2 fast 2 furious opening sequence analysis

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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Opening Sequence Analysis


• Throughout the opening sequence of the film, there's rapid change between each clip to make the action or energetic and keep the audience interested, for example, as Brian change gear, the shots move between a close-up of him driving, him changing gear and finally to an over the shoulder shot of him.

• This gives the scene motion and adds pace to the overall film.

All 3 shots occur within 5 seconds


• The opening sequence makes the cars and drivers the main subject, meaning that the Diegetic sounds (the engines and drivers talking) louder than the non-diegetic (the music), which adds pace and rhythm.

• Before the race starts the backing music is actually coming form the cars sound systems in the background, making the music diegetic until is cuts out when brain/ ‘Bullet’ makes his appearance.


• In the opening sequence of the film we see young adults, between 18 and 30 years old, possibly groups D and C, who have plenty of time to ‘pimp out’ their cars.

• The scene id full of activity, from people talking to racing and showing off.

• the male characters are seen tuning their cars and showing off, while the female characters are only seen talking amongst them selves, showing that the nights activities, and possibly the film, is aimed are males rather than females.

Camera Shots

• In the beginning of the opening Sequence close-ups are used to identify the main characters and a high angle wide shot is used to pan around the scene to show the scale of this gathering people, specifically young adults (possibly suggests the target audience).

• The difference between the authority and gender is too represented through the different shot types.

• Character such as Brian are shown using high angled, high key shots showing their importance.

• The male characters are also shown as more dominate as the camera is more focused on them and the female characters are in the background.

• An exception for this is how Suki is presented; to show that she is confident and head strong, the director has used high angles shots and she is also seen giving instructions to the others as they prepare for the race.

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