12,000 ~'magnavox'' -...

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 1nla.obj-651554866National Library of Australia

12,000 PEOPLE vlsi!cd Ill$ :a.a,uo Exhibitian, MotbOllT'!lft, on opening day, 22ncl !(at, and beeam•

O.CQI\Alnt-ed w!Ul



AN'l'HON-Y IlOHDElt'" &;. so~s, L'ro.

Sets. Valves, Speakers,

Amplifiers. Also,

Licensed m,dor Hogan Patent No, 1014002.

tQG Qneensland, 3AR Melbourne. SLO Melbourne, SOL Adelaide, 7zt TMime.nia-

aU thellll StatioI111 can be brought In with a Jlick of the fingers.

Simplicity "Extraordinary'' "In Harmony with the Home and Air"-Magnavox


)CTCl< SIMM01''13


l'Mnograp11, Spoecl!, Music, Riadio Devtcos,





The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 2nla.obj-651554992National Library of Australia


BF.XI> FOR lllu• tr• t ed rat:alor,:iA. folden and lltc.n· tare. n.mon1lntioaa H• ranged at ,.our own home wtthouL any oblig"Llon wiu..tevar on TOI.Ir pati 10 r• rcha•e.




lJislaJZCe JW l01l{lera,bar! UDISCO

RADIO RECEIVERS [alj ..Jluslralia_ at your

finger-llps: \l1uL1.t .. w J,~11111h•r11 ln h=.. fr11II Cnlfc rmald

atTer hau dr.amM tl,.t b,ja ftat o-( ••

:::~ripl•• 1dupl1~~trt'~ma:.;1~~ii.to, ~'~':~~~ tOtl,urr huu.

Y ftt llda Je ao. Nl,rt- tly. tt•nen c,l ••CDl~f"O'' Radin Re«i•~-wtt.houl •llr rto.c fTom comfortable hompi,,----.re • n·dm• ,,111lltng wlutt tn Flindflr• cmtiille«I m1u.11

"--~i:r .1c'On~l·o1·'~'"~;;., •~tJ:!;••},0~·cb .....

• •~1,s0&. '' ••Fiv1a," ur- ' "l'itci>s,'' art" balh Lo " uandud uf f'llrC~l1enr•f! in nfflclenr:,- and dealcn n~•tl" b•fort equll,.d iri Ibo worhl.

Only ,t1fl" b•,t rompoaeqta.-.ntnabled • th •d,.nlilc -orecluon by • • i1"' ri•ll1 tr111r1"d C"llJ'lll of r11dJo :ti:nginHrt-fl.rl'I ln­~orpt'}rfttt<d.

'J'bo ••("'ap11cid70••• elre-itH 1mplo1ed e:a •arH 1'ffrplion nf ':i~tluu o~ratin• on a111 w• Yfllenic;th l,t-tweu~ 20 anti 2noo ••· ttf'•. This i,lrn&.lt -a 1rnnly A11•lr11li•ll In untlon-adu1a ael~cli-rily yolnme witht1t1t di,te>rtion. 1upnla11•u tone ~,u• htr a..od .. 1-1• ,t ronlrol.

1"naiul{ dio.11 ay0el1rnrd1c---wn@ll'n1th1 art'I eoo&rollf'r) with ontt •w-ftd\-,·olomfl! b7 11nr,1hn.

Hou.a.cl in la.II ~oliah.d csbin•t.a flt pt,u lar de:si1tn •·01>1~CO" Ttt-reiver• 11n ru••· ltrrtil'C(!I or t1rflft"m"uht1,. ''UIUS('O .. EI• b t "IJOISf'O .. Siz on on S!IJJd wilb Q1.1aa ~l.•nd with Q~am Louil Sp1•akn, f1lyd1 Loud Suukar, Clyde Onltfld \\'11~ A1•,·u• l'nltP.d w,.t Acea.• m11l•!ol", Rav-0-Vae 1r111lato-r, Ra1 0 Va(; 8 Ri,tter ('II, ·v.,~H. 8 R11ltaTif'a, ,~., ••• II.JU! Aeri•l 1Cq1i\p, aad A"rld equlp-mcmt . • 11 o g1:a. mAnl . . 75 am•• "l1DI8GO" Pt• e. "llDISNl" TbrH, wlth HawltJ Sp .. ak"• wilh •imilu e,qolp•

j{~Heri-::. N:ei~::~~~ :r:~ i1!w1:~ejun~:: .tJ.6 ftpN};.u R.29/10/·

.• L .tJ. 7ll 0LABEN0E ST., 8TDNEY.


Fridny, llluy 28, 1926.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 3nla.obj-651555122National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, 1926. WIRELESS WEEKLY Page One

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 4nla.obj-651555258National Library of Australia

Page Two WIRELES S WEEKLY Friday, llfa)' 28, Hrl6.

DEPENDABLE ALWAYS 'l'he popularity of EHr-Ready Batteries is du,• to their ,lept>ndahle qualities.

an Always frp,b and ~i,·e maxiw11m ,ervice.

EVER-READY RADIO " B ,. BATfERY Tlw~t• batll•rh• ,1rt' 11mru1·1wt-1HU<l fnr rtulio -sen i1•11. Murle in Au•lmlla froru lhfl flnest ,ctcct~d ma.teriah1-<11111lity ''" '""'" the Jwsl resulls tu u~er~. l 101uthe tap1•lng1t are .t.rro.11gt>1l to 11uit aU rNtuirr.J ,oltagc...

:--Jute- U1e vc•ry mcwlrrn1. priC'mp:-_r'or 1 to ~ \'uht t-.:,•tM. F'nr- :! t11

XP 30 Ynll XP ·10 \'t1lt XP 60 Yult

\'nlvt~ :-.c t-c. w 1•:111 \,, Jt ~/~ WP -111 \'ull , • , • .. l~/6 \l'P lirl \ di I~. -

Pric•r~ •1t1ntf'd appl, ouf.) iL ~ s_ \\ .

Obtainable from all up to date de&len1.

1,1 -:! I :It / ••

If unpror11n,h1t, lort1. u,,, writr• fur oihltt·KK .if u11(1t••111 .!)ourn• 11t ,.,q1pl).

EVER-READY CO. (Gt. Britain) LTD.



The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 5nla.obj-651555380National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, 1926. WIRELESS WEEKLY Page Three 1-·-,.--.. _ .. -,.~ ..... ,_,,,, .. ., .... ___ .. ,_ .. __ ,, ___ , __ ,,,,_,,_I

I - i = = i ~ a ~ g ......... -- ~ i ~ i I I

I I e THE CRYSTAL WITH VALVE1POWER ~ i NEUTRON ORYST ALS operate a loud speaker- ~ 5 Many owners of crystal sets are now operating load ~peskers with NEUTRON CRYSTALS. ii g Next month 2BL promises to increase their volume. This will enable the. owt1er of a crystal g ii set to operate a loud !lpeaker with sufficient volume to fill the ho.use, provided he wies a NEU- 3


FOR SALE AT ALL DEALERS ::it • • . . • . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . . 2/3 AUSTRALIAN DISTRIBUTORS: Louis Coen Pty. Ltd., Melbourne.

I SOLE AGENTS FOR N.S.W.: ·=c S Manufacturers ' Products S a les Company -, Challis House, 4 Martin Place, SYDNEY (Tel.: B.W. 6753). ~==


Slingsby & Coles Ltd. 482 Pitt St. ( opposite Marcus Clark's)


On Terms. Loud Spet1kers, and Headphones,

etc. Any Rmlio \7ooih

mi 'rERMk or Lny-1ly.

A. W .A. "Radio Guide" 1/--

Conl.ains "solid, usefol and essenllal in­formation which no man with a broadcast receiver should be withoul," so writ.es the "Wireless Weekly" book nwiewer in the May 14th issue.

Over 011e hundred pages of informative wireless matter.

As the edition is limited, make early ap­plicallon for your copy.

AMALGA)lATED W{RgLESS (A/SlA) LlMTTED, "Wireless House," 97 Clarence

Streel, SYDNEY.

Please forward copy of the A.W.A. "Radio Guide," for which I enclose stamps to lhe value of 1/-.

NAME ..... .......... ..........••... ••

ADDRESS ..............•....••..•• •• ..

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 6nla.obj-651555510National Library of Australia

Page Fout' WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, Msy 28, 1926.

r--·············ei~-A --Nil"E•s ············-····-1 ! 7Jje Na me to Know zn Radio ! ~ ~

Talker I '9 9 ~

I NOW NOW I I 45/- £ 6 : IO f j each iiiii!§i!!!!! each ~

I THE TABLE TALKER THE BRANDOLA I I 'lhe 11C'w goob'l''•lletk design i~ th~ rt-sult or TO· oS!ppL'ielJy l,uilt to l,rlJtg f...~rt'ntrr vohuno with i E ficu.rc.h lll n.1<l.io ut'.UWitic.&, ,.,,.hil'h tlefiuitt1ly ci,- rn i1iim1n11 eurrent iupnt ::111cl exccptlonal t\lA.ritv E ~ tablitth<"C' H~ ,·alt1e iu re1a1ioo Lu the rliuphragm O\•f!r the full fr~quC'ncy ta.nge, A 1,ugt, diQ- i ; Jitt~U.. Om: fl;-aturr ia LL~ ~al~11t u1uti'ri11l wwd pl1rngm givett 111 w rnm\rlttl fulueF.s to the Jow § ~ in IIIL\ t'OU&tn1cti'1u of the horu, whit·h ~Ji-min• rl"g-i-stc-r-s a11U n~w Plnr-iflo<l lightncfffl to the E ~ ntett nny t:lll:{g0Sti011 of ht.i-nd111e1is. 1t ii; now bi,2'b. Tht+ se1ni•,goo1w nee¥ horJ1 ht c•.on8t:rnctetl E E t•Ot-~ihlr to 1•011tTol volo11,r :incl sr1H1it,ivity with (Jf mattlrinl ,1,.·Jt.i.t.h elimin11tr1:1 lmuhne~ or mo- E ~ the ~minll lf'~;~r lorl\ttU t\t I ht T(';Br ol thi, 1.J:lse. 1.tllh• rPAOlllt)lf!U. Rr-p1'oflu1:HoJ1 is •'.ootrolle,l by E - Ele,ta11tly sl1aperl, il still has that ta11tcful neu- 11 llron,bsrrew on llto bo,e. l'oli•hed w.1lnul ~

l,J"81 brtrn, 11 611!!:lb and felt-padded basQ, Height, pliuth with ,-ilott1roplate titting.s. Height, 26 in..• § J "< iu.; l>t'll, 10 in. br]l1 12 in. ' ~

45/- each Retail £6/ lOL- each Retail I FAc-roRv RE:~111:aENTATJVts: I

INTERNATIONAL RADIO CO. LTD. ! 200 Caetlereagh S t~ Sydney. 9 1 -9 3 Courtenay Place, W ellington, N.Z. ~

S'l' ,l'rE lHS'l'.RIBUTORS FOR BRANDBS: g VICTORIA.: Alexnndor Yair & Co., lop 1':lizu.· TASMA::S'IA: W. & G. Genders Pty. Ltd., 5

beth Slr•et, :l.[elboume. 60 Liverpool Street, Hobart. 5 QUEENSLAND: Home Rndio Servico Lim.ed, W J:IBT AUSTRALIA- A. C. McCallum. Ltd., 96 j

_ Courier Build;nga, Quern Street, Brisbane. Murrny S!Toot, Pnrtb. § .;UUIUIIIIIIMlllllfllfllllUJltllHlll11lllllll111flllllllUll.1110UIUlllllllllll.1UUlll.11UllllfllUHlllUIUHHl\111llHll110Ull11111101111111Ullllll1111UIIHIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIUI~

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 7nla.obj-651555643National Library of Australia

Priday, ~lny 28, 1!!26. WIRELESS WEEKLY


!:'age Five


Pu.bH h1•d hy Publlc1t.V" Prt•H Ll,1 • 71 / 75 R.->tcut F,t , ~yilntJ, .._a\u-5trnH11 'Pllonu: Bed.fen> ee, &Dd 930,

Winiless Wcddy Reflex

An Efficient Aerial !or nereption of Shol't Waves ......


Man&ginC lldllor: E. 0. UUMFORD,

lldilor: A. W. WATT, ToobnlctJ Edllor: 0. W, SLADE, 15 Adnrtlslng Manager: J , T. REEDill.

Tbe Editor will be pad lo conald•r Tecbnlc&I aod Topical Anicloo of lnt1r11t. to An1trali&Ji E.xfer1menten. All Manux.rlpts &114 Ilh1st.ra­tJ0111 are sent a\ the author • rt.It, and although the create•t ca.re W1l1 be taken to return unsuitable matter (tr accom-p•nled bJ trtuap•), the Edltor cannot accepL reapon1lblllty for tu H,fe return.

Queries :\let by Every Ht'ginncr •.

On the Air





Snbscrtption lt.a\u.-T•ell'e mo:a.tba (&2 illllH), lS/·. 'P09' frte. SJ:x man~• (28 b•netl I ' I. pen free. Slagle Co,Se• Sd~ eaci:a, or polt frH !4,

Advortt,tng. 00111 muat be ll> t.110 hands or Lbe Monaglus Editor 'by tlle Friday prececllna each l1•ue. If copy t. t\Ot received 1Jl tllllt, the prn1oaa ,reek' 1 &dYtrtlaement wW be rep~at.ed..

What They Write .

Amongst the Traders

From Here and There •·QauUons a.ad Aunre.n!' All re.1uuu b,.- non-111.b.Bc.rlber• callln1

for tocbnlcal t.dvtce or drawlD1• llCOS'l' bo aCCGmpanle4 by pootal note or atamp1 to th@ value of 1/~. A in.a.nm.um of tout que1Uon1 t• &llowed.


4ieu11 ln Groat BrUatn.-Tho Colonial 'l'echnlcal Pr .. , Ltd., DutlleJ Route, loulh&mptoo Street. St.rand, W.O. 2. Broadcasting

grammes •• P r O•

37 All acconnh oboald be made payable to PnbUclt.J Pro&a Ltd.. 12, 18 lhaent Street, S1doe1

''Wlrelen Weekly" t, fully protected lty copyrlgllt, anti noLblDJ I.bat appoaro ID It Dl&1 bt reprinted, wholly or In parL. witbout apeolal panaluton~ Tbt u•• ol our artielea or quotation• from tbttD for any purpo11• wbatsoe-,er lt oe:vn aatbortsed.

wrnEu:ss ON smrs.

Amongst the co11dusions reached by the Board of Inquiry into the lo~~ of thi, stcaml•r "Oorrigo" on the Que .. nsland coast was that had the ship carri<d wireless, it is probable that a number u! Jiyes might ha,•e been saved. This, of coirrs,•, is n conclll•ion that wa~ reached week.ti ngo by evl'ry member of the community whose sympathies havu gone out to the relatives of the unfortunate men who peri~hed in this disaster.

What happened in the cnKe of the "Oorrigo'' may occur aL any lime with any one of dozens or 1te.amers trading up and down the Austrnlian cun,t without th<! mea11q of summoning assistance instant• ly in time of trouble. With the example of the "Durrigo'' and thl' httPr experiences llf Lhe "Wnn­ganclla" und the "Enstern Moon'' hefo1·11 them, it is a malil'r of no small wondn why the authorities do not take immediate steps to revis, th • presC!nt regulations governing wireless at sea. \\ hnt would have lwen tht• fnle of lht• two In tt.<•r stcanwrs had they not been .. quipped with wircleHs can only ~conjectured. •

At prrscnt marme wirPless is administered hy tho FedcTnl Government under the Navigation A,•t, which npplil•M only lo steamt!l'K trnvc•llin11: inl<-r• stntc or ovcrsea.,q, Under thi~ oet. wircl!!ss is only compulsory on ships travelling from one St.at<! to

another nntl which c11rry twvlvc or more IJl1$~eng~•rs or fifty or more mrmbers in the crew. The "Dwrigo" carJitd no pas-l'nJ,'<lrs and less t.han fifty on the crew hst, so that, actually spenking, little vulue is phL,·od upon human lives unlesF there hap­pens lo be fifty on honrd. 1~ ~hould oo mentionNl, of cour~r. that lht• value of wireless un board a ,·cssel lies in her nbility to rl'nder aid to other vcs~els as well BR to use it ns a means of calling assi~t11nr" to her~dC should iL be necesrnry.

The po•it ion with regttl'd lo Interstate ships is dearly defined. The wireless section of the J\."avigation Act is a,lministcn•d Federall~· and, as ~uch, each sl.tl.l' i, t•J<cmpte<l from it~ provisions RO fur as ships trndi1111: pu1·<Jly within ihe confines of I hl' Htntl' lll'C cOncl'rnt•d,

The onus is, therefore, entire!)· UJJOn the ship­owner as lo whether his ship shall cany wirele~s or not, ancl i L is ~igni!lcanl of th" at1 i Lude of those companies controlling inter-stato ship))i11g that not one of lhC!se vessl'ls carri<>.s a complete wirdcss teleJ?raphy lnst.'lllalion, although ~ome of them nrc n•gulnrly engaged in the pas~engcr tra,le.

Surely it is high time lhnt the question of tho frnminJ? of II new ~ct of regulations was taken up by the Government; otherwise a far worse disaster lh11n that which overtook lhc "Oorrigo" may •1uito «'IISily occur.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 8nla.obj-651555773National Library of Australia

Pa,te Six WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, Ma::, 28, 1926.

·~· ...• , ... ., ....•.... ~ ....... ,~ .. -~ =··. ~-. ,.r. ...... ·'•<e,,,;•. *•<,~ 1 ~~B · h " w· 1 R · ' urg1np one 1reess ece1vers 1 ,, $

Australia's Best bg Test

"Burginphone !\laster"-A Re1•civcr of Rare Excellence, with Purity of Tone ancl Long Range

« Burginphones "-are Selective to tJ1e Ilighest D egree

For furlher ponicular111, wrilr, rail or '1Jhone

Burgin Electric Co., Ltd. t 340 K ent Street, Sydney t: l "Pboueo: City 111, Ci<)' 9886, 1113069 Dnx 7H. G.P.O. t

+<!><!'- • • ~ ••• .-• ._ ••• ·~· ••• "'·' •• •<%' •• ·""""· ~ -'<10-' ·~·. --<-€ -~~...,~

'l>lllllllllll!l[IIIIIJIIIIUIDIIIUIIIUllllllllllllllllrm1ouu111wmwuW1J1111UU11uo1111rn1ffl1DUHGIWDWllllUIIIUDIUIHIIIIIICllllGWlllllll .. ,1111.Cllln rr1~11111unmu-•t111•

i ANNOUNCEMENT I g INCREASED SALES REDUCE COSTS. BUYERS GET THE BENE- ~ 5 FIT. REDUCED PRICES OF jg I HEATH CONDENSERS I j The strictly low loss non-dielectric distance getters. ~ 0 BUILT LI.KE A WATCH ----- NOTHING BETTER MADE "' I Highest grade condenser now within the reach of all. ! i! Selected from all make." to be used by :\Iarconi Co. :_;; fi With geared Vernier Plain = ii .001 34 - 28/ - is iil .0005 2:7 / - 21 • g ~ ~ll_gllllt .00025 25 /- 19/ · ~ a .ooos5 20 ,. ~ a Dials: 3 inch, 3 6; 4 inch. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 5, - ,1 El The New Heath Vernier Condcn,;er with frory s i micrometer inclicato1·, .0005, '12 -: .00025, . . . 39/ - I ~ Remember: ·what you gain in cheap condensers you lose = ~ in reception. INS]S1' ON ~

g HEATH STRICTLY LO\V-LOSS CONDENSERS j _ PARSONS & WHIITEMORE LTD., 30 Market Street, Sydney i ->11emnu11nun111111um1rnuo1111111c1111~,rn11mmmum11111m1ui111miuurnm111111urnL111111111101111mm11rnuiummuou111m1tU11mum1011 ·11,111nmuur,uic,11""1Uun11 .111 u 1• ifllU❖

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 9nla.obj-651555903National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, 1926. WIRELESS WEEKLY Page Seven

The .. Wireless W eek.ly " Reflex Full Loud Speaker Strength with One Valve

"Wireless Weekly" has very much plea~ure in pre.<enting to its readers n very ellicient one-valve Re11cx receiver, which is the 1·esult of many months' eiqierimentation by our Technical Editor. The old proverb that necesity is the mother or invention is \\1lhouL a doubt pru:·licularly lrue with regard to rudiu apparatu!!. Realising that a cheap ~ffici1rnL loud spijaker receiver was very much needed, Mr. Slade has spent a considerable amount of time irt perfecting lhis one, which without a doubt, will become very populnr indeed.

Before beginning Lhe constructional detail~ we mflke one appeal to all readers, whether they be experimenters or broadcast li~lener~, viz.: Give Olll'

receiver a trial before criticising. From the re­,ult,; you will oblain, each and every rl!ader will realise that the heading of our poster has not heen e..'l:aggeraLerl in ,he slightest degree. l<'ur­therl\lore, readers who are ~ituated in the provincial towns where local broaclcasling is t.aking place will recognise lhe folly of using a receiver which em­ployR more valves when enLertainmenL from the local station only is desired.

1'he average crystal user is invariably satis­fied with the resulls he obtains, and usually speaks In glowing tern,s o:f' the life-like purity which his cr)'Stsl deLecting circuit is capable of. The di«­advantago$ associated with tho ordinary type of crystal receiver, howeve1·, are rather numerous when one stops to consider the inconveniences which they invariably cause. These disadvantages may he summed up in the following order:-

( I) Phonts have to be cramped to th~ ears for long periods.

(2) Only a limited numbe,· of persons can lMen in at any one time.

(:H Long clislaneu reception is not consistently pn~•ible.

(4) Constant rcacljustment of crystal i~ invari­u~ly necessary.

With the "Wireless Weekly" Reflex Receiver, however, all of the above disad,•antages are entire­ly obviated, without losing the purity of reception which b ussociated with crystal detection. Even whim, listeners-in are situated within 200 milel! of "A" eln"5 stations, phones need not be worn, as a small loud speaker with II moderately light dia­phragm will give excellent volume, so that the whole family may listen lo the programmes at any one time.

Disadvantage Ko. 3 fa by no m~ans barred with this receiver, as :!LO, 4QC, ancl 5CL can all be received in Sydney with very excellent phone strPnglh. Disadvantage No. 4 i$ entirely elimin­:ded by using the new t:,pe of Carborundum crystal d~teclor, which is particularly suitable for lhis hoClk-up. Six clilferent crystal units Wllre tested in order lo be perfectly sure that eucb one would give exactly the same results.

The photographs o[ the front and back views show clearly the positions of the various com­ponents used, an/I for the beginner lhe popular back of panel views sh<1wiug wiring are also given. "Wireles~ Weekly" has used an infernal mount, three-coil holder, hut this is not absolutely essen­tial. 'l'he ordinary lype with face mounting or a panel plug and two coupling plugs may be used with equal efficiency. Method and Order of Construction.

Drill pand and mount lhe following compon­e11t~: two variable conden~e,·s, one three-coil holder and four terminals; not iorgeting Lo drill tho three srnall holes at the bottom of the panel for securing the panel to the ba~eboard. Next, secm·e the l,ai,eboard components, une valve holder and one transformel', after which the panel and baseboard may be secured together.

Th~ next aud mmit interesting operation is th~ wiring, and U1e mol'e attention and care paid lo this the greatar will be the reward, not onlr in


$' = 0---0I--,_ 0~


BURGESS-"They're on the Leviathan"-BATTERIES

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 10nla.obj-651556032National Library of Australia

WIRELESS WEEKLY Fri4ay, May 28, 1920.

I • • • •

UAM ~dio:S 73est Speafter lu,·ent.cd nnd J.U~11u!u•-t11ro<l by Jnm1•$ P. Quam, of tho Quum Rndlu Corpn.,

Chlengo, U.R.A., tht1 m:rnui'urturrrs of Qu:.1111 Condfnst.•rlll", the only Coudrt1ffrrs in the \Vorlfl with Pyrt>::r t-.t.11.l plnle~ Quam Tran11fnrmtr&. iril nurlf'rous other of the. \·rr~· hi,:hest grnrle Rndio prodnds. ;\lr. Jnme• P. (,lu11m, who io reoogn,.,'1 lhrou1:hout thr whole of r.he United State, llW OM nf lht• h•ndl11g Engi11rertt iu 1111 RAdfo procl111•tion, v!site,l Au•trulia 1:t•I y•ar to consult with the lfuit~d Di•trihuturo Lid. 011 lbr pro<luotion of Radin !';,ta that woul<! be entirely ,~tisfnctory for all Bro:ul,aKt rr,eption purpoaea throughout \u!',rr111in. arid tl1r re.:,.ult oC hi:t work, C"ombinecl with 1hat of tht Enj!incerlf of the 'l"'nited Di"trihntun, hm, rreult.t'd itt th~ir supt•rlaU,·t' "UDISCO" type Set,. M~. Quam, how~\er, wn, 11'1l ••tiBO,•cl that Rny of lhe T,ouu Sp,•ukers avRilable In Aulllhalb werf' givini? 9ati111fnr.tory rt11rodurtion, il..Ud ht1nl his inveutive miud and "i'hole eru·rgi~.s toward& proflnei..ug ,ion1••lhiu.J: Rl,~olntol:, .. nJ,• rior tll the otl1er.1, and •ulisfactury in all rt·•pe<t•. Tho Qt',\M b.PEAKER i• ti,~ result. One of lhl• es!ll!nlinl diJier<·11eo~ of il«' QTTA1'11 !rum nll other SpMkers i• n Silver Drnmh~:,d Diaphrngrn of 3/1000 iut·b thirlc th•t nol only fallhfully rt•rroducee even .. arti~ub.tion of the J1umn.n ,·okti, but •·,(t gh·r~ music-al tvnt thftt t.SllDot 1,n equall~d by auy othrr "l"'aker on the nnrk,•t to-day,

Price, £9/-/· 800 th• QUAM on our Stall, No. H, at the Radio Show; or at your nearest dealer

-be will be pleaeed to demonstrate.

UNITED DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 34S Queen St .. Brhbane 26 Queeu St .. Part.h.

(Wholuale O nly) 72 Clnenee St., SYD NEY 66 Obulea St 26 Oh-er St .. Adelald •

L&wweston. Tu. 664 Bourke St., Melbourne.

Or. J'ervol.a Quay and Harris Sta.. Welllnjlton,


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 11nla.obj-651556162National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, 1926. WIRELESS WEEKLY Page Nine

appearance but also the results. Carefully follow­ing our back view showing the point to poinL wfr­ing. Particular care should be taken tQ see that Lhe six flll.lcible wires used for connecting up the coil holders are o:t' good quality, and that the spills at the ends ',>f the wire are making proper contact with the wire. If either pairs of flexible leads going to the grid and plate coil are reversed, the proper reactio11 effect between these two coils will not be obtained. A Word of Waniing.

Don't substitute other values of fixed conden­sers. Exhaustive ex-periments have been tried with all reputable makes of transformers and valves, and Ior general all-round efficiency the values as shown have been found the best. Be particularly careful with th-a soldering of joints; a clean hot iron, a good flux (not spirits), and well cleaned

surfaces will e11sure a professional looking joint which will run and hold like glue.

The wiring completed, connect up the batteries as shown. H will ae readily observed that the positive A goes direct to left hand F terminal of valve holder, tbe negative A goes to the -F ter­minal of transformer. The positive A and negative H are linked together permanently (positive = red terminal or + sign; negative = green terminal or - sign). Where dry cell valves are used for filament lighting the centre terminal or carbon con­nection is the positi--re, and the side terminal or ~inc connection iii the negative.

The following \"alves were used during the tests of the receiver, all of which gave very excellent results: Bright-emitters, Radiotron 201A, D.V.5, True Blue, Marconi R, Ediswan, Cossor; Dull-emit­ters, D.V.3, True Blue, Philips B406, From 60 to

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 12nla.obj-651556300National Library of Australia

Page Ten WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, !llny 28, 1926.

MaxitnUDl Volunie 111ith Perfect Tone

This exceptional Transformer, with polished black finish, now priced

at 25/-Thek«n~tTrarufurme.r value in Australia to.day. Made in two ratios, 5-1

a11d 3!-1 Amalr,.,:~~ Wi ... 1 .. , ~7 .. ,,~

P7 Clare-nee 51:tt•t. S,dney

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 13nla.obj-651556431National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, 1926. WIRELESS WEEKLY Page Eleven

90 volUI will be found to be Lhe most suitable plate voltage, but the constructor will be very wisil to experimenL with vmious voltages, until he finds the one which gives him lhe best results.

The tuning of the receivex is very simple; if the fixed carl.Jorundum crystal i$ nsed, no cry8t.al adjustments whatever are necessary. For pre­liminary tuning the primary and grid coil should be coupled fairly close together. Rotate both vari­able condensers until the station is raceiv!!d. Then tighten the coupling of the plate coil until lhe dr­,ired volume is obtained. For local loud speaker work the reception is very hat·d to beat; Lhe purity, volume and faithfuh1esR of reproduction can only br realised by giving iL a lrial. Pride of creation 1s in every Australian, but lack of technical and merhanical knowledge often deters the crystal en­thusiast from attempting to build the Ol"dinary type of multi-valve loud speaker rt!ceiver. With these buck of panel view~, however, and the knowledge 1hal the hook-up :is of Austrnlian origin, together with the facts Lhat the upkeep and initial cost is ,·ery low, we trust that each and eyery cryinal owner will not be satisfied until hi; has built the "Wireless Weekly" R~ftex.

