2016 pksr 1 paper 1 new pdf

Post on 10-Jul-2016






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NAME : ________________________________ CLASS : ________________

SECTION A (2 0 marks)

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. Lee Ann is using a ________________________ to send e-mails.

A. microphone B. photocopier C. typewriter D. computer

2. Datuk Lee Chong Wei is looked upon as a role _________________ in the sports circle.

A. giver B. maker C. model D. player

3. The taxi driver was praised for his ___________________ in handing over a purse left behind by a


A. generosity B. hypocrisy C bravery D. honesty

4. They are going to _________________ their friend's birthday at a hotel.

A. celebrate B. regulate C. tolerate D. imitate

5 The Kuala Lumpur Tower is a famous _________________ in the city.

A. landmark B. location C. centre D. point

Choose the most suitable proverb.

6. John submitted his assignment at the last minute although he was given ample time to complete it.

A. first come, first served C. out of the sight

B. at the eleventh hour D. at each other's throat

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Seals are warm-blooded mammals. Some ______________ (7) in the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans, while

others live in warmer seas. The seals have no legs, but they have flippers. These help them swim

_______________ (8). Being good swimmers help them in their hunt for food. They feed ______________ (9)

squids, shellfish, octopuses and fish.


7. A. live B. lived C. lives D. living

8. A. gracefully B. recklessly C. clumsily D. slowly

9. A. by B. on C. to D. with

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning of the underlined word.

10. Justin felt sick after eating the fried rice at the hawker stall.

A. fine B. hungry C. full D. greedy

11. Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

A. Our school held a recycling Day last Sunday.

B. Our school held a Recycling day last Sunday.

C. Our school, held a Recycling Day last sunday.

D. Our school held a Recycling Day last Sunday.

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

My father went to the carwash centre to wash his car. A _______________(12)took out all the mats to

dust them. There _________________ (13) two other cars still waiting to be ___________________ (14). My

father waited __________________ (15) for his car to be done.

12. A. man B. men C. mens D. mans

13. A. was B. were C. are D. Is

14. A. washed B. wash C. washes D. washing

15. A. patiently B. patients C. patient D. passion


Questions 16 to 20

Read the information below and answer the questions as follow.

* Certain animals are covered with hard scales. * Mostly big animals have thick and

These scales protect them from getting hurt. hard skin. This tough skin makes

them less likely to get hurt.

* Animals with hard shells like tortoise, snails, * Sharp spines are like needle. Animals

cockles and clamps hide themselves into their with spines raise them to scare their

shells when attacked. enemies.

*** Some insects use false eyes to frighten the other animals and some animals release poison onto their

enemies. ***

16. How many ways do animals protect themselves?

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 8

17. The phrase " less likely to get hurt " means ?

A. won't get hurt at all C. never get hurt

B. minimal chance of getting hurt D. possible to be wounded

18. Insects have false eyes to

A. confuse the animals C. shoot out light on their enemies

B. sleep peacefully without enemies around D. scare the enemies

19. Which one of these phrases has the same meaning as "release" used in the information above.

A. let go B. climb in C. fight out D. push out

20. What does the clamps do when being attacked?

A. hide themselves in their hard scales. C. hide themselves in their hard shells.

B. use the thick skin when attacked. D. use their sharp spines to scare the






SECTION B (30 marks)

Question 21

Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.

Write your answers in the space provided.


Answer :



( 2 marks )


Answer :



( 2 marks )


Answer :



( 2 marks )


Read the email below and answer the questions that follow.

Questions 22

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

(a) The recorder is an instrument that comes under the

brass family

wind family

stringed family

( 1 mark )

(b) To play a recorder, Joshua must use his

fingers and thumb

mouth and hands

mouth and left thumb

( 1 mark )

To Joshua @gmail.com

Subject Recorder Lesson

Hi Joshua,

Thanks for your mail. I must apologise for not writing to you earlier. It's because I have been

very busy adjusting my life in the city.

My new school here is huge with many classes and many activities to join. I have joined

the Music Club as one of my co-curricular activities. The teacher in charge is our music

teacher, Miss Leow. We are learning the recorder now. The lesson is held once a week.

The recorder is an instrument that belongs to the wind family of instruments. They can be

made of wood or plastic. In school, we use the plastic ones because they are cheap and

easy to maintain. First, we learn how to hold the recorder with our hands and where to

position our fingers. We must cover the holes with our fingers, and the left thumb must cover

the hole at the back of the recorder.

