amna aldhaheri h00020067 chatter

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  • 8/2/2019 Amna Aldhaheri h00020067 Chatter


    Dubai Higher Colleges of Technology

    Bachelor Program Business Information Technology

    Technology Research

    Prepared by: Amna Saleh Al Dhaheri

    ID: H00020067

    Email: [email protected]

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    TTaabbllee ooffCCoonntteenntt

    Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3

    Chatter Enterprise Collaboration .................................................................................................................. 4

    Cost/Benefit Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 6

    Problems & Disadvantages ........................................................................................................................... 8

    Domain of Use ............................................................................................................................................... 9

    Impact of Technology on Organization, Individual ..................................................................................... 10

    Future Development ................................................................................................................................... 11

    Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 13References .................................................................................................................................................. 14

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    This report is written for the course ITEC N453 IT Practices. The report purpose is to write

    about a new technology that can be used in organizations. The salesforce chatter is selected

    because of several reasons.

    1) I found this technology is interesting and I believe its features will make a hugedifference in the organization

    2) This technology is so reliable and secured which will be perfect for the organizations3) Having such social tools in and platforms for free, it will

    make it be used in thousands of organizations

    4) Social networking became a part of almost every person so it will not be difficult forthe employees to figure out how to use such tools

    5) Chatter is a new era of social CRM6) It keeps employees to stay connected with coworkers, deals, projects and more

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    Chatter innovated a new world of collaboration for organizations in a secured environment.

    It helps the employees and the senior management to be always up to date about the

    important projects and deals so it can be easily make efficient decisions.

    With chatter, the collaboration will be much easier and faster. With real time feeds and

    updates on people, groups and documents, it will assist the organization to win more

    business, satisfy the customers and make better decisions.

    Chatter Features:



    The profiles information helps the employees to know each other better. It also makes

    them expanding their networks with experts and others which will increase productivity



    Status Updates

    Updating statuses will inform others and Keep them up to date in what your current

    tasks are and to share the important news. Add to that, it will decrease the effort

    duplication and will prevent from the unneeded email traffic[1].



    Employees can create groups to have better performances. In these groups, they can

    share information with the teammates, working together on the same documents, and

    also to collaborate on main tasks [1].

    Salesforce implemented a Groups tool for users. This allows users to create public or

    private groups for sharing information and to communicate about projects[8]

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    Document Sharing

    Work together on documents and they are easily found and searched after months or

    years later on in a secured way [1].


    App Updates

    If you already registered to and platforms, they can be

    integrated with them which will enhance it and make it more productive[1].



    The employee can monitor people, groups, documents and application data which are

    very essential for the employee in one place [1].


    Security and Sharing Model

    The specific employees can share the information and the confidential information can

    be shared privately and safe [1].



    It brings approaches from Facebook and Twitter so the employee can monitor his all

    communities in one place [1].



    With so many activities on the chatter, some analytics are needed. The chatter

    analytics can generate real time reports about user adoption and how to develop the

    collaboration [1].

    10Mobile and desktopThe chatter will also be available with usable interface in several devices such as

    blackberry, iPhone, iPad and Android[1].

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    1 Chatter will be immediately available for free for the users of and platforms which consist of more than 160,000 applications [8]

    2The employee can follow other coworkers up-to-date activities, group events, updated

    documents and other important feeds for the employee duty[2]


    It will be much easier for the sales managers and other departments managers to

    monitor the employees performance, concern on the important deals and prevent the

    firm from potential dangers[3]

    4Chatter provides security and privacy which will be convenient for the firms and make

    it trustworthy[3]


    Chatter is much convenient for the employees who used previously emails or instant

    messenger. This means that, chatter is easier than emails to collaborate and the

    conversations will be saved and retrieved which will be better than IM [6]

    6It will enable users to keep in touch when they are not in offices using the chatter app

    on the mobile phones [5]such as BlackBerry, iPad, iPhone, iPod and others [9]

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    7From the technical point, the developers can retrieve data from any native application

    they use into the chatter feeds[7]

    8Developers can also build new apps or extensions that depend on the chatter app

    which can be used on their firms or to sell them to other customers[8]


    Making the chatter integrated with the existing systems (salesforce and force

    platforms) will make it easy for the end users to accept it better than providing it as a

    new service or product[8]

