É' *'jlÖ/5t tribuini new-york daily tribune. ÍttbtÍ.tlt. · 2017-12-14 ·...

Post on 09-Aug-2020






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toi. til. "tlO. M .MW-VliKH, FKIIlAV H f» K » I « <|. Jll.V I«. IwgT. WHO I. F ¡»I», twill.



Tribune llall.llng». corner of t»pt

*'Jl Jlww-si»- -ire^i«. .»'!..»-.¦.. «"." « ¦«* ..«

^«.Bvarsd to City *+***". u" w\ *****^j!sor when i^T P" '¦ MbsycBB r»y In advai

V*}^tt for .'» no Lta or « y-ar at the «anie

î'.Vrorle'T« te»« M.tl.u'.«cr1l.er.P.».Cffoa »BBon,. In a.1»»r.c... ar. 1 ihe pai^Z!l»ïL«..n.-l ihe Urn- for whlrh ti t.nald¡S-Tioai la»**1 for Hi BM in» Tr.ree II.,dart li

.2-5^»»milred In s etc» arges-»Uli ( e'.ntry N

¡¡¡»r» Dsl ' rapen received si this cate« «

JJlttsrrbigf'r iban tr.ose ,,f T«r Tuti'M".ravtrsd SB» dlffererce

T«»«» »B ansJBBTIBinn.ffo .4dS<r«rrVataLlne». r '.* fomtosortto .*J/. each aobastiBant laaeriion.jaJLrVen í.'lnaa P'm heartl«..iesoisaff»»t»«eoa««Bltosorilon. which may I*» >¦.nr» 4«y or once, iwice. or three limes 2 cents s

Jiteik. si iba opiton of if.« sdveritssr. )


-».?-»i ..n VA .».,..» and atriISM. morn

Jtt* M per atnum. Two copies for Bo.



i ¿£±_HgW-YORK TRIBUINIMitft--H"n '' h ^ '»»ni Ihg praaant

»«»rooro. Maine ha*kv » Loco Foco

' »'atire < Thaqipoa of appoint » to Uta National (

»«nc* w»« lin« "'".». ant «tasten fakirn.» tli.» m

gaetoefenveritiotí ad rirnorl till ttie next'lay

Ko«W|. H AND WiKi MTkK K A ll.Kn.A ii C

,jrf.At « mear-mi* id HtockboltW* rd Ihl« Cornp»gorwkb yesterday Jtfoa C. H'.and A *x li.V

j*a A Rockwell .' ,«hua N |\ rkin«. [Isnlel Dl.tjm 8 Ufoe, Bantal B a, »a, \% n s BaanaaAnnRobinxin (taratrtfoa Vander'.iit and l.iw Herr

nrt elected Ilircctnr».HI « aubsequrnl mietlng of the !'. »rd of lilrcc

,«av C H'1' I -ANO Wh« ui »r. m, ¦-¦ '. i'r.«.

I ««mpltment fully»gjeieut tnaiin. r ;n wh

htosT itat

aovrd.i that th. .

»kirh I, at r lOWa fu U»e> t,,r the !".

y huiine»«. m»y m. He* »r i Tote BlaIrf Boney for th<-«ite -, town bo

arg *jtr»aed!iig .: do «r» tw

!V H"trd of acperM'ort may . ilher rauac the in,

»be collecter), or the qaastfofl to t .. OtoM ¦ '..

«(ntted to the lowntp.' .;,.- -«id tnwnboucet aro t<

Ml charge of ll - Town Cork, and nr»a


|y H'- I i a mu Ha.i.n of N.-w Hav

j »«ear tic il l»»t Halil.atli «It. im.im on tho ¦

I a/§r ' the Beajiater I.

¡¿meut« the proa' «MB in aayini' tliAt big iliarotr

! VW a political tirade i ¦. u,

pJT* Iami-a N H' m m ol l.vii.'c a we kiioi

,bt>!ltiuiii«t liapi» i m it reel throuiih wh:

v|r Pant and I to pas« in makingta» foal ...

Uf>' atla'-l

g b.» btan v ¦'.¦ I («»ten

a«taopp"»t'J jffJ*Tfca lalaian Bail tawnier»alii o Fililia »I t

| gt»Mchu»ett» Ploughman, one ol foa tno.t »utittant

»grtcullural journal» in the cur,try it out in /avor

is» L«ni i. o.o .i. .n ai,.i li,.- ira ¦¦ BoanaatotTtoCourier and I «p. eta will h»v«i Pi .»..- tafofo .!

lb» prrnuricncy ..) the aatohttahad ont. r of tViini

aiy t>* rt.dai |. padTlUoi ON HI Si LAWtUnCI

«Val* lontain« a Tabla which «how» the amount t ptJits which had daaeaaatad th« st BWisaaea la that ci

ndClue'iec by tho la chin" Unaal and iiapid» «li,

tar nirl.'aiioii opened, up to mil ln«t Tin-Canal».I r»rneti¡',i red are r, ty,| COUpleted 1 lour. Ô--II

htafoi »Vbi barrellata, 104 barrateaad .¦" kagi I aid r..i k, i:t.:t

nrrrl» II

tllisfv |a c \ i' t in:. |)i | OB ]Wat. ill .w» that, teal year, on t, i: B

apriAlultfofoBBBhbniigli His imilsj naa only 9170,000. othii.. raise» tew «jbandoned, bad lurinf foe ttrim woikid yi. Mi IM To nalKJrtDlsgroii« ii:M»tItieiit». ImWeVi-r, there imi-I

jtdfinent and rcouomy. otherwite great l.,««e» may tnturred

JGoLli «vf> 8il \ i.K Hiaaaoi Ami un \ .All tligotd e»»r ,j »c,.v,....l m the new world, »ay» th., Miiili

J.'srnal. w, uld not till hall ol a I'arii tliop k. i»rdrawing: roana. Tin aaanal vahaa ol tnaaafolaalBaaitka Inited state« t« |l«naanjj ,,t ,¡,. k. |g Hnd »¡i»,afoul MailtlT I'.''"»»".,., ditto I'.ru |öl,0tJ0.üü.«htf-rly la Mhrer) >l N w (¿ranada |:i "aaJ.iHX) ol Kr

i only, $1 oil ii'o

R| OOPPII MlM-- Tlu'si lililíes, in tillaiud ,1 | a «e ,. v lirituhcapttaltlti.aulbs ore «melted in Urdían.) In 1-4j to -1' BreyoafBataaataaanri hi ad '¡n ton» ol eoanaran wfoc»M»..ld r t : i>_

Keartul 'loilalllv on IBM M. l.iiAtrence.

Tiu'«ila\ » afoal , // I ti,,» dea ribaa tliluffem g« o1 tatoaa wl i have t rí. -.i to encapa frwlattunc ami iliaca»,', m tde midst ol pleat) ol pn.it.'iia inIrela I.aiultlicWhich Irish iinSk'ovt'riiiiii'i.t cui'iteiiRtic.'I in it

br£ti»»li»)t atataatnaa. ia oatailingj or, the onotfraeaihg lidialutHhl» of tin« Coiitii.clit.The pe*tllence t» la, »un ly amoa«] u«. at: 1 the ,lrea

Basses which, at foal »« aaaataad to foe eaalgtwaiabo »ouglil our shore« now cut« down many a v»!u»l>!sieinta-r at our »ociety lie cl, r^y. and Ihe men

pr.deMioH -Ihe »r-ll devotc.l ladle« tn un II,,- c. |.. i.,

«iid ih>- ban».»¦... ut a ntj a a( »¦ i. atanety, who »i

«lw»y a prêtant where inur > ,» tvatnSM Inrntihetheir vi, lion w y houi lurio.lie. », m,. i,-w o.ilaii

. . -. ».s traah ex»tnpieof ii» tftiiuiiKtt.'ii i'

ilettti aiooiig tho. we know and raBBS it With wh««v»r p.nut the »treats ul niitery cine» in c.i.ta, t

aw»-» Ihe l!l»lk id It» p«.»»»'-. on the »!. a'l

knaaa. twenty or t:»e ai,d te otv «VfMfl 111 the »hoii.,g aatweet I Mi Btraal i r.

ty does n d »

pr,»-.. -I

«t th ..«. »a r .tier than .¦

»hlch li.o. n u. id la, proVlatV a« I! lo ¦

«*Vti». »¦ n la thaiMaaaaaaaaaadta . «I terai paitiNl«talit y lytog and deatlia to tile nilrlllcl ol thlttyf^ty. titty «i.

o»t any on* imagine ibeli laftertag*là a low inanh»ben» t,ol » l.realh ot » an n ... n iii.iii. wnh M afoal.toiler ti.m aha «r m m tnat. tuii «hed» ina.1.- adaten««weds while lb« therinomeler tli »I n.-hou«e» »helterec:kytwssta »i"i asaaaed to BiaraghM of »tr, »tant» ». higl.« B" lti,.»e who »rr »ttack.,1 may have money t'ui

Bfo aan and an one fo laaatea th.-m t.raii dread ih«..ouige

It u with de. p r, g'>t w«. thi« m. rt..:.¿ n .rd the death»f two o| out mo»! ,!e».t vedly valued and e«t«-..«.Cttilen« I'ri.po troin

typbu» le^er¦- contra, U ,1 Mi the p. r I, rmance ol then»alt onpoted dun, ». m at Ihe to k asa!rtanit «i the ihdei. >.. th »a led with linnyCkurch the :\le ul who»«» btohly ropected and B> Mi«at tncumbeat. Ker Mr \\ we »re n.rrytu My. cootldrred in Hi- grestcst da-.fer tr.in the «ame

dite«*, e. ,,tr» ted to the perforasse« ol l.l« Chriatianpsstors! duti-t tu the t«m. n.-n .'¦:.¦ toefl t\

I i't., th.- u,, ,,..t .. x ,aa,-la (tad arnv.ul at«¦¦a incasur baag ».«¦. M

»lupa at ti., ibelavQ , .,. tll,j|H pasacticrs taillai at u «a| ..

