-jlshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/13932/5/05... · 2015-12-04 · tmivene &r the...

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~·'l"a· . n 1!!-"'t!r"!!lrt'»a· -JL · ··u : · ·~GlN.n , b!~P.~···~,·- .... 1-·

The r.eGeareb too19 used to gather data necessary

for wtdarstandlfua the l•!st~re time aotlvtttes of coll(tgQ

.$tudent.s care desct:ibed tn t.hls chapte:J!f •.

Any reuareh ertdeavour in the field of' sociOlogy

would entail the co1leet1on of data and tts analysts.

Ma lysts means i.Qt.erp~et.atioa am gener~l.isati.ons abottt

·tne act1vttie:s of the wbject.s and tbe importance tbosc

aet.tvities have in tbeb GOclal lite. The analysis ls

bfJ$$'d on empirical reality which is obtat.Aed by eoll·octln-g


For oolleetl&n of data we ne(td to fo ll$Y a •methodole-mJI• Q YJI

whlcb may be defined as the "prinelples of crgeatsed

1nvest1gatlo~tba AOJ'm$ by ll'l$&ftS •f wb:lcb iaCtd!SU a"d

,lee!Jl&su•l are seleot~d and arttculat.~f McKinney (19591135).

According to McKinney,. f2:oe:JSi!a e. an be dGfined as a gene:r:a 1

fom or $VStem of understandi.ng lnvost$.gatton. &tid :fpcbJlts-yp

1s differentiated from procedun as a s~if,k tact finding

o·peratlon adapted fr1Jm til$ b$sic pnc&dm.-e•·

As peJ!' ~.ba objectivt$ tbls syst~omattc $\udy of

socl()lcgy of ltisure entellettt

1) The identtfl~att()n of •ntve·rse or ·the study 9X'OUJh

a·) TeehniqU\J.$/pr:ocedU~es of eollectltUIJ 4ata, and

3} Finally f.ts analysts anc.l int.et:J»:Gtatlon: •. :

tmivene &r the study poup is the first mov$ that ,helps

to deflt.U) or delimtt tl'le ares of stuay. Po:r our purpose

tdenttficatton of a limited n.Oe:r of colleges from 8fll0Arg.

a list ct • Colleges* of Delhi Un.tverst~y was tho first.

hurdle that needed careful hamtl.lng. 11d.s hurdle. wh.er~

eaeh c-ollege stood an equal chance of being included. as a

pct~ntlal study unJ .. t, was overcome by a process of ca.x-eful

selection, wbe:reby all those colleges were excluded from

tbe study tbat i

t) d ld Mt bav• a hostel attached.,.

11) did not offer almost all tbe subjects ln Arts

and Science courses at the unde~radu.ate level .•

Tb:ls markedly narrowed dowtl tbe ehDlce)~

Since tho study also atm.s to compSl"e tbe lelsgre

activitiee o·f mal.a ~nd fema.le stuctents,. the final selection

wa$ based en, the deciJ.lon to in(:lude t.bl'e·e collage$-..-one

purf!lY mal.t1 one 'Put'ely female &J!l4 one eo•eduoatlonal (mlxGd) . . ,-- . .

colleg.,, tn tt. .-tudy.-eacb of wbieb 1ft. lt$ own right

answE)red tht.l a))ove crtte:x-1a vl•~• havtnt a hostel attached-.

and Offertng <llftrost all. sul!;j.ects m Arts and Sclenc.e courses.

*Ll$t obtained from th4 Ptsnnin.g. Unit of .University Qf Dalh1 .. riJgardtn~ col.leges otfertng undergtaduate cours•s !n A.rts and sctenc·•·

. ·~

••Atthe tt..e of tbo Gtt,t\$y thet:t we,re flv~ ·rr.ely male <;oll$'gll$i:. 19 coedueatlcAal e.olleges and 1· pure,J.y· f~le colle9e·s_.,,

fi§LD, rfflAifii

The selection of eo lleges@ marked the be-gtnniag of

thtt ~U.ct+ld pbas~spread over a six-months period.. Th!S

phase was further divided into three intervals ..

