0mb control no. 0660-0038 explratlgn date: 5/31/2019 2 ... · columns 2, 3 and 4 must mateh your...

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0MB Control No. 0660-0038 ExplratlGn Date: 5/31/2019

U.S. Department of Commerce 2. Award or Grant 36-10-S13036 Performance Progress Report Number: t----------r-------------------------------------------1-4._EI_N_: ___ ~l-1460_ .. _13_200_· ___ __. .rf' 1. Redplent Name New YC!>l'k State ll>ivisien -of l'iameland Sealr:ity and Emer-genciy Ser-vi¢e5

3. Street Address 1220 Washingtan Ave, State campus Btlildlng 7A, Suite 610

S. City, State, Zip Code Albany, NY 12226

10a. Project/Grant Peried --- -

a. Final Report YesO Ne [LI

9. Report Frequency Quarterty G:l

- - . - - - - - - - -- - - --~- --- - - - - - - - - -- - -












Pmj~ctType (<iapacity Building, SOP Update,

Stakeholders Individuals Sent to Broadband Canferences

Governance Education and 0utreadl ~rials Blstributed Subreclpient Apeements Executed Phase 2 - Covera e Phase 2 - Users and Their

rational Areas

Phase 2 - capacity Plannln1

Phase 2 - current Providers/Procurement

Project Dellverable Quantity (Number & Bescrlption of Milestone category lndic.ator Description.)




0 l


Stage 6


11a. Desaibe your procress meetin& eacll major adivity/milesfone app,ovecl in the Baseline Report for this project: any cliallences or Gbstades encountered and mitigation strategies you have employed: planned major activities for the next uarter: and additional milestones or information. #1- StakehEilder.s were engaged at the Puli>llc Safety Broadband WC:>f'kk\g Gr.oop oo Januar-y 12th, the Statewide Interoperable aAd Emergene, Cemmundatlon lk>ard meeting on January 31st. and the lntereperabiBty Cammunk:atwns Consortium Sympasium on Mard'I 27th. #2 - None this quarter #3 - Empir,e Fellow within DHSES Counsel's Office is l'l8W assigned to work ~th QIEC and we have begUA t-raddng the matdt fur SUGP. #5 - A meeting of the State Interoperable and Emer-gency Communication Board was held en January 31st. #6 - Hit oount fur the New Y8rlc State Public Safety Broadband website plus the number of direct e-mail recipients of the PSBB newsletter. #12 - As menticmed during a previoos quarter-ly l'eYiew call, we require a better definition of the •stages• as it applies to this item. ll>aes this apply to the docwment FamNet C:MTlglnally requested, or to GUI' evaluation Gf the state plan deliverable.

llb. If the project team antidpates requesting any changes to the approved Baselne Report in the next quarter, describe those below. Note that any substantive ·chances to the Baselne Report must be approved by the Bepartment of Commenae before implementation.

New Yark State and the SUGP Gflke are warking ta madify ooi' budget for the SUGP valuntary tumbac:k program.

, I

11c. Provide anv Gther information that would be useful to NTIA as it assesses this project's Dl'Oltress.

lld. Describe any sucO!SS stories °" best prac:tkes you have identified. Please be as specific as possible.

12.Pel'S()nnel 12a. If the project is oot fully staffed, describe hci>w any lack of stamM may impaa the Df'Oiect's time line and when the DR!>iec:t wiU be fUIIY staffed.

0MB Control No, 0660-0038 Expiration Date: 5/31/2019

N0te that the FTE% refteets actual percentage 8f hour-s spent working on SUGP during this q._,arter. The SWIC: left the agen(Y In Q12 ~ a~ ooe started IA Ql.3. 1'lle SPOC is net tra€1ced here. The seni0r adininistrative assistant retifecl and the posit:ioo has oot been refilled yet. lhe Stat-e GIS prci)gr.lm Gffice has restructed their teams and no specific pel'S8A is expected ta wdf.k oo SUGP requests, rather It wil be assigned to an individual frGm the Gffk:e as eadl request CGmes in. An attamey m,m staff has been added ta-our mateh. 12b. Staffing Table - Please ind& all staff that how contrlbum/ titne to the p,oj«t. Please do not mn0tt individuals from this table.

