150 exam 1 notes.pdf

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MATH 150 Exam 1 Notes Fall

1 Functions

A function is a rule that assigns to each element, x, in a set A exactly one element, called f(x),in a set B.

sometimes it is useful to think of a function as a machine, x goes into the machine and f(x)comes out.

x −→ function −→ f(x)

The set A is called the domain. it corresponds to the x-axis.

The set B is called the codomain.

The range of f(x) is the set of all possible values of f(x) as x varies through the domain.

Another way to think about it is that the domain is all of the possible inputs while the range isall of the possible outputs.

ex 1 Find the domain and range of the following function

ex 2 sketch, find the domain and range of:

1. y = 5x− 1

2. y = x2

domain=? range=? domain=? range=?

When finding domains, what possible problems might we have?

1. division by zero

2. negative numbers under the radical

ex 3 Find the domain of f(x) =√x+ 2

x+ 2 ≥ 0 ⇐⇒ x ≥ −2

ex 4 Find the domain of:

f(x) =1

x2 − x

x2 − x = 0 ⇐⇒ x(x− 1) = 0 ⇐⇒ x 6= 0 ⇐⇒ x 6= 1

A curve in the xy plane is the graph of a function of x if and only if no vertical line intersectsthe graph more than once. Why? (think about the definition)

ex 5 Are the following graphs functions?

1.1 Piecewise Functions

functions that are defined in parts or pieces, that is, they have different formulas for differentparts of their domains.

ex 6

f(x) =

{1− x if x ≤ 1x2 if 1 < x

Evaluatef(0), f(1), f(2), and sketch f(x)

Recall that:

| a | =

{a if a ≥ 0−a if a < 0

ex 7 sketch y = | x |

If f(x) = f(−x) for every x in the domain, we say that f(x) is an even function

If f(−x) = −f(x) for every x in the domain, we say that f(x) is an odd function

ex 8 Are the following functions even, odd or neither?

1. f(x) = x5 + x f(−x) = (−x)5 + (−x) = −(x5 + x) = −f(x) =⇒ odd

2. g(x) = 1− x4 g(−x) = 1− (−x)4 = 1− x4 = g(x) =⇒ even

3. h(x) = 2x− x2 try this one on your own

The graph of an even function is symmetric about the y-axis. Why?

The graph of an odd function is symmetric about the origin. Why?

A function is increasing on an interval I if f(x1) < f(x2) whenever x1 < x2 in I

A function is decreasing on an interval I if f(x1) > f(x2) whenever x1 < x2 in I

ex 9 Where is f increasing? decreasing?

2 Essential Functions

2.1 Linear Functions

these are the graphs of linesthe main feature of a linear function is that it grows at a ........ constant ratethis constant rate also goes by what name? the slope

2.2 Polynomial Functions

A function is polynomial if it is of the following general form:

P (x) = anxn + an−1x

n−1 + an−2xn−2 + . . .+ a2x

2 + a1x+ a0

where n is a non-negative integera0, a1, . . . are constants called coefficients with an 6= 0 being called the leading coefficientand the degree of the polynomial is n

a polynomial of degree 1 is called a . . . linear functiona polynomial of degree 2 is called a . . . quadratic functiona polynomial of degree 3 is called a . . . cubic function, etc...

polynomials are useful at modeling various things because they are so easy to work with

2.3 Power Functions

these are functions that have the general form:

y = f(x) = xa

with a being a constant

There are basically three types or three shapes...

2.3.1 Type 1: a = n where n ε Z+

2.3.2 Type 2: a = 1n

where n ε Z+

this is also called the root function, f(x) = x1/n = n√x

2.3.3 Type 3: a = −1 , also called the reciprocal function, f(x) = 1x

this function represents an inverse proportion and the first quadrant is used to model things likeBoyle’s Law,

V =c


2.4 Rational Functions

these are ratios of two polynomials

R(x) =P (x)


where P (x) and Q(x) are polynomials

the domain of rational functions is all x such that Q(x) 6= 0

ex 10 What is the domain of f?

f(x) =2x4 − x2 + 1

x2 − 9

We need x2 − 9 6= 0 =⇒ x 6= ± 3

2.5 Algebraic Functions

these functions are constructed using the algebraic operations. That is, start with polynomialsand use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and roots. Any rational function is auto-matically an algebraic function.

ex 11

g(x) =x4 − 16x2


+ (x− 2) 3√x+ 1

2.6 Trig Functions

you have had an entire course on these, sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot

these are excellent at modeling repetitive motions, waves, sound, etc...

2.7 Exponential Functions

these have the general form

y = f(x) = ax

where the base a is a positive constant

the domain would then be? ... (−∞,∞)the range would then be? ... (0,∞)

the shape depends on a

these model population growth and radioactive decay very well and we will talk more aboutthis in a later section.

