1983 quadrangle - mcpherson college...

Post on 23-May-2020






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advisor Susan Taylor

co-editors Lois Lehman Richard Dragon

Activities ......... 7 Faculty,

Staff, Admin. . . 31 Students ......... 41 Sports .......... 67 Organizations . . . . 95 Closing . . . . . . . . . 115 Advertisements . 125


McPherson College · McPherson, KS Volume 66


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c A M p u s

Different bUIIdtngs mean dtflerent thtngs to all of us. tf anythtng at aiL As a maller of fact, a person could spend thetr enttre ltme here wtlhout ever stepptng across the thresholds of some of the bwldtngs on our campus.

Arnold and Kline Halls (not pictured) were formerly used as dormitories Metzler and Fahnestock Halls are the men's dorms; Dolzour Hall. the women's; and Billinger Hall now serves as a coed dorm. The College Courts provide homes for married students

Beeghly. Hall. the former Carnegte Ltbrary, houses the mustc department: Frantz Hall, the art department. Mtller Ltbrary serves not only students, but also community groups who use tts meeltng rooms. The tndustr~al arts ftnd thetr home 1n Templeton Hall. Harnly Hall houses not only the natural sctences. math. and social sciences. but also the phySICal ed department dunng 1ts tranSition penod between butldtngs. Mohler Hall. the admimstra­tton butldtng, serves a dual purpose wtth Its classrooms. and Brown Audtto­r~um, whtch often opens tiS doors to the pubhc.houses the drama depart­ment. Last, but not least, ts the Student Unton, where everyone meets to play, work, and eat


H 0 M E c 0 M I N G

Homecomtng The word Itself sounds warm Thts year was no exceptton. The Homecomtng festiVItieS offtcially started wtth the Fatr on Saturday mornmg, but the preparattons began months tn advance. Clubs dectded what to do for booths for the Fatr, students looked tor places to house famtly and fnends dunng thetr weekend stay, and the football team practtced

These were JUSt small parts of the total tnvolvement The amount of work was realtzed when the weekend ftnally arnved Ustng the theme "Jubtlee." a court had been selected. the campus's clubs and organt­zattons d•splayed booths to the cunous who braved the early mormng chtll, the sptnt ktckers performed pnor to the football game, the pep band marched at half-ttme. the King and Queen were crowned. and the drama department presented the play, "God's Favonte " Dunng the course of the weekend, the trustees met, the centenntal campatgn recetved tis kick-off. and some alumm JOtned wtth the chotr for a few numbers durtng the annual Homecomtng Con­cert.

1) "Welcome to Homoc01n1ng'- fu>t one ot the many decora­tions adorning our cat'flpus durtng Homecom ng weekend 2) Mary Coffman lynn carlson and Galen Reeves CheCI\ OUI what me MuSic Dept bOOth has to olle< 3) The Qu8drangte bOOm o s· ptayed old year bOCks aOd ptCtures tor v S•IOCS to brC'Nse lhrough 41 Tro Homecomong Court Wonay RayllO & M>rt, S"'ICk C ndy OeD & Jun Ho'lman {stand ng "' 101 Bruce Appel), K.ng and Queen. ana Emily Za•ata & Bl Snycler 5J The CIO"~O present at the IOOtba I game ...,as treated at ha lt.me .,hen lhe Mc?hef'SOf'll PfP8 Band and M Pnel$00 Pep Bano periO<med 6) Sma bv cletllf,.ne<l and Ill'< ted tne Pep Band marc:nec a rout ne eno ng ., '"" MC" fO<mat<>n 71 One ol the cheefleadcfs' many pyra nvdo 81 0\Ji•• a pole-up, 1>\ot w»ere s the bil 7


H 0 M E c 0 M I N G

The members of the Homecoming Court were Cindy Dell. Wendy Rayno. Em1ty (Memo) Za· vata. Bruce Appel, B•tt Snyder. and Mark Sw•ck. all semors. Crowned Kong and Queen were Bruce Appel and Condy Dell. The game otself on Saturday afternoon was a heart-break­er as the MAC Bulldogs lost by a narrow mar­g•n to the Bethel Threshers. 31-35. The afler­noon was warm. though, so most fans stayed until the game ended

On Sunday afternoon. the Concert Chon per­formed Handel's The Anthem on the Peace. a hemosphere prem•er At the close of the con­cert. alumm jOined the cho1r 1n songong the "Hal­lelujah Chorus" from Handel's ~ilh and ''Beautiful Sav1or,' t~e chOir'S theme song

The wonners of the faor booth competotion were: 1st - Intercultural Forum 2nd - Dotzour Halt 3rd- MENC

1 j The pep band helped add pep and sp 1 10 an a ready exctt&r"g gc1me 2 M 1~ Ha s Fau bOOln reQ~Ared the use ol o11easta baSIC knowledge ot ba$ketoan as a number ot people •rled tne r luck at shool•ng foul Shots. 3) PreSident a'1d Mr HoHma m allend.lnce at o of I he Homecomot1g lestivitoes. are show heJe at ll>e loot ball game. 41 The linal sec:<on<b ot the hard· 1ougtu lootbal game Disappowed osn t a Slrong enough wore to deoaobe I he emo11ons 01 ll>e coach and Ills players shov. llere 5) M cllaet Kravets. Joel ReU'oOch1. and Slua'l Knol lf\dulgo ., a re .. anta. 10 lhe de'.lgllt ollhe crowd 6) One ol lhe !>all-tome teatwes was lhe P<esematoon or a plaque 10 Or Price by Pri!Sldenl HoHman In r>onor or the many years of met~oeal service given 10 ttoe athleloc department 7) The mee1 ng of the Board ot T""tces ... oneol the many events &ehed;;ed ~ong the ~eekend and was certa;oty one Of the most !fllPOr131"11




c A M p u 5




Campus life What does 1t mean? The first thought goes, of course. to the dorms, those homes away from home tns1de can be found almost any act1v1ty poss1ble. eating, sleeping. study1ng. talk1ng 1n volumes rang1ng from whiS­pers to full-fledged screams, dancmg and run­mng, not to ment1on a multitude of other th1ngs Where but a dorm can you f1nd so many vaned act1v1t1es under one roof at one t1me?

The Student Umon affectionately known as the S U , S<'es liS share of the act•on, too 1ns1de ''· meals are eaten students (and others) spend the~r quarters on electron•c games future pool sharps sharpen their sknts, people watch the new b1g-screen T V , and others gather at the snack bar to eat or just to talk

The library gets a few VISttors. too, but 1t's not a place for the rowdy What you'll f1nd there are books. Silence. and a lot of hard-working peo­ple

Campus life goes far beyond the realm of these few places. though. Everyone has a favonte place on campus; some 1n the m1dst of the hustle and bustle, others as far away from 1t as poss1ble IndiVIduality IS the bas1c component of campus life, 11 makes McPherson College what11 IS.

1) One- ct B tllnger 3rd t ()()( 1 popcorn parte In anon-­danCe nre Tracy Or!! Dwma Shene'c 1 Judy LmdO ade ArlgJe Henson &nO Suzlt! nta.. 2) Marsha Hornba" er

r,.>OriS a Vw ~Snallespcare Poo~.er T -shirt 3) Scc.t• Uruu~ and SC 11 t-t n 1r ~<.e a bee ... :nmg pose tor the ptx;·ogra pher J Charles Og•aog seems reaoy 10 go on a c!ea• sunny day 51 Pam 1hlelat'tdJe1t rrazteft<J• e ltme 01.11 tor a •e ... good laug 6) M.lr.e Barnes pertofms t!'l(ll a~ .... er.ng dJ'y as the p.hOnC ~~ oqalfl tor meter:·~ me., as rnatty rrunutes 7)SOmepec:~.tecon t ket>l 'JCy t.iJr ... Gardhas TO be I ed Q{l'on 10 8 CtlaW 8 Cow'~'( Chaney and SCt•t Green She.,. us. their t.... '" •he S.lud 1 U~ base-


c 0 N v 0 •

E T c •

Fall convocat1ons saw a smaller number of re­qu,ed attendances. but cont1nued to present In­formative lectures and programs. Lyle Lichty told of h1s expenences 1n Poland. Jeff Fraz1er did ex­cerpts from "G1ve 'Em Hell, Harry," and Elmer Staats. former Comptroller General of the United States. visited as a part of the Mohler lecture senes. SAB offered chances for growth and learn­Ing through !nvolvement. The Student Act1v1t1es Board showed mov1es. 1nclud1ng "The Elephant Man," organized dances. and planned Mystery Van excurs1ons. for example.

