10 ways to deliver roi with revel’s ipad pos

Post on 18-Jan-2017






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10 Ways to Save Money andGrow Your Business with Revel’s iPad POS


Considering a new Point of Sale (POS) system? Did you know an iPad POS system can do much more for your business than just processing customer payments? Revel’s iPad POS can do everything from inventory management to real-time reporting. Switching to an iPad POS System will ease management and increase sales.

A point of sale system is the heart of your business and this guide highlights ten reasons why an iPad POS is the best investment to put more money in your pocket.


1Increase customer throughput with faster service

2Implement online ordering to increase sales by 9% or more

3Never lose a sale with offline mode

4Discount popular items to bring in more business

5Enable on-screen tipping and receipts to improve customer experience

6Implement Mobile Order Takers to accelerate the ordering process

7Automate inventory tracking to never run out of stock

8Save on hardware cost and maintenance

9Track employee time to optimize resources

10Leverage CRM & Loyalty to increase recurring customers


The faster you deliver service, the more customers you can serve in a day. Speed of service is the key to maximizing profits and cutting seconds makes all the difference. If your POS can’t keep up with the line, not only will sales suffer but customers will become impatient and dissatisfied with your service. Revel’s iPad POS will speed up transaction processing and increase sales.

“On Valentine’s Day, one of the busiest days of the year, we serve upwards of 600 people. Our old POS system just wasn’t cutting it; the line was not going as quickly as we wanted to. However, when we switched to Revel Systems, we were able to speed up service and increase sales by

20% the next year.”

- Ginger Elizabeth Hahn, Owner, Ginger Elizabeth Chocolate

If you serve 100 customers per day with an average transaction of $20 per customers, a 5% increase in customer throughput that could be offered by an iPad POS, could generate over $26,000 increase in revenue per year.


Every measure you take to make your customers’ lives easier goes a long way. With online ordering, your customers can have a seamless process to select exactly what they want and place their order on the go. Online ordering allows customers to pay for the order in advance and fast track the payment and pick-up process.

Keep your business up to date with online ordering options and increase transactions and customer loyalty. Convenience often becomes the deciding factor for customers and online ordering is the cutting edge of convenience. A Business Insider study found that online ordering allowed restaurants to grow their takeout revenue by an average of 30% and 1 in 5 doubled their takeout revenue.


1 http://www.businessinsider.com/sc/online-ordering-helps-restaurant-business-2015-10


Losing your internet connection shouldn’t mean losing business. Revel’s POS system continues processing transactions even when the Internet goes down. Performance data is never lost and your business stays up and running. A POS system with offline mode funtionality saves sales and ensures your business is always protected against any connectivity threat.

On an average day, let’s say you lose 6 transactions due to Internet outage and your average transaction is $15. Assuming that the business is opened 5 days a week, offline mode could save your business over $23,000 per year.

“What we had before was a hardwired, DSL system prior to Revel. With Revel, the cool thing is [how] the offline mode works. It could mean a lot of money if we’re at a food truck [outage] that has no Internet. Any [outage] for us can generate sales anywhere between $1000 to $5000, so there’s a substantial amount of money lost if we don’t have that feature. Always On Mode is

definitely crucial for our food truck business.”

- Sal Khoury, Chief Executive Officer, Sajj


Discounts are a powerful tool to bring in new customers and keep existing customers coming back for more. Revel’s iPad POS will enable you to apply discounts across multiple establishments so you don’t have to do the manual work of updating each shop. It will also enable you to view reports on the efficiency of your discount programs so you can adjust as needed. You can easily run seasonal discounts to create a sense of urgency that entices customers out to snag a deal, and once they’re in your shop the upsell potential is endless. 

A change of season brings shoppers out to snag deals on last season’s leftovers and swoop up hot new trends. When spring rolls around at a clothing boutique, sweaters and jackets hit the back shelves and storefronts are decorated with popping colors and short sleeves. If you ran a one-week promotion of 20% off winter sweaters, you might drive in 200 customers to purchase a discount sweater. If 1 out of 3 of those customers also made an additional purchase averaging $15 you could bring in an extra $1,000 in one week.

With additional sales from those customers and return rate for the following week, you can drive profits and upsell customers to create their spring wardrobe with your store.


With Revel’s iPad POS, the final stages of a transaction give the customer complete control over tipping and receipt options. It may seem like a small expense, but online receipts save dollars on paper and ink that can really add up over time.

Digital tipping is a revolution that makes the process much easier for customers and increases gratuity frequency and amount. 41% of customers say that increasing the proximity to the cashier while entering a tip amount would increase their likelihood to tip.

2 In turn, employees that are receiving higher tips will be more engaged and their

performance will increase. Studies show that engaged employees perform 20% better than their disengaged counterpart.