\»mi,kili Tde tiro wind, aase «atraco UMesste the wholo , t the I'UttneM part , | ti .. . ,- |«oogh :ioiirt»hin< town and dcttr.yed «aaaygtrM valued* o I lei« than a wi.lioii ot afoBtgi »id i,.t taagj ;H. t<i.

fotten Ihe .Vita.»ac«rf Im/utrrr of the ltvh the atmi

?vrtary ¦ the t r. «ay«"Much has tarn done in the way ol but,ding.mure-

Itoibahly. than any ono drvaamed id. a year ago ,.of«W»« »bop» dwelling hou«r». Ac Ac. n t t»r tremtwoks»tlred h»ve ta»a.n rini»hcd, off are going up The""»«s are many ot thi in. r.ne »ulnUutiaJ brick build'»at »uperior, ij »:. reeptsci« to t.v.r praonweaaora, and¦»atui \tu¡ jweiiiinj bañara bans a rarj m »t a'.rtsbie appearance. Kul Natiiucket ha» not recor.red.**d »I but uke y to re. ,v, r very tous, Iroin Uve efloct«

^| the Ju.y hr.v NUii) were eiitir.'ly ruined by ll, *ud"."aoorce* of many m re a-ri *fo y iitiuui»'¦ssmoosi ot t'uiiding thst h«» baan doive aaaV i foaaaM »*°f»tj!e clrrumataijcc«, «liowt we think that our«lOir», .j,, jgj ij m fjayftctont In « in i¿y. and tli»t tticro

tap.la. eooufh ... »..:.. to »¦¦"» '«r Naatuctvet. and iu«l w liiin » tew y.-«r«, * pro«-

."".T ». |r«at »« ir,«. r»er , i y. I an lp.rli»p» gr**tof

Haprrme t auri....Ji y HJudge t'ady «aaj ¦ Law

¦.«S «lade tb«ir r.-p.,rt ihis morning, which wa* di«**>d »t length Meveral u.w Kuie» were »J.pted a' j****. «ire r«seatialiy m»dlbed 1 h.y w.

J2»"JJPOB. and ordered to to pni.Uad ut.d-r the «upcr"°s ot * CoBDinillee to i» appointed t .r that purpMB

the i'J!:,(l!'u toeo Y'"***«*«* with tna consideration of'^¿«JJJJfoawe. upon which tt i« «till eagagatlMaantanaT WUl prul>*bl' ftnl,h lu to1**«** and adjourn


I.1T. ITK'In.Tin-aauAt July U

Im« « As r at Kv A sjrrJti. gnatn-e Juliclary *,-!,» utthat Ma; .rTh'maaJr.tut.cestor of the Supreme Court Judge here rini.

gin»lly from Merionethiblre W»le» but. m » psrtiiof King Jame, Q ». fAnsw aft/r the disastrous def.-atitb« battle .4 the R ,yne «wgad |o thl« country «ailfrt m Stravi»ne, Ireland ." th»' n a late a

cle i« in . g | a more c.-r

.taUinent in Thnmpaon« liiatnry ot I.ring Island.II "Judiciary "is alswyer i pa. Wry

That author.ay» that (."apt Tboma» JoaSM emignted !.

iowniet.tNew Eog «id lady brought King Wl liara a comraiaa

¦fraatata [MO|BMafa us»i hing lea IBM water and v

n an Indian Kc-rt on bi» uwn (»mi with t

PCSrttj -.grsved on bis sepulchre, as co

p sed" J rom di.Unt lands to this wi d waste he came,This »put bn chose, and hire he band bi» ntmelePSa] may bi» BOB- IhM PCBCefal «put enjoy,And nn ill fat« their BrgrlBg a*af snnoy."The Jone»<>« «re chte:!y of Welsh origin.the nam»

Welih but we have no more »ccur»te me»n» gaj tracithe pr.rj.jiree ol thii family b-yond the land of _MM

and .«'heridan. than Henry Fielding had if lo<

In,; twoci nturbu buck Into the gen.-ulogy of his herothe »»me «pp. a» -n Who rnarrtsd ti..- v. y g p|WsBBBVl M Ire ancient Rrtton» I

pur- Miles BBS th' .nd the Igenr»-e arc id Celtic origin.not | -but t

.i. i family ot .1 BBft y ti..' n

Badragaished w,th i¦.land j are ?*,-r.,n as well

psea ibows, many ot I

be»t r»c. » Kb Chsatee-aeTMru. Clinton widow ni Gavr. C are eouauJaa

fi- a e.potised a daughter <.t ..

pay and wm a lurfge under the monarchyhen-d ko rnolber Brttala in ti... Revoló) m, lift

upleici ¦ i Bgb .'. Land oeedhisw .r,,

bfl Wm I ranklin. in 0/_ England *

f*f/*A.i poagr* ia Bed *-ood in warm weatl IMr Idward St»gg h»» publnhi-d s little volume whlWe can r.r.mmerid '»'.'. . I - u »pecir^ien from t

Preaads a blah rail] .! tor the pn »entBut 111 aot bare my " Theejghat laaweras

r now

11 y both m»ke up the fellowka* varasnil read» that aoofe Bus -shale »hau h

Happy i! what ra writ »hail bodA I« r ri-»pon»e ir. any br.-ast.gl-.a these products 01 my mind,And hen- I'll 1.1 the reader rest

ftr** The rrtenjner IBailed " ie.-tor l.awr.nce yeeterdidr.-»» bat unfnrtanstely be wssi Mi Oeor|D«»i« laetwaioi Defraty Colled « did the bonore of ti

Castora House in place 11 bM paperkrr, and ..

the gallant Preacbatea la their ewn laagaage Oarr

porter does ret «tab a I¦> Bast be aahuisdsavTrnd the Cat en lion... Kth or not we trim BC did however «a

an other way eaald hasy obtain bo good mu ¡de» of tl-.innity and > «rniatuea» ot Bag American cha

a. :.

I BBaTJI Bal A duel iilioiit »ix niontli» old Wl.ay lound In St. Mary s Church with the g«jgej

Mar) I »yla pinned bo its clothing. It wai uent ko thAlan Uonee.

glMl A lire SVHU iliai ov.re.l al'ntit 10 O'CSUCls«t riliíht r. tbe lace atore o! t.. ora« I.'.wden, in thAineiic«n Institute buildintf It.oadway, and hi» »toi

very much iniun-d by wat.

