021010 world holocaust 50m

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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Good Day!

DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY1) Write: Date: 02/10/10, Topic: Holocaust2) On the next line, write “Opener #18” and then:

1) Plot your mood, reflect in 1 sent.2) Respond to the opener by writing at least 2 sentences about:Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND

Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND

Summary of the clip OR/AND

Other things going on in the news.Announcements: NoneIntro Music: Untitled

This WeekMonday: How the Holocaust happenedBlock: Life during the Holocaust

Next Weeks1: Psychology behind those helped/stood by the Holocaust2: Justice after the Holocaust

Goal: Learn to stop it from ever ever ever happening again. We need your help this next 2 weeks.

Review1) Holocaust/Shoah (1933–45): 6 million+ Jewish

civilians: 2/3 all Eur, 2/5 of World’s Jews killed (+ Nazi opposition, Communists, Romas/Gypsies, Homosexuals, Disabled)

2) 9/1935: Nuremberg Laws passed against Jews

Chart used to help determine if you were Jewish

(3 Jewish grandparents)

3) 9/9/1938 (Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken Glass): Response to teenage Jew killing a Ger, 9000 Jewish biz + 900 synagogues destroyed, 30,000 Jews sent to camps.

From Heinrich Müller to all Gestapo Offices (November 9, 1938):

1) Actions against Jews, especially against their synagogues, will take place throughout the Reich shortly. They are not to be interfered with; however, liaison is to be effected with the Ordnungspolizei to ensure that looting and other significant excesses are suppressed.

2) So far as important archive material exists in synagogues this is to be secured by immediate measures.

3) Preparations are to be made for the arrest of about 20,000 to 30,000 Jews in the Reich. Above all well-to-do Jews are to be selected.

4) Should Jews in possession of weapons be encountered in the course of the action, the sharpest measures.

From Reinhard Heydrich to all Gestapo (November 10, 1938):

On account of the assassination of the Leg. Sec. v. Rath in Paris, demonstrations against the Jews are to be expected throughout the Reich in the present night...

a) Only such measures should be taken as will not endanger German life or property (i.e. synagogue burning only if there is no fire-danger to the surroundings)…

b) Businesses and dwellings of Jews should only be destroyed, not plundered. The police are instructed to supervise this regulation and to arrest looters.

c) Special care is to be taken that in business streets non-Jewish businesses are absolutely secured against damage

Notes #18a, Title: “Holocaust” 1) 1939: 930 Jews aboard St. Louis turned away,

US accept only 20,000 Jews in WWII (Shanghai one of few places accepting Jews)

Work #18a, Title “1939 Letter”1) Put yourself in their place, describe what emotions and feelings you would feel if you were on the US St. Louis?

Be prepared to present.

Notes #18b, Title: “Holocaust” 2) 1940: Warsaw Ghetto containing 400,000+

Jews, is sealed, Jews across Eur. used as slave labor (Many large Ger. comp like VW + BMW benefited)

Notes #18b, Title: “Holocaust” 3) 1942: Nazis determine "Final Solution" to be

implemented by the SS, led by Himmler, to use science + industry to kill as efficiently as possible: rail > gas chamber > crematorium

Work #18c, Title “1940s Letter”1) Put yourself in their place, describe what emotions and feelings you would feel if you were sent to the ghetto to be “liquidated”?

Be prepared to present.

Work #18d, Title “1940s Letter”1) Put yourself in their place, describe what emotions and feelings you would feel if these are your last memories of life?

Be prepared to present.

PerpetratorsNazis, Hitler, Himler, SS officers, and thousands others.

BystandersGerman Civilians, Catholic Church, Allies, and billions of others.

UpstandersJewish resistors, Japanese diplomat Sugihara, German Businessman Oskar Schindler, Netherlands, community of Shanghai, and thousands of others.

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak up—because I was not a communist;

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak up—because I was not a Jew;

Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up—because I was a Protestant;

Then they came for me—and by that time no one was left to speak up.-Pastor Martin Niemöller

Work #18e, Title “Video: Upstanders”

1) Copy Source Title: Jewish Partisans and Japanese Sugihara

2…) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion (include their name at the end). Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work SectionsTime Bookmark: 00:00

Work #18f, Title “Video: Upstanders”

1) Copy Source Title: Schindler’s List

2…) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion (include their name at the end). Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work SectionsTime Bookmark: 00:00

1) ON/OFF: Click “HOLD” to Turn On/Off

2) RECORD/PAUSE: Click “REC” to Record/Pause (Pauses with in that track)

3) STOP: Click “STOP” to Stop Recording (Creates a new track)

4) SCROLL: Scroll “<>” Find Created Tracks

5) PLAY: Click “PLAY” to Play Created Tracks

6) VOLUME: Click “+ -“ to Control Volume

7) ERASE: Click “ERASE,” Scroll “<>” to “YES” which will flash, and click “PLAY” to execute.

8) CANCEL: To Cancel Erase, Scroll “<>” to “NO” which will flash and click “PLAY” to execute.

9) FOLDERS: Click “FOLDER” to switch which folder the files are placed. Unless Mr. Chiang says to selected a folder, the default will be Folder A.

10) RECORDING TIP: Don’t speak too close to the MIC, or your breath will muffle the recording.

Work #, Title “Holocaust Voices”Appoint 1 team member to be recorder manager (check out/check in and care for the recorder) We want all team members to have a chance to record someone else’s track today. Everyone pick a document, pick out an excerpt lasting 30-60 second to record. 1) Write down which person’s personal writings you chose.2) Write what the primary source you picked reveals about the Holocaust.

i) Rehearse your plan.ii) Have a someone in your group record your reading when you are ready. Read with realism.

Homework: 1) Study today’s notes + work sections

for a possible workbook quiz.2) Pick and listen to your 4 news

podcast by next Monday.

Workbook Check: If your name is called, drop off your workbook with Mr. Chiang (if requested, points lost if your workbook is not turned in)

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