web viewstrong and dangerous reactions. i had never had any of these reactions before and never knew...

Post on 01-Feb-2018






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Dear Canadian Embassy in Kl,

High Commissioner Judith St. George

Street Address:Canadian High CommissionImmigration Section18th Floor, Menara Tan & Tan207 Jalan Tun Razak50400 Kuala LumpurTel.: (603) 2718-3385Fax: (603) 2718-3311 klmpr@international.gc.ca

Please note I am very ill at this time. That for me to write this now before anything else happens. And that you understand that it is quite extraordinary. And an Experience I have never had. It is detailed so that in the event of this unknown future – I am taking the time to put it into writing in case of a greater emergency. Please bear with this – it’s maybe a ramble but I am in over my head. You have to be aware of all this but you can’t panic. As I can’t panic. It can be all worked out – slowly. I hope.

My Name is Christopher De Caermichael . I can be reached 011-2804-3676

I am in Malaysia on holiday. Please bear with this situation as I explain it. As some details are required due to what I am experiencing. I took this time off the past year to relax and travel around Asia. But I ran into an unexpected situation. One that may require some Embassy Finesse. I am in Cocobay Resort, Port Dickson a condo rental from January 3rd 2017. I came here as it was close proximity to the beach. I never saw the condo and had trusted an acquaintance named, Yusuf Djuly that I had met in December to rent the place, he did so in his name. But as I told him make sure there is no mould or anything that could potentially harm me. Insects Vermin and the like. I had developed severe anaphylaxis while in Toronto Canada. To the point that part of the reason and with another Doctors blessings who had tried to treat this strange affliction, that the allergies were too great and that I had to go somewhere and get over them if possible. As I became allergic to all the meds as well. A sign that I was being environmental challenged. So I came to Malaysia – Thailand – and just wandering around to get better. Recording it and writing.

My plan at this time, in Port Dickson was to go to Dumai Indonesia on the 27 th of February and receive my last Malaysian chop and then go to Thailand and take a flight from Chiang Mai to Vancouver. In June 2017.

I had a family doctor in Vancouver BC and wanted to go there and consult with him and see if the time away had fixed the allergies and if BC climate will be better than Toronto. All I needed was time to get better. As In Toronto the allergies had exploded into quite

strong and dangerous reactions. I had never had any of these reactions before and never knew what Anaphylactic shock was. It was just words but in Toronto – it caused me to stop breathing – go unconscious and lots of drama. It may be due to age, family genetics, no one knows why you get anaphylaxis or why mine was so large an experience. I am 59 now. ?

The place in Cocobay resort Block C-06 -03 was very dirty and I quietly freaked. I thought okay – I will have to clean it. I bought my own bedding etc. and I settled in to relax and edit a book that I had written. But Cocobay resort had other plans. Later –after the incident- In going from Doctor to Doctor here, as I found out this place is known by the locals to be the absolute meaning of FILTH. And to stay away. But that was only after the incident and that I was stranded. Per se.

At 3 am on January 13th, I went to bed. During the day – I had washed my bedding and as it had rained the sheet etc. had not dried. I looked at the box of bedding provided by the caretaker a Mr. Goh who I had not met. Within maybe half an hour, I had fallen asleep and woke up screaming in pain as I had been bitten – by ? It felt as if acid had been poured all over my body. I ran into the shower and tried to deal with the sudden appearance of about 50 boils – pox like blisters and hives that were all over my body. I had been somewhat disfigured and was at this time ill with fever and shaking.

Before coming on the journey I had discussed with a doctor Dr. Anthony Chen what Travel meds to take and out think the possible bacteriological or any pathogen that I may encounter. As I was allergic to so many meds(antibiotics) I/we had to choose carefully.

It was now 4am and I was in quite the state. There was no one to call and I had to solve this emergency. I started taking Dapsone a heavy antibiotic that was prescribed in the event of such – a situation.

I took it and within a couple of hours, i started to get better. The pain went away and the fever reduced. I then turned my attention to what was in that bed and what had happened. It was now around 7am and I was a bit delirious due to this unknown attack. I threw the blanked and sheets in a large bucket. I had bleach and Dettol and soap and the bedding in the water – turned RED. It looked like BLOOD – and there were bits of what looked like feces in it. ?