2.8 Logarithmic Functions

these have the general form:

f(x) = loga x

where a is a positive constant

what is the relationship between exponential and log functions?how about the domain? range?

these model things like earthquake magnitude and we will talk more about them later

2.9 Transcendental Functions

these functions are functions that are not algebraicin fact, all functions are either algebraic or transcendental

what are some examples? ... trig, log, exponential and many others we will discuss later

3 New Functions from Old Functions

First the translations:

suppose c is a constant with c > 0. then to obtain the graph ofy = f(x) + c shift y = f(x) up c unitsy = f(x)− c shift y = f(x) down c unitsy = f(x+ c) shift y = f(x) left c unitsy = f(x− c) shift y = f(x) right c units

To stretch and reflect:

suppose c > 1, then to obtain the graph of:y = cf(x) stretch y = f(x) vertically by a factor of cy = 1

cf(x) compress y = f(x) vertically by a factor of c

y = f(cx) compress y = f(x) horizontally by a factor of cy = f(x

c) stretch y = f(x) horizontally by a factor of c

y = −f(x) reflect y = f(x) about the x-axisy = f(−x) reflect y = f(x) about the y-axis

ex 12 given y =√x, sketch the following:

y =√x− 2

y =√x− 2

y = 2√x

y =√−x

3.1 Combinations of Functions

Let f and g be functions with domains A and B respectively. Then:

(f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x) where the domain is A ∩B(f − g)(x) = f(x)− g(x) where the domain is A ∩B(fg)(x) = f(x)g(x) where the domain is A ∩B(fg)(x) = f(x)

g(x)where the domain is {x ∈ A ∩B | g(x) 6= 0}

ex 13 given f(x) =√x and g(x) =

√16− x2


f + g


AND their domains

Try these on your own

Given two functions, f and g, the composite function, f ◦ g, is defined as:

(f ◦ g)(x) = f(g(x))

where f ◦ g is defined whenever both g(x) and f(g(x)) are defined

you can think of this as a two-staged machine. That is, the input x goes into g and outcomes g(x) which then becomes the new input for f(x).

x −→ g −→ g(x) −→ f −→ f(g(x))

ex 14 given f(x) = x3 and g(x) = x2 + 1, find the following:

f ◦ g =⇒ f(g(x)) = f(x2 + 1) = (x2 + 1)3

g ◦ f =⇒ g(f(x)) = g(x3) = (x3)2 + 1 = x6 + 1

f ◦ f =⇒ f(f(x)) = f(x3) = (x3)3 = x9

note that f ◦ g 6= g ◦ f

ex 15 given that F (x) = sin2(x−3), find f , g and h such that F = f ◦g ◦h or F = f(g(h(x)))

Keep in mind your order of operations. To come up with the individual functions, just think ifI were an input, what happens first, second and third?

first you subtract three.......h(x) = x− 3second you take the sine of that.......g(x) = sin xfinally you square that result.......f(x) = x2

then check...

4 Calculators as a tool

This is a very short section with the intention of showing you that the information that comesout of a calculator is only as good as the information that goes in.

ex 16 Determine the appropriate rectangle for f(x) =√

8− 2x2

First let’s find the domain

8− 2x2 ≥ 0 ⇐⇒ 2x2 ≤ 8 ⇐⇒ x2 ≤ 4 ⇐⇒ | x | ≤ 2 ⇐⇒ − 2 ≤ x ≤ 2

For the range

0 ≤√

8− 2x2 ≤√

8 ≈ 2.83

So choose a window of

[−3, 3] by [−1, 4]

ex 17 Graph y = 11−x using a window of [−12, 12] by [−12, 12]

You should see a steep line segment crossing the x-axis around x = 1

However we know by looking at the function that x 6= 1

Why does the calculator do this?

How do we fix this picture?

Since the calculator approximates you will need to change the window

5 More with Exponential Functions

In general an exponential function is of the form f(x) = ax where a is a positive constant.

Recall that the domain of ax is what? R

The range of ax is what? (0,∞)

The general shape of ax does depend on a though

Also recall the laws of exponents

ax+y = axay

ax−y =ax


(ax)y = axy

(ab)x = axbx

ex 18 Sketch y = 3− 2x

Start with y = 2x reflect about the x-axis and shift up 3 units

exponentials model population growth and radioactive decay very well

ex 19 The half-life of Strontium-90 is 25 years.

1. If a sample has 24 mg find an expression for the mass, m(t), that remains after t years.So

m(0) = 24

m(25) =1


m(50) =1



2(24) =



m(75) =1





m(t) =1

2t/25(24) = 24 · 2−t/25

2. Find the mass after 40 years.

m(40) = 24 · 2−40/25 ≈ 7.9 mg

• Of all the possible bases, one works exceptionally well for calculus, e •

We will see why a little later

How would we graph y = 12e−x − 1? Start with y = ex

y = ex =⇒ y = e−x (reflect about y axis)

=⇒ y =1

2e−x (compress vertically by a factor of 2)

=⇒ y =1

2e−x − 1 (shift down 1 unit)

6 Inverse Functions and more with Log Functions

DefinitionA function f(x) is called one-to-one (1-1) if it never takes the same value twice. That is, if

f(x1) = f(x2) =⇒ x1 = x2

A function is 1-1 ⇐⇒ NO horizontal line intersects it more than once. Why?

ex 20 Is y = x2 one-to-one? Show it algebraically.

Suppose that f(x1) = f(x2) then =⇒ (x1)2 = (x2)2 however that does NOT imply thatx1 = x2. You only need to provide one counterexample for that, for example 2 and -2.

ex 21 Is y = x3 one-to-one?

Yes, since two different numbers can not have the same cube. If

f(x1) = f(x2) =⇒ (x1)3 = (x2)3 =⇒ x1 = x2

Why would we be interested in functions that are 1-1?


DefinitionLet f be a 1-1 function with domain A and range B. Then its inverse function, f−1, has domainB and range A and

f−1(y) = x ⇐⇒ f(x) = y ∀ y ∈ B

In other words, if f maps x into y then f−1 maps y back into x.

What is f−1(f(x)) =?What is f(f−1(x)) =?

These are called the cancellation equations. Why?

How do you find the inverse of a 1-1 function algebraically?

