount of information needed is 16

bytes per SIM card (phone number, start

date, end date, type of card – 4 * 4 bytes)

• ~ 343 M if stored in a compact form (int[])

• Sort the data and wrap the array in a List

• Use Collections.binarySearch to do the

heavy lifting

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Way faster!

• No extra libraries, 40 lines of simple java


ETA: 1 hour, 30 minutes e 35


Above the budget

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Put those extra cores to work

• 6 Quad Core 2.4ghz - 6 MB L2

Cache,Sparc VII CPUs, 48 hw threads,

32Gb RAM

• Split the data in work units

• Split the work units among the threads

• Collect the results when the treads finish

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Concurrent tips

• Concurrent programming is really hard!

• But you’re not going to be able to avoid it

(cpu speed increases per core stalled,

cores are increasing in number)

• Don’t share R/W data among threads

• Locking will kill performance

• Be aware of memory architecture


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Mission Acomplished

• With 8 threads of the 48 possible

Real running time: 10 minutes,

23 seconds

Near linear scaling!

There’s no point in optimizing more. We’ve

just entered the Law of Diminishing returns

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What about Network I/O

• 1 thread per client using blocking I/O does

not scale

• Use Nonblocking I/O

• VM implementors will (problaby) use the

best API in the host OS (/dev/epoll in

Linux Kernel 2.6 for example)

• NBIO is hard. Don’t reinvent the wheel.

See Apache Mina -

• Scales to over 10.000k connections easily!

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A few extra tips

• Know your VM

• Not all VMs are created equal

• Even without changing a line of code you

can improve things, if you know what

you’re doing

• If you’re using the SUN VM try the Server

VM (default is Client VM)

• Plenty of options to fiddle


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What about designing and maintaining

complex systems

• Implement a feature complete solution in

small scale

• Learn the performance characteristics.

Implement benchmarks.

• Change the architecture if needed

• How much does it cost? It’s all about

€€€€€ (licensing, hardware, human

resources, rack space, energy, cooling

requirements, maintenance,...)

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Keep measuaring after the system

goes live

“The only man I know who behaves sensibly

is my tailor; he takes my measurements

anew each time he sees me. The rest go

on with their old measurements and

expect me to fit them.” George Bernard Shaw -

• Specially if you keep adding features

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Code snippets – A (way) faster split

public static String[] split(String l, char sep, int... columns) {

String[] fields = new String[columns.length];

int start = 0, column = 0, end, i = 0;

while((end = l.indexOf(sep, start)) != -1) {

if(column++ == columns[i]) {

fields[i] = l.substring(start, end);

if(++i == columns.length)

return fields;


start = end + 1;


if(column == columns[i])

fields[i] = l.substring(start);

return fields;


String fields[] = split(line, '|', 3,10,11);

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Static in-memory “database”: Poor

man’s solution (but as fast as it gets)public class ClientFile implements List<CardInfo>, RandomAccess {

static final int CLIENT_SIZE = 16;

int[] clients;

public ClientFile() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {

File f = new File("clientes.db");

FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(f);

int client_count = (int)f.length() / CLIENT_SIZE;

clients = new int[client_count * 4];

byte b[] = new byte[(int) f.length()];;

for(int i = 0;i != client_count; ++i) {

clients[i * 4] = toi(b, i * CLIENT_SIZE);

clients[i * 4 + 1] = toi(b, i * CLIENT_SIZE + 4);

clients[i * 4 + 2] = toi(b, i * CLIENT_SIZE + 8);

clients[i * 4 + 3] = toi(b, i * CLIENT_SIZE + 12);



// map byte[] to integer

public int toi(byte[] b, int offset) {

return ((0xFF & b[offset]) << 24) +

((0xFF & b[offset + 1]) << 16) +

((0xFF & b[offset + 2]) << 8) +

(0xFF & b[offset + 3]);



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Static in-memory “database”:


public CardInfo get(int index) {

return new CardInfo(clients[index * 4],

clients[index * 4 + 1],

clients[index * 4 + 2],

clients[index * 4 + 3]);


public CardInfo getCardInfo(String msisdn, String yymmdd, String hhmmss){

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

cal.set(i(yymmdd, 0, 1) + 2000, i(yymmdd, 2, 3) - 1, i(yymmdd, 4, 5),

i(hhmmss, 0, 1), i(hhmmss, 2, 3), i(hhmmss, 4, 5));

int idx = Collections.binarySearch(this,

new Key(i(msisdn),

(int)(cal.getTimeInMillis() / 1000)));

if (idx < 0) {

return null;


return get(idx);


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