Jobrit1e FTE% Project (s) Assigned Change SWIC & OIEC Direct0f' 2.22% Overall SUGP and f)81icy OYersight and liasioo

C:ontinues W.ork Radio Engineer #1 14.78% SLIGP/State Ar:stNet primary ' Continues Work

SuppGrt SUGP and FlrstNet Activities Remains In positioo, no Radio Engineer #2 0.00% SUGP work this quarter Agency Budget Analyst 3.67% Supports C!Ci)fflfflWniations offke budget/fiscial. Assists in pr~ration 8f SlJGP budget reports. Continues WOAC SuppGrts office activities, induding the interop board and its workinc groups Remains In position, oo Serlier Adminstrative Analyst Q.()()%

SUGP work this quarter

Senior Administrative Assistant 0 Support offke outreach and project management efforts.

Emplc,yee Retired Information Tech Specialist S Supervises GIS staff, provides OYeraU GIS llasion effert c;,n data coUection and mapping No lqer working 00 (GIS) 0

Pl'Giect Performs GIS work related to data eollection and mapping NC!> longer working on rrs Spedahst II (GIS) 0

IProlect Assistant Oirec:t0f', OIEC 0.44% Assistant OIEC director. Works fur the SWIC and prcwldes operational and polic.y Ci>Yersight Continues Work

OHSES Counsel's Office representive (legal) Began supporting PSBB Empire Fellow 4.11% and OIEC this quarter 13. Subcontracts (Vendors and/or Subredpients} 13a. Subcontracts Table- Include au subc8ntractors. The totals fn>m this table must equal the "Subcontracts T8tal" in Question 14f.

Contract Total Federal Funds Total Matthinc Funds

Submntract Purpose Type

8FP/RFQ Issued (Y/N) EMecuted Start Date End Date Name

(Vender/Subrec.) Allocated Allocated (Y/N) New York State Tedmology

Nat needed (exlstiAg 01/31/2018 (exearted n0-Enterprise CCilrporation OUtreacll, praject management, support Vendor

State contract) y 8/1/2013

C:XlSt extensloo) $2,013,960.00 $0.00 (NYSTEC)

13b. Describe any challenges enaountered with vendors and/or subredpients.

No mallenges at this time. NYSTEC c.ontraet was reissued (at no increase in oost) to att0unt for the new SUGP end date and new OGS centralized contract.

14. Budget Worksheet Columns 2, 3 and 4 must mateh your rurrent project audget for the entire award, whidl is the SF-424A 81'1 file. Onlv list matchin« funds that the Department of Commerce has already aoli>l'liJVt!d.

Project Budget Element (1) Federal Funds Awarded (2) Approved Mauhinc Total Budget (4) Federal Funds Expended

Funds(3} (5) a. Personnel ~es $0.00 $363,9?1.00 $363,921.00 $0.00 a. Personnel Fr-in«e Benefits .$0.00 s21un.oo s21un.oo S0.00 c.:. Travel $83,160.00 $0.00 $83,160.00 $30,834.98 d. Equipment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 e. Materials/Supplies $12,000.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 $10,999.19 f. Subcontr-am Total $4,757,052.00 $618,396.00 $5,375,448.00 $809,758.47 g. Other $15,000.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 h. Indirect $0.00 $23,109.00 $23,109.00 $0.00 i. T0tal CGSts $4,867,212.00 $J,.,216,803.00 $6,084,015.00 $851,592.64 j. %of Total 80% 20% 100% 78% ~~~j:-.1r~~).tlj'i~1o~_fflY.l~le'1iji:ji~ti'i.11iJ.i~t61J~~iiiit.6•~~r~t:i19rN~:~f1Jl!iittlvl.ti!lls:1.tM_•~(s),.~~liilttJelJWiijl;~nts.s4li':i, 16a. TVD@d or nnm:ed name and title of Authorized urtll'Yffll[ Official:

16c. Telephone (area a>de, number, and Michael A. S~ Offlce of lnt~ per-able and Emergency Communicati~s extension)'

16d. Email Address: 16b. Sign.a{uri of Au • . ..


~/,If;& ~ ~ ~ -~~t.(/ Date: - - II /

Approved Matthinc Funds Expended (6)

$154,718.92 SR.4.120.66

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00



0MB Control No. 0660-0038 Expiration Date: S/31/2019

Total funds Expended (7)

$]54,118.92 SR.A 120.66 $30,834.98

$0.00 $10,999.19

$809,758.47 $0.00 $0:00

$1,090,432.12 1.00%

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m ichael.sprague@dhses.ny.gov


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