1. write y = f(x)

2. exchange x and y

3. solve for the "new" y

ex 22 Find the inverse of f(x) = x5 − 1


y = x5−1 =⇒ x = y5−1 =⇒ x+ 1 = y5 =⇒ y = 5√x+ 1 =⇒ f−1(x) = 5

√x+ 1

How do you obtain the graph of f−1(x) from f(x)?

* reflect about the line y = x *

ex 23 Graph both log10 x and 10x on the same set of axes.

these are inverse functions

Recall that:

loga x = y ⇐⇒ ay = x

What are the other cancellation equations?

loga(ax) = ? x

alogax = ? x

Log LawsIf x and y are positive numbers then

loga(xy) = loga x+ loga y




)= loga x− loga y

loga xr = r · loga x r ∈ R

ex 24 Evaluate log2 80− log2 5


log2 80− log2 5 = log280

5= log2 16 = 4

As with exponentials, there is one base in particular that we are very interested in. Basee.

Logarithm base e is called the natural logarithm and denoted

loge x = ln x

Its properties are the same

ln x = y ⇐⇒ ey = x

ln ex = x , x ∈ R

eln x = x , x > 0

ex 25 Solve ln x = 15 for x.

eln x = e15 ⇐⇒ x = e15

ex 26 Solve ex2

= 10 for x.

ln ex2

= ln 10 ⇐⇒ x2 = ln 10 ⇐⇒ x = ±√ln 10

Change of Base Formula

for any positive number a, with a 6= 1, we have that

loga x =ln x

ln a

Why is this true? If we let y = loga x then

ay = x =⇒ ln ay = ln x =⇒ y · ln a = ln x =⇒ y =ln x

ln a

ex 27 Evaluate log8 6

log8 6 =ln 6

ln 8≈ .8616

ex 28 Find the inverse function of y = ex3

x = ey3

=⇒ ln x = y3 ln e =⇒ y =3√ln x =⇒ f−1(x) =

3√ln x

Inverse Trig Functions

Why do you think there might be a problem with the inverse of sin x?

Recall that sin x is not one to one so its inverse is not a function. We can get around thisproblem by restricting the domain to [−π/2, π/2]


sin−1 x = y or arcsin x = y ⇐⇒ sin y = x for − π

2≤ y ≤ π



y = sin−1 x has domain [−1, 1] and range [−π/2, π/2]

ex 29 Evaluate sin−1(1/2)

This says, find the angle whose sine is 1/2. This implies that θ = π/6 since π/2 ≤ π/6 ≤ π/2

ex 30 Evaluate tan(arcsin 1/4)

arcsin(1/4) means find the angle whose sine is 1/4. Since sin θ = oppositehypotenuse

, using the tri-

angle above as well as the Pythagorean Theorem, we get that the third side is√

15. Thustan θ = opposite

adjacent= 1√


cos−1 x = y or arccos x = y ⇐⇒ cos y = x for 0 ≤ y ≤ π


y = cos−1 x has domain [−1, 1] and range [0, π]

y = tan−1 x has domain R and range (−π/2, π/2)

Why can’t we include the endpoints?

7 Limits and the Derivative

7.1 The Tangent and Velocity Problem

Tangent basically means touching so a line tangent to a curve is a line that just touches thecurve.

ex 31 Let’s try to find an equation of the tangent line to the parabola y = x2 at the pointP (1, 1)

In order to make an equation of a line we need either two points or one point and the slope ofthe line. Since we only have one point, P , we will need to find the slope. The question is howdoes one find the slope of a line given only one point?

Let’s choose a nearby point on the parabola, Q. Now, Q needs to be on the parabola, why?What are the coordinates of Q?

We can approximate the slope of the tangent line using the secant line connecting P (1, 1) andQ(x, x2)

Why do you think this might be a reasonable approximation? Can we find a better one?

What is the slope of the secant line?

mPQ =x2 − 1

x− 1with x 6= 1 =⇒ Q 6= P

Let’s try to approximate the slope two ways:

1. As Q approaches P from the right

x mPQ

2 31.5 2.51.1 2.11.01 2.011.001 2.001

2. As Q approaches P from the left

x mPQ

0 1.5 1.5.9 1.9.99 1.99.999 1.999

It appears from the tables that the slope of the tangent line should be 2.

This concept of Q getting closer and closer without actually reaching P is called a limit and isthe most fundamental concept of calculus.

We say that the slope of the tangent line is the limit of the slopes of the secant lines and we write:


mPQ = m and limx→1

x2 − 1

x− 1= 2

Thus, the equation of the tangent line is y − 1 = 2(x− 1) or y = 2x− 1

It is very important to realize that the limit above is well defined since x→ 1 NOT x = 1

ex 32 Suppose a ball is dropped from a tall building. Given that the distance fallen after tseconds is denoted s(t) and measured in meters, we have that s(t) = 4.9t2. Find the velocity ofthe ball after 5 seconds.

The problem here is finding the velocity at exactly 5 seconds, which is called the instantaneousvelocity

Right now we have no way of calculating instantaneous velocity, or do we?

How about calculating average velocity?

average velocity =distance traveled

time elapsed

Note that instantaneous velocity is the velocity at one point and the average velocity requirestwo points. Sound familiar? Let’s take a look at the average velocity between 5 and 6 seconds.

average velocity =s(6)− s(5)

6− 5= 53.9 m/s

Do you think this is a good estimate? How can we get a better estimate of the velocity at 5seconds?