1} The ground·brea~ •ng Cetemony lor the nc.v Campus Cer11er w~ lt'le COf'tvocatiOf1S theme on September 16 1982 S1u eerts. lacll!•:f and taH povlded the muscle to creak the grcuna 2) Duane Huon Chucl< Cuthbert. W; w mms, and M ke McKen p were members of the band The Outca IS" wt1o pa!lc•pated tn the SAB-spOnl()ted All Bal"'d conh.1o6.1 J) Pres Holffman guoded tho pic" used to break the g<ouncl lor the f'ew Campus Center


t) Frank Blrven. Lutelli$1 pcdonneo at convocat.ons 2} Ke ... •n Kruschlt'I!IZ. a member of the v.~nn ng 'Tox~e Shock·• a•r band J3ms on hiS a1r gu•lar 3) Dan Levalley. Oa>Nn Bryant. Frances Dutton. and Glenda Skarphol jig to the heat of the beat 41 Prof Fran Jabara Ec""""""' from WSU. tnformed us al hall to beCome an entrepteneur In thO ·so·s 5) leta Ba accept$ he< oport'l award fro Dan Hoff man


God's Favorite

The Ben18mtn tw ns. Mar)' Coflma., at'ld Wendy Rayl10. help theof tatoo• Joe (Don St nnottel v.her> the hOuSe atatm unsuspoc tedly QOeS ctt

The east ol tnt play klOk on .;. th great conc;ern as Joe Bentatn~n suftm ti'Wough hiS rest !rom God

Jeff FrazJet proves hO 11 too ~ seN by GOd w th his ·Bog G.. weat$hlrt

Clea~ tJP aher the c;kNa$tatng hOuSe Ire are the t:M..•.er and the rna d !Kt--.. n M· ef and Pam Doocene~

BenJ'I (A ISO!' Shepn d aomores hat )eWe')' "'"le k ng t make> surer 1 11 a tnere

The m!SChoevous ~ str ~es aga •

he alcoholic:. of!er a Begg1:-g he< husband to denounce GOd a'ld get rne whole Otdea over "' h M Ben a'ld Cl.'l\Jghle< Y,endy Rayno



The Last Of Mrs. Lincoln

Robert Ltnc(lln (Jeft Fraz.er) I nally f•nds h.s. muthef ,..,. ng at ;m tnSIIUitOn

Robin Rose Played the part of Mary Harla'l dut!OQ Lyrtrl Carl$0fi'S absence

Mary TOdd lincoln, played by Ida Varb<oog~ on her ""'"" pro,ecr v.eeps that son Robert ts rrnstreatiOQ her

Harlao (l, C.vtson ITI<I Aoben lincOln (Jell Frazl(!• a aerJOUS con ... ersatiOn abatot Robett·s morr.er

EJzabelh (C .... atdS \Mary C(;fiOVIn) is lhe WI!,, Of 8 ck)&e friend O' lt'le l'ncoln s

Robert ge• a "le violet' t "" lryitlg 10 la!k some rense ';) !"I mo1her Ur:lor1una1ety she doesn t see hiS PQfll


Night Must Fall

Mrs. Bramson (Sa""'a ~ngetl sal ,.,. he1 cra>'lng tor choco-la tes The t c;a 1 ano c. ,. ot '"" M PherSOn College Theatre Depan-

menl I ptOduC! of N ghl M I fa I


Terrenc:fl' I Pam ThteS) reb M•s Btamson {Sandra Re1Sif19er) OlMa Gray-ne tMdry Cc*'mao) cStscus.ses a case v. l f"l lnspec.'>lf BeJ. an old hag 1 se u I Pelet Krall)

--,se ot par1 ol tno ca:.t and ere .... ol N.g~ t Mu" Fa dur ng a .cat reneac~


Mary, Mary

Mary M ... Ke a .... ay (I< a·~ Tv1er) """ 'S hef con~o~ersat.on 10 cOf'to- Bcb M<.Kelta.,.:t; (Jef• Fraz~) get~ hts re,.ard I r buyJng h s ta.1ntl>e a IIOUC out {)rk W• ton tGary Longr has 01nort-er dea ACCOfd ng ptesenl

10 !he 8Cf•P11

T ttany R.chards (Wendy AayooJ and ~ SOOf''H;Jo-be hvsband Mdry M ... Kel a ..... ay ~ Karlene layiOtJ ~ 10 h.'he J)i("'' !y at energy enJOY a qu et e-_.er11ng a1one wn fp <J.:cuss~ng ·past e)!: per ences w•th her e,., nu oana


b ~J K aMJy (Jc't Frallef) g vessome trtene~fy ad¥1Ce 10 hiS •rtend 0.'"- \'.J '.:f'l (Gary long) 'htN1e Bob 1 lNyer frny Fegueroa)tookson.



A Midsummer Night's Dream

Toe ~~hai'\ICS lrom AthenS perform a play Here Pyramus (Ste'-e Z.mmerman) beVl lllt ,., Tho$be (Ctaog Sp tze<). to kiSS nom ttvOOijh lhe ~iJft

The Duke and Due. heSS t"f ft 1 ' lt'l cou·tva'd on 'their wedd.ng day at noght •

Tl1e hefting lest'" • es progress II¥ !h a May POle dane~ at the ..-.ed(l ng cft.ebratron



Life At Mac Is Richly Varied


11 FJossie C"i•O\Ie ts one ot 1t1e many non tt.ld 1 on.1t 1\.odef I on our c.1rnpus 2) M.lty Ann Robinson he!~ a 'iJdef\1 hom Cer••al Col;cgc on her ct>'armcs prorec• 3) Sprong os he<e and 1 makes stude ts kc Gary Long w r. w 11"1 a bounCiet IICO

4 Deb Hoklet'read finds that a bunJc bed iS a good place 10 lud' 5) Jan Esga• ptays her guctar ,.. .. Pam Hreron)'TnOUS and Kent NchOison twng at an FCA meet ong 6 1\a'h~ Pat•erson docSI' 1 look 100

"" led ·-· ""<lrY • .,., 7 la'Ty K uet $!he Gu tatson Stepnan.e Graber 81"1(j Susan Tay1or v 1 .,. ·~ pro-­spect ... , students on a V tatoo Day

1, R M•d [)Jag Ot,of1 St ;.titer M r~e Baker Ke"'lfl Edgely. TifT\ 8oweflr. Randy Kennet Tony 0' AleSSandro Paul GenatO

Pop O'Dell ana ~ar10. Belec take a bfea\o. from snop -.,.ork 2) M >nroe Hugt1bRI'\kS e~ptam me educal.on deparlrnenl to a pro­wettlve lludef'll 3) Karlene Tyler g ... es am;wers at lhe CIC


John Byt> hOidef Blologocal Sdences: Boology

Paul Grabe< AthletiC O.rec.tor Phyo.cal Eauca1oon

Slephan e Graber MuStC Vocal


Bob Green English Speech

WMiey DeCoursey PhySICal Sc:ieoc:e Chemislry

Sle•e G .SIBI$011 Mosie: Keyboard

DaleGOidsmolh Lea"e of Absence Philosophy Rej;goen

Joan Hoffman Edocaloon

Norman Hope BuSiness· Account1og

Connte N1chols Ht>me Economocs

Cownne Hughbanks Languages

David O'Dell 8us1ness Account1ng

Monroe Hughbanks Education

Wesley Pauls Industrial Education

Larry K1IZ~ MUSK: lnsuumental

Dayton Rothrock BCA • Engtand Leave ol Absence

Leland Lengel HoStOfy Poh11Cal Sc,ence

Joanna Stone Bus.noss Ecooom1cs

t )Professor Lee Lengel teals through a phllosphy book. tooklfll) for that certatn passage 2)Prof G tford lkenbeny's spe­c a'lly among the sctences IS biology 3)Aock Tyler. drama p<ofassor. demon­strates one of the many uses of specaa effects llghttng 4tProfessor Jan van As­sell shouldered qu,te a bot of re$pOnS<btl­ty tn cooro nattng and plannong the Euro­pean choir tOl.lr


Steve Swartz lnduslnal Educatron

Susan Taylor Journalism. Director of Learning Skills

.. ., 1:11 H


Rrck Tyler Speech and Drama

Jan van Asselt German. Learning Skills Lab

Archard Wnght Behavioral Science: Socrology

Archard Zerger Physical Science: Physics

1 )Wendy Rayno and Prof Richard Wnght chat after cfass rn front of Harnly Hall .

