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    Training Manual

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    Lets kick this thing off with a flashback:

    February, 1992 - Rochester, New York

    Im a stressed-out mess as I tear down an ice and snow-covered road, barely making the

    corners in my junky little car. The previous day, my beautiful girlfriend, with whom I had

    somehow managed to stumble into a relationship, told me that she needed space.

    So I waited an entire hour before calling her.

    She repeated to me again that she needed space. Ok, fine, so I wait an excruciating 24hours

    before getting the brilliant idea to surprise her with breakfast.

    Im so desperate to see her that Im driving wayover the speed limit on icy winter roads in

    upstate New York (even snowplows go easy on these roads). Uh oh, here comes a sharp curve in

    the road.and there it goes my brakes are useless and I continue at 40 mph over the curb,

    across the sidewalk and right through an old-fashioned log fence in someones front yard.

    No time to fix it. Gotta see my baby.

    I desperately slam the car into reverse, pull out of the yard, back over the sidewalk, and

    continue my way down the street, dragging a good portion of the fence another half mile. My

    girlfriend isnt home, shes at work. I throw breakfast in her fridge; throw the fence in her side

    yard, and head to a local store to buy her some stuff.

    Girls love gifts. Right?

    I show up at her work bearing gifts and she dumps me (if youre surprised that she dumped

    me, then its a good thing youre reading this).

    For years, I just didnt get it. But what I did get was that I never wanted anything like that to

    happen again.

    After college, I discovered tools to meet women through linguistic and hypnosis-based

    seduction. It was groundbreaking for me, and at the time there was nothing else like it. And

    even though I got some results, the one woman I really fell for said that her feminine intuition

    told her that I just wasnt being real with her.

    And while I didnt quite get that either, I also never forgot it.

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    I then discovered several pickup schools that taught me about body language and social dynamics. I was

    blown away, and my game improved so much that I spent over a year as a senior instructor for one of

    the most successful pickup companies in the world.

    And while the results in my life were amazing, I still felt like there was something really missing for me. Icould move, speak, touch, and play in all the right ways but my interactions with women still werent

    fulfilling. Not in the way I knew they could be.

    I left my prestigious position and went off on my own to find something that would fulfill me from the

    inside out. It took me a few months, but my search eventually led me to the Authentic Man Program.

    I began this journey simply because I wanted to be ME, at my best, and have amazing women drawn to

    me for that alone. Along the way, I found an endless number of skills that I thought I needed to learn in

    order to get that result. A lot of guys have the perception that they need more skills, more tools, more

    lines, more outer game. And while tools have their benefits, they often end up creating more layers of

    separation between us and what we really want - unless we have our attention on Inner Game as well.

    Since I have been involved in this work, I have had more beautiful, amazing, deep, sexy, and exciting

    experiences with incredible women than ever before in my life. The best part, though, is that I feel

    more solid, complete, and fulfilled as a man than I ever have.

    The results of this work go far beyond improved relations with women. While I know that I will be

    growing and learning for the rest of my life, I am grateful for this work and even cringe a bit to think of

    where my relationships, life, and sense of self might be if I had remained focused solely on my outer


    It is my intention that this material will give you a huge insight into what is possible for you.

    Garrison Cohen

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    Weve designed this DVD and workbook to give you the deepest possible insight into your Inner Game.

    To get the most out of this program, I highly recommend that you use this workbook as a supplement to

    each chapter on the DVD. That way, youll get an in-depth recap of what you just experienced, plus

    important questions to guide you deeper into your own Inner Game.

    This workbook is made up of a loose transcription from the Foundations of Inner Game Seminar, images

    from the DVDs, new information, questions for you to answer, and a deeper look at the distinctions we

    have shared with you.

    If you really want to get a lot from this, I recommend that you:

    1. Watch a chapter on DVD2. Read the chapter in the workbook3. Watch the chapter on DVD again

    If you are still waiting for your DVDs to arrive in the mail, you will benefit by reading the training manual


    This workbook will help you integrate some very deep concepts into your way of thinking, and I

    guarantee it will help you to pick up things that you missed the first time around. There is a section at

    the end of each chapter and at the back of this workbook where you can take notes if you wish. There is

    also a glossary of terms that you may not be familiar with at the back of the workbook, and the first

    time each term is used it is marked with an asterisk (*).