For the more advanced reader~ we have plea~­ure in briefly describing the theory of the above Reflex. The ordinary typ(l or crystal receiver is

not alway, suLiijfaclory for loud speaker 1·eccption, even when it is followed by two stages of audio frequency amplification. It will be readily w1der-

~toocJ lhal the amplifier cannot amplify what the crystal cannot detect, so that if a crystal becomes 1,ven ~lightl;v less sensitive than when new, the ultimate loud :,pl'aker reproduction is considcra&ly reduced. By reflexing" a valve ahead of the crystal, however. th~ volume and range is f11r in excess of Lha t possible with an ordinary audio am• plifior attached to the crystal. From a study of th\' eireuit diagram it will iJe seen that both grid and plate circuils ;1re tuned. The energy .from the aerial i,s directly and magnetically coupled to the grid of the valve, which in the first instance amplitie,; Lh~ incomfog energy, then passes on to the fixed crystal detector, where il is rectified and passc-d through the audio Lransformer, bnck to the grid of lh~ valve again. Outing Lhi. process it is nguin amplified. Coil recommended for use with this receiver:-

Station. Primary. Secondary Tuned Plnte. 2'.V\\ 15 :l5 35 or 50 2KY 15 ;.ii; 35 or 50 2BL :m 50 50 or 75 3LO 35 50 50 or 75 4QG 35 50 o0 or 75 5CL 35 50 50 or 76 2FC 100 160 lli0 or 200

W ANTED.-All kinds Secondhand Wireless Sets, Parts, Speakers, etc. Best prices given. JACK RAPKEN, 16 George Street West. MW 1201.

BURGESS-"Power I Ilarmony ! Endurance !"-BAT'l'ERIES

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 14nla.obj-651556567National Library of Australia

WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, Mny 28, 1928,


IGRANI C. We hove recwtly landed • complete range of uddit1ons to 1hei ftuuoos Jgranic componeme., and the Dual VoriaLJe Condenser is a typicru sped. men.

Tlte mo~I intctuatine;1 l1nwever. ere the lgrnnic Su1>or.wniC Heterodyne Outfit'!, whkh have created a. lrc.mendous impression. The lm\t 1-.hiJ)menL was ill~L«ntly sold, and order& for Lbe n~xl1 .. hortly to arrive. wiU he r.xecuted in rotn-tiu11. • • •

BROWN. There are n.<Jw EICHT mnJcls from which to d1oosc, and une of rhe new typee, lhe Cabinet, is illu.!drnled. Pricee range from two powids to 1wcn1y guineas., and thrre ia u model lo suit e,•ery pocket.

At the bac.k of thni nnmc stands an orgunilia­tiou deb in lhe 0,.xperie-nce resulting frorn many year, devorcd I ll rhe pmduction of Headphones an<l l.oud S11cakers. TLey are 110.,.celled for tonal purity aml volume.

Tia,. ICIUNlr. lr1dr1!,aph knob, ad die,. £ns,U!e1 lAr iunill.1 fnr 0,1,1 ,,11lirin. JO bd ll!t0,.1letl /tn /utiue , ... j,,,.""-• In ,,m.Wri~ Pllnlitl'I, fQIU

• • OLD HAM.

,Ur.. l/· io S/J. We have Leen t1p­pninted iaole agent$

for th, QJultam (Special Acti,ation Proc-~~i:i) Bo.ttery, nnd you :e.houltl in• veil,tigate it.s unique merits before in­vei;idng in an nccumulator. Due t 6 the patenied method r1 f COD·

structinn, the pJetcs 11rc rc11J.ercd 8C• ti,·o right throogh. and unt merely on 1h(• 1:n1rfaN, a~ in moH liaHeric~. The charge i~ ohvionsly held mncl, lonter, 'ivith coJltw:'QU('hl large 88.ving in th&rl!• ing ro&ts.



SYDNl:Y: 116 Clarence St'reet. NEWCASTLE: 11 Watt Street. BRISBANE: "Perey Rom,a. MELBOUBNE: 490 Bonrkt Stnc.t. ADELAIDE: Dn.rung ::SldSll • Fnmklin Str&«t. HOBART: 1 l5 Mn.eq1111rfe Street. And 11t LA'OllOESTON': 11l11a lrotn :I. W, R.

Ga.rd.nm, PE.Rm.

1hr JIH.UfViV w. Lou.rl. ~;p~olitr, Slfltill 'If 1li,, u,wll ,•,._ prlf'Jo. bw. d 4:ia111 l11 pf1J•,IIJl,J!lr"1<!. .f~.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 15nla.obj-651556696National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, 1926. WIRELESS WEEKLY Page Thirteen

Materials n~ccssary:-1 pnnel, 12 x 7 x 3/16 inches. 1 baseboard, 12 x 7 x t inch<'~. 1 .001 or .0006 variable co11tlt•1iscr (grid circuit). 1 .0005 variahle condenHer (plate circuit). 1 valve 1 rheostat to suit valve u~ed. 1 holder Lo suit valve ust•d. 1 transfonn~r, -i to l or 5 to l ratio. 1 fixed carhunmdum cryHtal detector. l .002 IixL'tl condenser, good type. 1 .006 fixed condenser, good type. I .0003 fixed condenslc'r, good type.

Num~rical order of Conn~lions (for readers who cannot follow circuit diagrams). l\os. 1 t.o 6 mny be made with flexible connec­

tions. Nos. 1 and 2 link the nerial and earth wit.h the primary coil holder, No. 3, 4, 5, anti 6 link the fixed and movinK plates of the two variable con­densers. Be particularly care.Cul to see that X os. 3 and 5 go to the fixed plate connection. No. 7 links the fixed plate connection of the variable condenser with the G termin11l of valve, and No. 8 liuk.s the G of transformer ·with the moving plate connection of the samv condenser. No. 9 links the P terminal of valve bolder with the fixed plate connection of second variable condenser, and No. 10 link11 the pn~itive B lonninal of tronnformer with the mnving plate co1111ection of the same con­denser. No. 11 links the P tl'rminal or transfor­mer "'ilh one Mnnection of lhe fixed crystal de­tedor, and No. 12 links the other krminal with the P terminal of valve holdH.

No 13 links the right hand terminal of rheostat with the right hand F tcrminul o( valve holder, and :Xo. 14 link~ the -F tcrmin,ll of transformer ,ntli the li'ft hnml terminal or the rheostat. No. 16 is a short link t.uken from th,· moving plate con­n~rlion to the lnw<•r phone terminal. This com­plete.s the wiring. Be parliculurh• rardul about thn by-pass condenser; the .002 is connecu.-d directly across the P and po,iti\'c B terminals, nnd the .0003 across the G and negative F termin11ls of the trnnaformcr. Thu only nthcr cunrlenser necessary is the .OOG, which is w u:ed as shown directly nrross the phone termi na 18.

• Arranging the circuits so lhat the valve am­phlles at hiJ!'h nnrl low frequency.

M0RSR CODE COMPRTJTIO'.'i. <:eo. I'. WtHJ<I, "Burwuoi.l," 11 Alpha ltd.,

Wi!fouirhhy, was the ";nnPr of lbc i\Iorse Code Competition from 2\\'W on Tuesday, Mny 4th.

The wonl wus LA \"CKBWOLC. '!ho word 11nnsm1t1t,l on .\ln~ • th was

N\ J!Sf1'1WEHTITll\1,P. WJ1111ttr: l>11u11l,t Oar<l, 11n .11well,'" Wy111lora _\ye., llnrlwr,l.


The follo'l\ing details of the tran~pncific tests nro published for the benefit of some vC our country readers, who we fear, lmvti not been posted re­garding Liltlllll of transmissions, etc. TeRt "A" will consist of the transmission or reception of an official test message of 600 words. Transmis­sion and reception need not nccet<sarily be sent to or taken from the same station. The only stipu­lation is that these messages must bo Nent between Moy 22nd, and June 6th.

Test "B" consists of two 24 hour periods of transmission or r<'ception. The object or these two test periods is to discover the hours, at which trans­pacific working i11 possiblc, and also the relative re­liability of the various wavelengths usod. Tho times set apurl for these uestM are May 28th, 6 p.m. to May 2~th, 6 p.m. and lhe same hours of June 4th to 6th.

We particularly appeal to all Australian ex­perimenterH who haye Rhort wave receivers to inke particular noUce of the relative strengths of sig­nals during the 24 hour perind. .Make exhaustive notes and send along your rough data to "Radio," then from these collecth·e and general reports, we should be nble to puhliah true and ac­curate inform11tion regarding the bc5t wavelength tor day or nighL transmissions with America. To sny that this data is extremely valuable is onl}" putting it very mildly, Our A'ftlericnn friends ore doing their !,.,st, to meke the~e tests a bugu success. Let us see to it that we in Australia do nil we rnn to assist lht•m.


The chili!rcn of to-dny am tho hrundca~ting audience of lo-morrow, and their view~ m1 wirele8S arc naturally wt'icomed by those who control radio entertainment. The Rroadcn~tin,:,: Company of Au~tralia, 3LO, lllelboume, has offered prize" to tho 11.rnount of twenty guinE'RS for essays on "Brond­casting-lts Advantages und Possibilil1<'s," For essays by pupils over 14 )'('at'$, prizes of' .i:a, .£2, and £1, :ire otl'cr!'II with haJI u guinea <'>tC'h for tho next bc,t eight. Similar conditions apply for pupils under 14 yl'ars, the only difference being that essays in the senior Sl•ctfon should bu nhout 800 words um! fJOO words -for the juniors. Ii should bu noted thut enrh e,;suy haK to hnve a certificate from tho hcnc.lmaster of the ~chool that it is the unaided work of the competitor. Entries will ho rr.cci\'ts1I up till )lay 31st, 102ti, either nt, tho Broad­cast111~ Company, Camhridge Builrli111l'B, Hl3 Col­lins 8t1·N,t, \!~lbournc, or hy the ht•adma~ter of the pupil"s school.

PIIILCO-"Ask the man who has one·'-B.ATfEHIES

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 16nla.obj-651556820National Library of Australia

Page Fourteen WIRELESS WE EKLY fo'riday, Hay 28, 1926.


It's the Diamond Grid THAT DOES IT ! !

Avernge voltag~ 6 to 10 per 1•1•nt. higher than \I() volts of dry "B" battery. This is lwcnuse dry cells nre rated al their initial voltal!'e. A 90-v~ll dry "B'' b11ltc1·y deliver• 90 volts only nt tho very l>e.1tinning of lb life. After lhnt the volt.ulfi' falls to M, then to 70, thrn to 60 or b Joy. l,efor<• the rated capacity <•f the balltory i• obtained, and it is thrown away, llO that the average• voltage of a 90-volt dry b.,ttery is only 72 to 76 voll8. An R.1 X or t!II 11 ot.arts at a liUlr over Rt ,·olts, whkh gradually Call• to about 76 volt. before recharging is ne<"<•SKnry, so thnl thr averai,;1• vollllge even with infrequent rc•chnrging is 80 volts. In fact, the minimum voltag,• u! un ll3 X: or 86 IT is above th<• nveragp v111lnl(<' o{ a 90-volt dry hall~ry


"Replaces 90 Vo1t Dry Battery"

PHILCO B BATTERY ~ Just Landed A hlr1to consign1net1L of the New Philco "Eighty Three X" 'fyp1• hns now arrived. O11tslandlng order• cun be iuWlled und all new liu.siness sati•fl~d.

Type 83 X

Voltage RerlactlS !10-volt l>ry battery

Capncity 3000 millismp hours

Pric~ .£8/]6/-



Illustrated Cataloi,rue• will show drtails of all other lyprs of A 1111,l li batlel'i,••· -- ALL DJ-:AU;RS --


2~0 Castlereagh Street, Sydn~y. (and at Melbourne nnd Adelaide).

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 17nla.obj-651556952National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, 1926. WIRELESS WEEKLY Page Fifteen

An Efficient Indoor Aerial for Reception of Short Waves

Many visitors admired the small indoor aerial displayed at the Exhibition by 2SX, and the fol. lov.ing con.~tructional details might be helpful. Wbila it is cssantially used for the reception of short waves there is no reason why it could not be used for the higher broadcast wavelengths, when 118ed with a suitable receiver. Those experimen­ters who are real short wave D.X. hunters will be very familiar with the foreign noises caused by vi• brating guy wires, etc. By careful experimenta­tion it is possible to trace these faulty guys, but even when they are broken several times with in­sulators, the interference, which sometimes re­sembles static, is not always entirely eliminat~d when using the outside aerial.

At the writer's home, on a windy morning 1t is almost impossible to read even moderately strong signals, owing to this annoying interference. By transferring to the short indoor aerial, however, the signal strength is not reduced, but the inter­ference is invariably cul out.

The ijecret of consistent long distance Morse reception is the quiet operation oI the receiver, and without a doubt the major proportion of the inter­fering noises on short waves can be traced in or very near to the receiver. Don't be in too big a hurry to tell the other chappie that you cannot read his signnb1 owing to ~tatic, if you haven't pnid particular att~ntion to find out where your interfering noise originates.

By the assistance of a f.riend listening-in on

your ~hort wave r11cciver you will nol be long finding lhe offending guy or guys. In some cases the clothes line will be found to ca\ll!e quite a loL of trouble, in whieh ca~e you will be forced to remove lbe line to a spot farther away, or else break the wire nt frequent intervals with insulators. Co~•ttuctlon of Aerial.

First measure the length of the room or shack where the aerial is to be used. Next, cut oft' lengths of aerial wire (Mars preferred), to the desired length, making allowance for the insulators to go on either end. Next, secure two insulators and stretch the wire out fairly taut, making sure that an equal strain is taken by the five lengths of wire. One ladies' glass bangle will be required for every two Loot of wire. Carefully tie on five pieces of yellow thread at equal distances round the glass ring leaving 4 or 6 inches of thread to secure to aerial. They should now be secured to the aerial wires at equal distances apart.

The feeder may consist of a heavy flexible wire or it may be another SDlliller aerial similar to the main one. See Fig. l. The result of your labours will be an efficient indoor aerial with which you will obtain more consistent long range short wave reception than any outdoor aerial will give you. Try it for yourselves and send along the reports of your reception to "Wireless ,veekly." Those experimenters who intend taking part in Lhe forLh­coming tests wilh our American friends will be very wise to use this type of aerial.


fig. 1-Ca,irc lmlm;r Aerir,(.


The absence of a visible audience is a dis­quieting factor to many performers before the microphone, who crave the sympathetic "atmos­phere" which only the presence oj' listeners can create. An attempt to overcome the unrespons­iv~ness of the studio has been made by the dl­rectors of the WLW broadcasting station al Cin­cinnati. An auditorium with seating aecon1moda­tion for several hundred visitors adjoins the studio, rrom which it is separated by soundproof ,vindows. The performance is heard on loud speakers.


We are informed that an amalgamation has taken place between lhe firms of Keith Stokes Pty. Ltd., and Gelston S. Gow.

This firm will now be in a position to add new lines to their manufactures, and be able to turn them out at bech'ock prices.

The head office of the amalgamated companies, tradin_g as Keith Stokes Pty. Ltd., Incorporating 8ehton S. Gow, will be 27-29 King Street, Sydney, and the factory at 130 Sussex Street, Sydney.

BURGESS-"Ask any Radio Engineer"-BATTERIES

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 18nla.obj-651557083National Library of Australia

Page Sixleon WJRELESS WEEKLY Friday, May 28, 1926.

i ---- i Iii flsk Your Dealer for Clyde ~ i Ma:nufact\lr~cl by !


SYDNEY = i __ .i:_.ai__ g • llllmlllClW,,,,..,RIJWlll--:IIIIIS--lllalJlli IN ft:'.7flllaNWdiW¥¥ •

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 19nla.obj-651557212National Library of Australia

Fmlny, May 28. H121t

Tht.• Brml'llinl{ Dr<1lcc Rt"n:hc r, u:h1c'1 "'"' fi, ,., prize., Precision Coils.

t, wrnrpuratt-5 ··Rudwk,s"

(Copy.1 ti J-:mpire Strc•et, Jfabt'rfi<"lcl, 17th '.'\!av, 1!126,

Drar 8irs-1t m;y l)t,. of ~HJuw iith·n•"'t t11 yi,u l<.r lu .. o,, t,bn.t my rer.en,·or ,-,;hir.h won firEit prizv in tho rec~nt

Radio Bxhibitirm on Uir ""ore of sele...tivily, Sl)nsit1\l1y 111nongat ot,be1 rointe, "n~ equipped mt.h "'R!,~iok<"s" Precision Coils for th~ Browning Dul<~ L!hcmt. .

Th~sc rc,il• m•rr u•Nl jn•t ••~ pnrehu••<l. nr,a thl r~<nlt oht>1i11e,l },:,ve tfrbluly juatified my clertiou.

Wi~hlng ron every soc•<"BI!.

~[&ssn. Reith Slol<PP Pty., J,1.il., )fontnnn rr,,.,s~. 1,:iug $1rc·<'t, ~JdneJ.

Your, f:iith1nli~', (f:'g1 il. 1 •r. P 1\' A.TSON.

Distributors: VIC'fORL\.-LO'Glf; <'OEr-: WTRELESS PTY . . . . . . . . . . MET,BOURNE :--OT"rTI .1._\TT5;TRAl,1A-LOTIIS l:OEN WITIETJESS l'T\·. ADRT;AIDE QlllmN'8L.\XD-ED({AR 1t. nunso:-- . . . . . ' ' .•. BRISRA.'';J'E TAS:\fA!\'l.\.-)TEnm~RR1' & SON~ '. HORART • l\'1£\\' iEATn\~-,\REfi 8::VrEETOX T,TD. . . , •• AP<'KLAND

Manufacturers :

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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HR frl:lny •• f l !!

(,,, __ .. , __ g __ , .... _~, .... _ • ....,..,......, ___ .._ _______________ .,_,., ... "''~-~-.. ---~----------.

I R,,~l!:1!, s,!L~ .,JJ,!? ~~ .~X~!-!~.~. ! th, ·,r

Standard of any 201A or 199 Valve made.

Wlaor:So •• l:::•: :~1:•A~•umu NE8W/PR9ICE TYPE 10g. 1,1-., ., \Vork~ from 3 Dry •,r-11~

Conslllll"" .25 Amps. ()01 s11moa .06 Amp.

Bua ig Str,uJnr,1 201 \, Bako• Base la 8tnndnr•l 1!19, Bake-Ji!~, 4 Pin. I Me

EVERY RADEX VALVE i~ mo,;t rigidly t"~ted lu tL Jpw,,Jl 1alw Tesfpr 1,efor!! I despatc•I, l

ffigh_-Clrad,• Po.rcelai11 Su~kets for the..~,, Y.:ilv •s


, Th1- ' II & II Pn.ssvfut" -201A f'iockct . . t'l'ie,~. 4 -'rlJ ·~ ns,,ry'. Porec,Jam Cu.shfoni,d l'J'I ~-l ·k,•t l'ri•J•' 3 3

" YoutJ for Lawer Pricea ,.


RADIO STORES i I'hone: l\{30-!g_

;iij!) B'UNTEE ST. WEST, 'NEWCASTLE. 'I'hono:• NIJW, 163~.

·---------------~·"------=--~~ ~'7~'!-v;.~;~. l(t ~)?v•~~:, "\i> ;...:"' •~"'> •••;.~~ ... • *~.-;.,;,~ ..,.,M--~~-~


// you'i1e always wanted

True Blues now they're within the reach o/ all

It Ir quitn e1idont lha' TRUE BLITF.S hav eaused n 1!,•,•11fod eliauge m lh~ public"s Vn!vc buying habits. Wh l'C bl'reioiorc tl101 Wt!rQ ,•~1nleut with lio1~t. tl101rno.t11l-: nt 1J1\·1_•st nA?" a littiu more to get pure mu,fo, 1tnrl e.pcL,cl1 free from m.icro1ihoffi1• uoi~r:A

Wh] Jot your gu.1'l!t any your /:kt. i• "lik,, a h vi {(ISUlophone" I Why uftor an,\ hlam,i SLatio for rnt11tO)!hOnic Vnhc nolaesf (R :illy, lllCll:C Is very hLU., Slt>tie here,1 Try •rnu1: BT,UF.S, 111~ only non-micropb~nlo Vnln in tb~ "vrld.

TRUE BL,·ns a:re still th,, !Jii,:l,,,,.t, 1m•oil. •nd &turd ... , Valv Ob the Ill rk,,t, b11t ~Te cheupo in tlie long run, hr, ·~us.: ih'3oy l1ll,;'8 2 to 3 Um 8 loug~r tf nd r.nn:-rnme •,;n~ii]e,,nbly l" s urr,1nt, t1111Q eff'ol-.ting 11. I.Ji~ an.vh1g in • 'B ' ll11ttcrin~.

TRUE BLUES ,ro 11,vail:ibla o flt both Stund,ir,! 11,J Dr; Cell &,it<HE. ()!t111l1tahl~ .n lc;,din~ llndio Stnre• Tl~n 1t ac.-.ept he~p ,11h0\i!11tes L•wk f,,r th hra, •1 on llie ba••·, '''Brighton 1'rne Blue.''

PARSONS & WHITTEMORE LTD .. ao Markrt St .. Sy<lney


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 21nla.obj-651557476National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, l ~2tl. WI R ~:LESS

Queries Met by Every Beginner (1) "I huve n Tungar reclific1· which ha, given

me exc,,11,•nt ~ervic~ for the pnsl lhl'{'{' years. It 15 not fitted "ith the cxLra clips nec,o,;1U11-y for charging "Ii" hatteri ~. am! us I hm,e rcccntl} houg-ht n 110 volt l'hill'u battery I would very tnuch 11,preciaL<! yuur kinrlncsA if you would puhli~h a drawing showing the 11lt<>rntions of connections necess.~ry for charging this battery.''

A. The 1lrowing, Fig. 1, ~hows cl~arly the extr,i conncctimis n~,·eH~nry for t·h111·ging "H'' bat­teries. It will be rendily seen thul for high volt­age charging the lninsformcr is chnn1?,>d into the auto ct1apled Lyp-, with its prinuu~ and 11,•con,lnry

. .

. __ ....... -.... -··

~- ... --@,:;, ............... 11 Z.~O'l l..Otnp CLIP

"~nrlings in •cri=:s. Ir, when makinir the connec­t1<1ru; a, -h .. wn, thi, vah·e refUHeJI lo re,•tify, the Jotted line connections going to the primary coil of transform~r ,!tuuld t,., rcv~r,;cd.

,\ It, C.P. 240-,·olt earbon fil11111ent lamp con­trol• the pl:o.tc \'oltag" so that a good steady l'harge o( from :WO to 300 milliamp~ ia always nhtaincrl. For "A" haLlery drnrging tlw only alln·uLion necessary j, tc, use the other clip. Rcnwmh11r, of eourse, that the plate uf th<" vnl,·e J,!"OCS to the negnth-e :,rnd the tranAformer co1111~ctions, whether for "A' 'or "13" battery charging, iroeR to the positive tc·nn iual.

(2) "\\'h1tt val\'cs ~hall I use 1' is a query put by another reader.

A. Bl'ic!'I>·, all n,ct'i\'ing valve, on the market cnn be gro11pL'u into three lt1ts: 'l'hoso deAig1wd for 11.f'. amplificaUon. th<"~ specially 11uitable for L.1''. amplification, lndudinit power valn!b, and those not designed for any special !unction and know as g~11eral purpO$C valves. .Just which type is most auitablc will tl .. penll upon what cin·uit is u•l'rl. 1-'or instance, if H.F. amplification is u,cd, it will J>rob­ably he wi"" to s . h,ct 11.F. nmplifier11 for this duty. In the ca•v of 1h" detector and ~u,li,1 stni.:1?11 the general 1rnrpo8e Yalvcij will be O.K. cxct•11t whi,re extra volu111c and tonP is desired, when th<' H•cond audio val\-., may b~ replac1:d b~· a 1•1wcr valve.

TbiH cholre from the three g-roups is rcnlly all

WEEKLY Page Seventeen

the choosing that has to 1,., done, except that the con~tructor mu~t definitely d,,·ide whelh<'r he in­tcnJ,,; u,i111{ dull or bright emitt~r valve~. This, 11f course, will <lev,•11tl 80lely <Ill individual circum­stances. \'11lve, \<ilh the idcnlicul char11ct ristie can he obtnincd both \\ ith the dull am! bright •milter types.

(!l) Another rrnd(•r wriles: ''Au tapp<'d coil$ with swiklw:, as .,fficicnt as plug in coils 7"

A. 1t is ,·cry rlouhtful wh1•thcr the ordrn11r~ L,,.,,.. of •11pp.,I coil with a ,inglc pole switch to ron­trol the nu111bt.or o( turns in u~c is os effir1<mt us l lw plug-in type of roil, By 11~i11g a douulo pole tlca•l-,·nrl switch, how \"er, you c1111 aYoid lhe in­conveni,.-nce l ou speak of, and sl1ll oht.ain maximum t•ftkiency. An urti,,Jc dealing wilh the above switching mctho<l will shortly he published in "W"il'eless \l'Pckly."

PR0(:1u:ss IX JAi'.\.'.\" . .'.lit"• comes from Tokio of the orl{ani•ntion of

lhe !'ii1>pn11 Wirelos~ "relei:-niph Company with n capital of 20,000,000 yen (nominally al.iout .t::!,uuo,ouo 1 •

lt is the l!"cncral opinion t hnt the ori:-;rni!ation of the new concern m1•11ns that Juµan i~ at Inst in sip;hl of altu111ing an indt•rwnd~nt. position in her lelegraphit· communicnti,,n with lhc outside world, for which hitJ1<rto, she has large!)' t,.,en dependent on for,•ign countries.

The i11conveniem·c/l of dcµcnding on foreign• owned cnhlc~ were moijt stTikingly demonijtrated <.luring th \\'a,;bln~to11 C'onfrrcnrc and keenly felt by the 13te Premier Kato.

The ,la11ancsc Uonrnment has trunsfcrred vnriuus propert.ies t.o the new company, nncl will th.rt•l.iy hRVl• 11 financial interest in it. Among- t.he properties lransferr,~! nrc the Jl:1ranon11tchi Wire­less Station, tl:e Iwnki Station, and ;;omc land pur­rha~~d by the Oepurt11wnt of Cornmunic~•tions near Nugorn for thi ercdion of (lnolhH etat-ion. The totBI value or the Governments invl!ijtment is nhout one-ninth of the total capitali,mfion of the company.

The station nrnr !\"agoya will communicate wiLh Eur,1J1~, ancl will be compJ,.tod within four years, whi'.<• a new st.nliun nenr Tokio, for direct communication with Amc-rica will lie completed in two years.

8ltOADCA8TING JIOH DU TC'II EAST Its DIES. The Uulch East Jndi~s arc to have thl'ir own

"Radtophon1c Broadcast"ng Company." The Gov­ernment at Batavia, .J,wa, is m:gotwting with those lnter~stetl for the grn111.ing of broadcasting rights owr Lhe whole Dutch Indian Archipelago for a period of ten years. This should provide n new ficl<I for some of our D.X. hunters.

BURGESS-'·Fo revery circuit and vahe"-BATTERIES

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 22nla.obj-651557603National Library of Australia

P11ge Eighteen WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, M:,y 2A, 1!12G. - ------------------- ---------------

1 1--·-·-·--:-·-·-·--1 - ~C! -------t __________ J ________ _

M A R •CO Lln~s J nst lo lion )lnr-co lt,•si,,to Couple!' (<"omplet. wlt.

Hy Pa,~ t,;nnd,•n-. 1· and \'·al'iubl Rc .. •tnnce) . • • • . . . • .. ••

:\fur-co V11riab!e Grid 1,eaks 1/6 to megohms ..•..•.•...•••

)!ar-co ,hicks, nil lyp,•g, from, eu,·h ,\Ian·o flnl tery Switch, <'11th

)!ar-co \'nnin Di.I. • ,.•h . • • • . IGiG (Be sur<· you l!'"l the i,;enuine '.llar-co Dial)


The won1ler(ul 'lew Rotarr Crystal De­tA:ctor - always in delicate con lac t. Prica ...... 7/(i

Specially adap~e,1 for pnncl moun£inl!', Vibrution cannot di,turl, your good point from the whisker. Standard e o u i u -ment for lif<>bonts in th<' '.llercnntile )!arin,•.

D~t<·ctnr with X.P. C o v e J r,_•mo\.·C',I.



'TS Jl1$T l ,ANlllNG !

--Speaker n.,lrum,-nt or Radio. Pure ·n and gold Throat Band. 110/-.

"MARS" The :S"ew

Wonder Aerial

SO per cent. More


84 Strands of interwoven 11011-tarnhhing wire . In 101) ft. R,••l• . • .. . .. . .. . 12/0


20 Turru, 26 Turns 35 'l'urn~ 60 Turns 76 Turn.•

100 Turns 150 Tarns :!00 Turns 200 Turn~

COILS (Honeycomb). Unmount~'<! !tlounl<'<I, .£0111 £040

0 1 10 0 ,I 3 0110 0d:l 0 2 0 0 I 6 0 2 l O 4 6 0 2 I 0 4 9 026 060 0 ;t O O r, 6 0:111 uoo

i i

l I



,; .. --• - • - -------·-----

Wholesalers and Retailers Photo. and Radio Wmbouses :-.rdt1,y • • • 386 Oettr111 St.rtet X..toomba .. • K:11tonml1• fltrtr1 M1•1'1lJurt.lf • !!tlfl Collin11 f'.treot LJ.rn;brane • • • • oa QullHn Rlri,,et ~\.J,.Jtudf' , • . • l() !1.11ndl~ ~trteL \\el!1nirton. NZ •• .J~ Willi• Rt, Aa.d[l.and, N'.I. • • 140 Qu.~•n 8L, -------- --·--------

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 23nla.obj-651557731National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, 1926. WIRELESS WEEKLY Page Nineteen


.Mi-;~ IL .l, Rt'PA liug, vd\Oh'~ ~ .. \rfo~ 11f ,.inlor1niu­

ml! tnlln1 011 '').ttn•ic.•Jnn<l" u111l t ntYl"l frlln.J lht• sturlio ur 28T, have b('(.111 so llltll•lJ enjoyed h) n~teJH'rs iu. i~ tu l'rtll1i11 Ut! t}l/:' .. r f:1:,11·11111 I iug- 1·)1:-1t~· t·:1t•h wt11k nnrltr

1hr tit.IL• 11 News: frum lloJlyw-o~ld.' 1

Eliir Peer/es,. .1.ll.~trulia's soprana .,ong-/Jlrd, u it A 2FC for the last IR months.