1) The first Interval was the !i4mJ.llaE&.sa;tigl phase

in which oontact was made with the princi.pals of

the selected colleges. t.eaching c;.oi'MlUnity,s~udeftt

leadQrs and hostel administrators•

During this: phase the recort:ls of tbo thte·e

colleges were carefully combed-and a s·ubject...wls~

year-wise list of studEtrtt$ In each of the et>lleges

wa'a prepared. on tbe basis of this sample--st~e

was det~rmined .•

ll) The seeond interval mar\ed the !Xi, Ed iS ,po~,lBQiRI,.:Of.datii on the basls of preceded

quQstlonnat..-e;. and•

U1) lb, t'be thlrd or the final phase the field vtslts

were made wlt'h the tmpl:lclt purpose ·of flll&ns the gapS .t.n tbe stUdy and rechecking t.h~ data~

fl\e. samp1G t&"i&e was d~emin:ect. during 'tbe first

interval of th9 ft.eld phatte.•· A list .of student$ on :J':o1ls

~ . .. 8· ~.·m;-f.de.ally .. a .. _ll th~J tkr. ee···· co.-·· lleg·e·s tnat. m.ea. s.ure~

upto ot.a' .. criterta w~re _campus based. Tbi$ was purely c:hance and not intended •.

1n Arts and Science courses a,s \\!ell as repreaentin.g the

J.st. lind & III:rd years of Pass and Honours; eo.tJtt:ses: at

t~ undergradUate level was prepared from e acb of tbQS$


B-ased on the tatel student strength a 10 per c-ent

sample was selected from each of tbe colleges by applytng•

eYAU·-etagst a;.a1j.fJ~u !Y!.lfPaSJ,s. s~mallJ:!s.SsmlJ!ilua to obtain a fa.irly reJ:¢esewt.'ltl.ve sample of the student


At the time of the survey the tot a 1 students

stren,gth 1ft coed~aticmal college (Cs:;) was 1431, in

purely male college (JifC.). 1490 afl(i in purely f.emale

college(PR:) 1349~ Out oi which the finel sample drawn

frouu ~

cas W&$ ..tBi,t PW: was 171 and PFC was 173

(iruzluding the hostlers).

--~--............ ~.....-.............. --------......... ~---···." *Tbls $atl)pl'tng tecbnf.®e wa$. ,used a$ sta:tisttcs ·

W$re reqtd.rGd· separattly f.GJtt · ' · ~ · ·

.a,leach lfj9! Ct.n thb cese lst.IInd & I!Ird year stude.· :&. swell a.& hostlers· !ind day tchola.x-ti

b)ttar;.·b·~··li~Hm (·student$ enro.lled :tn .. var1o. u.· s Pas.s .·an4 mnourG coursas of. Arts and Sct.ence) so that the sample Wil$ "'tf()'l'm~ly spread ov.or the .anthQ· student' JiOPUlat lort··

lttom each. st.aga afi4 st.ratum(oxcept the hostlers} tbe\f!Jrst student. ·wa·s s·&l·ected . at random and then .eveey t.mib ~t-ent. :\'@$.~yet•atlc~l . .ly .fncl:ud.ed in the ~amplef: . . -~~:a-. ln tlloso .strat11 \"Jh·ere the student $tren.gtb ws& tai'r.&y low lt ~rr~ntf)d the inclusion of units at random for the sa~ of unlformltv-•~

I,. the sasQ of boetle:r$1 the etrengtb bein9 low: . a falrl:y large sample was selected for the s~ke of meanln9ful com;aJ'1sonta•·

in this way $35 boys a-nd gtrls who bff!longed to the

tbQn &UrrMt Uftdet'9raduate "generation• of the three

$elected cclteges of De1h1Un1veraity, from a t&tal of

4269' studaftt$,. were located. out of these 21 were

t.ll!mtnat~d from the study for reason th-at th&y were

foreign students and thus beyond the sco-pe of tbie ~udy.

TbU$ 514 students became· the ttniveu:ae of the final

study, of 9-Jhich 301 were boys, and 213 gl:rltW:.

