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Μια πρωτότυπη και ιδανική αίθουσα διδασκαλίας για το Καλλιτεχνικό Σχολείο Αμπελοκήπων στην Θεσσαλονίκη.


Θέµα: Thank you note.

Από: Architecture for Humanity <challenge@architectureforhumanity.org>

Ηµεροµηνία: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 13:25:50 -0700

Προς: "konzabetas Zabetas" <konzabetas@gmail.com>

Dear Partners,

We at Architecture for Humanity would like to thank you for being a part ofthe 2009 Open Architecture Challenge. You have heard this from us manytimes in the past, but we could not thank you enough for this successfulinitiative. As we sorted out email lists to send this note we realized how bigthis collaboration has been,

1066 entrants, 110 jury members, 55 challenge ambassadors, 50

Chapters, 26 partners and funders across 70 countries

Again thank you for all your support and we look forward to working with youin the future. Perhaps on our next Open Architecture Challenge... Staytuned.


Architecture for Humanity Team

challenge@architectureforhumanity.org • Architecture for Humanity

Thank you note.

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Θέµα: Open Architecture Challenge- Financing and funding for participating schools

Από: AFH challenge <challenge@architectureforhumanity.org>

Ηµεροµηνία: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 12:18:24 -0700

Προς: challenge@architectureforhumanity.org

Dear Challenge Entrants,

We would like to thank you for participating in the 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

and helping make this a big success. We are now preparing for the next steps to take this challenge

forward, with the intention of getting as many of these classrooms built and upgraded.

Architecture for Humanity’s primary role is providing design services, however we identify the need

for procuring funding for upgrading school facilities. We are currently exploring avenues for funding

and financing classroom upgrade projects. This may or may not result in funding for your school, as

we are only beginning to work on identifying possible funding sources and are unable to promise a

definite outcome at the moment. But more information about your school will surely help us in

pursuing potential financial and funding resources more effectively.

We are aware that many of you have participated with School Building partners and do not have a

school partner. But we thought this update regarding the next steps might interest many of you.

Please have the school administrator/representative answer the attached questionnaire. Kindly have

the completed questionnaire emailed to challenge@architectureforhumanity.org with the subject

line ‘School Survey’ by 21st Oct, 09

Please note the surveys must come from school partners to ensure accuracy. Feel free to contact

with any queries that you may have regarding this survey.

Looking forward to your responses.

Thank you,


The Challenge Team


Architecture for Humanity

848 Folsom Street, Suite 201

San Francisco, CA 94107

Telephone: 415 963 3511

Fax: 415 963 3520

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will honor your request pursuant to CoolerEmail's permission-based email terms and conditions. Postal

address: 848, Suite 201 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

Thank you note.

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Θέµα: Reminder - Open Architecture Challenge- Financing and funding for participating schools

Από: AFH challenge <challenge@architectureforhumanity.org>

Ηµεροµηνία: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 11:51:41 -0700

Προς: challenge@architectureforhumanity.org

Dear Participants,

This is just a friendly reminder for those of you have not been able to turn in the school survey that we

had requested for. We got a number of emails for extension on the deadline for submitting survey and we

are happy to do so. We are aware that in a a lot of instances the designers have found it difficult to get in

touch with the school authorities and the given time may have been insufficient.

Please do fill out the survey (attaching again) so that we can create an effective framework in order to

help upgrade as many schools as possible. If you have any queries and concerns please feel free to write

to us. Also, send you responses with the subject line 'School Survey'

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Looking forward to your responses.

Also, thank you to all of you who have sent us the survey, kindly ignore this email.


The Challenge team


Architecture for Humanity

848 Folsom Street, Suite 201

San Francisco, CA 94107

Telephone: 415 963 3511

Fax: 415 963 3520

School Survey.docContent-Type: application/msword

Content-Encoding: base64

Reminder - Open Architecture Challenge- Financing and funding for part...

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Θέµα: Final Reminder - Open Architecture Challenge- Financing and funding for participating schools

Από: AFH challenge <challenge@architectureforhumanity.org>

Ηµεροµηνία: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 12:32:02 -0800

Προς: challenge@architectureforhumanity.org

Dear Participants,

This is just a friendly reminder for those of you have not yet filled out and returned the requested survey.

At this point we have received over thirty survey responses and each one puts us closer to fine-tuning our

proposal! We are excited to hear from those of you who have not yet returned a survey, and we will be

extending the deadline for one additional week to Friday, November 13th.

Please do fill out the survey (attaching again) so that we can create an effective framework in order to

help upgrade as many schools as possible. If you have any queries and concerns please feel free to write

to us. Also, send you responses with the subject line 'School Survey'

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Looking forward to your responses.

Also, thank you to all of you who have sent us the survey, kindly ignore this email.


The Challenge team


Architecture for Humanity

848 Folsom Street, Suite 201

San Francisco, CA 94107

Telephone: 415 963 3511

Fax: 415 963 3520

School Survey.docContent-Type: application/msword

Content-Encoding: base64

Final Reminder - Open Architecture Challenge- Financing and funding f...

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Submitted by konzabetas on Sat, 2009-03-14 14:38.

Created By 4085 on May 30th, 2009 (view larger)




secondary school of fine arts.


The school has been founded recently.

Operated for two years and has only two classes.

In regural operation is expected to have 6 classes.

Is a regular secondary school that has extra art lessons,

divided into groups of dance, painting and theater - cinema.

The students learn mathematic, physics, language and simultaneously

they learn dancing, painting, theatre and making films.

School temporarily housed in another school until its own school building will build up..

The plot exists, already has been bought from the municipality of Ampelokipi and this

moment becomes the debates on the architectural planning of new building.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the concept and part of architectural preliminary

drafts of new building of artistic school.


Firstly the room must be large in relation with the number of students, that good will be it does not exceed

the twenty.

Desks placed circularly and flexibly, in order that the students work sometimes in teams, sometimes opens a

debate, in desks placed in U-shape, sometimes work certain alone, individually, others in teams,

proportionally with the object of teaching and the requirements of circumstance.

At least in one part of the classroom it is good to have a large carpet and big cushions, in order that certain

students, in relaxed disposal, can sit down and write a literary text, work in small teams on a script, process

a project in geography or in the biology, try a dramatization, while the remaining deal with something else.

Generally good is to create corners in the classroom, with parallel pastime of students on different sides of

the same subject ( collaboration of teachers of various items).

Parallel with the central library of the school, it is useful to have bookshelves in classroom, to host favorites

books of childrens, and the favorites cd's and dvd's, which will be parallel useful as starting points in various

instructive objects and in relative projects.

Furthermore, it is necessary an audio system, video, computers and projection screen, Internet connection,

to open a window to the world any time is necessary at the phases of teaching in the frame of


On the other hand there should be a real window to the world, in nature, namely: the class will be supposed

to view with large windows and glass in a green area with trees and flowers.

Stimuli in the multimodal approach of the world should come not only by technical means.

The child will be supposed to hear the real song of bird and inspired a text based on them, to actually see

colors and shapes of flowers and create art.

Even more, good will be the instructive classroom to have its own access to a small garden, to which will be

responsible the children of this class.

Flower-beds with flowers and with vegetables will need their care.

Trees will offer shade and the benches will be mounted in an appropriate manner, in order that lessons could

be outdoor, when the conditions allow it.

Back to indoors: the classroom may, in at least a part of, skylight on the roof, with appropriate treatment, to

allow light to enter the classroom, but to provide heat, other to be aggravating, when the temperature

Overall Rating:


Innovative Materials:

Cost Effectiveness:

Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

Challenge Overview

About the Challenge

School Building Partners

Traveling Exhibition

Conversations between architects and


Stories from participants

Videos of student participation


Press Room





Sponsors & Partners

Teacher & Student Resources

Discussion Forums

School Building Resources

Competition Details

Host: Architecture for Humanity


Type: Public

Registration Deadline: May 4 2009

Submission Deadline: June 1 2009

Entry Fee: $25 USD

Award: If your design wins, your

school will receive up to $50,000 in

funding for classroom construction

and upgrading. You will receiv

Contact: Sandhya

Status: Winners Announced


NAME: flyover classroom

PROJECT LEAD: Kallitechniko

Gymnasio Ampelokipon (secondary

school for painting-dance-theatre-


LOCATION: Thessaloniki, Makethonia,


START DATE: January 28, 2009



COST: $50000 USD (Estimated)

BUILDING TYPE: Education Facility -

Secondary School

ARCHITECT: Konstantinos Zabetas


Orient Global

, Architecture for Humanity


© All Rights Reserved. This work is the

copyright of the author.



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flyover classroomEntered into: 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

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if you give students a library, will bring books from home.

If they have suitable space they will bring a photograph, a printed page from something that moved their

the interest, a painting, a comment.

In this room the children do not seat nailed in hard seats. It is a medieval type torture (seven hours a day

for twelve years) for people full of life and vigor.

A corner that will watch the seasons, the sky, the rain, a corner with fireplace.

I imagine a school with a yard in its center, the nature. Rooms and laboratories built around from the yard in

a big circle with no corners.


A great teacher, Alexandros Delmouzos mentioned in the "secret school": one morning when I went down in

my office, I found certain students to seat around from the fireplace, where fire burned, thus front in the

beautiful fire I opened slowly a conversation, and students began to say their own stories.


In order to make a classroom as ask to us by the school, the teachers and the students, first we separate the

structural and architectural departments that constituting in two categories:

1) funcionality:

The entire classroom is a house with five rooms: the main classroom, the lounge, the garden, the yard and

the facilities.

We place the garden in the ground floor, we place the main classroom of teaching, the lounge and the

facilities in the above floor and the yard is placed in the intermediary.

The plan of this construction can be built with different materials, other for urban areas other for rural areas

and other for a portable version of the building.

The building hangs from a structural system that is independent and for its hanging can be used different

structural systems such as reinforced concrete or metal frame.

As basic unit of dimensioning was used a dimension of 0,6m = 2ft which produces all the other dimensions.

The main classroom is flexible and modifiable.

Its about 14 classrooms in one.

It takes the form of a typical classroom and can also be converted into an amphitheatre.

It can be transferred to the garden for outdoor lessons.

It is mainly litted up with natural lighting by the roof, while it has also a large northern window in the ceiling

for the students to view the sky and the seasons passing by.

Has its own system of natural ventilation and a kneeling system to improve its acoustics performance.

The interior design changes in order that is suitable for each one from the 7 types of courses (performances,

lectures, experiments, projections, debates, computers, workshops) while it has all essential equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

Shaping the change to be appropriate for each of the 7 types of courses, and has all necessary equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

The lounge placed around the rclassoom and has a fireplace, sofas and exhibitions surfaces, with its own

separate ventilation system.

The windows are positioned below the floor to allow students tthat sits down on sofas to watch the yard with

the flowers.

Thus they have the sense that the lounge is in the ground and no in the floor.

There are also eastern windows placed tally, in order the students view the rising of the sun from iside the


The garden has a greenhouse, a vegetable garden and an open area for student's desks.

The natural soil of the land is maintained by avoiding construction to alter it.

Desks go down from the classroom along with the floor, with a lifting mechanism.

The yard is a big circular ramp with very small slope.

Protects students from obesity because it makes them walk.

When they go up they make good in their health and when they go down they have fun.

It has flower-beds with flowers in all its length and a drainage system for the collection of rainwater.

The highest point of ramp is south-eastern to allow students walking in the sunshine when they come out for


The facilities includes w.c., cupboards students, a pharmacy for emergency care and warehouse for

classroom's equipment.

2) sustainability:

The building is constructed with no need to dig the soil of plot.

Construction does not alter the topography which is the fundamental environment.

the manufacture does not degrade the morphology of soil that

It is therefore a flyover classroom drifting between earth and sky.

It has a greenhouse for the exploitation of solar energy while the placement of classroom above the

greenhouse exploits the movement of hot air to above.

In the roof exists space to install photovoltaics, while on the four columns can be installed wind generators.

The walls must be curved to have a greater surface to the sun.

Each wall is a barrel that can be filled with different eco-materials like earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks,


Has systems of natural lighting and ventilation and the roof is ventilated to avoid overheating of the


has systems of natural lighting and airing and her roof is [aerizomeni] in order to is avoided the overheat of


The classroom is surrounded by plants for more cool and has a drainage system for the collection of


Has a fireplace for alternative heating, as well as for emergency purposes, like blackouts.

3) list of materials:

The classroom can be made from the following materials

concrete, steel, aluminium, wood, bamboo, soil, earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks, fabrics, glass, plastic,

tiles, as well as with local materials and technics.

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View full briefWe are inviting you, the designer, to work with students and teachers to design the

classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the

unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide innovative, safe and sustainable

learning spaces.

Find out what teachers and students in your school need to make their learning

environments more effective. Does the classroom inspire learning? Is it overcrowded?

Noisy? Does the classroom have natural daylight? What obstacles prevent schools from

upgrading classrooms or building additional classroom space? Show us how your design

would address the obstacles to providing inspiring learning spaces in your school.

You may partner with any primary or secondary school. (Please note: Classroom designs

for universities and other training academies are not eligible to win.) The school you

choose to partner with can be a local school or one in another region or country. Student

participation is strongly encouraged and will be considered by the jury. The competition

focuses on the design of a single, replicable adaptable classroom. Design teams are not

asked to submit designs for an entire school.

We've created teacher resources, including a design curriculum and web casts to help you

engage and inspire students. Who knows, one of the students you work with could be the

next Calatrava. And, you could be the one who inspired them to become a design


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Urban Classroom Upgrade Brief

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Modular Classroom Design Brief

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Submitted by konzabetas on Sat, 2009-03-14 14:38.

Created By 4085 on May 31st, 2009 (view larger)




secondary school of fine arts.


The school has been founded recently.

Operated for two years and has only two classes.

In regural operation is expected to have 6 classes.

Is a regular secondary school that has extra art lessons,

divided into groups of dance, painting and theater - cinema.

The students learn mathematic, physics, language and simultaneously

they learn dancing, painting, theatre and making films.

School temporarily housed in another school until its own school building will build up..

The plot exists, already has been bought from the municipality of Ampelokipi and this

moment becomes the debates on the architectural planning of new building.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the concept and part of architectural preliminary

drafts of new building of artistic school.


Firstly the room must be large in relation with the number of students, that good will be it does not exceed

the twenty.

Desks placed circularly and flexibly, in order that the students work sometimes in teams, sometimes opens a

debate, in desks placed in U-shape, sometimes work certain alone, individually, others in teams,

proportionally with the object of teaching and the requirements of circumstance.

