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Post on 08-Mar-2018






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LIttle damage rc,ulted a' 910 Bea-con<neld la,t Sunday \\hen the ta-n-lly dalcnoort cau:;: lt on hre, and at1200 Gra'ton \\ hen a sparh ,:arteda 'mall root firc.


EDITOR'S ~OTE E\ery"ec].., T1e Rc\ cw \\11] pJbhs, thelamc_ 0f "IC "t1e'l and \\omen ofGro.-e P<:l "c "no ha'C bee a''ld are hc II:;: dhchar-:ed Irom allbranche, 01 the armed sef\lees.T'lC 'c., Ie pcop'e, thcmselves,the r 'am e, or frtc'1ds are tn-\ I" d '0 -en I t',,,, names to TheR \1('\\ 0" ....C

\\ L c,mc Home I



Orders Eoforcemeatof Chicken Law

\1' \\1 If P.\l\l\\~I ..\i !,\ P I'L\LP~E\ lI,I,!] (, hI \L PRl-.Il\h' \ \\ bl-.D\RD.JR11 \ '\ I I' 1\ h L LLI \l kl I 'l ,~OlGHSI, lll~I,Lr C\l U":-';:,, JR\",,\!\\ f Ch\\lPJ\E

I ' I" l'-( 1'-\1 \ fI \\ ,l ')1:.\\ \, , '\ I I t;: \"1 Rl l (), I (,1 .....l~ ..... lE..F\l"\\' \ jl~'"

"1 \',11 \ \' 1 \'\ T(d\STOS'\ 11 ~ I, \. 1 1 \

\ '\ ) ...

Minor Damage

Because of the \lolent protestlregrstered by t\\O group, of res;"dents III Gro;se Pomte \\ oods laltTuesdav mght at the \ dldse commi ..slon mcctlllg, the C,llL!..ell ordmancehas becn ordered to be enlorced.

The sroup, told tlte lommbSloneUthat dUring tlte .ummer, tIJ1> prOle-ttce of .ome people crCdt< d a '\lua-110n obnoxlOus to the • rnul'dtnlnClghhorhood

The ordmanle proh " " t Ie hous-mg ot ehlchen. clo,cr ' l>n 200 feetfrom a dll el!llIg, artd [1rOllde, thatall J mil mu,l hc pel1 hrel 111-Ioe ahudd n;::

James K, \\'atkms IS seekma: Is.fourth one-) car term as council pretooident, he lS unopposed.

Richard L ~Iaxon whose term a-plre. th" ) ear, was the only inculD.bent to seek re-election to the COUD-Cil. He IS seeking a second h\ 0-) elll'term. Councilmen J. R Sutton. Ir..and B, Da\ e Bushaw are not nlD-n'ng for re-elcctlon

~lr. Sulton sened on the caundlfor 12 conseeutl\ e ) ears, \\ hue Mr_Bushaw took office In 1944.

Othcr nOmtnatlOns for the 'illagecounCil are :-'el1 S, .\lcEachm, Lor.eD H, :-'011, HOl'oard J. Toll, George=.chlacpl Lr, and I" mg T \\ mkler.

~Ir ~dtldepfer ha. rc cn'ered therace lor a ,eat on the counCIl aftersen H1~ durtng 1943.~. he Y. as lie-ieatcu tor re-elecuon 10 1945

Harry \ Furlon. clerk. \Ionzo J.O'Connor, treasurer; and Fucci.A. Beauprc, asseS$Or. are unopposedfor rc-electloD.

CJerk Furtan announced that biIofhce Mil bl! open for reglstratiolle011 Saturday, Feb, 16 and T\1el1Ur.Fa. 19froa , ..... tiO i Po" .'1III:t.u clalIIl •• 1Mt ~ *' ,... _..."~ -~. ";• ~- >II:' "- ~ ~

c r 1,

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Wldc.pread mdlfference to thedesperate h.lf.naked conditIon 01battle 'carrcd countn"" of the worldwas dce[1h deplored by Wd1acd S,Hosking thIS lreek u the V~fYOothll\g CoIlectioa dri'¥e comes to •doIe_~_

'~eds of ..... of

Thc prtlllar) election for GrossePOlllte I drm" scheduled [or Mon-day, Feb 11, has been cancellcd Thegencral 1111age election IS ~fonday.~l arch 11

ThiS was announced Tuesday fol-10\\mg the close of nomlllalions Sat.urday Cancellation \I as due to the\\ Ithdrall al of one candIdate, Joseph\\' Sna), former counCIlman. whenhe lcarncd that se,'en men had filed

Make LastCall ForClothing

1\ "

11I,.' \

1e hl.n 1ex' .;>

.. All

, I

lOt 't1C 0'" ("l. l"",,' 01

.....~- '" )

, , ,

t I

THEREFORE, mayor and preSidents, of the GrossePOInte communities, do hereby recommend that thecitizens do whatever they can to observe Boy ScoutWeek and give their support to the sustaining mem-bership campaign which follo\\ s at the close of Anni-versary 'Week.

The Bo)' Scouts have also contributed to a. deeperappreCiatIOn by the Amencan people of the higher con-ception of good Citizenship.

\ .

-I. 1('


((.ontmued on i'.ie 6)


I ),

Depth of FrontYards Is Subjectof Amendment


I )

\ q

I :'1.any usetul .and decorat'\t "r' Kie. eut.of.

, "

(, I I


Coverage of ALL Homes inGroSN Pointe 8r: Gratiot Twpa.




"pl I j

.jut (1-1 I~ 1(' \'

DO maNu bow weD para,; tile Grosse Pointe _=un adDUCt. duce good results in class the good people of the rest of Micb.

The amendment lS designed to per- 40 to 50 pupils as IS being igan alld the country respond lID'I In witness whereof, we have hereunto set ourmlt a reducllon of the established 35 .ome communIties" medlatd) ," local ChaIrman Hosking

foot front yard requ,rement on a I "If both ballots fail there will be hands and caused the seals of the commumtles to be told the Re'lew late yesterday,street where lots on the opposIte no clear mterpreta.tlon that the affIxed. EHn POlllte resident "dth a heartSide have a front yard dept ranging I board can make as to the meaning is a,!..ed to search e\ ery closet, cup.POI N TEl Police Recover from 2.:i to 35 feet, i of thIS \ote It \\111 be nece"ary III Done this 2nd day of February, in the) ear of our board and attIc lor dbcardcd "ear-

At the prcsent time the ~lessrs all probabillty tor the board to sub- Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fortY-SIx. mg apparel, ,hoes and bedding, andPAR A 0 RAP H 5 ILoot Taken From Leonard and Chester Smith, budd-I'm:t some kmd of speCial ballot III a to take the ,ame at once to the near-

ers, o\\n seHral lots on the north new c1eetlon on \\hlLh the \oters RA.LPH B NETTIXG, :\1a) or, est school or fire stallon.b,. THE POINTER Park Homes SIde of !1ft. Yernon betl\Cen Charle- can mahC thm chOKe as to \\ iether CIty of Grosse Pomte Po,nte schools arc conductmg

The City of Gro,se Pomte pollce I -- \0,", and Chalfonte Cpon apphca- the) 'I "h to ha' e Increased c>perat- H, P. P.-\RSHALL, Pre~ldent, their 0\\ n drl\ e toddY and tomono",department "e1comcd ....rt Reaume .... fourtecn hundred dollar d,a. tlon for a bluldmg pcrmlt thcy d,s- 109 npcnd,tures approHd or new Grosse Pomte Park ID ordcr to help Gro,se PO'Dle meetback alter an absence o[ 4Y. ) cars I mond-studdcd 'Hlst watch 0\\ ned by co, ercd that the ,etbaLk reqUlre- bUI1JItl!-, Its flghtlul share m the quota

.- I. P 6 ALOIS GHLSQUIERE, Pre~ldent,in senlce George ~loffat IS anoth-, \frs C Harnlll('on of 1176 BI,hop mcnt IS nOl' a JJ toot mll1lmJm ac- (Continued on age ) .- The \tl'c to Jorelght Car' s;,temd th d I Grosse Pomte \\' oads f ker police officer 'I ho ,5 new to the has been recDl ered b; the Gro.sL cor tnl( to e ZDnIng Or mance ---------- 0 th!> collcLtlOn, c mlnate. an) pos-

department-he started shortly be.! Pomte ParI,. policc. The ,uhdl\IS10n restnCllons are JA~IES K. \\'ATKIl'i:S, PreSIdent, slule bottlcncLh III gettmg the need-fore Jan, I. I Lleut A, IAlu\\ers saId Ih s '\eCh mor: Icnlent a.nd allow a mInImum IPresent Grosse POInte Farms ed c1otlun" to It. de,tlnatlon speed-

• • • that the \\atch lias one stolen by of 2J fcct for lront )ard. II) I:.adl da), army lruc!,., p,ck up\\ e re "Iad to hcar that Bing thL DetrOit tno ot hurc,Jar'. \fr, ~tnce the home, on thc ,oulh "de IA d At ~"'skSchool Board the aCLum ,lated. c10thmg nom local

(m')" ami, , 'pon,N ha' c patchcd III lie 1 romh, lta, r d,1 c "-au[1cn; 101 \1 I \ ernol' ha' call hern bljllt on war s Driver Assaulted depot- .. lid taJ..e Ihem to bo'< carsup thclr d,t1erellces anrl ,llat 'Ocr I ano \!chm I 1,.'. \\ho are no\\ a 25 foot setbach (and there are [ew; G d. Wh'l A ' Attend Town Hall standlll" on "dmg, n~ar Gros,eBm'(o' IS rc>um,~g hiS broadLa," al\ al'm" tnal 10 tbe \\ a) ne counl; rcmam ng 10 -) It b log cal to as', ra UR tlon 1e ttempting I'ol'lte 1 he Lars are sealed by thetonIght CirCUIt Lourt sume that Ihc other Side of the I __ t D I' P I ~Ieeting in Woods Trea,u r) department and any tamp.

• • • 1 hc malonty of the artldes taJ..en street .hould he allo\\ed to conlorm Commcncement e,crc 'c, I0r 106 0 elVer arce cnns , a tLdcraT offcn>eOne 01 Gro.sc Pom'c high IChM!'S from t,c Cannarq home on Buc!... to the ,ame sClhach I,tudcnb '\ere held 10 the Grosse -- I

graduate, \\no completcd hiS course m"ham, Dnn]"a I- homc on hen" Cnc"cr Sm, , pre,ented a petll\on rOll1le 11 ~ I "nool audltor'um Ian Cn.;rged \\Ith as,aJI1 and haltery, \ to,\n hall mce Il1g \\d! he cal cd -- .m SJmm,' 'L'1()(1lla-t \ear, but \\ho qn::'"n, and \!<lIenr) home on at I",' \1 <"HI", , mcc',ng, nprr,cn'. Thur,d", m~bt II,lcrC a ,"raclt, Jo"n \!Lhmln 01 121t.o Broadstreet'llll Gro"e Po~tc \\oo<h \\1'hm 'helWOoda to Enforce ZonmgdId not adend a'lV o[ thc gradJa- Yor!..,h rc, h"" 011,0 been returned i .11<:."'1 re, dCllcc OI\11Lr, on thc ,oJlb audlen<e \\a, In attcnd'ne< Ru"ell \\ ood" ~l,ch, has bccn or- n~"t t,n da). Ordinance on Hamptonlion atT;w, 's R Lhard R\ an \lo<t 01 thc lO'1 ',a, heen 10llnd In! SIde 01 \It Vernon, requesttng that S[1caJ..er, ILlr thc occa'lon \\ere dercd to d[lrear ,n Ihc Cay o[ Grosse Tne \\ O()(l, l'm1l1h-,n 'la, l'l' L I 1

. ...... {)t '- <1.1 C. )1 1." \.xa )11 n .., .. ng cDlCk planned to enter t'-lc \.5 pro. pa\\n ,110jh an,l In tae po-ses'lon of I the counCIl amend the ord nance to three member, 01 mc ~'aoJa'ml( Pomte JJ"'lC eO'.rt Tue,da\' n ::ht I lied t II Grt" e Po nte hO<l'd 01

dire .. ne h.'- • \..lnc, t 11e (,r h"C P{'1n.c Igram carl) la.t lad bJt \\"5 sertO"J,1\ the alle:::ed t'UCIC, perm t \[r ~mllh to proccc ,la" R" 1arrl rln"', Ja<fl,d ne Fcb 2<1 cd"at 0'1 011",,,, to a mee Ilg to be \\ ,)d, h. 1n::: 'hPCc or 'la, hcenIOJured " an a It()mohdc acc,dent -N Ad I Ed ' CI ---8- ,- \\ord ~lld \lar'Lr\ Bo", Tiln dls, The \\arra 1 \\01' oh'al11CfI altcr It held m "",) 1 ",te"1! ,)r a ""n"ral I 1t ti.... 0........ er"'c ~1C'( () .. 1\l.. ....... dtc a rcp\.)rt tna.~last ,ummcr \ qa\ at Bon SeLoursl ew u uca on asses egln cu"ed 'nc lopc rronl,c', Lnl,mll- "h a:le~cd Ill" \lc"-llIlcy hlt Roh- oihlll' "\\1,11 "ll,;:c rc"dcnls on a lI"mp Oil r""d 'ICllnc lIa, helomchO'p tal 10'!0\\Cd \\ here h,s ,,,n'i Second Semest Co rses Thl'S Week eo r e,<'1 n... h- d' ,(He 01 'llelf I ert Har', 01 ~ii8 \!:rlC\, la,t Sat-I thc p- 'p(),eo :; mllimaea c 10 <c'1001 a Tll III ...'c oil\( ':11\;:mng smllc and ga\ .ptnts endeared I er u Im[1r<, Oil, 01 t1C ,,,c~' Ii ccQ-1 urdav mornlll~ a' ,Ob Lnner-I', 1.. ", II It .' f""11d tna' t1c " 1;; or.l1ltTl to all \\ho sa\\. hlm ------ noml ...."h..lal t.d .Ld" )llal rod.\.. ar and Plrirc 1 rlC ( (ll.. 1 .... <i C dt llflU.., 1'1 t 1' ... d 1l...t1l l. 1'" ill 11~ \ ) titer!, :I,C rC"l.

\\ e .saiu"c tnl~ lad ",h lC he IS \ l\\ ~roun) 1lI mall 11l.crC""1l'f{ 1 m..lV he m uk 1"1 .h ... l ,.j...... \f fln;'!n ,p1rJt .~1 pT )'l nh he ]on..:: '1~ tn 'he Bar~, r1T1\ If Il\r .he L n "ed P<H .....e! mc( 11..,and )l t l\, In l ')rmatl0il on t11C (It 11.... II t H. 1 ltlt.. \\ hI he ......l..cd '0convalc'l(1ng at hl~ home l.lctl\ltJc~ \\'1 h{' or,ganl7rd m the 1 <lmpmrln, m ....'T ().. I tUI 1'"'( Scn1CC t0ld prd1l..C that \",hen he de- pr()j)l,cd b 111(111 .... rrn ....r.am ('It t'lci cont. m to lC p ")\ .. )f1") \)t tile' 1.

• • • ne"t te" \\eeJ.., h\ the <ldlit ,d Ica- TI1 ""la, I C,) l~ \la' 'em" ",- IJ pm', l\(rL ..\\u,hd Il\ Dr 1IIIvcrcd a Pol,',,.!" at thc abo\c ad, ,,11 ,f 10"rd 'H,C nil 11ntCAU ck')nc \\lf1 clCllrOnlC~ ~C\\ fton Otrn,rlmrn' \.1t tnc G"o","c P0tnte Inl' lC>IH'l I'" , 1.1 hrll 'If '\\0 R~()IPS 1 j 1 If .. qtf" (nd\.'"\ of drL" .. t 1 dr;"'td m, truck. "'0 thrlt 1t -- -- _ ------.-- 1

juke bD"cs t ll.t aJt0matlLa'h pla\ r hfHrd 0t cd It.!t'"'In 01 pc ()p l -1 IlL l' t '"'10n; to en'er I <;,( 11l)'... I p~r ri. \ I ('l{'l<\cd tilL din ('\\(1\ T'l.=. L PI dlooder\\lIcnthccla:ttrarolOdt1lm! J(llll ....h •. ln' ..o()n(l.Hhn~d~t..ct- (0 ...l l"ltlrtI12'1dti1ncnr-crlnp( II l~ I, \ ldflh l';:Hnd.ll:'>oall~lld\f\..h.nl(\ l\hoh<i.ri.nn\ ecture anneIncrca",c'" t1C1\ "0nc 1hem ...chc<;,~«t 1)\ \f lit LA"' \ \\cd l..no\\n' a l(l .. r 11111I(r 'aldnlr., (\1 mel'H' 11 l.. f)~ 1 ....l~.. i.1 tn rn b ~ l!.. l)'" ., l di\l thrl hI.do\'n \\n'(n "IC ra ~e ...\11) ... de'-. arc


:l,h Hr 01 <1an(ll""-:: \\ .nHns ~\ml m.::t' i .. 111 H hl II \\n"'o \ I.... It I i. I l...., 11 II l"1d "tfll\..~ !l..t-' 1.""0 'knl hotd hl'll do,\n Fbemg prOdlCcd tl\ a "-111'1' e,t, >1,,1,\\ mm 1~ "" rlc'ct! h, \I's e',o m.. 1l 1111\ 1< 1<1,,<11"1 "I\«_H I " \,',I'n,,, ~"d \"r1d Jla 1>" " " a ,er01lc1 'mc or Tuesday Nleghtmanut?ctur.cf \nd'll\ t,,11 l<;..hil: "la'r i. lL-ilh"cl('~ \\d hod .J1C'r1

cld ......-llHJi. ....:::>, l". Inr1\,.r\ .1"- ~n.\,-~ Ifl1 r l< 1.... \I('H~, 1(<; ""h(l 't "1 "1 )'ld \..) ()~l1.n 'hrhot ci)~", h1mtnJr ....( .. " anrl '.;: ded h ...~ m i lC... l"'ht~1 prlH pt (r'" (' Po "1 t 'l ... tl ..ird \ l ;l C;t Io.,i.})rt~ tltA' ,,'10lc- Itr ... l.. ... j\..Ln ."

CheC'lClioanll\\ IC~ "~i.(iplII~"0t \1 on<l..i\. i(l) 11 !)-l"l ...mt..,.arv ~(I()()r 11.. \..(1r ....ll In lfi.,l ..p .v. 1\\1 'ltu \'rr n. 1\ ..... ,) l, II l1ri.ll

trom an .1. ... con;ttL rl. 11 <: (,0' h\\ - ... «(\ r ...c d. ~ncrl.:o ol\cl<p\ \<h.-1h r1 h ,,,,\ 111 1 • IhC' \\ 1 \ '1~ \\ .. I !.a .....l- 01 \t r... '1 "11 "dr1 na. n .....\ 1 Ii ....t PIll 'f )1 \" 'I i Ll1....,machJnc.<;,,.l<.oh(,l,..,m~d(' ti.'1 ~h \. ",,()nrlll ml.. nl:::-: 1ll \\l'A~n\.\ld""l l"I ...f"ei(,l"n~ ['Iltl i. <' p- htd 1("....1 l..t\ .... d ~'0t J1lc o. ~ll.\ I (1""11 ....r'l"li1'l\...J1 J~ j, ...

•• • r ".........l" 11 ~ 1 I l" (1"'lll .... "I1f '0 .) 1 11'\ t' 1 " ci lr 1 f' I It'' \\ I, l ~l 11 .,..... ;::h \\ I. d 1 '1e rll <l r....... n \, ," rt ~'Il" .1. l,. n ,. 1 \' ... ~. 11

Tnlc:..1" (.,l rri'"-,, AIH' 0,"'C'C." f)f(' 111 , ... ., .... c ... l\\.l\-Le-.. 1 td pI rn "'.... ,,, 42 ill,o 1..... 1 .... ('1 pI' .,,,, rl-,cr<; \er .. ~ I..... , L~ ~\ il (. "1, ol. <I'

ord 11,(' \1.1"~1 C"t Dmrl" (~n,,""'c:r ...'0\ .....,. nc,," \'- I ne ., ~ .1r;:c ln~l'll 11 ..... .,,~ Dr m.11" tnl")1 .. 1..t\'" '1")' mro r1 '1("" -e:o. n.,im" .:t"'tri ~1 co\"... I~r ,.. ro, ........ ("- "" ... ,. II,... I 1~" Elf .... ~ L'1! '" (1 e 11:).)1

WhKhV..a p~'" \ t''''rl a""lrion '1(: \\rl'1rd.l\ 1("~ 1 ... \\onrl. ..,~?- Lr-n\f";{ ...,,, ';'~'~1 h()')I'I.",rC'P~lf~'1"rn1n lY ;:1.i rt)'"'I \, .... lc ('\rrll~~ \ I"l ,. c. (' 1 e -1,i~ "drl ...~.,:tI\('''''''''o''eI '1.1.1'\

coun"~r tHO C f ...." 1, ,," ie n a 1')]-'" '1 \\ 1 '1 .:In ....~ 'Of) II~ I::,("P("~.rl1'("\ 0" .. 1 TH: ~1(")P 111-


"- ;. ~ 1(" ;;I-"1"IC'rl 11"'i.('''' ---------- lri .. - ...1 t t"''LL" L,: 1"'1\'" r ...~..el 1" ....=1 .... 1 ,. ....~1 r-.11 <;'I...."'t.... Cl.\ ('It (, .. " ....... r ...r \\,A ... ",>1 (' ,=l~f" d, pr ... II \r;"\d "Y""'f'. ""4.1rr"=1~ ,,-,.,ari ...,rl ."".,,, ;::." T'1r .....1.. " ........,... .. "\"olD N ed ..lJ"I." r'I,. • , .. l";:j; P..l. l" 1 r .. ,.

_ E' OC" 'Ill r" ,-" ;nd , ," ,e r1t rd < rl \. '" ~ I' 0 ; " f> I, r,<.\,,1 ecrease ot In ," .)r ~ ,,1to <ee ' It 1-01 V ""11 I, • ,'1' Of f -, 't'~ I n' 111 ' r (,r) r P, , e ',,,. "1' 'T, rl I \!. ," Cl'ty FI-re Loss I)' II, ."~hc Oi(' .....',1 d t l. \\ I rl! ..., .... , 11ri (.11 n 'I ~ll)) {\ 2 'r" '1'-

I.1l1r ,..11 1"" hl., '" In 1 III ~ ..i-I

• • • c I h" 1 \\ I I n 'I I (\ l( (' I~ 1 r

\\ C 101, I' I \\ 1 I, I ' k 'I, '" " ~ Incinerator Blamed for , I I [) \,

F,re In Berk~h1r~ Road Hom~ I


([~~~ro~~t\lPoinft lRtoUitUl:":'"VO=L-. 2-::::'2-::~-:-TO-:. 2:::-7 ------------M-O-4-T.~'~

I '" I~II l'y


* * * f t* * * * * * *Importance of Ballots In School Election-------------------------==-----II:IITI IF TIEwaRll Michigan Ruling " By th, ~a~'~o?;,'~'~'~f~h~~O~ Poio" ISix Residents

IUIlIIII TIIETHER- Extends Vote To t~ ~:~::~';;:~u"of Am"i". ;o,",po,,"d F'b, File For Three8, 1910, and chartered by congress June 15. 1916, is

New POI-ole Groua" celebrating Its 36th birthday anniversary durmg Boy Seats On CouncilScout Week from February 8 to 14. In the past 36

" ~cars the more than'twelve million present or former _.~ members have rendered notable service to our com-In the school tax Licctlon on j other fatls H, for cxamplc, (~J'pt.

~Iarch 4, accordmg to a st.atement ers should apprOle the ballot litjto.' munity and our nation ~ow that our countrv has suc-by Dr. Paul L. Ls,ert, supermtend. ~Ide a ,1Ilkmg fund and fallilMo' cess fully con'c1uded the war, the Boy Scouts ;f Americaent of schools, t\\O Issues are placed appro, e the ballot on the mf,y,l will again continue to render noteworthy servicebefore the \oters (I) nc\\ bUlldmg, then the board of education through many years of Peace.and (~) mcreased opcratlng costs for bc ln the pecuhar pos,tlOn of' g II

the ne"t fi\C ycars On the one 15- apprO\al of bUlld,ngs "lth~ y In times of dIstress from floods. hurricane, tor-sue of creatlllg a Sinking ftmd for mone) to build them ThiS W e nado, and other disasters our Scouts have demonstrat-purposes of ne" buddlngs, only llhe congre" passing a law ~~ ed the effectiveness of organized boy service. Duringproperty owners can vote On the an approprIatIon to enforce it.~othcr Is,ue of Incrcaslng the ta" 'If on the other hand the ..-r, the period of economic stres~ they contnbuted in manylimitation by $5 pcr one thousand should a[1[1ro'e the baPot jn. "ays to the relief of suffering. Their services rendereddollars of as,cs,cd \aluallOn all creas ng the mllllc,y and fau dunng our four years of war cannot be estimated inqualified electors may'ote. Elen prole the ballot for the dollars and cents.though properly 0" ners may ap- fund, It I\ould be clear to the.,ro'e the smhmg fund, no smhmg of education thaI "h,le the[uhd can be set aSide unless the oth. Ity was Intere,ted m increaser ballot on the mIll le\'Y mcrease:s pcndlturcS for operation, itpassed. In othcr '\ords, both Issues 1\ hh to ha' e moncy 'pentdcpend upon the votcrs' appro, al of bUllding program. In th s case .'the ballot to mcrcase the null le\y turally "ould be necessary

"The \oters should clearly under- board to contmue rellel ng <:stand' said the supenntendent what cd clas,rooms bv C'(peden~might happen II one passes and the a, IIIcreased tramportal1Ol1

temporary bUlldmgs and ()\ et'cd classrooms"Crowded Sebool Rooma-

, 1 h e nct re,ult Ot tnprobahlv be that "e ooulthe school 5)"Sl.aIl wittI.....

Thursdav, February 1, 1~

From $3.25

Sterling, ~old filled orsohd ~old Plil1l1 orstone set. Available m.dl\ Idually or matchedset,



peRCH -\SI:.S ~l "-DE Xo\\XOT P.t"y.t"RLF: UXTIL

APRIL lOt\-, 19~


Opell TlIurs, Fn. Sat. 'HI 9



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HGUSIII' "1111~ ... c:......

~ S6'56


~Irs, Kins CollinsHeads Committeefor Annual ),Ieeting-





Wooda Brandl 217M Mack Anmae

Comer ABita - ro 1-0711





Homer C. Fribch


11410 '01. en.o..TWiNnlol 1.18'1

For the Ilest ........ a! w....k•• Whit. Ho.... cle.n .... will pay tn1nat.te Cro ... Point. Men allel women, IlOw at h ..... aft.r h... orabl. eIi ••char,. fr ..m tha ...... ed force.. Inc,dellt. from tAeir .~c. rKOftlwill eOlUl1tat. tIl. articl ..

HI r..ILJ." \\0\\' SO~{l:. \\LEKlast one tu rlled out 10 be, II hat II nhmOSl of us 1\ Jl!lout ,~hool, partIes 01

all kllld, "rre In full '"lOg lor teenallers all 0\ er tbe POinte,

For PJr('~tlo,ulll miP1'1toriou •• C"f ...... "nr w .. a. p.rltcJpfttln, in• numb ..r of comb.t bomblntr m... lonl O•• r (;,..rmeny and N.w. hf'ldt,.rrltory hd.. 8l"'r.,n lIt .unn ..r on _ B 17 FIY'"r Fortr"'l1<;f"rrf Hom .., C FntU'h wa. 8werd ..d , ...... Army Air ",,.d.1 In APY'l'.l"5 H.... ,h... 0.. of Mr ... el M.. H C Fnhch, INt Ihr ...uel ro.d

F, ... <I ........ jf ... d bloeln"jf of mf'Il' h.Io h.. "- ........ 1...... add'h"n t .. th .. "ft.. c1... nllljf .~<.off~"" at Wh,t. H_ ..