The second il'lltorval of the field phase was mainly

confined to the coll-ection of data through

A. Obsewatlo,ft:t

B:e Intew-.ewgs a:Qd•,

09 QUentoma-ue methods.

n.~ ~.echn,tqu~ of -observation ts a prtmPry tool of

sctenttftc enquiry.,, Accordtno to Goodo $ Matt (lt52i1l9)

~tSc!ence ft-«Jln~ wtth observation and must utttmately r:etu'!n

•• obeew~ti.oft for its f.l-rtal validatton·f OUt pr0fe~ncea

a-ad ale;"'tnens •. thfl range end ck:tpth ct our knowledge and the

goals we set-Jk aU go 'to det<lJllminQ our pattetm .of .setec·ttve

observ.at ltm·if· Perilap-s tb.e 9~·eat.est asset of ob&ervat1onal

t·eGhnique ls that it mak•a· ~he possibiltt.v of roeord1ng

tV«'~~/b$havt.a~ simultaneously with th.elr epontsnQOU&

occu.r:rencec• Tht.s. teehnique was used ~brougbout the span of the\



tf.eld phase. SiAee obs~rvatlon does .ftet alwcays in\felve

active cooperation on the part of the respondent$, !t wa:a

eaa.y to observ~ tbem talkin~.h $m0kinc;Jct loaftng• tbek

fa·m11tar hangouts.,. eaateen vleits. frequett\lng way side

kiosks and even playing games•·

Tbia technique ftO't oaly aided the c~ntral foc;:ua of

researeh t.mt also enabled ~s to ()bserv~ respondents in

nonintentew sltuat1on:s.

s. lt.JTERV,IEn;~

Apart. frmn titbservatl<m the t~bnique of interview

enabl&s to reveal information aaut cemple~ •. emot.lonally

laden subjee'ts. lt also helps in probing the sentiments

that underlie an expressed opiatom. This t,aebrd.q-ue was

also use~ ttaroughf)ut the fi&ld phas-e to obtain intomatlon

regarding th., leisure activ1t1e-s ef respondents as lt

provided scope to prcbQ t.ha meantngs/ldeas/aentiments

COOO$tn1ng the leisure pattem-.

1n interview situatl~ns• as tar as possible... the

respond$Qts wore allqwed free~ ta express thenoe1ve$ on

ac;ttvltle~·~;, topl:c$• vtewpoSnts that might otherwise have

escaped not teo,·

c. !lUi~~--;

though ob$ervat iM and intGrview .t.echnlqU$$ we~e ua .•. d

throu9hout the first and second i11te.rva1s of the fleld pbaso

the matn part -of the data wa$ collected in the aeeond

ird~tlw&l by adminl.st·erlng a pxoeQodad questionnaire foE the

pw:pose of limiting tbe whole gamut. ·Of responses to t;peetfte

alternative·$ provided fer ea~h set of qu.estions. with

provision of responses other than those specified in

the columns markod aothet$rt where the respondent~ could .. .

e)(pres!i theil: own aetivit1~s/respe.nses/oidnlons.

The queGtlonn.aire was des1qnea specifically with e

ViG\V to meet tha requireme:lta of using computer fror J.ts

analysis .•

The preliminary questionnaire was desiqned at ·the

beginning of the study and was subnttted to lndiart Council

of Social Science Researeb (J'CSSR) doc~.r~entation centra

for e:t>itlcal evaluation and shortemaings, if any, for the

l)UX'pese o:f computer an.alysis.

The a pp:roved qu-&stionnaire was pret,estod on a '§lrOUp

of college students. ln the lt.ght of the respon$$S recorded

approprl.ate chan9es tfler~ made witb regard to tbe chotee of

items and \Vordlngs of questions• but the baste fo.rm rematned

th.e same tJD the' fi.na1 v~rston'! ThJs ba~~u form cons1st~

cf three s~tions,.

@,§lt;lgN.,l• the questt.ons in thls section r~lated

to the ,gmu;;ral biiickgrctuad of the :respondmts,.,theil' ' . .

life Gty).Q$,.perenta1 edtttlatton.income,socleill ,class.

college $ponsored activttie$., pee.r 4ro·up relation$

and What tllGY understood by the tem loi·sure\~

Each of the questions had a numtler of

e1t~u:nativ0$ bcstdes an !Jddittonal column fo.­

llsting responses othGr than those 9lvera~· The

respoasGe were cOdeci as per the requiremMtS of a

computer and a box was{Provided wf. t.h eaeb rospottse

wberoin the r\!\Spondents cculd "mark~

their choice.

!UJt;£IP,~ ll•Thts sactim ~tas speciftc~lly designed with the

puw-pose of determining the pattern of leisure time

ar;t:lv.ttlt!S of the student$ and included quest1Qns. not only

on socially aporov~ leisure aet.1vities lik~ readln~htno,,1e:s,,

sports,going to cafe1vislting but alstil on activities

generally not approved (temmi •tabooed pleasures• for tho

sake of convenience) such as dating, smoking1dr1ntd.ng,drug.

taking and gambling.

