1 introduction to the book of job 17 january 2008

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Introduction tothe Book of Job

17 January 2008


Names of the Book

Hebrew: Iyyob, meaning either “persecuted one” or “repentant one”

Greek: Iob

Latin: Iob


Author of the Book

Unknown; possible authors:





Moses (lived in Midian near Uz)






Date and Setting


Probably occurred during the patriarchal period, around 2000 B.C.

Animals showed wealth

Job offered his own sacrifices, which means it was before the Mosaic Law was given (around 1422 B.C.)

Perhaps written down around the time of Moses


Possible Location of Uz

Land of Midian (where Moses

lived for 40 years)

Land of Uz

“Uz” might have meant “east”


Book Outline

Chapters Controversy

1 – 2 Between God and Satan

3 – 37 Between Job and his friends

38 – 42 Of God and Job


Chapters 1-2 Job’s blessed circumstances

Two gatherings in heaven

God’s challenge to Satan

Satan’s reply to God

God’s permission to Satan

The tests – losing kids, property and health

Mrs. Job’s unbelief

Job’s friends’ 7 days of comfort


Job’s blessed circumstances

7 sons, 3 daughters

7000 sheep

500 yoke of oxen

500 female donkeys

Very large household

Greatest man of all the people of the East

Offered burnt offerings in case children sinned


Gatherings in heaven The ‘sons of God’ and Satan twice presented

themselves before the Lord (1:6, 2:1)

‘Sons of God’ in Hebrew is bene-haelohim

Ben = son of, Elohim = God

Job 38:4,7 – when God laid the foundations of the earth, the sons of God shouted for joy

So, the sons of God were angels

Satan was ‘the anointed cherub’ (Ezek. 28:14), the highest ranking angel until he rebelled


God’s challenge to Satan God said to Satan, “Have you seen my

servant Job? He fears Me and shuns evil.” (Job 1:8, 2:3)

This was like throwing meat to hungry dog.

This was probably already about 2000 years after Satan tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

So Satan was already very experienced in getting people to turn away from God. That’s what he does best!


Satan’s reply to God Satan answered the Lord, “Job just fears

You for personal benefit. Take away his children, riches and good health, and he’ll curse you.” (Job 1:9-11; 2:4,5)

Most religions are like this: pragmatic, that is, people serve gods that they think will give them what they want.

But 1 Cor. 8:6 says we exist for God (That means He doesn’t exist for us.)


God’s permission to Satan God said to Satan, “Go ahead and test Job!

Take away his kids, animals and good health. Let’s see what happens!” (Job 1:12, 2:6)

‘Temptation’ and ‘test’ are the same word in Greek, peirasmos.

So when Satan tempts us, it’s actually God testing us.

Satan’s purpose for testing is to make us sin.

God’s purpose for testing is to make us stronger.


Chapters 3 – 37


The debates on earth Job and his three friends went through three

cycles of debate

Job’s defenses were much longer than his friends’ accusations

In the process of defending his innocence, he became guilty of self-righteousness

None of them knew what went on earlier in heaven between God and Satan

Today, when we go through God’s tests, we also do not usually know what God is doing.


Job’s friendsEliphaz Bildad Zophar Elihu

Name “God is gold”

“Son of contention”

“Rough” “He is My God”

Personality Considerate Argumentative Rude, blunt Perceptive, some conceit

Relies on Observation Tradition Assumption Education

Voice of Philosophy History Orthodoxy Logic

Argument If you sin, you suffer

You must be sinning

You are sinning

God purifies and teaches

Advice Only the wicked suffer

The wicked always suffer

The wicked are short-lived

Humble yourself and submit to God


Chapters 38 – 42

The Lord spoke to

Job out of a whirlwind


The Deliverance of Job God questions and challenges Job

Job he is vile; he surrenders; he has nothing to say. (40:4,5)

God says that’s not good enough:“Would you indeed annul My judgment that you may be justified? (40:8) Can you do the powerful things I can do?”

Job confesses his lack of understanding and repents (42:2-6)

True faith is commitment without knowing


Deliverance of Job’s 3 friends God rebuked the three friends

God told them to offer seven bullsand seven ramsand let Job prayfor them

They obeyed


Happy ending for Job

God restored Job’s wealth twofold

God gave Job seven more sons and three more daughters

Job lived 140 more years and saw his great-great grandchildren – a sign of God’s blessing in Old Testament times(Don’t expect this in New Testament times.)