MASS SERVICE. :,'unday, :May 30, l-ltation 2BL will bron,lcnst u

Mass ~uvii•P frvm the Sacred H i':.u·t f'l111 rt•h, Av<w!L

Rtri·et, Routlw-ick. l\.[r. (),, iro Bn\<lle., ·~ Bibll• ('lass will he eomludP<I from 3.30 ulltiJ ·1 in the llfternoon, ,md fl ll Org~ II n~ritlll will he bwadeast from I he Chalturri, Street Preb1Jyl eriau ('l111rd1. 'flu• evcll.lll:Z

911 rvit•<' will L>e tl1L' Presbytcriau sPrviC'e fru,n Clial 111ns i"trfel Prrsh~·tol'ion C'huHh, 1•011<l111·t1l by I he R,•Y. D, F. Bnrn,11, Thu .Manly H:u,tl will 11<· hr11arl­l'ffitt fl'om ~urn uutil !),HO -p.m •• un.d th(;! rt'111a illfl1:!r of lltt, evonin!( will he prodded by Mr. L:u1<•e Jeffret\ singing .from t l,e studio. Mr .• J,,ll'r.,e 's hrillinut nru t(irio ttingiu~ ]E,' purtit•ul:trl.v ph'.)using- to the, li~tou1~r:s­



Ou ~lou,loy, ;\lay 31, 1horp will lw i)roatlraJ;I. h~· ~BL 1Ju· n1111trn1 nn•,•thq; a11tl diAtrlhutilll of fnn1I~

of 1111· Llnih•<l ('1,si-itit•, Fuu<I irom the !Gu,: 's TI:111,

Hu.ntl:r Sl1P(li ln ndrlitior1 to 11n· :,;.111•t•• h~s It• tw .-it'lh·ert•tl l,y bjs F.:x.t•f-'llt.'rtt•y t-hr Gn, l'l'l111r' 1n~td Hon turtl ,May'-'r, tlw Hnn. (\ (1, Lnzznrini, M.L . .d.., nud 1hr TI1111. t-<ir Albrrt, Goul,l, with uth,•r i::r11tl1•mt•n, then· will he a brilli:iut progrRm1111•, whil'h is of

dlwt~, bulo:r, nntl rl'dtul ions, nutlrn· l lw iHre,•tion o_f )Ir. Rolnntl l.•1 okt1•r, of thu Con~rryu.toriu1u of ~-l ui;ic,. :--;yrlw·y. IL1~ ;H•t·o111y1au.ist rm lhi~ lll'l'C-l~lun i~ .1.\ladnml ..

'.\I urit• Buran1.


lh1 ~r1w~cin~, ,lu1u• 1, rl1e \nrlt:1"'ls:idors' '.nlon (.Juartd HIV ri:o,·iili11J4 \',hnt11l1t•r ·111d t•la:-.tsil-n1 items t.o ht' hn,111lt•J1~t hy ~RL. \lr .• \.lfrPd (\m11iuJ;.:hu111. wJw~o ••X•tui-.il, h:1ri10H<' ,·oll"l' ii-J -:1hrny-s a sourrt" of do• li~ltt, will h<' hl·ar<l. i11 1·lwi1•L• nnml,t'r!-. from hia

rrp,•rt.,ire. Mr. ,lvs1•pl1 P1t~t, \\ hn j~• n 111:lbH"'r of 1-1l lr:u,t thr•·,· w11si1·n.l iu:-1U-umrnts. ,vi11 1jluy uliofl solos.

'"rhi!i v.-iu,1 \n-.t1 u 11w11t i>'l' hf"a1·d all ton s,•hlum. a.nu pro\'idf•~ n lovd:i· u.uh ,tlion~ lflllt ' q11nHry in the L:iud'i of _\[r. r, st. ~fiss {~l:111·,, Gooley. BOJ11'ttf10, (•(Jrllplt•tl•ti

:1 p:,rlh•ulnd~ u1tradhl· pn1~n1111m1•1 tog111h<'r with

IPl't ,re~ by \Ir. Tl. .E Prn h1, nH "c.'la:,,•;:, fi~·:-:1 t'lll '' a 11d

\tr BurllLR oil tlir• tldnl of hi!i R~,d Uho~I Htorie~-.i·. \,t,. B:inwn }1;1!( s11t'l'l'l'•h•d iu µ;l't.t iug 1 ouethPr sorue hair-rnh1iug malc• rlal, Rn1l t•n)d ihrills ur, promit,'t·rl

:1 .... hlN sf.'-rie~ of' Hl1:~] Li hust S1urit1 S1 r-onti111ws.


011 \\'p1l11esda>·• .lune 2, from t lw t-11HiiO o.f :!UL will he lu·ontknh'l the Orpl1<t11s :,.,u.,iety, n n1:1l<., d1oir of -Ill voit·t'K, mHh1 r r.he dit•e1·tir--11 of tfr. Prunurnn. TllP hrillh111t ro11l'c:rte1l wo rk 011 lhis d10ir h:l~ bCl'D

r:,, <1urably l·Ommt1 til Pl1 upon 011 tltc•ir 11revions nppeo 1-n.nec-. Thi· (1ily of HythH'y Baurt will prov i tlt• ~lraius

r,f milit:n·y musie ,11eh as ,leli gh l th~ r11hli,·, find Ilr. Luker will pree(•1tl the ,iot•o111! of hi~ lc1•tur1·s 011

1 'J:1.pan-::uo~Hlij, :wrl Rr:11•tionR .• , Tbp Jin4 of Pr ..

.Afrrnndn S1r!rjn1".ky rlit! u,·1•/f~lma11-n Rusflfon pim1i.'\t. brotrdcnstini; Jmm :!FC.

PHJLCO-"For less worry and better results"-BATTERIES

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 24nla.obj-651557862National Library of Australia

Paire Twenty WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, Ma~· 28, 1926.

Its. so Simplett?:, C. !)~~ ,~

Charge you1'3 i :✓f j / \ 1 ~ • Accumulators y_o1.Il"self \\slo 1~

, ....... -............ ~~~~-~-~~~--- "r1\1y-,, ., ,I\ ~ Simplicity and Economy char- ~ ~ G

acterises the Philips Battery Chargers. J.>lug yotu aclapior into any light socket, switch it on when you go to bed and when _'..!.LJ_:~~¥''fl morning comes your battery is charged. There is no noise or any cause for worry whatever.

Cha1·ging once a week usually is sufficient fo1· most batteries, espec­ially when your set is equipped with the famous Philips B.406, the New Wontler Valve or the C.509 Valve.

Automatic 1·egulation of the charging cmrent is the special feature of Philips Battery Chargers.

They are complete "Full-Wave''Chargers, and as a result give maxi­mum output, and furthermore, they require no Rupervision at all. Even a short circuit cannot damage the Charger.

PHILIPS SUPPLY TWO MODELS. No. 327 (Chiefly for Radio Batteries), Charging l to 6 cells (2-12) volts,

with 1.3 amps. Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £6 No. 366 (For Radio or Motor Car Batteries) Charging either 1 to 4 cells

(2-8 vo1ts) at 6 amps, or 5 to 7 cells (10-14 4volts), with 3 amps.

OBTAINABLE AT ALL RADTO DF:AT,ERS 11111uu1111u1111111111n11111u1111111+uU1111110111u11111n111111Hu111111ruj1""'""u1u1u11111111111111111111111111111nu1111n111111111111111111n11111111111111111 u111111111111111un11

Makers of

the Famous PHILIPS



Give Perfect RECEPTION

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 25nla.obj-651557995National Library of Australia

Fl'iday, .l\fay 28, l!ll!G. WIRELESS

Lnker•s lt'ctu11?8 lu!< estnhli~hefl hini firmly in pl1hli1• trivoUI', onil it i~ .:111 l 1tipatt•1] that 11 • l111iratio11 will in

c-renb'r wttL the ch.1llvt1rr nf the '!Ul·1'Pl'cling talk1;. 0111

this on•nsion th~ sp,•:i hr will d,·al with lhl' nud erial• ii;tir !;ldl" t1i ,1:tl•tlllf'~,• tlP\·eJqmwnt. :\1r. ,f. M. Prf'TI

Mavi.s Det1mflm. 2FC ,oprano.

tice will resnmt: hi~ 1111.k~ ()ll .lfort1ign .AJl'u.ir~., dealing sveciii"'nlly with tbe European b'itua1io111 a111l answer t)O th.ill c.rt•a~iou writt1;1n io41uiri1-1H.


On Tlnu·s<1uy, .ruue R, l:loyt ·s fmpl'rinl Orchestra,

pliiylng from the Theatre cl., 1,ux~ unuor lhe ,lu·ee• liou of 1fr. L. Ilnrt, will provitl" 0!'1'11~strnl musfr.

Tho Sydney Pl:iy~rs prcRent th,· first a~t of a eornedy in tl1rre aets L'ntHleO "Tht:! Am:tlt~ur Dete,~tivl', '' ,wd }.fr. Fraser Auuer-on will 1•.<1111in11e his series of lnlks on II A•t rolob,i,•111 .'lids to Chnmctor. ·' Mt.-. Helen• 8tew11rt. a clrn,u:,tic •oprun(, nf outstnn,li.ng •t1111lity, will sin,: twti Lrnekcts of two numbers. Miss Stt.,wart is pl'l~:-"eut.ing sougs in her owu inimilRble W3.Y, singing with great clramntic for~c and pnwer,


Fri<l"Y, .Juue 4, will he OJIC of 2BL 's danre nigbts, and Mr. C'ce _\forrison with his Cloomeh118f1·s will live up to tlteir reputation for cha,iui. ,1w11y the 1,,.,1 vestiges of the blnes. ~rr. M<>rrisou in person will ol,o be ltearJ nt the piano playiug re4uest, numbers whi,•h n re osk~d for l.iy Lelephonr n.n,1 !UllJUltan.rously broadonst. Mis~ 1\1:l rgarel M,·K~nzie, ,.-opmno, will be 1h(• siuger on thik occasfou, ,i11(l 1110 senior sport• illg expert of the "Suu" will 1lis1•u<1• for tu au(] lip~ for the followin~ cl"y •~ roring. The 'Provclog11c l'nrty will be iulr.irlu,•Nl to fresh b ursts Of Egyptit111

spleruloul' prior t(I returning to A uslruli(t.

WEEKLY Page Twenty-one


• \II 1~0 tr1u1smi1ti11g lflntionR arr owue.J hy the Pnat OAlce aulh<lri1ie~, l,ut the bron•lcu~tiui,: servh••• i~ i11 the h:1111lR of privr,t,, (•<nupn11ies. The Pust Ollieo aupJ'lifs the station, nntl iJ1 return partit-iputcs in the tapi1,t1 of the comp3nies lo the f':xteut of h~Jf tho sJuue!-1. 'l1hrre nrt nino s.tntioJls operating on wnve­]('rq~lhs bl":tweeu 279 mc•tn·is (Bremc-n_) and fi'15 (B~r­Jin ). Th,• power usrit vurirs \Jctwceu I nntl ~ K.W.

The ~"."1me proS-,'ftll.luno rtw Ut broarl1'astl'rl -:imul­tflllec,usly 1'rnm s,w1>rn I kt.11tio11s.

:&USSIAN BROADCASTING. Bron nen•t ill![ .Lari c!I in Russi:i iu o,•tobt•1·. 1!)2 I.

The J/us•inu Broa1le:1sting C'ompnuy is n1ll~o '' Rudio l'erC'tintrhn. ''

Tltt~,,~ arr lf\ Unnulca~t iu,g C"Wltr Pf;1 l'Onl prifoliiug lG st:itions, although !l5 .i<ltlitio111,1 ~ts l iuns »1·e being t•t111lt•u1platod iu lbe vrry neur futur~. The wf~Ye­h•ngth~ nr~ l,t•tween 2GO ml'lrrs nnd 1450, nnd the higheRt power m;e,l 25 K. W.

SHORT WA VE TB.ANSMISSION. Mr. Fred Schucll, who, you will rrmember, was

selt't'!.e1l hy Ille li.S. Navy lo open,tr llwir shorl wave rxperimrntnl equjp1111:mt ou the ret'<"nt cruise of the A111erkn11 .ltleet to Australi:,, hnk j11b't rcsigi1od from lti,• oflit'iul 1>0Hilion a• lruffie manager (o the Amnkan R,u\io l!flny 1,engut·, in or<ler to l;~eo,ue aesociat,•,l with lhe Burg<'AS Lnborntories at )fadi•ou.

.Mr. fl1•lme1! "':\~ Lhe first An11•ri,•an n ,u;,teur to work Eu rope.

The (•xteu,ive resenr<·h an,1 cn~incerlng labora­tories ot th~ Burg<·!!a Bnttery C'ompany offer him faci Jities for Iha farther development of hls experiments, prol,ahly unobtufoohle elsewhn~.

We "hcndy read tlta1 1vi 111 ot hrr famous engi­neer~ of t he Burge!IB Co11,pa11_y, i11rh1cli11g Do11:il,J IDx (who w11s iu ,·hn.rge of the wireless on the 1fatruillan Pohu· Exi1~dW11u), .Mr. l-1,•hMll hns been co--0p1•r;tl i11g with th~ recl'llt ,•xr,edition~ ro the North Pole, the R11r!(PS• B,iltt•ry Con1pan.v not only l'1111ippi11g the ex· J>P<lilion with bat kri~s, but :ilso giving 1hr •~n·ites (If tl1,•ir r11~i11Pe1"S, who <.h~~·igncll a11d built the short w:l\·e lrnnsmittters :111(1 rel'eivcrs now hciug 11Hetl.

~'nil delni ls. whi<·h will he partieuliirly intru-asl• iug t, a1untcurs, will shortly he r~~eivud frnm Lbe Rnr!(,'.JS C'ou,pnuy, an,J will he J1Ublit,'lrnd it1 th~sl• t·ulUJllll~.

INDEX OF BROADCASTING STATIONS. i-0111<• tim~ l.mck T 111t•11lio111•d llin1 the Burge~~

Battery• Ct11upany would seutl nlong to auy iute,·eatcd 11ers<H1 !In in.slrut•liv~ hooklrt. an(l so grent wns tho <le111a11<1 1hal suppli~s soon rm, out. I am tola that 11 further shipmunt is now 11eu.-i11!( ;\ustr:uin, ;;n,1 ibose on tht· w;iiting liaf wiU shortly be supplied.•


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 26nla.obj-651558120National Library of Australia

Page Twenty-two WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, May 28, 1926.


REFLEX RECEIVER :is described in this week's issue, can be seen in our window a t



Lil!t of Parts required:-

1 Rakelite Panel, 12 x i x } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 31-Platc K. & C. Variabll' Co11u.1•11~cr ........... . l 4.3.Plati• K. & C. Vuriahle Conden~er . . . . . . . . . .. . 1 Columl1ia 3-Coil Holder (in6ide mounting) . . . . . 1 St>t of • .\pex H.C. Coils, 35, 50, 75, 100, J 50, Mounted .. 1 Valv~ ~ocket, ".A.ja:x,'' .... 1 A uilio 'Transformer. fi to 1 . . . . . . . . l 30-ohru Rheostat, "A_jax' ·. . . . . . . ... 2 4-iuclt Ajax Diak nt- 2/4 . . . , . . . . . . 2 ~nn-Ui<UJovH·bl(• Ilimlinl(' Po~ts. 2!tl. t'n<-11 2 Douhlt• Phone TN'lnin11ls, 5,1. e,wh .. 1 Oarborunduru Special Fixed Detector .. l Wt>il~ss .006 ('ondr11S('l" (Fixer!) . .. .. 1 Wrtless .002 Con<lPnsr.r (.l<'ix,,d ) J Wutless .0003 or .00025 Contlenser (Fixed) .. 6 Lrnglhs Sq. Bu~ Win• . . . . . . . . . .

£ ~- d. 0 5 :3 0 12 6 0 15 0 0 11 6 1 2 7 0 1 11 0 18 Ii 0 2 1 0 4 8 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 1J 0 0 3 6 0 1 fi 0 1 9 0 0 6

£.5 13 6

Ruiltl 1 his muM t'1·m1omic1tl Set nud hring in t bosp Jnterstat e ~talioirn.

Don't forget to srr Mr. W. L. lia.J.J.lilton {"Tnsulator") PV<'ry Friday Even­.ing at our Sydm'r St-ore. lie will solve your prohlrm~ l<'REE.

NOTE.-'\'1-'u l)ay rarriage on goods 10/- and over rxeept BalLerics and Speakers.

"Your• for Lower Prices."

The ECONOMIC 28 Royal Arcade

11••5').•- Pitt <& G,org• SI,, ( Nea.r SeAool o/ .irta)

SYDNEY Ph<>ne M 3049

RADIO STORES 569 Hunter St. West

NEWCASTLE Phone, New-castle 1822

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Friday, May 28, 1926. WIRELESS WEEKLY Page Twenty-three



/larbara Briscoe, 2PC contra/10, winner of rite Aubum Concrolto Champirm,<ltip, 1926. Mi1wgn11g Championship,

1926, and otl«'Ts.


On Saturday, ,Tw,e fi, iMr. W. J<J. L,•wls !llld Mis:r Vorrio Ward e.oll:,horul~ ill duct.a, on,l will also sing ~ulo uumb1!rs. Mr. Ileg Ilarrj~o-n, ('U1ne1lia11, :11111 )fiffii

Gmec S,willc, cout,rnJLo• will ho hcord, rogcther with mu~ic bro1ulc11st f-rom the EumorP ~'heal.,·e, wbe1·e the Ernnore F;yrnpb1111y Orl'l,~sLrn nrr playinsc under the direelion of .llr. F. Wall<ins. :\'fr. D. Rn.ymnncl continMa his 1ecttm·8 on Coins rl ncl Cniuuge, 1lcaling 011 • his ocea!iion ,vHh n CttriQus Ourre.n,•i£\!i.',


Through the meilium o.l' 3LO, listeners-in arc to have the opportunity of hearing a brilliant youn!!' pianist who is also destined u, make his name in dramatic production. Bernard Julian Rus­sell, v.ho will give a series of piano recitals dur­ing the coming week, is a young Englishman who has been particularly successful in orchestral work in Sydney and Melbourne and has conduct-0d sev­eral high class orchestras. Now, however, he is to enter thti fielt] of drama in a role which requires a young man who is also a clever musician. :Mr. Guy Bates Post, the famous American actor is seen to produce a new dl.'ama called "The Climax," in which there arc only four characters. Mr. Post is a music professor in the play, and he has two brilliant pupils, one a sh1ger, and tho other a pianist. Miss Dorothy Brunton will -play the for­mer role. Mr. Russell's pianoforLe will be a welcome addition to 3LO's programme.


I>uri11~ tin· aflt1r1u,ou s1•:,;.~•ion:-1 on ~<>11,lny rmd \\'crl, nt•><lri~·- ;\Ir .. I. \1. Pr1·111i,,,, is 1·011\i11ui11!( i.;. t:tlks on "-\ ('Qllrt'lt• in PhiltlM1phir rr11ought .. , ipHI "tMu1h'rn f-:r.glish l'1w1ry · 1 rt•l'!pt'L·I ivP1y Rolh o! t:he£ru t·oursel:! uro ll1rP-iviug rt cot1!-tif[t1rahll, amount. of attontinn, nn1l 111it11y ti ... 11•1u•r~•i11 nrt• i11tPr1~~Ci•tl at h1•i.JL~ i.uititttetl into the- m_y,tnie, of philosll)'hic thought ,111<1 I hiuk• i11~. Ou •·:n·lt Wt.•1l1tP!-ltby :1frti1nuo11 at 3.30 ther~ iH n :-;11t'1•i;al npl•r:di1• ht:'H!i-io11, "hP11 :;onh• fanic)ms o•ptira

h illu•t, ateu wi1 h ;.:r:1111opho,,., records provi<lcd by llh~ li.11.V Punqmn,v, i1drodu1•ing C'nr11'!'!u :11111 oth11r f:uuou..; urtisls. ~:dord:ty aflPl'flOon1:, are bt:ing do­vo11Jtl Putircly tr, spott, :Jnfl :irr:ing~rnPuts have Loen mn'1e Whl't rhy. iu rttlditirm to nn•iug information be­ing pl:H'l~o 1)11 thl1 :tir imrnr<liu.h,J.v :ifli~r the rosuit.s nre known, th<· vurio11s Hni;rby League fool lJnll urn.t,-h,·s wlll 111· ,1~a,•rih1•tl hr ,m ,·,qwrl hre>ttdeasting dir,,et from tho ;rround.

lirin11 Alrt'me, disting11i,/he1/ acior, who recnuly brr1ad­castcd 11 talk from the dressing-room. King's Theatre,

Melbourne, through BLO.


.No Cook's Touri$t Gwde ever had more sight­seers under his care lhan has air. Horace Book, Lhe popular "Billy Bunny," of the 3LO, Melbourne, Studio. Every Sunday evening his Studio is swarmed 1,y ea!!'er children and the equally excited 11a:rent.s who have come to ~ee the mysteries o! where the sountl comes from. Al times the ac­commodation i~ insufficient to meet the needs of the large number of people who arrive there and the tom bas to be made in sl!Clions. Some are becoming regula1· visitors, and each time they come they bring new friends to whom they proudly ex-

BURGESS-"Assu-re Clear Reception''-BATTERIES

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 29nla.obj-651558519National Library of Australia

---·-· _• _n_Lc.•--=·--=·---'"__::_" ::.E::.•_:•_cr ___ ..:':::"':::"::...:· ".a}' ~II, Ide.



MOe 3 to , Voll• .. 1 Amf,ll. l!l/G Mf!IL

OSOi ~ Volu,, _. A.w.p:t. ll1CI~.

01 D.ll 3;~. ::~· .i A111p11,

DIV, DV ,;u V111ta. .I Ml&lt, "I· ,IICh

.. .,,11 ,. 111 1•b("r 11:~t¾.b ••t' A1llt"nrnn \'•JI!!.

DOU, Dll'1TP.R. (DllY QEl.L) TYllll&

A.10$ I 10 1.3 Vl)hl, ,1)6 Alup,a... A3GG S VoJs,, 0G Ampt

!.8!6 1!11..tb.

H&M J"'1I II~ ,. Pamo.1 .. lJOlf Mlal:0 ' BUAltE!IIT Dfl'.SOTOJI.'

Set m(,rf' 1- 11nn~I' • ", ,t ., 1,1.:.~

A ;:ruo.uiv,, 1•<i!I~ +<1 ""''rJ r ,, PIWIB-- ff/fl •Ill


EASY TO BUILD- EASY TO USE 1l \\ 11'.\:l)J:t!T •:-It. HctV• l~)~i,l'Rl'('Tltl!'il It FH'l:!11 I,, ~ 1 hml l 1u1 I,.,.,.,

,11.,, b ,hm,:1,IJn1,i.n11 ·1 "''"" ~"' I t41•i1· ,·11 t~••.•••t.. ..w.J~I 'h11h~ a 'fl.,twll,., l 11~ • ,,! •J•fl 1,1 ,,, r, ,· 1h111u1l!T 11rr,1,, fti•n1 nTI JMf'II r• f h .. I' 'tl''"""W"f>~zr., olll! .,. I Jt i,, ... o>t th, •• ,ltirt" 11.lt• ,. i,,v ,l,tllh~,1. , , 1,,.

WH'l,;l l~.1,'l'•t~I: HU\Jt: l lClS"-l'J(n"TIO~ ltl4CJ::l\'R1C!'<

n .. \ ri 1r..-t1.im, E.\'l-'.11\'r!fl'.l.lf I I / , .. r -...~,•lllllf "' n•llll(, ~\LI-ti·­.. h,1..;',.,111Apl"' 1 ~111Kli1', UJ,:,'U l' .\:St.:t, 1•1 1,-,\ , 11,I t',,,::,_\,..I, \.\L\"W-i.. ,\ &. 11 li..~:rrl'~lilE~. bAl l.lB '\\'111&.", \'11Lj')l,t:n,: 1; H''"l[U it.l f:.T~;rL 1w,:.11 Ai• •••11111•hr rrr" llf-'.\T>P' rl 1SV.l-l -..1\l,llf ll .. , 1u;~l.lof, ,.,J \I.Ill Al. Y.1.,tl IT'1UlNT


1 v~~ Dry Cell 1'Jp,t f1' It G 1 Valu, ,nlb «I l\nrflar• Ih,iU' Iii YIU"" Dry Cle)I 1yp,t . no ID o Act••b.~t nt 11 0 3 Valv.n, Dry OeU r,p. £13 li 11 I a Valn, \f'll,IJ. GO Am.per• Jlwr • V-11.he, Ory Ciil\ ~ m 4 & • v~t~ Am 1Io11r a& 16

& Vllltl!, :DfJ Odl Tf~ f:!11 t' II A~l.lt,:rr ~ t20 19 l Valn_ ,,rhb. .11:1 Amp!!te. 1!0d' 5 V...tv-11. w11h ID Alllpn• H011~

A(O'llfflul,,\« " 4: Cl A«11111utol' . . Ck a s


B•cl Ol!kie .,., 9-op: or, r1u .Md 0n .. n111ffl Slrecit8,f~KY.

Ura.n,t.lll ts Pnt S~d. (n•r 0.ft.'11111.r Qqa,-),

Md~ Oo,i;,artMent flO C-lbuo-n 111:r..t

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Page Twenty-six WIRELESS WEEKLY Frida:,,, 'lay 28, Hl26.

Manufacturing Products Sales Co. (M.P.) IH. ;r. HAPGOOD).


TeL: BW 6763.

Ageuta for all Stylea of Bacllil Producta. AQ'enta for Clyde Batteries.

Elec. Meter Mfa. Co., 1 'Emmco- 1'

Renrade Oondellliers, Leaks and FiXed Rheos.

Airzone Rbaos. Pota.. Special Coils and Loops.

Badlokes, Honeycomb, Clrclold and Special Colla.

Neutron Crysta.!JI, Prompt Sblpmonta from Sydney.

In New Bontb Wa!OII for Louis Coen Pty., Ltd., Melbourne.

Tbe most comp!- Une of 11.adlo Produ.cta In AutrnJI•.

Write for Special Cat.Joguei..

Write for Indent List.

We Represent S1 Foreign Radlo Manllf&e• turers.

Your Boy Knows!

TUOt:OH yoa mat no1 underetarul w1retea1 icdrninln iot, 1our hoy dA("I, 11nd prob• ~bly k..uu.-1, loo, tb"L E.dl1wau • ·cea·

;sor ~• are be:•1 'rlie lu11s lift, 1111d 1h•flendshilit) c,t yoar st-I

Hr• 111 lh• C"nmpournh m1ed, i.o l)e rt"rl41n they ar.,.


IIDISON SWAN ELEOTI\IO CO. LTD., 68 Otarmce Street.. 81<1.ne1:

aa.d at Kelboome. Brf1b&DI, ud Adela.Ule.


:::"~"'""""'"""""'',i·' .. "'· ....... "·.' ... ·•:::,,;::::;:::::,::,.,:::,::"'""'"'"i" 1i1

I I B ffi m m ~~ l,_·.=.,'.~.. _, __ ,.,,..,~ m

rn ....... ~-- ;:i··:,,··l:::,,:,i.,,,,.

r,.:·,.r .. i.:



I~ General Radio I~ iii m lij Universal "Four" ~I ~ ~


11 3LO, 4QG or any interstate fil

'IIU;.'· station you require on loud '·111:


Hi speaker strength-an extremely i,!

ii! efficient and highly selective Ill !~ four-va!ve broadcast receiverd m I·, possesstnf great range an ;;1

ill quality O reprodfuction. Wave .. Ir.:.;

1~ length range o 1 50 to 6oo m


.~i,• metres with a phone range of l!! 2000 miles. Built entirely of ill

Ii General Radio precission. com- m I ponents. One of many features m

II embodied in this set is the ease m i,i 111 with which local interference 11! Iii can be eliminated. David .. :1,1. p1 i!j Jones' are sole distributors for ii! m Sydney. Price, set, complete ill ii/ with accessories, loud speaker, m ill batteries, phones etc., £47 / 10. !!!

I~ DAVID JONES' Ill 1: ........ _.::::.:::::::·····1· .. ····· .......................... -...................... r.:::_, ____ :

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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r'ridny, )fay 28, 1926. WIRELESS WEEKLY Page Twenty-seven

1ilain a,; much as they know themselv<i's. On some Sunday evenings nearly n hundred people ar~ shown around the studio.


Dressing room entertainments from Lhe Tivoli 1'hcutre are always popular with listeners-in as the vaudeville people provide more of an cnlertainmllnt lhnn a talk. Many will have pleasant memories .,r Lhc ukulele songs of Dollie and Billie and these will welcome the news that a similar entertainment is Boon to be providt'd through 3LO, Melbourne, by the Swanson Sisters, ,mother pair of famous artists who are appearing E,t the Tivoli Theatl'e. The~e girls are twins, and Lhey have mnnied twin brothers. 'fhe lwo families combine in one big act under the name of the Rigoletto Brothers and Swanson Sisters, and present a miniature revue of entortninment incorporating all the arts and lypes of acts known to the vaudeville st,,.ge.


A good vocal qual'tette in harmonies is the acme of musical enjoyment for many people, and in the concert world or upon the stage this com­bination la always sure of succc-ss. lt is some months since a professional male quattelte has been heard over the air, but now 3LO, Melbourne, has secured the services of the Four Shieks, who have met with considerable success ovel' the Tivoli circuit throughout Austt·alia and have for many months been playing in the principal picture theatres. 'l'hese young men do not confine their repertoire to Eastern numbers, as their name might imply. On Lhe sta_ge they work with an Arabian setting, each man attired in the true Shick costume.


The extent to which the reliable service of 3LO, Melbourne, is being availed of by the public in cases of emergency is ever on the increase. Hardly a day goes by without some appeal or urgent message being broadcasled to distant people. First uf all the messages were confined to Victoria, but as the fame oI 3LO, Melbourne, spread, the destina­tion of t-he broadcnsted information extended. Only Inst weok the studio was asked to send a message t., a mun i11 Papua notifying him that one of his family was seriously ill. The message was recei,•ed. In fact the Pacific Islands contain many listenets-in who have writt<!n in appreciation of 3LO's programmes. ~ ow comes a paragraph from a newspaper at Northam, near Perlh. It says: "On Sunday evening a local wireless amateur when listening-in to 3LO, Melbourne, received a message

which hall. been broadcasted, asking that a resi­dent. of Mt. Lawfoy (u ~uburb of Pei·th) should ,e informed of the death o[ a near rc,laLive nt Melbourne. Finding that the person referred to was on the telephone. he was communicated with lhal evening, :.nil Urns the message was delivered at kasl twelve hours earlier than would have been possible by telegraph." Since police verification is made in all instances there is little pos&ibility of abi1se of hoax .