Sinee •mooey• forms an importan.t part of any one or

more of these activities questions on pocke-t money were

also included f.n this section.~, Apart. from these e question

on future pla.ns Wa$ also i.:ncluded.

Her-e again the qUestions v.tere l'J)reclse, vd.tb llst of

alteuHrtlvers and one column to teglster ttother• respOnses•

ln most of these ques:tlonst; the ro$pond··ents w0re asked to

ll;t .2!1. re$.ponses in ortter of prefereftCG:~4 In the case of

tebocad pleasures tbe q-uestions were· stralgbttomard,. No

att·~Pt was. mod.~ to dtaguise tbe qnortes tn any way;! '

~STION•~,t.t.- lbls seetlon i1Wl.uded .qU~stien$ on area flf

re$1d<mce, means of tranS6lOrt and .:samo questlonG s~ei,fiea1ly e..

for host~~..-thett hol'ldays,noettA.rnal activlt!es .a.Qi tho

extent of thelr fremtorn1 if any, to indulge in such lelSUX'f)

a~tviti..e·i as tbey pl$f).soct.,

At tbo ena· an open question was added prov1df..ng for·

thek genel'al remarb about the l.et·sure actlv1ties,react1o•

to the qttE!·sti-onnaire or any other information that the

respondents wo~ld J.ike to reveal/record.

Thus these ·t.bree sec;;tlons fo:nned a eohes1ve whole

cf on& qt~estiormaira ~s& questions wer$ chOS$'1l in such

a way that the a.n.Jw&rs would en~ble io~1S to detem1.1~e tbe

leisure aetivities of the college students,. Not only that,.

the ~ontent and wo'X'4ings of tl-le final questions wez:-e

e.arefully woJ:ked ou·t. and wl'itten in simple language for the

sake of clarity (se.e App$ndlxfi'Pl),. ·

With the oollQet ion af the data in t.he secono intena.l

of the field pnase the qoostionnai.res ~r1ere svstemattcally

se:rial!sed'• iecb q~stiennalre was closely studied w"'td

fncompl~t& o11"s were s.orted out and gai's lGcatad•

Th'9 .incomplete quest:tormaires w~r·e t:raced back to the

l'e$pondGn.ts in a bid t0 remov~ 98PS• Hol10Ver1 where

S$$ponde~lt:S could not b~ tr1-1ced the proforma had to be


B~S'id$S i.n~o{l)'plrete pro:foma,e, ambiquit.y also aecounterJ.

fO:l' the ;rejection ·Qf cortsln p!tltfo:rmae. In thS.s way out of

the total of 514 PJ::Sf~tm&G i9 bad to be :rqj.eet$d and thus

48& p:rofol.'Jlla~ bQC.a~ th~ abject ·Of our d~tatled analytical

study. .Of thas~ 282 we:re males ai'td 203 females•

The bulk o·f OUli ·data l'Ja$ co11ect4;)d by d1stribut!,ng

questl.nn.S~!r(t to t:he th:t1etted sam.ple of 114 respondf}nts-.·

To E~llclt frank t<esponaes from the respOnd~ta they were

assured tbart the &ll.rvey was coa:plfW!te1y eca.f1dentia1.

that nobedy in tbe college oz e1e~.re vu1u:a :going to ties

theb answe#t eJ(Cept the compUter. For tills reason the

re$~Ddents were not r.qu.bed to meatlon anywh•re tb&b"

ltae$ or roll numbei'G on the que-s~lonaalh. lnttead ea¢h

Golle~e we$ giv• a Seiip&r~t~ code whteh was •et~ alo.Atvdth

a separattt serial n\UlltJer assigRed to each st.udent. u ldenttfyiftg til$ _.eepoftdeAt·• The coll~e code and

l respondent$ aerial aumbea- wore k.-pt ceRflderrtial to be

used only if aQy queetl<mRa.ue was !Roompl•t••

A ll$t ef iftstl"UGtiont were attaCJ;bed wf.tb each

questi.oMaln em:phallls.iht ite anonya1ty and thua •ekiftg

cooperation from the restoftdeats. They were explained

the purpose of tile study artd a~dtefii to record '\hell'

re$}10R$d m tu $;p~ocprj.ate 'Jjox by Mting a 01"0$$ (X)