Its beyond gross – by this time shock had set in with exhaustion. I scrubbed the bed, the floor etc – put the mattress outside and fell asleep exhausted. On the couch. A few hours later – as in 8 I awoke and looked at the body damage and the absolute mess of this place.

I contacted Dr. Chen in Toronto. FB Dr. Lawson Baird in Vancouver leaving messages and also my Homeopathic Doctor in Toronto – I called Lawson and left messages. I also had started calling the local hospital – and emailing Kliniks to get directions as to what to do. But this is Port Dickson and the locals mainly only speak Malay and very

little English. It was important to know where to go as to find medication etc and who could provide it. But also remember I was at this time very ill and based on the recent history of anaphylaxis. I had to be careful. I only had 2 attacks in Shah Alam of the reaction versus every day in Toronto and when I was in Thailand at the Beach. I had no reaction. Here at the beach from the 3-till the 13th I was in great shape.

I had once I was in the sea gotten better. I was taking long walks etc. Beginning to run and hike etc. This may be mundane to you dear Canada. But to me it so important that I was getting better. After 4 years of great struggle in Toronto – I had finally stopped taking all these pills – allergy and whatever meds that they gave me that caused me to be so sick.

I had no replies from any PD Medical establishments – 1 reply from Dr. Chen, saying that as I was away seek local care and take the meds that he had prescribed. As I had a lot of these meds. I took them but I was aware that I was very ill. And from history in Canada – Dr’s had a hard time treating it – and had caused more problems. So going to a hospital / Dr.– or even getting ill was never an option here in Malaysia,

I told Yusuf Djuly about it, “the attack” and he called Mr. Goh and he said it’s the housekeepers fault. He is the housekeeper as it turned out. From January 13 – to the 29 – I would say now I was so out of it. I was in daze and though the medication was working? I was getting weaker and weaker. It was a slow process. This is told 2 months after the event. Time was needed to get better and also to establish it was a problem. As there was an event but this outcome was unknown. The reason being is that it was no ordinary Bed bug/ parasitic attack. The “blood” red color and feces I saw in the water was due to it being rat/mice feces. Any bacteria / mold / bedbugs/ parasites came from Rat/ Mouse feces that is blood/rust red in color. Treatment has to be in turns out specific to that species and realm and it us known to damage all your major organs.

By this time, I had an encounter with Mr. Goh. He was very violent and came at me – screaming and swing chains and muttering all kinds of madness. I had no idea who he was and what he was shouting -talking about.

He made absolutely no sense – and his overall condition was so bad, I was not sure what I was looking at. He was so distorted, wheeling, twisting and turning and basically in a state of some mania. This was frightening. My best way to describe his appearance and behaviour was Gollum from Lord of the rings. Later I was told by Resort security that he was a severe alcoholic and very unstable. So I met this man in an alcoholic rage – his unstable gait, the drooling from his mouth – the lurching – the wild eyes the screaming. ? What was I by renting here – exposed to. Infections- Madness?

I got Yusuf Djuly ( 601-839-12810 ) on the phone and asked him what was going on? Mr. Goh – was so profoundly unstable that whatever conversations he had with him about, rent, the infection, etc. He somehow? Became confused and in his drunken state - ? But in the end though I did not have to, except – with all this rage and all this illness I just needed to rest and as I could not and still do not understand what was taking

place. I paid more $. To stop the madness and to buy peace and time to sort out this. I have not been able to. As of yet as the illness has taken over and I am trying to survive it. And Cocobay Resort.

Yusuf came by – we still did not know each well and I could never understand how I could end up here? I trusted – a stranger – to me at the time Good Samaritan to assist me but in the end – well – this illness and experience has defined my stay in Malaysia.

Yusuf – was badly affected by the experience with Mr.Goh and the Resort Management Mr. Paul Raj was alerted and they – took brief control of Mr.Goh. As far as I understood as I wanted him to get away from me and I wanted to get away from Cocobay resort. By now it’s February. I was taking the medication and yet I was still quite ill. I still had fevers and having some difficulty moving – and my heart, pulse and nervous system was so erratic.