. '


• I

Melody Adwell

fo.Au"'-EO~I MtP!lefson. KS

Ruth Baldner

6'-'lj, Oa as Center lA

Clayton Allen

Bruce Bauman

Stology Pre- J..lt,XJ Ct1a,lf'ni.t'l KS

John Brill

Bruce Appel

B g y CIJIIC ., lA

Linda Beckman

E!Cmet' t..1ry Eouca1 on Hut~;h!nson KS

Busmess Adl'nl!'l!S' .. atoo Ft l 1u0Ct0 lte FL

Linda Ausherman

H h y fd\JI. t•on Bak1_,. n KS

Everett L. Bradley

lnduStna Arts (d. M ) tN



Usa Brooks

Elementary Specta r d Kans:, C1l)' MO

Trudy Chnsty

SocoOgy ~.~ar f'1Jl 1 -N lA

Chen Brown


Joel Collman

PsychOlogy & SociOlogy S [ng\Sh A

tntMIOt' Destgn Campo CO

Jud1th Butler

Eng I t1 AuC o Vrsual COI'flm M.;Pherson KS

Dan• Cnst

Pny...:• Ed & Recreatoon K•ng ey lA

Scott Carpenter

8 'Qy Pre lpturr try Pr.ut, KS

C1ndy Crumpacker

Hvme Ec Adm n C!l Ju !ICe McCune KS


Kathryn Deitz

Psychology & SooOIOgy Pra:1e v, ge KS

Jantce Ebbert

t<~ry [JiJC,11ion

Sh<1 ...... nce. KS

Ctndy Dell

lnlerlof OesfJn Beatt~ce NE

Std Gauby

H I ry McPhe<son KS

Tim Gnbben

Ann Dtrksen

Btology & Span•sh WIChta KS

Les Glenn

A111ma SOencc Cor,..ay Spr•nqs. KS

lnctustna! Arts Educalton HOiyOI<e CO

Douglas Duncan

Ct1erm$try Ever~reeo CO

Teresa Goodfellow

PhySlca Eaucat"" Lyons. KS

Tracy Grollos

BioiO!ly McPherson KS

Angoe Henson

Account ng Edl'lOnd 0~

Alan Gumm

Mu IC Educnlon Mt.Pnerson KS

Chros Herman

Allrn~ 1!81 :on ol Jus.l~te C tt- K~

Jom Hollman

Norota Gumm

Busaness Adfl\tf'U!,Iral~on McPhforSOI" KS

Jerry Hell

h'ldi.IStr~ Ar~ Foueat on Maron KS

P E & Mdttl Ed~uon MoPI!er>on, KS

Betsy Hardonger

Eng sh [dLJcatton McPhcrsc. KS

Pam Hoggons

BdoQ)' & G~..:rma A1uuquerque NM


Vaughn Ingram

Ag 1 Crop Scoence Bus ness Cv1on KS

Adnana Klement

Pr (ju1 I Agr hHe

Ou•ncy CA

Frauke. Kabuth Gregory Keashng

TheOlogy We: IO'oletledgl09Pn W Ger

Soc<>logy & Adm"' ol Juo1 ~U'I>erson KS

Stuart Knoll

6u Actr N •rton t<S

Peter Kratz

f' & Eng " Alsleld W Germ tr"ly

Lon Re1noehl Lichty

Etcmentary & Spectal EduCatiOn W•Ct\ta KS

Dav1d Keller

M<JSie fdUC;lhOf\ M Pherson KS

T1m Krehbiel

Lucy Martinez

PhySical Educat on Flfe:stone co

E1PmeNary Educal on McPherson KS

Damel Masterson

M1J tC F ducat on Ml MOfiiS ll

Elizabeth Odokara

Soc.otogy N~13.Afra

Mane Neher

Sociology Grundy Center lA

Charles Ogwang

& ss Adn'llniSiraiiOn lrra Uganda

Kathryn Patterson

H E\..~ ~ Educatcn Aczel. KS

Kent Nicholson

Rook>Qy Wch Iii KS

Benson Ow1ny

Bus Adm n & £conomacs lara Ug.trlda


Susan Potter

Art f oucat on M Phetson KS

Bev Reomer

Ho""' lc & ln!erlo< Desog" H bOlO KS

Joseph Ryan

Adm•n ~Halton vi Ju~l•ce Hurch nson. KS

Doan Proffott

Physoca Educaooon Soero;ng KS

W. Wallace Roberts. Ill


ManaQernet 1 Sociology M""'pt-os, TN

Thomas Shoemaker

PMosophy & Aehg•on Phoenu.: Al

Wendy Rayno

p yChology MIComb MO

R Dan Rogers

Bootogy Guth1~ MN

Glenda Srms

Elem .,rary Education McPherson KS

Galen Reeves

Cynthoa Royer

Art rducall .. m l.rlcoln NE

Ken Steadman


Carol Swank

MuSIC Educat.on Poplar Mon.

Chros Toledo

Ataloa Woodon

p, yt;l> 'lOY McPherson. KS

Mark Swock

HtSiory & ReHg on Burhngoon CO

Londa van Asselt

Glen )Nright

Accountng Kansas Cty KS

Kathy Tharrongton

Soc lOgy Caldwe~ ID

Bonoface T. Waweru

Business Economa Th ~o:a, Kenya

Ida Yarbrough

Spo,ech & Theeore/ Eng HutChlflSOn. K$

Pamela Thoes

MuSic [duc&t10n/Voca1 Fvergreen CO

Wallace Whotheld

BusiOC$$ Adrlt! ·ratiOO Keno NY

Emoly Zavala

Spanoot\ Rocky Ford co



Juniors Some MAC students of sophomore or JUniOr status choose to spend a year abroad, learmng in another culture. This is done through the BCA (Brethren Col­leges Abroad) program in cooperahon with lour Eu­ropean universilles 1n West Germany, Spa1n, Eng­land, and France This year's BCA'ers from MAC were senior Matt Howell; juniors Evelyn Smith, Carine Ullom, Matt Ge1sen. and Bruce Spitzer; and sopho­more Roxanna Curry.

Lela Ball David Bittinger Debbie


Kathleen Ballent1ne

Merilyn Branson Lynn Carlson

Neal Beam Jeanette

Brooks Robert Cole


Nancy Birt Dawn Bryant Margaret Cox

Jan Esgar Rhonda Foley

MitChell Suz1e Gtaves

Fredenck Ezeka Mark Gard Rosie Grove

Erny Figueroa Greg Garlow Steve Hamson

Jon Flint Matthew

Ge1sert Patty Helmer

1) One of the cars that the auto restor a­lton depanment has restored. as seen .n the McPherson Park 2) Davtd Bttunoer tS one of the an m&JOts on the McPherson College campus 3) Ehzabelh Odokara hs­t&ns as Buunger residents ha11e a chat



Becky Keasling Losa Lee

Pam Hoeronymous

Dawn Kerschen­steoner

Dan LeValley

Dan Huffaker Rhonda

Knackstedt Judy Londblade


lyabo lyewarun David Koehler Laurel Metzler

Scott Miller · Dave Moore Brenda


Ray Mtlchell Steve Moore Esther Rediger

Jtm Moffitt Deb Neher Mtke Reed

David Pote Davtd Rtch

1) VoiSeybad ..,.as a tavonte taQ sport among many people 21 Laura Gannon takes t1me I rom study•ng chem•stry to see what the photographer IS dO<ng 31 Ruth Ba'dner was one of the btok)gy trtudents on a COIIeetoflQ loetd·tr p. 4) Deb Burk· holder was one o1 the R A • s on Dotzour 3rd old


Elizabeth Smyres

Bruce Spotzer

Linda Schweppe

Glen Snell Wanda Swank

Doana Shenefelt Joy Spangler Alana Swotzer


David Shepard Carolyn Spate Wade Thoessen

Jeff Th1ll She1la Warren Perry W1nter

Charlotte Vancil Alan Wh1t1ey Nev1n Wood1n

Randy Voran VIC Williams J1m Yockey

1) SUSie Mar ates. Deanna Koehler. and. Kathy Gubben ">~I outs•de the S U wa•llflg for some act•on. 2) Such an energet•c crowd- Frauke KabUth. A•ck Sh•ronaka Memo Zavala M·ke McKell p. Ruth Baldner. and Paul Genaro 3) Chari8S Og­wang and Sandy Nochols enJOy ""'sun 41 POC*t'me tn the S U was usually ught alter a meal

•c=-. .............. ~ .............. .. ss


Lon Appel Rock Archer Sarah Baole

Mane Barnes

1982-83 A Year

Of Change

Linda Butler Greg Creed Londa Cnst

As on any other year, the t982-83 school year was one of change for McPherson College The major change takong place. of course. was the razong of the old gym, subsequent relocatoon of physical educatoon ofhces. and the buildong of the new Campus Center Professors on the P E. department were able to practoce what they preached about keepong on shape, as theor of­fices were moved to the 4th floor of Harnly for the duratoon of the school year. That wasn't all that happened in Harnly, though. Several rooms on 4th floor were remodeled in an effon to omprove existong facolotoes

Students came back to school to fond a newly remodeled and redecorated bookstore with more room, new displays, and less hassle. Bookstore employees became responsoble for fonding needed texts, as the textbook section was put on another room.

A very welcome change was the addition of a big-screen TV in the student union. It very soon became one of the most popular machines on the campus. especially when an onterestong movoe was on. A large number of students gathered around ot to weep and, laugh and watch the last " M·A· s·H" showong, as that senes was ended after more than ten years of beong a household word McPherson College salutes a JOb well done

Roxanna Curry Charles


Melame Graber Roy Grosbach

Laura Gannon Debbie Garvey Paul Genaro

Tony D' Alessandro Kay Davts Johanna Elder Raquel Elhott

I) Cotlstruchon on the new Campus Canter was.- bUt steady, as Pyle Construction wcxked on through the w•nter 2) Mark s.,..c~-; pays Deb Garvey 1 ¥"1Sit dunng vl$•hng hours 3) Syt...,. McPneBon IJ<>ds the ~brary a good place to torleeC'1trate on &tud• •) tee CO't'lfed much of the campus fOIOw ng the f rst storm of the 'Wtnt&f


M1ke Haughey Sandy Haworth

Leon Heidebrecht

Jana Huffman

Duane Hunn De Wayne

Jackson Gary Klement

Deanna Koehler LOIS Lehman


Lori Ollenberger Terry Ostmeyer

Connie Neher Mike Neher Kevin O'Malley

Tammy Lusk David Malone Sylvra McPherson Joan Mullen

1) T1me lor an afternoon snack­Deb Neher an untdenl!hed ... ~101, and Doana Sheneiell check our lhe garbage dompsrer 2) Mark Swock was one of the student teachers who taught dunno the tall 3) Sarah Ba1le demonstrates that practice does Indeed make per· leer 4) Mandy Sowell demoo­slrates the proper way to brush reerh.