Kamm, treasurer.The Ilr.t mee',n, 'I\"1tl, the ne'"

nfflc~rs "-Ill b~ held it the Women'L,' dub tomorrow afternoon att"o 0 clock.

near Ned'. Auto

Pare Two


~t ••••

CuatOlD Hall

New Louhon

14639 E. JEFFERSONet Mani.hque


CONGRATULATIONS, BOY SCOUTS!" Xearly two mIllion Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Sentor Scouts

ale! theIr adult leaders throughout the Cntted States \\ 111 com-memora te Bo\ Scout \\"eek \\ hlch begllls tomorrow and con-tillues through Thursday, Feb. 14, The theme of the observance\\ hlch marks the 36th antversary of the foundmg of the move-ment In .-\menca. IS "Scout< of the \Vorld-BuJldmg Together."

ThiS mOlement ments thl! support of every Amencanwhose de, Ire It is to make hlS country and hts \\ orld a betterplace In \, hlch to live.

1he amversary theme extends the field. Scouting empha'Slze~, not the man-made differences between peoples, but the,pJcndld heritage of the bo) hood of all nations, In practtcallye\'en' cnrlJzed country on earth, Scouts are building togetherthe founda.tlon of world fnendship through Scoutmg.

For .36 I ears the Boy Scouts of Amenca haH been bUlldllll;;cltlzcn~ equ"lpped for the great ad"enture of ltCI', For the future\\ e tnu:.t buJld together and \\ e are sure that every Boy ScoutII III be a bUIlder for hi. country and for the peace and happmess

"I the" orld.


:0Iiee at 15121 Kerchn'al between M'anland and lakf'PC)int.

: -rhe Only Weekly NUl'Ipaper Co.,erma All the Home. in.. Groue Pointe and Gratiot Townth, .....

L IS. OLDHAM P.b/II#,nPAUL J. BLACKBURN £eIlM. AGW'f'hml' M... ,n

SuC.cnpeioa Rata: 8, Mal!, '2.00 pet ,ear; 'c 1* cap,., s,. Carner, 10 Cllntt a Month,Published Every Tbur.da., by Thl! Groue Pointe Printinlr Co

UlNa 11152.116)"WE; LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW"

:-'e\l. Officers Preside at League :'feetmg' Tomorrow

The officers f« tne MlchlianL-atue for Crippled Ch,ldren _eree e<:ted at a recent meellnl.

M n Julius L. Becker'" aI namedp'~'14ent.. Alto elected at Ibl' ume

St James \\"omet1's Guild~f" ..'lbert \\- Bender, fir.' \ Ice.

rn"rien'; ~ft' Rupert J, R'lrhler The brlle~ GUlltl (If Sl lame., nnrl ,'ce prc"den', ~frs \\ lil,a'll I J.,,'j eran ,',lrch ,,"'1 h()'ri It- nc,'

l-.k 1~ th'rd 'Ice.pre' der' ~fr' mec n" next \\ erlne,dln al'c'n " I

I, 'v (, Schou, record ng Hcrel~'l I! ch ]1 H 1 ,n, In t " II<>me 01

'rr~. Ll'11tr \\H7k~, corrc-sponu n~1 \fr<. (0-1"'" <"'to('r~(1 ..... ;1 1 ncoln

< c'an, ~lrs \\"al'er I\:r.mer, Ii l'O"rI \I r \\ "1'< r I. '" h~ coA 1f al 'ecrc'an, and \1'"' OI.Hr b(,,',


~lrs r..Jns Coillns of Westchesterroad, IS chah man of the committeeplan1mg Ihe pro/o:r.m for the SJrdannual meetm,'! of the metropolitanDetroit Y\\ CA tOlllght.

... """,, ~ \ ><x,al hour precedes tile 6 JO'" Jllln<f \11 ¥\\' memhers and friends

.Ire 10\ Ited 10 tne affair \\ hlCh ....,11be held 11I the central YW buddln'on WlthereU Slrect

H ,ghhght of the el elling IS thelalk on "Toda) 5 ImperatlHs for they\\ C \" to be presented by ~IlssI rances Perry of the nallOnal board

L l:. 1 ~ S 1 \ R 1 0 L T \\ lTH '. \\ C \, plus the annual report 01

Tuesdal n,ght and the Tu,ls skallng the preSident, \Ir, \llen B Cro\\....0 f I p.rll, II11h s"allng .1 lhe l'arm. and the election of lhe metropohtan~ mtone I' oreH'r 'tea II1R \\'elldell \\ 111!..!e~ 'One \\ nrlrj" pier and d.nung and dehuou< food

thuntil!r In su" 't "0 P , • board of dlreclors for 1'J46.. geo Ing ne oll1te or a ll1()f!lllcatton of lhe later on al tht church ~a" }o.mesame Alcordlng to ~l rs, COlll/15, M I.S

1 f CrOll Ie) n Dick PhJlhp" Ray ::'chu. Perry I' One of the most colorful_ate<t 0 ~uch propo,,,l~ is the COll1hlllltlfJlI 01 thc p"lllC mann n Barb Klenk P.lJl I ne'e 'nand 11 r- dA a I t f) r f r and IlIterestlng member. of the n ...~ ...p r mel1 ~ 0 tIe '-11\ 0 \Jrn,.e POInt!" Iud (Jr()'~e I r.nll' "-re(>llnn.r, Ched "'"ell>OnPOinte Farm. -' L 1 tlonal Y\\ CA board ::'he hr.t be-maue rJ\ a I etl rillg- cou Ill! 111,111 III t he I t11.lg e n ~f anh n I aml>, Joe Hlc"c)' n

I t I 1-' I came Interested In the Y\\ C1\ duro, <IOU" not )e nele ...,an to pOlll1 Ollt the ranlllrcdllOllS \I.nl,n h.al>er, BetlV Auch 'n Bill'm 01 d I' II" I Ing her sludent dal S In Kan,as La• \e In "'uc 1 a I\e I to ont' so 01l,R" III tlte ser\ ice of hlo I Queen, Donna Dartlen 'n DcnnlevIlIa;:e But !0 the gellt'ral publil', and tile CIII/CIlS of etthcr 1homas, Let!\ Kret>ehmar 'n Frank lcr site lias engaged In field ,",or"the l_ll~ or I arm" let ll~ enumelate a fell ~hBnde. and Ju,t lo.d, of otlter IIJ!h stiJdenl groups In tM mid.

t: 1 I f \I e,t,Irst, t I':.re IS t Ie scale 0 pay 111 each department of each Io.ldsall haling a real lIonderlul timecommunlt} Second, there IS the pen,lon or retirement <\ <tern \\ hen ~llss Perry ceased to be

h ']'1 I 1 I '" emplo, ed profes,lonalll 10 the YW IIn eal one Un t'e (.Incrcnce 111 criu1plllcnl, lC~ltldtlon" 1JlESUlE':-'lGHTPATROBl. It' f 1 .. she chose to establish her resldenlee c .. ."m' one 0 t Ie abol c \\ auld set off 1ealou ;IC~, larg-e or son dCClded to haH a double celebra.

small that \Iould ha\c repercus<lOns of Ill-l\ Ilalllr- oler t11A' h I In an mdustrtal clt) - PassaiC, !I: J'j'l' "~~ ,Jon, I at IS ler ISth blrthd.y and -and to give her full tlme 10 volun

\ ear< f Ie matter ot the ...electlon of the clner of either depal t. her ~raduatlon from lllgh ."hool. So teer wotk In the Y\\ CA In add I'ment nr hath 111UI1IClpahtl('~ \\ol1l<i liJ,.('\\ I...e ~et off sOl11e UIl' 'lte 100Ited Jim Bdd~y and \l.gg)pleasant rl\alnes ano III feeltnR Such belJ1l::" the ca~e, the Clfl- !Ianson, Don ~lcPhall and Barb !Ion to her respOn$lblhtles as an ••

f ..1 lIonal board member. she IS chair.elenc\ 0 am "epal tment \\ ould <uffer ann the <Teneral publtc \loran, and BIll Baker to the DAl1-' f I ' ,., man of a Y\ ....C ... center In PassaIc."OU IJ ee It In the deg-ree and qualll\ of protection offered lor dtnner and danCing,C I 1 II hlLh IS located in a neighborhoodn( er <tiC 1 an arrang'lI1ent, there c~lcl he httle or no reo .

ductlon III personnel becau'e the reSident. of elliler tIle I~arll1S ~OR~1 -\ ....~X. ~EE ' made up of people of many dlfferen.. . , . •. • B, \\ ITH InattOnahty backgrounds,or CIty Ju<t naturalh' \\ oulcln't <tano for hal illJ::' their protec- \ aJcnl1ne s Da)' In mtnd decorated _

tlon curtatled .\nd It 1< hl~hlv doubtful If efflclenc,' could I:le her reueatlon room for a gala get. tbe candles. hiS date Andy, Georgemcreaseo under cnndltlon~ \\ hleh \\ auld IOO'lca1l1' an~e due to to!(ether of some of her cl ••• mates rrJpclh. and ~Iary Rone), Bob Arm.the rllmlhcatlons de~cnhed in the aho\ e par;g-raph ~ecn at the party Wednesday ~H strong and Dam Buser, Bill Dre"

So far a, a sllcce~'or to the retlnnl::" police chief III the lIere Sally Andrus, Ann Candler and :-"anc) Dah rmpie, Andy Cream-Farms IS conccrned he should rlj:;htfulh cOll1e froll1 the ranJ,.' Jan Johnstone, George Beatt), Blil er and Jo Russell, Jack Galdont andin the department at pre-ent. and not be brought 111 a~ a 110n. He,ter Xancy Georgi, Jean \\ ebh Janie Balcom, and Cabby Bartlenrestdent from DetroH '1 he commISSIOner I, not knOll n to ha\e Harb Orphal, Barb Bauman, Fred and Janet Reid "atched "Ith gayeven con~ulted the Iteutenant \\ ho tS next in Ime before statJn~ \!lcrs, Chuck Johnson, Carroll antiCipation,that he dIdn't \\ant the Joh. ,\nd, there IS a detectl\'e In the Gr)lls, Sparky Farquar, Ruth Jac. :. :: ::department" ho has sen ed hiS force and \ J11ag-e 10\ alh', efIt. Ques and others THE l.:SHERS AT GR '\DUA.clanly and capably for )ears, \\ho could \\ell be anothcr chOIce. .. .. 110::-1, not 10 be out.done by theWfthout pIcking a non-ta,pa) er. THE ~IO:'T I ~l PO R T A ~ T scn,or" formed thm o\\n httle part)'

> :'" How \\ould the men In the depal tmcl\t feel If an out<ldcr ClCnt of the IHe" took place Thurs. at ~fary Lou Elling's house Tho.ew.e brought in as "as sl1~gested as the other alternatll e b\ Ida) nl~hl Of cour.e eHr)One knOllS entering mto the fun "ere Don M".tbe Farms' trustee? Patrolman, serg-eant and e\en lieutenant what that IIa! ,gradualJon, big nlg'll Phall. Betty Auch, Mary Thorn,

~.. pay is Itttle enough consldennl:" the n,k mvoll'ed, that alone round Gro'se POinte hJgh schuol lack Tanner, Jeff Welsher, DOllaawithout throttling any Il1centn I' to ' \\ or)., up" to the c111ef\ Open houses lIere few, but Bob Dahlen, Bob Xelte, \nme Lelnlnrerjob by filling' It "Ith men outsl(je the (jepartment. X () Gro~,e LOUiS hung out the 1\Clcome !Ign to \dele Gillette, BIll Maul, and Fre:!

, POinte munlcipaht)' at present ha~ any e,tenSl\e \\ aHIn.!:' It~t most e>er)one, namely Johnny Kelr, A,ueh,of ~pplicants for any of its jobs, They ]lI~t don t pay that kmd Herman Z:rlllCk, Jack Thomas .. . •.ct.oney. It would be a !lad situation if thl! vt1lal':'es had to ~o ~l.ary Etta KUjalh, .-\nne Ortheiron, JOYCE Ml.:LKEY GOT INTO

;' for' ancf Bremen outsidl! of our boundaries. \\ ;Hren Schultz, Johnny !i:elsoa, AI. the partying 'PJrlt Fllday algbt..tII ~l.ed. it would seem that the reo ma LarSOll, Joan Fut, Charley HII. whell .he mVlted a ,:uI, m.et to betf nestibns are rather iIl-adv15C:d. gend"or!: Fred Blackwood, Frill" hllllie aftez'. 1llJ" DUs-ce.t~

.. en. the IUb~ of "weldinc Thora aad Bill Halliday. ba$kttbaU ~ Can:II Mac,....- . ~ .... .:: f: :: • B' ~,~I

• S ~blic - ~bI:rJ.a..t. ~ . ie~~. ........ tta: • ltII1restionll. Once aKain offiCI! hold- lI'al a popular place ~or .t ,.-cup of Jo,~e. ~ob F"uhet 'II SaIl", Frost, An

'"1oeat I!I1I1Iicipalitie1 came in for the blame m blocking such gals who enjoyed dinner and the Dam n Sally Southerland, Leeeo But that isn't the realhlocklde. mOVie there last Thursday night Mlddledltch'lI Annie Wedtoff, Shtr-

The G1'o5se Pomtes are clean and the people \\ho hve in The hoslesses "ere \nn and Jo Jo ley Lou Jerome 'n Bob Kennedy,t&oem want to keep them dc.au. The stench. corruptIon, mefl'l' \rmour I\ho mIlled t~etr schOOl LoiS ~{cKlndJy 'n Jim Corefield, Jimdencv of an Un\\ leld\' size of the city" hich \\ e adJ01l1 pro\'lde~ chum,p' ~tl:gsBVlerhnJg, .lary Hud- Touscanny escorted Joyce.

" " P . '11 b h b son, a, I reon, 01n Schmidtthe real reason \\ hy welding one 01l1te \\'1 e a tou~ ]0, Joan Cr~,IJcY, Joey }ohnstone' Ft:LL OF' 'THE 'EXUBER \1-

Barb Mol)neaux and Letty and tn2 SPlflt of graduation time BobFranny kretschmar. Johnson entertained hIS fflends by

gl\lni an open house after theH \PPY B I R T H D >\Y R>\~G Grosse POinte h,gh.~lonroe bas"et-

out the same e\ e for Ted llckard ball game Boh S dale I\aS Ginnywho reached the npe old age of ld ~lolln, "hill' Joan ~Iorrlson "asThe guy. 'n gal. celebrated II by go. sqUired bv Jack Tanner, Dick FmchInll 10 see Llonrl Hampton and Ihen, brought Betty Jo Faulk, Jim Baileyreally full of lhe Jump'n' JII e, 1\ ound escorted ~l agg)' Hanson, Dan Beel(up at .\ndy h.lmgbell's abode for Iand Scottv Scot, Earl Lapp and Elhethe fe"ll e bmhday trad,:lon of a He" Itt, and Ray Schumann andca"e and candles As Ted blew out Barb h.lenk.



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See and hear the new PhtlcoPhantom Record Player

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carr.riac a Jiloe of. ""' coa ( ..,; ......... ~ ,apparel sucb a! shD'tS, neckties, hats ing aa evening each week at eda.and the like' In other lessons ,t IJ! eatlonal pursuItS, and students ~'hoseconverted tn~O a grocery store, a: obJect" e IS mental stimulatIon.drugstore, a garage, a restaurant, a! Ha\mg acqUired the a!Jdlt) tohotel, a bank, and the beaut) parlor i carn on co", er.atlons m Spalllsh ~_and barber shop ha\ e b)' no means I mo'! ,tudents del elop a de.,re tobeen overJooked III plannmg lhe tral el III Latm-Amenca and try out ~course of lessons theIr ne\\-Iound ahllIt). Among

The methods emplo) ed In the tho,e entenng a c1as, In the fallc1as,e, l\ere de\Cloped III a sene. 01 \lere \1r. and ~rr •. Ed\lard Hlanguage-teachtng e'penmenb un- Thoma, 01 ~ottlllgham road, \\ hoder dIrectIOn of Clarence V !llL- len la,t \lell.. b) a,r tor ~IL"LDGUI~ ,n \\lllch Intcre.tlng d ,co\er- L':' \cdllllko dnd olher pOint' III,es ,,,,re made, one belllg that a stu- ~l,,"o. \\ltcre the) \I III rem alii dur-dent can mcmorlze relaled \lord, Inl; I ebruar).much faster than unrcldted Olle" and ----------ha\lIlg karn,d the related \lord'i St \ alentllle De"ert Bndgc\\lll remain III the memor) long alter at Bon 5ecOllrs Ho,pltala senC'') ot dhCOnnedl.d "ord, ha~taded 1r0ffi mind "'nolher d"co\- \e't Tue,da', I'dl 12 "d, Ill< 1

erv \1 a< thaI \L rl> lIlt1eetlOlh can be cho,u' In the Bon :,c,our, Ho,pI d

learned <\,\h trchl< or quadruple I (,udd d, the date lor thelr :,alnspeed It charted 1I1 ,uch a \\aV that I \-akllunL d,,,,rt bnd~, part\ Th,the \I<ual mlmOr) call come to 1'1.' Ic,tl\ltl" \1111be,,111 at I 10 1'1\1 1IIstud"nt , aid III the p-o~c" .... 'nb- thl h",p tdl clubroom,bon ot L.., .. t ntn1 \ Lrl> mRtclIon, \[r .. J T Condon h 1'1 c11clrgl ot\\a" dl'bld d.1ll! Ib Tt"plalcd u"'\' Irr.UH.,t.tTH.nt.., ...he \\111 he. a"'::ll-.!tdsOOlllanllltdrlJC, t'le studLnt \\lth dll\OC \I,-d"me, ] \I'Lhell, I:. Ldof the change. 01 .orm \\lthoul Ladlc and J \\ al-h. ~~;t;f~~-1:-5 ......

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GoodNews! In Stock NOW!At lut we have ..ur .emce de- I "

partment c1ickinlr 100 per cent. I E h 'Call or dr...,. "' with any hoole' I vers arph..ld apphane. problem



- h ,

-"r, " N15\51


1(' (I'lit - ( ...mp-

Girl Scout News


hOOh od Cl b S dEW . I J I J HI I ("tI II": 1, '1,r '<0,,<1 ,<on,,",,'}".Neig r 0 ~lJ tu ents Learn Spanish the a.sy ay 10 ;:~~;\~;C(/::~II'~IIU~~":):~(t:' J(II JlJ(1 .t I"., r ""t ,0111 iOOJ.

N-E-W-S \ Evening Classes at G. Pte. HJgh School/p-rA\JleutlllePdrt\ 1~;:n\\'r,~;;t'>'L:lltlll~,~7t:,~~~::~~trl~~

-- ------ I -- pl. ri,l. ],,,11,\1,,I ill :'-.el)..hliorhood ,ILlI,,, 011" "" (,r", ["JlllI' hd' ,cor,d an edu-ll..no"lul.« 01 "hit" Au(nt 'ipalll<h

jII D [> I I \ I _

a \.Hat\ ul dlLJVlIll~ lor Klfl ... l' It ~'lr iHJll- ldt I(r~ .....0-d.IJulli.! Ilt.,t III tIlL lk'lodolJrI1utt ofll~ llll!J()""llblr 11iatIOlI \\lil "lj)UlhOr thur ")llOlld don t

it ,.,vll You J..,lrl ... lJLt\\lUl thl •..,,~ I 'I I C I I d I I I) l. 1I111qUl lilt. t IO( l»1 t l dt ling ~pa.nh 1 f t ~\do.., tOUIl t 1dt '-Jp.::Ull ~ I P IOlle- !JUd I \ ill lItlllt d,UICl. In th( ,'!vmnti I ~,

of ." ",d L drl III lor ,om, 'H "l(!lJ!t, I tll' ,oul<! I" tdUglJ t In d IractJOrl 01 .......1 d ,IJIII 1 ruidl (JJgln. I'ell 15 lrorn 'J

IJrh(.:) 011 1h ... .d} "itllrll()On~ Ir 11 I IlJO"l \\llU IlJ,\l \l .. ltlCl tILl L\oe-I till tmh. IHl\IOU:)l) thought n{..{(s- II I I.. I I I to L! 0 c1o,k Illldrl1ght 'I uur to 1\ l. U l Ol \\, 1I.1l \H . .dft. <1 1I111,.{ .Hltllt (Ia.,,,,u, .. t tllt. lugh :)cbool .. In lH ...t lu t 11l,< do :.nldoll llumber of

I \1 11 f I Ill, " d hard-t,m, Pdrt\ ,,"th old IHle. t IL \ ...tLn our, rom Il !Hllldl1lg .IH ...IU1d/ld 10 find ,ludell!'\. \~o,d ..., ;,(. morl l)r 1(.)", trom the, I' "I I 'ld,lnoned ,quan and rOLlIld dancb

\\t..l.l\. to t It.. lit' jOU wont t\.1)W "hi» prll,Llu..,h knl~\ Ilv '-lp"ulISh.eLl '-)pdonhh dlt.tlOlldor) \\hICh ~\Ollld m-

I I I I . I I I I undLF thl dLr'lllOn 01 Lu Brennen t" 1.U 11116 It lltppt.ll, Illl,} J(,; J ~\l! )L rtll l.ltu lll\ ~1JLdklll.h the Jdnguage t.ludt. all ul tllL :)ountJ.., dud ":>uund ,.d I 'JJ' \11 pdr, nl. and Ihur Irltllds 01 I 'a IU "L Pdrt~, IlId~ lc }OU Old" d"f111g th, IIr,l hL"r "f In,tructlOn urnIJIIldllo'" "' thc ldnguag, :,tu- ~.r.

I d' • I d Defer ,e1lool dre cord,all~ m"t,d '0 ~.,o111" 1l0\l !{d ",LI III ldn cr..tt, It "lid '''thm th, llm, cqUivalLnt of :l dCll, '1Lll'~I) Icdrrt to corrtLlil pro. I :\~I Lid I d I attend "Co,tllmt, \\111 he out o'! - ,

1111(") It ut: d. ldf(,. clll toun llh,l. ~ '1I>ll 01 d..;,\ ~ 01 lIl'ltruLtlon lllt ..)C' 11IOUIH t tlll"l klj \\ord:) .ind lre~ I t~I, t I kilO II pldce lOr jU,1 old dothe_ arl In ,

\1, 1d. t,\lf 1 b )OU \...OIl \\ I "J,jllit ..tll<llut .. <.if"" UU.iHl~ dnU 'ldl- q•.HIlI ftlH'PHHl 01 them doe" the ' ., -I( •

t II I I> ordlr - ,om, and jOlll In the tuu ~'\.uu ~l.t 0 IL l U Wb l JUt n Ing dond otht. r tllLrlh.tn(hsr, rt ..t ....pd 11'0I prOIlUllllat Ion OllOg I tT I kI hUI on ~\ uJul'Jd.dj'" .trom JOJr to ordlf ll,.{ ml-dl.. pun ha"'lI1g prov)- ll1..blt flei nut IJj .:.UUlL uf tHe ~tu- ~t<i.t(.d OUt.. 01 t 1l. 0 ttla .. m.i ln6:

I I' I II II rlillmded I I arrdn~,mt nt. for thl affdlr @1\ l. 0 l OCrO. or d :) () /"")Ir) .. 1011'" [lJdklIl,K Imdhlll.H\ U1P~ b) ~dUll-. but bj. .,ill 01 thun dfH.I In the I

agl' 1310 I<J 'H \1111ha\t lhe ,pun IIlto .lId Ir.iLll dnd pLrlorllllng ,uch III 1Illl'Ulll (JI tllill I _huur ..lid thcr~ yOll \1111haH ,An up ddd~ IUllltlOl" d, !.,OIU~ h,d, get 10r prde IllllI "I I "'.<UdgL ,LU- /' <

ponuult)' to pld) b"dmlnton, Icdrn tJllI:! up III thl '1I0rlllJl).. 1,.,lJmK, dUll, .I" III 0,: unpkd,dnt dlta,l 01 ' ~

11Illlh dlld dll )la~olld1 -"ports DUll! \\ci"ll1l1~ ..,h.HII1~ t iUIlt-, urlnkmg,J "ltuth .., thl 1It.t.1.~ ...1t\ 01 Ivokmb IJI)

mh~ It tLlllJhunlll~ d.!ld Vhllll1g trlLnd') - r tflL rl'it'"d.lllll ..... or \\or \.\lllth ent j,1J

lllur.dd\ lrom lour to fl\e 0 c1Jll.. dl1 III :,pdn1>11 no cngl"i1 bl ng d lot 01 tummi, hdCI,. dnd tort It Iro" tdP ddn'll1g hour lOr dll gIrl> u,ht '!JOkUl (Xupt \\ hLn clear c "pldUd. 1< .. on to ,""-11.>001..I OCdl.>UIdr)' 1:."dlld o\~r. 1 hu" \,,11 b" cJ4•• L. lOr [lOll> 01 Ihl wk, of cor"c' .p'lch jllrllnlllb d(mor1>lratLd that all "b,g,nncr, dud adI411L"d Ilho \\111I)" mdl,., Lnglbh lltu" ..r~ \111' IIr"Orn, eHon Lould Lc prallprcpanllg lor .. b,g: ,ho ... 10 be pre- Learning d IOrugll Idn,,:ud,,:e, Ihe ..Ilil d"pu",d IlIlh L) PUtllllg,ellted III till ,pnllg 'tlldents ..re told, b lJl,.t ICMllmg to lull Irdll>ldtlOlI 01 ,he :,pdnhlJ tl"

10 F1dd) frolll tour to fi ve o'dO<.k I"1>.1" .Oll blglll \lltlt d lalterlllg on each pdgl '1'th d bile rUIlIlIlJ!-Cdmp lIre Girl. dnd Illueblrds \\lll I~t(.p or !\\o, tllLll td.h.c a Ie\\ morr I dO'\ll tilt tuthr ~qhlr.J.tlllg the ~11~mcct dt thc dub JOlll now If }OU Ireptat1ug )O ..H' .1L:::.~t.J.I.t .tttunPblll')tJ d.IllJ ~pd.nbl1 lUlunUb .tr1d m(Jl-

\\ dll\ to I)~ '" on tilL big '" eek-tnd didagalll dn .igdln Ulltl conll enCe 'dt,"g 1\ tlere 10 lold the l'dge \\ .tlltdmplllg :np Ihal \\111 be held 1I1 gradudll) I. d'hJopLd, dll<r \Ihllh Ihe page 101dL<I III( ,tudellt could:-ldY dt (d!llP \\ alhana for Camp didI Ire Glfb. ) ou prout \\ lt I pUbe dn d"ur. rder to the Lnglblt or ~pdnbh text

alllL RepetitIOn, b) thc \la)'. " an during hI> "tud. 01 the ll",on dndG.. Ia' Baaketball Le... u_Im!lvrtd.ut t.kn1(..ut HI lhc. 1L:=':)Olh, tllU:, ~peed up IIhtrue...-tlOI1 grcdtl),I ue,da~, Fe!J 5, ",a. the last ddY d f Iel ery etall 0 t IC In.lru~tlOn bemg mal..mg Ilorl.. far ea,."r and plea'-IIlor emr} IJlank. 10 come ID for the d dr"pe"te 0\ er an oVer so man)' allier lOr Ihe ,tudllll and dOlllg a\\ ay ,al111udl Gros,e POinte Girls' Ba~ktt- Itime. that the student latlllot alold ,mlrel)' II Ith tran,latlllg I

hall League (Jame, ""II start Thurs- IJearmng \ ocabulafle" correct gram- Ihe studdll-Iedcher IllLthod oj In

day IIIght, J'eb 14 at 7 JO pm IlIa.tlcaJ u,age, \erl> InAectlolh and ,tructlOn ",a, C"p'fll1lelllLd \\1111'Ller}one IS Imlted to come out arid

the Ilke. 1\ote book. are a tIling of <uLcl"tulll .ind ddolltld ~lUdLlI"g1\ e the teams support.the pa.t III Ihe clas,e" no note, of III the L1.i"l, "re ,e.illt] III pd,r, d'ldany kmd !Jemg nece.,an. dU5111g rlClld;'on, alterndte \11th

To mal,.e thmg, ta" for the be- ,ach olher 1lI dCt'll'; d, teaLiler. thegtnnmg student the l1r>t le"on tn one aellllg a, ledlher ,peal..1I1g thethe course IS a dISCU"IOII, m Span- bnd ,luteuu, III ~pallhh, the oth"rIsh, of vanou, ammals, blcau.e the .tudent repeatmg them, fir,t III Engnames of some of our blot kno",n )r,h, then In :,pal1l,h In till, "dal1lmals are IdentIcal In :,panlSh and the studtnt:. not ani) are tramedEnghsh. \Vhen Ihe fir,t le.son IS 10 ,peal.. the language but to lI.tlnover the student IS able to conver,e to and under,tand Itabout elephants, giraffes, hon" tlg- Xo rule of grammar IS pre"ntld 1l

ers and other members ot the alll- the e1a" .. \llthout Immedlatel~ pumal hlllgdom In .,mpk but undlr- \111'{ the rule to u,e In lom ersation,standable Spamsh The lessons e,pCflments hal lIlg demonstratedthereatter become extremel) prac-1that memon7lng rule. " a I\aste of'

I ~tIcal takIng up such essentIal detall< I ',me and mental effort unle" prac-'of dally h\lng a. eating, sleeplllg \ "Cd' U.e " to be made of them I _puttmg on and takmg off one', In the classe' are bU'lIIes< execu-clothes, .standmg up, s.ttlllg dO\\n,\ t1\ es II Ith Latin-American connec-wallung along the street and other tlons, teacl,ers who expect later to Ilunchons of hfe so thart., should the InstruCt III the language, nudenu'student l.a.ter VIS.t a Spanlsh-spea..... brushIng up to meet entrance re-mg country he will be able to mak.e qwrement. ot" leanung an ex1lra ba- ;bi1ueiI clearly _&t!ntoocl "MId his ... ~ in ..... e_e, ofF'JC:~'Jt'O(keR1.......... ' w'-e ~ q& ~h lIlQiaF"~.. - l:

Bro"llIe Girl Scollt troop No. 327hlld Its lormal 1111e,ll\ure ce.remo~vdt RIchard school on Jan 31. Bro"n.Ie Scout BonnIe Jean \\ nght ga\ ethe addre,s of \Hlcome, after whichthe entire troop sang the Brown,eSmIle song.