Observe the following:

time interval average velocity5 ≤ t ≤ 5.1 49.495 ≤ t ≤ 5.05 49.2455 ≤ t ≤ 5.01 49.0495 ≤ t ≤ 5.001 49.0049

Would you like to take a guess as to what the instantaneous velocity is when t = 5?

It is crucial that you understand the difference between average rate of change and instan-taneous rate of change.

Average rate of change is an estimate and requires TWO points.

Instantaneous rate of change is exact and requires ONE point.

We will revisit this a little later.

8 The Limit of a Function


We write:

limx→a f(x) = L

We say:

the limit of f(x) as x approaches a is L

We mean:

we can make the values of f(x) as close to L as we want bychoosing values of x sufficiently close to BUT NOT equal to a

In fact, f(x) doesn’t even need to be defined at a!

ex 33

ex 34 Can you guess


x− 1

x2 − 1

Again, we can use approximations

x < 1 f(x).5 .666667.99 .502513

.9999 .500025

x > 1 f(x)1.5 .41.01 .497512

1.0001 .499975

Looks like the limit is .5

What if I changed the function slightly?

g(x) =


, for x 6= 1

10, for x = 1

What islimx→1


ex 35 Let

H(x) =

{1, if x ≥ 00, if x < 0



Note that:


H(x) = 0 (from the left)


H(x) = 1 (from the right)



H(x) = DNE (does not exist)


We write:

limx→a− f(x) = L

We say:

the limit of f(x) as x approaches a from the left is L

We mean:

we can make the values of f(x) as close to L as we want bychoosing values of x sufficiently close to BUT LESS THAN a


We write:

limx→a+ f(x) = L

We say:

the limit of f(x) as x approaches a from the right is L

We mean:

we can make the values of f(x) as close to L as we want bychoosing values of x sufficiently close to BUT GREATER THAN a



f(x) = L ⇐⇒ limx→a−

f(x) = L AND limx→a+

f(x) = L

ex 36 Find the following, if they exist:


h(x) = limx→3−

h(x) = limx→3

h(x) =


h(x) = limx→6−

h(x) = limx→6

h(x) =

how about h(6) = ?

ex 37 Find




Plug in some small values of x. What do you get? Do these values approach a single number?

NO, thus the limit does not exist, that is, DNE

We say



x2= ∞

This does NOT mean that ∞ is a number or that the limit exists, it is simply a descrip-tion as to how the limit does not exist.


We write:

limx→a f(x) = ∞

We say:

the limit of f(x) as x approaches a is infinity

We mean:

we can make the values of f(x) as large as we want by choosingvalues of x sufficiently close to BUT NOT EQUAL to a


We write:

limx→a f(x) = −∞

We say:

the limit of f(x) as x approaches a is negative infinity

We mean:

we can make the values of f(x) as large and negative as we want bychoosing values of x sufficiently close to BUT NOT EQUAL to a

Note that f(x) need not even be defined at a


The line x = a is called a vertical asymptote of y = f(x) if at least one of the following is true:


f(x) = ∞ limx→a−

f(x) = ∞ limx→a

f(x) = ∞


f(x) = −∞ limx→a−

f(x) = −∞ limx→a

f(x) = −∞

ex 38 Find


ln x

9 The Limit Laws

Suppose c is a constant and limx→a f(x) and limx→a g(x) exists. Then:

1. limx→a [f(x) + g(x)] = limx→a f(x) + limx→a g(x)

2. limx→a [f(x)− g(x)] = limx→a f(x) − limx→a g(x)

3. limx→a [c · f(x)] = c · limx→a f(x)

4. limx→a [f(x)g(x)] = limx→a f(x) limx→a g(x)

5. limx→af(x)g(x)

= limx→a f(x)limx→a g(x)

provided limx→a g(x) 6= 0

6. limx→a [f(x)]n = [limx→a f(x)]n provided n ∈ Z+

7. limx→a c = c

8. limx→a x = a

9. limx→a xn = an

10. limx→an√x = n

√a provided n ∈ Z+

11. limx→an√f(x) = n

√limx→a f(x) provided n ∈ Z+

These Limit Laws enable us to evaluate limits.


Otherwise there are shortcuts that we will get to in a minute.

ex 39 Find limx→5 (2x2 − 3x+ 4) by justifying each step.

limx→5 (2x2 − 3x+ 4) = limx→5 2x2 − limx→5 3x + limx→5 4 (Rule 1 and Rule 2)= 2 · limx→5 x2 − 3 · limx→5 x + limx→5 4 (Rule 3)= 2(25) − 3(5) + 4 (Rule 7, Rule 8 and Rule 9)= 39 (Rules from Grade School)

As you can clearly see this is a tedious and boring process. Again, you will only need to goabout it this way if the directions say...

OTHERWISE, proceed as follows. Given a limit, without justification of course, first try theDirect Substitution Property , which says

If f is a polynomial OR a rational function AND a is in the domain of f , then

limx → a

f(x) = f(a)

In other words, you can just plug it in. Provided it is in the domain of course!

ex 40 Find


x2 − 1

x− 1

Does Direct Substitution work here? Why not? Now what?

If Direct Substitution doesn’t work then try factoring or simplifying or rationalizing. Which ofthose will help here?Since

x2 − 1

x− 1=

(x+ 1)(x− 1)

x− 1=⇒ lim


x2 − 1

x− 1= lim


(x+ 1)(x− 1)

x− 1= lim

x→1x+ 1 = 2

BE CAREFUL!! Doesx2 − 1

x− 1= x+ 1 ? NO!

