--- trk4$ifi@% fl~~m~~xis~ion of the state of south …...plant 1 tnpro\-eme~its s5,420,000 st~itcl~...

Post on 24-May-2020






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$$$ IlOCKET KO. -I..----------- +*dk - ? - -:=***- --.*. , liC .. i.l*-- =I--- - .XI_I-Y,,----*. ". _. _ __ --

$ @*a ..= :a* %+g++ -+$ FZ 25% ?&'Fuf#% OF THE REQUEST OF -. - --


- ---

$*s%%i'riq; trk4$ifi@% f l ~ ~ m ~ ~ x i s ~ i o n of the State of South Dakota - - - -7'' ur=='r-z, - . " * _ - -- - -- . - .. - ~ I I rloiz \ \ I ) +

,. BEFORE THE - ; : , - , : 1.:- A - -

:>i,brg' g - g r aj..$KO.F.A Pt'B1,IC' UTikiiTEES COMMISS~ION 1 - - - J-:: - k:::

ra a $ 3 I F I ~ . ,oE r, t : 'r i~~ RF,~UEST OF f f kt.58' 8 Ti:' FEi4 k=.;4 ~P,t-BMCr14r'IC,.1 iTbOIVS COQBPERA TIIerE, INC. FOR C ERTI FFCATHON

HBiQCK1ET NO. - R$-Z~SK$$B%C~ 1 E h $;SE OPF X:it",1,3ER4L UNlVERSAL *.jF.Mi 82 $: 3f.:%"kfPK'S"

';j'd;:YJ,f?Pu , f'l,'f,E:IT'IS:\~~i\iU~YICC'~1TION,S COOPERATJF'E, IhfC. by and through its

!;:rtrrt.ir!.a i t ICccltrcst for Certification to tlie South Dakota Public Utili~ies

- i +.a;,:,;,,, .,.Lax - - 1 't:~nluriil;srnti") sccking certification from tlie Commission p~usuant to 47 C.F.R. $

- , 7 , 20t11, thc Fcdcral Conim~inications Commission (FCC) released an Brddcr

:65 1:1; il,*~l;,"pdl t~ntvei.sril scr-vice support mechanism for rural carriers.' This Order

$z,-'b -:j~:- ~ I : ~ V Q ~ C : C ? L ~ ; ~ [ I I C "Fourtucnth Report and Order"), in part, codifies at 47 C.F.R. $

' 1 . i .? -i'il .t I<+r~rclrrt:rrt l i ~ r Statcs co provide a certification regarding federal u~~i\lersal scnricc

;.cucrvcil by rural incumbent local exchange carriers and/or other eligible

/ .

- - , - ; : ~ ~ . ~ ~ : ; ! 3 c r * i ~ , a ~ j ~ - i i ' t s C ; I ~ I ' I U I S l~r (~ t~ id lng s e i ~ i c e in niral service areas. Pursuant to sucli 1-ule, states

4:- ,;- < I . J ~ ? L . is,ti ,+i ciirrlcrs u'i thin elicir jitrisdiction to receive future federal universal scn.ict:

3 t t B : - 1 3 ", a ~ ' : t r q ~ ~ ' i l i : .in L i t 1 1 1 ~ i i t l ccrti t i c ~ ~ ~ i o t ~ ~vitli the FCC and the Universal Senrice ad mini strati^.^

,C.; , r l .,,, ,_,, 5 . a + . i. , t a !.i .>-it '"! r;tiiiittg that fcderal high cost support provided to such carriers within that

W , uri; 5,: %jseib cnrriy for tile provision, maintenance, and upgrading of filcilities a ~ i d sel-vices

. - 5 :ir:' \ ! i i a - Z ~ ih.: LiilFf;3i?St IS i11\~11dcd. This certificatio~i requirement applies to various categoriits of

+-,;,:-r,i9 :>rr r~~r~~i ' i stlri.rcc support, including suppol-i. provided pursuant to 47 C.F R. $8 54.3ui.

b' * * .>" s % + + % , P S : ~ ~ t ~ r 5.4 307, r~ndios 47 C.F.R. Part 36, Subpart F (high-cos~ loop supporr. local

4 .;,irl -. ii;rig !.tipport, safv[y net additive siipport, and safety valire support). Suppon provided

i*:~:.ii"z t l i ~ ~ k ~ FC'C. rutc prc)\~~sions will only in the filturc be made availaljlc if the S;n?t.

t-,:,ti;14'i\i+.srm filcf ihc r~yi t~si t t ' certificatio~l pursuant to 54.3 14.

