10/28/14 warm up question……… how does a persons’ sense of self emerge?

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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• Warm up question………

How does a persons’ sense of self emerge?

Personality Development

• Heredity—physical traits, aptitudes, inherited characteristics, biological drives, limits

• Parents—parental characteristics, such as age, education, religion, and economic status

• Birth order—personalities are shaped by siblings and the order in which we are born

• Cultural environment—determines the basic personality types found in a society

Question• How does isolation in childhood

affect development?


• Isolation can have severe consequences such as developmental disabilities (mental, physical, social, and psychological), malnutrition, and death.


• 1. In your view, who or what defines your identity?

• 2. How does the way you define yourself compare with the way that others define you? How does this affect your relationships with others?

• 3. Can identity change over time? Why or why not?

Listen to the following poem. Answer:

• What do you learn about the author from the poem?

• Can you tell clearly where they are from? What in the poem tells you that?

• What questions do you have for the author? • Which author do you relate to most and why? • Anything else you find interesting…

I am from tea and sugar From Palmolive and dust I am from the large backyard(clean and musty) I am from the ivy The fig treeWhose fruit laden branches lined the driveway every summer

I am from 4 am Christmases and night time stories From Pandora and GaryI’m from talkative and quiet And from workaholics

I am from work hard and try your best And success is 90% perspiration I’m from a heart and soul of it all state of mindBaked potatoes and hot dish and sauerkraut ballsFrom a great grandmothers strength to journey across an oceanTo a coal mine in West Virginia

These moments hang on the walls, Or stored in musty yellowed photo albums I am from these moments.

Create your own poem…

• Using the template prepare your own “Where I’m from…” poem. 20 minutes to work.

• You will present poem to class.

Section 2: The Social Self

• How Sense of Self Emerges

– Through interaction with social and cultural environments, people are transformed into members of society.

– The interactive process through which people learn the basic skills, values, beliefs, and behavior patterns of a society is called socialization.

John Locke—The Tabula Rasa

• Each person is a blank slate at birth, with no personality.

• People develop personality as a result of their social experiences.

• Infants can be molded into any type of person.

Charles Horton Cooley—The Looking-Glass Self

• Infants have no sense of person or place.

• Children develop an image of themselves based on how others see them.

• Other people act as a mirror, reflecting back the image a child projects through their reactions to the child’s behavior.

George Herbert Mead—Role-Taking

• People not only come to see themselves as others see them, but also take on or pretend to take on the roles of others through imitation, play, and games.

• This process enables people to anticipate what others expect of them.

Individual Quiet Work (formal grade)

1. You will create a T-Chart where you will match 3 theories with social scientists that we have covered for your graphic organizers.

2. You will then create a trifold/brochure to further elaborate what you have learned. It needs to be informative, visually appealing and accurate.

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