ПРИВІТНЕНСЬКА ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступеня “fruits and vegetables”...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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“Fruits and vegetables”Підсумковий урок

(англійська мова 3 клас)

Вчитель: Ребрук Аліна Денисівна ©

с. Привітне

Обладнання: тематичні картки по темі ”Fruits and vegetables”; матеріали для гри «В магазині»; «Мій улюблений салат»; роздатковий матеріал, плакат з кросвордом, комп’ютер, проектор

Тема: Овочі і фрукти. Підсумковий урок по темі.

Мета: Повторити і активізувати лексичні одиниці до теми ”Fruits and vegetables”, закріпити слова, структури ”I like…”, ”I don’t like…”, ”I would like…”, утворюючи речення та сприймаючи їх на слух; активізувати використання вивчених лексичних одиниць і структур у мовленні. Формувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення. Розвивати навички правильної вимови, читання, побудови речень, виразів, виховувати працелюбність, інтерес до іноземної мови.

Тип уроку: закріплення та систематизація знань, умінь та навичок.


I. Greeting 1. Warming – up.2. Phonetical drills3. Announcing the topic and the aims of the lesson.

II. Oral practice (vocabulary practice)a)picturesb)reciting

III. Listening.a) Pre – listening taskb) Listeningc) Post – listening

IV. Writing1) Fill in.2) Complete the words

V. Physical training

VI. Readinga) Pre – reading activities.b) While – reading activityc) Post – reading activity.

VII. Speaking1) Game “What is it?”2) Let's play the "I like" game.3) Game “Fruit or vegetable”4) Game “In the shop”5) Game “I am a cooker”6) Solving puzzle.

VIII. Conclusion.


T.: Good morning, children!

Ps.: Good morning, good morningGood morning to youGood morning, good morningI am glad to see you.

I. Greeting

1. Warming – up.

T.: - I am glad to see you, too- Let’s begin our lesson.- How are you?- How old are you?- Where do you live?- What street do you live in?

2. Phonetical drills

T.: - Look at the pictures.

3. Announcing the topic and the aims of the lesson.

T.: Our today’s topic is “Fruits and vegetables”. Today we’ll check how you learn the vocabulary; we’ll make up sentences, listen and play, recite the poems.

II. Oral practice (vocabulary practice)

T.: Look at the pictures and name what you see.

a cucumber

an apple

a carrot

a potato

an onion

an orange

a raspberry

a banana

P1. I see …

b) Revision! What rhymes do you remember about fruit and vegetables

PI. I like coffee,

I like tea. I like

apples In the tree.

P2. Apples are sour, Apples are

sweet, Apples are juicy And nice to eat.

P3. One slice of onion,Two slices of bread,Three slices of sausage

– It won’t be bad!

III. Listening.

a) Pre – listening task

I know about your favourites, your creative abilities and I know that you like to guess riddles. Am I right? Ok. Listen to me and try to guess.

b) ListeningSolve there riddles about vegetables

1)A hundred shirtsAll without buttonsWhat is it?

2) An old man dressed in brown Takes off his coatAnd the tears run down.

3) I am round and brown, I grow under the ground. What am I?

4) I am long and orange, Sweet and tasty.I grow under the ground.

5) I am long, thin vegetable With dark, green skin.You like to eat me And not only in spring. What am I?

c) Post – listening

T.: Listen to the words and clap you hands when you hear the words connected with our topic (the pupils listen and clap)

a room, an apple, an onion, a cucumber, a fox, a mother, a banana, a pencil, a carrot,

a window, an orange, a cabbage, a pen, a potato.

IV. Writing

Listen to the task. You should find the letters of 4 words. Which of them are names of vegetables?

Complete the wordsarotrc - carrotbacgeba - cabbage lonem - melon sepgra - grapes

1) Fill in.

(the pupils write on the blackboard and in the copybooks the letters filling in the blanks)

a cuc..mberan ap..lea c..rrota p..tatoan on..ona or..ngea r..spberrya b..nana

2) Complete the words

Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! And sit down! Stand straight!Bend left, bend right! Stand straight!Get’s jump: 1,2, 3-Hop! 1,2, 3-Stop!

V. Physical training

T.: How do you think children, what this text is about?

VI. Reading

a) Pre – reading activities

Little Apples and Big Apples

b) While – reading activity

Mummy, I want an apple. Give me an apple, please.It is evening now, my boy. Apples sleep in the evening. You must go and sleep, too.Oh, no Mummy. Only little apples sleep, big apples do not sleep. Give me a big apple, please, Mummy.

T.: Take the stripes with the sentences and make up the story. Read your text.

c) Post – reading activity.

Give me an apple, please.Give me a big apple, please, Mummy.Apples sleep in the evening. You must go and sleep, too.Mummy, I want an apple. Oh, no Mummy. It is evening now, my boy. Only little apples sleep, big apples do not sleep.

Тренування лексики на вимову та вживання.

VII. Speaking

1. fruit, sour, juicy, yellow 2. fruit, sweet, long, yellow 3. fruit, sweet, sour, round, orange, juicy 4. fruit, sweet, sour, round, yellow/red/ green, juicy 5. vegetable, red, round 6. vegetable, long, green 7. vegetable, sweet, orange

8. vegetable, brown, bitter

1) Game “What is it”

For example:P1. I like apples.P2. I like apples and plums.P3. I like apples, plums and pears.P4. I like apples, plums, pears and grapes.

2) Let's play the "I like" game.

Every pupil names the fruit or vegetable he/she likes.

3) Game “Fruit or vegetable”

(на дошці прикріплені картки із зображенням овочів чи фруктів. Необхідно розділити , що

відноситься до фруктів, а що до овочів)

T.: I don’t know where are fruits or vegetables.Help me, please!Is it a fruit?Is it a vegetable?

4) Game “In the shop”

Shop – assistant: Good morning. I am a shop – assistant. Let’s play shop. I have many fruits and vegetables. What would you like …

P1.: Give me 3 apples, please.Sh.: Here you are. P1.: Thank you. Good – bye!Sh.: Welcome. Good – bye!P2.: Give me 4 bananas and 2 oranges, please.Sh.: Take 4 bananas and 2 oranges, please.P2.: Thank you. Good – bye!Sh.: Welcome. Good – bye!

5) Game “I am a cooker”

Do you like to cook?Today we make salad’s.

Fruit saladI make a fruit saladI take one apple, two oranges, a banana and some cream.

Vegetable saladI make a vegetable saladI take one onion, one tomato, two cucumber and some oil.

6) Solving puzzle.

The last task is to solve the crossword puzzle.

VIII. Conclusion.

T.: Dear children, you had a very good time at the lesson.You have carried out a lot of tasks.You know names of fruit and vegetables.

Repeat, please.

a cucumber

an apple

a carrot

a potato

an onion

an orange

a raspberry

a banana

I like you work

That’s all for today.

Good – bye!

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