"I am a listener-in who has lost his sight'' writes a con-espondent of 3LO. "I wish to con­vey to 3LO, Melbourne, my great appreciation of yom· programmes. Your broadcasting is a great source of pleasure to me, and to the gentleman who so beautifully described the A nzac Day :\larch, I send my special thanks."


One of the be.st known municipal bands in t.he Melbourne district will soon be heard "lln the air" by listeners-in to 3LO, Melbourne. This combina­tion i~ remarkable in the fact that the majo1•ity of its members an• young hi years, but veterans regarding musical talent. Council bands are seldom ~ucces~ful, and in years gone by, band~ have st-arted in the Williamstown district, but have failed owing to lack of public support and efficient organisation. However, in 1923, the presenl band was organised by the present bandmaster, :.\fr. J. Scotl, who has had provious experience in tho Royal Artillery band, and under his tuition, Williamstown has now rea­son to be proud o! them. He has been ably assist­ed in his work by the secreLary, Mr. J. Vernall.

During the summer season recitals are given by them on the beach at Williamstown and the public support has been magnificent, thus proving that musical talent is greatly appreciated. Last year the Williamstown band was featured in various massed band icecitals in and around Melbourne and they were also one o:r the leading bands at the massed baud rec.ital given as a farewell to the Malvern Tramways Ba11d at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, before they departed on tho New Zealand toui·.

This will not ho the first time that listeners have heard this band, as they were attached to the 5th Division in the Anznc march this ~-ear, which was so ably described by Tl1r. Norman McCance at the request of 3LO. Great things are expected of lhem and despite the youthfulness of the members, "listeners-in" to 3LO, Melbourne, will not be dis­appointed.

PHILCO-"Have you got one yet?"-BATI'ERIES

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 32nla.obj-651558902National Library of Australia

Page Twenty-eight WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, May 28, 1926.

PREMEDete ,. ('fo-1-

For Perfect Rectification

~ESIGNED -specially for master' ~LJI detection. Gives you strong signals and helps weak long distance reception.

MULLARD Double White Ring VALVES Type D•3 for 2-volt accumulator JJ/6 Type D.06 for 2 or 3 dry cellB 13/6

EACH or 4-volt a,ccumnlator EACH


1Mullard THE· J.,,fASTER ·VALVE -------------------(ARKS. B3.)


Advertisement of the Mullard Wireless Service Co. Ltd., Balharn, London, S.W.12, ENGLAND.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 33nla.obj-651559034National Library of Australia

Frid:ty, May 2~. l!J2G. WIRELESS


'l'o tbt• E,litur, 11 \\'in•liitt\t \\(•,•kly. 11

.... ir, Your , .. ,httn iH.1 1.t..:• \\ rk wns ('c•1't:th1I,: to the I 111t wbe-u 1lt·.aU111i: Y.ith the, wavt•lengfb aituutio1 with rrgarJ to tlo,• bronde11,tini; srntiom; Jn A1.1,tra­lin.. llnnu~ beou fortun:,tr. t uough during rn~ l,nsi rit'H"' lrnn,1~ in th,• f-:111d~r11 ~IULL18 to h:1n• h:111 lltt-'

011te1rl11mt~· of li~•••uin~·in ;1t th,, huun• tu\\ 11 of

'l t.rly P\'.<'-ry clan \ ~t·ttiou, 1 ,·nn full~· ii,) 11qnJtl,i..::c " , tho lot 01 lht• hro:idrn,1 li,teu~r I~ at,·d iu o h,·r ••it it's th:iu !'-.> dnf"y.

I fully t:>~ph·t1 d ~om(' g1H1d \\'1111 1.J Ni1, C' out of 'b(' 1•01Jtt1rt"111·1• 111' ,l1..lt-~a11•s ol tl111 ..\~..;m•iJJtio11 1'f'J'

4 , t l),,,..,.Jop1.t1l'III of \Yirei••~ ... 1111,l lwp<-.. \\•·rt• hi~h u Ill the rt'pr~s<,;ntnll\"e, of 1111• l'.\I.(;, 1) pnrlnll'u~ to()k up tL.t.-i.r uo111nl rlc: ifl tl1~ m;in!!'er '1.ttth:le. \\'lll'lj t1w ,11riul1!!1 p11.itit11H ot 1111• td101t wavt• l'fltl1111H

1111.1 plp\lr1J nn !ht diol 01' a rf111 d n1?-t~r wllit•li 11llu\\fl

a tut,"'"' fruru ~.'iu 1 u ;';Hij uu·1 r(•o;t1 nn1.. c:~qH't·h•11,•1•..,

IIllnglt·~I Ct>diu:?,it uf 1,il v uu1l 1·011tC'111~t fur tlo• i11d1 ,-t•lual8 n· .. ,,,,u~ihlo (or ~11d1 n hr1 less hlund..-r. ,\r ,ordln:.; to information th.·H I ha,e rect'nt,I rrc,m iudl\'idunl-i fl.1'11uui111t•1I \Yilh flu• inrwr \\1•rki11~!'! o!

tl11• P.)1.<¾, lJt·JHttlt1u1111, lh~ h1•111I omi•ti iu \li1lhom•1te h. 11 \\u-tkrrl 0111 uu •·ln1l<,ralr, stl11111w t'u\ ri11g dozt•n...: of UJ\thir:al rl~S!I H t1lationi. i :11ldili(111 1u lbl' t"Xtst•

us,: ~t·,tic,u~. and th t lhe- 1•thn h:,;'li. lu~,.n :11t11h,lh·11lt'd intu o. <"r:izywurk quilt pattern 11rm11 +fi,. 1•nth'i}'h· th:tf l h1• fatJa•r tht• .. trdions nn• ap;t rl til l' ,·h,rwr tlu•H e1rri••r wuvcH. 1 ht• ri1ll1•nlou~ rro\\•liH~ ,.t :!IH .... :lLO,

fl~ nnd lQ(i il1to u trrquc-111 y h•rnd 01 only i.11

kdo.-yrlrs shoa!,1 hfl nppare1 t to ,,-n thP Jltub1 uh ,t11mti? of .lt•partr111•11•11~ oftwlab,. l'p to tht1 ti1111• o(

tbt, 1•cmf,,rl.!n•·., I \\UM tirm.l~· of I II, 11pinioh lhnl ~11111l..___

thi11R wouhl sou11 h1~ doth' ln tt·li1·n• t.his 1·111~,•filion,

fit d it t•l·tiniuly r•rnu,. a-= .1 nu,c,ty i<11m•k l,:u·k t,, 1f'a.J 1hr nftirial replJ ,:fi\'('U ·o thl' ro11fcrcmet"' 1,,. tltl' :--:,,.C" rttar.,· of lht~ P.!\l.f1 [)~p•irtrnriut. Ou~ tltntem<"nt

wn• to the t-ff•·•·L I hi : the rue111h<'1 !"l of the t111, (Prrnt·e Jwd hn,t fill <•Jlpnrt1111ily iu th,· l11•i;,dnning lo h1y out 1l1,• \\:1vc.•lt"11g-t}1-.1 :1u,l tl1:tt un 11lh·rution.., \\11111!I l,1•

m:ulr now. It 8ef'u ! ..:trung:e to hronr ;-.Uc·h fllntrHtf'llt~ fro111 an i111livhlual respon-.il,Jc• f(,r w man,> rffir1" t thn11gr8 iu bl!-i o,,.n ptt·viou..-;Jy niotli c,1ten ,IPfU1rtmrut.

T,\11 r<·asous 011ly ~l'("lll appan•nt, dtht.1r tli:1t our;:i.idt• 111 llu,•11,•11 lu:u:1 111•1•,1 hrr111~ht Io lH'lnr to 1wr111•t11:1 t,, t lii• thaotil': ,hort \HH"~ ,ij1u:tli1111, lllh.l t1t, 11is,•1·,•dlt lh1•ir

undouhte,t 8UJH•riorltr, or tl1;1t sh'-'C'r oh~tin:uy i111 the

only oh,tad,· tu greatly h,poH''' condition•. \u otlu•r Jo1tn;tt>m, nt rn:1,1•• in Ll11• fthn,~t•mt•ntionrd rflply· tl'l{:1riling thtl i!,~~in,1 n•stridiun of hrou1h-r1:itli11~ wn\"'t' 1ru::tlu~ ltc,low .;on t11t.•trt-s wa'.'I thnt t.nu•h ,1 pr114•t•ilur1_

WEEKLY Page Twenty-nine

,q,utr( p1•n;11iii1• lht• 1i\\J1i:1·s nf uHl\t-1·!-.a) \\K\H 1·t•n•h·~

f'tS. Thi!-- t. 1 •11 s rntl1e-r a hdah'd 1·011fet.!!J1C11 lu 111..ik-.,

nflcr thl• 111:uaJi offi1 1:al ... ~u1r:i:11c·1 ~ that 110 difrt-re-nce iu th<' 1..•thdt 111 ., ur u r,• h •'• ,P1uld he ra1u11;1·1I t.a· h.t\'1111.! it il ,i1H•k or all li'ath·11. Tllt-'f(t ,ll't' 1•1ght lllili~

11li1s,14 .\ statiwus f1111ll ue1·ordi11~ lo tlw r1•;.;11latio11"1 I 11t•n1 r:.rn 1,,. 110 rnon• 111 \11"lr.1hn. uwl 1111 1ht>:"i"

<·oulil lie t"QU fortnhl:i, iu.-lno d b<·IWt>i:u 311(l and .;oo n e .. r,, .. (1 ~ • to fiOO kilot-) rh.·~, nith a fr1•1pu"nr~ s~ urutiuu 1}! .ii• k,·., l111n11~ from :.!lit) u11 to ,WO 111Nrt•.~

( Ll!IO Iv l1HH1 k1-•.) fo-r n!tout :!O C'h1~i-: U u,111 r1•l:1)~ tttnt1u11~ witl1 1 1wy will :tl h('­

.-\ \"ar· ct~.

fn ,,m•111•, ,.1·1l:11ntion ,,r" ~ ... , k1•., ns of' llllll"h lo\\_.r pciwt•r tl111u th .. l'l.!1ss

1t is ,,lioul trn,r that the t:,I' Ynu \\ 111klrs in t•la11q,w u! l111• 1dn1ini-1t r:11 iou 1,r t!ir \\'irt·l•·"'H lfr,.::u lail1111.:! \H,kc 1111 t11 1111• l'11d thril H ii;c uo\\ thl' y~ur tff:!ii. nitJ. l11·u·ul~•n 'in!! is no l11U.t,.::1•r 1ht~ J11~n1 uu"·~1•,· it \\dB 111 10:.!3, hn, in.! !'iprc ,1 well hl•)ou'i stnte Oo; deu e.p1il~ Romt• time a~o. Thi• nl .. ·o brini..rs up th..­• '1•nr1,h p11n,p" mt•tho1ls u-t rfli,•t-uw nll1wn1 iuu, pa.r•

ti1·11larly iu 1'(1;.(llfd t<• x.s.,,·. 111111 Yif'furin. It t·t•r•

lti1it1 h j,-._ an 1111tr l~t' on OJitt '!l' Mt'tlHt• of ,iu"'I i,·r wJH'II l11P <'i 11lt1C'lla. al&"'l•rs in c1tht•1 ~t:-ih--. ur1• ,•011!!.hlen•,l.

Bru.11l1 t15"1ing i" A (.'ommon\H"dlb affair, llh1l shoulr.l knoll" no ..;,t&tt hur,h•t.... Toik• ..i(Jtl, f 1r ('XBrnple.

"itl1 :1 Stntc• llll';J t'il!'lil,,· halt u d11'1.••11 tinH'N UR J:n•:d

:nc \ if'torin, 1111,I 011I,\ Utll'-f'ig!dh ,.f lht> 111 \'t'll\1(' to tlt, at witJ1 It lllHkl'S Jitth.· 1liflt'ft'lh·t1 to n blatiutJ 's ru.11-11i11,: ro,t~ wl1t•·•l1..-r fiv,, thotbllutl. or fifty tbou~anf'l 1'f"r illr" h"t u In it. \\ ith n f'Ombinhl re,enueo of rq,,rrox. £.ltiO,uno [i;r the ('01nmm1wt· .. 'llth, i.'a, I, of th~

1·igJ1t ('lll~'l \ ~t;1tiouS l"1Hlld J.tl't £~11,llflfl 111~tf•a1l of

1l111 pnltry 1,ltt llh.'.•' n~ u1 ('l'•·~w11t nftl"r jl't' ·11ul 3LO tnl;p their 1i11uK 1 "httr(.'.

Politit•;1I uC"li\11,· s1•Nns ••gse,:utial for r••li,r, .nnd

nll r~:uh.•r..,.. 11ihouM do tfu•ia uhuust to "IIJ'J'Ort the., ~\s~nt"intinu ror IJu· De,·L•lnp1111A11a nf \\"in·lu-1'(, nuil t lw1'1•hy cn·ult• a Jnr.1.tt' ,,rM·r111 i•1t11l ho•l.v, \\ hii•b enn hnT•" th._, hau,1 of tho~(' l111li\'i1lu:1h1. hoth ittAidl· ri11il on'!ide the tlrl'~rtmeut, re,pon•ilole for th,, rr,,•ut h pck..,s muilil <'- Yours. t•1t.~.1

"t".\ lYtl'I, \ \'.'' (r•:11ihir ':, ~01.- Wt• woul,l wt•h·o11H1 utlH'r reutl•

N8' opinirJTIM 1111 this: s1uhjt•rl.)

SECRET w11u-.:u;ss?

Accorclinl{ lo a PariN report, a syst-cm of ~ecret

wir,, less telephony has been invented by 11 young Awtrinn englin·~•·· Th<' uppuratus is ~tated to ~mit succ~ssi,-e waves of three diff'1•rrnt lchirths, chnn<:"ing from one to another every sixty-U1ous-11rnllh of n second. To pick up the "secret'' mes­Btlf.:'t' the rec, ivl'I' must he• eynchroni.sed with the wav,: flucwation~ of th<> lrunsmitter.

BURGESS-"Slandard of Comparison"-BATTERIES

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 34nla.obj-651559172National Library of Australia


Page ThlTty WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, May 28, l!.126.



Low Loss! W HY buy expensive condensers and 4.-Low absorption of moisture.

coils and then nullify their efficiency !n addition, Radion is easily worked and by mou11li11g on an inferior high loss is truly b~auUfu! in appearance. In cost,

panel 7 it is more eco11omicnl than any other mat-RADION is the foundation on which to erial and will prove Lo be far more efficient

built! your set. It is made exprt>ssly for i11 every way. radio and for excels any other insulating Alw,1ys insist upon genuine Radion Panels mate1fal in lho four essential chamcteristies and Parts (dials, sockets, knobs, insulators, of wireless, namcl~': etc.) Inferior material cannot possibly give

1.-Low angle phase diffe1,ence. you the same sati•fa~tory results. The name 2.-Low dielectric constant. Radion stamped on every piece is your assur-3.-Righ resist.ivil)•. ance of complete sati,;faction.

SEND FOR FREE BOOKLET "Bui/dint Your Own Set'

Oar new booklet, "Bolldiog Your Own Set," giving wiring diagrams, front and rear views, lists of parts and directions for building the most popular circuits, will be sent free upon request to

International Radio Co., Ltd. 200 ca.~t lcre111!'h Street. Sydney.

91·92 Courtenay Pl. Wellington, N.Z.

The Supreme Insula1ion



I I i f I I


' i i

I I f

I i '!•~,.-------M•-c ~ _o_o_n _______ ,~_ li ____ M,-•----~-i-.,----- L- •t:•

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 35nla.obj-651559389National Library of Australia

Friday, Muy 28, 1926. WIRELESS WEEKLY Page Thirty-one

Amongst the Traders THE BRANOOLA.

Specie.lly built to bring greater volume with minimum cu1·rent input and exceptional clarity over U1e full frequency range. A large diaphragm gives new rounded fulness to tho low 1·egistC!l:is and n~w clarified lightness to the high. Reproduction coull'nlled by a Lhumb sc1·tw nn the base. Polished \\'nlnut plinth with elcctro-platt'd fitttn)!'~. Height, 26 inches, Bell 12 inche~, $pecial non resonant horn. Agenl..s, International Radio Go. Ltd.


Claims to do aw1<y with the nece.~sity for "B" baltedes, this apparatus rruiy be ust/u with al I types of receiving sets u,;ing the ordinary three electrode valve without any hum from alternating current. The alternating cun-ent is convel'ted into pulsating d;rect current which is sul,sequenlly smoothed to ri verfect direct cUJ"renl. The choking coil~ have been carefully constructed and large capacil y con­d~nsers eoul.J:•il,ul e to the complEtc smoothinir. A ~pecial rectifying vall•e obtainable separately ha,; been designed for this apparatus and usvd normally will have long life. By means of a rhcostnt, the plnte volt.age can be adjusted, I.mi thib rheostat should be kept inserted a~ far a.~ possihlc for good

reception. Special attention has been paid to a su1rply of lower plate voltage to the detector. A special connection is provided and by means of a seconcl rheostat I he detector voltage can be ad­juste<l in three stages. Handled by Philips di~­Lrihut(}rs.

High tCn$lon ,upp/g unit


Of particularly allraclive appearance is the Eureka txansfonner, a British product handled by New System Telephones Pty. Ltd. Amongst other features, it has a non-laminated core-an inclusive method of winding-and is hermetically sealed to preclude the possibility oi dampness injm'ing the contents, It is enclosed in a coppered sLeel case to prevent int~raction, and having been fully tested ov1n· a comprehensive series of electrical tests, is fully guai·antecd against any possibility of break­down.

BURGESS-"Over twice the Life"-BATTERIES

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 36nla.obj-651559645National Library of Australia

·r L ,'\TI' wm I ~Si-, \\IF.KLY 1-r!dn.~. Mn, 28, 19:!G.

Why the new W ecovalves will improve your set !

Tii, n•w Wtco­vo/ 1>tJ ar, no"' available from r,gvlar ramo 11,alers at


GREATER sensitivity is assured from Wecovalves, for when operated at a

dull red heat, the new patented tape filament used in the improved Weco­valve gives fourteen times the electron emission of thoriated tungsten filaments operating at a bright red heat.

Owing to the unique rigidity of their construction and the special method of supporting the valve elements, Wecov.alves are posttivcly free from the par;i<;itic noises commoa 10 other valves of the dull emitter type.

The exuemely low temperature at which Weoo­valves operate, due 10 the special oxide coated fib­ment used, ensures longer life than that usually obtai.n.1ble from orduwy dull emitter valves.

«] Wecovalves are specially graded as detectors and as radio or audio frequency amplifiers.

81andard Ji,/"plt01tes and Cables (A11slrala;ia J limift'd


m.Stllm °""1r/t' Company(Au5tmli.l1 ltd. 192-4 CA!.71.HREAGH STRhHT, S'l'DN6Y


FOR s~\1,~;.- i;o ft. 01'1•go11 )last Ill two ~rtions. ),nn·r half :-15 ft., upper lrnlf 25 ft . located at 8111,pension Bridge. ('onqilcte with gn~·s nnd pcµN. HC'sl off,•r takes. ,\pply "A"riul," ,•/r• ",vfr,.lc•H W,-,,kl~·." 71 Urgent Htrl'et. :-:>dney. or telephouc Redfern 96-1 for particulars.


Sta r I



,.\{ I rtnui '1-1 \\ frelt'8H 're.1'1J,:1":l}'h

l'< w , n, Ltd. arwon, thnl ue ~"s i:.r-n 1c from Radio Tfo t",

\\ 11 Q ~trr-rt, fl,(\2, to .M:oirrov.-, •\"218 11Ull.l{lll'fllt.HI tll1 '\f&H'.h ,ll. I'• vnt uncl N>n cn~rclul tcleirr m• wll' be nee rte,1 at UT) Mar vui 11ffi<·" for \\. irole~N tr1u11:uni:"11:Ftion to .\I11sPr1W OT' nttv part of Rns.,i:l, f dllt g ha, ln~ been arrnnged for tho riJ•id dl•1 rll>utiou nt snch mt!· t>:tg1..•s tJ1ru11~·hm1t the cnuutry.

A B&OADOAST LIBEL? .I Uh,·1 nct.011 h11• l>ocn thrNtl•

f'11c,l l" )fr. • !ro\, e, Ute Illinois "'"I I tt,,,n,--•, ._'llinst th@ wtroloas

nuounrt•r at n ('l,ic:igo ~:,J,,:,ret for 1Jtnn,k !'Jlin~ l hti irH·nrTod atntc• 11 11t th t ~[r C·owe \VIII' amon,crt h bar, ·• ,n~.; . t'nlortunaL • ~ or ~(r. Urowe. n, , at..,tule ap­pu rs in \meri 1111 !r,gnl recor,111 de­ll ln,r raain ll!wt

"' , ..- 011 lh1s snb.io<"t is pending 1Jfl(, ,,rc C-0nJ,.11·r as, ·lint until it it p;,n~,l tho Rr11to ,Utnniny is lil,oh· to h , :itt r rh.'lncc o' aueee.ss n nn » •f, n t ,r wl•~l•» liheJ,

I h~ ton o 'do,k aignnl bro11d,ut f•o the Cc,pctown t<tahon Ii,

IUj>er impo~otl on llll.Y Jtcm )wing rcr!ormrd 11! 1110 limo, 10 thnt thia gh • the time signal witbont cut­tin , off the tem.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 37nla.obj-651559906National Library of Australia

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 38nla.obj-651560147National Library of Australia

Page Thirty-two WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, May 28, 1U2G.

<---'fl -1 ·----------------------------•;• HOWELL'S SALE & EXCHANGE

Why not have "Wireless Weekly" mailed direct to your home regular­ly every week?

The subscription rate is 13/- lhe year post free.

Lorge Variety Loud Speakers from 35/• I<> £8. Haar them on muatc.

.£ •. !J. -l f-'Li.l1· Lon,lt·11•""r • . • • 0 :1 0 Sri1urc I A">u1/ Sp('a.k,ei . . • l 17 1, "'.It tl~ t •llll 11 1 n1n.,.ft>rm(lf'11 • J O 0

I ,ti'IW• .l'I'" 'I 1.at,JnttlH r; . . • IS U 1.1 Point Tml1,1,·!.1111c~ Swit<"ht:1 6 ~in1?lr J••·li., 1/~; U,,t16!f'.' ,_ ~ "-uunl.itJ :.'UI A .._,,,·lett . • , (I .OIJV5 !itraijtb.t Llna li1l'!flllt1n,1y-

1 ... w 1.IJ&S Cuni.ll'O'!<'Q , , . , l3 ti .l)IJI/:.!~ :\~ni,,:hl I.int- F'rl"•J•l,.n1·r

I .o" L,,_ Con,1onft!.I"' • • • • E1h11wau Vnl\'"'-4 •• , •• •• •• )• .. ,vm,., t 1h(•ll1· PIUI!! • Aul..luudu f>hum• Pl11111• • ,

J1 • ~ u .1 n

1 1m•li n1o1I• ,,. •••••• l ind1 IJiJLl• •• ....... . :1 ,mh Oµ,fa ,. . , .•••• L'1e1r11C"r :.WJ:\ ~uor.lu!t~ • f'r..-,, 1,.., 1"1• Soo·J.-.,11 •• • .U0\15 (;,Ju,lt r1 s1t r• . .. • • • • ; \b.. \;NI "t,llntt ,J Tti.tmln.11• Jblt.t'l it,o IUH"l''llill, JO uhui. 3/,

,u,,I , •. , •••••• •• •• ";uat:11,·ul. 1·,ml •• H~1lr,1m,·1t•u .• , •• ., U1:;tmli11,: \«Mlr'?II ,, • ,, Uu1',1• Iha! ,

C1Lsh with order. Over 10/·, post free (Batteries excepted)

.£ ,. J. , .1 I 3 I II I 'I

l " 8 3

' 0 • u " '

Mail your sub­scription TO-DAY t.o The Edilor, "Wireless Weeklv " J 2/16 Regenl sl., Sydney. HAVE YOU 'fRlEO TliE HOWELL REINARTZ?

I 'rhere's Nothing Better --- Let ui. Rewire yoll1' Set


I '. Open till 9.30 Friday Night



Phohe MA 1113

---❖ ❖~•----•-..--..~--·--·-----~--••:•

No More Distorted Music I Ecen t'1e poorest Receiver with its harsh reproduction can he converted into a mellow-tnned musical instrument with the new

MA CL UR CAN TONE PURIFIER AND STATIC REDUCER ----------- (Pmpnt app. 2flJ,11J -----------


Pnrllcular.• /mm-



CHAS. D. MACLURCAN, Pratten Buildlng,Jamie.son St.,Spdney Afamtf(lcwred bp ~lectrlcilp Meltit Manufac•turln(I Cu. Ltd. Spdnep

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 39nla.obj-651560404National Library of Australia

friday, May 28, 1926. WIRELESS WEEKLY Page Thirty-three

From Here and There


By "Billy Tea" (3LO).

The figures for April ha\'c just been published and make a most interesting study. It 111 not a mere fortuitous concourse of circumstances or in other words, klerely by chance thnt Victoriu slill leads both in numbers and in percentage of popula­tlon far before nil other slate~. We may honestly put it down to 3LO, Melbourne's, strong lend both in popularity o{ programmes und excellence of tn111~1mss1on. Suppose we make II neat little table o! the figures supplied by the l.'.M.G.:-


Tul41 pu


'"'ale lt-1U J\L'W Car.c<ll.,J :Popa:-latioa

\'ictoria .. 53,547 932 1,161 3.1 New South Wales 34,100 5,226 21 1.4 South AW1tralia 11,029 557 l .2 Queensland .. .. 5,951 714 1 .6 West<ern Australia 3,759 826 ,103 .l Tasmania .. .. 1,114 55 1 .5

Total .. 109,600 7,810 1,348 1.8

There is, however, still another way of look­ing at the above figures. Creditable as they are to 3LO, Melbourne, it really does seem somewhat ridiculous that aft.er three years of actual broad­casting and neai-ly two years of the very best to be had anywhere in the world there should be only 3 out of every 100 people in Victorin listening-in, or if we count five per famil)·, only fifteen homes out of every hundred. Con~idered in the light or the figures Lhut1 Interpreted one is inclined to hc~itate before t.uking the recent pleblsciws aml those no,,. imminent a~ anything like gospel, and one also want,; to know what i., the malt.er with the people of Australia ruid particularly with tho~e of the Queen City or the Sunny South that houses a broadcasting slalion so ~at!1<fnct-0ry as 3LO, Mel­boune. Still another point worth stressing i$ the astoni,;hing fact that Victoria and its sister state, Tasmania, which are practically one as regards broadcnaling, together make up a full hnU o! the total number of license-holders.


.\11:.ny listcuers thro11i;hout Au!/tralia have heard the .Jnpancso &t.atiou JOAK, eo that these p11rtici,!ara "bieh were sent by tho Diroetor ot Tokyo Ilu,o f,yuku <,Tokyo Broadcasting Bureau) to :'.1r. H. R. Curler, Armidule echool, Artuidnlc, N.8.W., will bt1 found interestiu{!:-


I. ORGA?\lSATIO:,r OF TOKYO ROSO·K'iOKU. The bweuu is org:u,hrntl fur Ute •olr. purpo:18 of

public senic~, composed of pri11ci1>11l n,•wspaper•, b11nka, lllAnufaclurcrs an<l buaiac,"J firms of Tokyo under governm,•nta1 supervision over rrogrummcs and rate•, etc. 2. STATION ,TOAK.

'fhe .tnlfon JOAK, silu11t,•d on a smnll bistorical Jilli called Atngoyllllla, \\88 I/tarted in July, 19~5, after four 1non1b1 of temporary optr:.lion nl Sni· hnura, whirh I• lo•at~d about a mile south ot present •t11tion, hn\'in)( tlte cap.ieit_v of ,me ltilow11H • 3. TIIE STATTON PROGRAMME.

1'he atuliun starts daily nt 9 11.111, 111111 closes about 10 p.m., Tokyo limo •

Prograrnu1PS \lJ/Ually coruoi•t of thrco principal p:i.rta:-

(1) nu ily reports, sueb ns time, nows, stocks, JMrkPl prices an1l spedal nnuouncemenl1.

(2) Educntlonal !<:aturt11, r!'Ucll as 1pccia.l course on holll!l'hold c,·onoruits, cbililreu •~ houu, Engliah Ian• gung,i courses given with text, lecturra covering arientifrc, historic, lile,-ary 1111d cultural •111,je,•ta.

(3) R~crm,tious; rnlcrlai11ments eonail!ling ol JnJmU(l!--'\\ aud torc•ign son,-,~ null mu.!lie, s11echLl1y com­posed radio play, whkb ar,, \·try po1mlar. 4. BROADCA:STING TIMK

Total il:1ily broadcaatin~ time at preoeut is ap-1,roximn tely s,1,·1•t1 hour~, oue•third of wl,lt·h h oceu• 11ic<l by each or lho nbovij lhrra principal features. 5. f';UBRCRTRr:RK.

The owners of radio aets pay one yen per month to the operati11g bureau Rnd one yen per year fee to tho Governruant. At pn!ll,11t these sabM,·ribers ot 'J'ok;vo Brondcaallng B11rM11 residit1g within the radius ol 100 miles from Tokyo number ov~r 180,000, increasin~ at tilt avera!l') rate of 600 ix-r day. O. RECEn'IXO l{ECORD.