2 t%r: ccrt l i icat to~i rcyulrcd for rural can-iess to sece1t.e federal unikersaf s c i ~ i c e sta~apoP:

h: ,:il tizirr sp~;trtet'~ dur~ng calendar- year 2002 is currentl). due ro be frlcd n i t l i thc FCC' ;trid

f -% $4.' 4 3 3 01.. t~cti>rc October 1. 7001, Thc certification may be prcsenled la E~ICSC c l ~ i i t ~ r : ~ rn ti'rc

i h ~ i i t i i r ! ,r jc:ti~t. the S~;itc Commission. The letter must idcntib \~l-ricli carriers in tllc Stat<:

,iZr c i ! g l f ~ k rcceivc kdcral sul~pol-t during the 12-moiitli period and must cerlify ih;3 the

1 - , 4 4 b l i : ' ~ i l b l ~ ~ / \vi]l ~)111y use the support for tlie provision. maintcnanoe, ar~d upgr:tbir.tg af

:,r, ri;irt:% ;rtrt,t set-\ tccs for \vhicIi tlie support is intended.

,'i l,YTEI\'S7:.f TL TELECOAlMU!WIC.4 TlOAfS COOPER4 TIYE. 1A'C is a rtrrul rs.-icj.ii~ttl:t*.

? + tlt;it has prcvio~~sly been designated by this Cornmissiort as ctrr cirgtkalc

> ~ : f ~ t i ~ f i i f i 1 ~ t ! \ j < : ~ 1 f 1 ~ i 1 ~ ~ carricr. The Company provides local exchange telcphanc senect.4.

i~?c*l \ i~i i f ig~ ;nil at' tile essential services that are included In the Serlcral dcfiniticsn of utitzcrl;al

-,~~:~i. ki'i:. i:r ,.ipl1rc)x1nlat4 15.070 access lilies n-ithin its established n~rat sen icc L1rc;: i n Stb~tt i i

! k*Q7,%?\,1

-4, 'This Comniiission has limited regulatory oversiglit over I:'iiTl~Ri'i?:f'6"7~

IELf3t 'O:\fl\!l:NIC'.-1 7701VS COOPER4 TIP'E, IhrC, and its provisio1xil7~ (ti' l o ~ i t i ~'ii'b~;~iigt:

\i:rt.~cc:t;. Unilcr SDCL 9 - 1 5 . I . t i e local cschtinge stznlicc rakes sf~argcsi f;ty

r t ~ t : = c L \ ~ ~ l r ~ i i i i ~ c ~ ~ t l ~ l l s c~)opes;lti\'c's. n~unicipal ~elephone systems, a~irl ri~ci~jlc~.tiic:ti!: tr;irrf'iflctrac

i:ul'ilyr;tnies scr\.ing less than fifty thousand local exchange stlbscrib~~s arc ;t~tk;ur; l a i a f i i

i *ir%';;lrg>,ti+t?'s ratCr.tiak~tng aurhority. In cases ivhere State Cornmissions haye 11nzt:eti r~gui~ i f i?

3.1~~i -i,r. id ii3 " :I$ w r~iir;tl c ~ ~ r r ~ e r s , the FCC ]?as ~~idicated that these carrters sllouIci ihen~sclics :t-iilr;~'rer

i.. 5 c ' $ 2S.t-{u'r tltat uni~.ers:ll serx~ice support will only be used for tlte pravision, nrtlinrtr~anze,

4:lif ti;*!:i:tdit~g 131' facilities and services for which the suppo1-t is intended. Based on [Itis flfed