Then why is the previous method still correct??

ex 41 Find


(4 + h)2 − 16


Again, Direct Substitution will not work. Why? What will work?


(4 + h)2 − 16

h= lim


16 + 8h+ h2 − 16

h= lim


8h+ h2

h= lim

h→08 + h = 8 + 0 = 8

Recall that


f(x) = L ⇐⇒ limx→a+

f(x) = L AND limx→a−

f(x) = L

ex 42 Show


| x | = 0

Recall that:

| x |={x, x ≥ 0−x, x < 0

If x ≥ 0 =⇒ limx→0+ | x | = limx→0+ x = 0If x < 0 =⇒ limx→0− | x | = limx→0− (−x) = 0=⇒ limx→0 | x | = 0

ex 43 Show


| x |x


AgainIf x ≥ 0 =⇒ limx→0+


= limx→0+xx

= 1

If x < 0 =⇒ limx→0−|x|x

= limx→0−(−x)x

= − 1

=⇒ limx→0|x|x


ex 44 Let

f(x) =

{ √x− 6, x > 6

12− 2x, x < 6

does limx→6 f(x) exist? Use the same method as the last two examples.


If f(x) ≤ g(x) when x is near a and the limits of BOTH f and g exist as x −→ a then


f(x) ≤ limx→a


This essentially provides us with a very useful theorem called....

Squeeze Theorem

If f(x) ≤ g(x) ≤ h(x) when x is near a and


f(x) = limx→a

h(x) = L


g(x) = L

I will provide a beautiful illustration of this in class.

ex 45 If

1 ≤ f(x) ≤ x2 + 2x+ 2

for all x, findlimx→−1


limx→−1 1 = 1 andlimx→−1 x2 + 2x+ 2 = 1 so by the Squeeze Theoremlimx→−1 f(x) = 1 as well.

10 The Precise Definition of a Limit

Phrases like ”as close as you like” are sometimes inadequate.


f(x) =

{2x− 1 if x 6= 36 if x = 3

Intuitively it should be clear that when x is close to 3, but x 6= 3, then f(x) is close to 5.

But, how close to 3 must x be so that f(x) differs from 5 by less than 0.1?


| x− 3 | represents the distance from x to 3

| f(x)− 5 | represents the distance from f(x) to 5

So we need to find a number, which we will call delta δ, such that

If 0 <| x− 3 |< δ then | f(x)− 5 |< 0.1

Notice that if δ = 0.12

= .05, then

| f(x)− 5 | = | 2x− 1− 5 | = | 2x− 6 | = 2 | x− 3 | < 0.1

ONLY if0 < | x− 3 | < .05 = δ

What if I change 0.1 to .01, will the same δ work? No.

Using the same method as above, we would need δ to be .005

You can see that this game can go on for quite a while. The idea is to be able to bringthe difference between f(x) and 5 below ANY positive number.

Clearly an actual value will not work since for any value of δ someone can just choose a muchsmaller value. From the example though we can see that the value of δ depended on how closeI wanted f(x) and 5 to be.

For 0.1 we needed δ = .05For .01 we needed δ = .005, etc...

The proximity of f(x) and 5 also gets a value, it is called epsilon ε

So here is how the game is played...

For this example, let ε be any arbitrary positive number, 0.1, .001 or whatever, then

If 0 < | x− 3 | < δ = ? =⇒ | f(x)− 5 | < ε

If ? =ε

2then this will ALWAY S work !


If we take values of x (x 6= 3) to lie in the interval (3 − δ, 3 + δ) we can then make values off(x) lie in the interval (5− ε, 5 + ε)


Let f be a function defined on some open interval that contains the number a, except pos-sibly at a itself. Then


f(x) = L

IF∀ ε > 0 , ∃ δ > 0 such that | x− a | < δ =⇒ | f(x)− L | < ε

ex 46 given y = x2, find a δ such that | x− 1 |< δ =⇒ | x2 − 1 |< 12

For this example, the equivalent limit would read..


x2 = 1

on the left hand side we need | x− 1 | < | 1√2− 1 | ≈ .292

on the right hand side we need | x− 1 | < |√

32− 1 | ≈ .224

So we must choose what for δ? .224 but why?

Always the more restrictive of the two. What works on one side must work on the other aswell.

ex 47 Prove limx→3 (4x− 5) = 7

The idea is to use the definition and work backwards. The definition says:

∀ ε > 0 , ∃ δ > 0 such that | x− a | < δ =⇒ | f(x)− L | < ε

Which means we need to end up with | f(x)− L | < ε so we will do our scratch work

We need | f(x)− L | < ε =⇒ | (4x− 5)− 7 | < ε =⇒ | 4x− 12 | < ε =⇒

| 4 || x− 3 | < ε =⇒ 4 | x− 3 | < ε

Now what do we have control over? Why did I stop when I got | x − 3 | as a factor? Thatrepresents δ which I can make as small as I want!Remember that you are always given ε and you get to pick the δ

That is, given | x− 3 | < δ =⇒ . . .

What might work for δ?