Pol i< » .'Elisabeth Kl. ,,.| ...


o m New-) n."»!...n Aim ricnn ml un trm

odrew Brosira sled .: r rain ol the Phir

vs.iii charged with »teauing a pall ol better worth |in,m i grocer's wagon in M«a» last nlgl t arrested by IB» r. \ an fileson and lr<

t.ty ol v»'.aiin¿ BOfaarnl lioin .-uhhii DeVSTB* rt

BBU »¦ ft

i.xiiiiilnitlion nt ilir BMseaM MUerrltt'» -, lumi

Cerresp. iiid.-tici- ol The TribuneAlbanv, July Kg 1-1"

Mi. 1 DITORi This examination nt tluu eraiostitutloii. which haa been in progress during the laiwe,k w.ta brought to a close on Friday eveuing. KciDr. Wyckod n«d the Ra~gsu*tea CoaaaoaWorss by thKiratant) BBBoad lleparlinent« 1 he Pri/e K»»»y»w«rread by laeac i lwaida. k i Bq-bbIbp. and a. ii vv, 11

nd the H.port 00 Penmsasbltl by K Wood. EstReí I'r Spragnc ft rverwd an Aderece «nd reed tkAnanal School Report, wnnh rt*t. « ti,i,t. after harta

> examined tnc Kocrd» kept ol the daily rni. e and paaetna] att. lai tl

ladles It I.«- been mo impel that In n Third Depanm.'iit f ring yooag latlte» »re entitled to Pri

ti ¡ladle)and mu « MoCaskj IiMisses I ni Emma A Rathbone, Wilhelmln

relinc Uarvi j Barak fcl oj i letton .¡«n.- And,-i Esther rrevei Jenet C

Haye. M 8. Vs-.. Mary i. Vrrim i.n.i I ñatee «'«i. Raacsaln i

»! ',-paitim nt Ml»ie« Mary A LaWaWCaAharlaa WUaoa, ueawgiaaa A Todd Mary v .-*..

ii ward Cathariaa W DaWiti su»at» l..-k-rritt llniiieils \ H.iuton. taar*a**re*raa i Dngwr, an

Martha I inlayThe fai*o*a*hsg y.'»»n({ '.»die» «tcsTaWVe »perl»! «nd higl

ciitinniMilation tor the niann.i ,n w iii.h they have aua

tamed th.ma.lvi-» duriu« the pa»l year Miaaea Anna NM I t'attiellna E. liront. Catharine g iiroot. Cl»ri««iJ Harvey ¦.. « '.»h A l.anuing. ¡»»rah W DeWrMMary >n»ilh. i'h»l»nd» J. lUrvcy. aud M»n« C WÜ

The I..¡lowing young latlie» have bsaa Berg ct in the!.tu lie«, in »11 reapecta, bal hate n >t been in-inb. r« o

red time t r whicli tl PSto cu».. a ratera Miañes Ann« v\ w

J 1'raper A^ner BBS lathi in.. .».r!'. K»ther l'.-rdell. Manar. 1 t Sruilh J,.»ephcne Heiner. Mari» l'»rryJane si i dwarti l> Oroot Lydia A l"*..

M. Remar, aad tana »Iir. .¡.»tniut.-d tin- I'r. iniuim

. ». ¦.¦ award, l fco si .» si«r) i «wl.-r aau

.. i . led to Miss Maith., f.


rlii.-in'i rJTeaerj acl Music upon National Character

pad to Mita Mar] Verran* author ot the pJaee raMMi iII. : eompi it» a re Mtssti orgians i

|irap»r. aBBSOC of'The '«t I'.v n. BUB and Mi.iAnn» .¦ -t.ele. author ol A \ MM t" 1 nca

I'r.ii »iri.tr» Tour "»eenerv of the \t bite »lounllllna.

I'orreupondencr ol 1 he TribuneKusrcxit Notim. N. H July ... 1-47

i ,ii a p. .¡.'»triftii BSC lf*ra*M with s friend

throunl \ rni.'i.t an New lUinpih'.re p] * tue the

:c«*tng .through your va ¦

thetr»niing community respecting, snme the beautlw.-.h .n the rente bYe B*B New

^o^k n t. .»ni ot oree of the boaaVag pa¡»ce« ofth.- 111 I«.n '' H'iriimît.w Vt trom which penOB we

»lartrd on l.«t a.-oa« tr».. (¡:.en Mountains, takitni the« » I the Wk »k or Cueloa River, lar our road

ho M the traviiiniti of enetng |

ivlan.!,. Id M i. M

the Green Mi sálala ran» i < 'i»i <itbe beaattfal Wiaooekt, which will w.

the pcieitrian I r fchgduBgtMBut !t la ot thl» I' ^'<- wi.b tfi »peak LSBBh

g. H thetn .

lake tt. » 1' MA .

. tt.- Bkaana, »ituated at the baas at the Ms»BBaa_a 11 tt at

nam» in the Notch, ia kept It» tbe ta-at at)-..- al rea»nn

yMr.J. 1. lilbbu, a very wurthy aud gft

be lr«v. er is here awe »truck at the work» of thev ly. There »re precipice» of r-cku on the .-»»tu-.de ,,i the Nou-h which rise U. the higblh .:

toi inUTi'tt that is showu theaataaa,' which M oras

el the irnai extr.ordtnary phenomena of Nature thatany one can Imagine, being ¦ profile ct »n old m»n»h. »d on the »uuimlt ot the w,.»t Mountain, where he h.»..aat in loiemn and »»lent grandeur for »«.-a. and str kthe Uaveicr with «TtMBe- and a,u,n:.hineiit at Nature »

handiw.rk An.ther ,>...-» 0I «r. »t interest t« th"pTaass whieh M ahoni tarca-li tbaoi « r-uUet-feaa lbs

.her grand« « tiMurw m the Moaaw

which are n.-«r y** whi h are

»nd the i «to h»\.. »t .. «jb.iug cut ny m»n The path to thi

at all dangerous, »nd can !h- vtetBld by ladle»: .

i» Mapl-a»ure in guidi.jg the traveler Of in f jrnnhlng htmWith a guide I at that purp.-ue. Tbe N tch i» BBJaarPSBB B*refT dnj Stthet Iron: r,,.»Ut» Coacvird. or the

Notch Which is '.>': rnileieaat of this C H

Api>olnlmrai by tbe Preeldeai.\\ a.lia* J. >tArut!>. ot New York, to be Consul fur

Usvre. France la the place of Keubea G Beasiey de¬ceased

TIk» New» Iront »ani« Ke.

1 tail! *


>'. »

man, who bkd lilt,-Hants Ft He left that ft at Msy

. i« w'th dntlM* ot tome v*ry lnterettinaa in New Mexico

. m the-.'7th ot May, Mr. Murphy inform«

and Ap»

» tew tía.-

. tnem. At thai-ry «dv«

g-outly )r,r bU opérai a

A :.

a Weak c.r.

ad a BM tw k ... ll ¦* a» i. ka witi er,, n y w. ..¦ I Bno American« w. »* ».

aud s third ws* wounded and reluctantground when a re!re.t was rwerad Icommand of'.C m»-n p'in-ipa.ly Laetede Banger*dered v-ry efrie.ent «erMce »t foil foaiajBIB H- »

pi.d a poiDt ot rock», and kept the, enemy from Bttffllag apon foe r.-treat.Lg force until th*y

In doiDg thi» t.-rv\\ a»h and J ,hn

neither of them d»ng.-mu»iy. An the bone» were .-it.h.t down or aaatsriOn 3d Jan* Lfoal ( vTfltoek. with a1-.-

red and fifteen men, wa« met on hi» ma»

in pur», . « He hadand waa rasolrad up,n a:

ll.- had Ml Bttfgl w r. bin a« agi,Ihroagl:n tlda ct. || tor many y- n the mc


tan.-n with him on hia eapedinoi, foeanthat a gam« ,ii of ontj Mnan ¦ Iter» wa* left »t'l so«

wh on were on ttie »ick ,:«' wa« al Sa1» w.th porti.n« of »everal «OtStpaiot hn novi iner,ts and plana we go » ndh.ngMr Murphy rue; Mr 'V.-th. red BtoM Other t'ai

and two Ouraraa*sai trama ot wanasa at the eranoi th.- Pa a n..,. Pork, J he] had .>.

tliree or tour day» by a lr<-ah*t m foa river, which ¡vented th.rn from fordtnu It At thi» point the Indiannoyed IhSMB very much aid iiiceeded In klllinhundred and M'y head ol ,-ati .- t.-

»nm.it tra.n under eharge Ot . apt II.teal iwet

«.ven animal» in the t»me way Th* cattle were

.p.-af I and their tat,a cut .. I uaeii «« Ii o I- ry

A Ml tatth 'I Plalfol unty. who ws« on guardrneefond Barren «¡.»-»r wound« oat

.truck bun in the throat. Imt It wat Ih" Ojphyncian who »at aloag ti at h. .»


ment wag.,

». n, ,i ..,, nade apon I

lient und ol Drafooai with th.-morr fie pay o| Ihe troop» at »arta I . »

,,n wellEight m. « Iron Coon Orara Mr Murphy rr

Canne* and other trail« r« Thai had determinedWalt there astil reinforcement* thoald come up !