~ ~ \ . k r t , 't! ri, ,tnlicipateil that the State Con~niission may make the appropnakc certification tcr the

bk" +

S 'f'llc p~ir-pose ol' !his filing is to provicic infornlation constitt!~it~g 16W7TRJ'7:-IT%:'

i i~':-fC'iiiJ,llt','i.If '. 1 Tit3h;Y COOPERA TiC'E. iNC. 's plan for tlic use or' irs fcsicral t t i s i t ct q,:bi

# r t ~ r v ~ ~ q l - : : i t ipl~~l=t and to othenvise verify that lA~TERSE4TE TEf,ECOi'llfhfl!l!ttZ'I~"lufT!ff:k~~.$

t r BhrPIF!:X..t771 'E. f:YC-' ~ 1 1 1 use alI federa! universal servicc silppori rcccivtsd ial ki rrlstrrrrrr t!l,h$ fs

ki~srh,;-brttzra v-rth the federal unik-ersal senrice pro~~isions of 47 U.S.C. $ 154.

(1; I r r tikc process of deterniini~ig whether federal uni\-ersal servtct: suppm 1s ~ I S ~ G tfi +I

irl,ri'itii'r r + r ~ t ~ ~ ~ ! c n t :vith the Federal Conimunicatiolis Act, the " t~ni~crsal st'r~icc prrricx~ai<:*'~

t:.ir,rf>list~c~f in Section 254(b) are instructive. That Section states that tile FCX' sitnl: 4>,ksg:

"*~~t \ l rc i~ ' s for t l ~ ~ preservation and advancement of universal sen-icc" o n ocrwtarn, syocii~c;rl$y

identified principles:

( I ) Qiraliry scrvices should be available at just, reasonable. a r ~ d affonlablc mics;,

i l f ) .%ccess to advar~ced teleco~~imunicntions and infotonnaiiolr scrviccs slncr~iid hc: prcj';t~letl in 311 regions of the Nation.

(3) e'omsu~ncrs in all regions of the Nation, including 101,s.-incot~tc consirmcrs a:;$! rhosr: in rural. insnlar, and high-cost areas. slioiild h a ~CCPSS ti"p

tcleccltn~i~~~nicatlons arid infomiation sen~ices. inclutiing interexclrai~gc S S C ~

;:nd advanced telecommunications a i d infonilation scnfices, ihat ar.2 ~ei~.;tsslzrab& co~nparahlc to those services provided in urban alveas slid thtrt :Ire avarlidsfc ,$a

' i Lrur~rctitil Kcport and Ordcr, 9' 1 SS

rates that arc rcas~)~lably colliparable to rates cllarged h r ~~ill i i i ir SCTV~CCS i t1 UT!?;~~I

3scas. . . .

(0) E l c ~ ~ ~ e i ~ i i l c and secondary schools and classrooms, Itcafth care pro~irfcri. ;~xid

fthrarlcs sllould Iia\.e access to [certain] advanced telecommnntcrttit~~~s ser-I IWS .

7. Thc FCC has declined to dictate specifically liow the srdtris sf~o~ilii c'tislfre rhdl C M ~ T I C ! ~

;trc5 rtsirlg federal ~riii\lersal se~vice support cu~lsistent ~vith the fcdrrat Eiatv. l ~ t ~ i h ~ i s ~.+E-i'cg::~$

cr,wtr~ptcs oS lirlis. the suppol-t can be used to appropriately further universai scraiczr gts,ti% B EiL

[$-I statc could [use the federal support to] adjust irltrastare ratcs, UF ~3thcr";c"tr;em slirsct carriers to use tlie federal support to replace inipiicit 1ntr;lsiare t~ralvcrs~st ~ c ; ~ , i c e support to high cost rural areas . . ,. :'I sfiltc could also require carriers to use tlie federal si~ppc~rt to upgrade Factftttc~ in rtu-al areas to ensure that seivices provided in rhosi: areas arc re:t%2jt;~bfy oomparablc to services provided in urban areas of the state.'