Janet Powell Nancy Ramsey Dea Ann Reber Gayle Re1noehl

Rob1n Rose Peggy Sanders

Mary Beth Sands Andy Sargent

Laune Sayler Allison Shepard


Kerri Vonson Terri Vonson

Unda Sutton Galen Swotzer Robert Taylor Tony Tranbarger Ken Turner

1) Vaiee<a Kelly doesr\ t seem 10 ""'"' lhal ' WOrkong CleSk ' '" Doozoot 11 so bad 2} Who'U get the fnsbee? It's a thooce between Edd•e Crumpacker, Scott Carpenter, and Jeff Th11l 3) Alal'\<l Sw•tzcr searches lor the answer 10 a stack of papers


.................................. Q .


Freshmen McPherson College's SIZe and educational polic1es do make a d1fference How? It's called involvement. Because McPherson 1s a liberal arts college, students are Introduced to new Ideas. new ways of think1ng. and new areas of study - areas in which they might d1scover a great 1nterest or competency, which oth­erwiSe would have been left untouched. And be­cause of McPherson's size. the students can take these same Interests and Ideas and use them. Histo­ry and education majors play vars1ty sports along­side PE. majors; industnal arts and home econom1cs maJorS smg and play Instruments next to music ma­jors 1n the choir and band. persons from all diSCI­plines and areas of the community get 1nvo1ved In theatncal productions. At McPherson, there's always room to try

I )Melody Adwell concenJrates on lhe poano pteee she IS pertO<m· •ng lor a student rec•tal 2)Kathryn Oe•tz demonstrates the proper way to relax and study 3)Kev•n Burton's IS a face well-known to $p()fl5 tan and part I\.. pants from the cotlege

Ahmed Abo Basha Voeko Albrechl G•gl Anderson Lon Anderson

James Bowman A•ta Bowman

Dave Boyer Sandy Brown

Paula BurkLand T1m Crouse

Edward Crumpacker Franc•s {)Jifon


~ Fres:&men ~

Anlhon•a 0 Ekwensl Jerel E!ler Lee Ellis Gary F•ke

Joy FlOra Lynn G•bbs O.bb•e Green Lonnte He•gele

Doane Hess Dobra Holderread PaHtC'B Hcxnbaker CArOlyn Horntng


119etng a spo<•t·koc~ .. takes hour$ ot practice. as these g rls d SCOYet'ed 2JEven non·tT'IU'SIC mators have to pet~ lo<rn, as Loos Lanman plays the poano ou•.ng 1 student 11011 3iMAC Songe<s all get ""to the actl()n when thefe IS equ p­rnenl to be ta~en care ot 4}Frll8nds Ot Joes? - Pam H10tonymous and let"ese Good!~

Dan HutchiSOn Dawn Kesselltng C8rohne Komcek KIYln Kruschw1tz

V1rg•l Letker Karla Ligon

Sheryl Lolhng James Mack


Juhe ~.·Uier Kev1n M11ter JOS<'ph Mugamoa Cra.g Mun~ns

Rcxy Nanse1 Ru!h Nanset Sandy Nochols FranciS Nyakatura

Rob P11man Joel Re111oe111 Kent Rocha•dS Leogll Aocha•dson



1 ) .. Of course band •s tun II''-Kent NICh~ otson. Lynn G•bbs. and Dave Ke'ler waet fa< lunher lno.truct.ons 2iA Study pany? - Brenda Radsdate and Trudy Chresly try to get hOmewa<k done

Susan R.ggs Paula Roesch

Randy Ryerson TOdd Schrag

Glenda Skarphol Debt a Smalley

Stan Spate Craog Sp<tzer

Da¥•d Steele Wendy Tatro

Mehssa Tha<npson Oav•d van Asselt

Sharon Wea"'er Roy W.ntef

A.rnee WtSe Charlene Zerger



Football Cheerleaders

The 1982 football cheerleaders were Cindy Dell, Jan Esgar. Leigh Richardson. Linda Sutton. and Aimee W1se Ass1st1ng them were yell-leaders Stuart Knoll. M1chael Kravets. Rory Nansel, David Pote. and Joel Re1noehl A neck 1n1ury sustained by Jan Esgar dur­Ing a fall from a pyram1d d1d nothing to Injure the group's sp1r1t. and they kept on cheenng- perhaps a b1t more cautiously - but JUSt as energetically and spmtedly as ever.

Basketball Cheerleaders

The 1982-83 basketball cheerleaders and yell­leaders were Leigh Rich­ardson, Raquel Elliott, Diane Hess, Melissa Thompson (1st semes­ter), and A•mee W1se: Dave Biscaro, Courtney Chaney, Dan LeValley, Rory Nansel, and Dave Rich. Their voices and stunts at the basketball games assured everyone that they were there, cheering the teams on. and just provid•ng spirit m general.



Spirit Kickers

There's a new group on the McPherson College campus Formed on the fall of 1982. spon­sored by Joanne Hamlon, they are known as the Sporot Kickers. One of theor forst performances was at Homecomong, and they performed several tomes durong the basketball season. on addotoon to theor appear­ances at football games. The mem­bers on 1982-83 were lyabo lyewarun. Glenda Skarpohl, Kath­leen Ballentone. Dea Ann Reber. Jana Huffman. Joy Rora, Cheryl Loltong, Sandy Haworth. Mandy Sowell. and Dawn Bryant




8-u-1-1-d-o-g-s! The 1982 football season started w1th high expectations, but ended In frustration. The Battling Bulldogs never tasted victory during this season, although they were close on many occasions.

The season began with games that were compet1t1ve and close enough for the Bulldogs to w1n, had they had one or two breaks. When the v1ctones didn' t come. the coaching staff, led by Dave Cnpe in his second year at the helm, and fans alike were scratching their heads.

Th1s season of frustration was typ1hed in the homecoming game versus Bethel. The Bulldogs held a command­Ing 31- 13 lead, before they lost the lead 1n the last mne mmutes of the game.

In spite of these setbacks, the team for the most part kept a good att1tude from the two-a-days 1n September, right through the f1nal play of the Fnends game. That 1s no small feat 1n an 0-9 season. Pos1t1ve attitudes are to be expected from Dave Cnpe's teams. Cnpe continually stresses the posit1ve. and 11 rubs off on his players.

Gerald Henderson, MAC's outstand1ng running back, was once again named to the first team aii-KCAC squad. Everett Bradley had a banner year and was named to the second team. Bruce Appel, Steve Moore, and Ed Crumpacker all gained honorable ment1on 1n the KCAC.


Steve Moore 64 John Dunkleberger 40 Gerald Henderson 34 Doug Fotzmoms 51 Everett Bradley a· Stan Swonger 66 Chros Herman 23. Sal Fiorollo 77 Kenny Nichols 43. Neal Jandreau 76 Tom Gribben sa· Ray Cordova 75 John Brill 55· Gary Long 54 Robert Taylor 9 Tom Cook 79 Randy Zimmerman 22 Dwoght Forrest 21 Glenn O'Neil 42 Don Merrick 25 Davod Rich 73 Kevon Pete 35 Greg Garlow 20 Todd Frederockson a6 James McCormock 50 Ken Warren 91 Jom Yockey 7 Tom Tinkler 70 Dan LeValley 14 David Kleve 37 Bob Faber! 59 Virgil Leiker 52 Duane Hunn 44 Kevin Regehr 45 Tony Tranbarger 27 Derek Poerce 30 Jim Spurlock at Randy Ryerson 90 David Malone 55 lonnie Heogle 26 Dave Biscaro 57 Mike Salmans 6a Leon Heodebrecht 71 Tom Barber 46 Jeff Washmon as Ron Knier 10 Randy Gems 53 Joe Marton 69 Roy Woods 71 Davod van Assel1 a2 Moke Wolson 40 Jon Kamonsky a a Steve Hudson a3

• denotes senoor status

~ I




-- --




The volleyball program at MAC has made great stndes Ia tilly, so the1r 5-22 finish came as a surpnse to most observers.

The problem centered around Integrating so many freshmen Into the program. It was apparent near the end of the season that the team had finally jelled. At that time, the team played more hke the third place finishers they were projected to be. Coach Paul Graber's recru1!1ng year paid off with some big wins in the last few games.