Spiritual war and Satan

Testing of God and Satan

The role of suffering

Sovereignty of God

Repentance and faith


Spiritual war & Satan Jesus said Satan comes to steal, kill and

destroy (Jn. 10:10)

Peter says Satan is a roaring lion seeking someone to eat (1 Pt. 5:8).

But whenever he or his demons try to do something, it’s because God has sent them on that mission.

We acknowledge Satan, but fear God.

James 4:7 says, “Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”


Spiritual war & SatanPut on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil … having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.

- Ephesians 6:11,14-18 NKJV


Testing of God and of Satan God testing us and Satan attacking us are really

the same thing.

So Jesus taught us to pray, “Our Father in heaven … lead us not into temptation / testing” (Mt. 6:9,13)

God will test us, but when we are tested, we face potential failure, so we ask Him to not test us.

When God tests us, we need the whole armor of God – truth, righteousness, gospel of peace, faith, salvation, Word of God, prayer


The role of suffering Rom. 5: 1-11 – Results of Justification

The purpose of our suffering is to help us develop a Biblical hope; that is, to make us not expect things from God that He has not promised in scripture (1-5)

Christ died for us when we were His enemies, but now we have peace with God and are saved from His wrath, so when He disciplines us, we can trust Him (6-11)


The role of suffering

Hebrews 12:1-11 – God’s Discipline

Whom the Lord loves he disciplines

If you are without discipline, you are illegitimate and not sons

No discipline seems pleasant at the time but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of peace for those who have been trained by it.


The role of suffering Suffering is God’s discipline for His children

His goal is correction to develop godly behavior

His goal is not punishment; that’s for later

So the goal is not to execute justice

It is like a scalpel in the hand of a surgeon

It’s not from evil intent, so it’s not like a dagger in the hand of an assassin

So thank God for it!


The benefits of suffering

But He knows the way that I take, and when He has tested me I will come forth as gold. (Job 23:10)

Consider it a pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Perseverance must finish it’s work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:2-4)


Sovereignty of God

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)


Repentance and faith In Job 40:4,5 Job gave up, but God went on

for two more chapters.

Then Job repented. He would rather be God’s obedient servant than anything else.

Jesus said, “Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened … take My yoke upon you and learn form Me.” (Mt. 11:28,29)

You are going to wear the yoke, whether Jesus’ yoke or someone else’s.

God will only accept repentance and faith in His Word. Being good is not good enough.



1. Be aware of the spiritual battle going on around you, especially in the area of interpersonal relationship. Satan loves to divide and conquer.

2. Put on the full armor of God (Eph. 6) – truth, righteousness, gospel of peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God and prayer



3. Avoid the tendency to assume that your suffering or others’ suffering is due to sin, because innocent people suffer too.

4. Don’t assume that you know with certainty what God is doing in your life or someone else’s life. We walk by faith, not by sight, so we can never be 100% sure.



5. Learn to trust God’s goodness and power in the midst of trials and suffering or through tough circumstances.

6. In the midst of adversity and tragedy, don’t ask “Why?” ask “Who is causing it?”

7. Put your hope in God no matter what.



8. Bear one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2).

9. Be slow to judge others’ circumstances (Mt. 7:1-5).

10. Don’t be like Mrs. Job, Eliphaz, Bildad or Zophar, but instead be a wise friend:

Someone who gets the facts straight before making accusations, and

Someone who comforts and encourages friends when they are suffering.



11. When your friends seem to be breaking God’s commandments and you feel responsible to confront them:

First ask questions to understand the situation before making accusations

Only make accusations when you have clear facts

Otherwise, wait for God to reveal more



12. When others accuse you of wrong-doing

Repent if you think they are correct

Otherwise, thank them for their concern, briefly defend yourself and then spend time alone in prayer, asking God to show you if you are really guilty.



12. Develop an eternal hope, and don’t expect God to do things for you in this life that He hasn’t promised to do for you in the Bible.

13. Ask God to help you become like Job – His obedient servant, whom He can trust to pass through any of Satan’s attacks.


Special thanks goes to the following:

EBibleTeacher.com for their maps

NASA for their Satellite images

Bruce Wilkinson & Kenneth Boa for their information in Talk Thru the Bible

Walt Henrichsen for his wisdom and insight shared during Bible studies he has led and in books, articles and e-mails he has written

Edward Reese for his chronology and dating in The Reese Chronological Bible

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