Yusuf took me site seeing as it was now about 6 weeks in PD and due to the illness - ? or condition I had not done much. Beach – Bed and eat. He turned it into a hike. I thought at the time, maybe this physical test of exertion will help me understand what I am going through. I was aware that I needed – a stress test to evaluate the condition. All these issues I had undergone in Toronto having had to go through so many Dr’s just to be evaluated and examined for Anaphylaxis. So now I have a healthy dislike of hospitals and Doctors.

It proved I was in very bad physical condition. Whatever gains – I had made from the first few days – of being here at the Beach were gone. I was very weak and I did not know why? My heart beat so badly after 4 steps hiking up the path – that what should have been a 20 minute walk/hike turned into – an hour just to get up the short jungle path. My heart could be seen pounding out of my chest. My family has a chronic heart condition. All have died from it. My father at 52. I did everything I could not to fall into the category - I did not drink alcohol much – never smoked – always exercised. Always ran and hiked and swam and weightlifted. But not anymore.

So Yusuf was observing me and unknown to me – my signs of illness he did not approve of – in fact he was incredibly offended that I was getting so sick? He started making insulting remarks about my weakness to ? me - ?? I did not know this guy at all. I am taken to a place I did not know. Got infected by? Was exposed to the madness of Goh. Got very ill and he was offended?

I simply and politely explained that it was the illness he was observing and that was all. I tried to find alternative accommodation – away from Cocobay – from GOH and from Yusuf. As I realised this situation was deteoriating for reasons so unclear to me. Yusuf disappeared for a while, meaning no contact from him. Also I did not engage him, as his responses were unexpected and confusing.

I called all the KLINIKS and Hospitals again. I finally got through to the Hospital – and 5 of their staff – stated DO NOT COME HERE – DO NOT COME TO EMERGENCY –

GO to Klinik Kesihatan Port Dickson : 75C Jalan Dato K. Pathmanaban, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia Phone:+60 6-647 2800

I called the Klinik and FB message as I was unsure what the Medical situation here was in PD. I had no response and the reason was I spoke no Malay – they spoke – no English.

I was also looking for a place to escape Cocobay – same response- a non-response. I called – I left messages. This is a quiet town – with many spaces available so why was I not able to find anything. I began to google the Hotels – com – Bookings com etc and all these Hotels including Cocobay – the complaint list was all the same. Bad Beds – Bedbugs etc. Bad Maintenance- Bad service staff - So no wonder the extremely rude unprofessional – violent and unsanitary conditions here. I did go see a few places all over priced – and also I saw that the bedding – mold was there. It was a reality check – and it was PD a very dirty – if not filthy place. I thought well go up to Langkawi or Penang. ?

But the illness prevailed. Yusuf turned back up. I had stopped contacting him and just was trying to get out and get better. When he returned Yusuf ? Says lets go to Malacca. Forever up to travel and trying to overcome whatever this was? I said yes but the cost? He says NO Problem. Its 70.00 to rent a car – and the gas- and food – so Maybe 200.00 Ringgits – I said okay. But the next day – February 26 he shows up with a Driver and a car and he says, “I hurt my back. I can’t drive” My first question was what is this going to cost. I was once again footing a large bill. Unnecessarily and something I had tried to get him to reveal with the complicated situation at the Condo I had been told 550. Per mth for this garbage dump of infection and free electricity.

The attack from Goh turned out to be based on electrical usage – that was not free. ? And that due to the illness and being bed ridden and fevers – I was in bed more and in the cool – only able to go to the beach after the attack in the late afternoon. So ? And it turns out that Goh was even charging – from December when I was not even there. It was and is very contentious. I had nothing to do with it per se. But I was sure being violently threatened. Goh is unable to express himself except when he is raging. And he is very VIOLENT. Apparently Yusuf and Mr.Paul Raj, property management- had to control him, by being very harsh and intimidating. But as Goh continues to rail – he may be accustomed to be using his scare tactics on other guests like myself. A kind of extortion.

All foreigners who come here may get attacked and later as I had to escape Goh and I could find nothing suitable and being so weak I rented another place – in another building. Cocobay is a very large resort. And the issues in Block C – were repeated in Block B- but smaller. I had no choice – I was / am too ill to go traveling and I am seeking aggressive medical attention to solve this now established illness.

