02 quiz gods_love

Post on 08-May-2015






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Bible Study Questions

The Amazing Love of God

1. If I try hard enough I can demonstrate God’s love to my friends and relatives.

2. God’s love and human love are basically the same thing except that Gods love is stronger.

3. The Greek word “Storge” means brotherly love.

4. One of God’s many characteristics is his unconditional love

5. If you hate your family God may not love you.

6. One of the words used for God’s love in the new testament is “Eros”

7. The bible writers had a choice of four words to describe love.

8. St. Augustine developed the concept of Caritas love. This was accepted by the Church and resulted in the perversion of the Gospel.

9. If we do not understand God’s love we cannot fully understand the Gospel.

10. God’s love should not be compared with human love but only contrasted.


1. If I try hard enough I can demonstrate God’s love to my friends and relatives

2. God’s love and human love are basically the same thing except that Gods love is stronger.

3. The Greek word “Storge” means brotherly love.

4. One of God’s many characteristics is his unconditional love

5. If you hate your family God may not love you.

6. One of the words used for God’s love in the new testament is “Eros”

7. The bible writers had a choice of four words to describe love.

8. St. Augustine developed the concept of Caritas love. This was accepted by the Church and resulted in the perversion of the Gospel.

9. If we do not understand God’s love we cannot fully understand the Gospel.

10. God’s love should not be compared with human love but only contrasted.

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