resume resume philosophy of education philosophy of education philosophy of education certificates...

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Resume Philosophy of Education Certificates and Certification Student Work Lesson Plans Contributions to the Community Letters of Recommendation and Notes

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Eric Alexander SeibertHawally, Block 237

Zergaa Al Yemama StreetBuidling 5

Summary of Qualifications*Five years of instruction of Limited English Proficient Students.

*Experience in Curriculum Development, second language acquisition and teaching methodologies.

*Academic training specializing in Second Language Acquisition, Cooperative Learning, Tribes and Total Physical Response for

teaching English as a Second Language.*Senior advisor and mentor for students transitioning into

university life

Professional Experience Educator

Universal American School, Kuwait City, Kuwait August 2009-present Teacher of World History for tenth grade. John F. Kennedy School, Jurica, Queretaro, Mexico August 2008 - July 2009 Teacher of World History for eighth grade.

English First - Tianjin, China - Spring 2008 TEFL Teacher to Chinese students ranging from early childhood to adult. Bernotas Middle School - Crystal Lake, IL - Fall 2007 Student teacher in Social Studies, Reading, Writing, and Spanish to 59 8th grade students.


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Additional Experience

Resident Assistant - Western Illinois University - Macomb, IL - Fall 2005 and Spring 2006

Assessed and responded to the needs of 40 multi cultural/diverse male residents.

Orientation Team Member - Western Illinois University - Macomb, IL - Summer 2005, 2006, and 2007

Assisted new students and their families in transition to WIU and facilitated registration programs.

Cannon Crew Member – US Army – Fort Riley, Kansas – Summer 2000-2002

Assisted in training new soldiers on the M109 Paladin

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Masters in Specialization in Bilingual Education.

American College Of Education - Chicago, IL

GPA: 4.0

Education Bachelor of Arts in Spanish/History

Western Illinois University - Macomb, IL

(Teacher Certifications) - December 2007

Cumulative GPA: 3.5/4.0

Spanish Major GPA: 3.8/4.0

History Major GPA: 3.3/4.0

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Experiential Learning

Higher Level Thinking Skills

Integrating Technology

Other Class Projects

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Louis XVI on Trial The final project for our unit on the French Revolution will be interesting and fun! It will

combine all the information and ideas we will learn in the unit so that you will understand and remember them.

As a class, we will be conducting a Court Trial. You will put King Louis the xvi on the stand. If he is found to be guilty, he will be sentenced to death by the guillotine.

I will assign each of you a role from the following cast of characters: King Louis the XVI; Marie Antoinette; the presiding judge and two advisors; King Louis the XVI’s lawyer, the prosecuting lawyer the revolutionaries Maximillien Roberspierre and Georges Danton; and the Enlightenment thinkers Voltaire, Astell, Wollstonecraft, and Rousseau. Also, two of you will represent the Catholic clergy; two will represent the Nobles; three will represent the middle-class; and three will represent the peasants of France.

You will each individually be part of a larger group along with classmates who have a similar role. You will each be responsible for working with your group to come up with a historically accurate position for or against sentencing the King to death.

With your group you will need to learn about your unique history, view of the world, life experiences and living conditions within French society in the 1600’s and 1700’s. You will need to understand the social, economic, political and environmental causes and effects of the French Revolution and be able to describe its major events. Also, you will need to be able to analyze primary sources and use them in your research. You will need to provide evidence to support your reasoning and anticipate counter-arguments to your position.

You will need to work effectively on your own and in a group to be successful in this project. Each of you will be responsible for either writing a statement or appearing in court to give testimony.

Bonus marks will be awarded to those who chose to come to trial in appropriate costume. The “Rubric” on the following page explains clearly what I expect of you and what you will

need to do to be successful in this project. I will tell you more about the project as we go and I look forward to seeing you all in court!

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Trial Photos

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8th Grade Islam Project.Upon reading the letter for acceptance into your study abroad program, you must gather information that will help you understand and appreciate the Islamic way of life. You will need to feel comfortable living with a Muslim family in Syria for the second semester of this school year. Expectations:•You will be expected to keep a scrapbook of your experiences both before and during your stay. •You will present your scrapbook to the class at the conclusion of this project. •Be sure to look at the list of resources for other sites that will help you with your project.•You will need to put in as much creativity in this project as possible. Materials:•Black construction paper for scrapbook, pencil, paper, glue stick, scissors Internet access, •maps, markers, large paper for banner. Evaluation Your journal will be judged on the following areas:•historical and geographical accuracy •creativity in your scrapbook •"photographs" of your trip •details of the sights, sounds and tastes of your trip

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European Chivalry Vs.