S. Thc FCC provided the above examples as illustratisc ar~d rut% csharrr;tive: i:k,i~%lj~fc> i r - f

I n t ~ w support can bc used consistent with Section 254(e). Other uses are ;Ipirnrpw.i;trc ftris~ri!k:~f $I:%,-

Stnit Coi~ln-iission believes they are consiste~it with the fcdcral ur.tivt=i-snl ~cr$figc

otigibify. telec~nlmu~~ications carrier has received federal universal scnfrc suppntr ir? tiav p:t.r; ;r-r:gi

cxlsccts to rccei\re support diiring calendar year 2002. As ~f this aitltc, $part"i$ia" Sitf")D:L.Lf6k41fkF!'i

ille Company should receive in 2002 have not yet bee11 identificti by l;SA(" 1 !B: % ' o ~ ~ ? ; I z : .

hi)\~cvcr, offers the following estimates concerning the support it CXpcits 3 ~ 3 TZCiSEi c'*

' Xinth Kcpol? and Order and Eiglitee~ztli Older on Rcconsidcra~~an In C'C' Ikl;k~": ?;<T + ) f t - f i iir: :I:,: ?,%;:ttgn .,E $I:$ bcilcml-State Jo~n t Board on Uni\*ersal Senrice), FCC 99-306. a: 96, Suvcn?bcr ? tWj% S Jt should hc lioted that 1-ong Temi Support arnounls are nut rcfercncsd bccauw tilts FC Ci' EL$* ii':ufi<:\:r'-.: :%xr ;! ,r:I/ rieti wttil ccrt~licatlon under 47USC Scc11o11 254 ( e ) for thcsr amour~ts See i4tb iKc;r.f:i . ~ t r ~ j Ijrcjsar ft~=>i;:,~*:-, ~ ~ 1 : ' ~ : #-;


I.rtc;~i Sn ilwllrt?g Support (DEM Weighting) S565.050

" i i ' c 11;tt.c ~ncc t the TPlS trigger, but since no d a ~ a \$,as availabIe we were ~nslslr: ~25 t i i 3 tk l l~ .

Erl. Ftsr ~i i l~" i l d3~ year 3002, INTERST,4TE TELEC'O;\LiZfLjNIC=fTION,? COOI-J/r"ft**! a;ifc*FF

fiVC: intclids to nmkc the following network facility and equipn~ent in1.estr31enis:

Plant 1 tnpro\-eme~its S5,420,000

S t ~ i t c l ~ Lipgrades S 400,000

i.,anp Rcplaccnients S 1.270,000

Broadband Services f 1.71 8,750

S u ~ ~ c t Ecluipmc~~t S 1,560,000

Prqjected I'otal 5 10.368.750

11,. 111 pro\.iding locai exchange teleconi~i~u~licatiorts sesvlccs. I,f/TKRS?:-tEf

TE~-EC'O~Z.~I\~UNIC,~J TIOAJS COOPER4 TIVE, I'VC'. will zlsu illcur otlrcr cost:;. 2;:

2002, lhesc costs will include:

Cct~trnl OSlicc Expenses S 394,973

Oursicie Plant Expense $5,327.025

Misccllarieous S 1,025,566

General Sr Administrative S 1,869.3 10

Projected Totfel SS15 16.574

I 2 , I,'\ l'I.'I.'I.K,S7:4 7-L TEL*EC'O12 I;ZIC'.1'ICCC4 T10,1:Y C'OCIPER.4 TI f 'E, I.'\'( ' cst I marc*;

that tlrc iota1 costs described aboi~e relating LO ~ t s planncci iict\~clrk facility arnri

utltiltamcnl ~llvostments arid otl~el- espenses ro bc ~ncul-reti in provrditzg iocitI

c'i;clu~ngc ~clccornniun~ca~ions scl-vlccs \a.ill exceed 1 S nil ilion dal1;trs.

r ' l . C'uiisistent \\it11 the uniiw-sdl service principles scl forth i i i the t;.ricrcif iuat

, i :~lso thc recent FCC orders referenced herern, I,VTIfIIS'I:~IfE'