The r•rord of inJ'onruitlon received frnm various countries shows that the programmes ot JOAK are

PHILCO-"Experienee Teaehes"-BATTERIES

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 40nla.obj-651560602National Library of Australia

Pa,:e Thirty-four WIR E L ESS WE E KLY Friday, May 28, 1926. r" ,,,, .. ., ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,c ""'"""'"""'"'"" .. , ,, ,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,n,,,,,,,,,,, ....... ,,,,, "'""'"I

I Lower Prices! I i llJIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUlllllllllllltllllllllllllltllllllltlllllUIIIIIIII Jl11111111111UIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllllll11DIIIIIIIIIIIIUlllllllllll1tlllllllll I ~ " =_, Owi11(l to r<'dut•lions in fa1·tory price~. we Hrt' no" able to offn r1ulio r11thnsht~ts onr ==-

•• w1•ll known Rudio C'ompom•nts at ~uhst-anl i111ly rt•dueetl prit .. s,

~ ~~u- a '=- Oltl Pl'iee. Xew P rict> ~~~

.A.C~Jl3 C'ONDE1'SER, LOW LOSS . . . • . . . . 48/ 6 afl/9 _

i"- ;~:::: ~:::::~:::~; ::,: :~~= ;==~==

Pot Hh<'o,s. . . . 21/ - 17 / 6

... }IJ l,( '0 STll'.EU..-TlE'l'. KITB . . .t:11/ 10/- • . £6/17/ 6 ==~==



Ordrnary l ' lnin. 000!i 17 / fi

Oriliuury ,·1•l'ni••r, .ooo:; :!:i 6

FlLKO LE,\K~ 12/ 6

l•'ILKO AHHR~Tl~HS --- - lt> H

·' 'l' AIJL H'l'OR~:t'.

19/ 6

10/ 6

18/ 6

10/ 9

7/ 6

lo===== X,·xt 1n•ek w,• 11 ill hf' a,l,;i:rtis:g rt·tlnct iuns in •Jm1111y othn Jiiws. II' yon hav,• nny difih·ulty in obtainin~ th<•st• good,-, from your dealer, let us know.


I G:~~~L /:~!:!u!1 EXPs~!~~~~- M~:~- I iiilllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIUlllllllllllllJIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllll[lllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIDlllllmn11n111111111111u111111111111rn11111111111~

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 41nla.obj-651560867National Library of Australia

t'riday, May 28, 1926. WIRELESS

now heard in Australia, W esLern Coa:/l r,f Ala~k;,, l'uit~d Stnteij, nnd even as far as Cbicag<1. i, LAIWJIB S'fA'l'ION PT,ANNBD.

'lho hure,iu iB nvw pla.uuiug lo l)uiltl n hlgh-111,wrT :-.tntion_, .hnviug- anf~nu:~ outl'ut o.f 10 kilowutts, whwh is 10 time• the present tapaeity, lo~oted with­in JO milrR of lhe city. U ;,; hopPd 1hua to ma.ke ·1, loe:11 Anhscriherd ";thin 100 llliles ul,Je 10 use ,impl~ crystal ~•ts, ,ind iurlher to ret,eh its m0te r•·moto frientlft o"er~Pal!I ill '\ro<•rien, .A.uatr:ilia, anrl 11" Houtl1 H•·a. Jslu n,ls, • l'l,A N TO C:0:'.'i/NJ<:CT ST.\.TlOKS lW E'.1/TJJU;

C01Th"'TRY. With tho tlid of the Qoyernmr11t eugweurs, the

hurc:Ju 's (•ngiueers bn.ve ju.!-lt m11<le a 81lret'B.s1Ul tr•Rt 11! t•onnci!ting up 1rith Osa.kn. and ~a!!'.11y:1 stations, ,J(JAK ,u1;l ,TOCK ~r,pNHvnly r,,1,.ying ra,·h t>t lrnr•~ r•rogrrimmos. The 0-o-v~rTimcnt iii working ont in 1•0-opf'roiion with the, t"3ritHlH burenn-" n plun to lny a ffoxihle brc\ncfonating nnd r~llly-ing systc,n thro11gb-11ut the Empire uucler ucosl c,·ouomfrnJ hn~i• for the 1•<1mmon int<'re~t of tho publit•.


Mr. Tandy, 24 Murray Street, Colnc, writ~s:­"l heard lhe latter part of the Morse Code

T1·ansmissions from yolll' station, 2WW, at, about 7.55 p.m., and heard you say you were closing down at 8 p.m. The speech can1e through wonderfully dear on the speake-r, u.sing the Browning Drake Receiver described in a recent issue of your paper, to which I always look forward every Friday.

The $et has pulled in all Australian stations (with the exception oi 6WF and 2FC, of colll'se), on the speaker. VLDN, Dunedin, N.Z., can be heai·d between 3LO's items at good strength, and r am hoping to tune in KGO during the winter months. IIave had 27 stations so far, about 24 of them on ihe loud speaker.

Wi$hing you every success with your 1iapel·, yourH, etc.11

Mr, Hargreave, a Victorian subscriber, write.~: "Having a two tube set with a 3 coil hook-up

I decided to try the capacity controlled regenerative circuit published in 'Wireless Weekly,' dated April 80, 1926. I cort.ainly found the circuit much bet­ter than the onu I wa~ using with the ordinary method. of regene1·aiion.

The following stations have been logged at full loud speaker strength: 3LO, SAR, 3Ul!I anti the following s~ations et moderate loud speaker strength: 2BL, 2KY, 2FC, 6CL, 5DN, and 7ZL. I con$ider these results remarkable, and wish to offer my sincere thanks, encl wuih your fine paper the best of luck."

WEEKLY Page Thirty-five

❖lllllllllllllClllllllUJ!JUlllllllllllllDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIClllllllllllllDllllllllllllllllllllllllllnll❖ a ~

' H H 5

! . & . ! ~ ~ ~ Grid Leak Resistance ~ I=== B'Jxed ro,i.tanto or ,.,.Id l••h ••• ,tcadll,- ln· I===

rrt~a11irH? in prrpnlnrity. 11. k II. rc1111,t11,nct..-a Are c:ompo~ed of a permi\U(llll 1m1>r4'!gn:uwt materi&f

~ which ia not "ffer-t,~d bJ rh11ugt1 111 t..-.1U(Jt'rt1tnr1:1 or i 3 n1tn,1H11hPrl •- ,~nn1lftlr>n11. Mn.dl, iJJ 50,UU0. 70,om,, ~

I 100.00;~:;:~:/~~~\:~~· ;e::l::c::hm,. I § 'rl,e W-~Ol hi vulubl~ !tonl lt)0,000 tt.hfflfl (0 I a 8 rne,gohm) to 5 mo~Juas. U61e, with UV-'Z(hJ, ~~:mo. 5 --~=El ny· O, Pr 11-ny ~o(t. detector t.ub", In fact, ut11e -==-

whPrP _., ]lrai IPrk up to 5 UU!!'uhms only ia re- ::.:: quir••rl.

E 'rhe W 262 i" v;,,rltlble from 2 to 10 mngnhm~. i s,0

nnd wt)rk~ wonde-rlully weU wilh WTJ-1]. WD•12, §_ rv 20l·A, tJV-inu, r-an,.,1 •nd r 200.

~ ~ § Grid Leak Resistance Mounting ~

s ~----~ § I tF 3 ~' t~; ~ w. 26~ w. 269 ~ E E C Fi,r. W- 2fl3 &how-a lhc liaud;r lenk lu,1,lM. Tt'8 S 5 "'111u.ll, yet :t..ffurd,i •ood, fl.tiff contacts, aud JHtr.mits. C ~ in1-11anl i11 l.t•rc:h1m,.en.biliL} t.1£ lc-'kll.. §

~la= Th~ l'l.Pv .. r.f11-t, h1rndifltHt '' IN1k.. holdu maa.e; I=_ o.djo!.tC\l.lloJ i.n nu iueoutt!h111.bl..- uombet' ~t way,i;

s=~ r,articnlC\tly USQf11I iu rNi~ tru.i.re, eouvled amplill ~-= '6tion hook-ups. B = ~ == DiL\lt;ct.rlt iu..iul11tion tnu.l11ri11I ir. rnoh,to.rA proof. .,. a ftlMBI por1ions- BT& *Pl'U\g hf'"III-"-, nirkel-platcd, ~

I n & n. RADIO noous .\1n: OLlTAI.'IADLE f 0 .\T J\J,L Li;,\l)lNG- STORES. A..'ITI JNOLUUE:- E

~ Sork~(a (sen ~•fo.Jio..;:;~ Port'.t!.IL1in SoC'l.:H) ~ ~ lthcosto ts =-~ ""' Vnri11hle 1"nnden&er11 (Low Loil~ 'l'.VJ>(I) i ll.ico Cond(--11scra § ~ rrran.sformeT9 (Audio) ~ g Pu1o.b Pull Trnnsformers 5 E J&<'klil nnd PluJrl 5 ~ P1'1tf!nliMut4lt>t'tl a 5 Dial~ JUIII Knob~ ~ ~ Ba.LLory Swit1;ht>M ~ =:: Lt,, Pr Sw 1tchu11- a C L:l1,·., 1;tr:. E i !--l!Dd tor t'01111,t1~h• c11Llloguf' 111 ~he ! ~ AUMlrt\lia.u l{Ppr+1ot~nl11li\'fl• ~

~ BOSWELL & CO. ~ 5 51 YORK S:l:Rl:ET. SYDNEY, ond ~ 5 ,os BOURKE STREET, MELBOURNlt 5

~ ~ $ llllllllllllllJJllllllllllllllllllllllllllllClllllllllllllClllllllllllll[lllllllllllllllllllllllllllDlllllllllllllt

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 42nla.obj-651561122National Library of Australia

Page Thirty-six WIRELESS WEEKLY ll'riday, May 2S, 1926.


DO\VN and



Do you realize that f OP

£4 dawn and £1 a wed. we will deliver lo~~ a Super Cabinet a Valve'Wliclez Set., a Home Cinema and one of

Heiron4'Sm,th:s Lift•on Bill<ard Tables 1

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 43nla.obj-651561447National Library of Australia

Friday, Moy 28, 1920. WIRE L ESS WEE K LY

B r o a d ca st i n g

2BL :Bll,OADOABTER (SYDNl:Y) J,TD. Oall S\jln, 2:ar.. Wavelength, 363


l"BlDAY, MAY :18,

Afte.taooa 5eulo.Q.

l0.55-51,1f'dal Crk:k.c:1 ~Jon wit.b Mu,:h: from Lbo Srudlo.

S-G,l'.0. Cl~k. a.ntl C,bht1e1; Wc,thcr Report aad S,ooial Nnteii Crom 1'bo SUD,

US---M1.11ie lnnn the Studio. 3.»--C..l:' .0. C.1ock amJ Ot.hn•; A t.alk

E.n1Ji.b Po-c-f<Y by htr. J . .M Preot!co. U.S-Mutic hum tho Stutfro. 4---C.P.O, Cl<K"k .od Chim~; Hu.Jc ! mm ,a~

Stndio. U&-G.P,0. C,nclc aud Ch.tau,•; Sert•I Stvo

uti.1.lc-d ).tr. n,moei. 4.liS-~lu•le frop1 the Studio, $--C.P,0. CJO('k and (Jaime•; Tb~ Sun Ne• •

S.l~~~.O. Clock ud Cbimn; Clo,e down. Ear.Ir l::l"C.Dlq ~ion.

f--C.P .0. Ctnclc. a.ml Cbimt'e; Sportin1 ~o•umo frma tbc: ~un New•papcn; Thi!: papal• or Mt. .W:Ollat.a Sc•.llt wJll entClrtain Ille Kiddlt••

6.U-!hoad1.a1U.ot• Oln~t Ottb..,•trtt. ?,+$-Lato Srock, Hide• and Markt,. llcporh

by Cl'l1HIC:tt)' ol Au•tralla.n Mercabt il• Land & Hoa1;1i:e Cumr1111if.

7.50-Cl.i,,e down. E.'.•ening SeMion.

I o.r .cL o,w.k ;rnd C:l111uea; c«. Morrii,otl .-n4 b:1 Cloomchal\t"n, with 'Ir.. Moni&on plaJlllQ j11.u numhrn, by r~1,n••1 with the tc:('p.hollt' l'ltffUC•t t,rnwJ.cut ,.11nultaneoudy. Alke Prow111e, couui:aho in &nn..- fro.rn her rc1 n111Lt n, Mta;i llild" Duyk- &ia5ir11 Operatic an:1•. SpMI i.ng 1nlk m'I form au,1 Ha,• Ior­th11 follow-Jug ,lay'• nee• nnd • lrrn-elosuc 1Jtl.k on E;;i:n,1,

S.A1'UKUAY, :UAY :?.9, Aflem,>0n Sradnn.

f(t.:i: s,,.,M ~ mlnulri Criclll s .... 1ton -with Mllilc h,,111 tbt1 S111dio.

2-t;.t'.0. (:lock and CJ1ffillcgi Spt"oM Sponin& l11f,,1mafinn br-oa.de.a•I d.iuct frC'm Sun Offi,r.

U.5---G.P.O. Clock nnd ChlmM; Ot1•c down. Earlr E,-,ini,nf§ ~uion.

t-C.P.0. Cl,,1 lc .ttn,I Chim1.'II; P.11\·ilion Dinner Orcbr-•u• unrln tbt: dlrccLlwt o( llt. Cee. :,..!crrl• orl.

4.30 Sp1•rl•ni: Rt"tUtJ1e ~r-om Sun New.llp.apon: Uodt"t J11d.: and tlit! hiddl~.

7-A l.ttik rn th~ Kiddie• hY' "'Br-ln-ga." 7,4.:i--Lata Mock. f,(h)ies and M•rk.et Rt!porU

by courtr,,- of ,At.1traliau M~r.:antil11 U!ld & a,-ln•n~e Comr11uy.

f.\•eniug. s~1{on. a Rtr1o.1dra111r111 \'11q1J Quart,.tle "'lb11 lfAr.

ID' " h,L,.'" 1n con< l'tlt•1I nuoihc-n. !;U•t Si!llie f'.hn1 lw/"11;., •opt:1110; Ah:td ihH1, s,l11rlutc eh.l'-1 &:uil'-r•; Min lliltla l.-nd. •opr,mu; lfr. Vlr-

1.:.r rtr,11.n•, b.t1.1it-onc; \fr. M:nulva Fn1u11lr.l0

b1U1joht: M.?-.. HoY,.ard L . Leigb.toJI, 11l11nl,.t i llrlnp "iill .«tutc OD a l rip to 1bc: Xi.ilia~ b<oH }'Llin•• •n1) Mt. Sta.n.J.uy Critteudi,n wJll h f'lu,~ uu "Plw1u,(Upliy.

~u.-m~Y. ,uy 30, U--~1u:r~1l Rea.rt Clwrrh, R11-n<l•itk... • J.30--.Riblc Cl"n cHnilu,·trd b)' Mr. "\\'. "Cairo"

Hnullry. 4-<.>i-a,m n,-ah•I fnim Q1a.l1,,,.., su~ct l 'n·•bY·

h r111- n 01urtb. 7.1:, Pn.:Jlhfttri11n 1er·•,iu• (tt•rn. Chalmcr SttN't

Ch111d1. 1•1('-a( h r1 0 RI""~ fl. Uranth. A.:lU-M11nly '\fot1id1,4I Miht.1n had, !oUowN!

hy c1J11r.rn rF,m lh'-' S111,l!o with Mr. Lan"c Jrf[rcc, tr-m,r-.

MONOAY. \1.\Y 31.

A.hCt'JHMtll Se-t•lria..

1(t,5-$--Sp,....li1I Crkht s~~•wo with M.ueic boill-1he Studio.

8--C.P.8. CJock and Ch1mra: WNr.tber RcpoTt etnd Sucl•l Nctn from The Suu.

!1.15--0uld Jonr_.,' Te, Routt• loo. 3.3C>--G.r .0. Cll.K'°k, l\od Chi.111~ ; A talk ,,11

A Coun" in Cn,rli~h LitM'•t 1r"• by Mr. J. 1\1, l'rcodc.ri.

3.45--Mwfo from Lha Stuct,io. 4-----C.f .(). Clock and Chi.ma; Duhl Jon111'

Tea lbom Tria, .&.15-Mu•lr. I-ran, the Suulili, t.lO-t;.P,O. CJ,ic-lc an.J th.Jmu; St:r-ia..l Stor,

entitled Mr-, lun10.i. 4.45--Muek Crom lhc !)tudlo, 4..55-1.ato AL..rl..et l{t'.!~•Ull• rron1 fbt• Sun S-C~l-:' .O. Cl.xk titid CWu1e,1; ~iili rtew,

Sr!n-ief"~ s~u C.ll.O. Clock aud Chtme1.: Clo.111 down..

'E.11.dy F.v.-ninl[ 51:1111((111.

5-C.P.O. dude etnd Clah11t•-.1; Pa\'iJl(.)n Diot1('t Orc:bcstn u11de-, the di.OH:tiou of Mr. Ccc:. Morrh~ort.

6.BO -Sport llll Jfi--111111u, frnru ~uo luwip.apr.-1 •: lJnole (;e,orw:e- and th~ Kiddie,.

7.30-.. "What', On.'' • ;ttldc tG the Ti• ltor-_. anil citiien• uf S~·dm:y,

?,~':.11:,1!~".-~i ~~u~.1:!d .!!~~~JlatH~r.~~

,'ti Vinanc:t'I Conlp.any. 7.SO.-Clote- dcwn.

EV4'u1ni; S•1111111U~

1\-Tiu, .\tin11al M,•1•tl•,s aml Du-trl1rntfon n( f11nda rit th" l.niteoi Ch.aritiea fand Ir..,m thn Kjnc;:·'!I U.al1, Hu.ctn St, ln a.ddirion to t.he •rccrh.e• 10 bn ddh.cnid by Hill l::xcellcn.cy tb, r;orn1·n,1r, Ri~l.t Hun, L..,rd M.4JO-T, tho Hun, t;. C. 1....uP.tiul, MLA. aru! th~ Hon. :--,r AHu ,f (,,,u1d with qtlur e;rnll, mnn. l.b,-re "'"ill l,i, n hr!lllH-rl 11rop-:,n,tn& whith 11 M du, "• 1c11,1•, .a.nd rc,·it•tlon•, Wider t.lte dl­rr.ttlun nf !\Ir Ht,IUJ h1•tcr c,j 1be Lo11.tar• T1Hu11um of M1.1,k.

lLESOAY, IUJIIF. I. Aftrm,,an tiC-.HlOP~

11).Sfi Spt-crnl W niinutn Cr-irk• t St ,. j,.n ,,,ith

Page Thirty-seven

Muaic from the Stud.i-e. 3 C.P.0. Cloek. Kl]d Cblinet: Wt!llltbM 8.epo:r1

and SooUIJ Natc1 from The Su.n. S.lli-M11•ic frMhi the Stud io1 3, .. 1\o-G,P,0. Clt:te.k and Cblmet. 3.1.?-Mu.;;i.c from lb«e Slnd io, ~ ;.l'.U. (..;Jock .a.nd Cblmce; Mu.de lrrun di•

Stud.lo. 4.So-G.P.0. C:la\ak and Ciimc111 Sulal Story

C"ntltlc•,1 Mt. Rttt11'1'•1-4,,tS-Mu•ic from the Stud io, 4.S.'i-1..(lt-e ;\111.Tkel l{cporta bom The S11-n, 5-ti-,P.0 Clfk:k and Cbime,; Sun New-. Stir,

vfo~. 5.15- -C.P.O. Clo"lt and Cblmn; Clou dOWll.

Euly Eve..nlo1 Scufoo. 6-C-P.O. Cl,1l"'k and Oum~: SpPrtiJ:).g Reaume

frmi, ' '.!dnn." New1pap,r,rw ; UDale Ja.c• and the Kiddl ...

f.i~4-S-B,aaJr.i'iter• Din:n.-r 8 n:h ea:tra.. 7.15-1.ntl' Stoclt, Hide. and ll.a.rket Repa-rl•

h'f enutlt"-llJ o( A,:n11nl lan Mereantlle Land ~ } lnaott- f:Qmpu7.

7 .50--Cfo•e J nwn.

tTenln1 Sen ion. 8 l"he A.m.b•a!!ll•lor• Jn•l nin1 .. 11t.n1 SalM Quu•

lNtt.• undt•r th(! disNJtfo11 11( Mr. Claude ~t1Clym1 ~ "\fr. Alfred ().-,u,\11,tham , baritone; \tJ .. " Cldt:c (;\,11lr, 1oprano ,ud ltr. Joseph. T'Mt1 ()hoe tolos,

)0.6.i-SJ1et1illl ~ Piin11h: C.r-kkc:t SC$dua whii: M~lc hu111 tbr !'ituJl•1.

AhuniJoD Sc.ulott,

S-C.P.O. Clock •nd Chi.m9; We-atb« Repar1 • 11d Sf)('ittl f\ol.cll frvtu 'J'b.o Sun,

3,15-8r00Jc..1uue111' 1rio, 3.Jo--GJ•.O. Clock 11oml <'..bln111•; Spcd11

\"'Jlomtfo 'hlk by Mr. J. M. Prtnth:e. 4-G.P.O. Clock ed Cblmc:t; Bro•d~Htett'

'lrio. 4,30 C.P.0. (:Jue\. and OdnH,i;; Scirial Sh)Q'

rnlltl.-11 '.\tr. lbunoli.. I, 1.;....-f1rn,11t11.i~IM11' Tr-il'I. i .S~-I.110 Mukel H<'rnrt1 from 1bo Sun. !i--C.P.O. CJqck ind Lllim~,: Sun New• Sor•

vice:. S.15-'---C.P',0. Clod. and ChimC1i; Clo,~ dowa.

Fatly F;vi•nln~ Sio_:,.,.j,111. s----G.f.0. Clt,dc. an.it Ch im,.,,.: • ,,.,.,liun 0-in.nu

()rd1~•tr.i1 unJ,.r 1ho dit-tctiol)D 01 Mr. Cec. M••rrie'>h,

6..SO--'."ipi1tli11v: Rr,1UHt! frfllu Sur, New1p11:pcr• ; Unc!o Ccuqtc am.l UadC' Jack with th• Kl rJ.ca.

7.•1:.- (...11111 St~k. Hii:11"11 and ,wk.er Report. DY coortc•, of Au•lnll.an )1cruntll• Land •nd 1- imn.cr Ctimpan,.

7,S0 Cio.¢ J, .,· r1. Ennin K ~ion.

a City nf ~vtlnl'.'1 &, J, lirr.ri,Jeaet Ir-om Bar­l11w Ch.ambcn; Sydney Orphou.9 SDclety. Dr. n,.,1i.ald l.uker will &Jo""-llk on J•pan-\fon<la ju11l n,-,1di0m1, .~a. .) : 'the. M:iterlaHadc. r .. 1,.1.1,m Mf.a.irJ 1.a.lk • .ti1 llr. J. h1. l'rcntke, whcin ll"'l1"J1h1,ne quCfitioru will ho 11n.;;-wcrcd ..

BURGESS- "Fit all Cahinets''-BATTERIES

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 44nla.obj-651561656National Library of Australia

Page Thirty-elcht

A. C. Coaaor, Ltd. A. H. CART/1R, FaclotJI R•Pm•nl­attvo and Sole AJ•"' /or Au,tral/a, 20 Clarence St , ::;gdneg. NS. W

"'"°"• ,'13 238/

WIRELESS WEEKLY 1''riday, .May 28, Hl26.

The Standard British Doll-Emitter Valve

Tba Wuncell .Dall Emitter \"oJta,n, 1.1:.1 ,·oh., l'cm•• mp11on.

.I: _.,np •\~!,

1!or l•etc,rtor •nd L.io'. 13/fj


~m ft t1 ,\.ml1litlu1fon, ] :t, Ii

Co111or Loud Speaker- Val•u \\'~. \olllt,:1•, 1.tl \'ttill j';>n

i.u111• on, !'. "m;,, l"rit ,co, 21/ .. , I'~. \'olt•~"- J G -rntu ('()n

.. um1•t o-. 175 aml-' t•n,;.-~--l o'a,h ·A 11 "' ,, R 'He.ri1• w ah •J•fl•

d1,I •1',lf, l 11o11d rt.!.,iJ.tn,uq• I" h"u'J ~Q 111 ,~1t .. tf1l\~t .. 1,',11;!'1'ito~l.f!t1tf wtth "111 fc,r lJMtctnr and L.F, u,

earh \\ !;dt.ro, H F ..lmplift~t OP, lA/•

\\ l, W-2:, \\ 8, and l':t ~t11ndar,t .\.mf'ntan or Enclu~h Hnet,

Gamble, if you will, but WE II k 10~- the w()tor 1t1t. who

atll<• lhe gauage for lh-a gal Jun• of petrol -<•n•I tho pho­

togr:1pht•r who say8 1 '(Hve mo a IIJlool ot !ilm"-ana the golfer who tle.manil• "JJn If " rlown golf ball•, pleaw." liurh hAppy-i:o-lnrky buy• ing i, bound to ha,·c unfortunate rl~-.uhl'f. Tbtt JJ..r:st D.Dd,a his engine loJi"in~ -pnwf'r on .hilh1. 'fbt;t •r,•omt drtl'('ht un irrltatiug i11c;unsistf'.nL·y in hiM pil"t1ire- m~kfoK r,word!§~ WhlltJ tlrn thirtl ilht<"nv1•rM1 to bit11 ,·hagd11, that h~ has IOfll his w,ual form~ Xnw, hod th~e thr~ exer~ ri• d n wn•id,red jo,htment In ma.Ir. ing thC1ir rui.rrh~e,r, nll w,1u!d b&\'l' bt't:<n well. J~ ift ju"t tht, same in Ratlio. JJnn 1t go into n f1l1op an1l ~ay, 1 ; l Wll nt :1 Dull 'F.mitter \ral\'t', ' 1 11ntl >t•xpcc-t to 11htai11 lh~ m()llolt 1111itat.l1., one fur vour Set. £x~rl'iff IOWt- .u~erimiualiun. ,.\ft ,~oW' friends whit'h tht·V find mort S:Ltkfarto1y iur Jong Jifr, nconomy of nprir I iou an,J ;t1l'llMitivenc~-..

Y o 'I prob.,bly find thnt 11,e DUI•

jority r:uuur thr. \\-UIHC'll-the l'o~or Dull 1':mittf!:7. It• t•xtraor• dina..ry JIOJlnlurir.y is Lluo t.n it~ nuique fifam,·nl and its or!gilll,1 de­oil(n. Wb!lo mo~t Dull gmH(t•rs o~,, a. thoriahul filruneut, th•· C'ossor W'un,oll rnak~• 01e of one embody­in~ <'nlirel) new prinr1ph•,1, Tt i!i a ftlam~nt 1,uilt up layer upon layer ,rntil ih ditlwetrr Approxim11te~ lh11,l 11.e,l 111 11 ,tcrndartl bri11ht ~rnlt­t~r. Bui in tuhlitiou tu 11to11tnesa lhf' "~UIIC",.11 fllnment ru~~._ .... ,.til one nlhn @J_)('cial !t1:,t uro. 1 h inttn~i., l"miuion i11 autb thnt it can fune­tion at the -txct-ptionally luw tl'm~ 1•eraturr of ~Ono O.

Thu~ 110 l,orm romr11 rron1 the ~h·dchlnl: an(! ('Olttraetiug inl\\"it riblr wbt-n ,•lret.ric turnnt i9-\'I, r,n nnil c,fT. In nth•"'r words.

th~ Wunrrll 1\ument i• one n! the J..'Pft-at€\bl eonfribation1 made bv 1-i,•ieni·o in the unreasin~ ,e.,.rth tOr u1 ''<·,·Prlll llng'' vnlvf'


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 45nla.obj-651561916National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, 1926.

THURSDAY. JLNE $. 10 . .s~ ..Spec1al 20 mlllu,te Crid:et SeNloc wtth

\(ut1c from Liu: Studio. A!te!TIIOOD Seu.loo~

,-C.P.0. Clock and Ch.ltua1; Wealhtt Beporu nd Soc:li11 No~• from . Tbc SQn.

J.l~Davld Jo.au' 'l'ca R~ni Trio. U0-G.P.O, Cleek and Cbunoa; J,45-Muic !tam lhe Stadlo. &-e.P.O. Clock 1t1d Cblme•; David Jo• m'

T ll!ll lloom Trio. •.o-Mude Crom lhe Sttulla. • ss-Leie M.11rh1 R~ort.t frl)ut The Sun .. S:-C.P.0. Cloek an.d O.imeti Sun Ne111'1 Ser.

5J~.P.O. Clock and Chimu; ClOH down. 6-1,;.P.0. Clock 1.ad ChlJaui Sport.log Roaum.

fr,;im "Sr,11;1" New.1papen; Uncle Jack aad dle Klddltt:.

7.51)-Cto,c dolfn,

E.,o.a.fog Se.ion.

1--S.yt'II Jm~r.ill Orobe,na, un.der the di~ ,~ellon 0£ .Mr. Li1>l'llN Hart. Jlroadeaat from. H~yt', Tht"•lrc. Frum the Stud.lo; 'lbe Syd, uy l-laycin prceertt a co1nedy in thn4 •ell l'Jllitled, T.he 8.9tte-re, Aiel J. Ml.. lle~cma ~wtJ1, •opra.no; Al. lh.mmctt and tllo .n..m• b1.t11edt,t11 Danco Orohel!tra, broadtHl ftotn the b•llron.m oC Tho Amban.adon undl mid• niir;hl.



o.u Sign, !!KY. Wnelengtb, 280 metre&.

Fl\lDAY, MAY ~.

U Moa ~pecllll Luncbcou Hour S@l"1'foei Onhm ruJ!lc:•. l.a1or New1. hem.a ol Q:flnf!lra.l ;lo• Jrrttt; Spu,ting Result&; vocal a.nd mu1noJ i•,m~. clo.jng down at 2 p.m.

E..-1u1tna ~••lou. :.30-L•te,.t Nl'ww ltam"l Mf!• M• iai& C..rruU,

JQpn.no: l\h, Alf. J•.mCE, baritont:; Mt', U.u-d. tcduticd rlt:.lligoc, o( :.!K 'f. WJreleu Leoi.ureuo; \Ir. J. llyu, IAbor Rl'ls•;.11.~b Burtwl\t, PuUtlc• al and ind11.1trL&.l 'l'apiq.; Mr. Dnid EdeJ­t111!1\, n1onolof110t; Andl"O Addison'• String llrdlt•1r1t ~ P.11.l.lll» 1'0}'1t) CtiliforD.lillUI, by kind pm11iHl1111 o J. C. Br,11Jr,1tlt (Mr. Wa.h.(I):' lkrl>an, lr-ar.Jtr).