Merpfay Biet Capí -I '.yol lulantry n,

ell Grove Ph*''apt« M' Nair and h rp .nay WBfB rintlómile« In11". H"

VN in II RbBIBII Secretary ol tho T, rritoryIS a .'aine n «rtth Mr Murphy, and i» tl

-, ttebea tr..m Col Prenont InrfoeflriTrmintVVaahlngtoo. Col H we earn »topped at hi»la CaUoway eoanty to seehtefanllj Baraatybaln

I for m ihn city la aday or two,and wetheilullS(X .-'..Ȕa in "ah'Mr Merphj bawd aofotog '.! foe newa

Weetport by foe Dnlswan Indian - tne day*-.

r,-i i

I mm i Batan* iiilcnre.


ibm n ¡'

I.oui». the qulcki «t iimiiIi. I bebt

teen iiieo lie »tatet thai tli«' Indian» »re »'rowing wor

upon the plnli... ai |Mt with the

darfog In mar, li that th* c ,uip»niand WSgOB train» now goisg "lit. will he attacked, aa tlIndian» «re »aid to . ... tn*r for the pipoao ot c> nnttttag daprwdattoa« os th.- tram« «no

n.d " » foe du- :i l'ai:'. > ui»> <>. foi* balj r r a btinh with the r.-.l »kin«, a» they ti.n

it i» their only chance for a

I understand that a portion ol li ¡nlphan . men arrtviat th. .anding to day. tiut have imt y.-t ».

iIresl .»tie» v

pa*«ed tbrough. tor


n oil wen

¦In then a atl i

for ball* wei P. 0.1

Mldillclovvn, t I. Muiiiiluclur«'«, Knill omisCo: I'.'

Mill! 1 >» a. I t

Your roiTi'Bpo:not a very lai » I only . ene c.000 ii

habitant», a . . ! hall tt

nunil.er. Sfll th- re a ¦ M I « It to b,

iar^e place, and tt:, le :a Be rca»,ui wby It »houl

not, but many why it mutt It» location 1» u;latty coiiiinaiid.i,»' a beaattfal »taw ol ¦

lug riv.-r Bad fofl m- '" 'leautltul va.!ey «tretchlng ti

away to the bfoa saetera h- i» .

11. re fa located a Math dtetl legawhhfotetaaprepen,ii* condition sn,i BeaaSfjfoaa'a high rhsrsr 1er tor tli,-ducat th sanea*

"no and In »,

rater |\ are Woolen Batton bb

« Bad Kin,'' VVabbtog i.un and Pitoi lactorte«. a Meant I '¦' \ \ I 1 ne»

H n up h

10,111 a« >

h.- N 1! and Hartry. bot III » a» titlf*

ataaa ms »

I a > nrk »

Other.lu*t «.- «. fol rfonr and «rtthfo tw.. a|,n<» throw n

th.- . are th* tamoua Sandatone U urne

| with workmen who are continually *.¦

to «.¦"in «rat »tone wh.ch ¦. tant n rfo .-.uth i »»

«tl t VSettII w convenient ti .. 't Nature had m»d'

ihn great áwanaM directrj r, th« toa,to to -....! id buildIng the »tone wrk ot the . « a« :h»-r partorífon Bond Ownovntwai

1 we hope . an !. BB »ble to vl»l»» .< ind rrtiirn the nan* dayIhe III BM »»«otly In addition to thi

¦peak«r Mr. Aba r. C »\ raaarda

'- IV w»a rupreaetitative from thi* city at the 1»W »e»

aloti >t the LSfM «tu-c Me i» one ot your »ct

-¡tig in-'n »n ! mn» » th » igh going temper»»May h >.h« .

. \

Tur Ka a Blwas inad. hi« bo*

| »Mage« in hi«

¡...tier» r, l«t.i

.cried, it liivy r.a.'

iiue«tioh Iving » loc»! one. w»> «ball not meddle with it

m or tbe other but having untortuna:

muted our lUrtlorJ crreipc rid.

it i« no more than fair to tn»ert the ! ,. .wing brief co«t-

BBBsanaatea by way of reply H*re H tar a* The Tn-

!,cn. !, the d;«cu»«ioo miiit end.i he Tribune.

> jr BSaiaaa»SBafoBl *t H»rtt ,rd .» very complacent »t

theen*rgy di»pl»yed by hi« tei.ow ciuten« in relation to. at M. 11 e: wa be .«

qslta mi«t»k> n it be tu pp..««.« the puti.ic in general to»

[t U prono* t a Railroad thVaM bctwe«»oNew Tork ar

Hirer . Mlddletosm th.-

grant to . . ., ¦» in-r mat


H -Tit »la'ir what t Batea .

ita n*. gatttoa t Nut ai a

r, » 1 si] Injure their», «nd draw Irotu mein (OB* hare. Tbe dr«w ot SO ton »» ,

in the least interrupt the psssag" I »teamooaU,

Bad in a very »light degree th»' lew »«.in.- »«yaaate, theot which i« daily dimmuhiog. w

il»".' tr. ¦.¦ , tar diaW .

twneo New V,,rk and Nnwark. »Dich Biwra a very tughtine invenience either to the navigation or the R»i!roadboth maybe «o readily manag*»! that the interruption1« extremely »ogLt an J oocur» at iu<ag tourvals. the asv

lgstloo kaowiog the boors ot the tratos unie* lu mova-maotsto avoid d*'.«yto stfoerparty MIDDLEBEX

Tbe I hl BBC I onTcatlenft .


Wettern Harbor »nd ¦

I bad hoped t. ¦. :..---¦«.' your frt»,lavitetioD but ; re» m .»


> it The ru

growth und expeni ."TWreem

ha» cau».

i and *

It i» t may be ¡

by an a- Dent» which abi

rra narrow ahatrsi « which wo.

its ey»s to the eelI h«»e t>H»n .

of p»-t;, ....

The pi I river commerce :.

I interest i

into th.- ,

'. requires » strounited »nd mnphattc exprès

n » a m ;


pertlsai Rons. 1u


rae ha» coi

-< t» » pjegmenu 10 the nar g«ti, n

our lake« «n.l « --ntion will I', i-- Is attenl n the imp«,-tancer.,rnmunic«TJon sin'»' » for large vea«el». between 1.«Michigan ax. 1 the M»»i«»ipp| »nd another ar. and t

Fells of M 11 i«. . Fne and Ontarioine»n» ..( -»nip Canals The«., te., link».real chain which Nature ha» famish* »

n the Bt Lawrearea the . II

r. and Ichannel lor foret,

sk res ire « i)Atlsotie or IBe Gell am . I :h *re«t I

rveet, WASHINOTüB HURTI I loi B W ] he » '.. s

I'nnr U hBhP KolUa.Corn-. ene Jonraal

all Inn«t wii Ipil

14 I WOI1

in Mas«

p «ir nt, .

mprcrtheir '..lil iiihiir labor

M -

i t knowing or carii

ten a. ' ladina nie patch olmake then I >

to live and briiap s lartre tamil* in the game i

.... VVb< st tila«haarted the »¦¦ 1 r*4 tl

few acres they ey packtiu-ir raovables into h art, ai



*. |in 1


much i thiwork.

pkryed, ami their condition ver

pie, nave a great deal r»i prida and-n ti r » itb n til-i pot art] end ie~Bcaxn to t.-.i a Me

nml n wl en iosolted oi in ir.-.l. an.I wisit»ti- to ibo d a in«!» behind ins back to n

An matar

red ml ¦ few da*a Ithron. there. A i insneighboring planter, and nal i

. ...

»Inch v»a« I. The CraclBllll BI tl.e i


tool 5 ami a'their neans to raise


i se cotton I

. - rhich n nui an.

rain It as. ami « chi uticki

family ami m». itb com bread bi

.i ..I smoked

hearted man.the.arc. hot». posne of

i antera have:.-. and know how t.. appi

Their impb atenta ol the raosrra ara i a« w.

. imagina w ere u»etl ia scriptural times, bein»

tin- uharp a ihod will

With this-



[MPIman IhasdSBS I »ard .

during the ;«»t hundred ye«r« b .

aadfoun 11 th» farmer» ¦ . .. , .


. le m»kin¿ . «

I'oe m lasadas a m than« ra in the r, eh b i-avhthe slide to raM

the m rtice »nd one :n the . .

. .->.( preserve. «treDgth

enten bolee in the Toi rarer* which

;i . vv


,!ee *t diriVr.und when (lea. Tsylor is In fulldi .. u msignu

hanging acroa» hii btnsat, M tnak- l > « p «in

ntleman of the olfen time» that doe« tr

k atMr Mercy calls htm. 'Ml BaMBj lay'.cr eotn-

-nat ling-. »nd K»«dy

re- Uon /.4-n«ry

The Mechanic» and ArU«U iu the Army The u!dBoss"Tbe M c- Moch«!*«nta Anna. Old *'- * » -n be lu

wh'p;ll-C I

Min« mat gap i

-eruto wn. Maryu

i. 1 a

»erie. I »*

..eat un»' m ty y Ut* ::

ry A pgBJ iisvi i BBB st M -»stnaelCook »n '¦ -g...a »u .