Why does ε4


Now formulate the proof

Given ε > 0, choose δ =ε

4(or anything smaller). Then if | x− 3 | < δ we have that

| (4x− 5)− 7 | = | 4x− 12 | = | 4 || x− 3 | < 4 · δ = 4 · ε4

= ε

Thus, | x− 3 | < δ =⇒ | (4x− 5)− 7 | < ε �

Of course this works perfectly with actual values as well. Let’s try one. Say I want you toget within .001 of f(x) = 4x− 5

Since limx→3 (4x − 5) = 7, I want to see how far away from 3 I need to be so that I amwithin the interval (6.999, 7.001)

Now our proof claims that δ = ε4

or anything smaller of course so what should work? Well,ε4

= .0014

= .00025

This means if we are in the interval (2.99975, 3.00025) on the x-axis then we should be in(6.999, 7.001) on the y-axis

Let’s see. What is f(2.9998)? It’s 6.9992. That is in our prescribed interval so I guess thatworks.What if we are just outside the interval at say f(2.99970)? Well f(2.99970) is 6.9988 which isindeed out of our y-axis window.

I would say that is moderately neato wouldn’t you? Be honest, I know you would.

ex 48 Prove limx→1 (2x+ 3) = 5

scratch work

We need | f(x)− L | < ε =⇒ | (2x+ 3)− 5 | < ε =⇒ | 2x− 2 | < ε =⇒

| 2 || x− 1 | < ε =⇒ 2 | x− 1 | < ε

What works for δ now?

Now formulate the proof

Given ε > 0, choose δ =ε

2(or anything smaller). Then if | x− 1 | < δ we have that

| (2x+ 3)− 5 | = | 2x− 2 | = | 2 || x− 1 | < 2 · δ = 2 · ε2

= ε

Thus, | x− 1 | < δ =⇒ | (2x+ 3)− 5 | < ε �

Try some actual values with this one and you will see that it works perfectly.

With these past couple of examples the trend seems to be, factor out a constant so we canget the | x− a | part times the constant, and then divide by the constant to find δ. As long aswe are dealing with constants this works fine because since we obtain c | x− a | and we get tomake | x − a | as small as we want. What happens if we get a little extra though? Does thismethod still work?

ex 49 Prove limx→3 x2 = 9

scratch work

We need | f(x)− L | < ε =⇒ | x2 − 9 | < ε =⇒ | (x+ 3)(x− 3) | < ε =⇒

| x+ 3 || x− 3 | < ε

And uh oh. What works for δ now?

δ =ε

| x+ 3 |????

Absolutely not! We need δ to be a constant.

Well what if we could find a constant, C, such that | x + 3 |< C. We are only really in-terested in values of x close to 3 anyway. No one would be silly enough to say get me withinthe interval (0, 18) on the y-axis would they?

If we could find this C, then we could just let δ = εC

and repeat the previous procedure solet’s see if we can do just that.

Since we are taking a limit as x → 3, we are only concerned with values close to 3. Howclose? Let’s assume within 1 unit of 3. (this 1 unit is arbitrary, you could choose however manyunits you like)

Keep in mind we need | x+ 3 |< C, so within 1 unit of 3 means | x− 3 |< 1

If we choose 2 units we would start with | x− 3 |< 2, etc...

So | x− 3 | < 1 =⇒ 2 < x < 4 =⇒ 5 < x+ 3 < 7 =⇒ | x+ 3 |< 7

So it seems that C = 7 is a suitable choice.

We must proceed carefully since now we really have 2(two) restrictions:

1. | x+ 3 |< 7


2. | x− 3 |< εC

= ε7

To insure that both of these restrictions are met you must choose δ to be the smaller of the 2(remember ex 46)

That is denoted as δ = min{1, ε/7}

Now formulate the proof

Given ε > 0, choose δ = min{



}. Then if | x− 3 | < δ we have that

| x− 3 |< 1 so that | x+ 3 |< 7

Thus, | x2 − 9 | = | x+ 3 || x− 3 | < 7( ε


)= ε �

You really need the minimum aspect. If you only said δ = ε7

then try it with ε = 14 andyou will see that it fails.

Clearly though min{1, 147} is 1 and it would follow.

In class I will prove the Sum Law using the δ, ε definition and you will see that sometimesthings are more involved than they seem.

11 Continuity


A function is continuous at a number a if


f(x) = f(a)

It is absolutely crucial to realize that this definition requires three (3) things:

1. f(a) is defined, that is, a is in the domain of f

2. limx→a f(x) exists, AND

3. limx→a f(x) = f(a), that is, the numbers you get from (1) and (2) are THE SAME

If f is not continuous, it is called discontinuous

ex 50 Where is h(x) discontinuous?

at a = 3, since both (1) and (2) are violated and at

a = 6 since (3) is violated h(6) = 1 and limx→6 h(x) = 4 and clearly 1 6= 4

ex 51 Where is f(x) discontinuous?

f(x) =x2 − x− 2

x− 2

at x = 2 Why?

ex 52 Where is f(x) discontinuous?

f(x) =


, x 6= 2

1, x = 2

still at x = 2 Why?

Some books identify different types of discontinuities, such as removable, infinite and jump.I will graph these for you.


A function f is continuous from the right at a if


f(x) = f(a)


A function f is continuous from the left at a if


f(x) = f(a)


A function f is continuous on an interval if it is continuous at every number on that inter-val.