Reprcsentatll es of .l,\tation Ulllt257, American LegIOn Auxiliary,\\ ere present and presented the troopWith a beautiful American ftag,whIch was accepted on behalf of thetroop by Brownie Scouts PeggyYoung and DIane Koelbel. After g1V-IIIg the pledge of allegIance, alljOll1ed 111 the smRlllg of tile "StarSpangled Banner' t

Brc>\\l1le Scout Mary £6zabethFrll!2dl ~vc: a brid c GI the~.-.r. -'

tl] I ....h 12 It rl \\ 11 II ..4 I J, d.a."I ld-{lI \\C 11t n:;::

t d ) Il)- 1nl B.) .... .., 01 l~ th ..-l.pOl n Ill~ ..I .. \\('11 do'" all 'he

, ( ....lho- 1\,'00 ( l ...lrnll n 11l( pl,cet 101h (I' \h .. }\..j\ \\ (r' 1 1056

III t) If - ~(l lr' 11 10.A. 11 ') J ~ m

d 11 d \\1. ( 1 () h n.; (l - , n

FIred Veteran Pickell UnionHeadquarters In New Jersey


<...mden, N J -l.. " • ,.

l \1 t ((\ ..... p-

'\ " LLlUI .1 h-~d

ttoa, ~; ... "1lr~bel. aUlStant leader:

Jacqueline BolIO, ConnieMary Ehzabeth Fnzzell, . bethHender.on, Carol Ann Holhage, SueJohnson, Mernlee Johnston, DIaneKoelbel, Margaret Kl1lght, SU2yLeach, DIana ~Ies,ner, Slmley Nel-son, Joanne Ortwem, Sa!!} Jo Rich,Carol) n ~ullon, ~rarcla \Vade ~fan-I) n \V1I1ter, Bonnle Jean \\ nght.Judy We,tphal and Pegi' Young

Refreshmeng were sen cd by thetroop committee, ~lesddl11es H.loung, R. \\ lIIter, A. \\ ade. \VLeach, and ~I Orl\lem.

~ld) oe It'~ June that s "bu.tm' outall O'er,' but from the 100]." 01 thedctt\llll S III Girl Scoulmg hned uplOr the n,"t t\\O month" Februarvdlld 11d[<h \\ IJJ do a httle burstmg atIhl ,earn" them'lIl e,'

[ ,r,t ot all, thlr< , the camp tram-ms cour,e \\ Illch begall last \Iondaydt DLllr school Thl> coursc , con-duct, d by \1 r, \ladehne \1 urph)camp d,redor lOr mdropoh:dn De-tro" \11 ildd<r, dud troop commIt-tee m,mb,r,. a. \Iell d, dm G,rl~,out mothLr, are lll\lted \0 enrollm thl'- ....lr\t.) 01 Lamp 1c:::':)Oll~ E'\cnthough ~all mh,ed the first one,thLrc \1111be anot'lLr meetmg next\fonda\ mornlllg at 10 J() at Defer

I ehool ThL purpo,e (1 tll, trall1lng, to qlldlll~ adults tor campIng, soI t'lLY .,,11 be eh~llJle to accompany

troop .. on \.ampms;;: tr qh\\ Inle \'oe re "n tile ,ubjec: 01

t d.mp.., l ma~ Int'l H 'It ,ou to kno\\that 111jd.tll1<tn A. t. amp "'lh' mu tln~\la, Ileld at I'" 100me ot \lr, Lynn() Br \,,"'0 and phn~ \\ Cft. ol"cl1""lC'd

() ... ?rt do nh H' LIl"l"l~ Cdm"atgn) lqll P 0ur nt\\ \l\llp" l". at H111h,

\11 1 \ 1( 11l- T1lt t tillo., h ..( 1t d,Jled)... ! t h 1if \ ~Ih" \\ Ih ,1 \\ elope

l IlL .-illl .j d'''Cln:)(' ..0"11(' (\ :h~1 I 1j lH'ml...) on k I iiilte


3 for 25c

lb. 69c


41/2 Ounc.,. 29c

2 bURChes 29c




Figs and Dates


Kosher Style Pickled


PERK SOAPPackage 23c



GRADE A EGGSDozen 49c Medium

Peter Pan




Beef Tongue

Successors to

(.RO<;<;F POINTF PHONF NIAr,ARA 12"SFIR E'S B,rmlnllh.m <;l"rr-Ph"nr lAIn


Beef Stockfor Soup


Thai MaKes tlze Mea/o



Prime Grade AA Standing

Rib Roast



Choice Grade AA



Two l/2.lb. canl 21~Two 1;2-lh.Baking Otocolate 29c

Beautifully Boxed

Valentine Candy

by Wallace


Chuck Roast

WIUIe ..... iafoaBlo1 .....,--~place.211 N. FuIeoaA ....~Mt. v....-_ N. y~ in the home 01MIs. B. G, Wade, bet ""'sh-bar, Mrs. S. H. Laba ........prepatlllB Lspcoo's NoodleSoap The old. fasillooed~ ftnor hJ' dM8110<. EspeaalI,. ..."h thooefresh •oooked. solden. •IOOOdIes 10 Jt' Ecoooa>.caJ,roo - oae packase makesloa _t1IeDa..-IlOIIps,YOIIr sr<>eer t.s Lrpcon.Noodle Sotlp, .ndl..,dualpeckages, 88d 3 -packatleeconom,. ~---. Get-~!

Crab Meat • Lobster .. Tuna FishMinced Clams and Sardines

lMZ2 KERCHEVAL AVFNUE.. W ... McN,ch ..I.-Ph ....~ UN 1.17"

Large Size Pascal CelerySFIRE BROS.


Dried Prunes

Fancy Calves LiverARMOUR'S TREET

can 32c

Armour's Vitalox

Lipton's Noodle Soup MixHILLS BROS. COFFEE

Lb. 33c

Thur~da)'. February 7, l~~ T lJ E (; ROC:; SElf' () J '\ r I----------------------------------- ,



u.l1 droc":\<''Yon"JQ ()jcWATCHl.IAKER and JEWELER

17008 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe


. B 'Id' 1509 Broadway13th Floor Wurbtzer UI Ing

L t 8 P M Free WiD Ofterillrec ure., ••



Reviewed by Mrll. Fred Hauck, profellional book reviewer

Review followed by general diacul.ion •

Book Salea and Lending Library

Gro .. e Pointe UnitarianChurch

17440 J:. J l!ler,,,,, AvenueRev !Ii U I \1l!Jl>1 r

For further informatIon, leeDR. W. L. TUTTLE, D.C.

1203 W.yhurll

Dated February 2nd. 1146.

from 3:00 o'clock P.M. to 9:00 o'clock PM. L .. trrn SlamLlITd lime, on both of whichdays all unregllltered quahfied Ichool «-I",clo •• of Ihe D •• lnct may register for the Spe-Cial Election of the School Dilltrrct to M hrld I)n MaTch 4th. A.D. 1946, and for otherelections. general or specIal, in the D .. trrrt, until a I ert II""I re.regi.tration is orderedaccording to law.

Notice IS also given that prOVllIlon hili b~Ml m.t1- hy Ihl' Boud of Education for theregistration of all unregistered and quaM,,. rt ., h,.,,1 _I ..... or. of the district at any timedunng office hOUri by the prinCipal, of th,. lObo". namlld «'Iementary school •• and or theSecretary, and or the Superintendent of Scho"I., anti t)r the Director of BUlineu andFinance of the Board of Education. 3M St C1l1" .o\" .. nuf', Grosse Pomte City. Michi.glln, and or the prin~lpal. of Grolle Pointe Hllth !'i~hool. 11 Grone Pointe Boulevard.Groue POinte Farms, Michigan. and or Joltn D. PI","~ Junior High School, 1S430Ker~heval Avenue, Gnuse POInte Park. Mlchl,an.

Notice is hereby given that there will be a registration of the unl"egiateftCI quali6edeleetora of Rural Agricultural School District No.1, Grone Pointe Township, Wayne

Cou.nty, Michigan, at the polling places of the several precincts of the district, to-wit:

PRECINCT No I-Vollne place at the Robert TROMBLY SCHOOL. 821 Beacon.field,Gro .. e POinte PllI'k. Mich,gan. Precinct to include the middle of Jefferaoll A",,,,,u •• tile revlot Itne On the ealt .. de of Whittier Road, Lake St.Clair, the Cily Iimita .

PRECINCT No 2-Voting place at the George DEFER SCHOOL, lSolZS Kerchenl A .nue Gro .. e POInte Park, Mi.h,gan Prednct 10 incl ..de the mIddle of Mack A",enae. re ...lot I,ne on the ealt Iide of Three MIle Drl"'e. mIddle of JefferllOII A",ell ...e, the C,ty limit.(include. both .,de. of Wayb .. rn A",en .. e)

PRECINCT No J-Vollng place at the lewi. E MAIRE SCHOOL, 740 Cadiell:l. Ro.d.C,ty of Grolle Pointe, M,ch,gan Prec,nct to include the m,ddle of Mack A .....nll •• rear lotIme On the eut .ide of Neff Road, Lake St. Clair. rear lot line Oil the we.t .ide of Aa .....bon Avenue •

RALPH M. CLARK. Secretary,

Board of Education. Rural ArnculturalSchool D1atrict No. t. Cro ... PointeTownship. Wayne County, Michi,an.

On SATURDAY, the 16th Day of .'ebruary, A. D. 1946AND

of Rural Agricultural School Di.trict No.1, of the Townahip of Gro ... Pointe, WayneCounty, Mi~iran, for GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOLS

On SATURDAY, the 23rd Day of .'ebruary, A. D. 1946

PRECINCT No. 4-VolJng plac" .t the Pere Galmel RICHARD SCHOOL, 17& McKin.ley Road, Gro .. e POinte Farm •• M,ch,gan Precinct to Include the mIddle of Maek A",enue.rear lot I,ne on the north .,de of Moran Road, Lake St. Clair. rear lot !lne on welt .,,1. ofLakeland Annue.

PRECINCT No S-Votlng place al the KERBY SCHOOL, 104 Kerby Road, Gro .... POIUt.Farm., M,ch,g.n. Precinct to Includ. all terntory between Well' Lane Oil the nortA, andthe rear lot Irne of MetT,weather on the ,outh, and from Lat.r ~t. Clair oil the e&lt tothe m,ddl" of DufJIo Road beyond Ihe Farn ...

PRECINCT No 6-VOltnll' place at tbe VERNIER SCHOOL. J6 Verllier Road, cro •••Po,nle Shore., M,c:h,g.n. PrecInct to Incl ..de all ternlory north of Weir Lan. alld theCounty L,ne and fTom Lake St. ClaIr to tbe .... t .ide of Muter Road.

PRECINCT No.7-VotIng place at the MASON SCHOOL, 1840 Vernter Road, GrouePo,nte Wood., Mlch,gan. Prec.nct to Include all ten,tory north of We,r Lane and theCount,. L,ne and from the rear lot line of Marter Ro.d on the eaot to the Inlddl. of DufJIoRoad.

Unregistered Qualified School Electors

Choose a profilable ~t "arprofessional c:areer-

CHIROPRACTICAttend a four rear a~~Tedited~ollee:(' in New York. ('h,,'ae:o,Indlanapohs, Portland. orToronto, under the G, I. Billof Ri2hlll.

10 .>0 Am Church 'LhoolII UOa III ::'erliLL ot \lor.h,p

lIhlll ,\I"Jetl. 'lIre IIld ~I\ordII (I(J p tlt \dul! D"Lll»lOll group

~UhJlll . L nIldflAIl \d, anLC '1," 11,7 J() p 11I B,,) ~LOUl>I Lb 11, 1 J(J pm C.rAdle roll tea,

~uc., "ll AI.. Lr \1 r. \lor&dn Sher.lllAlI \\ hdt ;0 } 'peLt From C1l1J.drIll' dl \ afiOtl, Agcs"

I <I, 1~, 8 p 1H BOdrd

tor ~

, I) "n, I

1 (1\ 11 L I

" I'" l j)

~ InrmL"II 1)...\ r on .Il

Ii I 1 \\

..... 1 l,..,\ Ill)" 1 t ~

.., ,


11 .... \\\,)1" ,)

.... 11llLn "\ 1 "In

_ 11l ,\1

~) am

1.1, \\

f.. ) f, 11\ r, I' '"


11 In I \ (.11 1 ...

IL hl \ (It


Sunday, Feb. 10, 194610 a m \I ,'rIllllg II or.illp llJih

sermon bl the pa.lOr ~ermonthunt.. ~tt.. \\ Lrd IIp ot lllll"

10-11 55 am Lhurch school lorbeginner, prlIlury ..nd JUlllor depart-ments, .-\ II <II e'IUIppcd llUr,er) un.der compelen' ludlf.IJli> I> alsoala.lablc dUring Ih\> llml

11 15-11 55 a m Church schoolclasses lOr mtermcdlates. young peo-ple and adults

7 00 pm Youlh FL11011-hip meet.Ing ]'!ie pA,tor II III LOIIIlIlue leader.,htp 'or lhl dl>,U,SIOIl on 'Llle-\bol'e ~Ione)


- ,

"' ,

'I 1 \" ,. l

M... iah Lutheran Church::'outhedst , ,rner "I h.er, ~e\dl

nue .and Lakewood AHA.Lexber, Past r, 14J4 kc

WOHI 'C 2'1.21

l III \1"' (' \, Pi ~....l l'... I Ie

On the lOlllm)l ~undal, Feb 10,the pa,tor II II predlb on Ihe ~A"lor's lmpr" \ L parADic at the'Tares Am"n~ IhL \\ h, dl, tile Go,-pel lessoll lor IIII fi IIh :'unday atter£plphal\\ 1 \l 0 'Lr\ ILl> II iii be held I.-\18 am dudlU >U d m Ihe,e 1110


.1I "ce, 1\ III be ,dent lLal I ".pt torthe laLt d'dt tl,c ,hulr II III IUIlCllvllIII the late "fill L onl)

On r cb 18, L'd' th ~OO ) ~ar, Illlljhave pa~~(.u ;,lIlll \1rtrtll LUlller,the grca!c,t ruormer of lne cn IrC",'departcd Ib" hie litl, laL' II ,ll be I,commemorated III the ,en IC.S onSUnda),}eD 17

St. Paul'. EvangelicalLutheran Church

lad.,on ::'clwol \ud 'OfJumMarlboroul; 1 at \\'aleney Avenues(,eorge ] lJrcII ellOI" B D, Pa.torHal> LO,llmUIlIOII11111 be Lelebrat. i

cd at bO'" thL 1'.llgl,,11 dlld Gcrman ISenIle, Oil ::>undA). 1 ~D. IU, \t the)1Englt,h 'cr'lLC dt 11 .. m, Pa,torGre\\ ellOI\ ,"ll pflALiI the ,econd 'na sene, (II ,ermOJl. bd,ed on ] tieO1urLh 1 lie 1\c I l'!ullIpp ~chmIJ.I'ltll aNI .t. at lhe German .erllLlal8 l,)'tj m

\\ e a~ ndl<llllIlll, to .'Pd'id J IfSuad,,)' s 1:>01and Ill\ lle all pArL'll,I" thLS V It)'. who ba\e no cburch~ t.....feud their ea ill

First Christian ReformedChurch

1444 \1 an "nd a' (,oc heRe\ ~I OJII nga Pa. or

Eaatmin.ter PresbyterianChurch

\1".,,,' Il" an<1jr",'>onR" T'l~;"hrc \ \Ioden ...e

Th D lJ R l:. \1 n .. :er

Crace EYalll'eJical aDdRefonned Church

wepomte at kercl1eval AvenueWalter S Press, MmlSter

Xext ~undaY~Race Relations ISunday. The thlme 01 Ihe ,ermon" U be "\\ ho h !II) Hrotner " 1 I.churCh school .L»lon ueglJl, at 9 .lU Idm

The \\ omen, GuJid '\Ill meL' on\\ ~dne,dd) Illght, l- eo 13, At '16hto dock. 1 be ,nemL 01 titl> nt~elln611,11 be People \le.lI1I6 I., L I'.,tfIle lad,e, Ot the \JrJ,.e Po Il'e rLOtlgrcgallonal churc I hah be~1lI \ l'ld 4~ .;.: lC::lIb

1here ""I: be a lat ler ..nd ,0111)41l(IJet on .L [HId.) HI .... HI 1 1.1J IS,d. 0 Jo p n ... -\l1 ~ln ~...lnll ...n J.lld LA

'l(\. ILemen u~ ("r d.Lt.. .. clr 1 \\ d llL

.. J(;)h or ~ht:: LhJ."l I kC::l .. "'",.t U I"

"d) be made \11111.\lr. ::" H. H.,\ I 'ilJ3'J

St. Jamu Lutheran Churchof Grolle POlate

Re\, G"orllt l:. l\.urz, PA,.or

\\ Ide ..... " d~l 1L lJLdll 1\11

.... ~trmu'1 ~UIlJL ~ ot 1..: pd' t I

\~ ~L.'H.L~y at t lL "'L[\ 1..,.,- ~ta'"11 Am dt .Ill P~'hn aId Jut

I.'r., h.l'll",.1 At \IL!... 11

't j 11,), h ••l ... tll~ 1 1 I • ';It.i "-

1(.. I~~ on • h. "'L\ l 1 l t,.T)o 0

JrL 1C, 01 \"a \I ~O', rc ,mllll~ .'-po,l,e John !l ehdp'l-' 2 .,0' tJ1e Book CM 1<<< eld llll I

.... ndd.\ .,ch001 nilLt:, at lJ 45 ...n\ 1 a.d~!t BI1.)1L \" d"" I~ O'1d II l. !lC p.a"!O'" cat.1l ~Jndaj. morn .... I

I 0 clock


I" ~pf(~(n

NI 5616



Photograph)' by

MA 7799

Have Y OLlr Furniture andRUIfI

Cleaned andMoth-Proofed

YOUR WEDDINGIn Action! ! !

by a photographer I\ltll eightyears experience 10 thl> partlcll'lar pha,e of photography.

Hale a perfect pIctorial record o!your entIre II edd ng-a beautiful\Ibum of Seljuulce Photograph,that you II treasure all\ a) s

ilake arrangements no,," for

Hourly Eaminlfl GainSmLL 1'J35, a .. rage hour" Larn.

109, for mon emplo) ed by all. 01

the larg" electrlLal manulaLturersI ha'e lumbed 51 per cent-more tnanhalt the gam bemg In the Ja,t five

TV 1-3140


•• t ••••••• ,. ••••

Lutheran Church of theReformation

Vernor H,ghllay E at Lake\lewCall m F Stickles, 0 D, Pastor

Faith EYanlfelical LutheranChurch '

Ea,t r. f"" P'llilfl -\, nllelRev C H Lange Pastor

Fr d" rln 8 730 pm \ Ic,orv9 J(l dOl Churlh ,thool Classes I eA.lIe 1>"'111 ••• mr~!lI\g.1 Ihr home

lor ~Il d.-,e.. 01 lhrlll ....l P Lrrlon, ~I2 r 11 II .ne-

11 a tll PIt.SIII" C"d' " th, .ub. n'll ~ n anI C.teln"m cla;s-It'1.. t ot tIll' p~1...+nr .... t~mOll lor ~aturlld.\.,J rdn ...hJ':ura'JOI1 ~LltHL:t\ Il~

I tl I'm ::>lll l1r ] utl"r' L,aglll Dc. Sund.y-I ,,",ondJ meetltlt( ann pot luck ,ufl.j 'J iO • m Church 'Lhool lor loung

I plr. r <t,,1 oldII din "'1 nil' 01 dll me II or.h lp

""mull I he D,men,lOn, 01 Life,'Pd. ......... Ldll~l.

73u pm Dt\otllw..tl .....nlce,,hur,l\ 1'>1'111,0 \11 memh<r> plan tobe pre.ent.


Russell Barnes, formerly chief of thePsychological Warfare Bureau of theOWl in the Mediterranean, is back withThe Detroit News and on a special as-signment covering the UNO Conferencein London.

To keep informed on the momentousdecisions being made at this historicconference, make a practice of readinghis reports regularly.

With Flowers From


• Freah Cut Flowera• Coraagel• Plants

Open All Day Sunday



Ble-YeLESMain Store 16392 Harper Corner Audubon

Open 'til 9 p.m. Sunday 9 to 12:30

Rocket Model Cas Motora $22.50 Strombeeker Kits 25c to $1.00Complete

OK Model Ga. Motor $21.00 Testou-Superfort ............ $2.00Complete

Hurncane Gas Motors $19.75 Crylltal RadiO Set $3,50Compl"'e

Marvin Gas Moton $13.4& Aenal Set $1.25Complrl ..

Vlvell Model Gall Motor $18.50 Roren M.4 Tank Kit $USL("•• ernl _nd Cnndrn.rr


$35.52 With LightREBUILT LIKE NEW $26.50


Model Airplane Assembly Kits10c to $19.00

Make Your Valentine ~Iessage"I LOVE YOU"



KAl1LS & SON, Florists1751. Harper Avenue TU 2.6720

TRICYCLES • · AU Ball Bearing12 Inch........ S20.90 16 Inch 521.50 ~O Inch S21J)0Plan to Attend a Scale ~Iodel Contest February 15, 7 to 9 p.m.; February

16, 3 to 9 p.m., at 6027 AudubonBR:\~CH ~o. I BRANCH No.2

602i ~ottin(Yh:Jm ne:lf Harner J5~' 7 \f:frk "venue Rt R{l:tronsfieldOpen to " P M SundllV 10 to 3 Opm 'til It P M, Closed SundAy

~'r!lur~(fa,' F't'flrull.l'v '7. '''46"~Fnur THE C R () C; C; E P O_~ N F. REV T F W _

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ IrJ"J~c (J J~IIU ~ I~ IJ) '~o 11Idn

~lU')' Lutheran Church I" 1" , I I, rl ," "l~ S ""i" .,hool Peace Evan .. elical Lutheran GrOll. Pointe Congregational $rea .. Pointe Wood. Cro ... Pointe Metbodiat C!lri.tian Science Chur e. hath ,ectl (,ad 011 nil ILm( II lie' , ,. "II,d_ I Church 101, all, dnoth,r, God dll elleth In"alter J (,,11,' 1'., ", I 11 Tll I)" Il, .enh, \\" ,,' p Church Church Pre.byterian Church ::'IJlJI! IIdll" lhl .uhJILl oj tllel


, 1nd hI> lOlL" perfeLlen 111 u<,I "" III oil< "ldU" or ho'mc,<' Fa.t v'arren dn~ tdlou, ~Ieel\tlg III I,"hdrd School Re\ \nd,," I I\auth \11l1l,t~r 1I1eelIOg In Ker!>I' <;chool I,,,on 't1n\<'11 JlJ t11 CI""lldn :'''1- II:rt!>I knOll II< Ihdt lie d'\Cll In

• JO • m , ,. <' , ," , , E,," G C'", p,,,~ Ch"',, \\' ,d .. ,d p",", <"I" N '" Kmh".1 ,,,,, d",,, h" "",,,,h",,' ,,, ,,,,,,I! I '''''', ."dI" ""', h","" h, h""lies "Tll, ... It I, " In ",n 1,\ ,,' ",' 'a,ulll \tlil Roher! Rr'll~ \ ar Sunday Rei Hugh C \\hne, Pl" 011::'\I"dll, J lh 10. till l)ll\~nu> otlll' ~pJrlI"Mark 4 .>5.41 ., , 1Il I " , \ < I" Ir )n 1ue d .., l(} j m "'en,(\( high depdrlment 01 Ul.JO a 111 \1 \rtllll~ lIor,hll' >lr. \ILl""" 'Ill Blbl, ell il'Oll> I' ,liCIt> 01 je'\l' , 1, " 1 , , Ie, I i,}(1 I < 'II, ,," 11, \I OUIl "f Tr .. ". Ibc churl II '( 11001 mcm them, II" "p" I ,11 \1" d 'Ill 1(1 ,_, 111 \1 rl" g '0 II,"

lincoln" Cui,. drill Bu, ",,,,", IIdl ~ I "" I r. "----------- fi~lJr .. 0" ,",, III Ill' • IIlJ1l' () I',' II ,un <..II HI II >Clloul allend thl .,rllll "" ." '>"'Ul ~Ull' lu 45.11 lO-~llIldAY 'Lhool and"11111\ ..... 1101n1 1)\ till Rl\ t 1'11) 111m '\i),.. ...'llp .....nltl d'y. pldV ptTlPd for prt.. ... l..hool dllrl.rln(J (1<1.1 .. !"l) dt l1ld ...cr l.., H Jill l f)( ...\\ l UtI .....tllld" t\~. • I) I' ") .. d I I lor

10 30 am Ch\lr"l <,11001 meetlng .- - " pm JlUl " "'0(',," l'ac'l ;-,u",I"" at R 1111 <lid ""~ . 'I" I '111, ,,' l .I I' 1I,Id"Ol' Hlulh dnd 'OUIlJ< IHOplc10 ~5 dill 1114 HdloLlr 11" d"",,", n 1\111h~ m departmenl, 6311 P!l1 \011'11 11I10II,llJIl>

"'ulldd\ >Lbool "I>LII. a' } .>\1 'IJI "I I" ".,,, \ \\ lid 7 JO pm II" lux" dul, IIlII meet 7.>\1 pill 100lglll ChOIr practIcefh, Il" '11 lor Ih > \lC~I., r h, fh, ,oil" \lo" 0',_"",,1 fo' ,\ IOf M_I~I~_htt" lul '''lOoll",u" Jt th, 1"'!I1l 01 \Ir, \\ alter Rdddc.""I"n;: O' '" 11111fl .' ' I)", Ihree "" f'''' rll" ,011111111" ( .. ,,, m.., ;-'- 11 (II II ~Ji L d\lllR I,'e ,I .. '1. 1II"" II <j for .1 d~', I h, hroll.'- h, '0 ,lIe, hll re'l "f\ ,"> 1r :00 p In, I hI It 'I~I"I (II; ,: I I ~'"lda, 1I~It, I tllLrmuildtL \ ollib'd'e tl" r (lilell"l. a'.o Jt ~.\oJ '''' I" 1t am tllnl at 7117 Ltlller,"\ meet at t It lI'ml "I r, rl an 1,11011,1111' AI thL p...r.ondgl, 242 Oakh.tlOIl \'1 Ir BtI,l, !:lclt,'r' .. "L Pia , OO~tellbtlr~, .j(Jl) \I ..dholl d\enue ,trill dl \11 \llldn, 0 J(J pm

motto foil HIed h\ <I1c B 1,\ " t.,,, ---------- WedaeMl.y- I ell 11 mUllthh mllllll~ 01 the~ 00 Jllll l:'" "d,,1 01 trU,ILL, \I,", Br'ot1lelhood Ilom, 01 UJIl

II III meet <! 'It Ill'TlIc ,I Lllll \ \1' "0 R \ rd !>oul" "rd -\PI')" \ \.'~', ~_ , datteriOll, '''? nlld d\ ellUl 'OUI"] lIll>\IOll jJlLlUfL, \\ ar LllJud,

-- - -- --- - O\lr thl PdlltlL' \\Ill ue.. ~hU\\ll

J"er~n Avenue Methodilt Ih!> JOClllllllllM) him .hOIl, 1I01Church 01111 Ihe "" dl. dtld'l. Oll Pearl Hdr.