BeftJ~& dUtt"lttA!hg the q•stl~tb·e. ,e•S$slon w&.fl:

$OVtht f~ the p:rta•lpals el eaeh of idtQ collqe.J•~ 1bt

ctoPfJ"at!£.on of t!ta.chare •~• sovght w'b11• ftllhg tbe

qu~&tieM$tD~1 1'1\o se$,J'Omleata WtJX't <a~Jn:tact- ln tbt

classM-. i~UY:•. eantedl a·nd ·even. t.Gtel:~.,...·tnfac.t wbor.tve~

it W41c pe;tslble 1o ioc~te ,._.

At 1d1e ·\t..~ of -~dmlnitte:ring 1d~e €tutstton•a·lr~; attonymity

of the J:>e$Jl)DMent:s -~ al.nlitmt .,. -prctssur• wer~ matn\ained

'• a.vol4 f"'l;e »:GS'POftt;&s~~ fo aesuro cnaMim:um accuracy the

re$.Ptndents we•e ftettbeJ! left alottG nor tJ11owed to t$lk/

exc.bange ldEt&$/vttw$ wh$lher they we:rr·e lsl. 4less .• labs·. ,

ean:t.·tGllG~:.ban-gottts ol' 1lbraJ:1r.

Although filling que.st!onnah·e and e:ven tntervtewtng

theo under these ct rcumsteflees wa& difficult,. it wa.$ the

only way it could, he don• in a field study o·f the td.nd

whleb attenpts to reach ,every C$Se in the ~.KltllP~•


iafon~atlon about their at,;tivities, -tboUtJbts.ettttuctes and

in~erests·• Most of our titBe during the fleld phase was

spent in ohserv1ng,ta.Udng., questioning tbent.· OV$r a

pell'lod of time the itd.ttal 1nb.1biti(;fl'Ul gave way to easy

rapport and tke stud•nte came to aeeept our patesence as

normal in m&lly ,of theu actlvt.ti.es•

As the prospect of study on leisure act1vtt. tes

appea,l'ed to be ltttmefls.ely appealing to the students in

genera l•int.ervlewint aDd admtniste:ring que$tiormatr• dld

not pose any s~tous field problemsli' In tact the responso

was so ovex:whelming that. lt WS$ with peat difficulty that

we tutned dom. thoE;"e sttldM't$ who were toe willing. t-o be

include~ bl the ~tucty. lt>W$VaJ:1 they wer~ 1ftt~ntG91ed and

tbetr :rte$pons(;:a .noted down se~rately 1n, a cita.1i\f•" Ma.ny

of such resPGQdants happen(¥d ._ be th~ "know.eJ..J.e• and

they provld9d v:aluabl(il lnfo•ation about <Jattng plac•·s.

tabooed p.loasuJies e~:~: lfoweve;-, there was. S<XOe

hesttatlon en t:>toV1dlng information on drug taking

actlvitles-thls appta:ted to be a 1\ush•hush, sensitlv(t .. '

d•at-n C·f the students 1el$Ure a.;tivlti.es.~~ But wlth

patieace and time when the students realised that thek

act!vitt.es., pesitive oJ' negative. made.~ diffel'enc:e to

us,. that no tal•s were carrledt .at the same ttme

maintalntng a ftl)ft .... interfering and tsnQrttka1 attitude

Gve,xear.n.e tbe oJt.ltinel au.ap!cicm and tbey gradually gave

revealing and useful infornuation.

we also l$amed largely thro·ugh observation land

interviews who as nee: ta'ed w.itb whom and what a fi'OUP fl.d~~

Practieally all. typeG &t activitles w~.tre observable e~tcept

th$se as.sQelated vllth tbe Violation of the more s'trlngent

taboos like alt;.oho1,. drug behaviou sAd s!x*:. Venal etiid

observational infoJ"matlon cellected from respc;ndcmts am other &ou~es was recorded as t.t was ax~ssed or soon

after $.t was ohsened tn o.rder to preserve a$ ne.arly as

possi»le the original WD::rding ol' when it was still fresh

1n th~ mlnd of ·'the tnvtJ:s~1}a·tor ..

lnt.en'1·fNI$. ·ranted fl:Om m~eatd.n:gte&s,.,undt.rec:tqd .

conv~t'i&t'lon. \o df.rect.ed intarviewe,.~ e&ch stt.rJent

~tewtewed wa.s ·assut:u. 'that . ..,at he/$be. r.eve-a1eo would b¥#

kept conftd·~ttai am· that tbQ suec.e·ss (;f the study

d$pend$i ·ur»n tbta <:Qa4l·tion ...