At least in one part of the classroom it is good to have a large carpet and big cushions, in order that certain

students, in relaxed disposal, can sit down and write a literary text, work in small teams on a script, process

a project in geography or in the biology, try a dramatization, while the remaining deal with something else.

Generally good is to create corners in the classroom, with parallel pastime of students on different sides of

the same subject ( collaboration of teachers of various items).

Parallel with the central library of the school, it is useful to have bookshelves in classroom, to host favorites

books of childrens, and the favorites cd's and dvd's, which will be parallel useful as starting points in various

instructive objects and in relative projects.

Furthermore, it is necessary an audio system, video, computers and projection screen, Internet connection,

to open a window to the world any time is necessary at the phases of teaching in the frame of


On the other hand there should be a real window to the world, in nature, namely: the class will be supposed

to view with large windows and glass in a green area with trees and flowers.

Stimuli in the multimodal approach of the world should come not only by technical means.

The child will be supposed to hear the real song of bird and inspired a text based on them, to actually see

colors and shapes of flowers and create art.

Even more, good will be the instructive classroom to have its own access to a small garden, to which will be

responsible the children of this class.

Flower-beds with flowers and with vegetables will need their care.

Trees will offer shade and the benches will be mounted in an appropriate manner, in order that lessons could

be outdoor, when the conditions allow it.

Back to indoors: the classroom may, in at least a part of, skylight on the roof, with appropriate treatment, to

allow light to enter the classroom, but to provide heat, other to be aggravating, when the temperature

Overall Rating:


Innovative Materials:

Cost Effectiveness:

Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

Challenge Overview

About the Challenge

School Building Partners

Traveling Exhibition

Conversations between architects and


Stories from participants

Videos of student participation


Press Room





Sponsors & Partners

Teacher & Student Resources

Discussion Forums

School Building Resources

Competition Details

Host: Architecture for Humanity


Type: Public

Registration Deadline: May 4 2009

Submission Deadline: June 1 2009

Entry Fee: $25 USD

Award: If your design wins, your

school will receive up to $50,000 in

funding for classroom construction

and upgrading. You will receiv

Contact: Sandhya

Status: Winners Announced


NAME: flyover classroom

PROJECT LEAD: Kallitechniko

Gymnasio Ampelokipon (secondary

school for painting-dance-theatre-


LOCATION: Thessaloniki, Makethonia,


START DATE: January 28, 2009



COST: $50000 USD (Estimated)

BUILDING TYPE: Education Facility -

Secondary School

ARCHITECT: Konstantinos Zabetas


Orient Global

, Architecture for Humanity


© All Rights Reserved. This work is the

copyright of the author.



Welcome, guest: please register or log in to your account! ABOUT PROJECTS COMPETITIONS PEOPLE

flyover classroomEntered into: 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

1 of 3 2/3/2010 7:06 µµ



if you give students a library, will bring books from home.

If they have suitable space they will bring a photograph, a printed page from something that moved their

the interest, a painting, a comment.

In this room the children do not seat nailed in hard seats. It is a medieval type torture (seven hours a day

for twelve years) for people full of life and vigor.

A corner that will watch the seasons, the sky, the rain, a corner with fireplace.

I imagine a school with a yard in its center, the nature. Rooms and laboratories built around from the yard in

a big circle with no corners.


A great teacher, Alexandros Delmouzos mentioned in the "secret school": one morning when I went down in

my office, I found certain students to seat around from the fireplace, where fire burned, thus front in the

beautiful fire I opened slowly a conversation, and students began to say their own stories.


In order to make a classroom as ask to us by the school, the teachers and the students, first we separate the

structural and architectural departments that constituting in two categories:

1) funcionality:

The entire classroom is a house with five rooms: the main classroom, the lounge, the garden, the yard and

the facilities.

We place the garden in the ground floor, we place the main classroom of teaching, the lounge and the

facilities in the above floor and the yard is placed in the intermediary.

The plan of this construction can be built with different materials, other for urban areas other for rural areas

and other for a portable version of the building.

The building hangs from a structural system that is independent and for its hanging can be used different

structural systems such as reinforced concrete or metal frame.

As basic unit of dimensioning was used a dimension of 0,6m = 2ft which produces all the other dimensions.

The main classroom is flexible and modifiable.

Its about 14 classrooms in one.

It takes the form of a typical classroom and can also be converted into an amphitheatre.

It can be transferred to the garden for outdoor lessons.

It is mainly litted up with natural lighting by the roof, while it has also a large northern window in the ceiling

for the students to view the sky and the seasons passing by.

Has its own system of natural ventilation and a kneeling system to improve its acoustics performance.

The interior design changes in order that is suitable for each one from the 7 types of courses (performances,

lectures, experiments, projections, debates, computers, workshops) while it has all essential equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

Shaping the change to be appropriate for each of the 7 types of courses, and has all necessary equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

The lounge placed around the rclassoom and has a fireplace, sofas and exhibitions surfaces, with its own

separate ventilation system.

The windows are positioned below the floor to allow students tthat sits down on sofas to watch the yard with

the flowers.

Thus they have the sense that the lounge is in the ground and no in the floor.

There are also eastern windows placed tally, in order the students view the rising of the sun from iside the


The garden has a greenhouse, a vegetable garden and an open area for student's desks.

The natural soil of the land is maintained by avoiding construction to alter it.

Desks go down from the classroom along with the floor, with a lifting mechanism.

The yard is a big circular ramp with very small slope.

Protects students from obesity because it makes them walk.

When they go up they make good in their health and when they go down they have fun.

It has flower-beds with flowers in all its length and a drainage system for the collection of rainwater.

The highest point of ramp is south-eastern to allow students walking in the sunshine when they come out for


The facilities includes w.c., cupboards students, a pharmacy for emergency care and warehouse for

classroom's equipment.

2) sustainability:

The building is constructed with no need to dig the soil of plot.

Construction does not alter the topography which is the fundamental environment.

the manufacture does not degrade the morphology of soil that

It is therefore a flyover classroom drifting between earth and sky.

It has a greenhouse for the exploitation of solar energy while the placement of classroom above the

greenhouse exploits the movement of hot air to above.

In the roof exists space to install photovoltaics, while on the four columns can be installed wind generators.

The walls must be curved to have a greater surface to the sun.

Each wall is a barrel that can be filled with different eco-materials like earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks,


Has systems of natural lighting and ventilation and the roof is ventilated to avoid overheating of the


has systems of natural lighting and airing and her roof is [aerizomeni] in order to is avoided the overheat of


The classroom is surrounded by plants for more cool and has a drainage system for the collection of


Has a fireplace for alternative heating, as well as for emergency purposes, like blackouts.

3) list of materials:

The classroom can be made from the following materials

concrete, steel, aluminium, wood, bamboo, soil, earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks, fabrics, glass, plastic,

tiles, as well as with local materials and technics.

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flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

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View full briefWe are inviting you, the designer, to work with students and teachers to design the

classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the

unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide innovative, safe and sustainable

learning spaces.

Find out what teachers and students in your school need to make their learning

environments more effective. Does the classroom inspire learning? Is it overcrowded?

Noisy? Does the classroom have natural daylight? What obstacles prevent schools from

upgrading classrooms or building additional classroom space? Show us how your design

would address the obstacles to providing inspiring learning spaces in your school.

You may partner with any primary or secondary school. (Please note: Classroom designs

for universities and other training academies are not eligible to win.) The school you

choose to partner with can be a local school or one in another region or country. Student

participation is strongly encouraged and will be considered by the jury. The competition

focuses on the design of a single, replicable adaptable classroom. Design teams are not

asked to submit designs for an entire school.

We've created teacher resources, including a design curriculum and web casts to help you

engage and inspire students. Who knows, one of the students you work with could be the

next Calatrava. And, you could be the one who inspired them to become a design


Challenge Resources

Your Classroom Brief

Urban Classroom Upgrade Brief

Rural Classroom Addition

Modular Classroom Design Brief

Challenge FAQ

Online Curriculum for Teachers

Online Webcast for Students

Building Standards

Indoor Air Quality


Information Technology

Energy Efficiency

Facility and Student Performance


Green Building

Architecture as Learning


Adaptive Reuse

Design for Indigenous


International Design

US School Building



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Submitted by konzabetas on Sat, 2009-03-14 14:38.

Created By 4085 on May 31st, 2009 (view larger)




secondary school of fine arts.


The school has been founded recently.

Operated for two years and has only two classes.

In regural operation is expected to have 6 classes.

Is a regular secondary school that has extra art lessons,

divided into groups of dance, painting and theater - cinema.

The students learn mathematic, physics, language and simultaneously

they learn dancing, painting, theatre and making films.

School temporarily housed in another school until its own school building will build up..

The plot exists, already has been bought from the municipality of Ampelokipi and this

moment becomes the debates on the architectural planning of new building.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the concept and part of architectural preliminary

drafts of new building of artistic school.


Firstly the room must be large in relation with the number of students, that good will be it does not exceed

the twenty.

Desks placed circularly and flexibly, in order that the students work sometimes in teams, sometimes opens a

debate, in desks placed in U-shape, sometimes work certain alone, individually, others in teams,

proportionally with the object of teaching and the requirements of circumstance.

At least in one part of the classroom it is good to have a large carpet and big cushions, in order that certain

students, in relaxed disposal, can sit down and write a literary text, work in small teams on a script, process

a project in geography or in the biology, try a dramatization, while the remaining deal with something else.

Generally good is to create corners in the classroom, with parallel pastime of students on different sides of

the same subject ( collaboration of teachers of various items).

Parallel with the central library of the school, it is useful to have bookshelves in classroom, to host favorites

books of childrens, and the favorites cd's and dvd's, which will be parallel useful as starting points in various

instructive objects and in relative projects.

Furthermore, it is necessary an audio system, video, computers and projection screen, Internet connection,

to open a window to the world any time is necessary at the phases of teaching in the frame of


On the other hand there should be a real window to the world, in nature, namely: the class will be supposed

to view with large windows and glass in a green area with trees and flowers.

Stimuli in the multimodal approach of the world should come not only by technical means.

The child will be supposed to hear the real song of bird and inspired a text based on them, to actually see

colors and shapes of flowers and create art.

Even more, good will be the instructive classroom to have its own access to a small garden, to which will be

responsible the children of this class.

Flower-beds with flowers and with vegetables will need their care.

Trees will offer shade and the benches will be mounted in an appropriate manner, in order that lessons could

be outdoor, when the conditions allow it.

Back to indoors: the classroom may, in at least a part of, skylight on the roof, with appropriate treatment, to

allow light to enter the classroom, but to provide heat, other to be aggravating, when the temperature

Overall Rating:


Innovative Materials:

Cost Effectiveness:

Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

Challenge Overview

About the Challenge

School Building Partners

Traveling Exhibition

Conversations between architects and


Stories from participants

Videos of student participation


Press Room





Sponsors & Partners

Teacher & Student Resources

Discussion Forums

School Building Resources

Competition Details

Host: Architecture for Humanity


Type: Public

Registration Deadline: May 4 2009

Submission Deadline: June 1 2009

Entry Fee: $25 USD

Award: If your design wins, your

school will receive up to $50,000 in

funding for classroom construction

and upgrading. You will receiv

Contact: Sandhya

Status: Winners Announced


NAME: flyover classroom

PROJECT LEAD: Kallitechniko

Gymnasio Ampelokipon (secondary

school for painting-dance-theatre-


LOCATION: Thessaloniki, Makethonia,


START DATE: January 28, 2009



COST: $50000 USD (Estimated)

BUILDING TYPE: Education Facility -

Secondary School

ARCHITECT: Konstantinos Zabetas


Orient Global

, Architecture for Humanity


© All Rights Reserved. This work is the

copyright of the author.



Welcome, guest: please register or log in to your account! ABOUT PROJECTS COMPETITIONS PEOPLE

flyover classroomEntered into: 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

1 of 3 2/3/2010 7:05 µµ



if you give students a library, will bring books from home.

If they have suitable space they will bring a photograph, a printed page from something that moved their

the interest, a painting, a comment.

In this room the children do not seat nailed in hard seats. It is a medieval type torture (seven hours a day

for twelve years) for people full of life and vigor.

A corner that will watch the seasons, the sky, the rain, a corner with fireplace.

I imagine a school with a yard in its center, the nature. Rooms and laboratories built around from the yard in

a big circle with no corners.


A great teacher, Alexandros Delmouzos mentioned in the "secret school": one morning when I went down in

my office, I found certain students to seat around from the fireplace, where fire burned, thus front in the

beautiful fire I opened slowly a conversation, and students began to say their own stories.


In order to make a classroom as ask to us by the school, the teachers and the students, first we separate the

structural and architectural departments that constituting in two categories:

1) funcionality:

The entire classroom is a house with five rooms: the main classroom, the lounge, the garden, the yard and

the facilities.

We place the garden in the ground floor, we place the main classroom of teaching, the lounge and the

facilities in the above floor and the yard is placed in the intermediary.

The plan of this construction can be built with different materials, other for urban areas other for rural areas

and other for a portable version of the building.

The building hangs from a structural system that is independent and for its hanging can be used different

structural systems such as reinforced concrete or metal frame.

As basic unit of dimensioning was used a dimension of 0,6m = 2ft which produces all the other dimensions.

The main classroom is flexible and modifiable.

Its about 14 classrooms in one.

It takes the form of a typical classroom and can also be converted into an amphitheatre.

It can be transferred to the garden for outdoor lessons.

It is mainly litted up with natural lighting by the roof, while it has also a large northern window in the ceiling

for the students to view the sky and the seasons passing by.

Has its own system of natural ventilation and a kneeling system to improve its acoustics performance.

The interior design changes in order that is suitable for each one from the 7 types of courses (performances,

lectures, experiments, projections, debates, computers, workshops) while it has all essential equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

Shaping the change to be appropriate for each of the 7 types of courses, and has all necessary equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

The lounge placed around the rclassoom and has a fireplace, sofas and exhibitions surfaces, with its own

separate ventilation system.

The windows are positioned below the floor to allow students tthat sits down on sofas to watch the yard with

the flowers.

Thus they have the sense that the lounge is in the ground and no in the floor.

There are also eastern windows placed tally, in order the students view the rising of the sun from iside the


The garden has a greenhouse, a vegetable garden and an open area for student's desks.

The natural soil of the land is maintained by avoiding construction to alter it.

Desks go down from the classroom along with the floor, with a lifting mechanism.

The yard is a big circular ramp with very small slope.

Protects students from obesity because it makes them walk.

When they go up they make good in their health and when they go down they have fun.