1.A.5-Ultewl New, 111:mR nnd S11ortin1 ReJi~t•; tdr, J. O'St1Uiun1 h•r'llontt; l.o:tuJcltci, Hint:a ,,Q Mt.1tor11, Mr. W. U. Uurgrll-llj: Mc. Fnnl Rt1hruan, l'f'lU•c.>luiiu~: Let1urc11c, Labor ~r.. la.t;on, Afr. J. C • ..[Jdddgc: Mr, Robcrttion, 1,irltoce; Nt1lle O'Sn.llinn, dru1t1.lJc •4.lt-1141; \Ir, W, .M .. toH, banjo 1101o11, Pal,111• Royal Collr1.itt1i.i.n&, by kluif pern1iu.ion oC Mr. J. C. tk111Jrud1 (Mr. WaJ11:r Bcebaa, lc•dcrJ.

~fONDAY, ~IAY 31.

12 nooa-Spccll.l Lu.ncbe-on Ho•t ScrYiee: U.nton 'rvl'lt", Ull,9r Ntil'>•. ltt-ni11 u[ gcflcral _in• 1,m11q Spwti113 Rt"iM(1ta:,, l'<•caJ • nd .aD.uetoal i1tw, cla.lni: doYD at ... p.m,

7 .. 'IO--IAtMl ~fr"'s 11,:tn•; :lli>ti lw.1y Ruw11Id, .-ntut.• lor-r; .Mr. 'W. Stnin. tenor; L!e.tW'­rt~, Lbea.1 Tttpica, Induanial a.nJ. Pohl1a11, '(,. J. S. Carden: Mr. Bc•rd, tceh.nlc:al de .. •'¢Dt-f of :.!K \', wlrclep lecturctlt!: Mr. J, en,,. bt1rito11~1; Ml..!ls Ntdlie Cra,·e-,. aoprAno; Yatll"r C.lu'-r, rlolin .oto; 1'Alalae Roy1l Ct.lifornta,1•, by kind pt-nnitalou of J. C. s,.rutrodt (M.x. W11hcr 8¢1::bat1~ leail'tr).

11/ESDAY, JUNE I. t: 4-0011-::,JH!elal Luncheon Bour Ser,-ice: Union

f 11pini, J.lllmr Ne,r1,, ltrm• ol ae.neral In•


tel'e11I; Spt1rtins- Banh•; ,·Qea) • od mm.ioal f1c::ma, olv•inir; dow• • I : p.m.

7,30-Late.t l\"t,:w• he.1u1; .MJu Dorrfo .. oa. eo­prano: L«-cruroue, Or&anio E\·olutioa, Mr. Cop. 1\-lauaeli Mla 7.ara NU.atoa, IOS,hac,; Locturl"tle, Mr,. It. V. M.arlht:m; f1uc aolea, Mr, Lea S(lroulr: Mr. MtDoupl, Hawaiian etl"t'I gulu,: .Yr-. Dnfd Lloyd, pia.a..i1t: Mr. A. Jruuft,oa• ti,nor: Muter ~rk-, boy ao,.

prA.Do; MiM Beau,. mr:uo-.apraJ\u; l«hrt• r-ue by tht" S111~ 0Mt.Otrae,y Li!!a•u•: PalaUI Roy.al Californian,,., by kind PermiNloet of J. C. BcndrrHlt (~lr. Walw R,-cbaa. leadar).

WED:\ISDal.Y, JUNE 2. J2 nm1.o.-Speci11J Lu!lllheoa Dour Senicc-: UQloa

Topic,. Lahn, Ne,,,,. ltr1111 or ,e:aonl la· lt.l'ett; Sporting Rnoh1; wuel..l 1.ud 111u1{caJ llema, clo.iinr down It :! p.m.

7.30-Ln::111 ~-<'lD Jt,..m,: Mi.. Dean, pJaaiat; L('(ltu.reue,, lnlC'rnalfnlil.l TopfO, JotJ.,HbUl Mnd Politlcali Mi. J. S. C1rdtn; M.t. R. Web.!!cr, bu-hone: Mr. Perey Brown, mt>D.O• JO#;uH; lccu1rette, ilMhb 'J'opi.ca; AUu Lilr Wall.1uu,, w.hiittl.u; LMtucctle., aubJcc.t to .be IU11lou.nc.::d, Rt. Rav. C. A. Aruodale; R&­•ttltt fJf llre L...-n Ciga,etl9 Competition t Pilil- Royal Califor-n1a.n11, by ~lad peunl•-1ion ot' J. C, Deinlfrud Ltd. (Mr. Walter lli!-f!'hnn. Ji:adll't'}.

THURSDAY, JU,,E J. 12 nl)ou-SpCIC'la.l Luneheen Bout Sa.kc:: Unloa

Topic•, L•l><tr Neiw.-. b.~w, ot 1encral in• letter: Sporting Rnult,; voe:&) and raaakal it~m•, cloa..i.ri1 J,nru 111 % }),m.

7.30-L• t(:!l!t Nc,,.-11 lt.ema; ;\Jlw TU,hie Smith. l'lt(>a.oJuguc,; M,. 1.:rfc (~11ldrklc, llnra.iia.n 1ot~e,l gullu: Je-ctumllc, lt~dinp frol!I Work­log Clu,- fj1.1lt1n, lfiu ~- L. Pa1rlc.k; ltt.­ltll'ette, Mr. J. C, E:h:lridi-e, .lSoda.l Scicac;e Sul"•: Ml.II ffumn,ort.h, aopr11no; Mr. W. Thi.,m. t~ot'; Ml111• ~hcah'/. ffl.<il\0Jogu.t1; C1·,,n WorJ Pu.ul~ ;'(iaht; Palaikl Royal C.Hfon11a.n1, b7 kind pnnifnioa Qf J. C. B,1ood1·,..h l.1,J, (Mr. WllJtrr Bncb.ao, J .. _.JH).


W&velenrth, 386 metres.

flUDAY, MAY Cl!.

M1dda1 St••dOJt. 12.»-'"lune-ln" Signal.

l-Mukc1 Tle1,1orh .uppllc:J by the Cau.nuU of A,.rie-uhu,-,: S1odc Exr:b•oac J.arorrutioa 1Uppl1Pd by tb~ Cc.unadttce of the llri•bane S1octc: F.1~baa,e; WeathPt lnfortnalloo aup, pll«!J b;, the Com.oinnweaJth Wcadu,·r lltareaa; ''Daily Sraod•rd'" ~Mn ~,.nicer Oa.e dqwn.

3.30-nur, Ari ~t'lt"t.thm; r.onr• ho aolo, MiM ~inifreJ Andl'ln,QU: ,\coli• u \'oc•Jioa St!lec· tfon: ,111Jirano ,iofo, Mn, :,i,. 8. H.u.rria; mono, foguf'.'1 A'Ul!S \Li.bin C,,m.u1t'J.:: ba~~ 1t1la. Mr .. Sta.r.tt,,y 'l.1onliiyn: Vut1 .,\rj Scl~•ctio.a: C!IJQ.•

Lralltt .alt), hll•• Wlnifot1J .And~on: Aeollllll Vt,cali.oat Sdccti,111: ac;1pn100 • ,,fo, Mn. S, B, Hani•q bu• wlu, ~Ir, St.anJ,:,y Tamblyn.

Early E".-onln1 Seuloa. 7-.Thc Farm en" ~ .. da.n; A.!.a.rld 1trporta: Lee•

turttlte--Tbc 8-()r• ttruJ Girlt' Clt.,b Mom.crnenr, Mr, F.. J • .S.J;i~hoo (Jn.atru:r:tor In Pig Rahiin,:).

Nloht S..tloo. 1,'1S Lc-cuue Seasion--A Tall a-rraapd lir tbc

\\:iJt·kcn• f.doCA.ti".nal .Ab11oiation, 8-Tono Poem, Thr FtodC't1I B.and (uuclnr Lhe

Je• d~m•hip of Mr. W. On Jr.,): m~o •"Pr.A.no tolo, ~li:u ,111.bd PatkN; lnJi.an t'Om.incc, 'l'he Fcde-r:,it Band; btti&OD.fJ 1<']111 Ml. J, (!it!1hrrU j nl,-t1, Tbc fc-dcraJ Band: Tho PhiMpa Si1ler• In • muaica.1 t'omedy A.cit; fox trot~ Tba t'e-dnnl Band; .tn.atth, 1'ho 1'"'ed• cral BaDd; 'WJtr·•no aolo, MiH J,:ia.n Jarratt.

Page Thirty-nine

8.50--Wta.tb.tt lnlormatlon officia111 1upplic:tl by 1ho C.Ommonwealtb Woatbet Bureau.

8.$.s--Announcamenu .. 9-0"·crt•rc, Tb• Snoy Orche11r• (J"'ader, Mr,

A. n. Fea.Lh.tor-slon~): u1ow toprauo •olo, .M.ta• M~l Park.11r; waht, Tha Sarn}' Or­cbcttra; b.arh.onc tolo, Mt. J. Caldwell; 8'c!ll'fl, tiufl, The SotOY' Orchd'tra; urnet 1111ola, Mr. S. Hrory; orc.hc!:tnl. 'T'h.e S."01 Orrh1.-~1n1 ~ eopr..oo aolo, l.ilaa Jt1• n Ja..rrolt; orcbe1tlllll, J ho Snor Orch,-atra; cotnol ,olo. 1\Cr. S. Henry; m.Areb, 'The ~•l'OJ Ordacetr11.

18 .. 30--Clo@e down.


:·!~:r...":9·:;n~~~~• Sta.ion; Be<hlanc Stol'ittl • by Uncle Ben, 1nieted by M~I S1uub:i11e ..

7.15-Clote do'Wl).

Night SeMiWl.

1,46-~hm:i Se:in,hm-A Sportln1 Ta1k, hy liu1by W:ague Official,,.

8-l>'r(,m lhc Studlo-Ba.ritont1 ti1l)lo, Mr. J. Mor-, &ltl; mu• fca.l monolbpe, Mt. Eileen Mo.Len, n.1n; lbwaiii11n fo1ttumC!nl11iat1. Tb~ Ka.h111 Ttlo; contt• ho &010, Mi .. Vera P,11:rlr:er; v~J dot1t M,.., Rohl. U~I ,.aJ Mi• .R,uth Po,. trat~; lntrituno 1010, Mr, L. Sberid.u: Ha­waiian lofitronwnl•lltt•, Ihe K•l\la Tdo; o1<)prano aolo, Ml'ta ~nee Alor: mu11iaa.J modologue, Mit1 EUN'l-n Mc::Lco.MJ1; .,-oeat d1rnt, Mlu M•ry .\kNriJb. • nd Mr. E. .H~J-

~~=1 ~ u ~•:!~~!t!:ol1h" MK at!~ ;;::~ !o,!!•twd~:i~ Mn. Robt, ltnll aod Milla Ruth Porrratc.

8.~Wcalber hlfonn• lion affitil1Jl1 •uppUl4 b1 Ute Cnua12i,uwtalU. Wuther 8urca.u.

8,SS--AD.no11nC' emn-nta. 9---Frnm Lennoa."11 Jl:rllroum -'Ry cotutay of

th;• JH(,µrk·tor·• or Lt-nnon"!! Hotel, ten 1111011111 1lb11cc nuaJc, playt'd by Mi" Ma, Uc,,l1l,y11'i'I Vic,· Rt•l31 Orc~cstra wUJ be rt• lfly~d hom Lell~<m'• &11.coom, From the S1t1dlo-Cont:r:a.ho aolo, MJN Vc-n r• rL.rr: \"Ck"• l thst't, M!u Mary MtNt!OO and

.Mr. t. na,,1,111: buitone 10Jo. Mr-.• L. Sher, ldan. From l.e1111in'1 BaUroom-,l"tl minu1ea dance muilk. From the S,udin--111,01 Nuncc Kina; c:ontrahu ~to. Mi ... , Mae Kin,. f'1T1m Lennin'il B&Uroom-te.n min11lt=• Ji1ni·l'! mmk. from the Stu1l11,-Yoo•l tlurt, M(at Mae and Miu J\a.ncf' klniz. f'rom lannJn'• Elallroom- ten 11\JDOln J..ma1 111a•k~

SU1'DAY. M,W 30.

M1inung S!!!s,lo,n.

TJ1a c-omp1r1e monil.n.g .e"foe fro1,1 All ~11fo1•1

Cburtll uf Eniclllnd trill be relAye:d, II-Motn/114 Scno~co. $t,ntton bT ilia Rn,

1-·,. f'rt'c. Clo1oe down.

Alternon Seaal:on.

flu, 8.ud 1·CJ1u•t•tt tiro,id~d Gardon• will Lt"' rclnycd.

3.10 'l'une,h,. D,lS-U1utJ ConC'e:rt, t,.10-,;h~lld DQ"a.

rop.s Sca• fon. Tb~ cuu11>ltll" cvenlnc 11en-Jea from All Salut•'

Uum·h uf E.oula.ud 11,Ut Le rela:rcd, 7.15---0,pn Volunth)', 7.JO-Evaa1ng St!tvlce. S~rrnon by I.Li• Rt•f'lnr. 8,.\0--D• nd Cooc.c,rt. The Band C',r,nt't•rt. pl• )'cd by the- Greeter

ll.cb.b• nt:' ?t,t,1111ri\1AI Conccsrt S.-nd will be rt'• laycd from the Wickham P•tk lla11J~1.a.od.

9 •. 10 f:IU•t· D11wn..


Marko! Reporh. L~O-Cloac down, 3.25-Tune•in,

BURGESS-"Constant satisfaction assured"-BATTERIBS

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 46nla.obj-651562172National Library of Australia


,:·---------------------BAKELITE PANELS

Cul t., any desired ~izc

3, 16in ..••.. ¾d. rn SQlARY. INCH.

This Price is the Lowest in Sydney

Preferred Straight Line Frequency Condensers, .0005 22/6; .0003 .. 20 /

Preferred Vernier Dials, 20-1 Ratio. Note the Price . . . . 7 -

American Hrand Condensers, .000511 /

Winchester, 45 v .. large capacity, B Batteries, each . . . . . . . -261-

Winchester, 22½ v., large capacity, B Batteries, each ......• -13/• (Fresh Stocks Just Landed)

5 VAL VE NEUTRODYNE KITS, panel drilled, com-plete with everything ready £ 11 to build, 250 to 2000 meters

NEUTRON CRYSTAL. The World's Greatest Crystal. "The Crystal with Valve Power." New stocks just to hand .... 2 3


All valves are te~ted in our Jewell Tube Checker and carefully packed for


"The World's Greatest SporU Store"

Headquarters : HAYMARKET, SYDNEY

l<'riday, May 28, 1020.

~----------❖ I

Before you


Money on

Radio Equipment






Your inepec­

tion of the bia diaplay


everything that i9 new in the world of Wirele•• ,

i9 invited.

(WireleH •· Second Floor)

Anthony Hordeni & Sona limited,

Bridtfield Bill. S:,d.ae:,

Pio-. Cl 7 k ... 2712 G.P.O.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 47nla.obj-651562435National Library of Australia

Friday1 May 28, 1926.

J,30 Duo Art .Sc:lectlonj •opnno ~ lft, Mra. lt. C. Atl~o: moric&l monologu.l!, MUut f:ih,""D Mdc:nruua; b11ritonc •olo, \lr. J. Caldwoll; • '\.eolia n Voc11!1lon aelection; aof1r.ant1 AO)o, .!tln. K. C.Atlcn; mooolo@tlo, Ml• F.ilt-eu Mdonnsn; 0\JO Art NJ.lt-c:tio.n; ba.Titon• •olo, Mr. I. Ca1Jwtdl; Aet1li1 11 Voca.Jlon •election.

4.15--No-w• Service 1uppUcd by "'•Tbo T@lo­P•Pb.'~

-t.SO-Clt-11e down

Early £vcniDa S11mlon, ,.,:!,lj-Ttm11-in. 6 .. 'l0-1lu1 Chlldre.n'• $01M1ion-Storic1 by •~n.

Saurlmun" i-'U1,. F'arm,.r•' S1·p,:!iun- Mw.lt.c1 Rt!p\JrU ~up•

pUed by 1h11 (:pun-oil of Aatfoultnrl). L,ec. tul'ette--0,gAnl,.-d Miu-kolJri_i; of Meat. by Mr. C. ShPf'h)', A•l•l.11nl S«rctny Cull.Ocil oJ Agr-iruluue.

7~0-NBWI Sa.Jee llllllf'pll~d hr "Tbe Tcde­grapb.''

7.30-Clo.c dowo.

N!&hl s ... ion. 1.,S---Lei.:1ar0 Se,,.11hm \fotarlt.l..--C(1rrrci Lubci­

eat£on Talk, No. 7. L)' "('...iuW;U)'l t>." 8-llarilO(H! gnlu, M.r. Le•. J,~aull. nt"r: Scolc.h

4"(U)lii(' Mr. W. Uon .. td, St'u.r.i H.t.rmouy dlltlt, Meun, LNi F.1mlk11ec- 11nd W. Donald, Juns.; i::roup of l,:u1Jp m1mbtn b7 Air. N. Ci,ulJ;

:1:~ : ::; ~~~ ~i1~;;:~1db .. !~1:~~ ~t~fM~~ Le! J,'au.lkncr; c!lrnet tolo. ~fr. W. nn,i.t!: ltn<>r ao.lo, .Mr. W Oonnld, Jt:1nf. ; S~olrh cumk. \f.r. W. Donald, Sent,; h.u111onr JuM, i\lt'Nr~. Le11 faul.lon:r and 1tr. ti, Donald,

Jut1r,; c1wu-aho "&011'1, M,ni. ChayJe-s WHle,y; pl11.t1ofu1lr ,o(o, :MUI" R.ac Pbi11Jpe; eopu.-no tol(,, Ml.ti- Ltllt.n Brown; oornet 14'.'lf), Mr. W. H. l>.11.,·h ..

8.50- -WPKlher inf.orm11tion omci11.ll7 supplied by the Oommonwe&lth We•· the:r Buf~ii.lL

8.55--An noun Ctiment e, 9-Studk, .l'l'-Q£r•11m1P, r onlrnuN. • 51.JS--from th• Band Prnctjrr, l\rt0m, Aon S1 .. -A progJ,unme 0£ m\HtW by the Suutb Bd•• Mllt- City Orche.ua (undae-r 1b~ 1.-.tlcuahlp of Mr, J . W. Fcr,1!111mn.

10~--Tbc Dilly Mail'' Ncnn SerwJ,o.e: N,11.ltoat J Aalh"m b7 4QG Artista. Clo~& down.


Y.iddt17 Seaaion.

I Z.66-Tutu~•in a-ipal. l-Marke1 1\1'.Port• ana Nsw-1 Secviee 1u",pllcid•

bJ the- "n.ilr Srud.arJ": Stock Es ehan,. 1..30-Clou driw11,

Allunoon So .. ioa.

S.25-Tuuc-l:u. S,3'1--F,om the Su1dla--O ... "'rtur", Tb11 Savoy

O1clu:•l.t11; 1.opnnh 1alo,. Mi~ -Olp Ilar.CU: "'llll't• Th~ Savo)' O~hntt.a; !.opnrno tolo, M~ Olwi Btu-rla i orcho.ua.l, 'J'hf! ~.uoy Or· t:.be .. Lra; l ui.rll~nc ,olo, Mr. J, C:ildwlfl'II; at• choi,t~, The: S••oy Orohcgtra; harltona 10l0, Mr. J. C..ldwelJ: conirahr, .olM, Miu Clarice!' Cox: 1elce1i1,11, Tba Suvor Orcbe.tr•; mu~.h.

The Sav.oy Orche11i.n. t .JS '1De 1'e~arapb' ' New• 4.l0-0.o!le down

Eatly E...,euJna SeN.ion : 15,2S-Tuoc• i.D. 6.30-Tbe Ch1ldren'.1 8t1N1ion-S1ode-a bJ ''Tb•

511.ndma-n" 7-Tiu Tannen' ScHion '.\1•rk~c Rl!'Pon~Lcc­

t 1m:tu--Shr.-ep 1b,itln_g in Co.a,u.1 Are•'• 111 Mr. W. C. Dcuwn (Conco.ment ~bflot-p a •Hl Woul fllpnlJ.

7.20--"Tiu: Tde,;t"•pb" .New,, 7..$0-Cl<J.o dfJ\il' ll,

Nigh t Re.!.11ion. 7A5-Le4;un~ Se~ion--f"l'J'll111Ar Scicnee Talk

1\o. 3~ liy Mr. F. \f.:no,wc.lJ. 8--hrttn lb~ !it11di.-Rri• h11no Apollo Club, 8.50-W<"alhcr bt!onuation oftics.11)' •npplJe..l b1

lho CommonW(Bllh Wcttbcr Bure&11. 8 • .s:5-Aa11ouuccmcnt1, ~from 1hc S11nUo--Brhb&nc As1cillo Clu.h,


9..30 fo'r1h11 th~ C.fftllon.n.il'll IW.1-br courtoey of the Let.M't!!., • (UPKTAmmc or d11nco muidc by the Ceru,.rmial Halt 0411e:o On.ih~D11. •ill be ttolay~,1 frnm lhc Hall .

0.SS-'"lhe D11.il1 f.b il" Ntiw" Stnico.. JO-CJ011c down.

\\.7:D:',E:,D,U', JU''E 2..

MiddAy Seaalon. 12.S.<;-'J'nne-in oigMI. ,-.linrket repoTte auppUed bv t.he Ooun

cil o! Agrh:ul \ur-e; Stock~ Exchange i"nfom111tinn @up_plied by the Oommlt • tee of t h o Brb:bl\ne Btcu•k E:rcl,anse ; we,~U, et h1foTmation supplied by th11 Commonwealth W@&t.het :Bureiau ; • 'D!lily Standard ' 1 new, •el"vice.

l.SO-Clo.se down.

3.25- Tunl!,£a. 3..30- Matt.h. 'Thr. 4Qt CDnt:m1 01chotra; aa.

_pnUlo 1010, '1u. T. Thornt~n; orc.hestral, Tho 4QG Cor1ccrt Orcbc1tTo.: baritone 11016. .Kr. Cbu, O'\l•ra; l"IV"llurr, Th11 4QC Coo. ~crt OrcbC'atra; m,molOJ'lll'l, Mise Foo Todd: 'IM.)fJTll.no M>loe, Mr ... T. Th11r11ton;; foz lrnt1111

'rbe -'QG Conecrt Orc:.h;,.aLn. 4-.15--.. Tbc Tclq;rapb" Nl!'II'•. , .3G-Cl01c dt7Wn

Early Eveulfl& SeNfoo 1 45.25-T une,lh. 6.l0- 1'hft OU.1TeQ'1 Salio.n- Storie• by LhtJ•

:\Uu lh :111:ha.ne.. 7-1'he f'a.rmt.1¥• ' Se..,iun; M• rlc.t Report•. Lu•

ltlft-llt--A Qa~111Jtl111,Jf'r'• fmprc~iow of Srouicb Stock IJreedh,1', by Mr. J. F. Rotd fcdhm, Queen,1laud AirkultuJ• I J<Ju~11u)).

7.2()-nThe Tftlt'.grapb" l<iew.9, 7.30-Clo.o down.

h'"ight Ses~loa. 7 • .Jr.-Lr<<1t1Jre S~on S(,outlnt for llor", TaU:

Nu. 1 Ly the Chic! <.:ommb11\0n~ for t ile

Page F oI'ty-one

Out'('t1 '!'lud D•>"? Sc.uu-t.t1• A.IIOCU.tlo.n. (M:r. C. S. Snn..-).

8 A prui wwma o! 01d-tilllo m1J.eio. a.so - Weather [u!orm11.hon 11ffit<UI.Jly .aopplled

by the,- Cummonwt'nhb Wc111b.-c- thJn.\AU, 9 ,5$-&nnuuncC'mcnt•. !>- A l'ro.e;l'llwwc u( O11t.1lmc M111lr,, contlm:led. 10 Th~ Doily M-all Nc-ws Sonioe; Otout


THUl\SDA Y, JUNE 3, Midday Sel!Alon..

12.65-Tirne hi •lfu..al. 1-Mnl'ke&: Tepor~• !upplittd by lhe

Connell of Agrfcnltw:e; Stork Ex• ehnnge inf0Tm11~ion ~up11Hed by the Co1nmlHPe of the Brisbane Stook E x· aha nee; well.th Pr lnform11ti9n ,uppUed by the CommOflWf&lth Weeth• r Bu.rl•un: "Dri.Hy Stud.ant'' new• 1.m-· "-lit•f'.'I, (!!Qte d own.

1.30 ClMe t.lu-wt1. Ahcrnooll Sc1al0ll,

3.2S 'l nne-•it1. 3.30 PUlnfJfortl' dcc:t, Yiu Dor.is Valentina

and ~tle •'eo l'odd; coutral,o •ulU\ 1-H~• \ em l'arker: monolo,ruc., ,M.U, F.ll~J\ MtLen. nan: lt'IJ1t•flo .t0lo. ~jr,i. Cun, tba(llJI.»: p ianoforte dl1t'lt. ~li111• Oyrl1 \l'aleotlno and \ li,11~ ft-1'1 T,11M; tuuu,ho •~lo, Miu Vl'ra 1>11rkl'T; 1nillWlu~u.t'I, M1sM Eil~u Mcl,cnm1u; At.oH•n Voulittn aclticti<>na; U.S.A. Sev"nlh RC11,lnu:..rn Da.ad; &opnrnu eoln1 Mt,i , (An. Thomas: Aloli.1n V1)('.j11l i1ln -tet:.llnn, Crl• tnion Mo.1(1 Quult!ltC-.

t .U-.. Tbe 'T~le-gr.1y~" New•. 4,.:,.sO--Oete d1,1,.n

E.uly E•onll\R SaNiO'tl I 6.2..'t-T1utc,-.Jn. G . .3() Tba Clalldnia'a ~-• ii,11- StorlH lay " Tho

Sandrnan;• Th!'r~ ,rill br n •> 1-umu,• Scaition lo,n1&h,t.

7.:?0-"Thc Tele,vaph'" Ncwa. 7..30-Cln•e. down.

"WETLESS ,,. Fixed Mica Condensers

New :rnd improved f~nttues nra incorporated in the WETLESS high q11J1lity Jlx~<I ro ndcnser.

WETLERR CONDE:Nfll<)RS are synonymou~ wit h bi1:l1es\ gr:ttl~ work­lllaushi(•, frre,JuUJ !'rum moi\ture, and Ibo beat quality llll\toriala.

B Type. .0001 .00015 .oom?5 .oooa • OQi'.15 . 001 .002

2/- "'1Ch. ,C10026 -with

clipa, 2/G each.

B Ty1•o .00[1 • • 2/6 .,._ .00<1 • • 2/6 oa. 006 .. 8/- ••.

.006 .. 3/6 ... .0076 .• 3/9 • • . .Ot a/- ea. .oz 5/0 ••.

RemembN, t he WJ;JTLESS Fhrnd Conden•rr has the highest grade Ruby )lica Dielertric.

If ycltll' Deoler eauuot supply ym1, send clueel l,Q me.

Manuf acturer : J. WITLESS, Bexley, N.S.W. Pbon, Kog. I I 55

BURGESS-"Purity of Spee ch and l\1usic"-BATTERIES

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 48nla.obj-651562692National Library of Australia

Pate Forty-two WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, May 28, 1026.


EMMCO CONDENSER. \ biol 1h ,,Jio ·01.1111 ~ rotor

C'nd plate~ .1trfti~bt l nt:: ";t\"t•lenglb mo,-'/' miuutt' 11d,jus11111·11t. Thri,t' &r<' 8Ulllt" of lbtt ft•nh1rt1 M e-ontri butin,: to ti, ... m iPr• r of r:)tM< o ,-<'r11ler ~ou I• ~er~.

Pricot1: n: II~ nm TYPK

.0()(\:!~ ~0/-.ooo.; • . . . . ~1/-

l't,AIN l'YPJ-: . . 0,102~ . .ono~ ....

Op~ r irt ll .la('k • D<"lul,t,, Cirruil Ja«•k • RiTIJ,!le Piit1nHmt .J;1<>l,


.\ Light ..;; ...\r, ,t, r U 1nt a lu 11rr.

It ii, a po1itill1 U1'<•1•~~ity.

Opt•r.u.ting 1111 tl,r. Gnp print•ipl~, 111111 1no11nh"'l nn A hakelitc hru-io, the .l:.:.'.\fltUO f4ig1J111lng .A.rr,·Htl!r 0111111rr~ lht.1 vrott•ctiuu of your RN•t'iv,•r u,:ninllt lightning. .l::n,b F.'01<'0 Arrrster tn rrir.s ;.rn immrn tu·/'\ gu;1 rp n tef' I u re· plat.•t1 :my tln,mAtt•• I 1• I ht• (' x. f 1•n 1 of £~.,.

PRICE , . .... 4/S

EMMOO J"AOKB. 2 II ~. ~/11

J>onblt l"ilnnu nt Jork • llu1lio ,lark Rwitrh

(fond "'" r,•1111ir,. !!OOd parh. "" ~el l, lwtt<'r than it,-. p11r1,. E\'el"I l•:Ml\1< '() prc11l11,·t· i~ ~11hmit.ted L'<> n thorough test hy u leAdi111(" 1·adio t•ng,i. 11t't'r he fore prndm·I ion is coturu,•n,·«•d. ~n that ..tlit•iPney i, assnn•u

See Emmco Products at Your Dealers

Manufactured by

Electricity Meter Manufacturing Company Limited, Sydney

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 49nla.obj-651562954National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, 1926.

Night Session. 7,'5 hom thr ERhlhlhvn Ball The Sp~tiioll

\htlng brJd by F:vulrt<li•I Cwl'f Sm.1th t» 1hr E1biJ,i1ion llall will fin n:laycd. The rrnp.1J1mll!f' •HI Jridu.tltJ CCIOt,:Je.,aLhmal Ung­"" 1ir11f .,, •rlflr-~ l.J Cips) S1ui1h.