ITa9L f:1'0.11,\ I l!/VlC.,I TIONS COOPER4 TIJ 'E, IhiC wit 1 rlsc fcricral tnraiserx:gt

t;t.t.slicc nmounts received in 2002 (esti~iiated in paragrriph '3 Itcreln) to cti35ct ,t

pc)nlcltI 01' ~hcse total costs. This use of federal universal service supprln ~ t ! t

ctt;ibl t /.L'TI3?ST.,I TE TL'L ECO.M\.ILI/VIC',4 T/O:li,S COOI'ERcl TI E'E, /:VC '. IU: I E j

m;tllrtarn rares Ibr its local exchange services that are affoi-dabte nrtd rcasc>r1rtif7l~

co~xq>;wal-rlc to r a m being charged for tlie same services in urban arcirs; nr~tt f 23 10

:tjrg~'adt: r ts tolcco~~in~iinications facilities and equipmertt its nr=eessnr)= ~o xs;cc8

, . ctolvlng str\,ice rccluirenients and maintain lziglr quality scri~icc. I!IC tist: mi

i;.clci.al un~\,ersal soritlce supporl for these pulposes is clearly ccmstsrrmt x%~rh tlac

1L.dur;lI uili\w-sai ser\~ice provisions.

1.4. Based on all of tlic foregoing infoinialioi~ arrd also tilt Aflitisrit n i I'BI':2S

.+INl>ERSON, attached as Exhibit '4, INTERST:I TE TI;ILE_'C'OA1;5!1 '.L'il :91?"r'ja.5;

C'OIlPER,4 TIT 'E, INC. requests that this Conimissioll issiic an i i P P ~ i > ~ ~ f i i i t ~

crrtification to tlie FCC and USAC indicating 11;at JrY7EK,5-l:~2I-lc

T E L ~ ~ C O I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ I C ~ I ~ ~ I C ~ - ~ T I O ~ ~ ~ S COOPER2~1TIP'E. IhlC'. is in compiirinc~~ *,v:ri~ 41

C:.S.C'. Q 254(e) and should reccltfe all tdcral ur-rivrrsai se1-vrc.e support

rlcicnn~neri for distribution to thc Company In 2002. in ol-cicr- ir> tltzsurc thnr :liis

ce~rrrfici~llon is ~ssued ro the FCC prlor to October 1. 2fjOl. f,3'1ElL%K4i-E

7-EL EC'OA 11Z1 L'IVIC'.J~ TI ONS C 'OOPER4 TIL'E, 1A'C'. v:ould ftlnl~rr ask x ! ~

Cornrtiission to expedite the process that is initiated ltascct on thrs filing

U;;tcri khis I Oil1 day of August, 200 I .

South Dakota Public Utilities Commission

WEEKLY FILINGS Fst the Psaiacl af August 9, 2001 through August 15,200"1

ff yOu na@d s complete copy of a filing faxed, overnight expressed, or mailed to you, please ~orrtact P&;t;sin@ Katbu within five business days of this filing. Phone: 605-773-3785 Fax: 605-773-3809


C T Q % ~ $ B in the Mai3er of the Con~plaint filed by Calvin L. Pfienis, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, ogainst Dlroct One Corn.Long Distance Regarding Unauthorized Billing for Servicss.

''A8 i:ir~raja;~t:bi*":a!4! states that Cilrect One Com.Long Distance charged hrs credit card for unauthofrzed sr?ntlr;e 1<:7t'-?Sw?a"il at;g:as that when he contacted Direct One Com.Long D~stance, he was told th t he ordered 3 , = fabsr;l 3 company called Cornerstone and In the order he agreed to Direct One Com.Long Distance

i 2-i p-ip *. .-, iz* - .$- .a, - l$enr~s that he author~zed service and states that he does not know what Cornerstone IS - , -,,+8ds?~"?! e ~ ; & @ ~ ~ ~ that the Public Utilit~es Commiss~on put thls company out of busrness rn South Dakota, -+sa=*+r. *"~r:d ~ ~ . ? z I \ ~ I c s under S ~ u t h Dakota Law, and remove the charges

?&ff &iiia>st Maty kiealy ."; ,., .%,tcencJg += s Yolly Frarier ;::;~ilisw&$~ekef@;d 08r'l3/01 3n$&?gglni;f$r? Oeadbne NIA

PC03 -TOW. fn tho Matkor sf the Request of Faith Municipal Telephone Company for CerbiPjcati.cn Regarding its Use of Federal Universal Service Support.