Th1s late season turnaround was made poss1ble to a large extent by the pat1ence and determmat1on ex­hibited by Lady Red netters throughout the ent1re season That momentum should carry over, and spells good th1ngs to come for the 1983 team. Led by senior Valecia Kelly, the team 1S expected to prov1de excitement all season, play1ng inside the JUSt-completed athletiC facihty




Deanna Koehler

Vtcki Albrecht

Ctndy Royer

Peggy Sanders

Sandy Brown

Kathy Patterson

Pam Hteronymous

Lucy Marttnez

Kay Davts

Kathy Gnbben

Gtgi Anderson

Valecta Kelly

Charlene Zerger

• denotes senior status














Lady Red Basketball

The 1982-83 Lady Red basketball season began with a bit of uncertainty. They were com1ng off a year m which they went to the state playoffs. but they had lost two AII-KCAC performers. In spite of th1s, they came through w1th another exc•t•ng year of women's basketball Though they weren't serious contenders for a KCAC crown. they played good basketball for much of the season

The lad1es began the year w1th f•ve wins 1n the1r first seven tnes Then they went into a prolonged slump before rega1mng theor shooting touch nea~ the end of the season. The result was an 11-13 won-loss record

The Lady Red lacked s1ze Inside, and thus rebounding suffered. Coach Paul Graber Will be lOOking to recru1t more s1ze for next season. The players that d1d play during the 82-83 campaign were very talented and made up for the1r tack of SIZe w1th Intelligent play and all-out hustle

The Lady Red's f1rst season 1n MAC's new gym complex promises to be an exc111ng one. First team aii-KCAC p1ck Valec1a Kelly. now a semor, w1lllead the Lad•es tn the1r quest to get back 1nto the first division of the Kansas conference

Peggy Sanders 13

Joy Spangler 14

Vteki Albrecht 21

Shelly Garlow 15 \

" Jenmfer M1chaehs 35

6 01an Profhtl 40.

Mary Beth Sands 45

Valec1a Kelly 33 ~~ Sandy N1chols 43

Tracy Gnffis 25. .. ··:r Kerri V1nson 22 / •, Tern V1nson 30


Sus1e Morales 20"

• denotes semor status









Men's Basketball

Dunng the 1982-83 season. the McPherson College Bulldogs played an exc1t1ng brand of basketball. They 1mproved the1r record from 1-23 to 5-19 and played an Important spo1ler role near the end of the season.

Coach Roger Tnmmell, who played on a champ1onsh1p team here at MAC, took over as head coach. H1s down­to-earth coaching philosophy helped the team and prom1ses to be a plus in the future The Bulldogs played much more cohes•vely dunng th1s season. The att1tude of the players was also much 1mproved.

Kelly Unruh emerged as a force to -be reckoned w1th 1n the KCAC. as he was named to the first all-star squad Kev1n Carlson played consistent ball. He always seemed taller than he really 1s. as he was one of MAC's best rebounders. This and h1s overall cons1stent play earned h1m honorable mention KCAC as a junior

The Bulldogs will play for the f~rst time in the new athletiC facility th1s season. This should give them a better home-court advantage, and should make them a force 1n the KCAC.

Clayton Allen •

Chns Toledo •

Kelly Unruh I DeWayne Jackson

Jerry Hett

. ''\ Ne11 Elliott •J

Terry Ostmeyer I' I·,.-

Rusty Allen

/ Jt \ .. Alan Jam1son /4/' f\!· : .

" Denms Romo ' ..... 'A~ ,/ Kevin Carlson 01 Andre Barber


Bruce Zerr

• denotes semor status








I. '

Women's Tennis



Doane Hess

Suzoe Morales •

Nancy Bort

Marcoe Thorndoke

Tracy Gnffls •

Teresa Goodfellow •

Dano Crist •

Mochelle Mochaelos •

·denotes senoor status



Men's Tennis

Wally Roberts •

Scott He1n

Les Glenn •

Neil Elliott

Mark Scruggs

Clayton Allen •

Bruce Stewart

Jerry Holman, Coach

·denotes semor status




Stuart Knoll Oavod van Sockle Dan Rogers • Boll Snyder • Davod van Assell Norman Hope Phol Kong Greg Creed David Boyer

• denotes senoor status



David Malone Steve Harroson Wade Thoessen Troy Slabach Rob McKay · Russell Allen Paul Graber, Coach

' denotes senior status


' . . . .. . ...

Men's Track


.... , ' -. Aa .. , · , ---- - --

Women's Track

Men's Track

Scott Green Roy Grosbach Jerry Hett • Kev1n Miller -Tony Tranbarger Glenn O'Ne1l Everett Bradley • T1m Crouse pan Hoffman, coach

denotes semor status

Women's Track

Valec1a Kelly Sandy N1chols D1an Proffitt • Sheryl Loll1ng Lela Ball Dan Hoffman, coach

• denotes sen1or status

Roy Grosbach Kev1n M1ller T1m Crouse Kathleen Ballent1ne Lela Ball Benson Owmy • AI Renner. coach

• denotes semor status

Cross Country



QUADRANGLE - Front Row· Richard Dragon. Co·Ed1tor, photography. LOIS Lehman Co-Ed1tor, copy and layout. Neal Beam. Bus1ness Manager. (2nd semester); Back Row· lyabo lyewarun. Craig Sp1tzer. Laura Gannon. Not P1ctured. Lmda van Asselt. Patty Helmer Adv1sor Susan Taylor SPECTATOR· Front Row· Sandy Brown. Antoma Ekwenski, Kevin Burton, Ed1tor·ln-Ch1ef. Cra1g Sp1tzer, Laura Gannon. Second Row· Rob1n Rose. Charles Ogwang. Tom Shoemaker. Dave Moore. Betsy Hard1nger, lyabo lyewarun. Elizabeth Odokara, Back Row· T1m Crouse. Ken Turner Not P1ctured: Paula Burkland. Manag•ng Ed1tor· Dan Rogers, Campus Editor. Greg Creed. Bus1ness Manager Adv1sor Susan Taylor BOARD OF PUBLICATIONS- Neal Beam. Diana Shenefelt, Bill Snyder, cha~rman, R1chard Dragon. Lo1s Lehman. Kev1n Burton Not PICtured Greg Creed



Board Of Publications

Alpha Psi


Theta Epsilon Chapter

ALPHA PSI OMEGA· Front Row· Robon Rose, Glen Wroghl, Mark Gard, Jay Warner, lyabo lyewarun; Second Row Erny Fogueroa Oavod Shepard, Pam Thoes, Lynn Carlson, Alloson Shepard, Back Row· Alan Whotley. Voce· Pres, Ida Yarbrough, Presodent, Jeffery Thane Frazoer. Sec -Treas, Susan Potter, Voce-Pres Advosor Rock Tyler ACtMtoes hosted 4 meals at,Forst-Noghters. produced 4 shows. lncludong All My Sons and A Mod-Summer Noght's Dream. presented Reader's Theatre. put on 4 workshops at St Joseph's Elementary School ART CLUB • Deb Burkholder, Voce-Pres .. Oavod Bottonger, Prestdent, Coody Royer, Treasurer Not Poctured Susan Potter, Secretary Advosor. Mary Ann Robonson Actovotoes· decoratoons for campus events, foeld trop to Kansas Coty to Nelson Ar1 Gallery and Crown Center


Art Club

p s y c H

s 0 , s

PSYCH-SO'S - Front Row· Laura Gannon. Susan Potter, 01ana Shenefelt. Second Row: linda Schweppe, Deb Neher, Lo1s Lehman. Patty Helmer; Th1rd Row Trudy Christy: Lisa Lee, Andy Sargent, Steve Chnstensen, Back Row David Shepard. Mane Neher, Co­convener. R1chard Wright, ad­VISOr, Perry W1nter. Tim Kreh­biel, Co-convener Not Pic­tured: Scott Swanson, Sec.­T reas .. John Burden. advisor Activities Movie outmgs (Ghandi, Catch 22. First Blood, The Wall, An Off1cer and a Gentleman): workshops on child abuse and depres­sion: paper presentatiOns, spring p1cnic. Highlight of the year M1dwest Sociological Soc1ety Meet1ng Both profes­sors and 8 students attended and heard presentallons of re­search bemg conducted across the country


I 0

0 0


CARS CLUB- Front Row· Rory Nansel, Dave Kleve, Dan Palmer, Bnan Bentley; Second Row: Rob­ert Chell, David Koehler. Michael Kravets, Kev1n O'Malley, T1m Bowers, Pres., Mike Baker, Ran­dy Kennel, Treas .. Back Row· "Pop" Warner. Floyd Knopf, Mark Belec, Ken Warren, Gary Martin, Dennis St1chter. adviser, Robert Pike, Kev1n Edgley. Paul Genaro, James W1llems Not Pic­tured: R1chard Dragon, Vice­Pres. Activllles: Drove cars (Mo­del T's) 1n the Hesston Fall Pa­rade, May Day Parade. Home­coming Fa1r; Swap Meet m May I.A. CLUB - John Pannabecker. adv1ser. Everett Bradley, Pres , Jay Warner, Dave Moore. (oppo­site page)- One of the many cars restored by the Auto Restoration Dept and put on d1splay to lhe

Cars Club

public, often Jn "hands-on" Slluatlons. (this page) - Dan Palmer and Randy Kennel listen carefully as Dennis StiChter expla1ns the finer details to them.