    Please understand that reading this training manual without the DVDs will be an incomplete experience.

    If you have received this training manual through means other than a direct purchase of the DVDs, then

    I highly recommend that you make the investment in the DVDs. It will be a very limited learning

    experience for you without them.

    With that said - lets get this party started!

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    Lets start with a recap of the context that Decker and I provided for what youre about to experience.

    Garrison: Like a lot of guys, I have felt a great desire in my life to have choice -

    especially when it comes to women. Over the past several years I have searched

    and found a lot of different schools that say, We can teach you how to have

    choice when it comes to women. A lot of these teachers and schools teach

    almost exclusively whats called outer game basically, the words, the touch,

    the movements, the entire outer experience.

    Whatvery few men know, andeven fewer can teach is the inner experience the Inner Game. What

    its really about is having an understanding of yourself, the woman, the world around you, and the

    interaction thats taking place.

    But even rarer than that is to be able to find a way to not only understand it and embrace it, but make

    use of it in your life. Now in just a moment Im going to introduce you to Decker Cunov and Bryan Bayer.

    In my mind, these men are pioneers. Its rare to find teachers who can actually create distinctions of

    Inner Game such that men have access to an entirely new understanding of themselves in their lives and

    whats truly possible in their relationships with women.

    What I find that is even more profound is that through the distinctions that youre about to learn, youll

    actually start to see and feel and experience a freedom in your body, a freedom in your mind, and a

    freedom in your spirit such that you can walk into a room and have a woman feel you, even before she

    sees you.

    Decker: The possibility of being able to create attraction with a woman

    instantly, where she feels really seen and connected with you in a profound

    way, AND it feels light, playful, adventurous, natural, and easy , where

    theres not a lot of work

    That possibility of consistently having an interaction with a woman where

    shes so struck by you that shes left thinking, This guy is the real thing. I dont care where this is going,

    I dont know where this might go, AND Ive got to know him. Ive got to spend more time with him.

    Thats something that its been said - cant be taught. What were finding is that it can be taught. In

    fact, what were finding is that any experience a human can have isteachable if you can break it down

    into small enough components of what is actually going on.

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    If you try to rehearse and practice every possible (outer game) scenario in every environment with

    every different type of woman, youre talking about a lot of work. And we hear a lot from men who

    have tried this that there is some benefit to practicing some of the basic skills. Its kind of like in

    basketball when you practice your free throws or your crossovers.

    But if those outer game fundamentals are all you have, it still wont be that rewarding for you. And

    often, there may not seem to be anything thats off, because you went by the book, and yet it still just

    doesnt have that *POP* where shes dropping everything to make sure she can see you again.

    If youre willing to take a look at the Inner Game fundamentals of whats going on in those instances

    where it just felt ON and connected and turned on, youll start to have phenomenal transformation in

    whats possible for you in your interactions.

    What does it mean when we say: Having her feel really seen?

    This is a term that relates to when a man is really Present with a woman. He may notice that shes

    uncomfortable or just made a funny expression or is tapping her foot, and he will choose to comment on


    A woman may say a particular thing that most men would miss, but if a man is being really Present with

    her hell catch it and comment on it. When this happens, a woman feels as ifthe man is really getting

    what is going on for her in the moment.

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    Decker and Bryan talk about where they both started with women and where they are now.

    Some of you may feel pretty far along the path, and some of you may feel that youre not so far from

    where you started. Either way, thats ok. Just like when you go to the gym, there will be people at every

    level of developing themselves. Where you are along the journey is irrelevant. What matters most is

    that youre in the gym.

    Its important to get a sense of where you are on the map. This way you can see where youve been,

    where you are, and where you want to be. Doing the following exercise is incredibly valuable because it

    will highlight some of the recurring themes and patterns in how you relate with women.

    Exercise: Write a brief history of your relationships with women in the space below and then review

    what you have written. Notice any recurring patterns, or any ways that your relating with women is

    consistently falling short of what you would like it to be.

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    OUTER GAME Inner and outer game: there are lots of great analogies to

    explain these two aspects of ourselves, but we think

    that the image of the Celtic tree really nails it. The

    Celtic tree is an ancient symbol of wholeness that we

    use here to illustrate the relationship between who we

    are (Inner Game) and how we show up*(outer game).

