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Master’s Program in Science Education (MP-SEd)

The School of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 299 Bandung

+6222-75473207 / +6222-2005090


21 October 1993, based on the Decree 21 October 1993, based on the Decree Number: 558/DIKTI/Kep/1993, Extension of Operating License by Decree Number: 3802/H40/DT/2010 dated 16 June 2010

A (score: 367), based on the Decree number:012/BAN-PT/Ak-IX/S2/VIII/2011 18 August 2011

ISO 9001:2008, No.: 01 100 106374, 18 December 2011 ISO 9001:2008, No.: 01 100 106374, 18 December 2011 (Accredited by TUV Rheinland Cert GmbH)

M.Pd. (Magister Pendidikan IPA) [equivalent to Master in Natural Science Education]

Bachelor’s Degree GPA of 2.75; a TOEFL score of 450 or its equivalents, and Passing the English and Academic Aptitude Tests

2 Years (4 Semesters)2 Years (4 Semesters)


A Minimum GPA of 2.75, A TOEFL score of 450, Scientific Publication in a Journal or Proceeding of National/International Seminar

Doctoral Degree in Natural Science Education or its equivalents

Name of the Study Program

Management Unit of the Study Program



Homepage and Email Address

Date of Study Program Establishment

Recent Accreditation Ranking Recent Accreditation Ranking

Quality Management System

Degree Title Awarded

Admission Requirements

Length of Study

Total Credit Requirements

Graduation Requirements

Further Education Further Education

General Information

The MP-SEd of the School of Postgraduate Studies (SPS) of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (henceforth, UPI, or Indonesia University of Education) was opened in the academic year of 1993/1994 in accordance with the operating license issued by the Directorate General of Higher Education through its Decree Number 588/DIKTI/Kep/1993. The program was founded in order to meet the needs for practitioners and experts in the development of natural science education who possess adequate understanding of natural science education, the ability to adapt, and the skill of solving the increasingly complex problems that natural science education is posed with.

The MP-SEd has consistently and continuously implemented various developments in the The MP-SEd has consistently and continuously implemented various developments in the field of natural science education as an attempt of supporting UPI’s program as an institution focusing on education. In its organization, the Master’s Degree in Natural Science Education Study Program has consistently referenced the policies and programs of UPI, both in terms of academic and non-academic aspects. In addition, the Master’s Degree in Natural Science Education Study Program has been actively responding to various developments and demands of society, at the local, regional, and global levels.


AimsThe MP-SEd aims to prepare students to be educators, thinkers, researchers, developers, and practitioners of natural science education who possess: (1) broad insight and great concern with natural science education with all its dimensions; (2) in-depth mastery of their expertise in the field of education; and (3) the ability to research, develop, plan, and manage science education and disseminate science and technology in the field of natural science education and its related aspects.

The expected learning outcomes for the Master’s Degree in Natural Science Education Study Program of the School of Post-Graduate Studies of UPI cover a range of abilities, as follows:

Skills Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Approach


Specific Skills

Communication ability

Managerial ability


Lifelong learning skills

Discussions, Critical analysis, inquiry based learning, project based learning, collaborative learning, cooperative learning dan self direct learning.

Critical analysis, self direct learning, mini riset, presentation

Project based learning, collaborative Project based learning, collaborative learning, cooperative learning, self direct learning, teaching practice, presentation.

Critical analysis, project based Critical analysis, project based learning, problem based learning mini riset, collaborative learning dan cooperative learning dan self direct learning, presentation

Critical analysis, self direct learning, Critical analysis, self direct learning, mini riset, Seminar, report/article writing

Critical analysis, self direct learning, mini riset, Teaching practice

Critical analysis, self direct learning, Critical analysis, self direct learning, mini project, Teaching practice, group work

Critical analysis, self direct learning, mini riset

The teaching and learning approach apply UPI educational philosophy: scientific, educative, and religious; as well as silih asih [loving each other], silih asah [teaching each other], and silih asuh [caring for each other].

Students will be able to critically, systematically, and continuously analyse and synthesise the content and pedagogy of natural science.

Students will be able to create innovations Students will be able to create innovations in the fields of curriculum, instruction, and assessment of natural science learning outcomes.