9-- 1- 11K1 tb.. n,11111 RoClru-An lmJ>tUIJ)ptc,1 pro• crati,m" o( mu,11it! by 111• Crr..t•it Urllbano \hmiripll Conr.e.,t 8;at11J (11111ler the lcadar~ !lriJ or Air. !:. latlubn, "'fhe Daily Ji.b..11 .. ~t"Wll SM'Tkf'fl, )

1.-11Tbl'I Du.lh At.alt" New• Senlcic. Cloto drtwn.

SCL Olll;:!' l!.AL :SROADOA8Tll:B8 LTD.

Call Sign. 60L. Wnolon11th, 395 metroa, lJlpul, 5 K.W

FlllOAY, MAY ~8.

M11mir1ir Sc--Mftin (11.30 a.m.. io 2 Jl,m,J ll 1r,-G.P .0. Cbimet. 11.tll-FMturtng a Steok. Duo Art num• ~., ll.-lO---' 'Adve,.rt il!i~l'· 1 News Se-r"Vlce. lZ-G.P.O. Cbimea. 12.1-Nn·, •nd C.hl1t Si!.rvftte,

12.18--FPa.turln«- a Steck Duo A.rt nllmbtr: The &OL ,Studio 0Tr.hedn. S,,:.-.:1mu; 4,:1Jrnc1 soloi fox tmt; tu\UI cla bnltd, 1~•~~rJ-r; w1l11:; M.'lectlfln; P,1'nlte; ll!ili.lP.

I.SS---S. C. Ward & Co:, S!oek E:tcbuge Jn­telli~nce aed O·fru:ilal Wet.the, S:,nopW ar,.d St11riQn An1tnur1<:em.cnt.

2-C,P,O. O•lme' .. ,

,'lJlernonn & .. Inn (3 to SJ,

! ---C..P.O. Cl11n1M. !.1-lhlar ttnn1 Maplt" U'al Cafa1 Orche.atra.l

lllollllbl!U. U-S-BrOAdc.a•I froru S1udln I S.-riU S1ory. f---.C r ,o. Chimu. f.l-Bro11d<:a•l lrom Are4dja C.fo1 O,cbe,tral

111n11~n. 1.56-Stuck '.EJ1chao"" Rc-porl•, Cen~r1l ln{or-

11HliCN1 a.11rJ Siatfori A1111ouni::tm('PlJI, $---C,P.0. Chhnea..

Eve.nln1 Seujoa (6.30 ro lO.!O}.

6.JO G.P.O. Cbln1u. &.:U-lkih..lme Storie• fur the 0.ildrrn. lJt--Stoc:k E:w:chan,:~, ~Wb1 Re1uul• ar.d St.

Linn AaotJoncemente,. J.40-Sporting 'Ialk by "'Old TlmlllJ::• t--G-.P.O, Chimce. U, l-~tudiCl C,onct'rl .urang<'!d by \llu Linda

~11ld. ~.P.O. Ollr1:1e1-. 11.l-We..1htt RtpcmM, 1.1,l, StuJ111 C11t11oc.rt· t:cmt[m:teJ, 1~.l Sludio Concert ·conllnned. 111.J6 Avpro~.-Advert.-itH•r Ne""-• 8-e.rvic~. tu.,10-S,ntinn Annnnnf".emeots: NatJonaJ

Anthem. ~,TcnDAY, MAY 20,

Ht.lO C.P.O. Chtmea. JIJ,.11-01,crtnI~ t r:11rnC't • ,,Ju ; f,,1, fr.tit; mcl t.tdy-;

ru,.11.- f('11UvU; fo1otru.hh't1W tdu; ~le,ctl(ln! t,;·Mrfit Wl11cr 1 fmaln.

~pcHint R"'•uh, wl1r11 available. ~lt't:l. Dim A•t 1u11I Vm·A1iur, Non1bc-n.

Ev(•nlng: ScHiOn. ti.3()-r..P .0. th lu,H, ,.J1 .. n.:Jtuae SttJti;•.. for 1l1i:i: Chihheti. ?.Ml M..1ulrt 1.potl • •nJ .111a.Uu.u aliDDunc~•

mt.1J.~, 7.40-A n;t"J"w 1}( the warld"'a chid' • portlnt


s -c.r.o. n,·,n1••· 11 J-\ft, Fr .. ,[ c.""'"'111

• J111u 1,.11rl ill Ii pr,i-

,.1.~T~:: ~ t_:~;·;re:1111•1c, J---C. P.O, t:b..huea...


IJ.1- \\ eathtt Reyora. 9,J l1:1u liR11d, coath111ed, l0,2J-• Ad\;e-f"ti-«-r0 Ne1fa Sc.r.-k:e. 10.Jl>---Ju,: l.aml, nmt i11u~. 10.~IO-Stlt!oJ.ll An-1"1uu,n1cmcmta; N6tloo11 ,'11.


Alurnl"II !'x-ft.•l't11.

1 L -8ru-111Jr.ut from. M.a.uf;'han Churoh-l)fvlne St>nJc:.I;'. C.bildrl"ll'• A.ddrN.~. Hev. 'W, G. .All~u•u11. Scnn,:,n~ Re1,·, 'il. C. AJlantoD.

.A!t.erno()n Seujo:n. • l.-'~!tlc1t~o1 .Su..ullily Ahtrn1XJ11 •"t1olu frtim

1lu: n~ek J-or•-a1 Hap11111 Cbu,~b. (:.halmmn. Rr.,, U-. k.cith ~:ow1uJ,

E,·t=oit1g SNtion: 6.30--C.P.O. Cb,J,,,,.. 6.'S,1-Btd,i.mo Storie-11 for l.he OiUdren. 7-Rc-l•;i• from lt<Hl,c ..l'1ttk- COn.greptivnal

r-Jrn, ,·h-Sund.y Sch<,u.l: An.nivcru.l'J Sa.,klr. 1',l'•du-r, R, . .,, 8 ,, \\alt.I Crimmcll.

8~" \Ugru.ui•• Qu .. c-11:lltt ln a 1ir,11rl.rnn.14! uJ .i.nstrnnumllll u.J da'91ul 1111n1ben, S't• tiou •nn.otmc('W.e.nu: t\aUotu.1 .\.blhc:m,

MONDAY, MAY 31. M.qmiog Sc1tio.o (U.30 a.m. to l p.m.)

ll.30-C,P.0. 0umu. 11.31--.J:1ealuring t1 Steele D1,10 Art num•


12· C,P.O. CbimCI!. 12.1-Nf!-W.11 •nd C.W~ i)e"ic~.

l2.J6 Fe"t-nTing II S~eek Duo A.rt. num ber; ~OL St.ndio Ortb('!ILTA Will play: Ov,-,tllfri violin Mlltt; !u• lrol ;nl'I.Jfllt no\feJ. ( l lt'j in.,tri1mr-11t11l 1Tio; Nlec:tfon; r.ornel Milo; ~llll.l: fi1t11d,i,

l.S.,._S1 C. 'V;'ard J Co.•, Staek Mch1ni-o fu1t'lli11,.i1cc 1nd Official Wuthu Synop-.Ia i:UJd St11llion AnaOwt<!,cmcn,ta.

:l--C.P.(). Cbime1.

Altttn01Hl Seu.inn.. (3 lo .5). S-C. P .0. Cb i..ruea. S.1-Relay from Maple Lt.af Caret On·be.•tU.l

m1wb,:,n. ,$.45-Bzoadcnd from Stv.dio: s.m.t Story, 4--G.P.O. Otirne•. -4.1-Brcr,tlr..01 !tom Atc1dl• Ca!c: OR.hutn.l

ruunber•• 4..SS--Stod: Ex~banp R11>0rt•, Getjor4J lu:fi:1r•

malllin and Sut}an A11..aoW1a.ett1"1111. s-G.P.O. o,;,,, ...

Evtti!in1 $c1.aJon (6.30 10 10.:,0),

6.30-G.P.O. Ciimc•• 6",i31-Bt>di-Uuo Stork• (or l.be CbRdren, 7.:iO-Ml•• Wuda EtJwudt. WJII •Petk on

Dllndu •• " 8.I-Slud111 C11n\'nt, arr&.JtErcd by \t:id.&Jiu•• Qt.Jell.•

oi!:I. 8.20-Twi11.Ju"• Orf"lt1.il llw:ntJrC'lut T.alk (MI,

f". J. M1U,. 8, U~-D11.nct, Progr•/111!10, contlnurd. 9.$-()1,1,JH!C l"Jorr1mm~. CM!lindod, 10.:IO-D• ncc rrocrat11me.. r-nc,tinitt-d. I0.4S--S1ttion Annou.neem..nlll; To•mo"-"''•

Programme; National Anllu:,a,

TIJFiSO\Y J\.l\l. I.

Mornin1 Se.9i1u1 ( 11.30 a,m. 10 % p.m.)

lL.30----G.P.O. Cb.Iiu-.. 11.UI-Peatnri.ng n Steck Duo .A.l'l num·

bflf', 12-~.l'.O. Chim.,.,. lZTI-Nt·wa and Co.Me S"n-k~. 12.16-FelltJrring 11.. Stecik Dub Art nu-m-

her; SC'L 8tu.dto Orir:hcs,n will pJ1-,: &lr.dinu; ·c,.Jlo •ol,,: {,,..1. trut; .rnrlu.l)'t 11,,~el­r-llri '1nil;mh•1 ,,un\'l aulo, 11,1h1; h1'lllt-',

Page Forty-three

t-.55--~. C. Ward & Co.'• Stodc: Ez:duao lo• t~tlig.f!ncr, Official Woathel' S)'u.o_paJ• uicl Station .Ann1111uccme.at• .

2-C.P.O. Chime,.

AJterooorj Searion. (3 to 5),

5-G.P .0. Chima, S,1-RcleJ Imm Maplet Leaf Ca!a: Orabeur1l


l~·lS-Drnadeut ftutu S,udlo: Serill Storr. l,-C.P.O. Clume•. l.l-Br11odc:Ht frr,m Arc:adia Cafe I Orebcnul


4,.$5-,Stodc. F'.tcha111:,e R~pvna, Gfnrr1l ln(ar­u1ot 1un ilJ'lJ ~iation An.uoun.ccmc:a.t• •

s-c.r.o. Chi1t1.et.

£.,l'!tiln,: Set11i1;1• (6.!IO tu 10.30).

6.30-G.P.(,. Oiit:n<::1. 6.Jl-O"Jtlni.- .Storks. U.Udrrn'• CAnccn, ff•

r.11.11~,., h MiM Srlda Tbnma•. J..A.B .• A.M:ll.A..,., LMu-..o\. (Aunti" Sybil}.

7 . .SO-Jsuu,lir. Erebuao, Mlrht Rcporb &:11d 5\ .. tlUD AoJJOU.ncemtart.

8---C.P.O. CJumta. 8.1-Sr.huuULou t:l'cailig, audf"r thn diH•CtiOD of

\1~ ~yl·oq Th.omu, l .. M11!1,A. L,A.M,, A.M,t:. ~. A1ioie1ed by the "Mignun .. Quar• le,Ue,

8.JO-C,101uir-1 Talk artangai b7 S--\. Ca• Co. 8.-IO--.Schucnaou n-.h,t, ContJnuecl. ~.r.o. O.hn ... 0.1-Weather- Rciporta.. IJ..,'l---S,r;buulllon c-,;eJUng. eontlnu,.d. lo-G,P.0. Olitnca. 10,l-St11dio Couu~rt.. l0.J0 .,..SthutTTTtnn HonlnM. tontlnucd. lO.J6-"' A-d,c-rlac,r" New, Senfoc, 10.50-Statlun Arn:1ounnwcnt•; N•tto..l A.lo·


wmNESIJAY. JIJN}: z. M.orninr s~Hiou (U.so 1.m~ to 2 p.m..)

ll.l:M)-C.r.o. Cbimet.

11.31-St«k: Duo An and Aeolian VOMJJoD Rc::,c:iatb.

12-G.1'.0. Oiimet. l::.I-New1 and Cattle $rt\lkP. 1:4.16-Ffl~tnl'M'IR' • Ste.ck 0110 Art D·UIXI.•

beT; 60L Stud.lo Or<"hetlr" will play: S"1t-, ~io11 i- "~,Htt •ulu: Jux ll'Oli Jr,atrume:ntal 1rm; ,_ult•; M•<>ri l'oi eoog; corneL aolo; i,, 1ct11td" nCN"h,11111; fioale.

1..55---S. C. Wo,J & Co.'• Stqck Exc~•oce IA• ~l1Ia"nce, O!ficial W•thar Sraop1l1,. aact StAliott .An1u)uQcrwe.nta.

2-C.f.O. 01imH.

Ahrrnoon Seulon. (3 1a S).

.l-C.P.O. Cbi.111"•• 3.1-nroadt"Ht from Maple: Leaf Cafe: OrcbNU'tl

Numl,t-ni. S.45-Scrla..l Story hom lite Studio. f-C.P.O. CbimC'II. 1'.l-RCl.la1 from Att'adla Cdr.: Ordeatnl

• umbe?L ,.sS-Stock: E:1chari,:l'f !111porl~, Ce.o"ral ln!or•

m.1tfoo .and StatJon • .\.a1111u.ncitm<1nt ... S-C.P.Q. Chime••

benlnJ Se1•lon (6.30 10 10.M),

6.3!f- C.f.G, Cblmea. 6.31- 1Jedti1ue $Lori~ fot th~ Clllld.rml... 1.2&--cupce Leel'Dre, "\'tn. An:bdoagon Mo1-ca. tl-',;.l'.O, Ullme1, 8.1-KeJa-y fron1 Mi:"115. Ch.a. .\foPt• & Ctt.'•

TNrM,n:l", rmnpllmmwy ~Otli'l'H 111 Mr. Rlch1ml Wat..-m, org.1ni,;1,1d hr Mlaa Lee.

8.30-Self!DC.C' hrc tiuc arran~rd by .Me,11,ra, F • A. F•uldi1•1 & Co.

9-C,P ,0. Chim"'"• Q.J W.-ath"r Reiporta. 10 .. 10-hnm rhe Studio, ~uuc•I N1;nnLen.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 50nla.obj-651563223National Library of Australia

Page Forty-fom,

10.40-SttHu.a Announorun(IJH.&i NaU~n.al Ao-clu.na.


J.L80-0,P.O. Oblme,. 1L31-Jre:1turlng • Steck Duo A.rt num•

bar, 11.4.0 -''AdverLiur'' New, Bervfo&. ll.55-Vor:11lian Number. JJ?--G,P,O. Chimeff, 12.:..-• 'Advertiser•• Nflwa Service. 13.16-Ptatu.ring_ • Steek Du.o Art num-

bor i acr, Studlo Or<"hesLm wm play: SelertiouJ 'cdlo 11l'llo; lox nut; .,.,ults; allegro mode.ta to fr0tn ''Ua.fiuiiihill'd :iayfl"lr.horry"; M!lr• ftDllde; 110\'Clty; iru,1rurot'ril1t1 tdu; fin•Jc.

1.55-Word & Co.'1 Stock Ex.eh.ange Tn, 6elll~ence, 0.ffid•l weather 1yQop.&i1J, and' ata.tloo t1uno11ntftment$1.

~-G.P.O. Cl1tmes.

A fl,ernoon S-ellsion. 3--0.P.O. Chime~. 8..1- ~~la.y from lfaple Le11:f Oa!e, al'•

l'l1f1dral nu.m.h\'?'1\, S,4G-Brnl\dca1u f:rom Stodlo, S·eriol

.Stort. 4-0.P.O. Chimfll!I. 4..1-T:hoadt,s.t- from Arcadia 011fe. o.t•

clt"111tr11,l numberf!, 4.56-St.ock fixc.ba.n:e Rtport11:, genen-1


i-n!otnlH tinn, and • tn.Uon 1lllUO\IDC.8· mcnta.

5-G.P.0. Chim.-,.

t-~,•ening ~Pij8ion. 8.!I0--0.J?.O. Chimes. 6.31-Bedtime Storie.a. 7.1,'i-HC".-Jth Tulk, w;lvC'n b, School ro, Molber1,

,11111llgl'd Ii) Mt, A. M. 'Whll[et,,bu.rr, 7,30-"'M.J&rk.~l Re.-poTU. 7.40-PoultT)' Tolk by M.r. A.. ?IC. Willi•

l~Lu.ry. B-G-.P.O. OhimPa;, 1!...1-lfr. ,F'o'.lld!l and hi, Ju::a on-tur.,tu. lb •

roo"r,mmo 0£ • yn,·vr,1ue.d m~luJiill•, lntr.r­"JI't!fli"'d wil.U voe.al 1mn1li~n hr 1 .. .ii:lin.1 &rti:.ta.

"/,a•-Jt.1-11 'll'r'b~tra. i:.1mh uuc:J, I0.1-Jau Ott:b.;•Lr.t1 c.ontir,ued. JO.~ll -JIIU i,,ch,.., ,~. oo.utl.uu.cJ.



Oall Sip., SL O. Po-wor, ft ldlo'Wacta. Wa.-elengtla~ 371 metree .

}.1lUlJAY1 !'iof,\ i 2tS.

Mldd11,· SP-,:Rion. l2.:0---DrHJ.-b OfficiA.I Wlh!l~ :-t'cw-t fronr

Friday, May 28, 1926.

K.Qgby; Heu.tu• ud the A,.ut.rallan I"rea Ali, ~oei:.iHon cuLJ..,~.

l:!."5-.5tu,;k Excha.uge- lnformation. Ji.SO- .1.lll!t.,,arologlnl lulormatifln I Wro.-tker

f•>rN "'•" for Victoria, Tum&ftia, bouti. AuatraUa and Ne.w South WU-a.: Oeea.a Fote-• t,u1: kivn Rqmr,.

1-Titn• !Sien.al. 1.1 SLuUlu Orehr"ltre.. 1, 1 D-Bt.'1'n!'rd J. IluAnell, pi&nofurt@

,mlo. 1.17-T:!t,~nn- Tiffl'!Htn, '~e-!lo 110l0. 1.2~-StMlon •rrlo. 1.30--Mr. Hugl1 E~n. DmughL!-Puh­

li<" nr&11,1Chl8 Board~. 1.1r;--8f'rnA--rd J . Ro"1H-!ll, pi-anolortt

aolo. J.52--SLllrlio Qoutette. 2-('ln!litt down. Ue,i,.ults ot' tha cou.rslhg Ill 91:.>L•long will

btt g'i,·on kR tboy t!Om& to hnnd.

... uunnoon Sh•ion.

3 Lntf!flt .A.uottra.llau (!rkkt!L Efoven tiCOY'C.J,, by ro11n'-'".s.Y of 1-leuteor'• Ltd.

:l. l~"l~ndio Ord,e8t-rn. tto--Wlllt. ... r f-;rnltk, l'Ome.t aolo. 3.4-.RHA Coo1uw. Aoprrtnn. 3.21- The FonT Rh.olkR.

Colmovox Super Five

Models 1926


The 1926 SUPER COL~[OVOX is beautiful to look at - lends an atmosphere of dignity and worth to Libl'ary or Drawing Room. Naturally you expect unusual per forma nce :from so beautiful a Radio Set and unusual perfo1·m• ance is exactly what you get. Tuning, for example, is controlled by three dial li only-eo per(ectly adJusted that each station comes in ulways at the same dial setti,igs. It never varies. Powerful locals may be on full blast, yet you can tune them out completely nnd bring in distant Mations. Tone r~production is ulways clear and true, lhc volume always adequate. Non regenerative and extremely $ilent in operation, this Receiver comprises two stnges of tuned 'Radio ~'!·equency Amplification, Detector and. TWCl. st11gcs of Distortion less Audio Amplifientlon. Before you choose lhe receiving set t.o occupy the place • f honour in your b~me, be sure to 8ee I an,1 h-y tbe COLMOVOX. lts beauty you will recognise at a glance. Its extraordilmry capa- • bilities we will be always glad to demonstrate.




The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 51nla.obj-651563487National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, 1!)26.

, .Zif-Ao 1:!'ait, of MoHrs • .Bnekley and S:unn Lt1., lai.hinn tAlk.

l.13-t-iTrttion •rrto. . 5S-RiLn. <1CJonau, $Oi~Ttlno.

,,6-horoth.r Rt1'lt"hnT1:h, \'Iola. ,min. 4.13 Th1• Pour 8heik1t. ,.:o-R1•r-'li" (.-.lnunf';on, violin ,rnln. ,.::ti -5:tAtion Trio. .&-.J;l-:..tt11lio Ort•bt•-.trn.. &,13----J~!\t~r.t An-..tT"lio.n t~rlc·kAt l~leven

~,·nre11, t} <'Oartttt;..y of ltcmtor's Ltd. "Hc.ndd'' ,wws s.ct\·li•e. Ah'>t•k Ex­tl1!1.ngP infonnotion.

J---Cf11•• dOWll, ~.vcnlng Se1'l'l.fon.

G--CM1f1N>n'tt lfo11r. f;trrries h"y mn,-Hu11n)· NUN.ft'Y U.hymfR, Th1' BTOlhflr nnd Shtler Vh1it the \Vhthinsr Frdry, ll!iirk l;\fl:,.uty.

ti.45-''Argu•" and "He-raid'" Nr.wa Stn•ie~: Keutcn 1t1d lht- AuitirAijaA Pre91 A•~1i.!!a• ho.a Ulhlc,.

6 SJ• '\\°f'atbf"r Synopsis; Shipping Mo.-rnumett.

'"6,31-S:,,d. EiC'h.aqe tnfonution+ 7..1 Fuili Ahrlt-t Rrport• by J. R. B,urrt Ltd. 7.f. M!trl.-t. R,.pnn• by thr Yicit1.1riu :Pro•

I 1teu Co-Op~l".ltlYe- Co. Ltrf.: lia~arket S.Je,, l'oult¢y, Gra)11, Chaff, lliy, .Straw, Jute. 1.h.irJ Pruduceo, P'o1a1oe.. and Onlon!I.

.Sigh!, 81.i;~JCitJ.h._ -: :.:11-U,ult't tlit1 1t1U1ph~e:,1 o! the De-


J~nrtment of AgriruttnTP, lh- S. A C'o~k. f 1itrh-ulturl t; 'J'h~ ('itru!l ln­dtu1tr;r.

7 . .:10-ltr . .tltlh••rt Ha-rbt1111 of the Jl1on R,au·frau lt Cnmp;\n)', n1t\,· ~f1111•arlug nt tho Aing'a ~I'h-on.trP, vi'ilJ -speak troni b is ,ln-,u,inJ;"·Th•1m, hy fWt.ml ... &1011 til • J 0. Willinm11on !Jtd.

8- 'l'n1n1-mi1,,,dnu trnm th"4 \Vi"r-11 IE':RIII F,,c_­hihit1on, \Yirtl1'1 {llympi4, ;-;tt>lnfort'tl ltTnndtus.ten

8.J''-U,n)· ~'"1,rr-e11, h 11.i'"I. R,17-Stt.,ininrt/a kl'(l8dl"Htor.J. R,30-.-\.u rt'\l(ln~ t-t1h dinu.

From thA Stuiho

8.3&-ColHn,i:\\'•ltul Citil.t>u~· Bnntl. 8.40 Tht' r.,ptairi Nt"'hool ~port and

S1·hool Lift>. _ 9,6-.Edouurd 1tn1l Rtt~.tUl'Jnd L.u.tnbt•r-t,

JiitUttl nnll ,iolin, 9. J 5-Rityolld L1tmlu•rt, 1•lallo ~•1l0.

~:i~~.~fi1n::~;~;n c~t:;;,,. • Band. o.:~2-11-1 .. r. 1'Hti,tTHVf't lt-1111T fl.a»-~t'twtm:, l{ . .:-ady, b1rnj" it 49-Mr. L,•~hP Brtuullh~. 1 0 . .1..-F.rlonca;l'rl: l,rnnbETt viplin redii,;f. 1 (l, I n--- H,,ymo111t lAmh,,.n, plAnti go Jo. 1().2rl-M ,T. Pf"11 11i:rrove. IPnM. 10.2'7--Tliplma !{~rly, brrnjq. I U.:l t-( 10IHngwood t'fth,•iu· Band. 10.--10-LMi-"NI AuJitrtili:to C"'-rh.,k1•t Elt!Vf"n

~rnrr!ii, by co11 rt rsy o1 U.c11tcr11 f ,td.

Page F orty-five

''Ar~u~•• ,u•w~ ~t-n·iue. Meteorolog1• C1ll mformntiou. British olllt-ia.l wlt't\• 1,-"11 12t1\.,..• frc, Rugl•Y·

11-tiotl StH·e the Kmg •

SA'rURlUY, ~rAY 29. Mnrnhit Stos,giou .

l J- :,.1.nnol"A nrit.AI J J .1-Jfarold ltodi;-t~r11, orgnn recitt\1. 1 1,2~-Httrnard J. Ru1S,yell, 1111111.oforl'I.\

~ou. 11 :J5-Rongra rceit11J.

l i:li=~!::!~d Rof_&""R~::1T,111 ~~

1!f!~tct 8<lli.

11.55 S11nol1\ redtt,1, U TJm..11 Si,.i,raal. Rd1J-W OfficW. Wice-Jen

N"""-'.:!i (rum Hua,;I,), Renlrr• amJ lhc Av_. traHan l'tf!H A~t1d1Hit')h (::11bl1"11.. t.otr&t Au•• tt.11Jian l;nf'"ket ldr\·i"H ::S..:Mt.S, by r.oune-s1 o! R~1.11u11. ",\tvu•" 1ud "Herald'" Ncw1 S,,,,.1, ,·. ~hll•11i11" h11t>lllt~•11c:1-..

12.20--Time. Bril-is.b oftlclnl wirr,-11:'.,,• U(l\H• £rum Rul{by. ReuLc.r'11 a:nii ~he An6tn1irrn Pren \.111.sodRtion eoblcs. "'Ar,uA'' l\nd ''ller11ld'' uuwa ser • v-it.:t'H. Shl)lpini: intt.>Uhtenre.

l!.ti.:.""1-$.tncl F'11:chan1eo fof onn• llou,

l.:?.~0- -llf'teurologicol lnforrnatlon; Weatba.r f'<irC1:4i..tt l1•r 'Vktorla, T11ua:.ani•, S01.1.tb Au•Wili1 11Q/] 1'cw Sou1h W&Je1; Ocean F"o~• o.a,1; R,i-.rr Raport.

1- Tlm~ ~iirnJ1I.


DIAMOND RADIO BATTERIES Telephone Cells More than a Million Supplied Annually T elegrapb Batteries

"Cod More

To Build.''

" A Radio Set la no bett~r than its

Battery. "

Wirele•• A H & C Bntteri.eo Produced Expreoaly

All Leading Radio

"Cost Less To

Operate.' '

"Diamond Bat­teries make Good

Seto Better."

for Radio Tranami•sion Reception Ignit ion Datteries

and Electrical Stores Every Cell is Guaranteed. Made by Australians, in Australia., for Aus-tralia.ns,

Supplied to-Postmaster-General's


., Deparb-

New So\lth Rnilways

Wales Government and Departm_e_n_t_s ____ _


Kavy Department Publie Works Wat er Board New South Wales

gadcs, Orrlmnrne Stores etc.

Fire Bri-

Factory Representatives: REG. ROSE & CO. "Kembla Buildings," Margaret Street,

Sydney. 'Phone, B3872. Manufactured by WIDDIS DIAMOND DBY CJELLI PTY. LTD., West Melbourne, Vici.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 52nla.obj-651563770National Library of Australia

Page F orly-six

I 1-~,nd,o Orchntn. I 10--.\n•• Jortllnt", rtano .olo. J J~llortler J. Pt'nl,-rnTr. tenor. l.'J.!-~taUun 'J"ric,, 1,~I'! Wnhi•r ~mitb, rortH•t i,.olo. I .!lfl-.l.turl lrl'\M J. Pf'tflsrrt>\ c, LPnM. J. ~,-:-:1 ulilo Orrllt!.,Lt•, I.~ l-THrr111 'l'lernac, 'rtillo aolo. 1.66---~U,fllo On-he~tN,

Z rto~e down.. !-t.eflah ri,f ttito Fl!!lleral Hurdlt• l<At-~. l!ooq"" \'•ll.-7 Race•

Z SO-Rt aull 11f He• dwh1,t Hir;:h Wd1ht f--hmdira11

J La1--•t Au•tnhan r-,1ck1>r • lneu lfc.:C'lrt>•• b,- r<•urtear 1( R .. utPrta 1,td lt+suh t,C P1tann11 Ila dScap, ,Moo• nl't.• Ya1lt17

1'.6-Curlo J'"•lrl'la IUlJ 111 orrh.1.!~l~. ,1,tU•--H.c~•dt i,f ('nrnmo11" t<filth NhtitJ•l1-1,

Yoont>e \'allf'Y, 3 41-l'arlo P11aterla ,.,,,t hi urrhutr• .& 20--- a..uh of Uooel A.Juandtr

tloadic• 1,, ~ffH"m~~ Y,11.,,.. 4. ZI--C',a.-ln l'•"'tf"f'h. .. mJ hla Ol"('t.e,tr•, 1.4S-Lrttf>tol Au•tTr1li•n t'r1t lcf't l-'.lt,vl111

11curf"r41 by t•our-tPAy Of H<.•ulf'!l"1111 J.lrl. ~Nll"llnf rt•!,.ulb1. '' Herald" a,111

.\r.-u• • "ew aenirt'I', Re-euh of Kt,ilor U•mhup, Afonffl \'allry

5,----l'I'"" d.o•n

rn•tuns=- l.lc•1uou.

~.,J.-- ~11 •fH.'•llr1a rMUJ1-. I •H•iil, C,,11,.,,uy, a ud ln1cr•U1t41

t -Ch.ildrton '• Hour ~t11n•4 b! llar1 GnaJrar. Pul'ai.a.: Thf' Bn•ad llan, .\ Se• LlUlf' Ro-J'.,f'p ~·• riN for lhf' H1tliMI en'°'~· 'rl1• T,dn•. For lht' 1-i.C',tt•r onfl'K 1110""11,a


e..'5 \.tS••"' and Bu•lJ • '"" s.c-. • .._. R.-11trn iaod th~ A1"t"...,ILu1 Pre.• A...xla, ,to-a C. .