The observation•. intel'Yl.as $nd questionnaS.ree . '

~~x;ated tile imfneQely vaJ.uab~• data ne"ed en tb~

actlvl.tie,s of tbe students wbtcb tor:rn~tl th·a basts of

ata'tbtkal/eota])Ut.e1f ana.1ys1&"•·,

I /

Analysis aad 1nteJ!.'1)retatlo:n of th data ~anerated

by ft.eld ?JOrt involved a aes:-·ies of highly tecbntca 1

. int4?rconn.eeted steps,. each requb1ru.a utmost care and

attention to the minutest. detail.

The analysts on the l~tsure activities ·ot st . ..Ssnts

was bas~ on the inferm.atloo coll$C\ed on the ftn.al 485

p:recoded questtonnab-eft'• The first step involved the

prepal'atlon &ad allotment of appropriate oodes fort

J.) all open-ende!d questions*

2) addltlona 1 information/remarks of the respendent . .s

(the&e we-:re claas.tfl..a sepsJ:"ately and used at

relevant pla~es a:& comnleat.$).

3) On the beets of Natton.al Cl.asstf!oatt"Oft of

Occupatloa$ curr~ntly 1n ;olentlftc uae; we

awlsmt. our O\wt oGcupattoll61 code for: the

pur-Pf)$~ of meaningful eompsrt&r.Jns•··

4) lncome groups.,•"

5) stl~t~ wnd l:lngtd.·st.tc elasstflcatlon based on

&a:s,v..a re~$rds.·

OMe thls inlt1a1 grro\md wol'k weta: over· tbe

questlonnatre.ES wete finally ett1tad and made :ready fot

the etnnpute,r. Slnce e•pUterisation of the data entails

ex"rt ise in Data Proeess iftg and Computer Programming, the

services of a Systems Analyst were procured to handle the

programme development and its application.

Poz: computterisatlon a detailed p.laa o.f analysis was

worked out. 'fhe computet department of Institute for Researeb

in neuical Statistics. IRMS, not only agreed to cemputerise

the data but also provided the profe~sional eMpertis& :ln

handling the progremme development and bnplementation.

Keeping ::in mind the f aetors of cost • time,

ava11ab111tyt a decision was taken to use l9!:J.QQQ

wh.lcb could a~c•pt the data directly frotn the questtomaires.

The entire (lata was !)exsonally fed to the computet., for

processing and a compUtet> listing wae obtained.- Thi$ was

cheeket'i for mistakes, i.f any• wblle •aedin9 the data.

A dotatled tabulation plan wa$ worked .out sp.,ctfylng

t.be soelo-Qeotmmic facton against whleh the leisure time

actt.vtt i.es ts'IGtt'l anal yssd.

*The deo$.slc~ to ue~. computer wa$ ba$ed _on. t~ sample slz~. multiple r~spi:31nse questions and 2•3 way tables :needed fer comparisons which would othervd.se bave entailod a lot of manual labou.~:.

Multiple· pro;rammQ& were fed to tbe eomi)UtEn:,•~ The

d~ta ~·• tber:a pJ'CMessed as per the tabuletton pl$11 and tbt·

compute1' o.utput obtained s~perat·ely for each college.. Tho .

output was deooded and put into ~equlst.te tabular forme.~

f'or the P'tl'PO$:e Gf oompsrati\re snalysis FJlaDy table$ were

combined and pet:'oent.age& wortcOd &Ut;* ...