' n***d

ker-hwt rtinnd tail aeck »ad thee to an »pp e-tree. be

bind tee Hospital. MoaU*ssl. »ad tkui »rm.nsted bis sa


. Thoma« a

BBJ -"at* Of .t. »11 1 . s I

been ',-.».»

r-emeni Hea . taking

. -»t toi k « »t»rd r-.xpecting to become aun *t- «fogtatoass

. . « . pi rata n baaad waded ->d deep

" himself «bile.'-t|i ta


Ociural SotufB.PHBSK0L03IBTI AMD rUB'_:SHER$.

P II ff i. | i< , a. \\ | I. I «, ,

I II Vi»»iiu-»t. N. \ .

rVT Waier-' ar r »tnlilUhmeni.- ...Dr I - Ml

». - I ....


nr Letter« itng» Th«New.Yo'l T»',:-.» M | f r«hnj Port» a/id ».. euer» andcewa.aper» deposlied in ihl* oftV» will slwiy« has for-"''' ' «BTf »sr.ie»i vosse.a Tul* deparunaot laander tbs «Batfol *aper»i*!on of J B MO M KR. Ma« i «raf many y*»r« sa Ota sasartai a

I'epartment ofI

Bag« areana -, a- i aew*.p»p*r« fur ih* '

».. .. Liverpool,. Ireland, Havre, Marseille« Amslerdasa, Br-rr-»

Hstsborgb, Ria d» lanetn Valserai« « Byres,J'sin. I

t M P. M

r»7" Irtter» rinil N< »».piipera-

-wick, which

r%7» a ¦ » ,


A ., ..

» -, ... a

Cf tk .--..«tapi

Edgar. » .a. . for BaviCtT" * . It lbs «ana Blare leaner»

». '.-».,..« .-- ;.»-»-i. r DELIA, CaplVeaton, wfoaB .a (to* l.tver; .,,: ,»n IBS .'-.ti intt.

rP* Weatern I.nod Aaencv, Ligrao'T. MIrhifan'1- Mr I The jnderalgned continue to devota Ihetr a,.

«ip.-ti f iM« Arency.viy The purrha««avrneoi of i»»e». re.;a.inlug

«at tax »ale»..

. as citya .

purchate andis.* a) -»

v a «t the prtnrl-... .an »nd tow«.


... ..

r%T" ,i e..r.,o«

¦. DMIOOB...

r%T ¦¦ E «change, 1«I a

Lord. Jr.t Butler, 1 ««;.

Mr««ra Hostal«] Phelp«.

n al )1 Itoaiib a rarttos. Msaws Baga

KiV-lT D. I Maaara tu>e« «

.iv \v Deaaaajfoift, ..-.. lessrs. Dt »oer. Tassai -.

na»*, ¡V. iI K.rj

«folllMII CW.1V. 1 M Iliahlluinthn r\ .A I - ItfJ I,, I'-auncey

f\ I . M

d guj ,rl E*M T


. M»

111 11

i.PüBlfP" C« Mlnalci I rtrlllah

» , . - r| . ,|. H,,a that

. .... re.l.

»YLV EBTBat,. kar-at N V

tP~ -a ;,..i> liiu.e a a ».loam r».... I limb*, par-

we»«..< 'i* «totnacb and « da* weakly fe , a», '«.t grow*

. ip »nd »re aederiterv.. . I dell« iled with it» a.-.

l'on Reference gtvi . ad clarrarytsao,who ha traed from a itli n fr.u,, de.

» . «a, '.....» Comaos. . « . - - i ',Krondwav A ,» » » S a, t. MfeWlf

IV The Iti'ttmVtlVC I in illnt. -, a-ed

a- »abtatet,. -ultrly

.apepita ...... aod. .

. nd by It¦1 I .. ., itawif

rP" t roto»i llo«r m j > i i-ma tier tool, i B>

i - ,



TO. II ¡.|ion-»L sadbtlol_. Cbstl ru si*.

IV* The UeBBlne hr«m "«»»iip I» BehtrOW-. |8o* be -» .»«-«»thi. k,

¦thai a ¦ . face likeaaaay alada

ALBERT I. WINS,IIP, O-rt:'»l and Apothecary.,ello»if _

n Ka»i Broadway.

f*p* f ongrea« «sprina timer I m raeairad tVefofr.-tn ih* »prng, in pu .. .». »rad lo aai



n a»i Broadway.MIEELEa,

ItTrnmml««iii!ii'r lor ihr »iiuiaiil Nt-wYorks Its ml if



rv *i.i... » s.,.,. ,. ,t ilannatla Mn«chine. ...

, ...a


.- It I«

... . » . .

h sdntt* tasan*--. . »rar, adapted for a aai f..r

TheI(mai r.er st d

Wl.b ho i'ip *».¦ ... ..»lient..» ...


M»r:> ... rassaataretr«-» ¦ . .

« a - a v. .. A g oU.

.. .f ib* tptae, «'i chro-,«.- ,.«.»¦*» i

.,... a -rv a

.yatem.v.' ..«-.,.. .

. «avérai «** Ibaa ».o h»ve

. priaing...

. - » ery «nd,_.. ... .«. , we« a.- .

v N inusl « raetluna. ¦

ful h>.

.er the

..»...-' M.. M* « - . ». . a ..

iow »t those « -. T ,-y c»n Se

re»di.y . » art of Une irmjutry, scd each int.ru-

. > a

Manufacturad and f «ale.« -«» a --»'; hy. v || a;i Braadwai Bn« Y arl-1-

flliacetlancons.T IMPCHTEES AND DEALER8 IK


HI n k ¦." R»-t....r>rr. '. i naBBMnaa.he Ml BV«* .

* y the Amer .can la-. « . / Orl-r»

». - ¦ A

Matter* W i"í».p i.-»

r> Pine a .'. raf*»NB"' ir.« i tor a

eouci of c liuiarr« lyi^m*

A KtKKIIIPllKTt Ain w. pre»*L... -.....

a a- *.

a o woti.d b» » «. uru.y v».u»,

:*r»sr*s asckw .-

ist bawade r.i» u»T iTlI



ciiv er, periy ,m tiond. - A

j rti. » . - I ka i ooeor,_

Ï Broad «c

PKIM INI. ÁNük MBl»w«INt.-TtM»uOwr,barUpraparad lo *xacui»orSer«I >rsc w Card«. Laua j. Booh

»cd Music TUto* la in« Precefi, Eos Lfo »id ùarrat; «ly'.sahylJafl TBOB. BEADUET. 11 Plne-et. cor Broadway.


BoûHb.a little more "rape. capt brao» »

II'IBÏVti t si «re >u«t puhilahederal Z »chary

*. rever «orreo-

der», theCoaqueriir « us« B« -. .- ('«A.i... R»«a « »e .» r« "

. »ta. ByH M'»*!t. r.-rv v\ h »rve-r-n ra-nran ,,' ti».eral Tay-

. '". '» mg» of the »lui» B» -.

epeperaedSUS a or _»«( «raAher


i ê « ' . à t!M oar »ach copa;

. > I . . S'.«.

t _



FI - .led eu-. . , A .


... parent .lea

... >. .e r«»»ed the... « «.r

US ', . -¦

BSVel Broa.:>»»> »':d John »L. wacu-d ihr. lg .

PtEW AND VALUABLE ASTRONOMICALIt'UHK PCI. PRIS ATK LI VIS* K> »M v circle," Common Se-.,«.:« «rd Académie« A.TaoaiovnuLMars u aer<e»of ».iieen estered charla, each S hy 44. 'eel.ercompaced i>y an e.a..'r«ie Elesasntary Treatlee, ihe

»atgned to Illustrate'.he merhanlem of the Heavens,hy H. Metiison.f an of »hi« wcrh is *r.i''eT orV'n»V Each map 11-

lu»ir»ie . ilaiin.-t part of the arovesaei i« or pae'ionien«fths sveal] . « a leading -.-rin.-.',' e« of

.- . - .- ... Ihr

iearier. The V. emeniary Treat.se Jeecn!>ee each ISgMre« . »cd »pectai.y adapts the w,.rk to theauntiy

ctrea», ths rase « '.ern »nd »..«c»!,«. « Tie retreat or


. i a* twelve y»., i

. , .«,-.',.» afrreal ...ire In

.¦ i a' i. a« s

, , -al h.n.the Tr-nlUe, «I glS

i p»p»r. and a. a. . .1 tacks. Put*

- : ÜOTON '. á W IOR, .'" P-»r -at, N T.


PR IN. * . UMMAB, »l.pted, .erve at an I' rol'icl on lo

ihe «iu.1v of 1« .. v a »ter De u«. y.M 'ahile Im ion. ihe

Pre it va. laatl - ac fee" Tr%n»;«ied «nd Suedt -rican uae hy Dr P.miick. Jr. New edition tu«t.-dby MARK!! N r'.vS M AN ¦ l1»


ej Broadway.