6Jil-•.,•1J.,·r !'u:u:,pu•; :-.h1pp111c Mou.-.ac1u:ra. fl.57-..,t•)dt l~,hu11"' ld1,111;•ll11n. 7,2·-l i.U M••~d Rcpvth J,y J. Jl, lJor,.t 1,tU. 7.$-M•rli.t-1 lh11iuh hy 1!,1 VkrnfUn Pro

dac~r~ L, 'l[t'.-.lj'\·c Co, 1.11, Gr,aj11 U.«, H.a• c;;;., JaH, DalrJ l'redocc, PoC.11~• aad OnloM..

~1:;-hl ~H11ion,

7 ~o--M.r. JI. t,. Wdh•r11, \\111" Senu·~ Romt,• C'nmmi!l>~int1l'J' • Th~ V•ork nt th .. Wnr Spl""\·i~e llf'lmc11 <.10.m.mi11111um,

'i.-10-- Hr, J .\, Ln,·h C'olour io Bir,h ~Tnnsmluioa (n:,m 1h.- "'i~INt r,..

l,ibi\ion, \\tn.h's Ul7mp1a: Wiltl11m* Hilt.II , irr Band.

~.12-1~. ~11htln 'Wood 1,11r1tot1e. ~.HI-Wllll 1mt,.lown. ('ii.), !Jn;nd. i-,:JO-.. \uti1lonl' selectlun.

Vr11m lhe t-lt111h~• .... :i&-c. Pitman, .i...-1 ra tat'. .,..40--F.tt•tn ~un. •01n•·11nn. ., .. n-llr H, ~-\, Hro•·n c;h1dl11h-

'l'Tc11tmt•111 of C'orn,. ,tfll't' Flowrrinir

t~";i'ltM":~~~"\\'~:!~; ~!:;;(:~Ht" P.17-Wllli11mJ1toWt1 flit!, U,md. O.~f)..-.'M. J Prttil{t'OVf', fpnnr !J.37 (' Pl1man. alffl 1uHar UA1-KH.-..n !--t-llf'T', 8opra110. li •• 'i..t-WIHl"nutowu Cily Band. 1(1.11-'4. J PNtiS'r'(•¥C-, ff'nor lfl.ZI-Wllllrtm11tuwn ('lt.1 Band. t n.a0-1,Mt•~t .'\.u11ln1 l11'n f 1 rlrkcL E1.-¥,.IL

111tor .. tl, hy rc,nrtC'-Y of l<f'ntf'l'0

II f.ttl, ·.\r1:,n' 1 t1f!\lta •f'r~,u·e. YetNJn,W1r1•

ul informalion. linU•h oftlcial wirt1 Jn.11 11Pw• from fl•cb7 ~porcu,e n •ult•, ,..c ~~ tocil11all, Metrorc-llh11 :-iO<'('Of J..., Up!Uf'. ,1f"1 rn11nli111n Am61tlllr

Columbia Dry Cell "A" Radio Battery No. 6111

J<'ridny, Muy 28, 1926.

A•r.Oft:1'tfun .. \ "h•n r~IUJDjl of 1he •tnt>ti.l.hnc tnl at the ..,Udiam, b7 llr Xc,nnan ~" rCancP,

J1 Gt>d "'•"" 111• k lUli/..

~11:-IDA), )!.AY 31',

\1t1rniD,t H1 •ion, 10.-U, ~ .. nu·• h-om t-.t l'aul'a •••the

d.nl. .._.,.nnnn. J<ev P'. A It.). 1~.,,__~ to•ci, d0Vi11

A fteTTi(lOH :,.;N111icm.

a-rltj!illlH1 tiuudR)' .\ftM't\OOD S:t•rYltt. f'40ntr11I '-fln1011, \\ .. ,.,,..,. l!hur<"h Ch.a1rmian Jt,,.v. l'. lrv1n1t Jl("11•un Addrr-t• llo-a. ~~mael M:au,:f'r-Tbe ;':~.j~,rr~•,atlook-wh1rh ,..., 11re ~•

1.30-<11n,e down.

l-!Y1•11lnc Hftt4lim

0-l'hlldrton'" Ronr. ~t•JtJH l,r 1h11 Bu1n<r: Tl!" Lo.•\ Harden Th• J.OYI" H.-,1 l..lf allJI c;" ,t :4f'diC'tai,e.

ii.4~llor.1!! tim1•

:,fight s._.,.11IC111

7-S .. n·t('t'I from. :ill•tHa C!htUcb, <""n da.1·tf"I tt,. 1 11! Jl,f".-. V: Horland. •1r pnl1t, Mr. lbn~l•y <•rett. ""'d <-f"nllort ~y Dr. Rorluut OD lmarina U,m lu Ht>ligion-St. lhtt. 2:l, Y. 0.

i-rom th~ !-11od11t .. !".t-W•-M11h~_.u Tnim\\,t.YM ll~n.d 11:.:n L,rnrr Jt .. airlu", hnritone, of lht'

Uilbl'rt and SullivAn Up~ra C'om11an1 by 1K11rmi• s:1D11 of .J f', Wilhamnm I.Id

""«-1111'\'tr-n Trantlt.---..1111 Band '4.~\"'fdlf'1 JaC'bou, t-(JJ>r1no, c,f U1f!

G1nH•rl and ~ullinrn OJ1t"r11 f'om,-.l'lny,

DESIGNED especially for u se in connection with dry cell vacuum tubes. Lasts much longer and gives

more power for this purpose than any other dry battery. l<At.HIIIY REPRF!'>~.\ I ATJH


Colun1bia Radio Batteries 1',,!a,h l,y tlte manu/aai<rn• o/ du Famous Columbia 0,.., C,11


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 53nla.obj-651564067National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, 1926.

fly lHirmis1'ion of J. C' WHlinmscm I.Id.

•U-~~uphnninm ti-nd trombOn.a du~t. ~.7-Lance li'llirfo.~. ~llritone. f,H-Mn.h,·ern Tr11omw;i)'S Bnnd. '9.21-' ',\:rJns' · newe servlec.. ~.16-)ltllvo:rn '1':rnmwn}'s B,uul. G.L! Yiul.f'1 ~1Rrk15,qn, "OTmrno. 9.H1-.\l~lveTH 'l'rRmway!I Band li>--r1(>d R;lVP th1• Ki.ng.

)lllNDAY, M.AY 31.

M iddn.y St!Mtion. t~ n1mn-Tim" Sign&.1. Litt-•t A1t1tnlla.n Cricket

Elr•,·11 ~1Jree, l..y courtr,,iy of R.cutco .Lrd. Brill.ti Uffi,r lal V..: ln1l~<u1 Nl:'wt from Ru,by. lt~ti11'f' amri tb,e Au . ..it.u.Jltan Pt"41 Aii1u)datiot1 C.t.bl~·~. "Ar~u".. .uuJ .. H.,n,M" Nr,,11 Su­u~,e. :ihippil)~ lato114:e.ttee,

U.50-SMd. Extbanga fnfounarfon. IL£0 \t{1,•urulb.1CluJ lnlotllUl.llon. Wieathrr

f1 h 1r,..i• for Vl~curia, T• :smanis, ~(iutb A111,, u11li.!11 a11J Nt w South \Va.loi,.. Oc=tan (t.reuo. ll1vt'r R,.-put1o1..

1-TJlll'I SJa.Ml. 1.1 ~h1Jlo Ottiht>,.lr•. I 12-b'.fil h llet1mond, mauolug-i,;.L. l_,,.2-Wnlti'r Hmltb, <-orneL solo. • !Jll llull..lW vroirrn.mmr. l>y ~tudl·ntl( r,f

ihe C'un.,er\·ntorium., Univ--,~ity ,d M1•ILour-1te, lriuh;w.ittf'1I from the! f"l11h H1HLill, t·u.h~r:-it.y, t.1~rlton,

~-f'l<,,-;~ ilown

AC~er11oon ,:;,,1_,1.11ion.

l~llt'>r,I \u,.I 11\Jiun Crii.'kQI f:IP-ven i,~nrc.!!o, by courte~,r or Rf'utf;'t..-•~ l,td. ~lL1dto Orl'lui,-tr:\.

:,10-Mr. R. ;J. 1,orkr~ Prir.im, Port ~. l.26-StMion '1'rit1. !t,.111,...-lri.J. U.udoric-k, 1tnp111-no, , .:li-Unrflth.,- llo,;burgh, vlola t1olo. 1--l~()livf'r Pencoc.k., b1Ltltvru•, "!-l.11- -.M1i,;s :noro Pell, S11pe.rv1~or ot

£lmJJ1H1til' ~\rt.._ Edut'1ltlon De-1li.u1mPrtt -t>11rnet1I i1· B1·1•uom~-.

l.4-Studio Or-11he~tr:11 1.12-lril', Rodt1rti'k, ~l'Tflr:rnn. t !I/.--Studio (h1·ho~tr::i. 4.~.J-0/fver l'Mtock, La ti tune. t :11-Stnilio <.lrc.he~t.rn. U5-"Ill'1'Ald" 11r.-w!>I .ser\·iet', Shh'k

t.1ditt11g(' i11form11tiOtl, La.tt'I-!. AU-· 1ndiu11 Crid.<;•t r;lt•\·t•n !"tore,, by C'.'>UTM

?i~rto .. ~£ d~~:~t:•r•~ JAd.

Ev("ninc Se~ndou n--C'llihlr1•u's l:Ivur. ::itorh•"" by .BIiiy

Hunn;r· Llttlit\.'-llf..' Fniry Stor), Th~ J,oi,t Pri.nN•~tz t\1\/l lllack Benoty.

(d6-Lt.1,.,.t A,u ... 1n1llan t-:1,-,Hn &!ftl'rt,-. by e-our .. '""~ of i"1.11c-rt I.Id., '"A.rf:;1u1" and "HeraM'' N"• .Ser"lcc. .Rc111.cn. ett.d the Aullrllll.an rum As«-t1tion C11bl~.

fl 51-Weather Syng1>sia; Shipplnr Mnv~me11ts

6.57-Stoelc E.xehAnl:f~ InformAltlon. 7:~-FiA.h Ma-rlret RepoTt by J. R. Dot"·

reLt Ltd. 7.!!- Fruit. Markel r.epo11 by J. U. Dor·

rrH T..td 7.J ].forkd rt•lJOrU1 l>)' lhl.! 'Yil!loria.n

~~~~k~er~af~tPt~:~::r;, cart~~-· c~:~: Ila)"', Rrrnw, ,TuDP, D~iry Pr()duc.e,, Pota.toaa oa.d Onions.

~ie:h1 ~er..sio11,

7 21t--.Und@r th'11 uw•-pir"'~ of thfl N,w.• ~ettll'rs' 1..ein~ul), \h. I~. R. PlH, "'" 11hli1nt LibrRrl:HI. Pulllil' LiLrnry <,r \'tdori11: Tnnt.•llfog Liln•rli•... for ('OUJllT} 13orr,nVflTIS.

7 -1!1 - Tndflr th~ 11uspll'ett ot !hr- De--­rr.rtm~n1 (•f A1-trirultu.r~. Dr \\ •. .\.. !-1 Hohnrt,.n-n, ('hirf Yf'tprh1:;n• rn!IIJ*t'f"·


1or: R~view af the t.,ive $tnrk Tndua· try.

Ii-Agnes lforhJ.ne. pi11naiorle liOIQ B 7-l!:lfoeu Starr, !":JOp:runo. ~.J 5---Rriti,-\1 '.Mu!l!iC Soolcty Cuuct!rt,

n·tu1.s.mitted lrou1 Urn A~uH.m1bly linU1

Culli.thl ~tnwl. Durinll' iTilfln-RI, Fr;rnr• Iyo Kin A", elorut.iouist; uxt4't in E th~!. for two \·iOlin.-, two violas. and lwi> 0 t~PlJcu1; ifl-ring atU11,rlet, fo (l m•J.:

1 h.. BriHsh ·tit nsic Society•• Q1rn rtet. 10-F.ilMn ~lnl"t', HJJ1ra110. 1 n. 1 n-&rol<l Rod,r<.\rg, or,:uu r,~c•t.u.L 10,20- Eilet:n $trin. gopr~oo. Jr"l,tt0--Lnl6L Au~lr-aU.an l'ri("ket Ele\""en

1,1,·0tt•~. }J\ ('l)IU'li>sy ur Ut)lll .. r'i; Ltd. • ..Ar~11~• 1 nP~ f'IPrvirt-, ~lt"trorologl• rn.1 1nf(lrmrnion. liriti.sh offlci:1t wire· 1l'-""" 11!'.lw"' fro1n Jlu~h:)• .

11-Gml Save lh<> King,

'l'UESllAY Jt,~£ J.

Middc,r ~cHion.

I.! uooa I lm,ro Si1(1'111I. 1•1.-!~I A111trAlian (;rl"k.el l::ll'\cn •cvr,:•, li) C()Urt('tf c;1{ Rti.l~t• Lttl. Drih.a.lJ Oflidtl \VlrdtH :-.CrW!I ftom 11111::by, lll"Ult">r!l ILU.d a.b,• Au•tr11li.u.o Pu.ff AhOCWlllion c1tblc• .. 1\rwua" nnJ "Ht!.l:.a.1(1" Nt>'it& Scr­•h.~. ShJppl11Ji: lu1dll1111u e.

J:?.JS-Sto1•k i'ixd1au~£• tMommtiC\n. 12.50-Mntt>orolc,glc.a.l lnfonl'uUioa; Wu.•

the.r Fur-P('Jlflt8 for Vid~rio., Tt1:!nu1nia. Ronth AnMTn.Hn. and New South Waln. Ooeao Forect\11-t; Rh·er Re--J1UYts.

I iitne Si!J'n,il. 1 .I-Srndio Orcbcsu-u. J .J,5.-.51.anlC"v .-\d11a.ur,, violin .sofo. L.!0-~Jf". fl11i!h £t,.u.n-Dr11ugh1~-o\.llCC A11l•

but I.it!lf". l,IO-~tn1liu 011•hi-11t1.n, i.:;:;....S11111h•y A.1h111•, w\1tli11 111ulo, ~-P\Mo tln~~n.

• '\ fLt>rnoon SC"JI.Rion.

:\~L.atf'"I \u,-L111.ll.w Ulrlu•1 Jt..fn,.n otcort'l', bv c:uur1rey nJ llm11en Ltd.

3.1-~turlio Orc:b....u«. .'1. 10-Tb-=- FQtu ~ick.t. 3,:r~-K"t!hb DrtlllJ11rHl Ju • Or,nn11lk ~lut<-h. 8.37 -~Hu,Jl•J Orr:hr-~trll. 3.·l.2-'1"1rou Murrlaml. ln(1111t Welf•rc, J.:17 - Th,· Foiu $hid•'"• I I Tm-1,111 Ti,•1ua11. ,,,,1111 aulo. 4,4-Keith 0ft51Jwnd. in III bumoro1:11 ll<'tch. 4.19--Au J.'alt, ol M<?fin1. Uuddoy & Nun.n Ltd.

Fa!!hlon l'alk. 4.::N.-Srudio Orcbe!t,r.a. 4.1$ Latc1t Au•tr&li1111 Crklct £h,H•O 1£"011'.,

hr co1,1rtr-•v of R.eukn J ,1d. "Hu.r.altl'1 N"w-' S1•n·ice. Slvti. F,.x'.rbnU}I~ i11f111lllfllion.

5-f.l1111to c!uwq,

R\'flning ~cs,-.ion,

6 -Oiildren•• Hour. Storie§ by Muy Curoled_ l'MUlll 'l'hit! 1n1~1ltid'"f"O Fdrl~. ShadO•• on thf'I wa.11: Story for thn llnlk"t ont• i How Ua,;11 ~.n·"d Ille Sierer: F1,r tbl! Lig:gt:1r onM-1:lfa~tha, wilh Coleridio•Tolor'• HJa.. wa.t.h• !t!utic by '"l'he M:11,;,.,.1 Cumlfoo."

ti.·CO l.•tt1t A11•tnll1u, Cric:J..ct 'E~vno ac.orea, b7 tourtt'!IY ol ltc:utcn T~ld. "At-&ua" •nd "ltcr-•:lJ'" 11-.wa acrvic-f,1, l',ml(!n, eind lb'" :\.u!lualian PtrM A.,, .. u,·i.,1t io11 t11bll!1.

6.5U W~•lhcr Synopaia: Shlp11lns ~toverneutl\..

ff,58-$tork Exl'l•nnge ln.fonnnHon. 7.2-Flth M,i.rl<.i ncporta by J. R, 13or•

r<lt J.td. 7 .4- Ma.rkL-•I l t~nnYhl hy thf' YkLotUUl

Pro-d111·~rft Co-aporBtlVe Oo. Ltd. i Hay• wurk,:L Rheep Rs.lee. P,mltry, Gnin, f'lu,tl', Hay. Stnw. Jute, Dnir-y 'Pro• duoe. p,,1.11.U.lt>FI rrnd Oniona

\; i~ht ~ft~fl'.inn i.20 -Mr. n tr. Wll1,,1,t, tvrryilM'I Cb,.ml .. tf')'

-fl.ir,-, 1,;,,11b. l'~r• ~-7. tri-f' M t•r 1111• nn .. p ii·P:• ur 111@ Lni•

Page Fo,ty-eeve•

,-crdtr 1.xtruulon Doud-Mi:. Suuon Crowe, of the Conseruiorlunt 0£ Must<:, Uaivorair, of Aio.lbourne,: Orc.hntra for the l'eoplc-,

8-Ll'ac11t C. Oram and tbe Tivol~ Orcbestz•, &nd the 6.nt halC of t.be TinlJ Programme, trumnlttcd from the: Tivoli Theatre bJ 1•cu-• rnJ1,oh.J11 oL Mu~ovq'• Ltd,

•J.11)-Dr. l,ofl ua llilh, Pupulu ~it:n""'· 0 ,:)5--.Ci1r inf II rt'• llrq11~lc• ,t"r-. IJ.::U-\h, J . Prttty"n,Yr, lrinnr. 1l ,l8-St!'iofr>r1'11 Rrm11t,,..-.1,.u1 !.l.'1,5--Keitb 0M1nn1ul, ill thl"J Third Act of'

"1 bt' t.:hd,tian." 9. 5$ Stf'lnfo1l'1111 lhondc• ~t~"• 10.3 - "-t. J. P~uigt1,we, tt!'hOr. J0~lll .::,Mlnfo.-, ',i Hr~c,l("lit.1!111. 10.17 .Keith De!lltr,,ond, tn ORI!! of bl• own com•

poD1ih1n, A Cocluieiy'J \'e.nlan of "'Tb.a Ocath UI Nelttun. ••

10.:!7-Slein(oit •,. flrti•dc;.a11tN'1. l0,30 L4te,t Auatraliou G'rlrl::et Eleven 1corC1J,

by coulle9Y o1 ltttutc:ra Ltd. "Arsn1" Nt<w.a St!nic"• B.ril1•b Ohiclfll Wlrcleaa N'"~ from HugLJ. Mcleoro!og:ical ltLforru.lltiua.

JI Cod S.1rn1 TbJ!I KinJ,

\'ITDNE~OA Y, J{;]'ff 2.

1.1 idJJ~Y Se.~~1011.

l:? 0111111-Tlm..- Sij!nll\. Lilt"M AuN.r• llau Cricket RIQ"'r-11 """rrto, by Cl)llllt'!IJ uf Hrtulen Ltd. Hri.t:uoh Oflioial Wirtilees NrW! from Jtu,d,,-. n"utefll New• S<!n·iec. Shippiol{ lnktJig"nce.

12.45-StOc.k. .f~ebangr• ln(ffl'D:Ultlllll, l2.5H-MtitPoro l()~i('[IJ inform:tliun, W11a.

ther fnl"N'1\Ate for \'irtl'ria, '1'181Tln.nln, $...i.. And N.~.W. Oecan Coretuat Ri,·er reports.

1-Thmt 511-0."1. Ll L1 Cn-1!1U.-.'• Qunrlt'llt, 1.1:i - TL,, Fu11t ~hlt-lu. 1,2:Z Ll'l 1A-i:11rl.1"' Quu,1.-111• I .•II)- fh• 1-"ou, Shi.-1.Y. ::- -Clu~t> 1h,wn, 2. 10 lle,r,uh ..,r Hunllo U11re - 8.i.)lnu 'furl

Club R11~Pli.

:.l,IS"· H-r~ult 111 'hb:1 HJi.ndkap JJ.11.U..tat 11.1rl tlub lta~N .

.Urnr11tH,10 SHi~it>u..

:l--Ll1lf·•t At.u•lrt1ll"1' Cr-fr\:.1•l F.h•-v1•II '<ll \lfP.111 b~ ,•11u111•11v .. r 'R"ulN•• Lid.

3.1 S11aH,• Otdie1atr11. .1..JO \IL-., ~. \, 1'.11.1kn, t.b.ruwun• (:Mtdhl. 3.26 Stt..llio Urchoefllr11. J .:H Olh~r l'r-a~od;:. b11Tjtont1. .1,.JU l'uma J'tl'..rn.an, c~llo 1H>Jo. 3.-,l'J-l(cirb llc1m<1-nd, c.lt>cutlQni1l. J.50 U.c,ult o[ l.lruda Sti:t-plf.'do1 .. ~B•l111r.u

'! u.d' Chtb li•l'CS, 3.51 St,Hlio On:b.c.~tn1. 3.55-011 ... N Pt'IU'ol'il", L,.,nlt,mr. 1,:t-\t'.•lhi.r ~midi, ,.,rnt'I 11111!0, t. I :l-Sj•l"t P1"1 l,,~ ••l 1h.- V1r.1orl11n l\tt,by lluh.h

C-nlrt", M,,,h,-rl't~ft. 4.~fi,.,,ult ni Wrhl'r llu111Jka11- Uallarn 't orl

tluh R-11:,.11. 1.27-Keid, lJr.Fini,o<l, rltwui1Q,ni11. 1,31-Stu(jio Orcb('1t-tn, -~.i&.5-ltetuh nf flu.n11ic.ap-R.i.1lt1l'II 'fu1! Club

R11nea. .,.,'6-Latnf Aust:nHu Crkl:l'I F,le~ie-n •l'.:ote•.

by courtett.:y of RNlett Ltd, "Hl!rw1d"' Nn1 S('rviec. Smelt Euh•uil'" lnCorn1a.llon, Re. flUlt of '\\'c.ltcr 81mUuJ1.

5~1o.se rlowu.

Evenina Seli!ilian 6 to 7 .)5 C,-Childr .. n't lfo11,. l.iult1 \lUllt t..:oolr:..burra

will rd•tM lh(' fou,1l1 l11•1Jilmfltl1 of' Tb.e­OoU'I~ v( N111 ,i-qd h i11 duun• at ll't'b;-ml. ind tbt" alOrv t•f Dr.u1111 1111111 thri lkia•t.

6.-l.'l--.Lio" and TTf'r1t.hl 1.1e;,111 ~rvk~. Re.ut• ars and th.- A11nra1ian Prti! A.lliOC.laliori C.IJI,..._

6,.$:l-Wrath~ S)'iioptla, Sbjpplng mo•ci• rnon111.

(i.$7-Stc,W:lc. .t!-uhaioge JnfcnmatlnD. 7..1,?--Fi,h IDJtri..c.i toport1 by J. R. &rrrtt t.ul. T,l ~forl..flt RCJ1or11 l,y tbc Vil"turh• PtiHllN't'U

(~0,01,noti:n• Co. L1rL 1T~y111nrJ..i,t !'lh('l""p -ol,·11. l',H.1hr), Cr• io, Ou.ff. H•lT• °'tr:n¥. J11t,-0,1,11 Pr,),)1;1·1·. V,11.,11,,el' ,nHJ Onir,11•.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Page Forty-eight WIRF.LESS WEEKLY :f'riday, May 28, 1926.

Fixed Cnbol,undutn Dete<1Lor11 for any reflex or crystal set. No adjustments, no cv.t.swhiskr,r, in­

creased selecti \'ity and guaTa11teed Stocked .by leading Ra.dio Dealers, including:

Colville-lfoore Wireless Supplie,i Ltd., Swuin & Co., Mick Simmons Lt.LI., Economic Radio Stores, E. R.

Cullen, Harringt<>ns Ltd. Wholesale Only: El.IZA TINSLEY PTY. LTD.

48,J J{ent Street, Sydney.

ITALL\N WIRELESS TRAIN. The success which attended the recent wireless

reception experiments on tho Great Western Rail­way bas been repeated on the Italian State Rail­way·s.

An Ethodyne was installed in the express which leaves Rome at 7.30 p.m., l'&aching Naplc~ at 12.20 a.m. "The pussengei·s ln the dinittg car t.horoughly enjoyed the pure and strong reception," write~ the Italian agent -for Burndept products, "and thoy were able l<> hcaT concerW. from all stations in J~uru1>e."

P EBRS A-'I D T lfE MlCROPH()NE. While members of the House of Commons seem

reluctant to have lhe proceedings of the House broadcast, a different attitude seems to prevail in the Bouse of Lords.

Many of the peers are said to weleon,e Lbe pos~ibiULics of broadcasting as a means of pub­licity, of which the Upper .House is sadly in need.

An Example of Dunham Unprecedented Value Be.rt ia " h o ""' ll l>n n h 1:1 w Thna Vu.Ive CC\binet, 'fle­rnf,;rl' '.l'hb1 in ... lru nH.•tit, J)wlnsc ia lh spt."~iall)' 111cn.~ith,.e 1ttcl selt-t-tivo .H.J...\ C\.'Upllng u n d lt.• 'ftC,W("1" lc1\\ frp,-t'ju..!n1;y amplllll.'r, 1• t he Pqu:a.l nf mQ!lt toor or Rvrt Vl\1\1'& re<·~ivers and ha1 11- f't'IMrk:iblc luud f;pe.ttker r a D ~ e uf :lOO to lr.lO 1'111lt'~. NO TROUB I, EJ. fiOll}] ('Olr.1Jl01.,n. "ARS, AT1Ti RAT TF.RIES A~ll \l'ALYB<i s>:T.P 0 0 ); T A IN I!l D, PL\N'O F'NfSJfF..D CABVIY.T V< ORK, THE llSl]!\L nrrn •l{ l',XI'Ll C"IT INSTRt. llBNT

£17 /S/6, fir nb11Qlutely <'<'fflJ)lt•le wHh \ftJ"l"COni Dull f;millPr Ynh-e!I. nll H .T. lJ:iitcrJl.'s, 'J'-wo Vah Ar,­t·tmiulnLur, llflfl Tr-h•phl)nr- . • , . £21/ 10/8 Thi~ -price i.!I F.0..8, only, bur ff>r tho .:.onvenic.nt"'.tl or q\ t•NIM,,,. J'Pi=ridtnL:11 Wf'! ,r-:111 dehvf\r fre:r!ilt f'l)id

:d~hii~:~ .. i~\~en~r t1.1do:~Tkb'.rvp·i~~ 1:~~~ts·t~~~ r~prl"flentatiYe<i in mu,t porl~. nnd can arrnngf! tar Uu, p11-elrngt rn l1t1 1•l1>11tt11 tbrou«h C u -ct4;11n111 fttld rnilf"tl inland to d@"linnliun,


!::!a!:n~w~y 0:A~rt °JiH~!~i:ni~llJ:,~~d r~l1 r;~1rt~:!~:.uc, o. B. DUNHAM. 2Si--G llrtxton B.UJ, Loud.on..

En&.ln.nd. (Mite Rad to Engineer to Ma.rcoui Sa. tnst.. Go.), :\,f.,.mbMa of Lill' BritiRh B'rotulc.n11llnp; Co. aim:f!

lt11 ilrnugu:ra-tfoll, e~t•blh1hctl t.lVt<I' r11ur )'t•;H~. C.T.P 25"

The makers claim t.o have evolved the finest and most efficient Coil ever yet put on the market, ior the following reasons:-

(a) Its inherent low s~f-capacity. ( b) The least resistance to High Frequency currents. (c) Cutting out unwanted stat.ions. (d) G11arantee of Quality and Efficiency.

(e) The special design of the male inserts in our Plugs com­prises a protuberance at the end of the insert which, pos­sessing a double saw-cut,, enables same to accommodate itself to practically any make of Coil Stand.

Write for our latest reduced prices and special ;;tocking allowances to-


Sole Wholc;sn1<, Distrihut.or• for Australia. Tclephonea: BW 6938 and B 4917 ~----------

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 55nla.obj-651564583National Library of Australia

Friday, May 28, 1926. WIRE LES~ WEEKLY

u.x. 199 U.X. 2QlA u.v. 199 U.V.201A


Get the Best from your Receiving Sel

USE RADIOTRONS PRICE 13/6 H , At All Dealers

Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd.

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 56nla.obj-651564841National Library of Australia

W I RELESS WEEK L Y Friday, May 28, 1926



The New Junior Swan-Neck AMPLION


are the two mam features which account for the

popularity of chis Loud Speaker

le holds its own easily and conclusively against " twice the size " and double the price.

It costs only £2 10s. S wan-Neck M o del • A .R. 3 8 • £ 2 1 Os.

The Siftroo Self-Contained Sifter Circuit

ACTS as the connecting link between the re­ceiving set and tbe3loud speaker.

Price, £2 15s.

For sifting or filtering the output in such a manner as to modulate the current Howmg frorn 1.he receivmg set to the speaker-tor cutring down disconional effects and safe-guarding the speaker against breakdown-and.. tor "Better Radio Reproduction," tlns atraclµnenc is invalu­able.


Obromoble from oil Ro.d,o Manofomu,,rs. 1tnd D,ale«

Solt: Distnbutors fur Aw;t:nlas.ia

Mdbou,ne Ad..14,de Brr,b,n, 1-'etth Wellington (N.Z.) Bnmh Paccory RifPteHatwve : Wi.llWYI 8!og.i, 9 l...Jfcu~ Strriec, Srd1tey

Pnb1i~bed by B. C. Mumford, of \V'ill..in_n1 '.Edward St., T,o,.gnovilJ&, for Lhe Proprietors nnd PTinten,

Publicity Press Ltd., 11-75 Regent St., Sydney_

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