It has flower-beds with flowers in all its length and a drainage system for the collection of rainwater.

The highest point of ramp is south-eastern to allow students walking in the sunshine when they come out for


The facilities includes w.c., cupboards students, a pharmacy for emergency care and warehouse for

classroom's equipment.

2) sustainability:

The building is constructed with no need to dig the soil of plot.

Construction does not alter the topography which is the fundamental environment.

the manufacture does not degrade the morphology of soil that

It is therefore a flyover classroom drifting between earth and sky.

It has a greenhouse for the exploitation of solar energy while the placement of classroom above the

greenhouse exploits the movement of hot air to above.

In the roof exists space to install photovoltaics, while on the four columns can be installed wind generators.

The walls must be curved to have a greater surface to the sun.

Each wall is a barrel that can be filled with different eco-materials like earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks,


Has systems of natural lighting and ventilation and the roof is ventilated to avoid overheating of the


has systems of natural lighting and airing and her roof is [aerizomeni] in order to is avoided the overheat of


The classroom is surrounded by plants for more cool and has a drainage system for the collection of


Has a fireplace for alternative heating, as well as for emergency purposes, like blackouts.

3) list of materials:

The classroom can be made from the following materials

concrete, steel, aluminium, wood, bamboo, soil, earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks, fabrics, glass, plastic,

tiles, as well as with local materials and technics.

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Are you a school that needs an architect to

team up with, or a architect that needs a

school? Post your information here, and find a


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MBI Discussion Forum

Looking for answers to specific modular

classrooms questions? Ask you questions on

the Modular Building Institute forum.

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flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

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View full briefWe are inviting you, the designer, to work with students and teachers to design the

classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the

unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide innovative, safe and sustainable

learning spaces.

Find out what teachers and students in your school need to make their learning

environments more effective. Does the classroom inspire learning? Is it overcrowded?

Noisy? Does the classroom have natural daylight? What obstacles prevent schools from

upgrading classrooms or building additional classroom space? Show us how your design

would address the obstacles to providing inspiring learning spaces in your school.

You may partner with any primary or secondary school. (Please note: Classroom designs

for universities and other training academies are not eligible to win.) The school you

choose to partner with can be a local school or one in another region or country. Student

participation is strongly encouraged and will be considered by the jury. The competition

focuses on the design of a single, replicable adaptable classroom. Design teams are not

asked to submit designs for an entire school.

We've created teacher resources, including a design curriculum and web casts to help you

engage and inspire students. Who knows, one of the students you work with could be the

next Calatrava. And, you could be the one who inspired them to become a design


Challenge Resources

Your Classroom Brief

Urban Classroom Upgrade Brief

Rural Classroom Addition

Modular Classroom Design Brief

Challenge FAQ

Online Curriculum for Teachers

Online Webcast for Students

Building Standards

Indoor Air Quality


Information Technology

Energy Efficiency

Facility and Student Performance


Green Building

Architecture as Learning


Adaptive Reuse

Design for Indigenous


International Design

US School Building



Misc. information and


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©2006-2010 Architecture for Humanity - all rights reserved except where otherwise indicated

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Submitted by konzabetas on Sat, 2009-03-14 14:38.

Created By 4085 on May 31st, 2009 (view larger)




secondary school of fine arts.


The school has been founded recently.

Operated for two years and has only two classes.

In regural operation is expected to have 6 classes.

Is a regular secondary school that has extra art lessons,

divided into groups of dance, painting and theater - cinema.

The students learn mathematic, physics, language and simultaneously

they learn dancing, painting, theatre and making films.

School temporarily housed in another school until its own school building will build up..

The plot exists, already has been bought from the municipality of Ampelokipi and this

moment becomes the debates on the architectural planning of new building.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the concept and part of architectural preliminary

drafts of new building of artistic school.


Firstly the room must be large in relation with the number of students, that good will be it does not exceed

the twenty.

Desks placed circularly and flexibly, in order that the students work sometimes in teams, sometimes opens a

debate, in desks placed in U-shape, sometimes work certain alone, individually, others in teams,

proportionally with the object of teaching and the requirements of circumstance.

At least in one part of the classroom it is good to have a large carpet and big cushions, in order that certain

students, in relaxed disposal, can sit down and write a literary text, work in small teams on a script, process

a project in geography or in the biology, try a dramatization, while the remaining deal with something else.

Generally good is to create corners in the classroom, with parallel pastime of students on different sides of

the same subject ( collaboration of teachers of various items).

Parallel with the central library of the school, it is useful to have bookshelves in classroom, to host favorites

books of childrens, and the favorites cd's and dvd's, which will be parallel useful as starting points in various

instructive objects and in relative projects.

Furthermore, it is necessary an audio system, video, computers and projection screen, Internet connection,

to open a window to the world any time is necessary at the phases of teaching in the frame of


On the other hand there should be a real window to the world, in nature, namely: the class will be supposed

to view with large windows and glass in a green area with trees and flowers.

Stimuli in the multimodal approach of the world should come not only by technical means.

The child will be supposed to hear the real song of bird and inspired a text based on them, to actually see

colors and shapes of flowers and create art.

Even more, good will be the instructive classroom to have its own access to a small garden, to which will be

responsible the children of this class.

Flower-beds with flowers and with vegetables will need their care.

Trees will offer shade and the benches will be mounted in an appropriate manner, in order that lessons could

be outdoor, when the conditions allow it.

Back to indoors: the classroom may, in at least a part of, skylight on the roof, with appropriate treatment, to

allow light to enter the classroom, but to provide heat, other to be aggravating, when the temperature

Overall Rating:


Innovative Materials:

Cost Effectiveness:

Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

Challenge Overview

About the Challenge

School Building Partners

Traveling Exhibition

Conversations between architects and


Stories from participants

Videos of student participation


Press Room





Sponsors & Partners

Teacher & Student Resources

Discussion Forums

School Building Resources

Competition Details

Host: Architecture for Humanity


Type: Public

Registration Deadline: May 4 2009

Submission Deadline: June 1 2009

Entry Fee: $25 USD

Award: If your design wins, your

school will receive up to $50,000 in

funding for classroom construction

and upgrading. You will receiv

Contact: Sandhya

Status: Winners Announced


NAME: flyover classroom

PROJECT LEAD: Kallitechniko

Gymnasio Ampelokipon (secondary

school for painting-dance-theatre-


LOCATION: Thessaloniki, Makethonia,


START DATE: January 28, 2009



COST: $50000 USD (Estimated)

BUILDING TYPE: Education Facility -

Secondary School

ARCHITECT: Konstantinos Zabetas


Orient Global

, Architecture for Humanity


© All Rights Reserved. This work is the

copyright of the author.



Welcome, guest: please register or log in to your account! ABOUT PROJECTS COMPETITIONS PEOPLE

flyover classroomEntered into: 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

1 of 3 2/3/2010 7:05 µµ



if you give students a library, will bring books from home.

If they have suitable space they will bring a photograph, a printed page from something that moved their

the interest, a painting, a comment.

In this room the children do not seat nailed in hard seats. It is a medieval type torture (seven hours a day

for twelve years) for people full of life and vigor.

A corner that will watch the seasons, the sky, the rain, a corner with fireplace.

I imagine a school with a yard in its center, the nature. Rooms and laboratories built around from the yard in

a big circle with no corners.


A great teacher, Alexandros Delmouzos mentioned in the "secret school": one morning when I went down in

my office, I found certain students to seat around from the fireplace, where fire burned, thus front in the

beautiful fire I opened slowly a conversation, and students began to say their own stories.


In order to make a classroom as ask to us by the school, the teachers and the students, first we separate the

structural and architectural departments that constituting in two categories:

1) funcionality:

The entire classroom is a house with five rooms: the main classroom, the lounge, the garden, the yard and

the facilities.

We place the garden in the ground floor, we place the main classroom of teaching, the lounge and the

facilities in the above floor and the yard is placed in the intermediary.

The plan of this construction can be built with different materials, other for urban areas other for rural areas

and other for a portable version of the building.

The building hangs from a structural system that is independent and for its hanging can be used different

structural systems such as reinforced concrete or metal frame.

As basic unit of dimensioning was used a dimension of 0,6m = 2ft which produces all the other dimensions.

The main classroom is flexible and modifiable.

Its about 14 classrooms in one.

It takes the form of a typical classroom and can also be converted into an amphitheatre.

It can be transferred to the garden for outdoor lessons.

It is mainly litted up with natural lighting by the roof, while it has also a large northern window in the ceiling

for the students to view the sky and the seasons passing by.

Has its own system of natural ventilation and a kneeling system to improve its acoustics performance.

The interior design changes in order that is suitable for each one from the 7 types of courses (performances,

lectures, experiments, projections, debates, computers, workshops) while it has all essential equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

Shaping the change to be appropriate for each of the 7 types of courses, and has all necessary equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

The lounge placed around the rclassoom and has a fireplace, sofas and exhibitions surfaces, with its own

separate ventilation system.

The windows are positioned below the floor to allow students tthat sits down on sofas to watch the yard with

the flowers.

Thus they have the sense that the lounge is in the ground and no in the floor.

There are also eastern windows placed tally, in order the students view the rising of the sun from iside the


The garden has a greenhouse, a vegetable garden and an open area for student's desks.

The natural soil of the land is maintained by avoiding construction to alter it.

Desks go down from the classroom along with the floor, with a lifting mechanism.

The yard is a big circular ramp with very small slope.

Protects students from obesity because it makes them walk.

When they go up they make good in their health and when they go down they have fun.

It has flower-beds with flowers in all its length and a drainage system for the collection of rainwater.

The highest point of ramp is south-eastern to allow students walking in the sunshine when they come out for


The facilities includes w.c., cupboards students, a pharmacy for emergency care and warehouse for

classroom's equipment.

2) sustainability:

The building is constructed with no need to dig the soil of plot.

Construction does not alter the topography which is the fundamental environment.

the manufacture does not degrade the morphology of soil that

It is therefore a flyover classroom drifting between earth and sky.

It has a greenhouse for the exploitation of solar energy while the placement of classroom above the

greenhouse exploits the movement of hot air to above.

In the roof exists space to install photovoltaics, while on the four columns can be installed wind generators.

The walls must be curved to have a greater surface to the sun.

Each wall is a barrel that can be filled with different eco-materials like earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks,


Has systems of natural lighting and ventilation and the roof is ventilated to avoid overheating of the


has systems of natural lighting and airing and her roof is [aerizomeni] in order to is avoided the overheat of


The classroom is surrounded by plants for more cool and has a drainage system for the collection of


Has a fireplace for alternative heating, as well as for emergency purposes, like blackouts.

3) list of materials:

The classroom can be made from the following materials

concrete, steel, aluminium, wood, bamboo, soil, earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks, fabrics, glass, plastic,

tiles, as well as with local materials and technics.

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and answered.

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Partner Requests

Are you a school that needs an architect to

team up with, or a architect that needs a

school? Post your information here, and find a


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MBI Discussion Forum

Looking for answers to specific modular

classrooms questions? Ask you questions on

the Modular Building Institute forum.

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flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

2 of 3 2/3/2010 7:05 µµ

View full briefWe are inviting you, the designer, to work with students and teachers to design the

classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the

unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide innovative, safe and sustainable

learning spaces.

Find out what teachers and students in your school need to make their learning

environments more effective. Does the classroom inspire learning? Is it overcrowded?

Noisy? Does the classroom have natural daylight? What obstacles prevent schools from

upgrading classrooms or building additional classroom space? Show us how your design

would address the obstacles to providing inspiring learning spaces in your school.

You may partner with any primary or secondary school. (Please note: Classroom designs

for universities and other training academies are not eligible to win.) The school you

choose to partner with can be a local school or one in another region or country. Student

participation is strongly encouraged and will be considered by the jury. The competition

focuses on the design of a single, replicable adaptable classroom. Design teams are not

asked to submit designs for an entire school.

We've created teacher resources, including a design curriculum and web casts to help you

engage and inspire students. Who knows, one of the students you work with could be the

next Calatrava. And, you could be the one who inspired them to become a design


Challenge Resources

Your Classroom Brief

Urban Classroom Upgrade Brief

Rural Classroom Addition

Modular Classroom Design Brief

Challenge FAQ

Online Curriculum for Teachers

Online Webcast for Students

Building Standards

Indoor Air Quality


Information Technology

Energy Efficiency

Facility and Student Performance


Green Building

Architecture as Learning


Adaptive Reuse

Design for Indigenous


International Design

US School Building



Misc. information and


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©2006-2010 Architecture for Humanity - all rights reserved except where otherwise indicated

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Submitted by konzabetas on Sat, 2009-03-14 14:38.

Created By 4085 on May 30th, 2009 (view larger)




secondary school of fine arts.


The school has been founded recently.

Operated for two years and has only two classes.

In regural operation is expected to have 6 classes.

Is a regular secondary school that has extra art lessons,

divided into groups of dance, painting and theater - cinema.

The students learn mathematic, physics, language and simultaneously

they learn dancing, painting, theatre and making films.

School temporarily housed in another school until its own school building will build up..

The plot exists, already has been bought from the municipality of Ampelokipi and this

moment becomes the debates on the architectural planning of new building.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the concept and part of architectural preliminary

drafts of new building of artistic school.


Firstly the room must be large in relation with the number of students, that good will be it does not exceed

the twenty.

Desks placed circularly and flexibly, in order that the students work sometimes in teams, sometimes opens a

debate, in desks placed in U-shape, sometimes work certain alone, individually, others in teams,

proportionally with the object of teaching and the requirements of circumstance.

At least in one part of the classroom it is good to have a large carpet and big cushions, in order that certain

students, in relaxed disposal, can sit down and write a literary text, work in small teams on a script, process

a project in geography or in the biology, try a dramatization, while the remaining deal with something else.

Generally good is to create corners in the classroom, with parallel pastime of students on different sides of

the same subject ( collaboration of teachers of various items).

Parallel with the central library of the school, it is useful to have bookshelves in classroom, to host favorites

books of childrens, and the favorites cd's and dvd's, which will be parallel useful as starting points in various

instructive objects and in relative projects.

Furthermore, it is necessary an audio system, video, computers and projection screen, Internet connection,

to open a window to the world any time is necessary at the phases of teaching in the frame of


On the other hand there should be a real window to the world, in nature, namely: the class will be supposed

to view with large windows and glass in a green area with trees and flowers.

Stimuli in the multimodal approach of the world should come not only by technical means.

The child will be supposed to hear the real song of bird and inspired a text based on them, to actually see

colors and shapes of flowers and create art.