Certain statistiGal t$stS were applied to 4etct~rmlno

the signifi.canee and eorreletlon between the varle;blQ

affecting telsu~e time aetiviti-es.. Chi Square (x2) te;t

v1as the tool to detsnnine the atgntficance ot thG le.lout"e

time aetivlties of the students f.or the. simple :reason

that tt ?le!ghs every ease tn the universe. prcpcrtlonete.lv

to every other esse. In such a ~est 5 per. cent ltNel of

pl'obahility we.$ adopted <:l& criterion of stgrd.ftcanc.e•

Tttts means that tho distribution of spseiflc 1&l.$Ut41

activity when measur:ed ~~a!nst tbo variables .:resutted in 4'

x'~ that ws& $l\lftificant at 5 per c:ent la"Yol of proba.bl.l.f.tir

when P L.•OS•· lhJ.$ stat1rtlca1 data was the ·ba·sls for tho

inwluGive. table$ & gl'apll$ presented £n thn ~l.ovant cbapters;t

Dat.a t:ollected by que$tlom~l.re artd t.nt.ervtews

$Utl.pleraqnt one artot:ber-:t: On$ prov!:d~,s tncigl\ts into tho

pr®eS-.GG$ op.erat.tv~ ln rn&n:y ft!cets ot' studtmts J.tf:e .and

the oth@·)!u;!lp$ t..o Qalculat<• tbt tnc!ctence of the

acttvitt:r,:ef.~ The l.ntervl~ provided explicit m&tel'ia1e

on the ·tnne.:r workings of the students' leisure a.ot.ivlt:lea:

unft>ldln(J events that etbe%\d$e could not be ob9erved by· ut'

Apart from 'tl\e tables they were also tased• wherever

just!f1ed, to illustrate specific tm;l:dents htghllgbtlng

the pet.t~m of students• leisure acttvlt:les,1 tn'tQrest$

and prefe!feQCes.

In analys.tng leisure tim~ activlti~s we llave been

concern.ed with both de·pendent and imf.ependent variablest

l) ;tfte Qmpeml-rftnt Yfa:labl.ti • signifY \~ varlablfia

with whieb the study prtmarlly deals. that is,,

the leisure time aetivl'ti.es of college students


lS.) Dv; .BJf!R!92eBJ;, V$;&-ab,&eA • a~e 'th0$e ·who:Sf

effect on. ·toe dep~Emt var-.iable i:s lntaftded

to be d,etemirled/m$aSul"ed., f·or example the

soc: iO>-ec&nomk; baGkgrotmd ( vi~•~ cceupaticn,

ed~~ti:ort.. ineome) ,, I

Menc& ln tho presentation of datA the leisure tlm'J

activit t.oa of the students have been mat·cbed aga.lftst tho

lndependent. ~variables throughout the analytical portlons.

of the reJQl't~ fttWev.er,. lt s.~tould ·b& noted that &11 tbt

•axttable# a~e not uaed for anelys.ls In all conter;ts; •. tho

emphasis wrl$ to foc.U:& on the salient var!ablea -t.n eaeh


We now tum to tbe analytkc.l description of tbe

leisur-e time activities. CUt: schema of presentation. of

data ls as follfJWS;#

- Hl9hllght$ the vital aoc!o~econcnnlc

background of the respondents~~

• Deals with the meanln~ and

deflnit1ons that have be.en usod

by various soeiologl$t·s to doscrib$.

t.tle concept of let.sure a longw1th $

descr1pticm of' what leisure meana ·

to student&~

- Pea la with the co lleqe spons:o:red

activit 1$'$ whi(;b are extracu.rrleula»

in aonteftt but bav$ an f.n~erent

e!oment of compulsion.. They

d.eecribe one dimension of leisure•

life of studen-ts.

""" Deals td.tb self..,.sP!)nscr.ed .l~gtttmati:e

eatlvtttes in which the students

participate on tbek free..wti.li: It

thus higbligbts the whole range of discretionary bebaviou.r pattern cf'

$tudettts. tha central theaw Of the

present study.

• Deals wltb tabooed pleasuxres,.~ He~e

'he f•us l$ :on thcs.e act.tvltle$

that entails .a violat1on of too $O«;lety'''s no•$ ana are the.refere,

generally not $oetal1y approvad~

time activities end blghltghtG the

co~ntoat!on a:Qd lnt~rae-1U.on patterna

regardir:t9 the most pepular self•

sponsored ac'tivitlest

""' Is the eoncludin9 eba,ptel" whtck

seeks to identify the pattem of .

leisu:re behaviour of students on the basis of the anelys,ls of tba

ent b:e range of their le,!sure time

aet i vi ties·-'

The study also attempts to ld,enttfy

some of the present trends 1n the

uses of letsu¥>et~ ·and areas of future


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