    10Chatter is free for all and platforms users. However, a

    standalone chatter only license is available for $15 per user monthly[2]

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    The chatter is limited to some formats such as pdf documents, spreadsheets and

    presentations that can be shared in the system. This means that other multimedia

    formats are not available yet [7]

    2Chatter can also filter the Facebook and twitter feeds which might be destructing

    for the coworkers and wasting time for the company[7]


    The chatter mobile is not released yet and will be released in late 2010. It will also

    be available for the Android devices in the first half of 2011[9]

    4There is no link between the Mobile CRM which is used for the salesforce and force

    platforms with the chatter mobile application yet [10]

    5Too many feeds, services activities, customers and workers updates might be for

    some employees so confusing [10]

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    Chatter can be used in any firm which needs to be interacted with the customers, clients

    and sales. As mentioned previously, the chatter is also provided for the users of the

    salesforce and force platforms.

    There are different industries which will be able to interact using the chatter. Below it can be

    seen the industries and some organizations that can use chatters from each industry [11].

    Industry Organizations

    Business Services AlliedBarton Security Services, Anoit, Barcom,

    Business in the Community, Cambridge


    Communications & Media AAPT, ADTRAN, ASCAP, Bella Pictures,, Associated Newspapers Ltd

    Distribution & Retail Boots, Cosine, Distrilogie, Neff Rental, Ryder

    Energy & Chemicals Ashland, SunEdison

    Financial Services BOK Financial Corporation, CPP, CoreLogic

    Credco, Daiwa Securities, E*TRADE FINANCIAL

    Healthcare Care Rehab, Dako, Astra Tech, Jobscience

    Hi-Tech Hardware EFI, Analog Devices, Dell, Captor, Barco

    Hi-Tech Software & Service Acceleration, Arieso, Astaro, Borland, BakBone

    Insurance Allianz Commercial, American Home Shield, Aon,

    Standard Life, Phoenix Companies

    Manufacturing Alava Ingenieros, Carglass, JLG, Kerry

    Ingredients and Flavours

    Travel & Transportation American Medical Response, Egencia, an Expedia

    Inc. Company, Greyhound Canada, Hotwire

    Pharmaceuticals & Life Science FFF Enterprises, Innovex, PerkinElmer, Solvay,

    Sanofi Pasteur MSD

    Nonprofit, Education, & Public Sector Arlington Economic Development, Chicago

    Housing Authority, Freeplay Foundation

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    Increasing the Power of Connections:

    Using chatter makes the connections more collaborative and efficient. If one employee

    has a problem and updates his status about that, many employees can resolve the

    problem for him in the real-time [12].


    Ability to Track Deals Instantly:

    For those interested employees can follow deals status on chatter. In hence, when a

    deal is updated or closed, they can know instantly. [12]


    Figure Out Competitors' Weaknesses:

    Using such applications, it will help the employees to perform better than other

    competitors and discover their weaknesses so they have a chance to provide unique

    and different products and services with high quality. [12]


    Allocating Content for Customer Meetings:

    Sales reps can distribute presentations before meetings so they can get faster

    feedback from the customers and exploit time as a result of non-limited file size.

    Furthermore, it will help them to collect data to refine their products and services

    which make them better and stronger in the field. [12]


    Engage Executives with Everyone:

    Senior management can follow and interact with the middle management and other

    employees in real time. For example, the manger can get the answer for his sales

    queries even if the employee is not in the office or waiting till the sales meetings. [12]


    Integration with CRM:Making each deal has its own chatter feed, it increases the collaboration and customer

    communications. It is stated that chatter increased 25% in collaboration, 10% in

    productivity and reduced about 15 20% email communications. [12]

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    Explore Hidden Connection

    If any employee needs to connect with other organizations to make deals, he can ask in a status

    and others might help them to find correct people to ask. This means that the deals are likely to

    succeed due to the recommendations and friends connections.[2]


    Tighten the Coworkers' Connections

    Employees can work better and know each other which make the work environment more positive

    with good morale. In addition, it will make new connections with coworkers which tighten the

    work relationships.[3]


    A Way for the New Employees to Get Involved

    It the best way for them to know more about other employees and their skills and duties. For

    other employees, they can know about the new employees and their skills.