The first three notes we learn were B, A, G, and we could blow the songs, Hot Cross Buns

and Mary Had A Little Lamb. I really enjoy the lesson. If you are interested to know more

about the recorder, you may log on to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recorder.

Let's keep in touch. Take care.

Regards, Alvin


Write your answer in the space provided.

(c) Why do you think Alvin apologised in the email?



( 2 marks )

(d) In your opinion, which recorder would you like to buy, wood or plastic recorder? Why ?



( 2 marks )

(e) Do you think that Alvin enjoys learning recorder? Give a reason for your answer.



( 2 marks )

Study the poster and answer the questions that follow.



The campaign is held on every first Sunday of the mouth.

* Take part in the "Say No To Plastic Bag" campaign and

do your part to save the environment.

* Use and reuse this shopping bag which is durable,

washable and reduce the use of plastic bag.


Price during campaign : RM2

Normal price : RM 3.90


Questions 23

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

(a) From the poster above, we know that the campaign is mainly for ....

school children only

government servant only


( 1 mark )

(b) If you are coming to Servay Supermarket during the campaign, you will be entitled to....

purchase a reusable shopping bag for RM3.90

purchase a reusable shopping bag for free

purchase a reusable shopping bag for RM 2

( 1 mark )

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B.

List A List B

The campaign is about RM3.90 every first Sunday of the month.

The reusable shopping bags costs can reduce usage of plastic bag.

The shopping bag is stopping the use of plastic bag.

Using shopping bag durable and washable.

( 2 marks )

Write your answer in the space provided.

(d) What would you do after looking at the poster?



( 2 marks )


(e) Do you think that people will be using the reusable shopping bag when they go shopping?

Give reasons for your answer.



( 2 marks )

Study the flyer and read the dialogue below. Answer the questions that follow.

Fiona : Mum, look at this flyer ! It's from the Smart Supermarket that we often go to.

Mum : That looks like a good sale, Fiona. I think we should go and check this out .

Fiona : Yes, Mum. I do need a few essential things for school next year and they are on sale here.

Mum : If you don't have any plans this evening, why don't we drop by the supermarket and check

out the sale?

Fiona : I am free this evening, Mum. We can go to the supermarket.

Mum : Very well. Fiona, please write a list of what you need to buy for next year.

Fiona : Yes, Mum. That's a good idea. I'll go do that list now.

Mum : Good. Do tell your brother to write down a list too.

Fiona : Okay, Mum.


Questions 24 and 25

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

24. (a) Fiona is the sixtieth customer. She will get a .......


pencil case

writing paper

( 1 mark )

(b) "It's from the Smart Supermarket that we often go to," The word It's in the dialogue refers to

the ...




( 1 mark )


(a) Why do you think Fiona's mother said that?




( 2 marks )

' ...... write a list of what you need to buy for next year."


(b) Do you think it is wise to buy essential things when they are on sale? Why?

Give a reason for your answer.




( 2 marks )

(c) Why do you think the supermarket is having a back-to-school sale?




( 2 marks )




1. D

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. A

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. A

11. D

12. A

13. B

14. A

15. A

16. C

17. B

18. D

19. A

20. C


21. (a) These are paddy field.

(b) Why are you crying, Siti ?

(c) Goodbye son. Take care.

22. (a) wind family

(b) mouth and hands

(c) Alvin apologised for not being able to write to Joshua earlier.

(d) I would buy plastic recorder because it is cheap and easy to maintain.


(e) Alvin enjoys learning recorder because he is able to blow songs and learn notes.

( accept any suitable answers )

23. (a) everybody

(b) purchase a reusable shopping bag for RM12

(c) The campaign is about stopping the use of plastic bag.

The shopping bag is durable and washable.

Using shopping bag can reduce usage of plastic bag.

(d) I would go to the Servay Supermarket and purchase the reusable shopping bag

for RM 2.

(e) I think people will use the reusable shopping bag because they can help to

reduce the usage of plastic and able to save the environment.

( accept any suitable answers )

24. (a) pencil case

(b) flyer

25. (a) Fiona's mother wants her to buy things needed only.

(b) Yes, because we can save our money and buy more things that we really need

for school.

(c) Parents will be able to buy things for their children before the school reopen and

they will get discounts on the things bought and these will help to save their

Budget too.

( accept any suitable answers )

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