" + ;:s;iajirrb$ sl this hlrng is to provide ~nformatlon const~tuting Fa~th Rnun~c~pal Telepllone Compaay's pian F.;.,r :-.c -.ss 1 f( 15:: te5i~~33 i~r~ iv~rsa- l servrce support and to otherw~se verify that Faith Munlc~pal Telephone Company KC;

.. ~ r . i@3$isrBi ~:raivarsal servtce support rece~ved rn a manner that is consistent wrth the federal untvecsai S ~ ~ Y ~ C E 1. Q~ . -?*i. ? dd P.7 U S C Sect~on 254

LL ,,.,* 9 3c$.e . .t2?ab3+zif; t. LtLarlan Best ~ L Y * ~ A:!mntq Karen Cremer ?:&sx:, ;?+LI*;~,&I>~ Gail 8!0 I :trp -trrP~'?tj:>? Oaadllne 08/24/01

Bdii91.$ Dd In the Matter of the Request of Kennebec Telephone Co., Inc. for Certification Regarding its Ils;e of Federal Universal Service Support..

-1 , ?7 I : v ; ~ $ ~ I " : & ~ ~ of t ~ ~ t i fibng ts lo prov~de ~nformation const~tutlng Kennebec Telephcne Co., lnc 's ptan far the use sf

-:% !&%tai einivet'xal oemrce support and to otherwise verify that Kennebec ielepi-rone Co., lnc vt~ll use all haera! ~ ? H Y + ~ B ~ SBNLCB SUP POT^ recelved in a manner that is consistent with the federal un~versal service prov~sictns of $;?y y / $' p -. ~2 $ ~ t k ~ f r 254

f;iiia 2- C s- :ac- k, t ~ ~ ; js t Hartan Best 'iZs_5F4 i k i ~ ~ ~ r q t , ~ Karen Cremer .. ;-..ar;z Y>:--bie:u$ 0811 0!0? r)=?ti!?Ld";eni,iarr Deaftltne 08124101

lTG&;%Irn TGX Its the Matter of the Request of Interstate Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc. for Gart#icatien Regarding its Use of Federal Universal Sewice Support.

T-5=&1~3627 In thee Matter of the Application of Vitcom Corporation for a Ceftificzte of AutRariQ to Prov!de Lscaf Exchange Sewices in South Dakota.

A$Dk;&t%Oai Uy VRc0r-n Corporation for a certrficate of authority to provide resold and facil~bes based lomi e46:3$&!4~8 %e&ic@ in South Dakda. Applicant does not propose to offer services in rural areas but ia tIr-te erren: &riy triarrnknt ioeai exchange carrier or competitive local exchange carrier in South Dakota ns grsnzt5-2 a smai 5r ru%g epn~f dxernption pursuant to Section 251 (9 of the Federal Telecommunications kc: of 7996 in the i%ti;:e, $%envitcasn wit! seek authority to operate in such service area(s) as well.

%&ft J%#$l)i'%l Dave Jacobson 340ff A t t Q i f ~ ~ y leelly Frazrer 83% kr9~kr;it;rl- Q8t14101 i~~ierventtarr Qeadl~ne. 08131 101

"PCf3'!-108 in the Matter of the Request of Beresford Municipal Teiephone Company for C~~iR~[;at!ofl: Regarding its Use of Federal Universal Sewice Support.


t R@ [kumtase 01 thrs filrng IS to provide information constituting Beresford Nlunrcipai Telephane CompanyFir'% plarr for !B& ?i$e of it% fadera1 un~versal service support and to otherwise verify that Beresford Muncctpal "Tdephan~ C::s~%psny wili use all federal un~versal service support received in a manner that is consrstefit wtth the fedatat & i n ~ @ ~ s ~ ~ ! service prav~aions of 47 U.S.C. Section 254.

&n8lyaS Harlan Best $Wit Antjrney Karen Cremer Osta Q~Gke2:~d; 0811 510 1 rat@wsnr:aiil Deadline. 08/24/01

"f"%S -di 88 In the Matter of the Request of Jefferson Telephone Company for CePtificatlian Rrsgadrfiive~ its Use of Federal Universal Service Support.