At an endpoint it is understood to be continuous from either the right or left


If f and g are continuous at a and c is a constant, then the following are also continuousat a

1. f + g

2. f − g

3. c(f)

4. fg

5. f/g, provided g 6= 0


Any polynomial is continuous on R

Any Rational Function is continuous on its domain


The following functions are continuous at every number in their domains :

polynomials trig functions log functions exponential functionsrational functions inverse trig functions root functions

these are called the elementary functions

ex 53 How can we show that f(x) is continuous on (−∞,∞) if

f(x) =

{x2, if x < 1√x, if x ≥ 1

f(x) is a polynomial on (−∞, 1) so it is continuous theref(x) is a root function on (1,∞) so it is continuous there

we need to make sure that these two parts ”meet” at x = 1, so lets go through the threepossibilities at x = 1 since that is the only possible problem


f(x) = limx→1+

√x = 1


f(x) = limx→1−

x2 = 1

thus, limx→1 f(x) = 1, also, f(1) =√

1 = 1 =⇒ f(x) is continuous on (−∞,∞)


If f is continuous at b and limx→a g(x) = b, then limx→a f(g(x)) = f(b) that is,


f(g(x)) = f(limx→a


• A limit symbol can be moved through a function symbol IF the function is continuous andthe limit exists

ex 54 Evaluate




1− x

)Since arcsin is continuous this can be rewritten as

arcsin limx→1


1− x

)= arcsin lim



(1−√x)(1 +


)= arcsin lim



1 +√x







If g is continuous at a and f is continuous at g(a) then the composite function, f ◦ g is contin-uous.

The Intermediate Value Theorem

Suppose f is continuous on the closed interval [a, b] and let N be any number between f(a)and f(b), where f(a) 6= f(b). Then there must exist a number c in (a, b) such that f(c) = N

Here there are 2 values where f(c) = N , c1 and c2

ex 55 How can we show that there is a root of 4x3 − 6x2 + 3x− 2 = 0 between 1 and 2?

So, we are looking for a c between 1 and 2 such that f(c) = 0

But, f(1) = −1 < 0 andf(2) = 12 > 0 and since f is continuous, by the IVT there must be at least one root between1 and 2. Why?

12 Limits at Infinity

Consider the following limit:


x2 − 1

x2 + 1

If you begin to plug in values of x, what happens?

It seems as if the fraction gets closer and closer to 1


We write:

limx→∞ f(x) = L

We say:

the limit of f(x) as x approaches infinity is L

We mean:

we can make the values of f(x) as close to L as we want by choosingvalues of x sufficiently large


We write:

limx→−∞ f(x) = L

We say:

the limit of f(x) as x approaches negative infinity is L

We mean:

we can make the values of f(x) as close to L as we want bychoosing values of x sufficiently large and negative

* Note that ∞ and −∞ do NOT represent actual numbers *


The line y = L is called a horizontal asymptote of y = f(x) if:


f(x) = L



f(x) = L

ex 56 Investigate



xWhat happens to the function as x gets very large? It looks like the limit is 0.


If r > 0 is rational then,



xr= 0

If r > 0 is rational such that xr is defined for all x, then



xr= 0

We will use this fact to evaluate limits as x approaches ∞ OR −∞

ex 57 Evaluate


3x2 − x− 2

5x2 + 4x+ 1

The technique is as follows. Since we are only concerned with large values of x, divide EACHTERM by the highest power in the DENOMINATOR. Then we can utilize the previous theo-rem.


3x2 − x− 2

5x2 + 4x+ 1= lim



x2− x

x2− 2



x2+ 4x

x2+ 1


= limx→∞

3− 1x− 2


5 + 4x

+ 1x2

Now, keeping in mind the theorem, what happens to the following as x −→∞?









They all go to 0! Thus,


3x2 − x− 2

5x2 + 4x+ 1=



ex 58 Find the vertical and horizontal asymptotes of

y =x3

x2 + 3x− 10

Recall that to find the vertical asymptotes simply determine when the denominator is zero

To find the horizontal ones, determine the limit as y approaches both ∞ and −∞

ex 59 Find



What happens as x gets very large? So does ex

ex 60 Evaluate



Don’t forget that e−x is equivalent to 1ex

therefore this limit gets very small

ex 61 How about


sin x

What happens to the graph of y = sin x as you go farther and farther to the right?

ex 62 Evaluate


x2 + x− 5

15− x

Try this one on your own

13 The Derivative


Previously we used approximations to determine the slope of the tangent line. That is, giveny = f(x) and a point P (a, f(a)) we considered a nearby point Q(x, f(x)) where x 6= a and foundthe slope of the secant line PQ, which was

mPQ =f(x)− f(a)

x− a


Definition 1

The tangent line to the curve y = f(x) at the point P (a, f(a)) is the line through P with slope

m = limx→a

f(x)− f(a)

x− a

Limits are how we formally deal with the concept of getting closer and closer

If you recall the example from before we attempted to find the slope of the tangent line tothe curve y = x2 at the point (1, 1). Now we can determine this exactly. The slope is:


f(x)− f(1)

x− 1= lim


x2 − 1

x− 1= . . . = 2

There is an analagous definition that we will also use

If we let h = x− a =⇒ x = a+ h and

mPQ =f(a+ h)− f(a)



Definition 2

m = limh→0

f(a+ h)− f(a)


*** Definitions 1 and 2 are two different ways to say the exact same thing ***

ex 63 Find the EQUATION of the tangent line to y = 3/x at the point (3, 1)

Now in order to find the equation of ANY line you need either two points OR one point andthe slope.

How fortunate for us that we now have a formula to determine the slope.