Japanese Bushido

Day Instructional Objective Activities/ Assignments Materials Used Codes*

1 Students will -Explain forces for change that result in increasing world interaction: Belief systems (religion and politics)EconomicsEthnicity/genderCulture-Identifies ways in which the natural environment shaped the First Global Age in Europe and Asia. -Understand ways that social and environmental factors and culture are related. -Identify how patterns of behavior can reflect cultural values and attitudes.

1. (5-10 min.) Introduce Feudalism in Japan. Write down on the board: Political, Social, and Cultural. Teacher will present information for students. (lecture 10-15 min.) In Japan there was a feudal society that existed. Weak Emperors allowed for Daimyos to become more powerful. Write down and explain vocabulary: Daimyo, Farming, Samurai, shoguns, bushido, Shintoism and Buddhism (zen), Haiku and role of Women in Japanese society.Students use Graphic organizer to compare and contrast Feudal Japan and Feudal Europe .

world map, text 4,8

2 Students will -Explain how historical legacies have facilitated global understanding or caused misunderstanding.-Understands that religious and philosophical ideas have been powerful forces throughout history.-Identify patterns of social and cultural continuity in various societies and analyze ways in which people maintained traditions and resisted external challenges.

1. Using Samurai, and Knight, students create a coat of arms. Students will have to design a shield in their own style and explain their coat of arms.

2. Students must have a shield, with an artistic display, a poem half page explaining significance of lifestyle.

3. A page description must be written explaining their coat of arms. They may work on this with a partner, but will have to present their coat of arms to the class.

internet, computer, 10, 11

3 Students will -Explain how cultural attitudes, values, and beliefs influence personal behavior and the development of personal identity. -Recognize the foundations of one's own and others' viewpoints

1.Students in a presentation will explain their coat of arms. It is important that they use social conduct and etiquette that was discussed for all styles of medieval art. 2.Teacher will facilitate discussion on coat of arms and comparison to today’s coat of arms. What institutions today have a coat of arms?What types of qualities do they look for?-Students in groups search for answers and compare similarities and differences.1.Examples: sports, business, friends, family, schools, fraternities, etc.

internet, cornell notes, 1,11

Class: 8 A, B, C, D Medieval Europe Coat of Arms

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Crusader Project

Dear Crusader,You have just returned from your long journey crusading across the European continent. It was a long and adventurous voyage and all of your friends and family are interested in what you saw. Remember, most people in Europe have only seen their manors and the church at the center of town. They have never been to any other place in Europe. Using your journal that marked every step of your trip, you will tell them what you saw.Your assignment will be to write a journal of ONE crusade that includes the following:•4 pgs. Written OR 2 pgs. typed, Times New Roman, 12 font, double spaced describing your journey.

You must write about people: who do you meet, who do you travel with, nationalities, languages, clothes, styles (You are going through foreign lands. Who do you see and tell me everything you know about these people? Include Arab people from the Middle East.)You must write about places: Along your journey, you must write about the different places you see. Include:mountains, rivers, lakes, hills, houses, castles, grasslands, seas, deserts, etc. (What do you see and what isthe temperature like in these areas? You must write about purpose: Why are going on this journey. Depending on which crusade you choose, you must tell me what the intent and purpose of your mission is on the trip.

•A drawn detailed map that includes the following (This map will not be copied from the computer. (***YOU WILL •DRAW OR TRACE THIS MAP. THERE WERE NO COPY CENTERS IN MEDIEVAL TIMES SO I SHOULD NOT •SEE COPIES FROM A COMPUTER):

Dates of when you arrived and how long you stayed.Colors of Geographic features: rivers, mountains, grasslands, lakes, sea, desert, etc.Exact detailed route of the way you traveled to the promise land.Cities: You need to include not only major cities, but small towns in the case that you stop by in a place for a night. If they are large or small cities they should be labeled as such (example a big dot for a big city and a small dot for a small city.All countries that you pass through (you should label the political borders and territories along the way.)The map may be large but no larger than a poster board ‘8’ by ‘11’ and no less than a regular sheet of paper.