Even more, good will be the instructive classroom to have its own access to a small garden, to which will be

responsible the children of this class.

Flower-beds with flowers and with vegetables will need their care.

Trees will offer shade and the benches will be mounted in an appropriate manner, in order that lessons could

be outdoor, when the conditions allow it.

Back to indoors: the classroom may, in at least a part of, skylight on the roof, with appropriate treatment, to

allow light to enter the classroom, but to provide heat, other to be aggravating, when the temperature

Overall Rating:


Innovative Materials:

Cost Effectiveness:

Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

Challenge Overview

About the Challenge

School Building Partners

Traveling Exhibition

Conversations between architects and


Stories from participants

Videos of student participation


Press Room





Sponsors & Partners

Teacher & Student Resources

Discussion Forums

School Building Resources

Competition Details

Host: Architecture for Humanity


Type: Public

Registration Deadline: May 4 2009

Submission Deadline: June 1 2009

Entry Fee: $25 USD

Award: If your design wins, your

school will receive up to $50,000 in

funding for classroom construction

and upgrading. You will receiv

Contact: Sandhya

Status: Winners Announced


NAME: flyover classroom

PROJECT LEAD: Kallitechniko

Gymnasio Ampelokipon (secondary

school for painting-dance-theatre-


LOCATION: Thessaloniki, Makethonia,


START DATE: January 28, 2009



COST: $50000 USD (Estimated)

BUILDING TYPE: Education Facility -

Secondary School

ARCHITECT: Konstantinos Zabetas


Orient Global

, Architecture for Humanity


© All Rights Reserved. This work is the

copyright of the author.



Welcome, guest: please register or log in to your account! ABOUT PROJECTS COMPETITIONS PEOPLE

flyover classroomEntered into: 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

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if you give students a library, will bring books from home.

If they have suitable space they will bring a photograph, a printed page from something that moved their

the interest, a painting, a comment.

In this room the children do not seat nailed in hard seats. It is a medieval type torture (seven hours a day

for twelve years) for people full of life and vigor.

A corner that will watch the seasons, the sky, the rain, a corner with fireplace.

I imagine a school with a yard in its center, the nature. Rooms and laboratories built around from the yard in

a big circle with no corners.


A great teacher, Alexandros Delmouzos mentioned in the "secret school": one morning when I went down in

my office, I found certain students to seat around from the fireplace, where fire burned, thus front in the

beautiful fire I opened slowly a conversation, and students began to say their own stories.


In order to make a classroom as ask to us by the school, the teachers and the students, first we separate the

structural and architectural departments that constituting in two categories:

1) funcionality:

The entire classroom is a house with five rooms: the main classroom, the lounge, the garden, the yard and

the facilities.

We place the garden in the ground floor, we place the main classroom of teaching, the lounge and the

facilities in the above floor and the yard is placed in the intermediary.

The plan of this construction can be built with different materials, other for urban areas other for rural areas

and other for a portable version of the building.

The building hangs from a structural system that is independent and for its hanging can be used different

structural systems such as reinforced concrete or metal frame.

As basic unit of dimensioning was used a dimension of 0,6m = 2ft which produces all the other dimensions.

The main classroom is flexible and modifiable.

Its about 14 classrooms in one.

It takes the form of a typical classroom and can also be converted into an amphitheatre.

It can be transferred to the garden for outdoor lessons.

It is mainly litted up with natural lighting by the roof, while it has also a large northern window in the ceiling

for the students to view the sky and the seasons passing by.

Has its own system of natural ventilation and a kneeling system to improve its acoustics performance.

The interior design changes in order that is suitable for each one from the 7 types of courses (performances,

lectures, experiments, projections, debates, computers, workshops) while it has all essential equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

Shaping the change to be appropriate for each of the 7 types of courses, and has all necessary equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

The lounge placed around the rclassoom and has a fireplace, sofas and exhibitions surfaces, with its own

separate ventilation system.

The windows are positioned below the floor to allow students tthat sits down on sofas to watch the yard with

the flowers.

Thus they have the sense that the lounge is in the ground and no in the floor.

There are also eastern windows placed tally, in order the students view the rising of the sun from iside the


The garden has a greenhouse, a vegetable garden and an open area for student's desks.

The natural soil of the land is maintained by avoiding construction to alter it.

Desks go down from the classroom along with the floor, with a lifting mechanism.

The yard is a big circular ramp with very small slope.

Protects students from obesity because it makes them walk.

When they go up they make good in their health and when they go down they have fun.

It has flower-beds with flowers in all its length and a drainage system for the collection of rainwater.

The highest point of ramp is south-eastern to allow students walking in the sunshine when they come out for


The facilities includes w.c., cupboards students, a pharmacy for emergency care and warehouse for

classroom's equipment.

2) sustainability:

The building is constructed with no need to dig the soil of plot.

Construction does not alter the topography which is the fundamental environment.

the manufacture does not degrade the morphology of soil that

It is therefore a flyover classroom drifting between earth and sky.

It has a greenhouse for the exploitation of solar energy while the placement of classroom above the

greenhouse exploits the movement of hot air to above.

In the roof exists space to install photovoltaics, while on the four columns can be installed wind generators.

The walls must be curved to have a greater surface to the sun.

Each wall is a barrel that can be filled with different eco-materials like earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks,


Has systems of natural lighting and ventilation and the roof is ventilated to avoid overheating of the


has systems of natural lighting and airing and her roof is [aerizomeni] in order to is avoided the overheat of


The classroom is surrounded by plants for more cool and has a drainage system for the collection of


Has a fireplace for alternative heating, as well as for emergency purposes, like blackouts.

3) list of materials:

The classroom can be made from the following materials

concrete, steel, aluminium, wood, bamboo, soil, earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks, fabrics, glass, plastic,

tiles, as well as with local materials and technics.

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school? Post your information here, and find a


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View full briefWe are inviting you, the designer, to work with students and teachers to design the

classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the

unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide innovative, safe and sustainable

learning spaces.

Find out what teachers and students in your school need to make their learning

environments more effective. Does the classroom inspire learning? Is it overcrowded?

Noisy? Does the classroom have natural daylight? What obstacles prevent schools from

upgrading classrooms or building additional classroom space? Show us how your design

would address the obstacles to providing inspiring learning spaces in your school.

You may partner with any primary or secondary school. (Please note: Classroom designs

for universities and other training academies are not eligible to win.) The school you

choose to partner with can be a local school or one in another region or country. Student

participation is strongly encouraged and will be considered by the jury. The competition

focuses on the design of a single, replicable adaptable classroom. Design teams are not

asked to submit designs for an entire school.

We've created teacher resources, including a design curriculum and web casts to help you

engage and inspire students. Who knows, one of the students you work with could be the

next Calatrava. And, you could be the one who inspired them to become a design


Challenge Resources

Your Classroom Brief

Urban Classroom Upgrade Brief

Rural Classroom Addition

Modular Classroom Design Brief

Challenge FAQ

Online Curriculum for Teachers

Online Webcast for Students

Building Standards

Indoor Air Quality


Information Technology

Energy Efficiency

Facility and Student Performance


Green Building

Architecture as Learning


Adaptive Reuse

Design for Indigenous


International Design

US School Building



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Submitted by konzabetas on Sat, 2009-03-14 14:38.

Created By 4085 on May 31st, 2009 (view larger)




secondary school of fine arts.


The school has been founded recently.

Operated for two years and has only two classes.

In regural operation is expected to have 6 classes.

Is a regular secondary school that has extra art lessons,

divided into groups of dance, painting and theater - cinema.

The students learn mathematic, physics, language and simultaneously

they learn dancing, painting, theatre and making films.

School temporarily housed in another school until its own school building will build up..

The plot exists, already has been bought from the municipality of Ampelokipi and this

moment becomes the debates on the architectural planning of new building.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the concept and part of architectural preliminary

drafts of new building of artistic school.


Firstly the room must be large in relation with the number of students, that good will be it does not exceed

the twenty.

Desks placed circularly and flexibly, in order that the students work sometimes in teams, sometimes opens a

debate, in desks placed in U-shape, sometimes work certain alone, individually, others in teams,

proportionally with the object of teaching and the requirements of circumstance.

At least in one part of the classroom it is good to have a large carpet and big cushions, in order that certain

students, in relaxed disposal, can sit down and write a literary text, work in small teams on a script, process

a project in geography or in the biology, try a dramatization, while the remaining deal with something else.

Generally good is to create corners in the classroom, with parallel pastime of students on different sides of

the same subject ( collaboration of teachers of various items).

Parallel with the central library of the school, it is useful to have bookshelves in classroom, to host favorites

books of childrens, and the favorites cd's and dvd's, which will be parallel useful as starting points in various

instructive objects and in relative projects.

Furthermore, it is necessary an audio system, video, computers and projection screen, Internet connection,

to open a window to the world any time is necessary at the phases of teaching in the frame of


On the other hand there should be a real window to the world, in nature, namely: the class will be supposed

to view with large windows and glass in a green area with trees and flowers.

Stimuli in the multimodal approach of the world should come not only by technical means.

The child will be supposed to hear the real song of bird and inspired a text based on them, to actually see

colors and shapes of flowers and create art.

Even more, good will be the instructive classroom to have its own access to a small garden, to which will be

responsible the children of this class.

Flower-beds with flowers and with vegetables will need their care.

Trees will offer shade and the benches will be mounted in an appropriate manner, in order that lessons could

be outdoor, when the conditions allow it.

Back to indoors: the classroom may, in at least a part of, skylight on the roof, with appropriate treatment, to

allow light to enter the classroom, but to provide heat, other to be aggravating, when the temperature

Overall Rating:


Innovative Materials:

Cost Effectiveness:

Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

Challenge Overview

About the Challenge

School Building Partners

Traveling Exhibition

Conversations between architects and


Stories from participants

Videos of student participation


Press Room





Sponsors & Partners

Teacher & Student Resources

Discussion Forums

School Building Resources

Competition Details

Host: Architecture for Humanity


Type: Public

Registration Deadline: May 4 2009

Submission Deadline: June 1 2009

Entry Fee: $25 USD

Award: If your design wins, your

school will receive up to $50,000 in

funding for classroom construction

and upgrading. You will receiv

Contact: Sandhya

Status: Winners Announced


NAME: flyover classroom

PROJECT LEAD: Kallitechniko

Gymnasio Ampelokipon (secondary

school for painting-dance-theatre-


LOCATION: Thessaloniki, Makethonia,


START DATE: January 28, 2009



COST: $50000 USD (Estimated)

BUILDING TYPE: Education Facility -

Secondary School

ARCHITECT: Konstantinos Zabetas


Orient Global

, Architecture for Humanity


© All Rights Reserved. This work is the

copyright of the author.



Welcome, guest: please register or log in to your account! ABOUT PROJECTS COMPETITIONS PEOPLE

flyover classroomEntered into: 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

1 of 3 2/3/2010 7:04 µµ



if you give students a library, will bring books from home.

If they have suitable space they will bring a photograph, a printed page from something that moved their

the interest, a painting, a comment.

In this room the children do not seat nailed in hard seats. It is a medieval type torture (seven hours a day

for twelve years) for people full of life and vigor.

A corner that will watch the seasons, the sky, the rain, a corner with fireplace.

I imagine a school with a yard in its center, the nature. Rooms and laboratories built around from the yard in

a big circle with no corners.


A great teacher, Alexandros Delmouzos mentioned in the "secret school": one morning when I went down in

my office, I found certain students to seat around from the fireplace, where fire burned, thus front in the

beautiful fire I opened slowly a conversation, and students began to say their own stories.


In order to make a classroom as ask to us by the school, the teachers and the students, first we separate the

structural and architectural departments that constituting in two categories:

1) funcionality:

The entire classroom is a house with five rooms: the main classroom, the lounge, the garden, the yard and

the facilities.

We place the garden in the ground floor, we place the main classroom of teaching, the lounge and the

facilities in the above floor and the yard is placed in the intermediary.

The plan of this construction can be built with different materials, other for urban areas other for rural areas

and other for a portable version of the building.

The building hangs from a structural system that is independent and for its hanging can be used different

structural systems such as reinforced concrete or metal frame.

As basic unit of dimensioning was used a dimension of 0,6m = 2ft which produces all the other dimensions.

The main classroom is flexible and modifiable.

Its about 14 classrooms in one.

It takes the form of a typical classroom and can also be converted into an amphitheatre.

It can be transferred to the garden for outdoor lessons.

It is mainly litted up with natural lighting by the roof, while it has also a large northern window in the ceiling

for the students to view the sky and the seasons passing by.

Has its own system of natural ventilation and a kneeling system to improve its acoustics performance.

The interior design changes in order that is suitable for each one from the 7 types of courses (performances,

lectures, experiments, projections, debates, computers, workshops) while it has all essential equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

Shaping the change to be appropriate for each of the 7 types of courses, and has all necessary equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

The lounge placed around the rclassoom and has a fireplace, sofas and exhibitions surfaces, with its own

separate ventilation system.

The windows are positioned below the floor to allow students tthat sits down on sofas to watch the yard with

the flowers.

Thus they have the sense that the lounge is in the ground and no in the floor.

There are also eastern windows placed tally, in order the students view the rising of the sun from iside the


The garden has a greenhouse, a vegetable garden and an open area for student's desks.

The natural soil of the land is maintained by avoiding construction to alter it.

Desks go down from the classroom along with the floor, with a lifting mechanism.

The yard is a big circular ramp with very small slope.

Protects students from obesity because it makes them walk.

When they go up they make good in their health and when they go down they have fun.

It has flower-beds with flowers in all its length and a drainage system for the collection of rainwater.

The highest point of ramp is south-eastern to allow students walking in the sunshine when they come out for


The facilities includes w.c., cupboards students, a pharmacy for emergency care and warehouse for

classroom's equipment.

2) sustainability:

The building is constructed with no need to dig the soil of plot.

Construction does not alter the topography which is the fundamental environment.

the manufacture does not degrade the morphology of soil that

It is therefore a flyover classroom drifting between earth and sky.

It has a greenhouse for the exploitation of solar energy while the placement of classroom above the

greenhouse exploits the movement of hot air to above.

In the roof exists space to install photovoltaics, while on the four columns can be installed wind generators.

The walls must be curved to have a greater surface to the sun.

Each wall is a barrel that can be filled with different eco-materials like earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks,


Has systems of natural lighting and ventilation and the roof is ventilated to avoid overheating of the


has systems of natural lighting and airing and her roof is [aerizomeni] in order to is avoided the overheat of


The classroom is surrounded by plants for more cool and has a drainage system for the collection of


Has a fireplace for alternative heating, as well as for emergency purposes, like blackouts.

