© 2011 theidlgroup welcome workshop on integrating social protection, drr and cca uneca, addis...

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© 2011 theIDLgroup

WelcomeWorkshop on integrating Social

Protection, DRR and CCA

UNECA, Addis Ababa

14th – 17th March 2011

© 2011 theIDLgroup

Introduction to the workshop

Workshop on integrating Social Protection, DRR and CCA

UNECA, Addis Ababa

14th – 17th March 2011

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

This presentationWhy the workshop is taking place

Workshop objective and products

Workshop process

Working groups


Workshop rules

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Why this workshop?SP, DRR and CCA closely related – managing risk

Not well integrated at a practical level – numerous barriers

But many positive global experiences

This workshop an opportunity to share, catalogue and analyse these experiences …

… to improve policy and practice

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Workshop objectiveTo enhance understanding of policymakers and practitioners on how social protection can be used for climate risk management in developing countries that empowers the poor to build resilient communities and livelihoods

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Workshop objectiveTo enhance understanding of policymakers and practitioners on how social protection can be used for climate risk management in developing countries that empowers the poor to build resilient communities and livelihoods

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Workshop productsIncreased awareness on connections between SP, DRR and CCA, and potential synergies

Improved understanding of constraints and challenges currently faced

Identification of potential solutions and lessons

Connections between workshop participants

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Beyond the workshopBeginning of a community of practice to take forward, share and learn lessons on the workshop theme

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Workshop processThis afternoon:

Game of forecasts and actions

Introduction to groupwork

Groupwork to identify agendas to discuss on Wednesday, and plenary feedback

Introduction to field visits


Field visits to investigate ideas

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Workshop process, 2Wednesday:

Groupwork all day, analysing challenges, experiences and lessons for 4 themes


Feedback and discussion of groupwork

Panels to discuss emerging ideas


© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Four Groupwork themes1. Creating an enabling environment for

cross-sectoral implementation

2. Improving decision-making and facilitating knowledge exchange and learning

3. Planning, implementing and evaluating in the context of uncertainty

4. Improving targeting and delivery

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Don’t forget!Today 17.15

Workshop photograph, here

Today 17.30 – 19.00

Cocktail reception, here

Wednesday 19.00 – 22.00

Conference dinner, Sheraton

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

LogisticsTea/coffee breaks, lunch


Transfers from/to hotels

Groups and Field trips – sign up

Online survey

Others: please see Sue

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Some rules …Mobiles


Please read information packs to enhance your engagement

No switching groups midway please

Brief contributions – leave space for others

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Thank you

© 2011 theIDLgroup

Introduction to groupwork

Workshop on integrating Social Protection, DRR and CCA

UNECA, Addis Ababa

14th – 17th March 2011

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

The planWe will work in groups this afternoon

And again all day Wednesday

Present back to plenary on Thursday morning .. and a bit this afternoon

This session introduces the groupwork

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Four Groupwork themes1. Creating an enabling environment for

cross-sectoral implementation

2. Improving decision-making and facilitating knowledge exchange and learning

3. Planning, implementing and evaluating in the context of uncertainty

4. Improving targeting and delivery

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

FacilitatorsGroup 1: Pablo Suarez

Group 2: Cynthia Burton

Group 3: Simon Anderson

Group 4: Stephen Devereux*

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Introduction to each theme

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Groupwork processGuidance sheet provided Outlines key questions and product

Groups will decide their own process

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Key groupwork questionsWhat are the challenges in this theme?

What experiences do we have that did or might work?

What lessons can we derive on how to do it better?

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Group membershipNames by group slides here

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Group locations1. Enabling environment – Pablo

Outside, turn right

2. Learning and decision-making – Cynthia Outside, turn left

3. Planning, implementing, evaluating with uncertainty – Simon Here, left side / ILO room

4. Targeting and delivery – Stephen/Steve Here, right side

© 2011 theIDLgroupwww.theIDLgroup.com

Good luck … let’s go!

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