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My history and social studies class used technology in a variety of ways such as:

* Webquests * United Streaming Videos * Websites * Visits (walk through a market and

mosque in Syria)

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Research: Students will select the topics mentioned below randomly from the instructor. Student pairs will be responsible for defining, and recognizing the significance of their respected topic. In addition, student pairs will be responsible for the following: terms/definitions/importance of, dates/year/month, places/city/country, and names/positions/titles, activities/works/famous pieces. Furthermore, for your visual display you will need to provide pictures or visual aids to support your research. The topics will range from the following:

1. art 2. fashion 3. weapons 4. food 6.architecture/ engineering 7.iterature/Writers 8. families and social classes 9.occupations/ jobs 10. famous leaders 12. inventions/science and technology 13. music

Reflection: On February 5th and 6th (depending on which section you are in) you and your partner will be responsible for giving information to other groups at your booth. Your visual display will be ok, but someone will still need to be present and answer questions for other students in the class.

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Student Council leadership to High SchoolStudent Council leadership to High School Conversational English Teacher to JFK Conversational English Teacher to JFK

Middle SchoolMiddle School SUNS Model United Nations SimulationSUNS Model United Nations Simulation IMMUNS Model United Nations SimulationIMMUNS Model United Nations Simulation International Day Organizer for High International Day Organizer for High

SchoolSchool High School Senior Advisor

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Dear teacher,

Thanks a lot for your words, it is always nice to learn our kids are doing agood work. I am sure must of the good work has been encouraged by a goodteacher, again thank you and have an excelente Holly day.Julia's

Hi Mr. SeibertMy english is very bad but i would try to write, thanks you to sent this mail, because as you say many times we receive mails about negative information and I want to thanks you because if your class was not interesant I think they wont have good notes. I hope Luis have the same notes for the next year. Have a wonderful Crhistmass and Happy new year.Ana Del Mr. Seibert:I feel very happy for you good  news, is very wonderful to receive congratulations, I feel very proud and I would like to see you soon.  Fernando has been working very hard this year and he is very entusiastic.  We wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of health, peace and love.   Sincerely, Reyna Sánchez de


donalouise@hotmail.comTable of Contents

Mr Seibert, Thank you for your note I already told Pedro. I'm happy to hear that he isdoing fine. He is a good boy and sometimes his effort is taken for granted.He loves to play strategy games and some of the games have a lot of History involved, but he thought that because they were games it wasn't real, so when you began teaching about Rome and some other cultures, and everything was the same, he was astonish because he knew what was next.I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.


HOLA MR. SEIBERT: (Hello Mr. Seibert)¡POR FIN! (Finally)Un maestro que no solo da malas noticias, Es muy importante para nosotros su información porque nos ayuda a motivar a DIEGO a lograr buenos resultados.(A teacher that does not only give bad news. It is very important for us your information because it helps us motivate Diego to achieve good results)MIL GRACIAS. (a thousand thank yous)FAMILIA LIRA (the Lira Family)

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Thank you for your message, and also thank you for being an instructor that is interested in their students. Y appreciate it very much. Happy holidays and wishing you the best for next year.   Sincerly, Luisa Cal y Mayor de Meyer.

Mr. Seibert: Thank you for your email. Diego enjoys your class and subject. You may be sure we do not see teachers as people sending negative information, but as positive instructors and we hope that shows in Diego's performance in school. Have a good holiday.Saludos,Claudia Villegas (Diego Valadez' mom)

Mr. Seibert:Ha sido un gran gusto leer su mail. Estamos muy orgullosos de nuestra kamilla. Sabemos por comentarios de ella que Usted es una excelente persona y corroboramos que también es un gran profesional.(It has been a great pleasure to read your email. We are proud of our Kamilla. We know for the comments of her that you are an excellent person and we corroborate that you are a great professional.)Le deseamos lo mejor para estas fechas y que el año próximo este colmado de bendiciones. (We wish you the best of the dates for the next year and an abundant of blessings. Con aprecio, (With appreciation)Luz y Alexander von

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Hi Mr. Seibert,I just wanted to say thank you for your kind words on Emad's report card.  It is always nice to hear GOOD things.  So many people (and teachers) tend to dwell on the negative.  Thanks again.  Please keep me updated on how things are going.Sue

Dear Mr. Eric, I am Riadh Salem Abdulmajeed Ebrahim, father of Soad who is studying in Grade 11. We feel so lucky to have gotten you as a teacher this year. Soad loves your class from the start and never grow bored. You help her get organized, motivated, and above all, interested in learning, which is no small feat. The whole family thanks you!  I respectfully request you to continue giving her your special care and let us know about the progress of his studies regularly thru mail/cell.Have a good day!!!  Riadh Salem Abdulmajeed Ebrahim

Manager - Public RelationsAshraf & Co.KuwaitEmail : ral_ibrahim@yahoo.comMobile : +965 66443355


From:Sue (

Sent: Thu 11/19/09 10:17 AM

To: Eric Seibert (

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