In Malacca – I became very ill – the antibiotics had finished. So I was still unaware of what had bitten me in the attack. But it was revealed in the move. Malacca was useful

in making me aware that I could not go anywhere- The chop – the extension to stay in Malaysia would have to be done here in Malaysia. In Malacca I simply collapsed- the heat – the walking around – in 2 hours I was lying on the benches beneath the museum – overcome. Yusuf was looking for me as I had just wondered off to sleep. Anaphylaxis had hit and I was stiffening up. Meaning I was experiencing – a physical response from the bacteriological attack – parasitic attack that led to joint pain and stiffness. I need a tetanus shot or anaphylactic shock injection. Epi Pen injections run at 1700 ringgits. A tetanus shot is 40.00 ringgits.

I was too leave via Dumai, Indonesia. Yusuf was going to come along as he knew the city of Dumai, plus I was unsure of my physical ability or get the extension by the 28 th. On the 27th . I was in many doctors’ offices. They were on lunch or? I was told come back at 5 or 7 etc. Pm. It was just 1,30 pm. I went to Klinik Kesihatan Port Dickson and what I experienced on the phone with The Hospital and the lack of response from the Klinik it was much worse in Person.

I paid my fee – and saw a Dr. who then upon listening to my analysis of events and though having the Anti- Tetanus shot decided to NOT give it to me – on the grounds that I could get it anywhere? I was shocked – “what do you mean. Anywhere?” He says you can go to any Klinik in PD and they can give you any # of vaccines including Tetanus. Since this was not the case – as I had called and sent requests and got no response and prior to getting to the Kesihatan, I had gone to 3 of them near the bus station in PD – and the staff said no – GO TO Kesihatan. Dr. is not in and we don’t carry any of this stuff – or go to KL. I said I require at least a tetanus shot, he said NO – and called a Klinik on the phone. The surrealism of it all – was to see this doctor pantomime all kinds of good news – a thumb up and say Hurry and go to Klinik Ang. They have it all- I said are you sure – this is 5 hours of a wild goose chase. He says yes I have confirmed it all.

PD is a slow coastal city. There are few buses – few taxis and few conveniences or niceties. The people here are so rough- I asked how to get there – The response was Get a taxi – I asked where from? They said I will call you one. Half hour goes by and no taxi. So they said go – outside on the street and get one. That has never worked for me here in PD. In Kl or Thailand taxi hustle you. Here they just drive past you. When I first got to PD – we got a taxi and we had to load my suitcases and the driver came out to look and jumped back into his car and drove off. Leaving us stranded.

So I ended up walking in the heat back to town. It was now 5.30 the Klinik closes at 6pm . I finally got there – and waited to see Dr. Ang. He calls me in. I explained who I was and what I wanted and that the Dr. from Kesihatan had confirmed you have what I require. He says - “I did not – I told them I have to order it from Kesihatan” Go back to them and GET OUT. IM BUSY. Now I am really confused. I left – but by then it was after 6pm and I finally got a shot of tetanus from another Dr. and the other Klinik I had seen was open and I went in – told them the story and he said you need ROCEPHIN as well.

Rocephin is a very powerful multi spectrum antibiotic for infections related to the pathogenic world I had encountered. I was also given a lot of different other antibiotics for everything. This was late on February 28th – I took the drugs and went spiraling into side effects. They were very powerful releasing massive fevers- and the side effects were to make me dizzy and nauseas and triggered anaphylaxis. The first few days I barely remember of early March – I knew I slept a lot and sweated and time just was lost. I had made arrangement to get out of Goh apartment. I contacted Yusuf to explain the situation via FB – I messaged him about the side effects and that I have to rethink all my plans – about moving away from Cocobay – organizing my trip to Canada via Thailand – his response was for me to SHUT UP! ? He was regretting assisting me? And to leave him alone. This is a polite summary as the real note was aggressive and a bit vulgar.

In total we had maybe 12 visits – in 3 months- the situation of GOH – the infection and my collapses were unfortunate for me. A situation that somehow he arranged and would pay for possibly with my life... sounds dramatic but not.

I moved into B1 – 6 – 08 – The place was adequate. But it was a corner suite lots of light and air and it was clean. I did ask them to clean it. I moved my stuff in at 2- 6 am. But it quickly became critical – another horror story – the aircon had flooded the bed room suite. Again something I had not experienced before. I started videotaping the flood and the amount of water. I actually had to put in a 6 foot baby pool that I had to contain the flood – it’s on Video. So no exaggeration.