Uanks, ôtocke, »Ce.onto Lira :»- . .* is Tui-.T i ».nay.,

Mil, lily 5. 1*47. S

ni V I IIKM» -The Board of r isseve have iht« d»y le.e!»re<| « dividend '.!' f.air 4 per cent OBI of the profil«

BU »ix iin-tiih«. payai.e 10 »lockholder» whueename» »'e r»<l»t«r-l M ihe karoo- Ot* ihe »gerji-y In NewYork, on the <Hlin»l. Rv order.

w_S4S4 1. V poorr Beejy._M«, » >. vv «a K > . ... Co >

Ms a c 1*

\DITIDBND ftwod a upr»raMreepuniineeB*pl1«, »i .

' «i, urad payable on

. !«Y of 4'iv 1.

shares regla-. ...

n-w York' mere . 1 . . Mar ra. at thef ihe Cosseenj si,

l. B IStfe July to.1. j n rtvi.iiK.

Treeearw pso tem

Jl *»h KKKOMT of vi « '...¦,.«,--i,,.,a» fork, i w alias

To Merchant» and Irad.-'i It to Pays* IBS. 2Mariufaciurer». IM-chruilcs ._... SC erka.I.4 ,'le. r.

B'oaera.2II 1- UeervBr.-Shipmaster.Karmer«. ¿Peu «. ;Pleiiier. 1

Live« injured . . I< SMORRIS RoBINSON. r.e.tdent

S«* HaBBAT, SecretaryMiarvaa Peer,M B., Payticlaa, SH gitiedsrsy Jyl

Clergyrasa. 2Profeeeur la gollega... IBarreos M D I. Aimy< aahiersef Hank«. *

I 'i lesas. 2lawyers. 4ur-cnii, C « Navy.. 2Ledy.1I).ner occupaiion« ... I¿

í.iietelt.iiuona.V 11 I H . l.ilHtHll nllKS mal >' a« Porta¬il ...

- . . /.-,! :.. truns-

«ct huí ¦. »luí

lyltlw J T iKVM rr TOI Hr m -»»

VIOTIC I lU »hip lierel,,.1 fore el ilgned,andel Ihe Ana

4 R .111 I. VV III )VS ARl» ... .... u, un.I. .. AU

IllHoward, and al person, la iei.ie,i

¡m 11 11 Barclay1 11 ward. «. .e. .. »i,.i pay ihaii .

Datad ai rVsrsrsargh 11H W h» H. 11 IRCLAT, 1 l^iie»n IRK*» htivv 4KD Cop-art

fritte IAMKS K. HilVSAKI). i uni

'l'ii DAlsl BKMKtPTYPlMTSI « H«e 1

I The MhscrtAer h«« « fe» noes et ihe i,e«t hran.l ofef Pi earb platee, «r.d at the p..re.i »I 1 «y, sa .-»leaper thanever aaSeraeSTwiud M ItW «aahtae They «re il -ted f,,rpi : p^, Boa. ^r sy id- gréée Th- ni«ie» »re aaua .-r»

« they »re lea» lhan ihe f.r»i co»i »t ihe price!'iey are tiered. A few i¡u»rle-, ,,f the 111111. at gj S»¦ perdo/en. f:ea»e call »I A. J. Hr ll.S' IV H road » «y. third


ty-J lw

'I'M h M Uli. lililí. A It Nl'ITM '. .e.lI Pledges- a giaad leu sow r.a.iy They .- ,»»i»i ,.f

'.r g'i AI«o.l» 10 »^ e»cn. B'l»ine.« c .«I» gl le...

,1,., t in ! rape rtag Cask paid fus .. at tr,

N«».a .. on si f H.--

Uni *>l» III II. IU- ... 1 -fbi11 vv . er-( » lb one Imn

ras ai -. .

< ... 1

are spring »i.e. wttk whim »i:. - nipp,led

. «mg. Ac.. . I -, » « .«ever.

rciirnsiance» ». .% .n« re,

ral.road ft * mh,EsatorWaat saMi r '. vsmitmarbh

Dr. K B DENNIBTON,Dr J A CLMMIN'HN im anpton Mav.l 184" _ielOSsa

ST. Ji»H*4'j» I'tiiK vs.»,, t re H .e nnf RALI, na» peí. .. hum« II Latght-

»'. ir ihe receptiin of invalid», and the hy ImpatMc prac-eraliy Boarding paiieLi» wl li«v» a »ey Ui ihe

K«r« Con»uliaitoa»B*orniegsand «'.emrig» |»|B 1er*

I kill I. HTOKK. ..! ip atore ir. a central»pan ..f it»... 1 ',.¦ . . rardeaa*agrsad berat.e,, v. « .'-la »t . 'f » . e« 1 , 1 l-a.e , .

*rl»hlnif10 ir«ve New-York. Capit«. reejalred Ireas *||" *

«. Ad I.e., Me.: . rffeeI |M» IMA O. FKA/BK,11 :.. »-. .f prneOs* can

. 1 in thereek 1 - reri lUonih

. «¦ ¦- «e^r,P of

Troy "I V_)»I7 Im"

nit. A.tlllKi»*»K, «1 -< .

. . a n any. -, Sergei

. rt' a-lway_

C' At 1 In*1 'heIAS A V ILI.IAM No

. paid by the I «; uun or

.«. J McMl'rtRAl .hiu*.

C* Al T|M> « -

/ crew 04* the Br «tip lane «» an i.i. . of iheir con-

-a. ¿w-, r ,-,,n«tgneeI Mr Ml''RRAV.ro' Pir,e»,Hi S-»iih «I*

BK 1 l-H Itlill. Ilill'l, . 4.¡pernKi« »'- « loned »g»io«l ir »«ting or derhoiirig any

of ihe crwa '. .-.«- «a ao deesa of U

« -, ». 1 '.v trie r»pt»in '.' ¦;« ¿' e^.

-:ivs ui rar«, wrr. 4- Baauk et.

KMHItl. r o ., *4NINÜ. UaaMM '.*» removedfCbl -.. «L a_i Broad way to »i h..od

.1 «iv» '

taJTe-A** PIIWKR Tr. l.-t "tea."» P.'.' -' «a»*

Tot kKMlAt»*. »ivhr.Ka I"« ptecee of Indis, M, -, - .1


OLOTMIMO.r-ie C'ieape« . . .

1 »i»t.

nrmiisBisr.Il Sew.Y.ru >«

w i< OEOBOOT » CoeiyS >.i . *.' * *

TRENCH DRES8MAKEBtaylAD. CHAAMA1LLI u ¦ the ladies of Mevr.I*ITorh that aha kes . urrtved frost r»r . wnh «il the

... . . «H-;pi«paied to Hi Bll > der«

, . I «needed ui al

n n-afean m_Jan i»»*

A--r*r:-i>- Ae7iv:i» >»

t»BENCH, VEaSKTIA.N AN- PLAIN A W NINOS read»n a suoer*.¦* maJioer and finished in a at .eedtd xyi»

0« SVOAKMAN h BELL,¦Se.i-n, ce-eir .'. VAarreB, N 1

h a 0 at*! '..»».' -. -¦ . ..»


i u»v*t ipnaraaaAt » J ¡nm-rr »N.w V ,r» ,n «re-'«I«

gg TÍIO-ÍP-HI*»-. HltKtill »1 TKI a»,I i R Ree«m«J>-«l

**_. _«V ' erueny apes rhe Mei.rg Pa-^P*****^ ... ,. preaiDre

1 -. .

.- w ¦.,'. « hacaspite, causing wevS-iea» «iei o«:a m iBe l.av I

. a . 1 ...-.t day«ir1»l gtvea, «jvi -', -. '.nim-

ed A «.>. lue i.e.«i. a .»¦ Kiir-i«. d aVende-BJBS u>£> !»tptf

MM. UleOTSM*» NI VA TKI .. -

.eat now 10 u«e.preM.re m«y ei f. 1

tied ui salt the «.- TaM trass au-rer S .