East )CHtl"'Oll L \l", ...Jborou .....n bor uut 111l1udl:' till l-llt1on" pH>tur: ') 01 tILL Jlll\\ t!tLUJ1lt J ,pdllL"'l,.R.gmalrl !{ I lULlI ~Ilm.ter Itdlll, Il" t d' II "d' P"1' ..1IIlJ< lor'Ill \Iald) LampJlgll HI thl Illd,all<X,.edn


()pen 'ntunoda,..Fnday and

Saturday EV~~"I'll 9




Z1Mll Gnmd ~ DlI8S ~:Ia 8edfDItI. :Ia W. ~

HARRY HAAS, Tax ConsultantLEnox 7812

Page Five

The ncw Tall R"ductlon L•• m.k". a number of lIIIportaAtchance. In E.bmateo! Tax R"turn., alfectinr all t•• pay.... ..de.pec,ally former Ser ••cem"n.

If you ha.e a tax probl"m, We in",t" you to brill' it to u-Tall'" are our bUline .. , and your tall probl"m. will recei •• -careful, courteou. and competent attentIon.

Information c:oncllrninc tex". ma,. be h.d witbout coat 01' 011-hlabon Conhnu,nl our prachc" of form"r yca ... we w,lI cbeerlll~"ci"" you lax ad"",,, which may be relied upon, and "ordiall,. ,n"iteyou to tak" fulI .ci"antarc of tb'a ErN .,,".ce.

14841 KERCHEV At, Corner Alter RoadOpe ... A.M. to' P.M.

J 1945 Income Taxes and 1946 Estimates


fromJewelry that WIll be wom with pndeand treasured through the yearsChOQse tl at De Roy's • _ • the storeWIth the reputation for outstandmgQuality and value.

C1rorrt;e AccmrnfsOf' Extended Poyment.

w. Specialize in

Cleaning CarpetsOn Your FloorWork Cuar ... teedPrompt SerT1c:e

For Free E.tim.t••

Phone Tuxedo )-1260


TUxedo 1-18OllAppOintment. Only


WINDOW SHADE CLEANINCCALL MUMFORD'S-Arhnrlon7080 for w'lIdow .had. clean.nwnew .hade. aDd .bade rep ....W" r"nt paint opra"nl equip.ment. MUMFORD'S, lS006Harper

SoroTltj Chdpter to ~reetIII /)etr(ilt !fulJ1e 'llle~da\

Home Appliance.383 Kercheval Avenue

TUxedo 1-2313

, \111< rJLdn lolkJ"rl ",II I" lilc:)u u; lLt lor th,- CILdpt Lr 11lU:tUlg or

~,,,md Lid 101. oit 1 hi \I,Kmlev shoml, i'>4~ L VLr lur JjI~ll\lay nextlUl,ddl nlidlt dt el~hl udolk

("t nl' It \ l R l ndlr I> lhdlrlnan oftit, prO"rdIJl, d""lul hy Dorothy~ 1d.[J L drld (j Htlll \1)(.r,.., i~t I literldllllll,nl "III he lurll" lor! hy \I}ra~fl. LI"I ,I 1 "'lUll Ill~11 "hool anJ~llnlt. :::'ul(on

DoctorsGeorge and Margaret

Verbru~gheOsteopathic Phyaicians

1843 LancasterGroue Pointe Woods

Complete Radio andAppliance Repair



, or C.

" '\I~

11 1 '!II I "


l' "., (' .....



I \

\0\, 11' '"

\ r ),.1 rl

, (1""

, t'



" I,,'\(, ...A"

I \

... Ul..( .....

An afternoon tea for the mothersof students attendm8 Defer .choolWIll be he.ld nexi,,i~!'o 5L ValCIU.~'. Day. irGM-':,Jl to ".P~ i"

_ ~I.i I.,

PilJie ~~adRnciatioo.

The program, arranged by MrsFrederick ~Iohn, mclu"e!' an Interestlng and mformall\e lalk by ~!I.Betl\ Roberts on "Cnde Sam-Tht\Iedlclne .'IIan ' \IJ mothers andlnellds arc Inllled

St. \ alentme Tea Plannedlor ~lothers at Deler Students

Valentine DancePlanned to Be GalaAffair Saturday

LIc.alf, and ne \ ') jj J.t.

The Grosse Pomte Yacht clubplans to make Its St. Valentine, par-ty a gala occa51on on ~a!urda), Feb9

o\n "I"' ..!'l...... ~

I ~ I rl \ t... l

I \ \ ,', (

:\ltltlthh ~leetmg- .Scheduledb) Cotlg"reg-atlOnal Group

The \\ omen s -\,soclallon of theG r 0 , , e Po,ntc Congregatlondllhurch \\ \11 mtet at the home 01

\Ir,. ~lafl u, \1. h.alhRclo' h ot i91Jlincoln rOdd, Ill,t 111,,<la\ , Feb 12\ de<'Lrt lunLhLon \\ III be ,cned al~ 30

.\Ir, KdlhReI-ch 1\ 111 be a.,l>tcd b\t~re. LO-110'\C-'C' The \le,damc,Harala K Challdler, Stanle) J Rich.ard,oll and r,d\\ an! J ~lhl1lte

\Iler the bJ,llll." mcetlng, ~lr,\\ l1ham \f \dam, \\111 address thegroup ('on \1\ Chlldhoorl on -\n \f- Iflcan .\I"slOn Compound"

\ erlller P- T \ Plath \ .Hlet \Part\ lor ~rember, and Cue-I'

On \\ edne.d.) nIl, I', I: eb 13, dte,,(hl 0 dOL;", the 1'-T.\ 01 \ crn,erschoi.ll \\ ..I ha\e il .banll3 pa.rty torall P- T.\ memher, a'\d theIr tnend,A \ <'if ct,} (.)1 g"ml"', nJmcrou~ d "loranr! mrln Idll;ll table P"'C', and de-hCIOl.> relre.hmcn, \\ I e'mpfl,ethe e\c lIlS .... cn'cr';Un"11t11'

Pr\..xcld:> 01 'tlC "1\ he' ...ale \\ 'l;Oto the Vcrnar P 1 \ Ir,.1.'"

The (. 11 ~rn(n .;Ht. a ....l~"' 0\\ ... \[ .....

Ralq11 Crt') ..... ~t.nrr<"11 c'n rmttt \[r ..

1\\'1 -inrl) },\l ... \tr ....... g\

"m , ~l, e l' /l' \[ [),'1 \\" I!I"CC r, 'r p " A '\1- [), ~",I llar", -C"1~t. 111,l

IGIH ", T 111" J I , 111" h ('at ll,t1) , 1>111H -f),{t1lC



Tl IOriO

'i. bOSS

THE GROt;C;;E P0T'\Tf- REVlf-W

164045 E W~rr(nIt ~ier Dr VEl


7410 W Sel en \1 1e RdL:-illcr"} 2-0343


$15 and UpLong recognized :as masters InCold \\'ave Permanent! and half.roomlng Indl\ldual and expertaltentJOn Five yeilf5 expcrlenceIn Cold Wave COIffures

HOURS Dallv. 111 A. M toS P. ,.,: ".,ft. Wed and Sat.

Eves- to liP'"Closed 'nlllnclus

\Iuthers Hl1l10reO atL nttan,m 1ea 1uesdaj


Glasses F'ltltrl and Re,.,rpdEUlItlftatlOR<l

.302 D" 1d \\ hl'neY B\l11d Ill<R -\nd0'ph 4f,~


\1 rs Robert Hackathorn ,'1 Haw-lorne bouic\ ard, :oILprf1ntclldLnt ot

the (,ro,se I'olllte Cllltanan cradleroll bas arranged a tea lOr theIllother, ot \ OUll'; children oll Tue,,-,Ia\, r cb 12 .\Ir' ~lorgdn ::,11crman,\\ell kno\\n lelturtr on lh Id bLllav-l)r and child guidance, )\ III speak on\\ hat to E,peLl 01 Ch,ldrcn at

\ anous -\Res" \Ir, Ral mond B'her oi Lal..epolllte \1 enue, IS hos-(L'S of the aller'1oon.







Bernadette Riney Becomes Bride of Ralph DeWinter

t r,.

BERNADETTE R.ne,. DeW.nter ano! her bridal party, made lIP .n her four .i.tcr. and the .,.ler of thearoom: Dorothy Riney, Mr •. Wl1ham Salter, Jr .. M... John SlIutla, Chrllllne R.ney and Marcaret DeWin-ter.

Pot Luck SuppersSponsored Hereby Church Group


Ih" fir~ sh,pmf>nt In over <4year.. The new and lmprovedDorrnfOyer ElectrIC f- ood Millerthat has f"very lint' feature forf"Vf"T) kItchen mlXlns;( purpO'leIt does the work better llndqUIcker Llmltl"d quanttty, 50

~ome earlyl

Bernadette Riney, daughtet' of.\ir and .\lrs Jo,eph E Riney of1408 Lakepolnte, became the brideof Ralph De\" mter ~aturday morn-Ing, Jan 21> at a ~upllal H,gh Mass

The membership committee of thc In::,t -\mbrose church.\Vomcn's ""ssoelatlOn of the Gro •• e Mr De\\ mter 'S the son of }{rPOinte Congre~atlonaJ church, IS and ;..Irs. DeSire De\\ Inter of 1412,ponsonng a >erte!o ot potluck ,up- Lal-epomte He IS an cx.army manpers III homes Irom r eb 1 to 16 The II nit 31) month, 01 sen Ice, 2J 01 There 1\111 be splLlal and appro-purpo,e ot the ,uppers IS purel} >0- IIhleh I\ere >pent olerseas In the pnate decorations and a dinnerc,al, 10 prollde opportumtv for peo- ETa, I dance \\Ith Jack Oakle s >lx-plecepie In the church lamll) to become .\1 D \\ h d b d orchestra supph Ing the mU,IC Anacqu,unted \\ Ilh ealh other In smal' • r' e Inter a as her n dJ I ddded leature \\1n be the appearancegroup' Tile hO'1> dre as follol\ S part), her four >!,ters and a youn~ of LoIS Dana, beauteous 18-\ tar,old

1he .\1arcus h.dlbRe"dh i90 LlIl- ,,,ter 01 her husband, Doroth\ >oprano, II ho \\ 111 pre,ern a programcoIn, the Erne<t L Rd\, 1.?5! York- K,nel, maid ot honor, Geraldllle Sal- of e>peclal,v selected romantic song,,h,rc, the Leonard ~lo\\lns, 1124 (er and \lar)one :::>mlth,b"de,ma.d" to ht IIlto ~he St, \'aJentllle's SPlrtt'\ ottlllgham, the ....bram L BrOil ns dnd Chn,tlne RlIley and .\1argare' .\11>5 Dana made her first public


,36 \Il \hllan, the \\ lIham Bro\\nes, De\\ mter, JunIor bndcsmalds. appearance at the GPYC directors2i6 Lell btOll' the Glcnn I:. \\ lIker- 1he bndc's gall n, tradItional ball, on Jdn 20, and prO\ ed a sensa-

I 'Olh, 225 .\IlKllllc) the James T \\h,te satm, \\as made I\lth a >callop. lion

Illuette" 1339 Yorhhlre, ed necl ..hne, hoop skirt and a three Thc ~t \ alenlHle s part) \\111 be-

l he \Iton R Huntlllgtons, 237 yard tram. Her finger-up \ ell ""a' .llll at elgnt 0 clock and end at 1 JIJ\1 Lhlllle) , the J oSLph Hendersons, held 111 place by a slalloped Juliet am.5;9 \\ a,hmgton, the Fil m Hoff- ~ap, she earned calla hhes and anlIdll< lll1 Bailour, thc ~orton 11 e, orchId~i2 ~loro" , the Clare L Sobers, iiO The maId ot honor was attired InL 111\ ersllv PldLe the Paul L Kol- blue chIffon ~ hlle the bndesmaMs

IIloords, 1454 Lakepomte, the V, Ry- "ere go~ned III p1llk chlff~.; thcons, 245 ~loro«. former carned a bouquet of ~ &Ad

The Harold Beattles, 9509 Greens- pmk carnatIOn", and th.C{ latter,horo Dr and ~1r, Ly nd\e R ~tar lad.oIa and pink carnati<9'.. 'nacun. 628 M"ldlescx. th.c James CUIl- _ bndcamaicis. U1 p .ottct,~-~ 4n W. ~.:.~ • -~'WI!''''i'''' '~.:t,~{.t'~~~\!;u5hS. ~at~..... •834 Rivard: the Max R EllIngs, 326 FollowlIlg a b:;eakfast for~lcK1I1Iey' and the 'Vllham:M "'d- 'ate reJat" es and friends, ~

305 L nl\ erslty Place lion was held In Bellllan Ha De------------- trOll, for JOO guests. The couple arc

,pendlllg thelr hone) moon m Ch,-

Phone LEnox 9585




D~~nn, -..1.vf"1'" \ ;'1nd

,,-.1 ,!~-nllll

16401 E. WAllEN, CORNER AUDUBON1M4ll Co","" ~ t2lliR'i V11~h'(8n

111 R<>dl.... I" 11' ~.rbo"'


ChoTg~ AcC'ocmh orErle-rttl~d Payme-rtt.



Open Thursday, Fnday, Silturday 'tiI 9

3 Kitchen Tested SpeechStainless Chromium BeatersLarge and Small RevC)fv1nc BowlsPower Juicer and SpoutJuice Extrachnc Bowl6 Foot NOf'l-KiftkingRubber Covered CordFully Cuaranteed






1203 \Va) burn Avenue


Thursday, Fchrllary 7, 1946



Oar radiO technician. With yura 01 experience behind them, arcequipped W1th thc finen laboratory equipment made - ,.our a.uur-aau of competent, effte:ient service Brmg your lets here "-:OW I

Pointe Ex-Serviceman Entera Chicago Univenity ILril,( B JOll'" ilill :::'1 Clair <(,!llnt 01 thL LIll\lf'l!\ ot lIllla;;o

" ''''C P, IlltL, fl)rlllerl) III Iht ,on- "dllll!> ,luULtlt, \\ho il,,\e complttldil\ e, h.> Lllrolled tor tltL mid I ear IhL ,op',umorl Hdr 11' IIl,(h ,eltoolterm 11\ the colleg( of thL Lllllcrs- for d fOllr-\tdr tOllr,C duotLtl en-Il' 01 ChlLdgo undLr the GI BIll (lnil to IlLt,crdl cduldllon01 Rlgh(s ' Jone> entered a dd.. Jon., II III study In the fJlld ofmade up of morL thall ",11 Il\c per ululdtlon dnd III1I reLtHe tiLLhalhe-leul of veteran:') \\ho arl rltufll1nr, lOT .. dlr-.n.l .:it d. linH. ,,,ben ~tudln.sto s(hool, mdny of them after I,m; of till IrdultlOndl coil, Ilt arL com-absenle, from lormdl educatIon Thc pit IUlg tht ,econd ) ear


LE 4554


:\0 Matte

SPRING\\ 111 Be Here

Mrs Nebon Frolund, WIth her COil

mltler- \! esdames Georgr Mc Brtd,and ~I 0 Bate!, has planned an entertallung program

We ve Speciali.ts at Repair.ing. May tag Factory Dealer ••Bendix W.. hera, RCA Radio ..Pickup and delivery in Detroit

and .uburbs.

163%5 E. WarTeIl A ...enue(Between Courville and Three-MIle Dme)

(Next Door to the Fair Star Inn)



Walters' Martha AnnBEAt.rrY SALON


Thunday, Fehruar!,.!, !940



Youn~ Married Couples Feted at Gathering

1 b t i ou no; \1 arned,' of ttleCro"e POinte Unitarian church afegathering at the church tomorrownight, Feb 8, for an el enIOg of fun

15%24 E. Jeff'erllOn Aveuue

The Time Is NOW to Have It Done"I'nrl {'~ 't'r\lr \10\\ ('- ()- r,lI (1~

Niagara 4420\\'ORK (;1' \R \ \-n r 1)



Cover. every ri.k, includm, Burglary. Fire, Br .. kqe,Water Damqe, eve m,..teriou. c1iaappearance.

End your worri .. about the preaent epidemic of rob.benea and boldupa ,w"piD .. the country.

Write or call for booklet and epecimen policy. No obU.ption. of coune.



Going To Florida?Belore )'ou I...... on your trip to Florida protect your

money, jewel., fun UId all 01 Jour bouaebold lood. athome and OD your trip with one of our" AU.in.One" poli.au.

GIlOSSE POINTE. EAST SIDE''''Plumbing and Heating Service

ReeideutiaI • Industrial - Repair. • Service • AIterationa

Electric Sewer CleaaiDg

Broedell Plumbing & Heitting Co.20752 Mack - Grosse Pointe nJxeclo 2.3737


Collie in uad RlICel •• That PI ... ur.bl. EKperinc. to Whi.hV .... Aft EnDtl ...

Closrd ~rondays

Too, .ppli&Bc ... il'l rood workinl order will II.... " !lilh ..r tr"d ... ill"alu", wll ..n }'ou decide to ba}' a new one,

New Electrical Appliances Are Coming!

y ... bat ",bel'l th ..,. do com .. it will be ill .mall q1II.l'ltoti.... '0 h"".,.oarl repaired b,. .peciali'b.

ONE-DAY RADIO SERVICEAll work "'~atel,. priced al'ld q1IIality 'Illaral'lteed

To Cut Your Grass-Your Mower ~IustBe in Good Condition





Scott Gra.. Seed - Turf Builder - Garden Tool. and

Fertilizet"I for Spring

Grosse PointeHARDWARE

16915 E. Jefferson NT 4420


(Continued from Page One)

- School Electioq-(Continued from Pare One)

- GRADUATION-Pre,ent In the audIence to \lllness

the beslo\\al of thIS honor upon hergreat-great "ran<l_on \\ a_ RohcrtChar"t s %., car-oLd great-great'l'ran<lmolher, ~lr' Salome Clllera,832 :\ olre Dame a natll e ot Gro,srPOInte '\ <pec,a! tribute of applause\\as p••<1 '0 hrr hy the a,,<I,ence

The Rau'Lh and Lomh 'C,rnLea\\.rd 'la, gllen to llerm"" ler.lIee).. \\ 110'e record In 'c en, landmdtlllma\lC' IS e,ceptlOnalh hIghanrf \\ 110 ~I\ c<;, It,c mo.."t pr0ml<;;C of

flll"re r!l,t"ctlon In the flcld ofS<'1c..ntc m 1h(' oplll10n of t'1(' rl('nc~1fa<ult, Hcm,." mad. an ail \ rec.ord 1TI • nrl (' \ t If .... ot ,,( H'nl.. (' andfOl'" ,(.U" '")1TndtllCm;ltlt",

R,ch,rc! !-lnch "on 'he d ct onarya\\.ardt Ii to tile lnS;;:ll(')l rankJnJl hovgrui l-i'( In l.l('l} UiJ~'" t..h() hil~ ahonlritlt II ( ml'l" ()Jl""~nrJ 01( --('lor'i1'1 .::l'r i( I l'l; 1 hi" ~ltt t..;, prc,,('nted(' It I "('n1(.....('r h\ .'1(' .1immnl or Tri-11.\ l ')1'( ~r

.....l\ln{ l llrllllHr .. ,t'h( r1.."

\\ I 111 I i I (d ~ " 10 htlC

n - 1 .... 1 I P f" hr. fr 1,\C'r{ 1'1r"1~

1111 d l l I i I I l t ....1<". I \1 ,,01 ~II,', \1' IV'" fl,-Inr, f' ,r \1 ,,~ r H" " "" rlLll.oIInfll }~\lCr (11(1'"\1 )ll..tre

! ,,' He ,I "" I 1, I I ,',""lr', lor1' I' ~ r Dr.n I,e\ \tr~ I,ll), "-hV

\I,'hn"on \ , (/ I ,"r I.. 'I\lr-'Inc \\ Md .,rl II, 11 I / '\\' _

L('\ommtnc ('nl( n' m \\ i P" \ ria Ird n, 'he l,ro',c p" nle 1 '.'1 1)1h.no1 01 rrc'rrl nv ll,,,n iJ t--. .. 1m

h,r ,nd h,. 'nr (,ro',e Po n'c , 1/;'

",f' ,... .... 1 I 1l"''' ", 1-, "':tn~ "\\"\ 1 1m

wlrr .nc breedon "'f (,It n 1 H\\oM'


* Leave your ear at Mohan',

on your way to work

"We Welcome Cnhci,m"


and MaIntenance* COMPLETE TREE SERVICENo Job Too B'r Or Too Small


~1. VIAENE Landsca'lin<! ServiceNIal'ara 5228 or DRexel 0723

DEFER aclloollA Clul wllielo _ten Pierce ""I'lior hi,b achoot till ...... let' •• u elltertai"ed ..t dinner attbe home of Jall. Le.erellz of Three MiJe Drive 0" Wed ....... ,.. J"n. :It. Tb. ehildren pr •• e"ted th .... teach.er, Mi .. A",,. 011011 with. at u.a .n. cr"lUIler act &Bd ~ pair of 11,.1011ao ••••• lNrli lift. Tho ..pr.'''lIt w.... : F...at row. botto Dale E ilt, Clno R -ttl. Dall... KJtch ..". Leon~cI B Joe .Grat_.Diek Sau"de .. Moll,. Murph,.. _ .... row, Sh, M k..r. Bob C.... eJl. Altb ... J..llkinl. Jaae JoachIm. JIlIl.Ln_a. Betl~ JeeD Ho,.t.s.'t17 1.eaI HOll,b. Ralpa Croal; I~ird r~, Mi .. Ol.on, C .. I A.hton, Pat Sa.,-" •• , Do",,,. H.witt. Doroth, Caraer; f.... tla ..ow. W.,.n. O'N.d, EI .. ". B..od.lI. aacl D"lIa Heeclrykolki.

Students Honor Teacher Upon~!~

* Pick it up on your way

home. Completely wa.hed

J\ and lubricated.


Service Suggestions

~', ~, ' .. --.' ,



AN IDEAL GIn', WI' 5electioll of F..... ....

U.tn.... Mi,,"",ALSO

Mirron Mad. to ON..... ded Cl.•• Rep&Jra - Home Seniee


CITY GLASS COMPANY11181 Kerc:hev.l A.~1t. LEnos ....