Let’s use definition 2:Since f(x) = 3/x we have

m = limh→0

f(3 + h)− f(3)

h= lim


33+h− 1

h= lim


33+h− 3+h


h= lim






h= lim


−hh(3 + h)

= limh→0

− 1

3 + h= − 1


So the EQUATION is y − 1 = − 1/3(x− 3)

Note that I have used point-slope form. You may use y-intercept if you insist but it will requiresome more work on your part to determine b


In general the equation of motion is given by s = f(t) where s is the displacement of theobject and t is time. This function, s = f(t), is called the position function. Now the averagevelocity is simply the change in distance, or displacement, divided by the change in time. Thatis:

average velocity =∆displacement


f(a+ h)− f(a)


with a start time of t = a and an end time of t = a+ h

or you can think of h as the change in time if you like

How would I go from average velocity (two points) to instantaneous velocity (one point)?

instantaneous velocity = v(a) = limh→0

f(a+ h)− f(a)


Look familiar??

For y = f(x), if x changes from x1 to x2, let ∆x = x2 − x1

Then the average rate of change , also called the difference quotient , is



f(x2)− f(x1)

x2 − x1


f(a+ h)− f(a)


And the instantaneous rate of change is:



∆x= lim


f(x2)− f(x1)

x2 − x1



f(a+ h)− f(a)


The instantaneous velocity is so important that it gets a special name. It is called The Deriva-tive


The derivative of a function f at the number a, denoted f ′(a), is:

f ′(a) = limh→0

f(a+ h)− f(a)


provided the limit exists.

Equivalently, of course,

f ′(a) = limx→a

f(x)− f(a)

x− a

ex 64 Find the derivative of 2x2 − 5 at the number a


f ′(a) = limx→a

f(x)− f(a)

x− a= lim


2x2 − 5− (2a2 − 5)

x− a= lim


2x2 − 2a2

x− a

= limx→a

2x2 − a2

x− a= lim


(x+ a)(x− a)

x− a= 2 lim

x→ax+ a = 2(2a) = 4a

ex 65 Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph y = 2x2 − 5 at the point (2, 3)

Since we have already determined the slope at any point in the previous example, m = 4a, theslope when a = 2 is 8.

Thus the equation is y − 3 = 8(x− 2)

ex 66 If the position of a particle is s = f(t) = 11+t

where t is in seconds and s is in meters,find the velocity and speed after 2 seconds

Let’s use the other definition this time. f(t) = 11+t

, so

v(2) = f ′(2) = limh→0

f(2 + h)− f(2)

h= lim


13+h− 1



= limh→0


− 3+h3(3+h)

h= lim



h= lim


−h3(3 + h)h

= limh→0


3(3 + h)= − 1


Thus the velocity is −1/9 and the speed is 1/9. Why?

14 The Derivative as a Function

Previously we considered the derivative of a function, f , at a number a. But what if we let avary ...


f ′(x) = limh→0

f(x+ h)− f(x)


Now we have a new function, the derivative of f(x)

ex 67

try to sketch the graph of the derivative on the same graph thinking in terms of slopes

ex 68 Let P (t) be the population of bacteria after t hours. Construct a table for P ′(t)

t P (t)0 8,0002 11,0004 17,0006 25,000

Let’s approximate P ′(4) and the rest is similar...

P ′(4) = limh→0

P (4 + h)− P (4)

hfor small values of h

Well what values could we use for h? If we need to calculate P (4 + h) then what are ouroptions? Looks like h = 2 or h = −2

for h = 2 P ′(4) = limh→0

P (6)− P (4)


25000− 17000

2= 4000

for h = −2 P ′(4) = limh→0

P (2)− P (4)


11000− 17000

−2= 3000

So our best guess would be what? P ′(4) ≈ 12(4000 + 3000) = 3500

Continue in this fashion for the rest of the table

ex 69 If f(x) =√x− 1, find f ′(x) and compare the graphs of both f and f ′

Do these seem reasonable from a slope perspective??

Other Notations:

f ′(x) = y′ =dy

dx= Df(x) = Dxf(x)


A function f is differentiable at a if f ′(a) exists. It is differentiable on an open interval (a, b) ifit is differentiable at every number in that interval.

ex 70 Where is f(x) =| x | differentiable?

Note that f ′(x) = limh→0

| x+ h | − | x |h

If x > 0 =⇒ | x+h | = x+h and | x | = x =⇒ f ′(x) = limh→0

(x+ h)− (x)

h= 1

So f is differentiable for x > 0

If x < 0 =⇒ | x+h | = −(x+h) and | x | = −x =⇒ f ′(x) = limh→0

−(x+ h) + (x)

h= −1

So f is differentiable for x < 0

What about at x = 0?

limh→0+ f(x) = 1limh→0− f(x) = − 1 =⇒ f is NOT differentiable at 0


If f is differentiable at a then f is continuous at a


To show that f is continous, we shall use the definition to show limx→a f(x) = f(a)



f(x) = limx→a

f(x) ⇐⇒ limx→a

f(x) = limx→a

[f(x) + f(a)− f(a)]

⇐⇒ limx→a

f(x) = limx→a

f(a) + limx→a

(f(x)− f(a))

Note however f(x)− f(a) = f(x)− f(a) ⇐⇒ f(x)− f(a) =f(x)− f(a)

x− a(x− a)

⇐⇒ limx→a

(f(x)− f(a)) = limx→a

f(x)− f(a)

x− a(x− a)

⇐⇒ limx→a

(f(x)− f(a)) = limx→a

(f(x)− f(a)

x− a

)· limx→a

(x− a)

= f ′(a) · 0 = 0



f(x) = limx→a

f(a) + 0 = f(a) �

Is the converse of this theorem true? Does continuity =⇒ differentiability?


Provide an example of a function that is continuous and not differentiable.

It turns out that there are three possible ”issues” with a graph being differentiable.

1. sharp corners

2. discontinuities

3. vertical tangents

I will illustrate and discuss each one in class.

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