2013 su m m e r ba s k et ba l l c · 2013 su m m e r ba s k et ba l l ca m p re g i s t r at i o n...

Post on 03-Jul-2020






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2013 Summer BaSketBall CampMonday, June 24 - Thursday, June 27

6:30 pM - 9:30 pM

Boys & Girls are WelcoMe!

you are eliGiBle To enroll if you are GoinG inTo The 1sT Grade ThrouGh The 12Th Grade in The fall of 2013

all caMpers Will receive a free T-shirT

areas of eMphasis:passinG

Ball handlinG

fooT Work


& Much...Much...More

insTrucTional sTaff

csula head coachsTephen ThoMpson

eiGhT seasons as csula head coach

111 career Wins

csula ranked in The Top-5 naTionally in Three defensive


one of Three coaches in csula hisTory To lead TeaM To douBle-f iGure Wins ToTals

every season

RetuRn check & entRy foRm to: cSuLA AthLeticS c/o men’S BASketBALL5151 sTaTe universiT y drive, los anGeles, ca 90032

2013 Summer BaSketBall Camp

regiStrationRegistration fee is $150.00 per session and is on a

first come-first serve basis.There is a $30.00 cancellation fee benefiting the

Cal State L.A. Men’s Basketball Program.

evaluationUpon completion of the camp, each participant will receive a detailed personal skills evaluation form.

What to BringWater bottle

inSuranCe & mediCal CareParticipants shall only be covered for those

injuries which occur during sanctioned activities of this camp. Injury resulting from unsanctioned

activity is not the responsibility of camp organizers or Cal State L.A.

All campers must complete a release of liability form available at

www.CsuLAathletics.com/Campsand turn it in the first day of camp to be allowed to


emphaSiS on Fundamental BaSketBall SkillS

for More inforMaTion

2013 applicaTion (June 24-27)

contAct the cSuLA men’S BASketBALL off ice aT (323) 343-5870 or loG onTo The cal sTaTe

l.a. aThleTics WeBsiTe: W W W.csulaaThleTics.coM

Grade in fall 2013: circle one: Male feMale

(Make check payaBle To csula aThleTics)

naMe: aGe: phone:

school: BirThdaTe:

parenT or Guardian siGnaTure: T-shirT size: s M l Xl

address: ciT y: zip code:

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