Grosse Pointe University of MichiganClub Announces Scholarship Program

MAck Avenue at Hawthorne


The two issues have been comblO-The Unll er5lty of :\(,ch,gan has the past, '" hich has," par1 been due ed in the prrsent electIon to be hrld

announced Its program lor the Re- to the aOlll'e mterest and support on March 4 for two reasons. F,rs-t,ients-Alumni ScholarshIps for stu. gIVen to the scholar,h,p program by b~ausr as has been !hoy. n, they aredents graduatJOg from :\llchigan the L nl\ erslty of ~I,chlgan Club of closely related problems of !choolh,gh schools In 1946 Grosse POJOte To\, n,h,p. standards In Grosse POlOte over the

These icholarsllJps carry a stipend The chairman of the Scholarship next fil'e ) eau The second reasoneqUIvalent to semester fees for the commlltee of the Untverslty of thM they have brrn combined '5 tofreshman ) ear, With prOll$IOn for M,ch,glln Club of Grosse POlOte save the voters the rxpense and trou-reneI'. althrough the sophomore, Jun. TO"o'Osh,p IS Paul Franseth, 321 ~{er. ble of two separate elections onlor and se010r years If performance riweather road Dr Ed\\'ard R. Sto- these questions Howevt!'. If bothwarrants. 1Jker. 974 Lincoln road, IS preSIdent lall It WIll be n~essary then for tbr

Any young man or young "'oman o} the club Ih,S year. board to ge-t an IOtcrpre-tatlon of thegraduating from a :\ltclllgan high failure by at lea!>! onr additIonalschool on the UOlVer!lty accred~ed Universi ty \"omen election, Ii not two The gent'f"al con-hst is ehglble to make apphcatlon, to Hear Address on elusIon of thr board Wil5 that be-prol'ldmg (a) student IS In upper oause of the expense and incon\'rn-one.lh,rd of e1ass, (b) studrnt has Education Tonight lence and trouble im'olved in thedemonstrated SOCial a" areness and community on holding an}' rlection• capaclly for sign,ficant partlcipa. The Grosse POJntr bran<:h of the that tl would be ad1'1sable to try tolion in commumty hIe, (c) student AlnerlCan ASSOCiation of UnlveAlly comolOe the ISsues."must have a destre to acquire a um- WOIl'Ien has planned a general meet. N_ Group of Vol .... Aclded-venl{Y education, (d) rtudent must ing r. thiS evening at elghl o'clock Xew leglSlatlOns now mal..es Iihave good heakh, a relatlvrly hIgh • tG GrO!se POinte Memorial po'mble to e'(tend the pnl,lege ofdegree of lBilWt'ity and nDqUestJoa- ~ vottnl to a larger group of votened mtqrltJ, (~ IIbI4tet -- '"aft aker. '0£. I_a P. AcIama, thaa ill th,. PUt. ID the P8;lIt ...~""~/~,<;~,~, ..tb'\JJI.~~ .. 'Cli .... kW,~dIe .. , i.t

Stadellfl iaterestod ia th't'Se sc:hoJ- d1e' au lect: of the !UPfl'it>teDdeut of acboob,arshlps ,hould consuk theIr hIgh Respon ibi]ity in Education." "only parrllts of school children orIChool principal for thr purpose of Co-h stesses for Ihls evening arr taxpayeors residing in the school diS-tilling out the proper blanks. The l-(esdamrs Hansel \\ Iison, John P tnet could vote. The new leg'lSlatlonICholanhlp commlllre of the Uni- Thom~s. Glen CUrllS and Wallace now makes .t posSible for anyonr tovemty of MichIgan Club of Grosse Temple. . \ ote who is properly registered forPointe Township WIll arrange per- The SOCial studlrs group meets on school elections and has the follow-sonal mter\'lews \\ Ilh each applicant IFeb. 14 at 1 JO pm, \\llh :\frs Har- 109 quahficallons'at a lIme to be announced, to make old Chandler of 1265 Brdtord roa'.l, I. :\(ust be a resident of therecommendallons and e\ aluatlOns to I as hostes" Guest speakrr \\ III be Grosse POInte school dl.trlCt for Wthe Scholarship commIttee at ~nn I \[rs Fred ]o.hn,on \lhose. address days,

Arbor. The appllcallons, as "ellhas I \1111 be tItled "HOUSing the :\allon In 2. :\(ust be a res-ldent of ti,e slatethe el aluallons b) the Scholar~ IP 1946" of ~llchlgan for SIX monthscommittee. must be In brfore Feb :\frs John Pear, a,sI>ted b,:\it< 3 Must be a CitIzen of the DOited28, 1946 1\\ 1Il,am ~Iorse 1\111 lead the mterna- States

The Gro<se POInte COmmUlll\) has tlonal relation. group on Feb 20 at 4 ~lus-t be 01Cr 21 year, of agebeen extremd\' fortunate m the u'l'ht o'dock at her home, 707 Trom- These QuaiJhcatlOns aTe ,uff,cleptnumber of ,cholarshlps awarded In hh road to vote on the "sue of the mIll le\y

Increa.se of 5 mills, hut on the smk-109 fund ballot the \oter must have

DIE the addlllonal quailhcatlOn ot bemgI a ta"paj er on property In the 'chool

• I I dlMflCt or the legal husband or WIfeof such ta'pa} er"'------- ..



Per~ed CoifFurea

Sixth Church of Chri.t,Scienti.t. Detroit

14730 Kerehenl AnolleSIlDd&,. Senlecl

10 30 A.M aDd ":00 P WSunda,. School

First SUIIOD 10.30 A.MSecond StulOIl 11.SO A.W.

1\ ednesda,. Enlline TqtnnOllla1Meetlll, 8 00 P W.

Readln!!' Room open week da,..11 00 A W:. to 9-00 PM - SUII ••da,. 2 30 P. M 10 S:OO P. M


GroSle Pointe Metftodi.tCturch

Meetiq i" Ken,. 5c1aool

Rn. HUCH C. WHITE. Miaiat.Z4ZOak Street at McMillaD

TUJt"'o 1.lIa

11:45 a.m. MonaiD. w ... hip.1':U.lZ:31 L.aoll aai pia, perl.

N few pre - .ebool.IUIU ...

JZ:".12:31 Sail"'" aca •• 1 fMaiulu ... all .tJa.depertJDellt.,

Buil;li.r Site: M-. R........lw_ K.cIaenI .... RjQ.


Our C%pert bair .tyliat will crat ..a II.W coilf ..... for ,._.

Cold _.ea. iliuM•• &Bd machine.J... ......aa ...~, For. leat .iaut.appoinhaeDt. teleploo". TV !-,nl.

Korte Beauty Salon14f.4e Muk AftII ... t W",.bura

Mem_ of tll. NHCA


Thu I~ one of a senesof advrrllsements pre-pared In cooperanonwuh Ihe FleclricalAHoCllrton of DetroitIn rhe Inlere~t of Insur.,n~ adequare" Irln~ foreHn nomelnthlSueaBl sure ~our home Ifproperly 1V1red When\OU are planmnll I

nt''' home for'" ,rIngr~lommt'ndarlOn" call





• 4+ •

" I' I I I


P,ck-up and Delli ery SerHer


AND tbls little puppy had none.n II's too bad that Rover will miss

his dinner, but unfortunately there just

isn't room for one more. And many

people don't realize that one appliance

too many on a circuit is the cause of

that uoubles.me blown fuse, Now

that all those Iabor-sa\ing electrical

appliances are coming back on the

market, it's doubly important that your

home be provided with enough cir-

cuits. switches aDd wall outIees for all

the electrical servants you will use.

Almost any of the older homes of

today are lIkely to have too few elec-

trical CIrcuits to carry the many

electrical applIances needed 10 today's

living. Your home should accommo.

date fhat new electriC dlshv"asher,

frozen-food Uot!, automatic laundry,

and the many other electrical apph-

ances that Will male JivlOR more

plea~anl an<l elSler In your homf of

tomorrol' And, of (Ollr~e. If yOIl are

planning a nel' home:, adfqu.ll( "Ir-

Jnlt I~ an A-I Hem 10 he: (helled In

your pl.lDs and ~pe(lfilolllon~.

o. 1.a4U .... alld G..nU.m ..,,'1 Carmellto

Repairing - Remodeling - Alterations


Special Thi. Week .nd

WOOL For Quality Clean in,Service • Call

ROBES AlgerCleaned and Pre .. ed

CleanersCuI. 89c.. d

Carry or u.. the tUlft,.C.... &Bd Carry .t




Saront\ Plt-dgt', Xamed 101 :-'llclllgan State Colle;('e

SANl.WASH LAUNDRY is happy to announce that servoice is again available to its many patrons in the GrossePointe area.

With the hftmg of wartIme restrictIOns prompt, cour-"OUS, dependable SA:\I-WASH LAUXDRY service isagain operating In your loeahty.

We agam solicit your va.lued patronage and earnestlyhope that \\ e may serve you.

Phone for )'our copy of our beautiful l.2-page 1946Household Hmt Calendar-Xo Obligation

TEmple 1-6200

Pare Six

Ion.... Admit. Failure toStop for Throu,b StreetDoris Rut'h! tla ,,,h'cr 01 \Ir and I hlrnH rll of ""IlHr,ct road, l\Cre re I

Wn !\ Ruchl ot LnIHr-n, I'lale I '''ltl~ plrd",d to \Ipha Gamma Del- I" f K I. . allln!: to -top or erche .. ave.allll :E\tlvn Bell ddug',tr, 01 \Ir la sororll1 at \I'thl!:an .'.Iate lol. I d CI I d

.ad. Mr, J -\ He I U~2I \l1n'llr d Ile~r nlue ~ 1I1ed rJlln

Jg on


l• ----------------- a ...t "atur av, 05t'P ar e &,

of 4920 Canlon, struck a car dnvt'llb) Rohrrt W Ellen of 8..lJ Hamp.ton road

Gardella lold police hr did not,top Both car, '" ere hadly damagrd.





liS •••• 111~ ~


PRospect 53Z3


for De-icing Your WindahieJd

Deluxe Windshield Scraper

TU 2-6020


Drive Into Our Service Department and Receive A

GUTTERS andDOWN SPOUTSRepaired., R........

a~Metal Dec:k.-P .. cII.1 FIet


Pioneer Roofing and Sheet MetalLEaos ..4708 EASTLAWN

While You Are Here

Page Sevta






M.. '. aad Ladi ... ' Suit. Tailored to OrderAlteration., ReUDilll', Cleaaln, ud p.......

14931 E. JEFFERSON. at City LimitsEat. Ins Op-. E_ liD 7:. lL _





"nnounce :\farriage of Pointerto Detroit Woman in Ohio

Announcemcnt IS made of the mar-/ of Groue Pointe. 011 Wednelclq,riage of Mrs ~lary Faulhaber of Feb. 6, in Toledo, O.DetrOit and \Vllliam E. Thompson •



Let Us Check Over Your Car FREE* REMEMBER - Immediate Service on All Chrysler Product.


Grosse PointeMotors, Inc.

LE 8000

17009 Kercheval


14801 E. JEFFERSON at Ashland


Mr-. and Mra. StrobleTU 1-0093



• Potted PlaDls• Corsages• Bouquets

PleaseOrder Early


for someone you love!

A" California farmcr complalllsthat nOIse from low flymg planesreduces hIS cows' mllk supph.

By her che<:ked slacks you Willknow her

Braveh facmg the snow, the coldand the rain every week IS 10 yearold Dorothy Ducastel who deliversThe Grosse Pomte ReVIew everyThursdav on Beacon.fiel<l betweenKerche\al and J effuson

Beglnnlllg laSI August. Dorothyhas SWItched to a Jacket and herchecked slacks to dell\er her 180papers dUring tile \\ mter months

Often called "Dot" by her play.m.. te, a'ld schOOl chums, she IS afourth grade student 11\ St. Ambrosescl-tooI. Dorotl1\' I"ts artthmellC,readmg ..nd SOCial studies as herfaYorlte subjects, asked \\ hat sbewould like to be when she grows up,thIS hltle business-woman answered"A nun or a housew>fe"

The babY of the family, Dorothy11\es at 1248 ~Iarvland \\ lth her par-ent' a sISter and five brothers


Heavy Weight

Standard Weight

Service Weight

per square yard

95c to S2.00

An Famous Makes


In.tanallon by our own fu-.....tory tralnf"d me<:lulnici At a

nom,n..l addItional ch..rlr" We.1'0 talc..... old m..l~lal and.and befor. installallon.

EJghtY-SIX I'.omen attended a moslmterestlng me~tlng of the Women'.!< epubltcan club of Grosse POinte atthe home of \frs D. M Ferrv, Jr,last \fonday Mrs. L Butler HigbIepr(Slded The guest speaker Wal

:-'Irs R..e C Hooker, who delightedthe audience WII h her invigoratingtalk

~r r, HI .. IHC dnnou nced tbe fol.lOWing commIttee aPPointments

\f rs Fredcnck S l"ord, chdlrmanof political aCtiVIties ~ommltlee ,~lr, Chl>holm :-'facdonald, chaIr-

tman of entertalllment commltlee,~Irs \\ 111Iam D L.urJc, Jr, chaIr.man of membersh'p committee, and\(rs Kennelh 1homas, chairman 01publlCltl'

The member, took part III an ac-live diSCUSSIonof p01lcles of the clubIn preparation for the 1946 cam.palgn 'I he members recognized theurgent and Immediate need for In-

cred,td fdCllltJes to care for the men-taliI' 111 J hev \ oted unammously tosend a mes,age to the legblators 1Il

.pLLlal se,S1otl a,sembled, urglllB'that the appropraalions suggestedlor Ihl> \\ork be supported

fhe member,hlp committee ISpJannlllg a \ Igorous campdlgn1here seems to be a mlSconcepltollIn regard to member,hlp in the club\Lll\' \\omen ha\C thought that Itwas necessary to be ,"\'Ited to JOinOn the contrary, the club extends aheartv \\ eleome to any Republican"om ..n \\ ho \\ I5l1es to take part In

the club acll\ Itles

25 for !ntorma_City Court CoUects $167 atHearing. Monday Nirht

Adult EducationCalendar

s..-re4 b Groan Poillt.B...... of E.... tion

Methodist Women Orga1l\/CChristIan ServIce Societ)

R.ftln9 over the St. Jot."",h, h"ded fOf' Ft Front,n"(1('''9ttOfl, Ont.l.

III... S_T_O_R_E_H_O_U_RS "M .. m t<> • De pm~" 'hi 9 01 1 h..nd., ..nd Friday N'lrht.

Phone U. for E.llmat ...

Ample Parl"n,l Space II)

'~ ROBERT E. ~f JmE~S()N aDO 0 TUxedo\]/1...-~;-'J 21~~l-OWO

I ~ COMPANY ~J6903 E. Jefferson Ave. MtW'fft cadierax "',. Notre Dame


Broken Ankle

Cut While Skating

oppo"t, pre"nt "OFI" h,bUilt Crey,coeur, r'tt."edFt. M"II'l' M". 24.

Uninvited GuestsBelieved to BeThieves at Party

em of Gro,se POinte pollce are Starting dates (olioI'.conducting an investigatIOn into the Tonight, ballroom dancinl, \r'h.report that money and an expensIVc ur Carly, gym and swimml!;:: forugarette case were taken from a women, Beatrice Halbrook.Rl\ ard boule\ard home dllrlng a :lofon day, Feb II Parliamentarygraduation party law Lero) Selmelr

Police were told that at the home Wednesday, Feb 13 Woodshopof Bob LeI'. IS, 743 Rivard, $70 was Ray Watling, l'ldJstrial de,lgll,taken Irom a purse owned by Pa. John Walter beginning hndge,tmla Fell of 132 ~foran, $1 from I \faude Leque potlery \!arlanJoan Squier, 401 Belanger and the Lampmancigarette case, valued at $15, was Thursday r eb 14 MathematiC',taken from the purSe of A.nn Ortl- refresher, Charles Sa1tzer, ad \ anc.gren of 942 Lincoln ed brtdge, ~raude Leque

Several gUests who crashed the Enrollments may stll! be made In

party are unde-r surveillance by the beginning and ad\ anced Spanish,Cltv law enforcement offiCial,. The Esperanto, dramatIcs, carpentrythett, oceurred late last Thursday fundamerllals, macillne !hop andnight shortband

Call ~ I 2flOO,e:.ttion

Mrs Julia Van Vleteren of 4i45Ne\lport, Detroll, slipped and fellon the Ice In front of 971 Barringtonroad last Thursday mornmg

She was taken to Bon SecouTShospaal by Park police, where it wasfound she had sustamed a brokenankle



011 the St. Jo.eph', wedb""k , fort WdS built ,lidIts ,r .. II kllown.

Ker"b .. al Between St.and Neff

TUxedo ].0330Store Houn J8 to

MSC Alumni AwardsDistrict Chairman Named

\I Ldllgdll :,tate ~ollege dlumnl aredgalll oftenng 64 $135 scholarshlps_a mInimum of one dward to eachsenatonal distrIct HI the state _ togrdduate, of aCLredlled hIgh ,chool~,accordlllg to Glen U Ste" art, dIrec-tor of alumni relation,

The stipend represents a wan erof tUlllOn by the college, and candl.dates must ha\e been III the upperone.tlllrd of their high school daslOnly entering freshmen \\ 1IJbe can.sldered and the scholarships are notavailable to students \\ho ha\C lak-en college or unn er>tty \\ork '\napphcatlon, mllst be filed Wllh thed"tnct chairman not later Ihan Ap.rli 15 C..rl Stoll of ~orth\\esternhigh ,chool I> d"tnca chdtrman

'SGift Shop

Knight Commander, P. Privy CouncillOl'


Holder of the Holy Golden Cro .. of Jeni .. Jem

\\ III Bc Plc--cnt ~t Luh .\uctlnn ~nd Sale



Thursday, February 7, 1946 THE G R 0 S S r POI N T E----------------------------------------- -------

Annual Clearance!SAVE UP TO 30 PERCENT

on Valentine Gift. and Gifts You'D Need for* Birthday. * Weddings * Partie., Ete.


Lutheran PastorBuried Yesterday

Special funeral sen Ices were heldat the First EnglI,h Lutheran churchye,terday for the Rev Eugene Pop.pen, pastor ementus of 5t Paul'sE\ angelIcal LUlheran church, meet.111)1' 1Il the Jackson schOOl

Reverand Poppen passed al'.aySunday mormng, Feb 2, due to 111-ne,s, he \\ as forced to rellre fromact"e duty in St Paul's last year1he Rev Harold YOChum, presl.

dent of the Michigan district of theAmerican Lutheran church, the Rev\Valter Hauck and many otherclergymen offiCIated at the serVIces.

Pastor Poppen was the brother ofDr Emanuel Poppen, preSident ofthe AmeriCan Lutheran church

)u,tILe Leslie P. Young wf theCity of Grosse Pomte JUstice court

The \Voman's Society of Chn,tlan preSided at a seSSion last }londayService of the Gros.e Pointe \Ietho' mghtdist church had Its orgamzatlon day Fmes and court costs assessedand charter m(mbershlp date on agaInst VIolators totalled $167.Monday, Peb 4 at the hOltJe of :lofrs Speedinl-Hugh C. "Vhlle, 242 Oak at Md!ll. Guntram Jarre, $20. three mon~hsIan. Mrs Ronald SLantlebury, preSI' probatKln, no drtvmgdent of the Detroit district of thc Reekl .... Dri'l"i..a.-

ChTISlIne Weot. 15 of 572 St. Woman's SOCletv 01 Chrlst:an Sen. Thomas Irwm Xeurnan, $20, IhreeClair, receIved faCial cuts last Sun- ice was present and assisted III the months proba~:on, no drl\ mgday and was gIven first ald after organization pl"ns Cau.in, Ac"id ..at-

skatIng at the City Ice rtnk The follo\Hllg \lere elected as offi. George Athman, $10 costs. resutu-&! II "" 1!I1!1!52aB~IiI~El Ii. 2 cers Mr,.!If F Santruyer!, persi. tlon to second car, three monthsIP=='1'!' III dent, ~{rs. C R. \Vylle. Vlce-preSl- proba,tton.

~ dent, Mrs. V. I Balle~ seeretary, Gerald 5 artmdale, CMe ad)ourn-:loIn 'Wal' ne D \Vetz ,treasurcr. ed to Feb 215:lolrs Lee W. Walker .ecretary of Dia...IorI,. P _

A Renowned Collection of Oil Paintings on Canvas, splntual hfe: Mn. ,est O. Bn..t- Robertl.1sbell.$35.sc:h7. ftCrllW:y of educa- Y:aa:d1e E. DaWaele, $lIlI.Wood, Black Steel and Porcelain, Ranging From tOM. ........... ~ ~ , L

I I' .; .e-r.". 0 - rJ.;, D_ EoroDs 4.tibMiniatures to Large 't~nvas~es, Including cial reJatiOlU and 1oc:aJ .ctm- Students This Semestertics; Mrs. Hugh C. W Uctetary

the World's Smallest Perfect Portrait of Hudent and youth wo ; aDd ~frs Shp\\ing the largest mid-year en-

George W. Corll!S, seer -.ry of IIt- rollment mcrease In the hIstory of

II"Vill Be Exhi bited in erature ~d pubhcatlOD! the school. more than fourteen hUD.

The fOrlo\\mg became charter dred new students were admitted tomembers' the Unacrs1ty of DetrOIt during the

Mesdames M F. Santmyers, C R regular second term registrationI G II Wylie, V. I Bailey, \Va)ne D Wet-I penod, accordmg to figures releasedAshrawy's Art aery zel, Lec s. \'valler, Ernest D Brut-l b} the RC\•. Hugh F Smah, S J.,schy, J ennle ~fcLaugh!m, Hugh C I reg"trar.

III \Vhlte, George W Corliss, CeCIle I ThIS ,"crease \\ III brmg the total

~KeIster, Pete-r E Klem, Lester \1 Lnrollment .abo, e the 4,000 mark47 E. Adams Avenue EllIott, George Scot ford, \\ Iliis Bug-I It IS estimated that more than

Ibee, Helen Auslln, Dan ~l Guy, T I nmetv per cent of the new studentsl:J~'1 ] George, F. 0 Jordan and \\ alter II are discharged, cterans \bout fiftyFRIDA Y, SATURDA Y :\.~D S U~DA Y Radde per cellt of these e'c-ser\lcemen are

IThe mee1mgs \\ III be held on the torrner C. of D students returnmg

l:J F b S 9 d 10 F m 1 to 6 P \1 second and lo~rtll ~Ionda) s of the to finloh Ihelr \\ ar.mterr Jpted col.

~e ruar:- ,all ro. month and the ne:.t meet1l1g WIll be llge caree" and the remamder are

rn RO~I 1 TO 10 P 11 held at the home of ~{rs Helen ","us- tranSlers lrom othcr colleges and

ml MOXDA Y, FEBRL\RY 11 F • ., . • ": ':-~-:-:m-g-ee~-so-:-t-:l-l-s-pe-n-d-aneSll. ~Jo:~,~tr\I~:;O:f~\el;l~ee~r:e;tuUrlanCrOln~g:~:sleOr;O,c:em~;:

rn m mated one billIOn dollars thiS year~lPUBLIC AUCTION SALE I:~:":,7,:"~:,m::;';;;,::::;f::.";:: ;:::~ ::<h:~"h~','~:~'::::,~,,:,,;:~ I 'mm, 'h" mo,h. ",m "0"" m "f",h" cl .. , ..

I OF THISCOLLECTION · Inlaid LINOLEUM~i Tuesday, Feb. 12, at 7:30 P.M. I~ and Each Night Thereafter I'rn Until Entire Collection Is Sold



NI H48




roxEOO 2-%760

Freedom &lid Famine

Diaaera 4 PoM. to 1 A.M.

Ltor from the 4th dl>tnct, John~!acGIIIIS, former dcputy regIonalthreetor of WPB, and Frank X\1 artel, preSident of DetrOIt and\\ ayne county Federation of Labor

A resolutton was unammouslvadopled at Ihe "rally" to increasethe pay of postal emplo) ces 20 percent WIth a provlSlo that no em-plo) ee covered by Publlc La'll 134receive leIS than $500

De.plte the fact an Increase v. algranted July I, 1945 after 25 yearsv.1Ihout a pay raIse, the' take-homepay" IS now far Inadequate ThlSwas caused by the qUIck termInationof the war whIch re.ulted m a decl-,Ion by the post offIce departmentto revert to a 40 hour week and elI-mlllate overtime to pro\ Ide morelobs

In addltlOn to a hllng "age lorpostal emplo) ees It lIas unanimouslyagreed by the a,sembly at the rail,that appropnate Jegl>latlon was man-datorv to protect the communicatIon,) stem of bUSiness IIldustnes andthe people III general of these grealCnlled States of AmerIca.



to Try A Delicious Noon LUDch



PluaAllan Jones and Bonita Cr&llviUe in

"That Night With You"

Thousand and One Nights"

'iSenorita From the West"

Entertainment 6 Nights A Week



"Distinctive Rendition of Your Favorite TUDei, , . Old or NewI"


SeniDr Frota U A.M, to 4 P.M.

You Are Invited! !!

FuD Coane Laacbea 75c• ENTERTAINM£llIT NIGHTLY

;i P_ ~ Vis~ ............'... JI 'I....... .

Special Parties by Raenration 0DJy NI 9691

Mond",,. nrougb Saturda,*'------ PRESENTING .*BILLY FARRELL

Open From 9 A. M.17441 Mack at Neff Road

lJ'tiursday, February 'I, 1946

Post Office Workers Seek Pay Increase

15311 £. JEFFERSON

Frida" .nd S.lurclay Felwauy I ... 01,

Franchot Tone and SUSUUla FOlter in

Sunday anel Monclay Feilnuy Ie uel 11

Robert Cummings &lid Lizabeth Scott in

"You Came Along"Musical-Melody Parade Cartoon-Trap Happy Pork,

Latest New.

Ta.,.da" Wo,dnelcla,. and Tharaclay Fel:wauy 11, 12 .. 01JJ

Evelyn Keyea, Contel Wilde, Phil Silvera in"A

\. a ttl"" lIllCWIj.! of poslal em.1'101 u, held I.,t ~LlIlddl' night In

(,,- fec IlIIIC d hIgh SdlOOI audiot""um, theIr ,or rOIl Iul plight wasLilarl, brought to ~tentlon.

In addltton to natIOnal olItcers of['o,tal orgaOllduons, a cross sectIOnof DetrOit'. economIc Ii[e spoke IIIregard to the dIffIculty experiencedby postal emplo) ee" to make endsmeet \\ 1Ih the salary no,", re<:elved1 hey abo brought forth the factIIIa.t l! wa' nece,sary for tho.e WithJoirge lamd,e, or '" lth unusual obh-gat Lon, .uch a •• Ilknes, or buymga home to ,eek additIOnal employ-ment oUl>lde tne po,tal servIce.I<hlch not only depn>ed them I)frecreauon and amu.ement but alsore.ulted m beclouded and fatiguedl>odle, and mmd, 1\ Ilh II hlch to per-lorm theIr dUlle.

-\mong .uch ,peaher. hearttly 10la\ or of a nell deal IDr the.e publlc.en anI> "ere Hon Patnck HO'Bn,n. ,udge of prol>ate, FatherLa" renl< Caldnaugh, dIrector of'I atlon"J Counul of CatholIc ~!en,1)"!Ile]] Ryan, ~11L!llgan ,tate sen-

March of Time-American Beauty

News EYents

~ow Open Sundays!!



Offering Complete Dinner Service S p.m. to 11 p.m. DAILYSUNDA YS FROM 3 p.m. TO 10 p.m.


14948 f.ast Jefferson at Barrington

Man of A Thousand Songs" Playing Your Favorite Request Selections



Chiver's Drive ..In20935 Harper at Hampton

TUxedo 1.9820


Sunday, Monday, Tue.dayFebrulU'y 1&,11 .ndU

lrclle !Julllle, lltalle, Lut>urn\Ie" .."d" 1\.110" In '


Barr} CdrL \, Paul !'Iell)n


Franchot Tone return, to the"reen after ma.ny month, ab,ence,III '1 hat ~lght \Vll" You," 'harlngcomedy honor, \\ 'th [oube -\lIbrll-lOn, Su,anna Foster and DalldBruce rn a mu.,cal cClmeelv note-"orth) for the charmttl~ II av rnII IUlh II Ignore. a.1l current \I arid[lroblems

It \\lJJ be ShOll n at tne EsqUireth eatre tomorro\l and Saturda). II Ith

:'enonta From th~ \\'est 'The him takes I', cue Irom I',

fa,n' hke title, and un [old, In a man.IIcr ,ugge,ll\C of a modernized HansChn.ttan Anderson Su,anna Fo.ter,., an "sPiring the,pLdn, bccomes In-

lolved l\lth a wolf-producer, Fran-chot lone, much to th dl,tre,5 ofItcr fiance, Dal Jd Bruce -\ II tld .er-Ie, of e'lapad" In \lhlch ~l", Fos-tcr pose, as Tone's daughter, runsaioul of qu)ck-\I IUed Loul>e -\U-brllton and lomblnes to make a hec-tlc and hIgh!) olmu,lng ,tory,

THEATREMack Ave at ~ine MIle Rd

Thund.". Feb. 7. - Laat Tim"lTonight: G"ore-e S.nde .. in "ThePicture of Dori.n Gray" plul"Club H .... n .. It

Fri., S.t. Feb. 8, 9Tllo GUizar, Constance \Ioore


Plu,:-"oah Been, Jr, Lo" (allIer


"THE CRIMSON CANARY"'The Phantom R\dcr lhap 10


Wo,d, Thur. F"b. 13, 14Wo,dnelday Bargain M.tlnee .t 3DorOlhl Ldm""r, \r U'o de Lor.

olna In


F,n P rl. n.cr Ch,ul".., Rll:;;:"IC",\f ;UJ0rl(, Rn n ')lri ... In

"THREE IS A FAMILY"'Ic" re - lom, d

Dr ( 1 r ~ 1'""'\"

Military Restriction OffThe la,t milItary restnctlOn on air

tral eJ by clvlltao, "Ill be removedat noon Feb 15 II hen the OOT rc.lonqulshes ItS right to 70 per cent ofall seats on ea,tboulld transconttn-clltal flIghts, :-'orthl\Cst <\Irhnes an-1I0unced recentlv ThIS space hasbeen re.en ed for GI s returnmgfrom OlCr,eas duty.