_u give eaae cinforl led «afeiy tu u» weal

.. ¦_ ihe cheapeai %_d k ». 1 .** ma» can is

f.jnnd Dr li. is praeuea.ly arqnsin'J-l with'wing and appying Trassee u> every amd oi repaire. II» aleo aeepeme -»eel feuuue soppurums, and s femSie In stiendaacs,wlo wi:. wall upoo !edtee at their reeldsace lo at iner-

ütacaSAao-et H»» Irn*

fÍttBtÍ.tlt. #f. fDtttB*.\1INEHM WAMTKD.-ABanbarof taptajfoggggI'l , ¦ , , | , at v . a .' .

r B. f a C- l-p-vc raparv near r-tnloguaa N J Also. * anabar of La-fosera »«aal. a-»»»* »ad ledaM/lou* «bsb oBly sa»d ap-,' ' T * «'-¦«d ».*-'. «rid ba gtvaa. Apply to ikeI«.»»!!,»,!.», »t m» ¿I",.,.tf P».»o.,a »labio« tugo to gletniagioa will take the

* -, ».»«. nhn-a lattrvo J,,,,. Cliy «verv raoro-H

_ lyita.A till M. Vainita .' .,.. ... -lu.'tar

«TB. warn, t piara a» -.«g .r cbaÄt»n»aB,td ,.d w.-aUlha»» no «»tac i-.»b m do ih* tlaa wa»atag aad "ob tngTh« ¦amor r.eotntseadailor. ran be »rod»«*«' y.r for-

«-. souirsai i:« Laur*o*«t. N I WosVdhs»e so o»¿action 10 pi law miles ta the couairv

; y s i»VA' ANTKD In mediatal« twaoi« «a yoaag atan»" Arra'tcsB». to go oa whaling rova«T»a» la t»»«ria«athlps. A.. c.oihiag «ad other naraaaary artlc,»» hrrataatadoo ihacrvalnuf .b« roya»-«« A rara cbaace oow otar» fa»g te »ic tog i" tas« « »oyaga ai tea. Poe f^Uter patde««an »pp.y u» »h« NewaBaattaad vt baling c.» «vt c«xv

a .¦_lyil la-

WANTKD -A geot <o»eo.a ittor,««»» coi agi»«* **ac«u.«n. and aa «ap»r,e»>red tachar, das r»» h) ws«a

».) »ngag.m.ni for the aesa'n« Pal sait Vt later, la a0>»a m«r S-b.s'i or Ladle» «Vmhjerv laatara to liMrary

' he higaesl ratparciab'.ilty Aidr*»» B HT« PO_Jjl>t»*

VI »Mill "» ». cm by two ratapectar»'« youtg ^â-. V rr«.n a» pasirv <>««B». or w.«uld go talo BBBSBBBahta

. .rv wsare ihejr w,»uid raafca. , .* T » nuati sstUfaclory na»»ar-

. ,- .» i* )"'»nkfort »t MSIt*

W ANfUI» ai » > » i gen >n «b ,b ahardware ttore. c»n tr/Ue-.-e f 001 #'!».: »«V Irada

irttvrar.lt«» ¿. («.,-> im.l.'r il« It'SP e*»e addre«» AJtm». Tmhuse Of

_..Il IMHI . «mai bofSBt] ing mea.v» v.* a istsMd wttk iba dty i.» raedd la light »rttrlaa,.or whirl t ,¦ aa! rm inerailo« w| r» glvtaa. l'ail Bl M

ti N Y Chemie*.." - Jy 13 1st*

WANTS» A »ITt ATION A. "caook. «t«tr andBar toa una 'am1 y The beat of cttv r» feranca

.-». '.* produced. App.y al kl Marlon «t. N» otna-taj«*lo golrg « »bort dttiance in IhacoBBiry ,'yl» tt*VV'ANTKll-A »l'uaitoo h» rvaiparlahe gtrl M cooh,v v v »»b and trva In a private family. Tb« haw« o< rlly

referer.ee. Pisase call ai 1T7 \\ a.ker «l fron It luio cock_jyl* tt*

tTi" VVVa.TMO.--*B sctlva. tnte, tgsat ,sd abcai I»»ear« ,nf »ge, M i*am iba drug baislBeaa Apply befora

»« to A L. WINSH1P.*"? East Broadway coraarMarksi «a. _JyutfAlihNT*» WANThl». I« »g-ni» w»c.«al »i t*t Nas-

a»u »L |o cir.-u »e \A e. t t Lawyer and B»>»>» ReepIBg,It conlsln« the New Coetitioiion and form» adapt, I tolltitan w..r» worih do.lar« u. every mea of t»o»lo»a»a Whho ir ageni« rara »r« INWl bawai, and nwo of eoargy raain«»* a*»'a month «o circulating 11 We h«va iiaru whoare niaitrig g,i. ainoaih. JOHN C VtRLLB.

«" N,t»« ti

«NiiNi; PL. At KM a .- ... «,i ofib* niott »pproved .e-vanis BBS I nliad laialltgeac«

I »i l.l Broadway and Itlgowarv Tarn» »earlyi a«harwan Mem N B aii pataaBn

a*..t f'oni iheae ort.ee« »re warranted konaacC MA80N.

»r'OVNfo.A lo«celel »t jreanwo.ai Cemetery The« *r can obtain II by calling al ihe »lore of W«

I» ».Id * ,| e»r Bta d.ic» aiOrwanwoaid. jyl**«*


UctnoinçBOAKD WANTED-A gentlemen with t» s wir, i

infant cbl a.« deetrou» of obtaining permaneat ho«I «e kPS ,J »»riera M lh» netghtiorhuoj or «outh of CHa.. A go turnnhed r.Ajin. wl.h a largwslsed paal»uache.1, w.i he re^nrwl R.>ard paid weekly, sad iIsjeBCaafl * Reference! eichanged Add re»« boa I11, Poet-Ofhce. ;»1S lw

BOA It I» II*« «rtThS 111 A*al» »a a private fally. wohin ten ruinute» walk uf the Aret lead «g. n»

Rev Mr. Wliiuiow-« Chorea Pirat laaii frwei ib» tala. » m «... boat frees the city *«- P M EsMrseweHenry I. Seaman. 3«i Broadway EC Weuwtwe. It S)le. «L_ J7__J"1*4» I.KT An .ITce »wt»Me?.ir a eh)«t.-.nii <«| iawt

r»i» tie olitained liy app ytng al T7 Kui Broedw«y aMaikei. Board can be had ¦ in« saute hou.e of retiutr*

UnaKII IN TUP. t til >TI4 *. rt. .. », titiei",ac ...un... ate a few 'aun,le» ..r «m« e pataooa w

beSS I lu as of ih< iii,.«l de«n«r.|e location» In lh« net)I et* Ne«v Terfe kfea Paru H.aia«. Oi«uge, N«

Jer«ey The vu »ge I» noted a» a ple»»am and very beall.ne and ear» «¦ uUages »re miming a moat h airly to .

il Ne.» gorfe the unie lacupled helo« only » .

. ThefcaesS la large, airy aad newly h. "

and «iiniHiiided hy h-auitful «brunbery, «lid na»

«arden «nu lied Uood «rcoitiai. dation alto for boreesApply m i.'.in i MOORE,

l*_Psrk Hnu»o, Orange. N. J

BO 4 K III M.. Une m i»o*).«a«anl rtiotn» to let wf i .m paillai board »th"2 Greenwich »l iwodovtafr»

Moitou or ghu rácese win tie i-l ui »Ingle geotlesresa w|oui board. N B AI«o ¦ h««erneni roora can be obtai»for »a ffice otly. tylBlw

Hi i a M II I > i i Can be had In a heeJihYtvod ce»>4r»rcation, larga »mi MBBanrafasas n«>u»e. plreeeat re«M

will» il».*« com »tul hoi walar heih«. ai *" MaUVetiween Ureud and BriKim« «is. Term» moderate RaUeecea) eacnenged. 'y> IBT

a\ A**TKI» f y « slag «»ml-uta». two ftirnl«!vv room« Ailh oi wnlioui tioard The «uh«crlt>er wt«

prefer paylag fen the .. e be gtvtag tasrensiktaa in ggfl, r...i.i.i Laagaage she moss «atufarlo**, ref», e» «. ¦¦ t eS 4 ire«» liy Ieit-r. T P 41 ' Meel«lodert S Uuiiliain Ml Knavtway Jvl 1W

UOaltMlM. . ...... .on , >,, hat, lu nuiieal of

in iiii-il with ui wiiiiinn heard In a te»p~rt»ble El..,. Irma I.i "i. waste isteuMBhsss »ud rural

, red Also, two or three »iti«ie geiitieraee c

l.e BCC iiiiiii. «led with ple«««n. rooms, with lir»«»*»«!«tea II required. Hain rairn m »lie h .u»e for »he ». «v«u» crupaiiia, Acp.y at Mr. M ISDH I- KST'S, I

H<*-rs4uo-«l ur Mr Mr Ulli RST. .'* Maiden »ne Jyl II

HDAMDIrsll IN Kt*T Hit!» A IIWl Y.-jfi«einlernen and ihntr wive« can be a. omuiodeled W

'. ¦»' I and p.e»»*ni room» i».antue« attached.) ilwll»Ingle gentlemen. Apply »l-S" £¦.! Hioalway Jegg ll

NEW-LEBAMOM 8PRI*fi}S, m'. 1?^"OFRSO.NB vl,iilng mi« watering pi»re will Hod ItI Uieir liiieveatto take the car« «i A liany fur t'en«Pour Cornera, w'iere ¦ due of «tage« run«directly t. .«

«non In connection with the car« By thl» route, per«orle«ving New gerfe In the inoc. mg win «rrlveai the 3prl«(ai h o'èteek in Uke e.euin« of the ««nia dey P»»»~ng«iwill le. iir«»ied rnswagB from Albany m Lebanon fur gl 6.