3) list of materials:

The classroom can be made from the following materials

concrete, steel, aluminium, wood, bamboo, soil, earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks, fabrics, glass, plastic,

tiles, as well as with local materials and technics.

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Please note: This information is subject to our Terms of Use, including a specific disclaimer. It may also be subject to a Creative

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Partner Requests

Are you a school that needs an architect to

team up with, or a architect that needs a

school? Post your information here, and find a


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MBI Discussion Forum

Looking for answers to specific modular

classrooms questions? Ask you questions on

the Modular Building Institute forum.

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View full briefWe are inviting you, the designer, to work with students and teachers to design the

classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the

unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide innovative, safe and sustainable

learning spaces.

Find out what teachers and students in your school need to make their learning

environments more effective. Does the classroom inspire learning? Is it overcrowded?

Noisy? Does the classroom have natural daylight? What obstacles prevent schools from

upgrading classrooms or building additional classroom space? Show us how your design

would address the obstacles to providing inspiring learning spaces in your school.

You may partner with any primary or secondary school. (Please note: Classroom designs

for universities and other training academies are not eligible to win.) The school you

choose to partner with can be a local school or one in another region or country. Student

participation is strongly encouraged and will be considered by the jury. The competition

focuses on the design of a single, replicable adaptable classroom. Design teams are not

asked to submit designs for an entire school.

We've created teacher resources, including a design curriculum and web casts to help you

engage and inspire students. Who knows, one of the students you work with could be the

next Calatrava. And, you could be the one who inspired them to become a design


Challenge Resources

Your Classroom Brief

Urban Classroom Upgrade Brief

Rural Classroom Addition

Modular Classroom Design Brief

Challenge FAQ

Online Curriculum for Teachers

Online Webcast for Students

Building Standards

Indoor Air Quality


Information Technology

Energy Efficiency

Facility and Student Performance


Green Building

Architecture as Learning


Adaptive Reuse

Design for Indigenous


International Design

US School Building



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Submitted by konzabetas on Sat, 2009-03-14 14:38.

Created By 4085 on June 1st, 2009 (view larger)




secondary school of fine arts.


The school has been founded recently.

Operated for two years and has only two classes.

In regural operation is expected to have 6 classes.

Is a regular secondary school that has extra art lessons,

divided into groups of dance, painting and theater - cinema.

The students learn mathematic, physics, language and simultaneously

they learn dancing, painting, theatre and making films.

School temporarily housed in another school until its own school building will build up..

The plot exists, already has been bought from the municipality of Ampelokipi and this

moment becomes the debates on the architectural planning of new building.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the concept and part of architectural preliminary

drafts of new building of artistic school.


Firstly the room must be large in relation with the number of students, that good will be it does not exceed

the twenty.

Desks placed circularly and flexibly, in order that the students work sometimes in teams, sometimes opens a

debate, in desks placed in U-shape, sometimes work certain alone, individually, others in teams,

proportionally with the object of teaching and the requirements of circumstance.

At least in one part of the classroom it is good to have a large carpet and big cushions, in order that certain

students, in relaxed disposal, can sit down and write a literary text, work in small teams on a script, process

a project in geography or in the biology, try a dramatization, while the remaining deal with something else.

Generally good is to create corners in the classroom, with parallel pastime of students on different sides of

the same subject ( collaboration of teachers of various items).

Parallel with the central library of the school, it is useful to have bookshelves in classroom, to host favorites

books of childrens, and the favorites cd's and dvd's, which will be parallel useful as starting points in various

instructive objects and in relative projects.

Furthermore, it is necessary an audio system, video, computers and projection screen, Internet connection,

to open a window to the world any time is necessary at the phases of teaching in the frame of


On the other hand there should be a real window to the world, in nature, namely: the class will be supposed

to view with large windows and glass in a green area with trees and flowers.

Stimuli in the multimodal approach of the world should come not only by technical means.

The child will be supposed to hear the real song of bird and inspired a text based on them, to actually see

colors and shapes of flowers and create art.

Even more, good will be the instructive classroom to have its own access to a small garden, to which will be

responsible the children of this class.

Flower-beds with flowers and with vegetables will need their care.

Trees will offer shade and the benches will be mounted in an appropriate manner, in order that lessons could

be outdoor, when the conditions allow it.

Back to indoors: the classroom may, in at least a part of, skylight on the roof, with appropriate treatment, to

allow light to enter the classroom, but to provide heat, other to be aggravating, when the temperature

Overall Rating:


Innovative Materials:

Cost Effectiveness:

Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

Challenge Overview

About the Challenge

School Building Partners

Traveling Exhibition

Conversations between architects and


Stories from participants

Videos of student participation


Press Room





Sponsors & Partners

Teacher & Student Resources

Discussion Forums

School Building Resources

Competition Details

Host: Architecture for Humanity


Type: Public

Registration Deadline: May 4 2009

Submission Deadline: June 1 2009

Entry Fee: $25 USD

Award: If your design wins, your

school will receive up to $50,000 in

funding for classroom construction

and upgrading. You will receiv

Contact: Sandhya

Status: Winners Announced


NAME: flyover classroom

PROJECT LEAD: Kallitechniko

Gymnasio Ampelokipon (secondary

school for painting-dance-theatre-


LOCATION: Thessaloniki, Makethonia,


START DATE: January 28, 2009



COST: $50000 USD (Estimated)

BUILDING TYPE: Education Facility -

Secondary School

ARCHITECT: Konstantinos Zabetas


Orient Global

, Architecture for Humanity


© All Rights Reserved. This work is the

copyright of the author.



Welcome, guest: please register or log in to your account! ABOUT PROJECTS COMPETITIONS PEOPLE

flyover classroomEntered into: 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

1 of 3 2/3/2010 7:04 µµ



if you give students a library, will bring books from home.

If they have suitable space they will bring a photograph, a printed page from something that moved their

the interest, a painting, a comment.

In this room the children do not seat nailed in hard seats. It is a medieval type torture (seven hours a day

for twelve years) for people full of life and vigor.

A corner that will watch the seasons, the sky, the rain, a corner with fireplace.

I imagine a school with a yard in its center, the nature. Rooms and laboratories built around from the yard in

a big circle with no corners.


A great teacher, Alexandros Delmouzos mentioned in the "secret school": one morning when I went down in

my office, I found certain students to seat around from the fireplace, where fire burned, thus front in the

beautiful fire I opened slowly a conversation, and students began to say their own stories.


In order to make a classroom as ask to us by the school, the teachers and the students, first we separate the

structural and architectural departments that constituting in two categories:

1) funcionality:

The entire classroom is a house with five rooms: the main classroom, the lounge, the garden, the yard and

the facilities.

We place the garden in the ground floor, we place the main classroom of teaching, the lounge and the

facilities in the above floor and the yard is placed in the intermediary.

The plan of this construction can be built with different materials, other for urban areas other for rural areas

and other for a portable version of the building.

The building hangs from a structural system that is independent and for its hanging can be used different

structural systems such as reinforced concrete or metal frame.

As basic unit of dimensioning was used a dimension of 0,6m = 2ft which produces all the other dimensions.

The main classroom is flexible and modifiable.

Its about 14 classrooms in one.

It takes the form of a typical classroom and can also be converted into an amphitheatre.

It can be transferred to the garden for outdoor lessons.

It is mainly litted up with natural lighting by the roof, while it has also a large northern window in the ceiling

for the students to view the sky and the seasons passing by.

Has its own system of natural ventilation and a kneeling system to improve its acoustics performance.

The interior design changes in order that is suitable for each one from the 7 types of courses (performances,

lectures, experiments, projections, debates, computers, workshops) while it has all essential equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

Shaping the change to be appropriate for each of the 7 types of courses, and has all necessary equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

The lounge placed around the rclassoom and has a fireplace, sofas and exhibitions surfaces, with its own

separate ventilation system.

The windows are positioned below the floor to allow students tthat sits down on sofas to watch the yard with

the flowers.

Thus they have the sense that the lounge is in the ground and no in the floor.

There are also eastern windows placed tally, in order the students view the rising of the sun from iside the


The garden has a greenhouse, a vegetable garden and an open area for student's desks.

The natural soil of the land is maintained by avoiding construction to alter it.

Desks go down from the classroom along with the floor, with a lifting mechanism.

The yard is a big circular ramp with very small slope.

Protects students from obesity because it makes them walk.

When they go up they make good in their health and when they go down they have fun.

It has flower-beds with flowers in all its length and a drainage system for the collection of rainwater.

The highest point of ramp is south-eastern to allow students walking in the sunshine when they come out for


The facilities includes w.c., cupboards students, a pharmacy for emergency care and warehouse for

classroom's equipment.

2) sustainability:

The building is constructed with no need to dig the soil of plot.

Construction does not alter the topography which is the fundamental environment.

the manufacture does not degrade the morphology of soil that

It is therefore a flyover classroom drifting between earth and sky.

It has a greenhouse for the exploitation of solar energy while the placement of classroom above the

greenhouse exploits the movement of hot air to above.

In the roof exists space to install photovoltaics, while on the four columns can be installed wind generators.

The walls must be curved to have a greater surface to the sun.

Each wall is a barrel that can be filled with different eco-materials like earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks,


Has systems of natural lighting and ventilation and the roof is ventilated to avoid overheating of the


has systems of natural lighting and airing and her roof is [aerizomeni] in order to is avoided the overheat of


The classroom is surrounded by plants for more cool and has a drainage system for the collection of


Has a fireplace for alternative heating, as well as for emergency purposes, like blackouts.

3) list of materials:

The classroom can be made from the following materials

concrete, steel, aluminium, wood, bamboo, soil, earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks, fabrics, glass, plastic,

tiles, as well as with local materials and technics.

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View full briefWe are inviting you, the designer, to work with students and teachers to design the

classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the

unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide innovative, safe and sustainable

learning spaces.

Find out what teachers and students in your school need to make their learning

environments more effective. Does the classroom inspire learning? Is it overcrowded?

Noisy? Does the classroom have natural daylight? What obstacles prevent schools from

upgrading classrooms or building additional classroom space? Show us how your design

would address the obstacles to providing inspiring learning spaces in your school.

You may partner with any primary or secondary school. (Please note: Classroom designs

for universities and other training academies are not eligible to win.) The school you

choose to partner with can be a local school or one in another region or country. Student

participation is strongly encouraged and will be considered by the jury. The competition

focuses on the design of a single, replicable adaptable classroom. Design teams are not

asked to submit designs for an entire school.

We've created teacher resources, including a design curriculum and web casts to help you

engage and inspire students. Who knows, one of the students you work with could be the

next Calatrava. And, you could be the one who inspired them to become a design


Challenge Resources

Your Classroom Brief

Urban Classroom Upgrade Brief

Rural Classroom Addition

Modular Classroom Design Brief

Challenge FAQ

Online Curriculum for Teachers

Online Webcast for Students

Building Standards

Indoor Air Quality


Information Technology

Energy Efficiency

Facility and Student Performance


Green Building

Architecture as Learning


Adaptive Reuse

Design for Indigenous


International Design

US School Building



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Submitted by konzabetas on Sat, 2009-03-14 14:38.

Created By 4085 on June 1st, 2009 (view larger)




secondary school of fine arts.


The school has been founded recently.

Operated for two years and has only two classes.

In regural operation is expected to have 6 classes.

Is a regular secondary school that has extra art lessons,

divided into groups of dance, painting and theater - cinema.

The students learn mathematic, physics, language and simultaneously

they learn dancing, painting, theatre and making films.

School temporarily housed in another school until its own school building will build up..

The plot exists, already has been bought from the municipality of Ampelokipi and this

moment becomes the debates on the architectural planning of new building.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the concept and part of architectural preliminary

drafts of new building of artistic school.


Firstly the room must be large in relation with the number of students, that good will be it does not exceed

the twenty.

Desks placed circularly and flexibly, in order that the students work sometimes in teams, sometimes opens a

debate, in desks placed in U-shape, sometimes work certain alone, individually, others in teams,

proportionally with the object of teaching and the requirements of circumstance.

At least in one part of the classroom it is good to have a large carpet and big cushions, in order that certain

students, in relaxed disposal, can sit down and write a literary text, work in small teams on a script, process

a project in geography or in the biology, try a dramatization, while the remaining deal with something else.

Generally good is to create corners in the classroom, with parallel pastime of students on different sides of

the same subject ( collaboration of teachers of various items).

Parallel with the central library of the school, it is useful to have bookshelves in classroom, to host favorites

books of childrens, and the favorites cd's and dvd's, which will be parallel useful as starting points in various

instructive objects and in relative projects.

Furthermore, it is necessary an audio system, video, computers and projection screen, Internet connection,

to open a window to the world any time is necessary at the phases of teaching in the frame of


On the other hand there should be a real window to the world, in nature, namely: the class will be supposed

to view with large windows and glass in a green area with trees and flowers.

Stimuli in the multimodal approach of the world should come not only by technical means.

The child will be supposed to hear the real song of bird and inspired a text based on them, to actually see

colors and shapes of flowers and create art.

Even more, good will be the instructive classroom to have its own access to a small garden, to which will be

responsible the children of this class.

Flower-beds with flowers and with vegetables will need their care.

Trees will offer shade and the benches will be mounted in an appropriate manner, in order that lessons could

be outdoor, when the conditions allow it.

Back to indoors: the classroom may, in at least a part of, skylight on the roof, with appropriate treatment, to

allow light to enter the classroom, but to provide heat, other to be aggravating, when the temperature

Overall Rating:


Innovative Materials:

Cost Effectiveness:

Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

Challenge Overview

About the Challenge

School Building Partners

Traveling Exhibition

Conversations between architects and


Stories from participants

Videos of student participation


Press Room





Sponsors & Partners

Teacher & Student Resources

Discussion Forums

School Building Resources

Competition Details

Host: Architecture for Humanity


Type: Public

Registration Deadline: May 4 2009

Submission Deadline: June 1 2009

Entry Fee: $25 USD

Award: If your design wins, your

school will receive up to $50,000 in

funding for classroom construction

and upgrading. You will receiv

Contact: Sandhya

Status: Winners Announced


NAME: flyover classroom

PROJECT LEAD: Kallitechniko

Gymnasio Ampelokipon (secondary

school for painting-dance-theatre-


LOCATION: Thessaloniki, Makethonia,


START DATE: January 28, 2009



COST: $50000 USD (Estimated)

BUILDING TYPE: Education Facility -

Secondary School

ARCHITECT: Konstantinos Zabetas


Orient Global

, Architecture for Humanity


© All Rights Reserved. This work is the

copyright of the author.



