
Sabrina Y. Amberlyn How did I meet my true love? Well, I meet him through an evil curse and an epic battle. Once upon a time in the Medieval time lived a soon to be princess named Amberlyn. Her mother died a few days after birth and her father died when she was twelve due to a tragic horse accident. However, before he died he had gotten remarried to an evil lady named Ursula. She was about five foot five with long black hair and pale white skin. Ursula wore acrylics with dark colored poufy dresses and high heels wherever she went. “Honey, I promise I’ll be back” Amberlyn’s father whispered as he was tucking her into bed one night. “I just need to get Ursula her medication for her bronchitis” he said. But she never expected him to come back that fitful, bitter cold night dead and unable to be with Amberlyn physically.

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Post on 14-May-2015




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Page 1: Amberlyn

Sabrina Y.


How did I meet my true love? Well, I meet him through an evil curse and an epic battle.

Once upon a time in the Medieval time lived a soon to be princess named Amberlyn. Her mother

died a few days after birth and her father died when she was twelve due to a tragic horse

accident. However, before he died he had gotten remarried to an evil lady named Ursula. She

was about five foot five with long black hair and pale white skin. Ursula wore acrylics with dark

colored poufy dresses and high heels wherever she went.

“Honey, I promise I’ll be back” Amberlyn’s father whispered as he was tucking her into

bed one night.

“I just need to get Ursula her medication for her bronchitis” he said. But she never

expected him to come back that fitful, bitter cold night dead and unable to be with Amberlyn


Life was never the same, Ursula and her two wretched children Eric and Anastasia

always pushed her around. They were twins and just turned fifteen a week ago. Eric had blonde

hair, green eyes, and white tan skin kind of a golden color, his usual outfit was jeans and a tee

shirt. Anastasia had long brown hair down to her waist and pale white skin only a litter darker

than Ursula’s, she also had brown, hazel eyes that reminded the family of a forest. Amberlyn was

more like a maid than a child and when she thought of that tears would fill her eyes.

Page 2: Amberlyn

Anastasia would always take her jewelry, clothes, and everything else Amberlyn owned.

Eric on the other hand, would have Amberlyn clean everything he messed up, fix everything he

broke, and even do all his schoolwork for him. This went on for years and she just couldn’t take

it anymore! Ursula however was the absolute worst. She would make Amberlyn cook all of the

snacks and meals, clean the house until spotless, do all her taxes and expenses, and tailor any

clothes that needed it. The worst part for Amberlyn was that Ursula would read Eric and

Anastasia bedtime stories but not Amberlyn so she would fairly often cry herself to sleep.

Amberlyn was tired, worn out, and got completely fed up with the way she was treated so

she tried to tell them she wouldn’t put up with it any longer and run away. What she didn’t know

was when Ursula was twenty-three she was cast a spell by an evil which at the swamp fifty-

seven miles away called Lake Errie of Spells. From then on Ursula had been a witch and will

stay a witch forever. So Ursula shut the door, built a tower, and cast a spell on Amberlyn. The

spell was Amberlyn was to stay in that tower and talk to no one from the outside world. She

spent three years in that lonely stone tower all by herself brushing her pale golden hair, taking

baths, drawing and sleeping. She would often fantasize about her prince charming finally coming

to rescue her. She barely got any food, only what Ursula would have her children bring up to


Then one evening as Amberlyn was drawing what she dreamed her prince would look

like she heard a man’s voice coming from outside her window.

“Hello, up there!” He said “Can you hear me?” Since Amberlyn couldn’t talk she had no

actual way to communicate. So Amberlyn stuck her head as exaggerated as she can so he can see

Page 3: Amberlyn

her emotion. Prince William announced he had trekked through deserts and mountains to get to

her. She was joyous and full of excitement, she had found her true love and he looked exactly

how she dreamed. After three years he’s finally here to rescue her. Just as Prince William was

going to cast a spell to get up to Amberlyn, Ursula came out with Eric and Anastasia.

Prince William asked Ursula “Why must you stop me from my one true love, the one I’ve

been waiting to find?”

“Before you can get to Amberlyn you must get through me!” Ursula Said.

“What must I do then?” Said Prince William

“You and I shall have a spell battle!” Ursula screamed.

So Prince William, trying to get ready and to return Amberlyn, his true love to her right

place in the castle, casted a spell of frog’s breath on Ursula. Then Ursula casted warts on his face

back! He quickly remembered his father taught him a spell where he could lock up Ursula in a

locket then he would throw the locket into the ocean far away.

“You take my love which I shall not allow, now you must pay so rue the day!” Said

Prince William as loud as he possibly could. Then a silver locket in the shape of a heart appears

and sucks Ursula away for good.

Page 4: Amberlyn

Prince William then gave himself balloons that say “I love you” and floated up to

Amberlyn. Without any words needed he kissed her and the spell was broken. They had a big

white wedding with all their friends and family they had made in Amberlyn’s new life as a


Although as for Eric and Anastasia, they ran countries away to an orphanage that they

had heard of during a school project. They tried to find the love of their lives and ended up

lonely because of how they had treated Amberlyn all throughout their lifetime.