I. A.



CONCERT BAND • Fr0<1t Rcw Deo Green Jenn<le< W~les Brenda Ragsdale. Marga,et Co• lacs Lenman Second Row Bruce Appel. DeO Hotderread. Oa \nd Boyer Rooert Cole Stand ng O.rec-101' Larry Kuzel Franc\S Ouuon Ken Turn er, AI Rennet Greg Kea'ciol•ng Lynn GtCbS. Dan Ma~terson. Kent NIChotson. VICki Al­butcht, Ros•e Grove, Galen Ree\leS PEP BAND - Kneetong Carol Swan•. L<>s Leh­man, Deb Green Margaret Cox. Deb Neher Robert Cole. ROSie Grove. Dav1d Boyer Deb Holderread Standtng Greg Keasling. Kent Ntchotson. Dave Keller. Lynn Gtbb$. M.ut GetSet"t. Galen Reeves. Dan M:lster-son. FranciS Ounon, Larry Kit­lei Wade ThieSSen. Ken Turner AI Ren~ ner Tracy Grofi<S TROMBONES Ken Turner Galen Reeves. Dan Mastenoo. Ro&e Gt0118 Frnnds Out!OO.. Larry Kttzel (Th<S page) G•eo Keasnng pleased rne CrCW'dS ~tlh hfs OTum SQk) 111"1 " The Horse (()pPQS!te p&Qe) Margaret Co~t playll<l the pCcolo on add uon to play<ng the ttute

Concert Band

.. d


Pep Band



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F•rSI Row Bruee Appel, FranciS Dutton Dan Rog<><s. Wooe Thie$Seo. Tom Klas­"""'· Cratg Sp•Uer Andy McKlnoeU. S•d

Gauby Oca A!Y' Reber, Cafol Swank Jana Hoffman. Meto<ly Ad""ell, LOIS Leh­man. Marsha Hornba'll:et ~eriyn Brafl<o son.. Deanna Koeh'er, Sarldy BroWTt. Pam Th<es. [)retiOr Stepllame Graber Sec· ond Ro"" Robert COle. Galen s .. ,fzer R<>ynold Aolh Tom T•nkle< Scou M er Nea Beam, Joel Re<noenl. Patr""" Horn­baker, Ta'11my LU!.k. Joy Flo!a. Brenda Ragsdale, Chi•Siy Ro1h. Carolyn Homong . Carolyn Spate. Gayle Rernoenl. Dab Green Third Row Alan Gumm Duane Hunn. Petef Kratz Todd Schrag. Man Ge1sen. Rory Nanbel. Dave Koehler. Lor• Appel Lynn Carlson. Sandy Nochols. Me­ssa Thompson. Wanda Swank Letgh

R•chardson. Alana Sw,tler. Trudy Chr1$ty, Deb Gal'\ley, Sarah Ba1le Last Row Dave Steele, Glen Sne•~ Lynn Gobbs, Mark Gard. Oavtd van A5&eH, Vtc W•lhams. Randy Voran. Jay Warner. G•g• Anderson. Dawn KerSCh611Ste~ner Lou Anderson Jody Maze Unda Ausherman, Joan Mul~ k!n. Mandy Sowell. LOf"l Re•noehl, Tracy Gutt.-. L•nda van Assel1. Deb Hotderread Mary Coffman Orcheslra members RICh· ard Guse. AI Trollman, Paula Pattetson Margaret Cox Tracey Goettng Anne w~nsto-N Lynntla Harns, Deb Burkhofder Steve GU!.tafson. Ga Goerong. Bryan Hess. Da-v d MOOt"e. Bruce Wagoner, San· dee K11z~ Jane Helmer

Although lhe Spring Choir Tour tnvolves much hard work. there's also time to play On oppos1te page, Pastor Herb Smith. Robert Cole. Margaret Cox. and Dave Koehler watch for lhe Fnsbee. while Todd Schrag dlsdatnfully turns his back on the game On th1s page. Carol Swank. Marsha Hornbaker, "Huggie Bear." and Jana Huffman do a bit of climb­ing to pose for the camera



.' 106


StN~,jERS - Front Row. Lynn Carlson. Brenda Ragsdale. Sarah Batie, Tom Klassen; Second Row: Dawn Ker ochenstemer. Alan Gumm. Mark Gard, Scott Miller. Joel Retnoehl; Standing Jay Warner. Vic Wtlhams. Linda Yar Assell, Lynn Gibbs. Dave Keller. Wanda Swank, Jtm Moffttl, Pam Thtes. Glen Snell. Roste Grove, Dave Stet e

ME'-IC- Front Row: Francts Dutton. Roste Grove. Mark Gard, Sec.-Treas: Lynn Carlson. Vice-Pres. Galen R ves, Pres.: Back Row· Scott Mtller, Margaret Cox, Sarah Baile. Wanda Swank, Carol Swank, Ken Turner

SINGERS was an tmportant part of chotr tour. as tncy provtded addtttonal entertatnment at high SChools and churches along the way Here. two members. Dave Keller and Brenda Ragsdale. rest between a performance and ttme to get back on the b~r.: es and move on. •



F c A

Brethren Identity Group


Dorm Councils

FCA - Front Row Teresa Goodfellow. Vice-Pres .. Tim Gribben. Pres. Tammy Lusk. Treas Second Row Losa Brooks, Deanna Koehler. Jamce Ebbert, Nancy Btrt, Cindy Royer Standing: Dian Proffitt, Raquel Elliott, Neal Jandreau. Jan Esgar. Doug Fitzmorns, Kay Davis, Dave Biscaro, Kathy Tharnngton, Don Mernck, Todd Fredertckson. Adviser Dan Hoffman ActiVIIteS Halloween Party, tncluding the htgh school FCA, Christmas­caroling, endtng at Hoffman's. Overntght stay at Chester Murray's pond, concluding wtth sunnse servtce. State FCA Mint-Conference at Rock Spnngs Ranch

BIG- Front Row: Fred Ezeka, Jerel Eller, Dawn KesselnRg, Herb Smtih, adviser. Second Row· Kathy Mack, Ellen Me nger, moderator. Robert Kungu. Gary Ftke, deacon, Paula Roesch, Cra1g Spttzer Back Row· Deb Holder­read. secretary, Tim Crouse, Greg Creed. J1m Moffttt, asst moderator. Dave Boyer

Acttvtttes Ftlm on pre1udtce. campfire & hymn-stng. film on Brethren tnvolvement 1n Nigena: Love Feast

Htgh tght. Starttng the group!

DORM COUNCILS - Dollour Gene & Katny e .. eo A 0. Raquet Elliott Sec • Alana s .. t:e< Deb BurKt>oldef Oea Ann Reber Voce-P!os Oaw Kerschenstener. V&IOCia KeuY. C•nay Deft. Jan Es.gar, Pres V.c:kl Albfechl. Tameta Lusk.. Trea<t-. Kathy Tharungton. Trudy Chrrs.ty, T e;a GOOdfeUow. Laura Gannon B•ll•nger Kent N•chotson. Neal Beam D•ana Shenefett Sec Mark SwiCk, Pres.. Bruce Appel. VICe· P Bruoce Bauman, Treas. Ruth Bald~r lyabo lyewarun, Scott Molter Mellie< Gerald Henderson. Robart Cole OM LeValley. Pros Dave Moore Fanny Scctt Garpf>le< Pres. Jell Tholl, Treu Andy Sargeo< Voce-Pres. Roy Grosbach, Sec. Voc Williams



c . I

r c I e


Honors Congress


c I u b

H NORS CONGRESS· Front Row Ann Dtrksen. Pam H•ggtnS. Mar.e Neher Deb Neher, Second Row Mark Gar d. Bruce Appel Jan Esgar l esa Goodfellow Cltrolyn Spate Back Row Lynn Carlsotl. Tom Gnbben. Trudy Chrosly. Loos Lehman

A r Leland Lengel

1\ tiM Cotk:>qUiums • G•lfOfd Ikenberry's "The DemographiC State of the World'', Afchard Wr.ghfs,"'Modest Proposar concern•ng \'3 JeS •n edueat•on. Betsy Hard nger's essay ··watt w'ht1man The N neteenth CeniUry Speaks to the Twent~e>th '

cmctE K Glenda Skarpohl, Treas, Lrnda Butler. Sec, Rock Jones. sponsor Dawn Bryant, Voce-Pres Second R<;,.. Ken Turner Doug Fitzmoms. Bontface waWeru. Ste"¥e Hamson Robert COle Back Row Fred Eze~<:a_ Dan LeValley Gerald Henderson. Marty Arnotd Not P red Rhonda Knackstedt. Pres , Davrd O'Dell spon<or