3 Employee performance will increase the efficiency of your business and drive sales.

“Revel is a next-generation, smart and compact POS system that complements our contemporary decor… Customers are impressed with the digital signature

and receipt options, and they love it.”

- Chirayu Shah, Owner, Chatkazz




Your business is always growing and your POS should adapt with that growth. As business grows, you might find yourself in a pinch during a particularly busy time. How can you manage a line of customers extending around the block? With mobile order takers, you can meet your customers where they are and process transactions on the floor. Mobile order takers provide a personalized experience for customers that brings service directly to them.

Whether you’re using a mobile order taker to manage a long line or taking a customer’s order at a table, the portability of these devices increases customer satisfaction and saves time.

Imagine you have a line with 50 customers waiting to put their orders in at your 1 POS terminal. Even with the hardest working employees, those customers at the back of the line still have a long wait ahead of them. With the addition of 1 mobile order taker, you can cut wait times in half!

“With the mobile order takers, wait times have been cut to half.”

- Natasha Palit, Business Optimization Manager, Chobani


You can stay one step ahead of your inventory and never lose a sale with automated inventory tracking. Understanding what is in stock and anticipating when to re-up stock speeds up fulfillment, lowers cost and increases customer satisfaction.

Automated inventory tracking with Revel’s iPad POS will monitor stock levels and set alerts so that a new purchase order can be filled before stock runs out. Inventory tracking will help to reduce waste so that the dollars you spend on your inventory will go to your products and profit. Inventory tracking will show you trends over time so your business can be prepared to meet demand without creating waste.

If you’re ordering produce, let’s say you put in a weekly order of 90 heads of lettuce at your restaurant. Each head costs $3, which costs you $270 weekly and over $14,000 a year. With inventory tracking, you realize that 10-12 heads of lettuce get wasted weekly. Even if you cut down your order by 10 items a week, that’s over $1500 of annual savings in lettuce alone!

“Before we would make product just to make it. We didn’t have a count on how many muffins we need. Now, we know that we sell X amount of muffins on Monday and that’s how many we’ll make. It’s less of a waste every day.”

- Beth Goldwater, Owner, Bertha’s Cafe


While legacy POS systems require an expensive and bulky back-office server, Revel’s iPad POS systems are cloud-based and do not require any back-office investment. A legacy POS can cost you up to $4,000 in upfront costs per terminal. Save yourself the money and get an iPad POS system for roughly $1,000-$2,000 per terminal upfront.

Don’t break your POS and your bank at the same time. When an unexpected POS issue occurs, you want a quick resolution, and there is nothing easier than replacing an iPad. Because an iPad POS runs with a cloud based back-end, you will never have to replace a back-office server and wait for a new one to be delivered. If it is your iPad POS that breaks, you can be at the Apple Store that morning and have the business back up and running within a couple hours.

For a 2 terminal shop, if each iPad is $400, your business would take an $800 hit and could be reopened the same day. With a traditional POS, it can be up to $4,000 in hardware replacement plus the loss in business while you wait for the replacements.


Discover a way to maximize and monitor employee efficiency without being a hovering manager. Employee time tracking creates accountability for each employee and increases efficiency, sales, and profit. Employee turnover can be a steep price to pay, but it’s also important to remember that employees who waste time and make the team less productive can cut into your business significantly.

You can even pull employee profit reports from your Revel POS system to see which employees are performing best in terms of hours worked, sales generated, and percent profit. Increase efficiency on your team and have full visibility into transactions to keep your employees engaged with your iPad POS system.

If you are paying two employees $600 a week each, you can compare their productivity and efficiency. If one employee creates $200 in sales over 40 hours and the other creates $500 in 40 hours, you can use that visibility to better manage your business. You could use incentives and promotions to bring both employees to a higher level of productivity and create more sales weekly.

“It’s saved us time and money. I bring up one report that shows me the matrix for the whole week of when employees log in and out and I can catch when

they forget to clock out.”

- Buddy Utley, Owner, Taco Tico


Strong customer relationships are at the heart of any thriving business. Take your customer relationship to the next level by understanding what your customers want. With the CRM on Revel’s iPad POS, business owners have complete visibility of their customers’ buying habits, which creates an opportunity for personalized outreach. You can create a discount for your most loyal customers based on the products that they want or run a promotion targeted to their personal preferences.

Say you have a repeat customer that comes in 4 times a month and makes a $5 purchase. With Revel’s iPad POS, you can record a promotion for that customer’s loyalty. So for every $100 they spend, they get $5 off. Now this customer starts coming in 6 times a month. This customer would have brought in $240 a year, but with your loyalty program that same customer will now spend $345 in the year. That’s a 30% increase in business. Drive profit with a customer-centric strategy to keep customers coming back and business thriving.

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