Steaks and ChopsHambur,ers &lidHot Do,s

Sundaes &lid SodasHot Beef Sandwiches

Open From n A.M. to 3 A.M.

Comlnr Sund"y. F"b [7 Gen"Kelly, Frank Sinatra ,n "AN.CHORS AWEIGH~ In tech""I color,







night, Feb. 14, WIll be!lIgbt at ';ie Art Inati-.. .

A Itght and frothy) arn about acouple of lourth-esta!e adcenturersIII L.ncle Sam, arm), '01 er 21" attimes touches senOlb depth. \\ Ithan under,tandlng II ell l'llerpreted by-\Je"ander KilO". Thi. \\111 be ,ho\\ nat the Shores theatre Sunda), ~Ion-day and Tuesday, II lth Q,lna's Lit-tle De~lls"

"Over 21" l,,'thfullv follollmg thestage \trslon, IS Ihe story of PailI'.pia) ed by Irene DUlllle, nDvehst andcommentator, IIho lealts her mOl teassignment to s~ up housckeepmgin 3 tmy bungalow 111 ~Itaml \1 hereher husband, Kno", IS III OCS

"hence he arr" ed after reslgnmg hIS Ieditorship of The :-"ew YDrk Bulle-tin. The story IS light, gay and filled"''lth soph,.tllated char mand both Itura In good performances III th'lrrespective roles

ed by tIK olie theatre. Two oth-er perlonn nees will eo' given onFriday ami $aturday, ~ lS and 16

"Storm" IJ a thnlhng1i'iOgraphy of\Iary Todd Lincoln that tells a ten-der, tragic story of our great CivilWar President and hiS ambItiouswtIe,


Bnlhant Author, lecturer and Au-thority on India and World Affairs


Aero .. From Huollon Motor PJlIIlt


CARLOS CORTEZPillno .sensation Nightly at 8:30

(Exc~l't \h'1~ys)

OPEN BOWLING EVERY DAYTill 113t P.M.• all After 11 P.M. ud

AU D.y S.hlrclaYI ... 11 SanclaYI






UDder Complete New Managemeat &lid Ownerahq,

East Warren Recreation17225 E. WARREN at Cadieux Road


Beautiful Cocktail LoUDl'eElltertainment E ...ety Nlto E",eept Sallday

H..... Opellill •• for D.y Le.pel. Now Formin. La•• I' LMpuTbaplclay .1 I: 3t , .....

/:;~...." ,Torch. ~\ClubJESS PERRECA. Prop \ ,t,t~ ) Phone MU '7M

12620 East Jefferson

RUSSEL WERNEKENAlthough most of the perfonn-

aDCelI -are COd to~ die pri.

~~_.Iotrate 10coil. and his" scltool _ta.dellts th. the classic plays theyJludy are really not as dull and tire-some as they mIght seem at first ac-quaIntance with the pnnted pageAJJ the humor, ~ Itabty, excitementand philosophy which have madeShakespeare's dramas immortal

Topic' "The Dt-adlock in IndIa-And the \\-~y Out"

rrESDA Y, FERR('ARY 12-~:15 P.'"JOHN D PIFRCE AUDTTORTUM-Ke:-cheval "I~..r Balfour

Grosse Pointe Lecturers, Ine!

15635 :\I.'\CK A VEKL'ETU"(edo 2-2324

Dr. Syud Hossian

S.t. Feb 8, t"YOU CAME ALONG"

\\'IthRob: CummInl(s, Llzabeoth Scott



Cornel \\ Ilde, 1:.\ elj n KeyesColor Cartoon

COIltilllloa. Satarclay from t: 45

T ..... ". Wed"' ..... ", TbaradayFebl'1UU')' IZ, 13 _e1 14


Fred Astalre, GInger RogersPlus


Noah Beer). I r, B Gram 11IePlus

"~h StlC India" in color

S_., Moa. Feb, te, 11


Leo Canllo. T om X ealPlus

~TNIGHT.• '!'11TH yOU" tT)., ~ Wit'-

F~~~~oatere....-. ~ "- 12:.

Free D.... ea to tIl. LacIi .. 0lIl

Weclaetlda,. _e1 Tl.urlcla" Ni.htl

BoxChocolates SJ.OO A


Why Go toFlorida?


DEL.~IARCAFE15412 Mack Avenue

... Nottill.h ....... 01Somerlet

ENJOYTN troplCa1 rbythm 01 tbe Latlll.o~ Troal.aelovra P ... cho... S.. tiqo,

Friday, S.turday aad Sallclay, 'til ?

...... lJquora, Will.l, s-.

'~:::a::: ICOMEDY, DRAMA ~~~::::::'::~'::':;:''''''-Characier Actor in 'Romeo' Road Groupr" glass manufa.cturmg campa", FEATURE MAN Y , " The neighbor, d dn't comrldlO, hut Lome to Iltl m the Ae,h.and-bIClod"I!~d1n .. that a mlmber of Its ex-GIll D.1AVORITE STARS I -\11\ thIng ('l>e', tile g", Cole \h ri d I I b pre.entatlOn... .. I Porter nIus.Lal, \\IlILh sened as a. ~v \\on ere \\ l.st t lC It'- snout~ .. ..1.-ployees were not automallcall) I B d no,ed. rcd tru,k lIa, dOln(.( parked Founder 01 the '.;allonal Cla.slcT


I -- roa IlolI .tarnng I Cillcle for VIl' 1 C T 'f"onllng to the plant for rem,la'e'l \1' 10Jo11 ',,- \, UIII' \ • m front 01 'he I'rank I: \\ ernekellj

heatre IS \[r, I"re ree.\ ajar,.. ~. '11, '0 ' art 'or .,[oore. l-.'hd \[crman alld \\ II. .'C..

enlvdthm the 90 da\S preslrJ\)cd • I rc",Jell" .?11t, \llKlIliel road-noli \\hose Chlidren, Theatre companies#' "p ~I. \\1' • C' ~l"l le O\e.. G t d I

llY la", sends a repre,entatlle to Ca" Ro'l(r' Lol'l\l11 ~, l> ' •• cel 110 Idm a" on aO] In t le 'cMe Ot J "t 1M " cia' ,'r '1\0 hJt lor 01 er nace plaHd to .?O()OOOO elery year.. t the veterans' homes I\lthlll 30 II llch arc ,u h p 'I" <H compo, 'Ion, a IIcd RJ"cl \\ C' )c;.cn, I r>UIl~c't for almo;t a qu"rter or a centurr~ ma'rll'1" I /a" 1 "r)' I' Ie '>c- d' 'I Gc' -\ !'Illk Out 01 \Oll I • k • f h f093)5 after tnelr dl>(harge Pers0nd 'Ire, \ au lame \ IH. I I' ,,,II ' ,)11 r>1 ne ram" 'u['pl cd 'h, an-I ."'-, ed IInat h1> plans or t e u-lnYltatlon back to the Job. he ,h,," n a' ,1\" L l n You re I hc I"P • Bloll Gahrlel ," er I ture II ere \1 r \\ erneken ,,,,d that

) 'Ha", '0. Rloll" \11 [nr(ugh Ine :-'I~ht ano , 'Id' ! bl d kmNr,,,, dl1d :'dt Jrridl -\ I '11J '. nd ' I I 1(' rue;' l drr "' tile >c( 'l,n lor I lie \Iou pro >a V 0 ,ummer stocmanv Ot"u, l< to he the 'eU) ld 11 , d halld OIlC",,', \\1, be (a"led 1I111 Int 'Ia'lon.1 Cla"lc tf}cdtre, pr<s.) ,ornellherc 1Il tIle Ea.! an ten

'ie pru] let lll' othrcd at • It \[a , d~'" kI ltlt"UnlL of :,nd;.e,pcare s Romeo! ma"e the rOun s In .,ew lor 10I \t ,onlC Temple hI 'he C",c 1\::11' h f lJ

-\ 1 J d j (j " allti JUliet, IIl\1cn the lOrnpan) I teaI IOU,. \ dn' e ",. 1> r)pera \"oelallon of D<'ro,t .Idrt. rld,ed le,tcrd"l at tilC \[t Clemens ~1r. ~IJJor plan. tentatllely toI a .'or, II \1 1", ,) do II 'I a gelll 1Il~ nn.t [ue"!a, II °llt reb 14 I d h k

\lito mdk<, \er a!'p(dralLc< II Icn • ... , hIgh ScilOOl to an emhU"d.IIC l"pa., >en out tl\O :, a e.peare compa-\llIt'lln., Goe, "Lil he prc,en'ld 'f b h~j

lamp I r Jh) dIlle pI pd , '11\ audl<nce. I llie. next ) e"r, one In "ac et• l ,l. d'. ClU) m~IJt at h j{l (I\\th We e"eep. d h 'Th \f h f

1[" Llt)Jl !\:"t. "'I' Ire Mhen-" ~lr \\craeke Jomed the lompoin\ an Ie olner In e erc ant 0' , , I t on 01 Thur,dav night, I- eo 14) 1 0 I 13 d b \ "lurou, I.d, f' Illl bl lorn<l \\ Ide d 8 d,t clOll!, Just a). alter e- enlced. • throu!l'h \[011 al IIt,'.:ht Fe!> I II lth .. I d b

and P"ll':'LiI(l III t'lelr c' apoide<' " 109 rclea'ld Horn tire arm) He lell, ~1r. \Verqi'"ell ha een actllC m' 'I a mallnee performance on "undal IF' f D bIn the Pd1dCe 01 a 'Jueea \\ lide, "ho dlternoon at J J() • u, that III tnree month. on tour he tIe me.-\ , ,oclety 0 etrOlt e-faJI~ III 101 c "lth the '1ueen, <annat I ~ ,as tr"\Clcd much lurther than the lore enterIng the ser\ Ice.

see her Ulltll he l> clotll,d In ~oir- The cast of this ~av laugh pro- army sent hIm lO four }ear,-and "CHINA'S LITTLEmenl, 01 gaIn ana 'Il.er Ihrough the \ la ng la't mO\\lll'( musLcal produc- that Lounls a round-trIp to Pa 'a-

efforts 01 the g<HI How he tJrn> lIon, WII! he headed hv )'''elte, tne m", "'here he ,efled ""l> the medl- DE V I L S" BILLEDout WIth hiS romall<e make, an cn. c"tremelc cer,at,le smSlIlg enter- °al department "

JOI able and laughaille stan Ph I talller, \\ 110 sun II ed the I.I'hon f n :'hake.peare. Illlmonal ]0\ e- FOR NEW SHORESSihers IS at hIS best In th, ~omed} plane crash In "hkh Tamara lo,t tragedy, ~{r, \\'erne;.en pla}s Lordl'olth hIS almost 'mpoS,ll"e SituatIon' ~er IHe and Jane Frohma'1 \\as sen- Capulet, (Juhet's falrler), a"d theand e.capes as "ell as clel er dla- ous!v Injured. Apothecar) .logue.

For An Appetizing' ~fealSpecqlizing in Fine Foods

FOR LUNCH H .... barw.,n, Grln.,d ChO'e.... Bacon .nd To ..... to.W .. tern. Frll!oI Ham .nol E •• S.I.dFOR DINNER, Ro .. t B-f, B.hol H"m, T.80ne St"ak., Por"o,OJH ... e1 Ho"'" B.ked H.lhAFTER THE SHOW. Sodal, Suncla ... , M.h ...... anol Oth.". Fovn.WIl Tr .. tl.



BittersweetHo .... M.oI., .,tI, Del,clou, Crnm,. Cio't C"ntnl

w. AI.o H...." A Ln, .. 5.I ..cl1on of• Her.It., Mllir Ch~oJ.t". • I'lfh, .nd 0 .... Fud, ..

• <:."....10 • SN Fo ..... nd F,lb"rt • P .."nul" R.,., .. P.I" ...l.o""IH Qu ... "t, V.I .. nlo .... Hr •• l Bo.... Bu, F arl,.


t ....~nty


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Studebaker RecaUa 5,_

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1he e'\c~ II t \ \ e or adlnIm,trauve ~f-11~~, or dcpartmenh 01 prote,slotftll.phl\aI1thrnplc commercIal and ot~rI;~\\ Illl aLtI\\tlC- theatre, ,nd ot~erp\.!ec, ot dlll11'lmenl ,no '(Creal~;menanttlc e'tabh,hme , ior ~e'<lIe dnd ,en Ice ,'! J::O )(,' at ret~l:ano the repa,r COI1Hr"On ""lleta-[1('11 Illd'illng" a"em'>: ng- fahriea-tJ() 1 n°- ...t ... i~C o. g-n ~n" tor $a'c:,;.t". :"ll ()1 t ,e nrnn 'c. pre" ~rft t. re 1.. t lit n \" !lilt l t )~l tlH~lre .\,"-'1~ It: Opt lil.~ 1 t)' doT"'\ PIli. h ner\ ~T

t I ( ( t'1 "-Ill t ....'" ... l tr,"'" vIf t t. ... ti "l~{ (I" I ....11d\ I ':(')(lri~


-----~........-Pubhc bUlldll1g'~ and properties.' =-::-c1wob al1d llOSpltal, and conv~dormllone,. or '111l11ar mul.(hI ell1l1~' ol (1a", B conne~there\\ nh, e"lept currectlonal m"tltllOnS :;

~Pa~l'll h"u,es. commuI1lt\ bUlldu.and l\llh, ---

Section 2.




T , ,. !

(2i') <1,,\ <; " •• /'"



. ,,'C \

Caul,n, Acc,d"nt-

n - .,' . ro, ,n-

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• l' t '11' l (")11 c", -

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( I P I II ...r


\" I.</, J:W'rm\tleci In & ke~ldenceDI~tn(t.


Traffic Violators Heard in Court

ADDRESSS .•.••••••••••••••••••• CiTy ••• , ••••••••


P06tpald Entlosed $ 0 Checko Money order.'\AME


,.. \ 11 (' ~ 1 ("

, .

'\\ ()RIlI'\\\cL to lre-Illat. ann "l

.t~l(I the \O( ,t'on (,' II aele' "n<l 'l1dtl.tr /,

;) d t'l(' 1", ,tloll ot 1'lltlrl"1'" lil' "11( I l' •'1" <llled ll'l" to -1":-Il'I'e~ "nrl 1~Tl1" I l'

11( 11:llt i d 1.,11,... of L'l,ldll~'" he"'( r1 ! rr ('{ led t 1(':::111..1.1(' ;\llrl rlr'( nllrH r'1(" ~ ...( 1

or \ IT rI ('(lllrt ... 1nd nfh(",. "pr- 1 "'P'1( f' ... to")In,,! <lI,1 '("tnl t th, ma"llttll11 nllllt1,rr •';11'1111('< \\ '11C'l m~, h(' hr"I'(,'; ,,, 0\\ I'll .. :::'

.. Fr ,. (' f j I r (' ~ ;l: 1ri ; ( ..

Se.tion I.

'.\X ORf)J;... -\XCE to reg't11atc and re-~tnd the locatIOn of trdde, dn<1l1Hllt,tne~and the 10l a t10n 0 I hu t1dl1lg-, d, ,,~ned ior-pcc\hcd u,c, to rc~u"lte and \l1mt theltcl~ht and lml\.. 01 b\llhlll\g, herealtfferectul to rc([uhte and detcrmtl1c the an'a01 \ artl, court- and otllcr opcn 'pare, toll1111t lncl ~e'tnct the ma'.Imum numher oi,a11l1he, \\hlch ma\ be hon-erl In dl\clhng-<;he' ( liter "re( ted or altered ,wo ior <;;lIdpttrpc"e, ol\Hle tll{' \ll1a~e into ohtncl<to pro\ldl" a mcthorl ni aommhtra[]Un ~nrlto pre,cflhc the peniiltle<; ior the ~lolatlOnof Ih pr()~h\On' ."



<\ODRE<;S•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 ,


The Original Army Formula"Ill A Few Seconds" ~ANT

Guaranteed Control for ~~r)Roaches. Spiders. Silver Fish • Moths - Fleas ~Flies - Ants. Bed Bugs. Crickets. Centipedes ~

and Other Flying Inslcts FLY ~


THE SAFE WAYFor use in homes, yatchs, ships, stores, offices, fac

For Use in Homes, Yatchs, Ships, Stores, Offices,Factories, Beer Gardens, Fountains

Restaurants, Farms, Etc.MAil THIS COUPON TODAY

- II II II II II "' ••••••••••• I'" II •••• It •••••••• 11.". II ••••••••••••••••••••• t.DESTROID INSECTICIDE C{) :Box 85, Kemmgton StatIOn, Detlolt 24, Mlch ~

Please send me 0 Genume Alrosol Bombs at •$295 ca. plus 9c tax, $3 04.

---On An Ordinance Amending Section VI~(A) of the Zoning Ordinance of the

Village of Grosse Pointe Park.

JI"("e J,,,,pll BtI"lIger pre"dulIII t, l I'''rk j'''ll<, l ()llrt 011 Jdn 2lIHd )(J dud h ",dld out th, lolloll-111,,( hne' ."d $5 court LO,"

SpeedID,-L } "e, L (,,,rn,un, 147'1 Stlend.n,





\lur~ thdll b'l thou,and empl<:>y-t.l \1,110 \\<.ft,. i lid otf d.t thl begln-

I (,,. \1 1,,1' ,1~,2 I'hd". $5 (n,t, 1Il'"" JI Iile rLLUllHr"on pUj()d h.veIdl\, l \me, 14)H ~["rrl I $J5 r,e~n c.IILd b"L\' to the Job by\Irirle j..,()urvndh", 5315 '\olun-:- "t ,d, I,d'" "t ""uth Bend lnd

h.1ll $10 flll !JdjfU.l 1I0W lJ,du d" moreReckl ... Drlvln,- Illdn Ll/<lit thou'dud Ilor",cr" a.

Lutl.r IJumnntlcr 316 H, Iere't, ,,,,np.tred I,nh 7 JI~J"I Janu.ry, 1941.L \Iu) ,enberg, 211:>8 Lpnox, $10 \1tI)(;u~il IIId", l"l tunng or e"r, Waf

Le.v,n, Scene of Acc,d"nt- dl ,,) ,,1 thrLe m""tl" hy ~tn~e, 111

Hl n"L't Hurgoon, 1102 Gra}ton, \\ dltcr \\ Blund} •. WII ::>t Aubin l.LtOrle, \\IIlL' ,ulJfH,ed p,",!>, sitU-$lU ' $.35 'L.k productl' II now l> under "1.,.

( \

SECTION VI (A) of an Ordinancetitled:

The Village of Groue Pointe Park Ordain.:

That a public' hearIlg will be heW b ·. - -

ing on February 25, 1946 at eigfJto"dOa~ to Ie~'the Municipal Building in said Village located at 15115Jefferson Avenue, Grosse Pointe Park, MiChigan; at whichand place the said Village Commission will consider the ation of the Ordinance annexed hereto and published hereamending SECTION VI (A) of the Zoning Ordinance ofVillage.



, ..,

Ann Arh.-r I

\ , ( I..........,1

" ~ "" ("t,. ~ ~

Woods CommunityClub News

\I\. 111<" \ <. Lll\\ 1)(1I1~ (d,..,,<ill-

lit. d In t II( n Lr....l r\ ...." hool dot till

( I1m,,,, 1\ l "I> Jt 20f\R, \Id'\' a\~-Illt t11<1\\ I ht .....ln .it fJ '* m on \ion-d" lel> ~ \!r, \\ tll" [{leg \lhohI h"d" Icd'c "I dlhlncc ,\nce", p', mill r \\111 r( 'UnIe her dUll(, asltJ.l\1(,r

<'-'1 Idrcn fronl 2' _ to kmncrg,Hlena,...l \ 11 he. d.' (( pI er1 and rqi:h fd,-

unl1 \\111 he Idk'Tl at the <lub tondYdud InmorrO\I

I bl nUl I) orgallll( d (J lu duh un.der Inl d,recllon ot \lr, 1I1>lCf I'

pro\ ng " popu! Ir Il '(tlfl llHnly-fl\l bo)~ tnd ~ r ') rtttLnd <1ot prl..,cntdnd more dr~ ,n"tld In attuld TillSK'OIlI' meets on 1 UL,na\ nl,.;h' andlS for teLn dga, fhLrl" no chrtrge I

1 he da" \II ,hell je" elr) for gIrl>hdd l\ cry 111llr,d" 11Ig\1l " abo'popular and 'dcanUel c",t ,or ;&

1C\\ more memblr~

(R ..... )

- Repairing -of

• Radio. • Washer.• Ironers • Sweepers

• Refrigerator.

\lr, " \\ SloId}nl report, her\\ ednL ddY da" 10 drc"md~lug 1S

I,urcad) filled hut It d 'u 111< Lilt num-ber 01 ,..omen are mttrl:)t4..d Ii ~ec-

ond da" \1 III bL 0r,.,,,nl/ed .nd "dll: ~q::m as soon a, pos,lble after I Lb I: The mlllmery cia',", h.>c been

mo\Cd from the cluh bulidmg '0more LOlli enlelll qu,Hters m \1 rsIrene Sulton, rccre.tlOn room al1677 Br) s Dm e ), e" c1a,se, areno\\ bcmg orgatllzed by hLr Stu-dellt> \1 III learn JlO" to make nel\hats or remodd Ja't \ ear, dnd howto de;lgn personah£ed modL1,.

For mtormatlOn regrtrd,ng an> ofthe abm e c1d"e, or group, sponsor-ed by the Community club please~all ~lr" Reel', at TL 1-9821.




,., I

13940 Kercheval Avenue

CALL LE 5640Old Blind. Reconditioned

Metal - WoOclIllldAluminum Slat,

Avalon Venetian BlindCo.

KRAUSERevolutionary new wa.h,nr acbon! Year. ahead of .ny autom ..ticyet built. Watch and walt for !hi. enhrely dllferent automatic.


Sales and Service20947 Mack Avenue

TUxedo 1-2130Gro .. e POinte Wood., Mic'"



W, H Wh.telr. of ROlen CIty,pubhlher of The Pre.que IlleCounty Advance, w.... elected Ihe1946 pre.ldenl "f the M.ch'ranPre.. Alloclallon, Inc.. - Itatetrade anoclation leninl 4S da.lyand 306 w...,kly new.p ..peI'., at theorganlzation'l 78th ann 1 meet-Ing in Lanlin,. The Gro POInteRev,ew il a member of tJ"e MPA.


l.Jfll"l p( lIltl R<. \ l \\

GrO"L PUllhC Pdrk 30\llLill"dTl1 0 I hL L,hlor:

\\ e ha'e Ju,t recel\ed fWIll ourI t unal hLd.dquartlr~ t\\O corree ..]Olb lJ1 \\ rUt hou"e atldrc~~cs HI our

,lory on Jum ,r \ \\ \ S fncnrl hop Two Auto Accidentll inI""l', In the J dll 24 ",ue ot \ our Grosse Pointe Last Sundayr1t..\\"lpdj1lf \\ i.. n...,rct thJ..se curree- N0

1,>11> d,d not r,,,l h us before pubh- Charles J Frampton, ot Beach,~allon 01 the artlclc Dn\ e, ~t, Clalf ~hnrL', \I hlle dr!\ - I

1he correct "ddrc "es of the Greek mg Ilear the mter'eetlon 01 Belanger\\'ar Rehcf, 1I1e and >\menean R~- dud \1 ack aHnuc, h,t a car drl\ en hy ..IIU lor 1 rallll, Illl • arc' Leondrd >\ LeI' '" 472 Belanger,

\mcrlt an RlI e I lor france Inc last .:.undaj morning

15 E 2.Jt'l Street ),C\\ York, ), Y, ~uTldd\ lllbht \lhllc batklng out ofGreek \\ ar Rt"Lt fllC, 350 E 54th a dmC\\d\, a tar oplrated b) Kcn-::>lrCLI '\C\I lark, X Y. I ncth L Cldr\.., ~5u Baltour, ;ma,hed

Thanklng j au \I e rem am, mlo a car drl\ l n by Lcroj Born-Cro,se Pomte t;llll -\ \VVS '1au"r, 12814 Camdcn

..........-- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_1

~eynol~s:\ Post" ar Dream Come TrueWntes Fine ~Iedlum or Heavy

Sho\\ s C1earl) Throug-h 4-8 Carbons

\\'111 Xot Smudge, Smear, Leak or Drip

Ink Dnes Instantly

Complete With De,k StandI j'e Ideal Pen ior Pocket or OffIce






Guaranteed to Write Two Years'Vithout Refilling






Pre-War QualityPre-War Price.

• •••• •

~ FINE DIAMONDS 8 BEAUTIFUL CAMEOSBlrstonc, FIRr.ttern.! InR'S Locket.., Etc


Jeweler and Optometrist14400 Charlevoix LEnox 5376



You Are Hereby Notified That theBOARD OF REGISTRATION OF THE



Tuesday, February 19th, 1946HARRY A. FURTON,

Publi'hecI F•. 1. 1~ (G. P. Rniew) ViII81le am,



between the hours of 9'00 o'clock in the forenoon and 8:00 o'clock in the eveninll, at theMunicipal BUilding, 90 Kerby Road, Grone Poante Farms. Michill'an.

You are further notified that if you have not already registered. you may do so byappearin, before the Board of Reristration upon the above mentioned days or by reris-tering with the Village Clerk any day up to and including

Thursday, Ff!bruary '7, 194<4i







to Make Your O\\n

CALL 11] 1.4640 FOR OUR


Draperies anel Slipc:09er.Macle to Or .....

•Phone LE 0212Otto H. Lange

STUDIOS15116 Kerche ....1 Annue


111 ~Iany New Pd.ttern~

FineFurn.tu ...

Thursday, Fetiruary ,!, 1946

That b'ied .nd p ..o...en adage is one of the cerclinaJ Mlle. in ourPr ... cription Laborelor,. It is the reuon wh,. •• double.ehecken..,. pre.c ...ption, When one pharmacilt bu complet ..d thecompounding of the medicine, he ta.k ... it anel the preocriptionhlanI. to anolh ..r phermacilt anel together the,. ..e-checI. eachinrreclient. each me ...... e, eaeh .tep. Thi. do~le urance ofunfailing accurac,. i. one of the .afelfUereia we h e .. tahli.heelto protect yOU!"health.

NOW!!!\\r C \;{ :'LLL YOlO

Selected Drapery, Upholstery and SlipCover Fabrics




For Clerk

For Trustees

For President

For Assessor


For Treasurer

No Primary Election

(Three to Be Elected)

Known for Best Workmanship and Servicefor

INLAID LINOLEUM on Sinb aDd Floon-STF..EL WALL TILE for ICitd-I and Bathroom Walla

'! ..,.;..... ..... ASPHALT ......... •- witII 1M J. L H....~.

.\ \\'\ S to Elect~ e\\ on icer~ Fell


PR 5462


$89.50 Value

Notice To Voters

I hereby certify that the foUowing are the only candidates whose petition. fewnomination for the various offices to be voted upon at the regular election to be held onMarch 11th, ]946, were filed with me.