Thla win of esavae mas-. II the shuileet. ruuelespadillo««i,.i tieape»! rouie t.y which traveler« caa leech Lenaaofrom the City of New. VurkP»»»eii«er» who leave New Vorh In the night feSM wl

arrive. I,y ihl« roule, at l.elier.on el In o'cfr-B in-»e«

¦BSSaag There «re Inn «even mile« of »««In« hy ihlmu- ever a aseasaal rend, with good teem« end *_>;

« .¦. Tr»veier» wil therefore be on their «.i«rd «r»

imt ne geeetvad by the agent« of any other no», or eeias

any t ravnyeace pralea ling to run lo Leaheoou, except iha,,i .. recoinitiei de<l «r.ova

New-Lel.aiiou Sptii.gs. lune ;i, 1117.IAMKB 0 HINT. Agent, i aneen Poor Cor*a

¦. .. I W. BAHCOi:K. du. LebeBOB Spring»

A 1*1 III.h Hol Mai fon ra.Al.K. The fear ig...» »i in re sad lesee "f « saalM beaee, kepi .a

opean plan and one ..f ihe l.eel locailo.» la Ihlliy, the owiiei having other iiu»iue»« which require« bU

, | ... iti oice« linn i.i uifer for »»i* Apply personallyor hy letierm K vSAI.Kr.K llP».kruw,N V Jjl.fw"

a»»»*»fc»a»_w*"''u *"A'*** *' "** ""' ...'''' Ma ' BarMM. »y »i oppottie Ihe A» ... House, s verier*

W^Trntril '« "l *"' ' uctsv» P'ru-u Porie«, oí

Raw? B»v»ry varleiy of panern with ail Iheiihidein inprovaiueols, In rueewood and ssate>g»ny «esee,warranted In every reapecl to give MdeferiluO at no «aleP'.i,..« on hire. JAMP.S THOMPBON.)elr. *w* _

Late Tallwan A Bendel I.

'á-jggt»»Tgi-__r^ si very ww prvoaa.,j¿ feJMr-r».'!»» »'.out purrhaelng Pvsnoa wlil la»

íHi^mTiiI ;'" ""' "el»»".»»** to-all »i R. tiieaii »

! * at g BCo. « Mauufariory, let Pjk.i. «t iw «et et, «»i i A geneial »asurimeot ofMahogany «Ad BaTSM

w kmI r »i ... ...»i«i.i.. baad, wn.-t, wiiibesoid low les-.«ah or »pprovad peper. Dealer» «uppiled us Itleutal ierra»ti».* R tinNMiii 'e»i'i«n

^íaaga«»gr___,r'l ANO Hilt IK MAMtrf*ij99*¦ .t v , . Paiwa »t -a. . j Br.xaiway-

»t^l^^a^aJrW V'i -ly new «rt!.-,e warrarsped «vpe-J J I J J o ,ii lo - and in »»«p inlu'ia tauch luegef.». an e iee »sede rrtsk . pe« ...i»r >i*n> (r«_»e, uh-

» atieg u ineta.ic (iei»ie« A written geara ... an '. i..»" nasal end »n« «ay

duuhtas i -r >« e«pre««wi ir,» payiuaui m«y be* I I .»run «urn douln« are rein .»».1



ISi Pu,tonet- eat» «Id» Br<>«jd»w«y

p-af"* I III- I nsi.KK»« HOOTet r*AT-|vMx^^^ K>T -The proprieu.r of (Jup. il h My-^ y _^***»a_ «.. » P«iei,», and the oihar pataaw ueea¦*BBa»aaa«raBBa» .. thepiodurt.oo oflheee «tastK and n.uel

» i- ri mu and Uhu««, has cuaupieied hie arra~fs-raaaSSBM iceiup-aililuootih« P«ieola_d ihe InlrodectkeiorU.» inreiilion ui ibeciisen» of New-Vor» and m» S'~sanotice tr.ai 'he per»un»and Arm« wboee seine« are «p»»-»a>?d, er» ,icet,»eu «ud BMM no ouier peiton» «r« »-tawrt-ed,lo manufacture and »end the Cungree* Bou» and Baues

la New Y >r» «;tty Any otaer eeter.ilea-»eei« laai te fa-

ur« o'ltain righu, wt. tie added lu ttSfj ,»»i »ud puuilaaedby HOBACR H ÜAY A te g ne» of

DjtVMit k Hy»u» Pateait. SI Curlined et

J II Oup.ir.i oui Broad»*«; L W«i»n A Brothers. »Ana

Henry Nuiiii«, ihl Puno» »i vVra Un« I'i BewaraVSt.Y LeVioiteetiS »II Bdwe» * *»¦ *AeeS ,«a Bower».N A. Roger. A Co *'i Beniuel Cealrell, SSS Rew»uni vv.Meir 4*r* I ry.Hunt A Hunier *' Orand. Uaoiei Cimla Ageal, at

«fate III Bowery ' Na»««., »t

John McC rou«rnie. »I East! Joeeph UuicS, cor. BroavtH- .«.iw.y w«y «_U W ».. »i

vs H J-""» Tide I Job » Conrad S A«neta en m h sutii a BSnaaettJ A< ^rj,o«-» Broad

a A «.».-.» 7 c«i««f)ue w*yI \. VA'aik na, IM Puiun OBaWgB Conrad, 27 Mer-rienry V Haler, ruf Uuvch chants'ICschenge.

. I Palma . .

VVin».uw L VVhtllog, 4AÎ Broadway. and Chas. O»fiara,hty OrsatuVet feats kuraggs fllhW. and t>jui c onceras srs

bow fttiiy auiiioi.gefi a» nanufu-uire lb« Cuagree« Buots«ad Bhoee. lor wnuieeaie aad reta.i.N B. Mr. Lt.rto Bio*«, PuiwovL U on lunger author¬

ized to -.is- or vetet ihe Coograee Bouts il H. 0.New-Vorfc, J«aa«a, 1**T_ je*l

M*»l'Kl*4l. KA-HIONM-HATB, HATB-Parle»isaani »au «t gJ. '<jj«i w it.«a «old ny otaeru at

Bl. i . elegant dree» hats », it "* aad g/ M m-

peanor .a «ty « and Aaieh to Ihuee la many piecas at ge ,

aeet hau» « .. C ij March will he puueed 18 see Bisfriend» a i. . eaiat,'»hm-ai.

rrl la.* OKOROE P H. BROWN. 14* CsreaJ-et.

Mh.llllDSa, IIiUsH, lir«t Uee -nae a

.pieodld Prencb Mu.eeSin Met el »be he» price etgi -luimiieane rn oueiliy. »tyie ana* «otea. aV^ae>

rS-BM . raid i ' * e i le ea.i «od eaenno« U , tuto a «uperbSfiicie for t¿ M «od «urn« as low «. g» ».eu a very letgeaad varied at.«:« uf geei»'. »outh« and lafeate' Busaaaerlia.»«_d tapa M «. log ju«t opened, ray .«,«-» p. fall andrre,o T»e «,lv«ata«*e < .» "*l °t ¡'¦a* a .« n»*4 ueoh-

,KMM<J>- Pr*niur,«i. e Metier.tutfCsael w e-av Hndeoa.

g> roK -»AI.K « HEAP A fine ywaag taa-p«.*L.»T* --.**' ***S»i, giaei Beweger- w g ataño wlltV^**r*** .¦ »> * A «i watgoo neaviy new n«ik«r tap,

¦. iiliim. Aiuoharoeee, s «Ugh. BSSBi hjfs»»one, «_"l tnaoj «f IK* uf hou«»b.».d laraiwre ApelflOII '. . -. w «a -^i. m i\ \t

11 Al.r». tu» cgiwaH asagaeS ^ .e» p«.u i_ caen »orla Begs, Bagg-ng B».e Rii»ve Cuuieg«. Oun_y Beggtrag,j-eiK.",» Canva« and all uther aioda uf Petmr MeaaAv*.ti eri raVaatfe kg CYRUS W PIKLU h CO

T» » Bh-feWsgsggk

LAJtPW ltll-»-:r*ttTi a»«.irt_i-B.'of Lamp WVtas,coaetsung of Boav. Argaad. and CsstPheae. of all

prtc-s. for esle by DEfo, gEOtUEEE a COa*slag ¦vHMB

top related