Welcome, guest: please register or log in to your account! ABOUT PROJECTS COMPETITIONS PEOPLE

flyover classroomEntered into: 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

1 of 3 2/3/2010 7:03 µµ



if you give students a library, will bring books from home.

If they have suitable space they will bring a photograph, a printed page from something that moved their

the interest, a painting, a comment.

In this room the children do not seat nailed in hard seats. It is a medieval type torture (seven hours a day

for twelve years) for people full of life and vigor.

A corner that will watch the seasons, the sky, the rain, a corner with fireplace.

I imagine a school with a yard in its center, the nature. Rooms and laboratories built around from the yard in

a big circle with no corners.


A great teacher, Alexandros Delmouzos mentioned in the "secret school": one morning when I went down in

my office, I found certain students to seat around from the fireplace, where fire burned, thus front in the

beautiful fire I opened slowly a conversation, and students began to say their own stories.


In order to make a classroom as ask to us by the school, the teachers and the students, first we separate the

structural and architectural departments that constituting in two categories:

1) funcionality:

The entire classroom is a house with five rooms: the main classroom, the lounge, the garden, the yard and

the facilities.

We place the garden in the ground floor, we place the main classroom of teaching, the lounge and the

facilities in the above floor and the yard is placed in the intermediary.

The plan of this construction can be built with different materials, other for urban areas other for rural areas

and other for a portable version of the building.

The building hangs from a structural system that is independent and for its hanging can be used different

structural systems such as reinforced concrete or metal frame.

As basic unit of dimensioning was used a dimension of 0,6m = 2ft which produces all the other dimensions.

The main classroom is flexible and modifiable.

Its about 14 classrooms in one.

It takes the form of a typical classroom and can also be converted into an amphitheatre.

It can be transferred to the garden for outdoor lessons.

It is mainly litted up with natural lighting by the roof, while it has also a large northern window in the ceiling

for the students to view the sky and the seasons passing by.

Has its own system of natural ventilation and a kneeling system to improve its acoustics performance.

The interior design changes in order that is suitable for each one from the 7 types of courses (performances,

lectures, experiments, projections, debates, computers, workshops) while it has all essential equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

Shaping the change to be appropriate for each of the 7 types of courses, and has all necessary equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

The lounge placed around the rclassoom and has a fireplace, sofas and exhibitions surfaces, with its own

separate ventilation system.

The windows are positioned below the floor to allow students tthat sits down on sofas to watch the yard with

the flowers.

Thus they have the sense that the lounge is in the ground and no in the floor.

There are also eastern windows placed tally, in order the students view the rising of the sun from iside the


The garden has a greenhouse, a vegetable garden and an open area for student's desks.

The natural soil of the land is maintained by avoiding construction to alter it.

Desks go down from the classroom along with the floor, with a lifting mechanism.

The yard is a big circular ramp with very small slope.

Protects students from obesity because it makes them walk.

When they go up they make good in their health and when they go down they have fun.

It has flower-beds with flowers in all its length and a drainage system for the collection of rainwater.

The highest point of ramp is south-eastern to allow students walking in the sunshine when they come out for


The facilities includes w.c., cupboards students, a pharmacy for emergency care and warehouse for

classroom's equipment.

2) sustainability:

The building is constructed with no need to dig the soil of plot.

Construction does not alter the topography which is the fundamental environment.

the manufacture does not degrade the morphology of soil that

It is therefore a flyover classroom drifting between earth and sky.

It has a greenhouse for the exploitation of solar energy while the placement of classroom above the

greenhouse exploits the movement of hot air to above.

In the roof exists space to install photovoltaics, while on the four columns can be installed wind generators.

The walls must be curved to have a greater surface to the sun.

Each wall is a barrel that can be filled with different eco-materials like earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks,


Has systems of natural lighting and ventilation and the roof is ventilated to avoid overheating of the


has systems of natural lighting and airing and her roof is [aerizomeni] in order to is avoided the overheat of


The classroom is surrounded by plants for more cool and has a drainage system for the collection of


Has a fireplace for alternative heating, as well as for emergency purposes, like blackouts.

3) list of materials:

The classroom can be made from the following materials

concrete, steel, aluminium, wood, bamboo, soil, earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks, fabrics, glass, plastic,

tiles, as well as with local materials and technics.

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Partner Requests

Are you a school that needs an architect to

team up with, or a architect that needs a

school? Post your information here, and find a


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MBI Discussion Forum

Looking for answers to specific modular

classrooms questions? Ask you questions on

the Modular Building Institute forum.

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View full briefWe are inviting you, the designer, to work with students and teachers to design the

classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the

unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide innovative, safe and sustainable

learning spaces.

Find out what teachers and students in your school need to make their learning

environments more effective. Does the classroom inspire learning? Is it overcrowded?

Noisy? Does the classroom have natural daylight? What obstacles prevent schools from

upgrading classrooms or building additional classroom space? Show us how your design

would address the obstacles to providing inspiring learning spaces in your school.

You may partner with any primary or secondary school. (Please note: Classroom designs

for universities and other training academies are not eligible to win.) The school you

choose to partner with can be a local school or one in another region or country. Student

participation is strongly encouraged and will be considered by the jury. The competition

focuses on the design of a single, replicable adaptable classroom. Design teams are not

asked to submit designs for an entire school.

We've created teacher resources, including a design curriculum and web casts to help you

engage and inspire students. Who knows, one of the students you work with could be the

next Calatrava. And, you could be the one who inspired them to become a design


Challenge Resources

Your Classroom Brief

Urban Classroom Upgrade Brief

Rural Classroom Addition

Modular Classroom Design Brief

Challenge FAQ

Online Curriculum for Teachers

Online Webcast for Students

Building Standards

Indoor Air Quality


Information Technology

Energy Efficiency

Facility and Student Performance


Green Building

Architecture as Learning


Adaptive Reuse

Design for Indigenous


International Design

US School Building



Misc. information and


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©2006-2010 Architecture for Humanity - all rights reserved except where otherwise indicated

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Submitted by konzabetas on Sat, 2009-03-14 14:38.

Created By 4085 on June 1st, 2009 (view larger)




secondary school of fine arts.


The school has been founded recently.

Operated for two years and has only two classes.

In regural operation is expected to have 6 classes.

Is a regular secondary school that has extra art lessons,

divided into groups of dance, painting and theater - cinema.

The students learn mathematic, physics, language and simultaneously

they learn dancing, painting, theatre and making films.

School temporarily housed in another school until its own school building will build up..

The plot exists, already has been bought from the municipality of Ampelokipi and this

moment becomes the debates on the architectural planning of new building.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the concept and part of architectural preliminary

drafts of new building of artistic school.


Firstly the room must be large in relation with the number of students, that good will be it does not exceed

the twenty.

Desks placed circularly and flexibly, in order that the students work sometimes in teams, sometimes opens a

debate, in desks placed in U-shape, sometimes work certain alone, individually, others in teams,

proportionally with the object of teaching and the requirements of circumstance.

At least in one part of the classroom it is good to have a large carpet and big cushions, in order that certain

students, in relaxed disposal, can sit down and write a literary text, work in small teams on a script, process

a project in geography or in the biology, try a dramatization, while the remaining deal with something else.

Generally good is to create corners in the classroom, with parallel pastime of students on different sides of

the same subject ( collaboration of teachers of various items).

Parallel with the central library of the school, it is useful to have bookshelves in classroom, to host favorites

books of childrens, and the favorites cd's and dvd's, which will be parallel useful as starting points in various

instructive objects and in relative projects.

Furthermore, it is necessary an audio system, video, computers and projection screen, Internet connection,

to open a window to the world any time is necessary at the phases of teaching in the frame of


On the other hand there should be a real window to the world, in nature, namely: the class will be supposed

to view with large windows and glass in a green area with trees and flowers.

Stimuli in the multimodal approach of the world should come not only by technical means.

The child will be supposed to hear the real song of bird and inspired a text based on them, to actually see

colors and shapes of flowers and create art.

Even more, good will be the instructive classroom to have its own access to a small garden, to which will be

responsible the children of this class.

Flower-beds with flowers and with vegetables will need their care.

Trees will offer shade and the benches will be mounted in an appropriate manner, in order that lessons could

be outdoor, when the conditions allow it.

Back to indoors: the classroom may, in at least a part of, skylight on the roof, with appropriate treatment, to

allow light to enter the classroom, but to provide heat, other to be aggravating, when the temperature

Overall Rating:


Innovative Materials:

Cost Effectiveness:

Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

Challenge Overview

About the Challenge

School Building Partners

Traveling Exhibition

Conversations between architects and


Stories from participants

Videos of student participation


Press Room





Sponsors & Partners

Teacher & Student Resources

Discussion Forums

School Building Resources

Competition Details

Host: Architecture for Humanity


Type: Public

Registration Deadline: May 4 2009

Submission Deadline: June 1 2009

Entry Fee: $25 USD

Award: If your design wins, your

school will receive up to $50,000 in

funding for classroom construction

and upgrading. You will receiv

Contact: Sandhya

Status: Winners Announced


NAME: flyover classroom

PROJECT LEAD: Kallitechniko

Gymnasio Ampelokipon (secondary

school for painting-dance-theatre-


LOCATION: Thessaloniki, Makethonia,


START DATE: January 28, 2009



COST: $50000 USD (Estimated)

BUILDING TYPE: Education Facility -

Secondary School

ARCHITECT: Konstantinos Zabetas


Orient Global

, Architecture for Humanity


© All Rights Reserved. This work is the

copyright of the author.



Welcome, guest: please register or log in to your account! ABOUT PROJECTS COMPETITIONS PEOPLE

flyover classroomEntered into: 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

1 of 3 2/3/2010 7:03 µµ



if you give students a library, will bring books from home.

If they have suitable space they will bring a photograph, a printed page from something that moved their

the interest, a painting, a comment.

In this room the children do not seat nailed in hard seats. It is a medieval type torture (seven hours a day

for twelve years) for people full of life and vigor.

A corner that will watch the seasons, the sky, the rain, a corner with fireplace.

I imagine a school with a yard in its center, the nature. Rooms and laboratories built around from the yard in

a big circle with no corners.


A great teacher, Alexandros Delmouzos mentioned in the "secret school": one morning when I went down in

my office, I found certain students to seat around from the fireplace, where fire burned, thus front in the

beautiful fire I opened slowly a conversation, and students began to say their own stories.


In order to make a classroom as ask to us by the school, the teachers and the students, first we separate the

structural and architectural departments that constituting in two categories:

1) funcionality:

The entire classroom is a house with five rooms: the main classroom, the lounge, the garden, the yard and

the facilities.

We place the garden in the ground floor, we place the main classroom of teaching, the lounge and the

facilities in the above floor and the yard is placed in the intermediary.

The plan of this construction can be built with different materials, other for urban areas other for rural areas

and other for a portable version of the building.

The building hangs from a structural system that is independent and for its hanging can be used different

structural systems such as reinforced concrete or metal frame.

As basic unit of dimensioning was used a dimension of 0,6m = 2ft which produces all the other dimensions.

The main classroom is flexible and modifiable.

Its about 14 classrooms in one.

It takes the form of a typical classroom and can also be converted into an amphitheatre.

It can be transferred to the garden for outdoor lessons.

It is mainly litted up with natural lighting by the roof, while it has also a large northern window in the ceiling

for the students to view the sky and the seasons passing by.

Has its own system of natural ventilation and a kneeling system to improve its acoustics performance.

The interior design changes in order that is suitable for each one from the 7 types of courses (performances,

lectures, experiments, projections, debates, computers, workshops) while it has all essential equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

Shaping the change to be appropriate for each of the 7 types of courses, and has all necessary equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

The lounge placed around the rclassoom and has a fireplace, sofas and exhibitions surfaces, with its own

separate ventilation system.

The windows are positioned below the floor to allow students tthat sits down on sofas to watch the yard with

the flowers.

Thus they have the sense that the lounge is in the ground and no in the floor.

There are also eastern windows placed tally, in order the students view the rising of the sun from iside the


The garden has a greenhouse, a vegetable garden and an open area for student's desks.

The natural soil of the land is maintained by avoiding construction to alter it.

Desks go down from the classroom along with the floor, with a lifting mechanism.

The yard is a big circular ramp with very small slope.

Protects students from obesity because it makes them walk.

When they go up they make good in their health and when they go down they have fun.

It has flower-beds with flowers in all its length and a drainage system for the collection of rainwater.

The highest point of ramp is south-eastern to allow students walking in the sunshine when they come out for


The facilities includes w.c., cupboards students, a pharmacy for emergency care and warehouse for

classroom's equipment.

2) sustainability:

The building is constructed with no need to dig the soil of plot.

Construction does not alter the topography which is the fundamental environment.

the manufacture does not degrade the morphology of soil that

It is therefore a flyover classroom drifting between earth and sky.

It has a greenhouse for the exploitation of solar energy while the placement of classroom above the

greenhouse exploits the movement of hot air to above.

In the roof exists space to install photovoltaics, while on the four columns can be installed wind generators.

The walls must be curved to have a greater surface to the sun.

Each wall is a barrel that can be filled with different eco-materials like earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks,


Has systems of natural lighting and ventilation and the roof is ventilated to avoid overheating of the


has systems of natural lighting and airing and her roof is [aerizomeni] in order to is avoided the overheat of


The classroom is surrounded by plants for more cool and has a drainage system for the collection of


Has a fireplace for alternative heating, as well as for emergency purposes, like blackouts.

3) list of materials:

The classroom can be made from the following materials

concrete, steel, aluminium, wood, bamboo, soil, earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks, fabrics, glass, plastic,

tiles, as well as with local materials and technics.

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participating in the challenge? Post them

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and answered.

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Partner Requests

Are you a school that needs an architect to

team up with, or a architect that needs a

school? Post your information here, and find a


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MBI Discussion Forum

Looking for answers to specific modular

classrooms questions? Ask you questions on

the Modular Building Institute forum.

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flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

2 of 3 2/3/2010 7:03 µµ

View full briefWe are inviting you, the designer, to work with students and teachers to design the

classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the

unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide innovative, safe and sustainable

learning spaces.

Find out what teachers and students in your school need to make their learning

environments more effective. Does the classroom inspire learning? Is it overcrowded?

Noisy? Does the classroom have natural daylight? What obstacles prevent schools from

upgrading classrooms or building additional classroom space? Show us how your design

would address the obstacles to providing inspiring learning spaces in your school.