    A big mistake that most guys make is that they focus

    entirely on the exterior element of the tree: the

    leaves. Think of the leaves as comparable to how we

    show up in our social interactions.


    In the world of nature, the health of the leaves (how we show up) is directly determined by the health of

    the roots (who we are). People who have studied trees can look at the leaves of a tree and tell you the

    health of the roots. In the same way, youll quickly learn that women are so sensitive and keenly aware

    that all they have to do is take a quick glance at your leaves (how you show up) to know the health of

    your roots (who you are).

    Every once in a while a woman will observe how a man shows up and feel really turned on because shecan feel how deep and healthy his roots are. That is why the information youre about to learn is so


    You Cant Hide Your Roots With Outer Game

    A lot of guys are studying the art of pickup* these days. Its a great thing that men are taking such an

    interest in learning how to interact with people at a high level of social play. But if those pickup/outer

    game skills arent connected to a solid foundation of inner game, those men will never create

    relationships as wild, sexy, and fulfilling as they can truly be.

    Even if your outer game is masterful, its only a matter of time before any woman wil l see who you are

    at the roots. You cant hide it and you cant fake it. And the more radiant* the woman is, the faster shewill see right down to the base of it; often instantly.

    In our society, were taught to put almost all of our attention on our outer game. We are constantly

    bombarded with commercials, movies, music videos, magazines, music, fashion, billboards and an

    endless stream of makeup-covered, photographically- and digitally-

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    enhanced media that is constantly showing us what looking good is all about. And to make things even

    more complicated for men, that very same media also shows women swoon as a truly authentic man

    approaches them. Its rather confusing.

    Our generation has been told that if we get everything just right on the outside, then well feel good on

    the inside. Yet a lot of men who have been working really hard to get it right feel hollow andincomplete; they have a sense that something is still missing for them. For a lot of other men, the

    concept of studying outer game feels contrived, fake, and totally inauthentic.

    Inner Game is based on your mindset, your values, your identity, who you know yourself to be, and your

    belief structures. It is only from this place that the leaves of your outer game can naturally flourish.

    You Cant Replicate Someone Elses Inner Game Breakthrough

    In large part, the world of pickup is based on studying the qualities of the alpha male and the natural

    (a man who has a lot of success with women seemingly with no effort at all). It is impressive to see how

    the study of these outer qualities has been broken down into almost a science. The inherent flaw in this

    system is that it is only the surface qualities that are being simulated, not the inner experience of the

    alpha male or natural. What often happens is that men will replicate these outer game qualities without

    the inner game foundations, which is the lifeblood of the entire interaction.

    Even if you did manage to replicate the inner experience of the alpha male or the natural, would it work

    for you? No. Why? Because your inner experience is completely different from his inner experience or

    my inner experience! You may have parts of your inner life handled that they dont have handled. And

    they may have had inner game breakthroughs that arent a big deal to you.

    Unlike the technical breakdown of outer game that can be taught like a cooking class to thousands at a

    time, true Inner Game work is intensely personal and cannot be mass replicated.

    What we are going to do is give you the concepts, experiences, questions, and insights that can bringyou into your own inner game breakthroughs. What will give you your personal breakthrough is

    completely unique to you.

    From one perspective this could be seen as bad news. Sorry, no conveyor belt classroom experience for

    you. From another perspective, however, this is exceptionally good news.

    When you really think about it, this is the only way it CAN work. When your personal and unique

    essence can boldly, authentically and playfully interact with the rest of the world, it is an inspiring thing

    to witness for everybody. Especially women.

    Doing Vs. Being Years ago, when Decker and Bryan were experimenting with the

    distinctions of Inner Game, Bryan would try to figure out what Decker

    said or did that would have women respond to him with such welcome

    and attraction. They both started to realize that it actually had nothing

    to do with what Decker was saying at all.

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    It had nothing to do with what he was doing and everything to do with how he was being. In fact, some

    of the words that came out of Deckers mouth would cause even the most studied pickup artist* to say

    WTF?! And yet, the women he approached would completely open to him.

    Thats why studying your outer game before studying your Inner Game is just a boatload of work. It can

    seem more tempting because its easier than looking deeply inside who you are and really

    understanding yourself. Yet the results of real Inner Game are absolutely incomparable.