' T b pg;lr-'goae af this filing IS to provide information constituting Jefferson Telephone Co.'s plan for the use af $95 fgd~raf uratversal service support and to otherwise verify that Jefferson Telephone Co. will use all federal urbivsrsa! S@~V$Q suppar! received in a manner that is consistent with the federal universal service provisions of 47 'J S C

254 $

6mlf Anatysr E-larlan Best St&' AEwney: Karen Cremer Daft? B&Ketad. 08/? 510 1 rt$%@manh#n Dsadline: 08/24/01

TW?-$90 In the Matter of the Request of Valley Te~ecornrnunications Cooperative &slsoci~t'ican, !nc- for Certification Regarding its Use of Federal Universal Service Support.

Yha prrrpcise of this filing is to provide information constituting Valley Telecommunications Gaaprat~viue kssn,, tn~: 'k ptSr;:~ for the use of its federal universal service support and to otherwise verify that Valley rff::~~c~nmunicatiuns Cooperative Assn., Inc. will use aH federal universal service support received in a gtanfier @i32 1s esnsrstsn! with the federal universal service provisions of 47 U.S.C. Section 254.

SnaB Anaiyst. Harlan Best 8rn8 Wt5ornay. Karen Cremer



On May 23, 2801, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released 8;i Order concerning the federal universal service support mechanism for rural carriers ' Thrx Order (f~eseafter referenced as the "Fourteenth Report and Order"), tn part, codiftes at 47 5 C F R 54 314. a requirement for States to provide a cert~ficatron regardtng federal rrslrversal servlce support that is received by rural in.surnbent local exchange mrnet-s andlor elig~ble telecommun~cat~ons carriers providing service in rural service ar@as Ptirsuant to such rule, a state that desires rural carriers within its jurisdictmn to recesvs futkirs federal universal service support must file an annual certificaiion w~ th the FCC and the Universal Service Administrative Company (CISAC) stating that federal high cast %i,~p;lpsr9 provided to such carriers within that State will be used aniy for the prr;v!stEn iwainienat-ice, and upgrading of facilities and se:v!ces for which the support rs intended

"P V$6@ 'Y'kis cert~ficat~on requ~rement applies to various categorres of federal untversaf s.,r ~i.ippa.rt tnclud~ng support provided pursuant to 47 C.F.R 95 54 30?, 54 305 andlor 54 3Q7, andlor 47 C.F.R. Part 36, Subpart F (h~gh-cost loop support. local sv:sjftGhing support, safety net additive support, and safety valve support). Support provided ur'rtrie~

$l$SiQfi hhess FCC rule provisions will only be made available in the future if the State Cornrr. f s i ~ ~ the requis~te certification pursuant to § 54.314.

The certification required for rural carriers to receive federal unrversal stippast far ail f ~ u r quarters during calendar year 2001 is currently due to be filed with ttle FCC a - ~ d CJSAC on or before October I, 2001. The certification may be presented to these entit,u@s in tl?e farm of a letier from the State Commission. The letter must identify whrch carneys rn t1?0 state are eligible to receive federal support during the 12-month perrecf and rPrust c@sZrFy %at the carriers listed w~l l only use the support for the provision. maintenance 3~"a.a upgrading of facilities and services for which the support 1s intended.

On August 13, 2001, the South Dakota Public Utilities Cornm~ssion fl=omlnrssion] received a filtng from Interstate Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc (Car-ngaanyj sagardrng its Request for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal %e~d,fics S~ipp~Tt. The purpose of this filing was to provide information constitut~ng Company" pplan

CC Docket No. 96-45, CC Oocket No. 00-256, Ffit1rre.3~3~~.3hhhhhh3g~;i&;i~L7~ . - ijl.;der, Twentv Second Order on Reconsiderat iwi , arj$ "I;*.$- -- - . -A- --- --&".&~~,:*d.iL:;.Jt*