You may partner with any primary or secondary school. (Please note: Classroom designs

for universities and other training academies are not eligible to win.) The school you

choose to partner with can be a local school or one in another region or country. Student

participation is strongly encouraged and will be considered by the jury. The competition

focuses on the design of a single, replicable adaptable classroom. Design teams are not

asked to submit designs for an entire school.

We've created teacher resources, including a design curriculum and web casts to help you

engage and inspire students. Who knows, one of the students you work with could be the

next Calatrava. And, you could be the one who inspired them to become a design


Challenge Resources

Your Classroom Brief

Urban Classroom Upgrade Brief

Rural Classroom Addition

Modular Classroom Design Brief

Challenge FAQ

Online Curriculum for Teachers

Online Webcast for Students

Building Standards

Indoor Air Quality


Information Technology

Energy Efficiency

Facility and Student Performance


Green Building

Architecture as Learning


Adaptive Reuse

Design for Indigenous


International Design

US School Building



Misc. information and


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©2006-2010 Architecture for Humanity - all rights reserved except where otherwise indicated

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Submitted by konzabetas on Sat, 2009-03-14 14:38.

Created By 4085 on June 1st, 2009 (view larger)




secondary school of fine arts.


The school has been founded recently.

Operated for two years and has only two classes.

In regural operation is expected to have 6 classes.

Is a regular secondary school that has extra art lessons,

divided into groups of dance, painting and theater - cinema.

The students learn mathematic, physics, language and simultaneously

they learn dancing, painting, theatre and making films.

School temporarily housed in another school until its own school building will build up..

The plot exists, already has been bought from the municipality of Ampelokipi and this

moment becomes the debates on the architectural planning of new building.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the concept and part of architectural preliminary

drafts of new building of artistic school.


Firstly the room must be large in relation with the number of students, that good will be it does not exceed

the twenty.

Desks placed circularly and flexibly, in order that the students work sometimes in teams, sometimes opens a

debate, in desks placed in U-shape, sometimes work certain alone, individually, others in teams,

proportionally with the object of teaching and the requirements of circumstance.

At least in one part of the classroom it is good to have a large carpet and big cushions, in order that certain

students, in relaxed disposal, can sit down and write a literary text, work in small teams on a script, process

a project in geography or in the biology, try a dramatization, while the remaining deal with something else.

Generally good is to create corners in the classroom, with parallel pastime of students on different sides of

the same subject ( collaboration of teachers of various items).

Parallel with the central library of the school, it is useful to have bookshelves in classroom, to host favorites

books of childrens, and the favorites cd's and dvd's, which will be parallel useful as starting points in various

instructive objects and in relative projects.

Furthermore, it is necessary an audio system, video, computers and projection screen, Internet connection,

to open a window to the world any time is necessary at the phases of teaching in the frame of


On the other hand there should be a real window to the world, in nature, namely: the class will be supposed

to view with large windows and glass in a green area with trees and flowers.

Stimuli in the multimodal approach of the world should come not only by technical means.

The child will be supposed to hear the real song of bird and inspired a text based on them, to actually see

colors and shapes of flowers and create art.

Even more, good will be the instructive classroom to have its own access to a small garden, to which will be

responsible the children of this class.

Flower-beds with flowers and with vegetables will need their care.

Trees will offer shade and the benches will be mounted in an appropriate manner, in order that lessons could

be outdoor, when the conditions allow it.

Back to indoors: the classroom may, in at least a part of, skylight on the roof, with appropriate treatment, to

allow light to enter the classroom, but to provide heat, other to be aggravating, when the temperature

Overall Rating:


Innovative Materials:

Cost Effectiveness:

Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

Challenge Overview

About the Challenge

School Building Partners

Traveling Exhibition

Conversations between architects and


Stories from participants

Videos of student participation


Press Room





Sponsors & Partners

Teacher & Student Resources

Discussion Forums

School Building Resources

Competition Details

Host: Architecture for Humanity


Type: Public

Registration Deadline: May 4 2009

Submission Deadline: June 1 2009

Entry Fee: $25 USD

Award: If your design wins, your

school will receive up to $50,000 in

funding for classroom construction

and upgrading. You will receiv

Contact: Sandhya

Status: Winners Announced


NAME: flyover classroom

PROJECT LEAD: Kallitechniko

Gymnasio Ampelokipon (secondary

school for painting-dance-theatre-


LOCATION: Thessaloniki, Makethonia,


START DATE: January 28, 2009



COST: $50000 USD (Estimated)

BUILDING TYPE: Education Facility -

Secondary School

ARCHITECT: Konstantinos Zabetas


Orient Global

, Architecture for Humanity


© All Rights Reserved. This work is the

copyright of the author.



Welcome, guest: please register or log in to your account! ABOUT PROJECTS COMPETITIONS PEOPLE

flyover classroomEntered into: 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

1 of 3 2/3/2010 7:02 µµ



if you give students a library, will bring books from home.

If they have suitable space they will bring a photograph, a printed page from something that moved their

the interest, a painting, a comment.

In this room the children do not seat nailed in hard seats. It is a medieval type torture (seven hours a day

for twelve years) for people full of life and vigor.

A corner that will watch the seasons, the sky, the rain, a corner with fireplace.

I imagine a school with a yard in its center, the nature. Rooms and laboratories built around from the yard in

a big circle with no corners.


A great teacher, Alexandros Delmouzos mentioned in the "secret school": one morning when I went down in

my office, I found certain students to seat around from the fireplace, where fire burned, thus front in the

beautiful fire I opened slowly a conversation, and students began to say their own stories.


In order to make a classroom as ask to us by the school, the teachers and the students, first we separate the

structural and architectural departments that constituting in two categories:

1) funcionality:

The entire classroom is a house with five rooms: the main classroom, the lounge, the garden, the yard and

the facilities.

We place the garden in the ground floor, we place the main classroom of teaching, the lounge and the

facilities in the above floor and the yard is placed in the intermediary.

The plan of this construction can be built with different materials, other for urban areas other for rural areas

and other for a portable version of the building.

The building hangs from a structural system that is independent and for its hanging can be used different

structural systems such as reinforced concrete or metal frame.

As basic unit of dimensioning was used a dimension of 0,6m = 2ft which produces all the other dimensions.

The main classroom is flexible and modifiable.

Its about 14 classrooms in one.

It takes the form of a typical classroom and can also be converted into an amphitheatre.

It can be transferred to the garden for outdoor lessons.

It is mainly litted up with natural lighting by the roof, while it has also a large northern window in the ceiling

for the students to view the sky and the seasons passing by.

Has its own system of natural ventilation and a kneeling system to improve its acoustics performance.

The interior design changes in order that is suitable for each one from the 7 types of courses (performances,

lectures, experiments, projections, debates, computers, workshops) while it has all essential equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

Shaping the change to be appropriate for each of the 7 types of courses, and has all necessary equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

The lounge placed around the rclassoom and has a fireplace, sofas and exhibitions surfaces, with its own

separate ventilation system.

The windows are positioned below the floor to allow students tthat sits down on sofas to watch the yard with

the flowers.

Thus they have the sense that the lounge is in the ground and no in the floor.

There are also eastern windows placed tally, in order the students view the rising of the sun from iside the


The garden has a greenhouse, a vegetable garden and an open area for student's desks.

The natural soil of the land is maintained by avoiding construction to alter it.

Desks go down from the classroom along with the floor, with a lifting mechanism.

The yard is a big circular ramp with very small slope.

Protects students from obesity because it makes them walk.

When they go up they make good in their health and when they go down they have fun.

It has flower-beds with flowers in all its length and a drainage system for the collection of rainwater.

The highest point of ramp is south-eastern to allow students walking in the sunshine when they come out for


The facilities includes w.c., cupboards students, a pharmacy for emergency care and warehouse for

classroom's equipment.

2) sustainability:

The building is constructed with no need to dig the soil of plot.

Construction does not alter the topography which is the fundamental environment.

the manufacture does not degrade the morphology of soil that

It is therefore a flyover classroom drifting between earth and sky.

It has a greenhouse for the exploitation of solar energy while the placement of classroom above the

greenhouse exploits the movement of hot air to above.

In the roof exists space to install photovoltaics, while on the four columns can be installed wind generators.

The walls must be curved to have a greater surface to the sun.

Each wall is a barrel that can be filled with different eco-materials like earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks,


Has systems of natural lighting and ventilation and the roof is ventilated to avoid overheating of the


has systems of natural lighting and airing and her roof is [aerizomeni] in order to is avoided the overheat of


The classroom is surrounded by plants for more cool and has a drainage system for the collection of


Has a fireplace for alternative heating, as well as for emergency purposes, like blackouts.

3) list of materials:

The classroom can be made from the following materials

concrete, steel, aluminium, wood, bamboo, soil, earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks, fabrics, glass, plastic,

tiles, as well as with local materials and technics.

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school? Post your information here, and find a


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MBI Discussion Forum

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View full briefWe are inviting you, the designer, to work with students and teachers to design the

classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the

unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide innovative, safe and sustainable

learning spaces.

Find out what teachers and students in your school need to make their learning

environments more effective. Does the classroom inspire learning? Is it overcrowded?

Noisy? Does the classroom have natural daylight? What obstacles prevent schools from

upgrading classrooms or building additional classroom space? Show us how your design

would address the obstacles to providing inspiring learning spaces in your school.

You may partner with any primary or secondary school. (Please note: Classroom designs

for universities and other training academies are not eligible to win.) The school you

choose to partner with can be a local school or one in another region or country. Student

participation is strongly encouraged and will be considered by the jury. The competition

focuses on the design of a single, replicable adaptable classroom. Design teams are not

asked to submit designs for an entire school.

We've created teacher resources, including a design curriculum and web casts to help you

engage and inspire students. Who knows, one of the students you work with could be the

next Calatrava. And, you could be the one who inspired them to become a design


Challenge Resources

Your Classroom Brief

Urban Classroom Upgrade Brief

Rural Classroom Addition

Modular Classroom Design Brief

Challenge FAQ

Online Curriculum for Teachers

Online Webcast for Students

Building Standards

Indoor Air Quality


Information Technology

Energy Efficiency

Facility and Student Performance


Green Building

Architecture as Learning


Adaptive Reuse

Design for Indigenous


International Design

US School Building



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Submitted by konzabetas on Sat, 2009-03-14 14:38.

Created By 4085 on June 1st, 2009 (view larger)




secondary school of fine arts.


The school has been founded recently.

Operated for two years and has only two classes.

In regural operation is expected to have 6 classes.

Is a regular secondary school that has extra art lessons,

divided into groups of dance, painting and theater - cinema.

The students learn mathematic, physics, language and simultaneously

they learn dancing, painting, theatre and making films.

School temporarily housed in another school until its own school building will build up..

The plot exists, already has been bought from the municipality of Ampelokipi and this

moment becomes the debates on the architectural planning of new building.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the concept and part of architectural preliminary

drafts of new building of artistic school.


Firstly the room must be large in relation with the number of students, that good will be it does not exceed

the twenty.

Desks placed circularly and flexibly, in order that the students work sometimes in teams, sometimes opens a

debate, in desks placed in U-shape, sometimes work certain alone, individually, others in teams,

proportionally with the object of teaching and the requirements of circumstance.

At least in one part of the classroom it is good to have a large carpet and big cushions, in order that certain

students, in relaxed disposal, can sit down and write a literary text, work in small teams on a script, process

a project in geography or in the biology, try a dramatization, while the remaining deal with something else.

Generally good is to create corners in the classroom, with parallel pastime of students on different sides of

the same subject ( collaboration of teachers of various items).

Parallel with the central library of the school, it is useful to have bookshelves in classroom, to host favorites

books of childrens, and the favorites cd's and dvd's, which will be parallel useful as starting points in various

instructive objects and in relative projects.

Furthermore, it is necessary an audio system, video, computers and projection screen, Internet connection,

to open a window to the world any time is necessary at the phases of teaching in the frame of


On the other hand there should be a real window to the world, in nature, namely: the class will be supposed

to view with large windows and glass in a green area with trees and flowers.

Stimuli in the multimodal approach of the world should come not only by technical means.

The child will be supposed to hear the real song of bird and inspired a text based on them, to actually see

colors and shapes of flowers and create art.

Even more, good will be the instructive classroom to have its own access to a small garden, to which will be

responsible the children of this class.

Flower-beds with flowers and with vegetables will need their care.

Trees will offer shade and the benches will be mounted in an appropriate manner, in order that lessons could

be outdoor, when the conditions allow it.

Back to indoors: the classroom may, in at least a part of, skylight on the roof, with appropriate treatment, to

allow light to enter the classroom, but to provide heat, other to be aggravating, when the temperature

Overall Rating:


Innovative Materials:

Cost Effectiveness:

Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

Challenge Overview

About the Challenge

School Building Partners

Traveling Exhibition

Conversations between architects and


Stories from participants

Videos of student participation


Press Room





Sponsors & Partners

Teacher & Student Resources

Discussion Forums

School Building Resources

Competition Details

Host: Architecture for Humanity


Type: Public

Registration Deadline: May 4 2009

Submission Deadline: June 1 2009

Entry Fee: $25 USD

Award: If your design wins, your

school will receive up to $50,000 in

funding for classroom construction

and upgrading. You will receiv

Contact: Sandhya

Status: Winners Announced


NAME: flyover classroom

PROJECT LEAD: Kallitechniko

Gymnasio Ampelokipon (secondary

school for painting-dance-theatre-


LOCATION: Thessaloniki, Makethonia,


START DATE: January 28, 2009



COST: $50000 USD (Estimated)

BUILDING TYPE: Education Facility -

Secondary School

ARCHITECT: Konstantinos Zabetas


Orient Global

, Architecture for Humanity


© All Rights Reserved. This work is the

copyright of the author.



Welcome, guest: please register or log in to your account! ABOUT PROJECTS COMPETITIONS PEOPLE

flyover classroomEntered into: 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

1 of 3 2/3/2010 6:59 µµ



if you give students a library, will bring books from home.

If they have suitable space they will bring a photograph, a printed page from something that moved their

the interest, a painting, a comment.

In this room the children do not seat nailed in hard seats. It is a medieval type torture (seven hours a day

for twelve years) for people full of life and vigor.

A corner that will watch the seasons, the sky, the rain, a corner with fireplace.

I imagine a school with a yard in its center, the nature. Rooms and laboratories built around from the yard in

a big circle with no corners.


A great teacher, Alexandros Delmouzos mentioned in the "secret school": one morning when I went down in

my office, I found certain students to seat around from the fireplace, where fire burned, thus front in the

beautiful fire I opened slowly a conversation, and students began to say their own stories.


