(2) essay «language, creating our reality»

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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«In the beginning there was a Word…» Not very light introduction for the essay making to reflect on one more side of business relations. This essay is about types of communication, about gentle management by understanding each other. But is it really necessary to reason about it? We are sure – it’s extra essential!Why doesn’t one understand another, and another doesn’t understand one? Would we be able to accomplish the project with the Tibetan monks as well as with colleagues from a neighboring office, for example? Sure. It’ll be possible if we create the third «linguistic» conceptual-semantic reality common for both the colleagues from the neighboring office and the Tibetan monks…


Language, creating our realityPassage from «Some Essays About Management»



In the beginning there was a Word…

Everything began with it

It’s the basisof how we think, how we communicate, how we see the world

Words help us to describe our reality

The word is a key element of any language

The language – it’s a system of words, where combinations of them

owing to common agreement have

a conventional meaning and these combinations can be used for communication

The language is a tool for our thinking, for accumulating knowledge

The general function of the language is


Why is that so important?

Because management, that is


By means of words we create our own reality

Reality is created by sense and meaning of the words describing it

And everyone reads

one’s own sense and meaning in the same words

Every single word is

a containerAnd these containers can be filled with content and meaning by the man only

Firstly, maturing –with another’s sense and meaning

Then – with one’s own experience

Do we want a real and adequate communication?

We exchange with each other empty containers. By throwing their content away, while speaking.

Then – we fill them with our own content.

What to do?

To arrange their content and meaning – beforehand

But what if one’s container is empty?If one doesn’t know such a word?

In that case this one will receive something that has

not existed in his reality yet, had no sense

and meaning for him so far

When explaining meanings of unfamiliar words to your interlocutors - you fill them at once with your

own meaning

What is the aim of communication?

It is an information exchange, free of distortions

…The information exchange for the purpose of effective management

How much effective would be a talk between a Hyperborean and an Easterner about

deer farming and rice culturing?

It may be problematic…

How to avoid that?


To remember that communication, it’s the very sense and meaning put by your interlocutor in the words pronounced by you


To assure completely that one understands you –on the one hand, and that you understand your interlocutor correctly – on the other hand

Our thinkingis directly related to the language

We can see and understand only what we are able to describe with words

We get to know new words – and

our reality changes

Changing and filling our language and the language of people around, we are able to change our thinking

to any direction we need

What do we visualize the surrounding reality like?

Like it’s described by filters of the language we think and communicate

Language filters represent one of many sets of

patterns our mind usually uses

Such patterns which we usually use to see the world, which we perceive information by

Is that good or bad – that there are such filters, patterns and reduction of reality by

threshold of perception?

There is no clear answer.

It’s necessary just to keep in mind that the reality in general and the reduced,

personal reality differ.

And the more sets of patterns you have, the nearer to the true reality you are.

What do we do when

project management learning?

We change and extend the patterns of our thinking and adjust our filters

In our reality we’ve got a new thing: projects and project management

In real life –

a project is multidimensional,like a cube

How do we use filters? We unfold the cube to several sides

…converting it to

clearer plans

To the plans of supply management, risk management, communication management…

What can be achieved in result?

Very often we substitute the management of a real project with the management

of reality fragments

What to do?

To learn to break all patterns and supplement our filters

To realize, that we are stinted and deprived of a great deal of different opportunities


To change ever and manage effectively

Thanks for Your attention!P.S. You got to know the passage of our book «Some Essays About Management»

The book is available in whole on the page «Vision» of our site www.kommandcore.com

Lively management of projects

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