Secretarial Service

Feb. 11th, 1946



There bemg no more than two times tIS many candidates flied for any office .. thereare penons to be elected to soch offices no pnrnary is neceuary.


Village of Grosse Pointe Farms

Publillhecl Feb. 7, 1~ (G. P. ReView)


~l'lI1l)er, of the bodrd 01 ,hr, CIOesanti Ilodrd of managers of the (,ro"ePOlllt, IUllt 01 tlie \\\ \''' Inlel ..bu ....LTIt..." Ilh ..lllJlg <it lhl hODH or\I r, I rulenek ChITord ) ord un\\"edne,uav. J.ln 30

FoHo\\ mg commltlee report,. plallsIlCrc made lor the .lIlIlU,,1 ml etlllgalld dcetlon of olIlcer, Oil Feb 27at a lea In lhe home of ~frs Alger~heldlll ~I r, Clarenlt B SIt Iii was"PPOlllttU chairman 01 the nomlllat-Ulg eomnllttee alld ~frs. Ford 1'1111head tht committee on arrangementstor lhe dnnual meetmg.

15653 Faircreat


HO 1010


51.. 1..

Chari tte StorkBuri TuesdayFro St. Clare's

~f r, Ch ..r1'1 e "'1" ~ I\lle III J u-bu, ::'tork -"I' H' , I I III "I tileIH~lmay d,p" lI,'" III Ih, LII' ofLru~se POllltl.. 1'1 .....llJ i\\ 1\ I.J.,t ,:.,at-Urdd) nlOrnll1g II B~lll ~{UJUr3 hos-I'Jlal She hdd I",,, m ill 11lah1l for,Ollie lime.

\ ReqUiem 111,1i \I h, lId' ,ung111 ::'t. Clare u \IIll1 IaiLo dlUrchla,t Tuesda} m"rtlllh(

Survlllng 1" "tI" her hu,band.'on. Lieut. Bnll l .. .'.Iork. mother.\1 r, ChTlSI Ill' 1~, IUlll'. Ihree ,13-

ters, ~fr,. 1 ',nl b G\f.JrLl. MrsI homa, Hohlt nand Loul>e Rea-ume, 1\\0 brolh,r, JLlhn and Thorn.ton Reaum,

~uneral 'en "' \lIre conducledhI the 1: .'. \\ ..tlO fUlleral homeJIll E. Grand Hou!L'.>rd

Onl, $loe Each. Po.~d


7o.,..~ N<'\



• Curtain • • Suite• Lamp Shade. • Coate• Slip Co ..... • Dre .. ee• D...peri_ • Robee



4737 EImhunt



Pickup Service Has Been Restored

In Recognition of Those Who APeServin, or Who HaveServed in World War II

Faultless Curtain Laundryand CLEANERS, Inc.


- -Actual Size ]2x16 inches-20 Times Above Size

A 11f1C:f'rf'.fle-I,..,..jnr IrlbClt~ to I rI"QIJ1f'nt lft"Mphon on .elKt~yo .... oon. d"ullht ...., ha.bAnd or durobl., ....,IIam Spat., p.M.elecI... ...,thea ..1 A fitl.ntr, p ....m.n enI for .m.1I photol".ph .bo ... n.me.rec ....d ..f hon nd m.,nl......, • .,. Truly •• orthy,I .. "n. s.,nt,ment.lecI to ,"hent e ,htful plec., ,n of which :roar ION onu will ,ft.KO of Amenc:a .. hom... d""'<I he pr_cI.

IlIIp .,'y ud AJ'tlltlC:aJly d.-••p,"" In neh, full color. Wllh

H 0 MULLINS.PO 80 .. 3763. Kenh ..... ] Slal,on, Df'{ro,t 15, M,ch~

I am "ndo ••nr $ for (N...) HOIlor Sc: ..oll.PI..... M.,I Prep.,d 10

N.m.Addr., ..C,ly

One Yeu AIO'\ second 1'0\1ltc II1Iage hdd can.

celled It> pralldr)' dllllOlI la,t ,pnngJam" J... \\ alklil', ltl,umln nt. \\ ..sUllOPPO"luj n tht ClU,. \ lOll 111t,.ro"'l~e

"omle I drm, for pr""le TIt llilliefOtlr men ,ought the three seal> onthe counll!.

DlplomJ' Inr, a\1 dru,d to 117 stu-dents or (,ro,,-c POUltl Illgh "hoolat <.onlna'nllnI( III t:"{t rll:H ~ III thehIgh 'lhool auditorlllrn

SI Jame' Luthlrdll Church ofGro,se Pomte l..unched a e ..mpalgnfor fU'ld, to COlbtrtllt a lhurch onIts buildmg 'Ill' 011 ~tc~lillan roadnorlh of J...erdll I ai, OpPo'lte GdbnelRlcha.d ,chool

Certlfiedtes of IIlU"lll lor coal1'0 ere oht"mahk from tI,e I lilageclerks hI t I"he \\ ho h ..d I", than aIII e da\ "Ip[lll ot coal and \\ ho h .. tIl "hau,leu all l IrOrh to o!>tam COJIby ddll ," Irom dedlers

Gro"e POInte I. drill' cuanc,l ex. ell'llt \\ as pla""ul lor the Pomtep,cted .. large ..tt, nd"nu dt a ,pc. dub, "nd all -[lort Ian, \\ ere enthu-CIa! meltlllg to III ar an nplanatlOn 'la,tic ..JJy Joo~"I~ forI< Hd to theof Ihe propo"d retlr,mlnt S},tern houl>for villa", llllplo\ el> Rep Loul' Charles Blte'l'"'!" \\ Mrell, lIltlTlla-C Rabaut cTltJelled the Il'teran5 IlOnally knol<lJ a, a l.ll'o)Lr dnd dlplo-dlschargt !Jutton mal, formtr amba"ador !rom the

Fi.e Year. Awo L:mted ~tall> to ]dpan and 10 'Iex-o\n IIIdu'!nal .. n, buildmg that 1'0. and for j e..r, " po" er 1lI the

'" as planned to be made '" dilalJIe Repubhcan I>Jrt). dJed at hl> homefor IIIght trallllllg 01 IIltn under the ..I 372 Lak"hore roadn,llion.1 dden,e program. was to Pnmary eltllJOIl> III lJrosse POIntehave been tdn,lructed near the Park and Farm' IIL1l lIce lied.,outhwest COrlllr of (,ro"e Pam Ie John ~ralth ,a,d I hi, "Xe\\ s Dl-hIgh sthool" athletiC held The ge,t" column J dran has an e) e onstructure. "hlch "as 10 hale done the PhlIJppllles, RU>5la an eye onmuch to rellel e overcro\\ded condl- Japan, and e,ery nahan IS 'USPlCI-tions, 1'0 as the first school buildlllg ou,ly eyeing the other"ever erected III Grosse POlllte wlth- 15 Yur. A,oout Ihe aid of a bond Issue All appro 'JIIM IL thne hundred

Before a 'mall but orderl} gather- Ihousand dollar bond l"ue II as belU~IIIg of reSidents, Gras,e POlllle planned by thl Gro,-e POlllte boardPark's commlS'lon heard a dJ>Cus, of educatIOn 10 proHde funds for the510n of the proposal to change Ihe wnslruction 01 a ne" CadJeux schoolVIllage mto a tlly form of govern- wInch the l>oard \1as to erect onmelll. A ,pokesman for the CI:'zens CadIeux road near Kerche,a],'\ssoclatlon presented rea,ons for Two Grosse Pomte Park patrol.the change and ans\\ered questIOns men mvesllgated an unlocked doorfrom the floor ~o defilllte action of the FIgel home all Bedford roadwas taken by the commIssion and caught a prol'ller c~rrymg a

QUlck.spreadlllg flames S\\ ept thru ,uilcase eontallllllg clothing andthe Hoop-Dc-Doc roadhouse In :'urglar's tools.Grosse POlllte \\'oods. cau,mg dam- Several hundred Pointe reSidentsage estimated at $3.000 before fire- attended the formal dedication exer-men brought the blaze under con- ClSes at the opclllng of the Gabneltrol Richard elementary school III Grosse

Three more accidents \lere report- Pomte Farmsed III Grosse Pomte Shores on Lake The resignalJon of Kenneth L.Shore Dm e ••• The pnmary elec. ~foore as preSident of Grosse Pointelion was cancelled III Grosse Pomte Farms was accepted by the villageFarms - .• Pat Conlan. e'C Park po- councd and Joseph Snay, trustee,hce officer, captured one of a pair \\as namC'dtp fill the vacancy. Johnof 17-year-old car thieves In the act Gr~lIs was ....,pointed to take Mr.of ItnpptnK a car. Sna7's SQt ~ the counciL

ItY_ lop -JThe Goklea Gb'•. dimly'" .... r-ca.

~eDt --~1bloa. at libe Neighborhood club.This was thl! second time that the




is hereby amended as follo\\ s:

To show Bu<iness District Cla'i<tficatlon'" here ReSidence A c1a'i'iltlcatJOn IS now '>ho\\ nfor the fol~owmK descnbed preml<es located 1tthe Northwest COTnt'r of East leffer<on Ave-nue and Somerset Road. name!} :

Part of Pm.ate Clalm< 126 and 127 ot thev IIlag-e of Gro«e POinte Park \\ a\ ne IConnt} ).!Ichlg-all more partlcnlarh dc-<cnhl"o a< heg-mmng- at the P0111t \\ here Ithe ~onth <Idl.' of C;;oml.'r,et Road (60 teet\\ loe) IIIler<ect< TelTer,on \\enue £-Ol,t(120 feet \\Ioe) thence South 6.1:;dq:-rl"t',10 III1I1UIt', \\ r,1 Il~(~~ jut thcncr :'\ortl,2:; c!cg-rre, 47 mlnutr, "lO '('con,l, \\ c<t I14181 leet al'l!1~ the L1,tl rh houlI,hn "r/'ruedhur<t '>llhd" 1'1011 thrlH r \:orth ,>4dlg-ree,; 12 mlllute< 30 'ecolld, I'Ol,1 111'40fret, thence South 2~ rlr!:,rrr, 47 1111lHll('

30 '-ewnd< IA1<l, 150 leet to the pomt ofbeg-mnll1g

iThe ~fap attached hrr/'>to and marie a put

()f th!,; Ordrnancl' 1< heret-\. l'<tat-J,<hl'rl andde~I~atl'd a< .. " \fE'\D\!E:---T TO BCILD-I~G ZO~E ~t"p" and <aid ~fafl and all Mfa. Ill(')n( reft'r~ee~ and other tnfnrmH,nn <h(\\1 n I

thl'rl'M <h.111 ~ a< much a pHt nf t,,< Orrll Il"anrl' a< tf th .. mattf'T, and '''I1Mmoltrnn 'l't I

fl'lrth hv ~a,d :\13p .~ert' all tl.lh rll'<cnhNihnern

Section 2.

Section 3.

1'11< ()'.)l1l1rl'(, ,\ ,IT 1,1-1' rrlrct t\\r(~l()) da)s aller lile ddlc of adopt I ,n




"lfl/~.NC£ A DISTIC/cTS

Iks'6~1it:1C B DI:J1'AU•.,..











O .... c'P

Section I.

"AN ORDI:-.lA..\TE to regulate and re-atrict the location of trades and mdustnesIDd the location of bUlldmg-s deslg-ned forIpecified uses, to regulate and \tmlt theheight and bulk ot buddmg's her.eafter~rected, to regulate and determme thearea of yard~, courts, and other openIpaces, to limit and re~trict the maximumnumber of iamllles \\ hlch ma\ he hau,edin dwellings hereafter eree-ted or altt'red.and for said purpo.,c~ dl\H1e the villag-einto dlstTlct~, to provlrle a mctho,l of ael-mmi~tratlOn, and to prc~cnhe the penal-ties for the VIOlatIOn of It,> pro\ ISI0n~:"

"A1-: ORDIXA:--CE to re~u);~te ;lnd re-stTlct the location of trades and mdu<lTlesand the location of bUIldings desl~ned fors~cltied use<. to regulate and limit thehel~ht and bulk of bUlldlni! heruftererected. to re~lJlate and det~rm,n~ theaTe'a of yard~. couTt< and othe'r "pen~I)ace'!. t~ lIma and re,trlct the maxImumnumber of famllles \~hlch mav he housedIn dwelllTlis hereafter erecur! or a1te.ed.and f I'lr ~ald purpo<e ~ ,I. \ 10/' the \ 111"'R'eInt" rll<tTlcl~ to pro\ln/' :'I II,/'thon "j "eI-rr n'-:.;l:lOn :'Inri In pr/'" r l.r tl /'>prr:'ll1le!tiel for the YJVlatlOn of Its pro\l~luns."

The Villace of Groaae Pointe Park Ordaim:

'On An Ordiance to Amend The "BuddingZone Map" of the Village of


That a public hearing will be held by the Village Commis-sion of the ViIlaf{e of Grosse Pointe Park at its regular meet-ing on February 25, 1946 at eight o'clock P.M. to be held inthe Municipal Building in said Village located at 15115 EastJefferson Avenue, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan; at which timeand place the said Village Commission will consider the adop-tion of the Ordinance annexed hereto and published herewith,

. amending the Building Zone Map of said ViUage.WILLIAM G. STAMMAN,


That the "BC'ILDI!\G lOX1:. ~f ".P" es-tablished by SECTIO;-': II of an Ordll1ance en-tItled:


f f



• re

.,'_ III

, ..,e

- ... 1-'


.- I_ .,.

, ._ ~7'

t \ T~ C - ~a" "..<. " .. ,... r 1..

, a'


- ,, -

TUxedo 2-9085

WeD Seuoned. AD OakI77Z7 Mack Avenue

.-. - ...,. >

1 "'""' r l\ ,


-\:1\ ......-.... ,.........- ...... - ~ ~. coat.-.\11. ~ ..... ~ ~... -..,.- ,..~." ~c I' S' -\ ?~'l

" ...:... ~..- ...- r .....

,LI ....I::v.J - Room [urntture, carpet, •

breal.last sel, cn .. t 01 dra ....er.. :bookcase, garden tool! Lunng aty. ,156ol.2 Liberal.

NE,V-"ortabl.e l1cluor talXlatt; eu. :Ulet &lMl ban lI1arde to onIIr. W '


16! 24, 30 in. Length : ;

I<EI RI(,!-RHOR - $800 m5l :Mack AHnue.

CHILD ~-~an roll top de,k~ Call :Xl JHJi. ...

,CA~ -\ RI E~ - R.ducln, btted.t.aa •

slock. beautllul color bred, paIn •and slllllers "'!so femaln an4 bab, •para keet' \ arlety to luck from. TV •2-3207, 171m DetrOIt Street :

BE,\CTIFL'LLY - De'aIled Sliver ~muskrat coat Rooght In D.cember •

at "'nms ~Ite 12-14. Reasonable, L£ •iiOl. :1- J' E-French s:)le cha,,~ icNftlt,

dcw.I1 cu,l""n, $100, lar3~ clubcha,r, $;'); 'eml-" .nll; lnunge chaIr.$50, all prc" ..r con<trucllon Xl 5096.

- 0 ,

I" \ Hi!, , 1

,- ,

1 "


" \,.,. ...... 11 .. V

I ,ct IIC"~S ~l ~,-


\' -


, ,

I ....\l' I

FOR SALE-Re&1 Eatate



\ ,

STORE, 2Zx6S-AU brick. Cor-.....,.~ ....""JO 'tortl. William Antill.. 1

~fack _-\Hnue. Owner.


ROO\I-lo rent. near \rack "'ve-n It Good trtn_portation Garaare

a\ 3,lahle References Call Tuxedo2 9IW9

L'\R(,~Redroom in qUIet pmltef..ml1l. re.p~ctahle only, pork I'rI-

1I1'1l" ~ear E Jcfl'er,on 1053 Way-h~rn

..- j


- \


.- -

, .




PRI\ \TE P\RTY-\\dnt, t"o orCOLORE.D GI RL-l:.xcellen,1 clean- four famiTv flat or income In De-

e', Grosse POlnle referenc.s, $5 tro1t or Gens'e Poonte Ca,h, DRand canare. TR 2.3i40 I:.ddle. 241i3

i"""""-;:;=:ed Grocery ClerkAT ONCE

* * *Permanent Work - Good PayApply

G. & R. McMillan Company16822 Kercheval Avenue

\\' ..." T 1-D - \\ oman for kllchen\\OTh 'jn hnmr- ...t\ Je d n noR r()()m

",x-ddl ,,<ok ~Ille hour LE 2991\Irs \\ a-d Corner Kerchelal and~far;, Idnd

Pare £1e"m ,. ..FOR SALE-MiaeeUueou : ~--[\\ {J-flldroom 'Ult .. W.Jnut ~.-':' :"'l( room 'Il,t~; IIVlnl( su lte 00fl e

Ih9 I d\ ~t rUR ol'e 9,1 Z r<H" v..1I'etrill( and otne; artl< I" 111512R,,,-,()tnmon, ~econ,j block off lvi/y.: ;:Hoar! • ----IH.., I - (JIltr I", gtnll1n~ Enl'lilh

:,pc,nl(er ,",pamcl, femal~ (.nod"atln dOl( I.E 75UJ 14556 5<:npps,1001 of PhIl p

'JTI.I\;W \):-1-J~ctrl, pl<l) er IJabyJ(r.nd plano Inquire m Rerlnhlre,

\I2fi')l .,-."

GAS CO~ Vj"R ~IO~ - Iallallednow, TV 2-9126

~l Ll \ 1\ C R ERGE.Nf~"CR>\ ......CF:

I ",il\ Idllal or jo am Iv f;rOllf1l0" PITAUZ' TI0'l

! Ire, I If" \Utll, 8urgl:uo,C.II n; 2-71(A lor information alld~'"

• 5' B' II (d,.tc't '0 ol)ll~dtlon •

!-.\PFRJ1-"CID - Ta'i dmerl WANTED-To Reat Oll."LR.\"C.f...-:\or~{,~u'tablefor'''',~nl(-i Po !l'C C.d, Cf)mp~n\, r'Rhl-room hou,p, ,omplMe ".tlt

1-,lS L j, ~rr" II. l()'I1~r ~OI\lI1~- l \It [{\I-III IJ \r~r'nll!lT, t~r'I21~J RAIIon lall~, ilalf full, In c,ceIJent.":lJdfll elt I lr )on1(. 1I (lro..,,,\c Po n'" or ({,IHI t.on, W'-) J L 2<)41f- ---- -- -- --- ,1 Ifr d(" rahll Hdlon v.anlut by 1_ ." ...j \\IJ()!( (,"" II~ "I"l dlld (dC' r, url1ld dll1I\ off"cr !lr", \,,' r.rel- UI<fJI',R~-Jak~I1 lor ra)on h()l!t

1I1,,( lor IUfl1.t( l., \bout t\\O noun I ]l nt fldot 1(l1Ial JH1UIl 1...1 ~rhtl .j'10n d L"l'lll' And J n,.l( fl( J- xcel ~nt If:. "It_I"r <I" J)olll!,d •• Book '-hop I \,.d 1 "ec or '01lr IJldroom. t>lO J"t,on -,\1.0 mens ~fl1rt •••• n<l hot.. -IiII', ~'" rll.l /'4th' \\ ,II exchange new 1')4(, car I \lr_ Carmen \lar',I', 151)O~ Hamp-

41'1 pJr:lrtl pd\rnr!lt J\\O \fdr If.IIi'" 'f,n

SITUATIONS WANTED-Mal. Ldll \I" <'-"',,", ext oil, CII ilfJ!J- ---- --- \Il "T ,>r.LI -fle<lroom IUlte, dOlI'

BOY, 14- Yrus o.d, "tll,n~ to lake GI'." LR"'L YU fOR:, - Execullve ble bed, dresser, ll.ootl Iprlng an.lare 0' ch,'dren "enmll' Lall 1\1 \\,th small adult lamoly reSIdIng In matlr~ .. ~ced 'pa, e for nursery.

42J>1 the Fdrms past lour ) ears forcerl to I«a ona"'e or m.ke off.r Tuxedo- lacate due to oY>ner r~lurnmg from 2-49')5

HELP WANTED-Female Ier",. Dp",,, \\ Itn n 30 da) ~ 'IX 10--- eIght room hous., dU[Jltx or terrace II

\\ ,"~ 11:.0-\\ vmotn 10 mak{ home I:."cellent references XI 1fJ925t):C I) lS d.nd t) ...1 U L, 1'1 U 1 n~

room Ilv'" can l.oc JUI1i( or short ~ \'Ii \-0ff" er, \\lle, t\\O cllIldr~n, 16 llnd 24 Inches ..LL l:'h2, ~Ir, \\ ard t.orncr h.er- need furnl,h.d hOUSl, dU[llex, flottl All Harri\\ ood and •che\.1 dnd \I.r) land or Itlcome, ~l arch I lor 'h ree \\ ell "-,,~ son ed :

month, Pre[~r E.ast S,de or Grosse "'\os "

YOL~lr LADY 'I 0 A~SIS f Poonte. \\ ould he !nterested In gue,: I TU2.6305 ·I~ l' LO\\ LR ~HOP PARI nouse or .. rants Qua.cters Rent ~

I m't $100 l:.xcellent relerences !J I{ 1 ."1l:\1L. ()I.J') GIRI.'c.; _ Rlcycle, g~ el)n~lt!M, :HARLOW J. LlXGE)IA~ ~fA~ "G~:R-of meat department, s'antlard 'I?e <;oh ....mn :\1 i42J. •

17<X>9Kercheval at ~Idflilan J market, now h"ng' ,>UnCIl-Colhe femlle r.ltlst~et ~TC 2-6020 In Ponllae and commuttng. urlll"n'" i -\ K t., three )'~an old.' Phone ~h.. •

need, flat, Illcome or house. Pleue, (,]Ml1elH 897(, :call TL 1-2051

\\ 0\[ \ "-!-or halt d.,' clean nR or[1l11 day "asnong and deanlng TL


~Tf.\O(JR-\PHER-ror 111' lra,cea~enC\ and mortgage brokua"e

offlle. \iust be good \ Glenn Dut)LE 0450

Situation. Wanted-F emal.


John Lee

Prompt Service






CaU TUxedo 1.13S4


FOR SAlE-U.ed Can

Woods Sign Co.

For Any Typ~-ISign or Sho-Card

ORI ""\1 \,,1\(, - \'tor"' on, anr.nlllill\'" I l.., ,.r li4/1 \n '.

11\.,do 2 ("'"

rJI~1 <'''\1 \l\.1 \(, - J' p< r' st II<I111 1 I ltl r I If \\ I I ~ ,It( 'tltl 111

I (Jal nrl ~"'(''', II Ie "t \\(Jr~md.n.

~IJ 1), (\l)lrl 1~'I(r<'H(,. Ldrt heI l( I \1 rrr", 1""/

ACCORDIOXS-Furlll,he4 to be-trinnen LesMl'lt by ]D'f1)h M ..s-

,imao. Z'l yeana tqJet'ientt. 7046 VEl'E.RA:-i' - ....nd ""fe 4u .. e m-HUllW. TW 1.58JIIl « IV 6335, ~ome flat, apartment or hoote. Ko

childn?lo Best of rdereuceL R_1U'd.S1"ANISH - A.t ~ ....,. PI II5.Ja. -

tlugfrt ill ,.,..r '-- IalinnaCDtfunK5hed. YU 5735. RESPONSIBLE - Party ufll'etltl,.

requlr~s three bedroom hOlue ortllo'Osmall homes Yay coftJid~r pur.cha.. Inten lew "elcDmed. Tuxedo2-J4iO

DocrOR-WIII pay top dollar lor1-~X PER 11-."CED-<'ecretary \\lsh~s mod.rn hungalow 1{rs ElSIe XI

put lime "ork BU51ness or prt- 7557PIA~O TUKIXG - EIe<:trIt clean- ,ate hornt TL 2-2lnl

lna C. L Edwardl, 6111 UninrlttJPlace. TU 1.3173


WILLER-Employment agency FI21656 Domeltlc htlp, wgmen for

laundry and cleaning Part-t,me Ofweelcly Good laundresleJ alld clun-eu,

PRINTS - Photo~raphs, oilpamtin~s, mlrrors beautIfully

framed to your indIvidual tastePrompt serVIce The House ofFrame!, 9jj East JeffersonAvenue Randolph 8875

WASHING - Motchlne. repaIredany make; prewar pncel \V orlc

cuaranteed Fourtetn yearl In bllll".aen Jerry'. Hou!ehold Ser.,lce TV2-1350

SPE~CER CORSETS-Indll'lduallydellgned dress and surgIcal gar-

menll; over 15 yeau' expen.nceMaude Bannen. XI 4027 or TO7-4312 J68 M cKlUley

Dr~I.<;"\l \K[\G - ....od altera-'I tlons :'pecla1lze 10 .lteratlons 11.'1

J9' )I'1>[11 "" \1 \~ [\(, - \nrl ."n. "nsI \I • \ (Ii',


P (/ I ~ ! F


- !="-, .....,. .. ~Sl

fj."~~~'" ~'" :1:t~


, -\ .,

DRexel 8004Apartmenta

LEnox 0981

Honorabl, DI.ehu,ed

P&1ntlng and Decoratin,Wall Wa.hu.g

Patch Pluterlnl

George S. Dally

Painting &/ Decorating


Stor ••


AttentionVETr:RA~ \V A~TS

Pain tin~ an d Decora tlni:' \\' arkWalls Washed. Wallpaper Re-mo\'ed by S tea m - Window


Expenenced - References

G. W. LombusTUxedo 1-0019

PA!~'TING-And deeoratia, F. DRelsencr, 5260 Cour."I1e Nl S944

If not at home call Tuxedo 2-5257

ALL DECORATI~G, papet !Ialll'lngand paintIng guaranteed. Z5 year I

expeuence Steam remove!' MU1471 after 5

Painting, Decorating,Washing. ResidentialSpecialists. Marty.

Phone TE 1-3800

PAIN"TIKG-And deCOrallnC QUIcklen Ice and reasonable ratel

Guannteed work and maten~1s MU3906, M V 8345

LEnox 6588

Nels SwansonPaintinR', Paper Han~n~

Dec::orat)n~50j9 LEXOX AVENUE

HOXORABLY - Discharr" fromU 5 Arm,. Back In bminns. For

painting and decoratIng call \VtlliamEllremann All ;obl gtIaralueed. TU2-9083

,'" '"

31'\3.;.,C\'t\f'f,\- ......- \\ -"'11( "Q: .. ~erl\t ,..;J. ... \ - .. ' ""'''-" il~..I I'".'.-_ \ 0',,,._' o~d

" " .. >1. ... :1 ..1_.J

SIne. It2S



AR 6034


Wm. S. Kiester

TUxedo 2-2275-F;~QUIRE


El,ht Y~I With J. L. Hucbon Co


W. j. LOGES-Public ac'countant; bookkeeping

service system installed;auditing; tax returns; finan-cial statement. 1573 Penn-sylvania LE 6712.

REFRIGER'\TIO~ - Washer andvacuum sen tce on all makes L,-

cens.d bonded \\'nlt.n "uarante.Bonded S~n lCI", 13130 Harper, PI4120


R E P \ IRS ~L\[)[ 0:\.\ X Y T H I X G IX THCHmIE

• T:lect rlcal• Flectncal EqUipment• Plumb,"g• Carpentrv• ~lechanlcaI


PR 3199

Greater DetroitLandscape Company


General Pruning' andThinninR' of Shrub!

* * *Have Your SpringPruning Done Now!

* * *ImmedIate' DependableService by Expert!