    There Is No Cookie Cutter Mold To Fit Yourself Into

    Believe it or not, whatever your true expression of yourself is, you can be that way and have women be

    really interested in you. As a matter of fact, that is the only way to create the deepest level of authentic

    attraction with a woman. By deeply connecting with your own personal, unique Inner Game, you can be

    a totally animated guy or the type of guy who doesnt say much at all and still have women feel instantly

    drawn to you.

    So before we go any further: How will you get the most value from this product?

    1. Bring yourself fully. Answer the questions truthfully, do the exercises, and take on theassignments.

    2. Dont wait for the good stuff you can experience a breakthrough in your understanding at anymoment. As you watch and read, keep listening for how the material applies to you.

    How we show up: This means how we act, but in a bigger way. In its simplest form, how we show up is

    how other people experience us. Think about other people in your own life. Some people may show up

    as somewhat contrived, or solid, or subtly defensive, or super friendly, or needy, or welcoming. Most

    people are totally unaware of how they show up.

    How we show up is not something that we can see ourselves. It is only other people who can tell us orreflect back to us how we show up. We need other people to objectively share with us how we show

    up in order to get an accurate understanding of how the world experiences us. When it comes to being

    able to see our true selves, the only REAL mirror is other people.

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    If you didnt do the exercise in this DVD chapter, go back and try it with a friend or do it on your own.

    Exercise: If youre alone, go look in the mirror, connect with your own eyes, and give yourselfa few

    good smacks on the chest. Notice how you become more focused, awake and aware. Its better with a

    buddy. However, youre starting to learn to be your own best buddy, so doing this alone is fine too.

    Why is this important? There is a powerful grounding* experience that men have when they are in

    their bodies*.

    When we hit each other (in a supportive way) we are sending a signal

    to a very primal part of the brain that says , Wake up! Pay attention!

    Become aware of yourselfand your environment right now! It causes

    a warrior-like energy inside of us to rise to the surface of our Presence.

    You can see how alive the men in this picture are becoming just fromthis simple exercise.

    Women can feel that energy and they are drawn to it because they instinctively feel safer with men

    who are more Present in their bodies.

    Let yourself be saturated by other men who are proactive about having the life they want.

    Decker spoke earlier about how his Inner Game breakthrough was due in part to the solid relationships

    he had with other men. The quality of men that we have around us directly impacts the quality of

    relationships we have with women.

    This is not a hard and fast rule. However, if youre hanging out with men who are committed to having

    the best possible relationships with women that they can have, it is inevitable that this will show up in

    your life. If youre hanging out with guys who are fearful, defensive, and resigned about women, then

    those qualities will show up in your life. If the latter is true for you, it doesnt mean you have to leave

    your friends (although you may want to if you feel theyre holding you back).

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    The three greatest mysteries:

    A fish unto water

    A bird unto air

    A man unto himself

    A phrase we say a lot at AMP is, Thatsthe water youre swimming in.Imagine youre a fish in water.

    If a fish doesnt even know it is swimming in water, how could it describe what it means to be wet?

    I know it might be a little daunting to absorb this concept at first. Youre doing fine, just keep reading.

    When you start to really get this concept, youll begin to see how new things are possible in your lifethat you may have never considered.

    We all have parts of our lives guided by unconscious beliefs and behaviors - that is the water that we

    swim in. Like the fish in water analogy, we dont notice those beliefs and behaviors because were so

    used to them. It is just like how we dont notice the hum of the refrigerator even though its always


    We are often so immersed in our own experience that we cant really s ee it.

    We just assume that this is the way the world is, and accept it that way. If you

    ever wondered why people just cant see eye to eye with each other, its

    because most people think their view of the world is the way it is for everyone


    Its only in the moment that we realize weve been swimming in perceptions

    and beliefs about ourselves and the world around us that arent necessarily

    true. And its only in that moment that we have choice around staying that

    way or evolving.

    And until that time, whatever youre not aware of will run your life.

    A few examples of how this phenomenon shows up in your life can be the times when you hold back,

    protect yourself, or try to prove something to others. This is also what kills attraction with women in

    some very subtle and not-so-subtle ways. And all the while, you may be completely unaware of these

    things happening.

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