But and this is important – I had to move the bed- and it was completely rotten – it was nothing but saw dust. I had checked the mattress – but not the bed. Once I moved the bed, I was faced to face with my nemesis. What I videotaped and took pictures off was the Rat Feces. This particular feces is red/rust in color exactly the same look and color of what was in the blanket and wash-water.

So that meant that extra care was required. I researched Rocephin further and it is a drug taken in several doses. But also that the heart was a main target for this rat toxicity. I went back to Klinik Asia and had the 2nd shot administered. Dr. Vijayan at Klinik Asia assured me that I was not infected with any contagious but it can be treated either here or in KL. But the heart issue requires immediate consultation. I was given the name of another Klinik – TEH and made arrangements to see them – this was yesterday Friday 17th March. I will get there ASAP. As this heart thing is scary. I never had an issue with my heart – but now I do. The only doctor I can trust is Dr. Lawson Baird in Vancouver. I have to call again and I have a ton of documents to send. All Lawson said the last time we spoke was get here.

As I can’t travel immediately at this moment – and can recover – given time and a lot of organization – to get back to Canada. I may have been weakened and will go to Kl to Sunway medical hospital for further tests. ASAP – once I get the ECG results – etc.

The new place was cleaned again – the bed I threw out under condition that I replace it. Which I did – it was better to have a brand new bed as PD has so many bed issues and even the 5 star hotels – from Penang – Langkawi all have this. I have so many videos now of what can go wrong in Malaysia when it comes to Beds – BB and exposure to the unknown.

By this time I have seen a few doctors in person and the feedback regarding COCOBAY is frankly disturbing. It’s a unique disaster. It’s known for its filth. Corrupt management and owners yet. It exists. And there are no warnings.

I am concerned about my unfortunate death from this. But I think that is reasonable considering the situation. I will come and see you when I can.

Please do not panic. Yes it’s a very bad situation but only for me. But if it is escalated to? The danger to my health is great. This could all be a very bad scare. Since I can spend time – recuperating. I created an adhoc – survival situation. I have a local restaurant fixing my food – from the vegetables and supplies that I provide. I have found meds that will in time work. The heart issue? Yikes – it is to be determined. If it’s not detrimental – but requires rest to recuperate. Then I have now created a space to do it in. M. Goh scares the crap out of me. As he is so unpredictable in his responses.

I have to deal with Malaysian Immigration – as this situation arose as I was about to leave. I was told it would be okay – as it’s a real emergency. But it may need finessing as who knows at this point I don’t.

Yes – obviously I have to leave – but travelling for 3 days back to Toronto not a reality. Putting a patient on a flight like this through Korea to Toronto. It’s a recipe for a heart attack.

So the correct process is to not panic – this is all for me – as I write this – but to allow – a time to heal so that I can recover. When I get to Vancouver it all has to start all over again and I have to find a place to stay in Vancouver – and as I have read Vancouver is grossly expensive at the moment.

I have no idea how I got in to this situation. As its machinations are not in my wheel house.

Sickness or injuryMany Canadians become ill and require medical assistance when they are outside of Canada.  If you get sick when you are travelling, here’s how to get help:

Most major tourist hotels have in-house doctors who can provide medical care. Hotels can also arrange appointments with local physicians.

If you have travel insurance, contact the local number you may have been given or the assistance centre in Canada and ask for a referral.

If you need urgent care, the best option is often the nearest hospital. In some countries, ambulances may not be common. Use whatever form of transportation you have to get to a hospital. 

Medical emergenciesIf you have a medical emergency while abroad, officials at the nearest Canadian government office can help provide the following services:

Provide a list of physicians, clinics and hospitals. Contact your next of kin or person designated in a power of attorney to make

decisions in case of incapacity. Assist in contacting your insurance company. With your permission, contact your medical doctor in Canada and assist him or

her in discussing your medical file with the local treating physician. Provide assistance for medical evacuation and safe transfer including liaison with

service providers.

However please note that the Canadian government does not:

Pay hospital and medical bills. Pay for medical evacuations, air ambulance or other similar commercial services. Make decisions pertaining to your medical care. Interfere in your medical care. Provide medical or legal advice.

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