Tree Removing***

Review Want Ad~SERVICES

TCXEDO 2-8274

Llnox 5462


f. or ,ale or \\l1I in~tall for::;210 Gas cnmpall\' appro\'eoSee It operate TYler 4-5629


blI IInIeIt_.a. c_..eeu, "We 1

Ba.rrr ...... Tall: e-1taDts.a It"cwn AL A.,...e- A'" ... 41 Lbo fin

IU.rRIGER \TIO\, - S~r\lce Allm ak.s Llenr c moLor, repalr.d

\11 \lock ~l1Hanteed 447 \lorossRe>arl ,[ 7228

Gas Burners-

GARDe, ~ERVIcr:-



STOR~{ \V[~DO\\'S - Put up\\ Indo\\ S "ash.d Screens taken

dowlI and storm sash put up Wealso do caulking Extenor and tnter-ior d.coratln~ Prompt and effICIentsel\lce. PL 2010

m"TST\'\orXG-nLT!~\:. Cleaner and aIrpunlier. \\ 111 out periormand olltl,,,t alH othercleaner \\ ha boe\"e rGL()RCJr, S :\[IH \LEK

.\ut']ronzed Dlstnbutor-\nd "en Ice LE 9451

STO\"E5-All makes repaIredand installed

J ern's Hou,ehold Sen ice

TC .....edo 2-1350

CAULKI~G-Save fuel, caulk WIn-dO\\5 and doorS-It prevents ants

spiders and term.tes, Caulking 15 allwe do Reasonable prices Free estl-matel PL 2010

BUILDI~G-Plans and specifica-tIons prepared M. Dudler, PRoJOIl

P -\1'\TI:-iG-"'nd decoratin .. Guar.anteed "orkmansh p an~atenal

(plJS 01 er thl"'V ).ars' ex nelKe).S.n Ice afler ~larch 11k oa all,ob. \\ m Loader, 1440 ~;mston.XI 44Q7 or DR 6317 ) •

ltAnrnNG-A ..~hl_ ..at r~aaonable price. Call 0lJ.. ...Hnalre Dejaea-here. 5805 Frp.cIs Rd..

A-I DECOR4,T!XG-Ext=~or, iD- LAUNDRY SERVICEtenor decorating '\'all poper re- Cl:RT.\I:\S - ....nd shIn, neatly

m 0". d Reasonable. Guaranteed wa'hed and jr(\\led Ru ffJed cur-1.fAINTENANCE workmanlhlp East Side 0'11) Plaza talns a 'pec,alt)'. DR O/ifll, QLlE.T-~ftd<lle ailed couple neslre l "ED-Teet.r bahe. Ca'l ~Jagaran 2010 6\0-,,>, room flat, hOtlse, Gro". JlloGuarant-s Better Hou.. A LOST AND FOUND POInte Of" r....H ",de II\ed pre,ent CL'RI'FT-'\t once Phone Tuxe-~~ ~ -I P -\IXTIXG-Paperhang n~, re- flat n ne lear,. ~ I IJZil. "\

Cleaning mO\ln!:, wash,ng wa", "'ork BRO\\ \-"'an m boo', z pperrrl do 2-Qff)i

* G I H I, guaranteed Mertens, 9364 \\ e) ber, In t'nnl Ot G'o'.e p(I'nte h ~~ I Sf:. \ I R -\L DETROIT I.DI- PI' ~'ER PI '\ '\0 _ Rolf! Welte-enera ousec eanmC OL Oi6' ~ _ _ '" ...1* Wall and Window Washing - .chl")(; Re\\ arn 1l • d ,2 ~O~ L.\lPLO\ r.LS - ~11~non rr>lIs or Deluxe Corpora-


I J t t ned' rom ser\ Ice Il,'n'. (111- Ca" or trade '\m"lco OLD F \"HI()" Rocker I .Floor Maintenance INTERIOR PAINTING LOS 1 _ \C rO\lOBILL l.1' re ur L t' - ~ •• - , 7

I d h I roll, \[r lee, Tl: 2-1310 SiO Trom- coat, sIZe 30, lOX COllar, man'l

IV 3806 AND DECORA TINe J \( I" C; \ R \l, r: 1 \ PL \ I- nee omes lor t lelr ht., Roarl rlark olercoat 'ze 38-40 on.ntal:Wallpaper,ng,.all ... bin"IIOO1'1l CI~ll\ \(Illl\I,lf\\[ \:\1) lamtlle, 1he~ \\111 ap- Irull,Il .. IO. ReasonalJlc. TL 1-1705, •

--- .anded and refin.,.bed. Wane! 11....... 1Id. r,C III \ \1. I () :\() r 1 I ~(,_I pn'clate 'our help Just [,TERF"TED-In" l\ ,nil a'1\' odd 1

PAINTING & DECORATING deanecl ... d pol .. hed. PrOMpt ten. IIA \r \\1) \1 \!'RT ,- RI _I cali 'I he hh'on Co R \ I p~ .. \1~llo china IhsllnlU pat-I QL'\RTFR - Inch eiectnc dnll. •,ee, Rea.onabl. rate., 1"' , \, -, I '")100 d h '.rn, aI,,, '''f1takc, Harmon~ p.:- 'leal' d I:~, Black &. Decker.

PAINTIXG - DECORATING I DON SHERMAN \\" \RD I I \u\. _'1).0 - an mention 01,5- ern J E iiOl I \\ a :'.r 1\. fun ..r ,,, op .'ectnc m~EXTERIOR• !'."TERIOR Ro .... ']]e 1ll>4-R Ea.t Detroit ln~ tor,~) ,olt!,three puse Tl, 2-1756. '•• flR'lTlRF-\\an'ed It~o~hl\el -

QL'ALITY \\rORK~fA~SHIP Or D,alm,A ... for Enterpn.e 1111 EXCHANGE TENANCIES $1;1 Rf-\\ \RD _ 1-.or ,- orma)n amt ... nK.n t,. hne of ,,,u~l"hc>d CO\lPU-.TE _ HO'J.ehold furniab- :o T SOLTERISCH \ 1 I'TfRIOR -\ d I \\'-\\T1-D - __ ., I ",nrd 1\( ren .• l 01 ho,'e TJ'(e~o I'n .r. and rUII' call "l"at"a' I mg_, lira} kId ,aracul coat, sIZe 11. -

T • • - -, , - n e .....tenor ,-1:> ev d ~. r.~ a 01 2 i "~. ,r Ir1,'ure IJ<,l'l1 Kercn"a1 Lenox 13~ ~om.r'.:~fURRAY 10.)8 deco'a,t;-,;:: Paper han;:: '1~ a s'< room ',n'l1e nu' '\/'" D.- lll'

, \\ I d 'rolt Y ., roo" rOJ-e n Gro e IGF\ 1-R \L ELECT RIC-E,uCJ',ve 'I 'RT1L" '\ R L d I ...L 8 T,tYLOR <pec-a:\ 0"... ~L1arantee Pc>n. R. r'c"eel ,xcha~gcd B()'( I and'" ,. tran'lerr.d foom (.leYe- 1"\ .,." - a"., e uggage, M.

ll. C 'I H I ~ OLD CLOTHING lIIch 0\ ernll(h' cale, 21 IOcn cur. . . .. aw ey ~E, coo (,',,«e Pc>1'e H."e I land r'Q -e file room ho~se. a;larl- '\1tn hanllus "-Il' hat !>ox "'ItAComplete Pa'ntlrj! and Deco- 1'121 "-,- \ ", G'osse rn~n: C" , • fa '~cr •• u, ~l IS WAN TED _ 'ra), Illmch hat 1><" rxctltttlt CO'/l..ratlrg- Se'\Ice. E,tab'lol]ed 23 Lenox 7446 Po~. 1'3-, ~ '! " Gard~ a TR 2-2,..00 e-.:t 12 - dltlon Ro •• coortd d.nner aOWll.,

)ears Color Speclal,<ts LAMP REPAIRS o\R\I\-C.p-., <en' e 4 J \(." H~t poeu paid lor men' ... we 18 'I Ziil..LEno": 4428 C (), e-, a, 2 J 'ed -, pc -"a, '"l pC) "'d .~. Telephoal can ,"11 "ria, I

LL \~- l1-::at l"tr-jn' "nd L ....\I P :oF \DES-({.co.er.d c~r- M ~ ll>'"' 1," R~l Irn>d n • to 'DlI imm~d1atel, T.lephoft~ INEW ELECTROLl:X Cleanere,'c- ~- p -'::- ,~rj 'a~' <;-.-'s d-a ~.j.pe'acs D~a j- i (), ( c- ;. m " , wet m' '\\ ,. T.,ler 4-3625 I a-" .\ ~ r~-.'ier( ....- ;! l'\. IC-: \ rt 1 ~... " n_~e .0 G-::' ~ f IrS! CI~.5S I \ ~r'l" ~1 ... ,,- l~~'" r-- ..... 11~ , THE BE'-T BY TEST

a. ... wor\..~..1"" ;J l '\ 1~::;27 :-".1.-- rr- 'l'" \e",j .. \\\. nil'" iH'\{'f f.,.nnn-t c~r1 t"'tt"'Tl(" st'\\ n~ ~."" -\ cnmple.e cl~a'1 Qg eq ... pn\ent fM'\\ ' ,g -0",01 "' • 'Hri~ ~O/ ["c.rn', '\c ' ,0 h, "r a'c pan, Tl 1. I,"" an, h",,"e

C\' T~ \\ \Tl ".cd a ,me d.-perate" II'n,"~-i lIlRF~Q( '\R1FR _ Or ('Ine np' r O"I\\-\L ....

LAMP REPAI RS e;o - - ,-1 " r apar'me,' r'e, " me;' 0 ,np: e ,,~>. \ I \ l'h~'zed Dea"r a~11 SeCV1ctllluh ....O 'V(' I 2'1 ~l - 1 j I~ 4 .....,('~ .... ;2 ~... ...,.. .., ..... ..... ..,....... I

:-.'~: ~~;--:~.:.:••~~.'::~.= ---.--- I' \[Of)F- R~-F Jr ....tu ...t. ,,~~-;: mI. Fl\ E R(}()\{'~l~r a.: ; ...rrl".Jl"t"'=.:::~~~':.:-.:;~ WANTED '"l -" ~-.j 0' ,er ~l'r> ,cC" c. I f) In an.P e ,~a ':'e "'a"lLU' flE'AIR SEflVICE .___' "r~r.-n f rn ',re 1-, ,.HI ',ule-i '~I,I~,. lAmp. ;n~o_",e.c.

TO 8-3773 .u:"i. \ e"......1~ \ '1 ...~. ""I -, \f .. ~ nil.e q ~."""(\---.rr,.. •• \ '"' ..,.,J, .....il;_ FOR SALE-Miscellaneou. - , - < eO"' - -;: ,.. -.~'''.,.t ••••• AYL.'''T.- .J,r ~.- ~ """...'" ..,..."'- t<4 "'co~e.

_______ .f1 ........ ,. r~ _ ,.. \\ 1." , ..... l-t .. dr()('lmt i ~ (' f- r" \':1" roo \f ..~ ~!'~()O or \ , .,~ _ ". , ,n o~r :~f\' "qiTr -( pcr ~"~ rl~,~n,,"'rt .!Il,?fI, \\,' -. , r.

r 1 "(I",.l 1:" \.~ Iit'" l'" 1.>."','" ~ ;,,; -,110 ,... .. ". 11) I \ -F--. "'lI" "', ~ ,.. ("I",rgl

--- --- --- ~"'n ." ,...~ .. ~ .. \ ,.r \! r"f..-\(l~ - \'1 "1' ... \ • ..., .. .,rl '1 """", "" '"'I~, ........

j , '\... ~ I .... - , : 1 .... \ "... .. \... ~ ~)... 1J \1 ~ ...-1 r i- ....." "... ,..,.......-- "'\~c'" ~ 0-.;3...... - ~i-- -,. .. '\ •

C.\~PF"I .......-=-~~~-::-;.' (''"...,; ...... .,...; It'"' \ -, "'( ,... , 1.:1 ...... : .... Ill: .. ; .. ?_~ ... I ~.....~_", ,.. {..J ,\ " ...... -.1 '"'I ... 1;1 .. ,. \J~rr;' -< "'(' ...."\ r~o'l"" ~.~ _; _ ;' "~, Il:e-:-

I-Pa~."'~a-d Decc"a~"'g- ,,~ .... ,.r"'("I:il")~C'~""""''''''- .&I~l,.. ... ...... I .... _ f~'" \1 ... -

1%9 f' ee. , 0- C 0- ~r 2~ YS • c! -." T.. , '.', - r, -. /,' !~-I 'Ill-,

Ca!F\e, (,-,~"ePt \\OOrl<1 ~~, \-',e-'~'"T--,)- -:i~;>~'-I~~FRAT~RNAL- --=i\~1 - - 1 -;, ":~-~~r .. e t"''''' .......F D R . " ...~-~L ~e" '" .,., ,- p I Cen. R. A. Ii CoL f. M. I. . elsener : -••' .,.•.. ~w : - I 1 Al,er POlt !tS V F, W. "

P.inting.ndD~ratinl \;:L~\ •. ')'::'_-\' ',:_ \' •• , __ -'''"' -'\\-,'1SztOCovrV1n. c "I ;.-, ~.> ." , .'. ed IEac, \r~_ - a' - l - '. \,e-j"

---:z ""l Ci ~ ... _ Ic ..tfl-.1 ~.~e-, ftJt rt ... eo". P- - t .. \!~ ....,04"'; ,

NJag.~ St44 _ , ;: _? "< !l••••• -"'''le'- ",' \ F\\ .-1 (>" ••• \l,-,o'l ' -If Not .t Home can TU Z.5257 ;: _ _ J' 0 -. ) ~

I I :) ~JlKF R0X - F,.,. rent Id~a, for ... _-Pl" .t an1 ,...1 • .,1'1 Pit 318.3 IC/"\:.." C' <' D-' ; ;-. - -;: •• - '< ,. "Z;~":).:t ~ 'If: • ""'~'"

~.;:: P~t.-"-~It ........,1,..J \\ 40 ~f' t ~_~. ~~, '" ~ ~.,.,~ ~,,~r ., "r ~$ ...... -"a -.~ ,.~' .. "I("l'~-'." T" • .,- ' " ••• '"tv b -",

Reach & Burman I~~: '~-:_ ....;'.~O.,.. 4-"", H••~ ~£ ,.t''.; Nla,ara 4255 ~,' ..,;

(i ,!:~": c~n:.~~.,,~~.~'" w~rren G~tes 111;," ~~ P. '':; ':.:'~.F~:N.: ._-_".,--.t__ ~

1 ' .. \! \ ;-. :::) k L E ,1 \-

17"'>1 I T "ill " )

1-' ,--

Tree removal, prUhmg. \Vilcox & Bakel(Licensed). PL 4543.'



DAY - N! 0703-:- EVEmNGA-I PLASTER - Work done. Old

and new worle. Also repaIr work.TU 2-5863

GEXERAL-Carpet servIce LaYing,cleaning and r.pairlng LE 3127

W ,\SHIXG \I-\CllI~ E Repatrsen Ice on all mal.c, Guaranteed

'Cnlcr ~I V ~llller TV 2-8628

ELECTRICAL-Contractor Llght-PO\\ er, meter separatIons, bue

plugs EstImates DR 9526

REFRIGERATOR-And motor ser..,Ice. 1..lcensed and bonded Kelri-

nator, Fngld&lre, Leonard, Coldspot.Unil'ersal and othen. Williams LEo6763 If no answer TR. 1-4600

CARPET and linoleum laid and reotJaired. Stair carpet shifted. AR


Repre.enting John L. Thomp-Ion Roofing & Siding Co.

for, • Painting andRoofing, Sldm~ and Decorating- I

Home Reoatrs co \[ P r 1.. T r. 1"~e a-t!No Down Payment Iara-:.,-e'" ,eo, ce S'e;tm p;t-Three Years to Pay

fit'r -e;rr" :: \[;t'e-?l a-: PI\\iI ' ""::0\::.722 Notre Dame "",'- 2" \- 1TUxedo 2-0554 II ().".-.,?-, ;) g'"a-?-'~e,.J \' .. r -"' - '-


I~o...-ea - il!lBlB!!E!ll!lt

TheG.I'l"se Po "'e Scl-nol of ~fll' cr,;t"O • \'0 ce • \':01 n - Ce"o

T,eo'vl:::')fl [\<:;T Trrf[RSO~

Lf'1r)'( 2QO,

, ?


\\ a"llrrs"I 11585


forE.timate Now

Work Guaranteed


T '-


New Coaatructioac:e-.aerciaI ad Shop


0,. • a.m. to • p.m.roxedo 1-3ZSO

17ZH Mack AvenueGroue Pointe

\Vindows - 'Valls\Vashed

Paper CleanedTYler 4-7412


\Vindow ShadesCleaned

E & E ElectricalApplianceRefrigerators

Wa.hen - Ironer. andVacuum Cleanen




Grosse Pointe\Vindow Cleaning

CompanyNIagara 7777

AD El.ctricaI Fluoreaceat

Thu:sda\:_ Fl'hruary 'l, 1946WINDOW WASHING

TOR M \\ 1\ Dn\\ S-I'ul 'lp \\ In-

do." 1 \\ ash.d 5c".nl ,.k.n do" nnd Ilorm sash Put up \\' e also doaulklnl{ Extcr,or and Intenor dew-atlng Prompt and eff,cltnt servIceL 2010



WASHER.~~-im.f1{epairr..:.:,-rr-., s-;q Ma.cIs.iMe, Mia:en, Mot..... Cel....P...... Lam... repairecl &Del re-witoedj Rmi.erator., Taa.oter.,Door Locka, Ete.

Wringer. Rebuilt

24-Hour Service

Ceca Ayling NI.6248


KELLY & SO~Ekctrlcal Contractor

L,censedCommercIal - R.sldentlal

Bue PllIJ::s • Fll,tures - Sy, ItchesFluore'cent F,xlurel

I I '''' 'i27309 Ashland

AT!E'110"-11 'ourcleaner or atl\' tI1"ke

trouhle 'ou call \1 r. \!css,for eft'Clenl ser\l,c

ELECTRIC.\L-\\ ,nnR and repaIr-Ing Gas step sal us 1-',clnc dral'

contHlI Inslalled ~ 0 Job too smallPI 4&>4.


-\11 \ ma k e, sen Icer! and re-patred.

Jerr)', HOll'ehold ~er\lceTCvdo 2-1350


PI-,dD ~~rl 0 t' ,..., f e!h~"';o< ,,- :r,n'" oS, It -k n;Oll'-Iv ~"''''I--• 24-48 Hour ServIce


ARlin~ton 7123

\\'ALL W-\SHr"G - -\nd ",ndn.,'clean ng Long c'oerlCnce ~ I i~i8,

LE 9i97

WALL \\' -\SHIXG - Paper

c1ean111g' Prompt Sen Ice.

F.UIOCS \\,lXDOWCLE-\Xr.RSU:.nox 5052

\VALLS-.-\nd Cell nll'l "ashed andpaper c1.aned H,gh QJa'l:y 'IIu'k

clolle by expe'lenced m.n DR. 18.14


LE 4907PR 9871 Day.

FENCEWire and Chain Link


Thursday, February 'I, 1946


TUxeelo 2-9126 PRo.poet I6eCI

10981 GRATIOTNear Outer Dri ...

24 Ho., •Service-MCl8tWrtBr_

We remld or n:than«eyo. r wa ..hin~ machinemotor.



Workinl Model 0" Oi.pla,

Thomas Munson



We pick up aDd deliver _yOli eaD 'bring the work toour shop and you can ....time aftd money.

Fadory AuthorizedII A YTAG



lit Chahrters T"'~5t55-SP.'t



~~~"ICARD" AND YOU WILL NOT \BE DISAPPOINTED WHEN 'YOU NEED TIRES.There i.no co.t, no oblilration.



, • {' -;l J -~

r. ~:; 1'- F '" f' 'i:. . .. ':~


GET YOUR SUPPLY NOWWhile It Is Ayailable

Cannel - Cameo Block - Grate Hart. Package CoalStop at Our Grolse Pointe Yard

J. & T. HURLEY, INC.11851 Kercheval

A.1t for Attr.cti.. D •• It Cal ... d.ar


W AS HER SERVICENiagara 0995

CaD Momiql or E"..m..'============= Floor Lam,.AL JARCHOW • MiIIor~:trical

COIftpieteLine .fPortsfoto AnMak.


White Wrilger hils"Fw An Make Wuben




~onr. I-.- nriYO-ia S-m.

NEW HOURS'Of Yowr Con,.ewience-9 A.Me Ie 9 P.M. Daily



R006q MaterialaAre Scarce I


Belont You ANc..pt 1»,. s.ow and Ice

Asphalt ShinglesStill Ayailable for

Immediate Applieation





NIagara 3665




We Pa,. More - Cash Waitiq


NO RISK TO YOUAll our mech&Dica are

COyered with COMPEN.SATION INSURANCE-for YOUR ProteclioDt a.

Croue Pointe Well .. Our ••L... ....



up and DeliveryA-Z I ' 'mNe

~,t;".... . SimoDi2ine. Etc.


B..c:on.field and Jeffenon

•Y... do not care to sell, l.t .. ""Pair ,oar e.u

TI'J Our E.Z Tim. Paym ... t Plaa


ALFRED F. STEINER COMPANYFord - Mercury. Lincoln.Zepbyr Salea &: Sernce

• 1198t Mack Ayenue at Grayton Nf. 4000

TUt ...


Excellent for Finishing

Recreation Rooms


BRONZE SCREENINGFor Re-Screening Your Porch - CALL



Miller Screen & Sash Co.17801 'lack Avenue

For a Free Eatimate

Call LI. 2-1990Royal Oak

Genuine Knotty PinePanelling

Rave the Backsand Seats




Of ,.our Oarome Oaain ....eo"ered. We hue a limitedamount of prewar leather-ette on band.

Wanted-Used Cars

1938 - 1939 - 1940Models




Grady Roofing Co.Get tII. Ricbt F"l'IlllCet,h. Ricllt C.. pea,..... You'll B. Rlilll for

Y..... t. Co_

LEnox 1185

Furnaces RepairedWe Have in Stock - Minneapolis-Honeywell Thermostats

IMMEDIATE ,INSTALLATIONFumace6 In.talled, CleaDed, Reeet, ReIIlUilt-Pipe In.ta1Jed.nlll'1DOltatl! Elbow•• Dam~ fire Bow!., erates. WaterPan .. A.h Pit Top•• All part. III .tock-Immediate Service-Skilled medJaniCl employed.


MichiganOrnamentalIron Works

16901East JeffersonDRexel 0571

• There is • natural sense O(

.. curity in (ollo ....lng lbefooutllps o( thOM wbo know.Lonl alo. tile phYlioan. ofdaio commwl}'-ancl theirpade tJai. pat-

_aC7 Presujplioa Head.quanen. Tbq lamed dialOW' UDifonal, fre5h, poteat

drop are backed by the sen.Ices of skilled .~cialistf.

Insulin Avatlablein All Quantities




BOB'SDRUGS%1834Mack ro. 1.2420



About.Face Act Visiting Nurles Maintain Richard School and make thm entry into Bro"nell New Wrapping FilmUmon contracts with various steel High Number of Calli JunIOr hIgh school. Nearly all of the T d d__ NEW S other chIldren of the school on ree-npene oranges an grape-

companIes, slgned in the spring of \\' h f' h - - - go frUIt WIll reach the breakfast tableslt an a\ erage 0 nlnety-elg t "'th thelr same teacher t1945 to run untIl October, 1946, had nurses on thelf slaff during the past -- th t th ' e'Cc~p Ingf of Amenca this year WIlh freshnessclau d I h h . Th b d I f h R' h d a ere lS some reorganlzallon 0 .ses un er '" llC t e unton year the V's\lln~ N'nrse Assoclallon e oys an glr sot e IC ar h and £Ia\or of fresh P ICI..lng, due to

d 'd' ' ~ • h I h' d t e SIxth grade.agree not to stfll\e urlng tne hfe cared for 29,281 patIents, or an a\er- s: 00 are a\lOg a t"o- ay vaca- gIO\e-t1ght ",rappmg of plastic filmof the formal agreement. age of 298 pallents per nurse S,X- tlOn today and tomorrow, wh,le their At the present lime the sl'Cth grade developed by industry.----------Iteen of thesc nur>es, ho\\ e\ er, de- teachers are completing, anous rec- ,s dl~lded mto three different groups .==

'oted all their tIme to admmlstratlve ords of the first semester and get- and throllgh the addItion of anotherand supervl~ry worl... SC\ en sen ed ling ready for the opening of the sec- teacher next semester these combi-as mdustnal and school nurses and ond semester. It hardly seems pos- nation sectIons wllI be el1mmated.the,r patients are not counted 10 the ~Ible that a half of the school year There ",II be t", 0 6A classes, onetotal is already 0\ er under the gu,dance of Ernestme

Vmllng nurses a\Craged sc\'en vis- \Vh,le most of the pupIls of the Gocha and the other under CeeilyltS per day droppIng from the eIght school WIll ha\C the same teacher Harder. The 6B class at present be.they malOtamed In pre\\ar years for the second half, a number of 109 taught by ~frs. Westfall. a tern.Poor transportatlon, fe"er automo- classes mo\C on to new teachers The ponry substItute teacher, wlll bebIles and greater tllrno-er 10 staff afternoon kmdergarten class goes taught next semester by John Ham-\\ ere gn en as reasons for thIS de- mto the first grade and h ,Blanche me!.cline, The number of \l5its per pol- Kefgen as their teachcr. There is a Thc t"o new staff members were. hst of 44 children" ho are elther five both former teachers In the Grosse

lIent has decreased only shghtly dur- years old or who Will be fi\ e by POinte schools Both ha' e been in109 the past five years dechmng ,f I Ii

. Apnl I, who come mto the beglO- theIr countr) s servIce for severalrom a lItt e 0\ er ve 10 1941 to 47

10 1945 nmg kindergarten of LOIS Arends years. Erne5tme Gocha formerly_________ Blanche Kefgcn's 2:\ group goes mto taught upper grade art and core

the JB With Elsema Nault as the subjects at Rlchard school and Johnteacher, Elsema Nault's combmatlOn Hammel was a staff member of the4B-4A become a 4A-5B With Ruth :Mason school. The Richard schoolBackes as the teacher. Ruth Backes' is very happy to welcome them back

class of 6:\'s leave RIchard school to the fold.







Window Shades


MARATHONTire Service


Prompt Service - Expert Mechanics

Available to Serve You NOW on All Chrysler Cars



luaranteed Workmanshjp-Low PricesBU~IPING and PAINTING


Have Your Tires RecappedWhile You Work

Lake Shore Motor Sales14615 E. JEFFERSON

Can left before It a.m. win be ready hy 6 p.m. with all tiresCM"efull,. iDapected, repaired or recapped where nece .. ary.


v.... ClUJIer. ud S.wi... MaeJU.e Repa.In - Pub fw AD....... - Pickup &lid Deli• .., Senic. - W. Do .......p Repain

allp&iri ... of B•• ty Parlor 0..,. ..... eI Eloctric Eq,.ip ..... t


"We.tern" Venetian Blind.* AGAIN AVAILABLE *Made to Fit Your Window

Standard \Vindow Shade CompanyJSt15 Eo Warren at BuckiD,ham TU 2.S440

~Order Your AwningsNOW

Back to Pre-WarMaterials

Treated for Rot and MildewNow Available

Fer Nest SpriDr Delivery

Belle IsleAWNING CO.

7601 E. Jefferson~~~~ Fl. 2293


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