:.es Ko,.anos panca•e teed Ctrrrstmas lood be>•el drove BlOOdmObile Fan 1982 & SP<tng 1983. Crrcle K Conventon tn Woehota

H ~lhghts 3rd plaCe KS Cftst. C.rcte K scrapbOOk award KS Ot$t O.V 4 Crete K 10·10·30 a ...... ard Gtenda SkarpOOI elected Lt Governor ot O.V4

M·CLUB- F•rst Row Mar"' Sw.c:k. Treat Trm Gr•bben. Pres. 0ta'l Proff t1 Sec, Secood RON Kay oa .. 5, Ann O.tl<fJ.Ml PamH.gg ns. Teresa GoocJfeltoN Lucy Martrnez. Third Row Bruce Bauman, Chns Herman. Bruce Appel_ Deb Ga,...ey. Wade Thressen. Leon He.de­brecht M·ke Salmans TOdd Frederockson, Fourth Rvov Oave Brscaro. Dan LeValley. Don MerucK. lonnte HeJQ~ Doug Frtzmoms Frfth Row Ctndy OeU. Deanna Koeh er. Cndy Royer Pe<,jgy Sanr:ters. N 1ncy B rt

Actwrues provrded conceU!ons at sports events, helped ruo track meets



0 f c f I i a c s e s r s

~. - I •

. ' 112

Student Activities


STUDENT COUNCIL- B1ll Snyder. Treas.; Sarah Ba1le. Sec .. S1d Gauby. Pres; Pam H1gg1ns. V1ce-Pres.: Second Row D1ana Shenefelt, Dan Rogers. Roy Grosbach. Ruth Baldner, Sandy Re1s~nger, Tom Shoemaker; Back Row· Dave Moore. Steve Foulke. L1nda van Asselt. Glenda Skarpohl, Ed Butler. sponsor; Cra•g Sp1tzer. Mane Neher. Norma Tucker. sponsor.

Ac IVIties: purchased large screen TV and V1deo D1sc Player. purchased trash cans for-campus; collected books to send to 3rd World countries: sponsored him on hunger for convo: worked on getting a Fall Break for next ye r

CLASS OFFICERS - Sophomores. Deanna Koehler Sec., Deb Garvey, Treas : Tammy Lusk, V1ce-Pres .. Galen Sw•tzer. Pres., Juniors - Vic Williams, Pres .. Carolyn Spate, Vice-Pres: Elizabeth Smyres. Sec.-Treas. (not PICtured); Semors: Ann D11ksen, V1ce-Pres., C1ndy Dell. Pres. Dian Proffitt. Sec.-Treas

SAB- Front Row: Glenda Skarpohl, Ken Turner, Dave Moore; Second Row: Lon Appel. Pam Doucette. Robert Cole. Cra1g Sp1tzer; Back Row Alana Sw1tzer, cha11man· Marie Neher, pubhc1ty; Dan Rogers. Treas

AdviSer· John Snel

Act1v1t1es· A11band contests; dances: Ctass1cal Lu!ln1st for Convo; Leg 'contest: Glad - Chnst.an -Rock Band: Mov1es - Reds. Excahber Arthur, Ordinary People, Ra1ders of the Lost Ark

Highlights. purchase of Widescreen TV and v1deo recorder


t: ..


International Students

INTERNATIONAL STUOENTS • Fro01 Row An­ton.a E'kwen&c;t CharleS OgNang Fred Ezeka. Frau~o~,e Kabuth. Ahmed AbO BaW Petef Kratz Back Row Elizabelh Odol!ara Sec lyat:>o lyewarun Pres. Joseph Mugenyl. Bontface Waweru. RObefl l<ungu. FtaOCtS Nyakatura PubliCly Sec

Adv1sers: Monroe & Connne Hugh­banks

ACt iVI ties· Dinners at the Hughbanks. Chnstmas party w1th Kansas Weslyan International Students. Attended Lan­guage & Culture Day at Bethany

INTERCULTURAL FORUM • Valecoa Kelly. Sec -Treas , DeWayne Jackson, Chapltn. Eltzabeth Odokara. Pres, Second Row Andr~ Barber, An-1()()18 Ekwensk•. Bon•face Waweru, Marty Arnold. Mane Barr'leS Back Row Fred Ezeka. Ken Turn· er. Get'ald Henderson. tyabo lyewarun

Adv1ser; Joanne Hamlin

ACtiVIties· M1n0nty EmphaSIS Week (Senator McCray, fash1on show); con­ference 1n Bethany; Big 8 Conference 1n Nebraska

Highlight Draw1ng up a new constitU­tion

Intercultural Forum



1983 Prom ''Cherished Moments"


f) Petet Kratz and hiS ,. ie Bontface Waw«U and Chartes ag ..... ang take ttme hom the dar>CJnO to JUSt Chat a we bot 2) Deb GafVey and Mark SwiCk are so tal· ented that they can carry on a converse• toon while they're dancrngl 3) Just one guy to darx:e w th au these v...)merl? Ha\1• 1ng lun are Kathy Grobben. Susan Nogh. Suz•e MoraleS. ()an Proff•tt. Ttm Grtbben and Kathy Thslrnngton 4 ) Prom hOds somf! 'Chefished MomentS" lor at 1east some people 51 Everyone t>«t Claytor> A en seems to be hav ng more fun watch­mg the band 6) Break·ltmell 'Resting • are Jenn•fer W•lles. Oa\l•d Powers. Dav•d Shepard and Susan Potter 7) The Hoff~ mans we<e )USt a few of the people who enJOyed the banqoot at the Holiday Mall­or



Graduation 1983

1) The sentor class ot t983 made many contr,buhons to McPhef· SOf1 Coeege 2) The v.-1nd atmos.t ptO'w'ed to be hazardous to a 1ew graduates' hats 3) F1na y. the thii'Q evmyone had been wa t1ng fOf· the rece 'l11'lg ot the d piOma$. 4) Fa mer and son 4 Graduate JlfTl Hoffman and Prestdent Paul Hottman. 5) The European Chew jOined by the gradual og !.MIO<S. saog 0 Ctap Your Hands." and • Peace Prayer




1) Th•s year the pfOcess•onat began at ~·Uier Ubfary. went past Harnty Hall. and then en­tered Brown Aud•tonum 2) Pre&•dent Hoffman was the master ol ceremon.es 3) Co­unne and Monroe Hughbanks were one of the couples •n­ve>' ... ea .m graduatiOn 4) K.ath ryn ()e.tz and Ann {)lrksoo took ptenSJVe as tMey awa t the be· g mhng of the process;onar f,

& 6) Tt>e receptoen loGo" ng 9'adua1100 usua!Jy mari(S the ef'\d cl an e .. c tong wee ... end


Good-Bye, 1983 Grads!!







Ourong the w1nter and sprong o f ·1983. Pyle Construction crews worked d1 1gent1y to complete as much of the gym as poss1ble before the spnng ra1ns started By the lime graduation weekend arnved. the gym was really beg1nmng to look like a gym. as the lower roght-hand p1cture shows As of th1S lime. everyth1ng was on time as far as the completion date gees.





1) The undetclassmen 1o1arted a neN trad t•on - SeotOr Apprecta lion Day 21 Roberl Kungu found ttme to study wtl e wOfktl'lQ at t"Mt B 1t•nger de:>k 31 Study ng fOJ t•naiS got to be too much fOf 50ft';




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AbO 8a$ha Arvned 37 62 I " A"* Melody •2 82 103 Allneh~ Vock 62 77 79 102. 109 Allen. Ciay10t\ •2 83 89. 117 Allen Au.sell 83 91 Al'ltjorson, 0'!1' 62, 77 l03 Anderson, LClfl 82 103 ApPOI, Bruce •2 10 2 103. 109. 111 Appe~ lClf ~ 103 113 Archer Flochard ~ Arnold. '-ll(ly 111 114 AWiermar>. Lorida 42, 103


Baooe, Sarah ~6. ~9 103. Ba•IG)'. Stf!\18f'l

Baker M<:hael 0 Baker M ke 30 100 Bald11<1< Ru1h 42 109 113 Bal~ Lela 17 ~. 93 94 BaiiOfll""' Ko1hleen ~. 70. 94 Barbel Andre 83. 114 Barber Thomas 73 Barnes. Mat • 16a 16<: ~. 114 Bauman. Bruce 42 109 111 Beam Neao ~ 96. 103. 109 Bockman. Linda 42 Be<ec Mark 30. 100 Ben11ey Broan 100 !lor! Nar>ey ~. 87. 109 111 lllscato. Da"d 69 73. 109. 111 B<11ooge<, David ~. ~ 1. 98 Bower&. T~molhy 30. 100 Bo'"man II James 62 Bowman. A•IB 62 Boyer. Dave 62 91. 102. 109 Bradoey. Ev01e11 42. 73. 93 100 Branson Mertlyn 50 103 Bttll. John 42. 73 Brooks. Jeanene 50 Brool<s. Usa 43, 109 Brown. Chen 43 Brown. Sandra 62 77 96. 103 Bryan!. Dawn 17. 50 70. 111

' Burkholder. Debboe ~ ~3. 98. 103. 109

Burkland Paula 62 Burton. Kev•n 62 96 l!o1iet Judo1h •3 Bolle<. L•nda ~. 111


Ca._,_ Lym 21 26 111

CarpeNO! S<:ou •3 61 109 c ney Cooltlnty 166 89

. -1100 CM&tensen, Stevan 99 C:W..ty Trudy •3 66 99 103, 109

111 Coffmen Joet 1 ~. 16 •3 Colfma11, Mary 18 2 1 22 23. 103 • Cole-[>(), 1 . 103 109 11 1

113 Cool< TClfn 73 Cordova. Raymllfod 73 Corns Raoda 73 Co x M argaret 50.102 103 Creed Greg ~. 91, 109 Ctlst. ~ 43 . 87 • C<oSt. uno~a ~ Cr~. Timothy 62. 93. 94 96, 109 CrumpaJOII<;r C1ndy 43 Crumpa~er. Edward 61, 6 2 C!Jmm.ngs. Denise 43 Cu<ry, Roloanna 56 C!Jihbert. Charles 16d.

elbetge<, JOhn 73 ton. Francos 17 62. 102 103.