;$GZ_I-X~,:--? of Proposed - Rulemakina in CC Docket No. 95-~:5~-&$5j-3$:;&;,;:-:;, ~s~A-~?,-:-jer in CC Docket No. 0 0 - 2 5 5 , FCC 01-i57, Release5 X+iy 2 : " 2 3 1 2 2 .

f3r f l i ~ me of rtS federal universal serv~ce support and to o t h e ~ ~ r s e verziy tha? Company i*ri 3 % ~ at! federa! unlversal service support received in a manner that is ccnsis!ent v$-r,.s!h [!:a federai unlversal service provisions of 47 U.S.C. § 254 As a part of its pian Cornpa~y iis:$d esfimates of the support ~t expected to recelve from USAC as weti as ti3 estrtnatsd c.:ssts for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facllrties and services i?m A2rda:iit ivi%i attached to the Request for Certificat~on

On August 16. 2001, the Commiss~on electronically transmitted natrce of the fftipf~ '3

3116 t#s mterventton deadline of August 24, 2001, to interested rndivt&ais and ez!i+,i-ei Na padtes saught rnterventron

At tts regularly scheduled meeting of September 7 . 2001 toe Comrtzrssaa- eonsrderei-f thls matter

117e C~rnm~ss~on has jurisdlctlon over thls matter pursuant to SDCL G,̂ ,t-rap:,ers 1-26 49-32. and 47 U S C. § 254. The Commissron found that the Company is eligible to :aecstwe federal support as it states it will only use the support far tlw ppf~~~tsi03"5 matrttenance, and upgradrng of fac~lltles and services far whtch the suppaFii IS ~;nf&nd%d 1-!TG C~mrn~sslon unan~mously voted to approve Company's Request for C5rf:fi~attarr R~gardrng its Use of Federal Universal Service Support It is therefore

ORDERED, that the Company is ellgible to receive federal support as st states tt EV&/

~ n l y use the support for the provision, maintenance, and upgradtng af faciiitieo act.; services for which the support IS intended It is

FURI'HER ORDERED, that the Commtssron approves Compands Reques: la! Certlficatlon Regarding Its Use of Federal Un~versal Service Support

a Dated at Pierre. South Dakota, this . J f i day of September. 2601

BY ORDER OF THE COMMISS5QN Tr~e unders!gned hereby certfies that th~s

Ef~xument has been served today upon all parties of fecorl In t h ~ s docket a s llsted on the docket servlce c.. 2 4 2

S li

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PAM NELSON, Commrsstonsr


O:s:c Capttnl Bu~ldlilg, SO0 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, Soutb Dd:otz 57551 -5270

September 25, 2001

Ms. Magalie R. Salas Foderal Communications Commission Office of the Secretary 445 12th St. S.W. bl~ashington, DC 20554

Z pi.@&& ld@6@ : i3A.&w i?i.+5q**Q73301 MS. Irene Flannery

Universal Service Administrative Company 2120 L Street N.W., Suite 600 Washington, DC 20037

RE: CC Docket No. 96-45, CC Docket No. 00-256. Fourteenth Re&a$-g~$

Proposed Rulemakina in CC Docket No. 95-45. and Rep~rZ ar?d-mg~ CC Docket No. 00-256, FCC 01 -1 57, Released May 23. 2001

Annual State Certification of Support for Rural Carriers

Dear Ms. Salas and Ms. Flannery:

The South Dakota Public Utilities Commissian (Commission) hereby stetes ir:: foilwing rural incumbent local exchange carriers andtor eligible telezommunizg carriers within its jurisdiction have been certified to receive suppurl pursuant CFR $5 54.301, 54.305, andlor 54.307 and lor part 36, subpart F. The carrtgrs 1 below filed requests for certification with the Commissian which suppar: affirmations that all federal high-cost support provided to them will be used on the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for whir, support is intended. The Commission has granted certificatiai? .la the ftcriic companies:

Am-lour Independent Telephone Company Baltic izlecom Cooperative and East Piairls Telecom, lnc. Beresford Municipal Telephone Company Bridgewater-Canistota lndependent Telephone Company Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Telephone Authority Citizens Telecammunications Company of Minnesota, lnc. City of Brookings Municipal Telephone Consalidated Telcom Dakota Community Telephone

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