Students will be able to apply the Students will be able to apply the knowledge and innovations into the practice of teaching and learning and development of natural science education.

Students will be able to conduct research Students will be able to conduct research to develop knowledge in the field of natural science education and to increase the quality of natural science education through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches.

Students will be able to disseminate Students will be able to disseminate research results and innovations in the field of natural science education at the national and international levels.

Students will be able to manage natural science education development programs and practices.

Students will acquire the ability to Students will acquire the ability to cooperate, leadership, concern, and responsibility for the improvement of the quality of natural science education based on the scientific values and attitudes.

Students will acquire the skills of learning, Students will acquire the skills of learning, managing information, and using ICT as the bases for self-development and lifelong learning.

The required course groups and total credits for the students of the Master’s Degree in Natural Science Education Study Program are listed in the following table.

Structure of the Program

AssessmentThis program is a master by course work with research component as capstone project.

The assessment for each course is made in accordance with UPI’s Academic Guidelines. The assessment components are documented in the syllabus and course unit of each respective course and this assessment reflects students’ learning outcomes and the accomplishments of the content of the program as a form of implementation of the curriculum. The assessment components of learning outcomes are generally obtained through midterm examination and final examination. The components also include assignments in the forms of individual/group presentation, performance, portfolio, mini research reports, and papers.

In addition to assessment of course subjects, the teaching and learning process is assessed through In addition to assessment of course subjects, the teaching and learning process is assessed through qualification examination, which is to determine whether the students qualify to continue their studies or not. Students can take this examination if they have met the minimum requirements of 24 course credits and a minimum TOEFL score of 450. The materials included in the qualification examination consist of pedagogic content, natural science content, and knowledge of research methods. Students are declared to pass the qualification examination if they obtain a minimum score of 2.75. Those who have not gained the minimum score are allowed to take a remedial examination in the following month after the first qualification examination. Those who do not pass the second qualification examination will be considered to have dropped out of the program.

Completion of master’s thesis is required for the master’s degree. The thesis writing process begins Completion of master’s thesis is required for the master’s degree. The thesis writing process begins with the making of research proposal supervised by a supervising lecturer and followed by a seminar of the thesis proposal reviewed by three lecturers. Following this seminar, students can conduct the research and thesis writing with the help of one or two supervising lecturers. Upon the completion of the thesis, students will take a thesis defense, which is divided into First Thesis Defense and Second Thesis Defense.

What follows are several possible research areas for students’ thesis:1. Science Technology and Engineering (STEM)1. Science Technology and Engineering (STEM)2. Scientific Literacy3. Higher order thinking4. Technology-based instruction5. Assessment of natural science education6. Teacher professional development

Nr PercentageTotal Credits

6 14.63

12 29.26

12 29.26

11 26.83

41 100

1. Foundations of Natural Science Education

2. Research in Natural Science Education

3. Recent Development and Innovations in Natural Science Education

4. Specialization


Course Group

The curriculum of the Study Program of Natural Science Education is systematically and coherently implemented, both internally (among components in the curriculum) and externally (in relation to the field of employment). The faculty members are directed to manage their lectures by optimising students’ potentials on the basis of attitudes and behaviours which are in line with the noble virtues and local wisdoms. The lectures are developed in an attempt of helping students to achieve (learning outcome) and promoting the growth of a healthy academic culture.

Various student services have been developed to help students achieve the best learning Various student services have been developed to help students achieve the best learning outcomes and graduate on time. Some of these services are language courses and workshops on academic writing, research proposal, and thesis, held at least once a year.

In addition, there is Student Communication Forum, which enables students across batches and study programs to interact and exchange ideas. This forum also allows for students to hold various academic and social activities.

Further information regarding the Master’s Degree in Natural Science Education Study Program can be found in:1. UPI’s Academic Guidelines (http://sps.upi.edu)2. Book of Curriculum 2015 of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia3. Leaflets/brochures of the Master’s Degree in Natural Science Education Study Program4. Website of UPI’s School of Post-Graduate Studies (http://sps.upi.edu)5. Website of the Master’s Degree in Natural Science Education Study Program (http://ipa.sps.upi.edu) (http://ipa.sps.upi.edu)

Student Support

Additional Information

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