Ebben. Jamce 44. 109 Edgley. Kevon 30. 100 Ekwenskt. AnlhOr'\13 63. 96. Elder. Johanna 57 Eller. Jerel 16. 63. 109 Etho11. Ned 83. 89 EUoon. Raquel 57, 69. 109 Ell1s. Lawrence 63 Esgar, 9. 51, 66 109 111 Ezeka Fredenck ~109. 111, 114


Fabetl R_, 73 Fogue<oa. Err>eSl 16 19 25 51 98 F ke. Ga~63 109

Foor.no Ill. Sa"'"'"'" 73

HudSO<t. Steve 73 Huffaker Den 52 Hultman. Jana 58. 103 Hllfll1. Duane t6d. 58 73 t03 HUic:t\10500 [)an 64


Ingram. Vaughn 46 ty ... arun, lyabO 52 70 96. 98, 109.



Jackson. DeWayne 58. 83 114 Jamrson Alan 83 Jandreau. Neal 73. t09


t<ebuth Frauke 46. 55, tt4 t<errunot<y Jon 73 Keast.ng Becky 52 Kea . Greg 46, 102 Keller Dave 46 66 102. 107 Kely Va•ecra 61, 77 79 93. t09 tt4 Kermel, Randy 30. I 00 Kerschensleiner oa .. n 52 t03. 107

109 Kesse<rong Qa.., 64 109 Krng Phil 91 Klassen. Thomas t03 107 Klement. Adr.,na 46 Ktemeot Gerad58 Kleve. Dav•d 73 100 Knackstedt. Rhonda 52 Knoer, Ronald 73 Knon. Stuan t3 46, 68 91 Knopl Floyd I 00 Koehler. Dav1d 52 100. 103 Koehler Deanna 55 ~8. 77 103. 109

111, 113 KoniCek, Caroline 64 Krall, Peter 23. 46, 103 114, 117 Kravets. Mochaol 13. 68 100 Krehb•el, Tomothy 46, 99 Kruschw•lz, . Kevtn 17, 641 Kungu Robert t09 114 124


I ee LISa 52 99 lehman Los 58 64 96 99 '02

Ill Le·et \l;rgl64 73 IeVaiiey Dao 17 52 69 73 109 Locnty Lor Re noent 46 Llgoo Karta 64 Lndolade Jod on t6c 52



Lol ng Sneryl 64 70. 93 Long Gary 24 25 29 73 L<'' Tameta 59 103. 109 113


Mac~ James 64 Mack Kathryn 64 109 MaiO<le DaVId 59 73 91 Marttn Garv 100 Mart•n Joe 73 Mart•nez. Lucy 4 7. 77 111 Masterson Oanrel J 15, 47, 102 Maze. Jody t03 McCorm•ck, James 73 McKay Rob 91 McKeUop, M1ke 16d, 55. 64 MCK•nneU, Andrew 64, 103 McPhe<son. Sylv.a 57, 59 Mellinger, Elleo 109 Merrock Oon 73. 109. 111 Metzler. Laurel 52 MICheiiS. Michelle 87 MIChelts, Jennrfet' 64 79 M• 1er, Juhe 65 M· !er K"'on 18. 65, 93. 94 M "" Scoll 53 t03 107, t09 Motchell. Ray 53 M·~ff•ll. J m 53. 107, 109 Moore Oa•e 53 96. tOO. 103. 109

113 Moore St~ven 53. 73

' Morales. Susoe 55 79. 87 117 Mugenyo JosePh 114 Mu en Joan 59 103 Muffins. Craog 65


Nansel. Rory 65. 68. 69 tOO. 103 Nan,;cl Rulh 65 Neher, Conn•e 59 Neher, D<!borah 53. 59, 99. 102. 111 Neher, Maroe47. 99. 111.113 Neher, M·<e 59 Nochols, Kenny 73 NoeholS, Sandy 55. 65 .. 79. 93. 103 Nocholson. V Kent 29. 47 66. 102

109 Nogh Susan 47. 117 Nyakatura Fral'lCtS 65 114


Qoc ... ara E&lzabe1h 47 51 96. 114 Og~ang Cnarlea t6c. 47 55 96. 114

117 • oaer bllrge< Lor• 59

0 Ma ey Kovm 59. tOO 0 Neil Giefln 73 93 Owneyet. T eny 59 83

O..•ny Beoson 4 7 94


Palmer Dan 100 Panersoo Kathryn 47 77 Poerce Derek 73 P•tman. Rob 65 Pote. Oavod 53 68 Pole, Kev n 73 Potier. Susan 48. 98. 99. 117 Powetl Jaoet 60 Powets. Do.-d 117 Prolf•ll. Doan 48. 79. 93 109. 11 1 113



Ragsdale. Brenda 53. 66. 102. 103. 107

Ramsey. Nancy 60 Rayno. Wendy II, 18. 19, 24, 40, 48 Reber, 0ea AM 60. 70. 103. 109 Rec:Joger Esther 53 Reed. M•ke 53 Reeves. Galeo 15. 48 102. t07 Regehr, Kevon 73 Remer. Bev 48 Reonoehl. Gayle 60. t03 Rernoehl Joel 13. 65, 68. 103. 107 Remoehl, Lou 103 RerslfiQe< Sandy 22. 23. 113 Roch. Dave 53. 69 73 Rochards Kent 65 RIChardson. Leolh 65, 68. 69 t03 RIQOS. Susan 66 Robe<ls. Wallace 48. 89 Roesch. Paula 66 109 Rogers. Dan 48. 9t, 103, 113 Romo. Oenn•s 83 Rose. Robon 20. 60, 96. 98 Roth, ChroSJY 103 Roth. Reynold 103 Royer. Cynlhoa 48, 77 98. 109, Itt Ryan. Joseph 48 Ryerson. Randy 66. 73


Stabach. Troy 91 Salmans. M ~· 73. 111 Saooers. Peggy 60. 77. 79. 111 Sands. Mary Beth 60. 79 Sargent. Andy 60 99. 109 Saylor, Laur"' 60 Schrag. T 000 66 103 Sc~ .. eppe Llllda 54 99 Scruggs. Mark 16. 89 Shenetelt. Oia'lll t6a 16c 26 54 59.

96 99 109. 113 Shepard AniSOO t9 26. 60 98




Tatro Wenay 66 Teylof Rot>crt 61 73 Tharlngton Kathy 49 109 t 17 Thies. Pamcle 16c. 23 26 49 98. 103

107 Thie5sen. Wade ~ 91 102 103 111 TNI. Jeff 55 01 109 ThOmpSon MetiS$8 60 69 103 Thom<l<ke M 1 ciO 87 Tlnklof. Tom 73 ToledO Chtos 49 83 Trarbarget Tony 8t 73 03 Turner Ken t5, t6 6t 96, 102

11 t, 113 114


Vllll j)avld 66 73. 91. 103

VdlSOf"'. Kern 61 79 V.nsoo, Tern 61 79 vorari Randy ~5 t 03

w War- .Jay 98. tOO tOJ 107 Warren. Ken 73 100 Warren. $he;la 55 Wastvnon. Je« 73 wa~-et\.1. Bon:tace 49 111 ,,, 117 Weavec. Sharon 66 Wh•tf.eld. Wallace 49 Wh<lley Alan 55. 98 w.uems.Ja,_ tOO Willes. Jenn•fEH 102 117 Wllf18ms. V>e t6d. 55. 103. 107 109

113 w.sson. M•ke 73 Wonle< Perry 55. 99 W1nter Roy 66 Wrse. A•rnee 66. 68 69 Woodtn, A1aloa 49 WoodiO, Nevtn 55 Woods. Roy 73 Wr ht GleO 49 98


v artxaLJgh. Ida 20 49 YC><::I<ey, Jom 55. 73


va A55ett 01c1a 49 103 107 113>~----~~ Van Sick vld 9 I Vancil. Ch3 IOU 55


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