In order to make a classroom as ask to us by the school, the teachers and the students, first we separate the

structural and architectural departments that constituting in two categories:

1) funcionality:

The entire classroom is a house with five rooms: the main classroom, the lounge, the garden, the yard and

the facilities.

We place the garden in the ground floor, we place the main classroom of teaching, the lounge and the

facilities in the above floor and the yard is placed in the intermediary.

The plan of this construction can be built with different materials, other for urban areas other for rural areas

and other for a portable version of the building.

The building hangs from a structural system that is independent and for its hanging can be used different

structural systems such as reinforced concrete or metal frame.

As basic unit of dimensioning was used a dimension of 0,6m = 2ft which produces all the other dimensions.

The main classroom is flexible and modifiable.

Its about 14 classrooms in one.

It takes the form of a typical classroom and can also be converted into an amphitheatre.

It can be transferred to the garden for outdoor lessons.

It is mainly litted up with natural lighting by the roof, while it has also a large northern window in the ceiling

for the students to view the sky and the seasons passing by.

Has its own system of natural ventilation and a kneeling system to improve its acoustics performance.

The interior design changes in order that is suitable for each one from the 7 types of courses (performances,

lectures, experiments, projections, debates, computers, workshops) while it has all essential equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

Shaping the change to be appropriate for each of the 7 types of courses, and has all necessary equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

The lounge placed around the rclassoom and has a fireplace, sofas and exhibitions surfaces, with its own

separate ventilation system.

The windows are positioned below the floor to allow students tthat sits down on sofas to watch the yard with

the flowers.

Thus they have the sense that the lounge is in the ground and no in the floor.

There are also eastern windows placed tally, in order the students view the rising of the sun from iside the


The garden has a greenhouse, a vegetable garden and an open area for student's desks.

The natural soil of the land is maintained by avoiding construction to alter it.

Desks go down from the classroom along with the floor, with a lifting mechanism.

The yard is a big circular ramp with very small slope.

Protects students from obesity because it makes them walk.

When they go up they make good in their health and when they go down they have fun.

It has flower-beds with flowers in all its length and a drainage system for the collection of rainwater.

The highest point of ramp is south-eastern to allow students walking in the sunshine when they come out for


The facilities includes w.c., cupboards students, a pharmacy for emergency care and warehouse for

classroom's equipment.

2) sustainability:

The building is constructed with no need to dig the soil of plot.

Construction does not alter the topography which is the fundamental environment.

the manufacture does not degrade the morphology of soil that

It is therefore a flyover classroom drifting between earth and sky.

It has a greenhouse for the exploitation of solar energy while the placement of classroom above the

greenhouse exploits the movement of hot air to above.

In the roof exists space to install photovoltaics, while on the four columns can be installed wind generators.

The walls must be curved to have a greater surface to the sun.

Each wall is a barrel that can be filled with different eco-materials like earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks,


Has systems of natural lighting and ventilation and the roof is ventilated to avoid overheating of the


has systems of natural lighting and airing and her roof is [aerizomeni] in order to is avoided the overheat of


The classroom is surrounded by plants for more cool and has a drainage system for the collection of


Has a fireplace for alternative heating, as well as for emergency purposes, like blackouts.

3) list of materials:

The classroom can be made from the following materials

concrete, steel, aluminium, wood, bamboo, soil, earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks, fabrics, glass, plastic,

tiles, as well as with local materials and technics.

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Please note: This information is subject to our Terms of Use, including a specific disclaimer. It may also be subject to a Creative

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Partner Requests

Are you a school that needs an architect to

team up with, or a architect that needs a

school? Post your information here, and find a


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MBI Discussion Forum

Looking for answers to specific modular

classrooms questions? Ask you questions on

the Modular Building Institute forum.

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View full briefWe are inviting you, the designer, to work with students and teachers to design the

classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the

unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide innovative, safe and sustainable

learning spaces.

Find out what teachers and students in your school need to make their learning

environments more effective. Does the classroom inspire learning? Is it overcrowded?

Noisy? Does the classroom have natural daylight? What obstacles prevent schools from

upgrading classrooms or building additional classroom space? Show us how your design

would address the obstacles to providing inspiring learning spaces in your school.

You may partner with any primary or secondary school. (Please note: Classroom designs

for universities and other training academies are not eligible to win.) The school you

choose to partner with can be a local school or one in another region or country. Student

participation is strongly encouraged and will be considered by the jury. The competition

focuses on the design of a single, replicable adaptable classroom. Design teams are not

asked to submit designs for an entire school.

We've created teacher resources, including a design curriculum and web casts to help you

engage and inspire students. Who knows, one of the students you work with could be the

next Calatrava. And, you could be the one who inspired them to become a design


Challenge Resources

Your Classroom Brief

Urban Classroom Upgrade Brief

Rural Classroom Addition

Modular Classroom Design Brief

Challenge FAQ

Online Curriculum for Teachers

Online Webcast for Students

Building Standards

Indoor Air Quality


Information Technology

Energy Efficiency

Facility and Student Performance


Green Building

Architecture as Learning


Adaptive Reuse

Design for Indigenous


International Design

US School Building



Misc. information and


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Submitted by konzabetas on Sat, 2009-03-14 14:38.

Created By 4085 on June 1st, 2009 (view larger)




secondary school of fine arts.


The school has been founded recently.

Operated for two years and has only two classes.

In regural operation is expected to have 6 classes.

Is a regular secondary school that has extra art lessons,

divided into groups of dance, painting and theater - cinema.

The students learn mathematic, physics, language and simultaneously

they learn dancing, painting, theatre and making films.

School temporarily housed in another school until its own school building will build up..

The plot exists, already has been bought from the municipality of Ampelokipi and this

moment becomes the debates on the architectural planning of new building.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the concept and part of architectural preliminary

drafts of new building of artistic school.


Firstly the room must be large in relation with the number of students, that good will be it does not exceed

the twenty.

Desks placed circularly and flexibly, in order that the students work sometimes in teams, sometimes opens a

debate, in desks placed in U-shape, sometimes work certain alone, individually, others in teams,

proportionally with the object of teaching and the requirements of circumstance.

At least in one part of the classroom it is good to have a large carpet and big cushions, in order that certain

students, in relaxed disposal, can sit down and write a literary text, work in small teams on a script, process

a project in geography or in the biology, try a dramatization, while the remaining deal with something else.

Generally good is to create corners in the classroom, with parallel pastime of students on different sides of

the same subject ( collaboration of teachers of various items).

Parallel with the central library of the school, it is useful to have bookshelves in classroom, to host favorites

books of childrens, and the favorites cd's and dvd's, which will be parallel useful as starting points in various

instructive objects and in relative projects.

Furthermore, it is necessary an audio system, video, computers and projection screen, Internet connection,

to open a window to the world any time is necessary at the phases of teaching in the frame of


On the other hand there should be a real window to the world, in nature, namely: the class will be supposed

to view with large windows and glass in a green area with trees and flowers.

Stimuli in the multimodal approach of the world should come not only by technical means.

The child will be supposed to hear the real song of bird and inspired a text based on them, to actually see

colors and shapes of flowers and create art.

Even more, good will be the instructive classroom to have its own access to a small garden, to which will be

responsible the children of this class.

Flower-beds with flowers and with vegetables will need their care.

Trees will offer shade and the benches will be mounted in an appropriate manner, in order that lessons could

be outdoor, when the conditions allow it.

Back to indoors: the classroom may, in at least a part of, skylight on the roof, with appropriate treatment, to

allow light to enter the classroom, but to provide heat, other to be aggravating, when the temperature

Overall Rating:


Innovative Materials:

Cost Effectiveness:

Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

Challenge Overview

About the Challenge

School Building Partners

Traveling Exhibition

Conversations between architects and


Stories from participants

Videos of student participation


Press Room





Sponsors & Partners

Teacher & Student Resources

Discussion Forums

School Building Resources

Competition Details

Host: Architecture for Humanity


Type: Public

Registration Deadline: May 4 2009

Submission Deadline: June 1 2009

Entry Fee: $25 USD

Award: If your design wins, your

school will receive up to $50,000 in

funding for classroom construction

and upgrading. You will receiv

Contact: Sandhya

Status: Winners Announced


NAME: flyover classroom

PROJECT LEAD: Kallitechniko

Gymnasio Ampelokipon (secondary

school for painting-dance-theatre-


LOCATION: Thessaloniki, Makethonia,


START DATE: January 28, 2009



COST: $50000 USD (Estimated)

BUILDING TYPE: Education Facility -

Secondary School

ARCHITECT: Konstantinos Zabetas


Orient Global

, Architecture for Humanity


© All Rights Reserved. This work is the

copyright of the author.



Welcome, guest: please register or log in to your account! ABOUT PROJECTS COMPETITIONS PEOPLE

flyover classroomEntered into: 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

1 of 3 2/3/2010 6:57 µµ



if you give students a library, will bring books from home.

If they have suitable space they will bring a photograph, a printed page from something that moved their

the interest, a painting, a comment.

In this room the children do not seat nailed in hard seats. It is a medieval type torture (seven hours a day

for twelve years) for people full of life and vigor.

A corner that will watch the seasons, the sky, the rain, a corner with fireplace.

I imagine a school with a yard in its center, the nature. Rooms and laboratories built around from the yard in

a big circle with no corners.


A great teacher, Alexandros Delmouzos mentioned in the "secret school": one morning when I went down in

my office, I found certain students to seat around from the fireplace, where fire burned, thus front in the

beautiful fire I opened slowly a conversation, and students began to say their own stories.


In order to make a classroom as ask to us by the school, the teachers and the students, first we separate the

structural and architectural departments that constituting in two categories:

1) funcionality:

The entire classroom is a house with five rooms: the main classroom, the lounge, the garden, the yard and

the facilities.

We place the garden in the ground floor, we place the main classroom of teaching, the lounge and the

facilities in the above floor and the yard is placed in the intermediary.

The plan of this construction can be built with different materials, other for urban areas other for rural areas

and other for a portable version of the building.

The building hangs from a structural system that is independent and for its hanging can be used different

structural systems such as reinforced concrete or metal frame.

As basic unit of dimensioning was used a dimension of 0,6m = 2ft which produces all the other dimensions.

The main classroom is flexible and modifiable.

Its about 14 classrooms in one.

It takes the form of a typical classroom and can also be converted into an amphitheatre.

It can be transferred to the garden for outdoor lessons.

It is mainly litted up with natural lighting by the roof, while it has also a large northern window in the ceiling

for the students to view the sky and the seasons passing by.

Has its own system of natural ventilation and a kneeling system to improve its acoustics performance.

The interior design changes in order that is suitable for each one from the 7 types of courses (performances,

lectures, experiments, projections, debates, computers, workshops) while it has all essential equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

Shaping the change to be appropriate for each of the 7 types of courses, and has all necessary equipment

(video, computers, benches, mirrors) that need these courses.

The lounge placed around the rclassoom and has a fireplace, sofas and exhibitions surfaces, with its own

separate ventilation system.

The windows are positioned below the floor to allow students tthat sits down on sofas to watch the yard with

the flowers.

Thus they have the sense that the lounge is in the ground and no in the floor.

There are also eastern windows placed tally, in order the students view the rising of the sun from iside the


The garden has a greenhouse, a vegetable garden and an open area for student's desks.

The natural soil of the land is maintained by avoiding construction to alter it.

Desks go down from the classroom along with the floor, with a lifting mechanism.

The yard is a big circular ramp with very small slope.

Protects students from obesity because it makes them walk.

When they go up they make good in their health and when they go down they have fun.

It has flower-beds with flowers in all its length and a drainage system for the collection of rainwater.

The highest point of ramp is south-eastern to allow students walking in the sunshine when they come out for


The facilities includes w.c., cupboards students, a pharmacy for emergency care and warehouse for

classroom's equipment.

2) sustainability:

The building is constructed with no need to dig the soil of plot.

Construction does not alter the topography which is the fundamental environment.

the manufacture does not degrade the morphology of soil that

It is therefore a flyover classroom drifting between earth and sky.

It has a greenhouse for the exploitation of solar energy while the placement of classroom above the

greenhouse exploits the movement of hot air to above.

In the roof exists space to install photovoltaics, while on the four columns can be installed wind generators.

The walls must be curved to have a greater surface to the sun.

Each wall is a barrel that can be filled with different eco-materials like earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks,


Has systems of natural lighting and ventilation and the roof is ventilated to avoid overheating of the


has systems of natural lighting and airing and her roof is [aerizomeni] in order to is avoided the overheat of


The classroom is surrounded by plants for more cool and has a drainage system for the collection of


Has a fireplace for alternative heating, as well as for emergency purposes, like blackouts.

3) list of materials:

The classroom can be made from the following materials

concrete, steel, aluminium, wood, bamboo, soil, earthbags, strawballs, clay, bricks, fabrics, glass, plastic,

tiles, as well as with local materials and technics.

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flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

2 of 3 2/3/2010 6:57 µµ

View full briefWe are inviting you, the designer, to work with students and teachers to design the

classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the

unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide innovative, safe and sustainable

learning spaces.

Find out what teachers and students in your school need to make their learning

environments more effective. Does the classroom inspire learning? Is it overcrowded?

Noisy? Does the classroom have natural daylight? What obstacles prevent schools from

upgrading classrooms or building additional classroom space? Show us how your design

would address the obstacles to providing inspiring learning spaces in your school.

You may partner with any primary or secondary school. (Please note: Classroom designs

for universities and other training academies are not eligible to win.) The school you

choose to partner with can be a local school or one in another region or country. Student

participation is strongly encouraged and will be considered by the jury. The competition

focuses on the design of a single, replicable adaptable classroom. Design teams are not

asked to submit designs for an entire school.

We've created teacher resources, including a design curriculum and web casts to help you

engage and inspire students. Who knows, one of the students you work with could be the

next Calatrava. And, you could be the one who inspired them to become a design


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flyover classroom | Open Architecture Network http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/4085

3 of 3 2/3/2010 6:57 µµ

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4085_03_elevation_01.jpg (JPEG εικόνα, 2480x1654 εικονοστοιχεία) -... http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/system/files/imagecache/imageslide...

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4085_03_elevation_03.jpg (JPEG εικόνα, 2480x1654 εικονοστοιχεία) -... http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/system/files/imagecache/imageslide...

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1 of 1 2/3/2010 6:57 µµ

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1 of 1 2/3/2010 7:07 µµ

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1 of 1 2/3/2010 7:10 µµ

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1 of 1 2/3/2010 7:12 µµ

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