    Employees' Better Performances

    When the employee can get all information he needs organized and updated, his performance will

    get noticeably better and can finish more tasks than before.[3]


    A Way for the Developers to Build more Efficient Apps

    Developers can create more apps that are depended on the chatter features and the new

    applications can be followed from the chatter and their updates can appear in the home feeds

    which make it easy for the interested employees.[7]


    Mobiles Apps Make a Difference

    With mobiles applications, the employees are more connected than before, and there is no needto be in the office or using the desktop application to stay tuned. In hence, this will make them

    more collaborated and active.[5]

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    Chatter 2 has been released last month which added several new social features to the

    chatter. The new features are elaborated below.


    First of all it includes filters which the user can filter their feeds by people, groups

    and other records to find related posts. Chatters Topics will allow the employees to

    link their feeds with other posts and comments which are about the same topic by

    using the hashtag character (#).[13]


    Chatter recommendations give the employees suggestions to add coworkers and

    join groups. It uses criteria for these recommendations entail mutual connections,

    followers' numbers and management hierarchy. As for the groups, it depends on

    the popularity and if it is related to the job title. [13]


    With chatter search feature, employees are able to search across all chatter feeds,

    profiles and updates. In addition, the employees can receive a daily or weekly email

    of the latest posts from the feeds and the groups'. [13]


    Chatter is also available by using Adobe AIR desktop application which has the

    same functionality of a web application. The advantage of this is to be notified

    instantly in a pop-up alerts in a side on the screen. [13]


    Admins can also create analytics reports and dashboards on chatter across the

    employees and their followers, feeds, comments, groups, members and their

    comments. Employees can also share and store multiple types of media using the

    chatter file app. Add to that, employees can follow and receive reports and their

    updates on their home feeds. [13]


    Dashboard chatter enables employees to get more information about sales and

    close rates in real-time. Employees will also be able to track on calendar and

    meetings agendas. [13]

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    To sum up, I believe the salesforce chatter will change the meaning of the enterprise and

    will make the CRM social and will increase the collaboration. I believe chatter is very curial

    for big organizations because it will increase the productivity and efficiency. Add to that, this

    will affect their products and services to make them better and different.

    Using chatter leads them to make better deals and keep the interested followers updated in

    real-time. From my point of view, chatter will be adopted by end users because they are

    likely used to it due to social networking such as Facebook and Twitter.

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    [1] Salesforce Chatter.salesforce. N.p., n.d. Web.20 Nov.


    [2] Kanaracus, releases Chatter social collaboration.infoworld. N.p.,

    n.d. Web.21 Nov. 2010..

    [3] Salesforce Chatter The True Benefits.shamrockcrm. N.p., n.d. Web.22 Nov.


    [4] Bradley, Tony.Salesforce.Com Chatter is Social Media with a Business Twist.cio. N.p.,

    n.d. Web.22 Nov.


    [5] Herrick, Chloe.Salesforce launches Chatter Mobile as social media grows in

    enterprise.techworld. N.p., n.d. Web.21 Nov.


    [6] Breikss, Chris.Salesforce Chatter Spells the Death of the Intra.6smarketing. N.p., n.d.

    Web.25 Nov. 2010..

    [7] Garber, Adrienne.EdLab Review- Chatter.edlab. N.p., n.d. Web.25 Nov.


    [8] Warren, Christina.Salesforce Chatter Now Available to the Public.mashable. N.p., n.d.

    Web.24 Nov. 2010..

    [9] Shread, Chatter Goes Mobile.ecrmguide. N.p., n.d. Web.23 Nov.


    [10] Henschen, Doug.Facebook Wannabe Intros Chatter

    Mobile .informationweek. N.p., n.d. Web.24 Nov.


    [11]Success Stories.salesforce. N.p., n.d. Web.22 Nov.


    [12] Shread, Paul.Six Ways That Uses Chatter.ecrmguide. N.p., n.d.

    Web.22 Nov. 2010..
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    [13] Rao, Leena.Salesforce Debuts Chatter 2; Adds Filters, Hashtags, Desktop App, Search

    And More.techcrunchit. N.p., n.d. Web.22 Nov.
