2021 general election

Post on 15-Apr-2022






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2021 General ElectionInformation session for candidates:

The voting process

September 7 and 8, 2021

* Please note: This session is being recorded.

Elections Calgary


Elections Calgary is committed to a safe, accessible

and legislatively compliant election.

Topics covered:

1. What’s on the ballot?

2. Nominations & withdrawals

3. Voting options• Advance Vote

• Election Day• Special (mail-in) ballots

4. Voter experience: What to expect inside the voting station

5. Accessibility

6. Voter awareness campaign

About this information session

9. COVID-19 precautions

10.How to mark a ballot

11.Ballot markings



14.Q and A

Municipal ballot

• Mayor (select 1 candidate)

• Councillor (select 1 candidate)

• Calgary Board of Education trustee (select 1

candidate), OR

• Calgary Roman Catholic Separate School

District trustee (select 1 candidate)

• Council directed question (select YES or NO)

Are you in favour of reintroducing fluoridation of

the municipal water supply?


Provincial ballot

• Senate Election (select up to 3 candidates)

• Referendum question (select YES or NO)

Should section 36(2) of the Constitution Act, 1982 -

Parliament and the government of Canada's commitment

to the principle of making equalization payments - be

removed from the constitution?

• Referendum question (select YES or NO)

Do you want Alberta to adopt year-round Daylight Saving

Time, which is summer hours, eliminating the need to

change our clocks twice a year?

What’s on the ballot?

• Ballots are single-sided, 81/2” x 14”

• Acclamations. Any acclaimed offices will be indicated on the ballot, but the name of candidate elected by acclamation will be excluded.

• Incumbents are not indicated on the ballot.

• Names. Names will appear as indicated on Form 4 in order of first, middle name/initial and surname.

• Candidate order. Names will appear in 12 pt. font, ALL CAPS, in alphabetical order by surname.






Ballot details

• Senate election candidates. Party affiliation will be indicated on ballot.

Nomination Day:

• Last day to receive nominations is Nomination Day [Monday, September 20 by 12 pm (noon)]

• Nominations received at Elections Calgary office ONLY:2340 22nd St. N.E.

• Do not send nominations forms by mail or leave in secure drop box at City Hall/Municipal Complex.

• Withdrawals:

• Last day to withdraw is Tuesday, September 21 by 12 pm (noon).

• Withdrawals must be in writing, with an original signature.

• Use Statement of Candidate Nomination Withdrawal Form.

Nominations & withdrawals

• Voter guide to every household (weeks of Sept. 27 & Oct. 4)

• Voting options

• Voter checklist

• Who is running – Candidate list based on ward

• Where to vote

Voter awareness campaign

• Voter eligibility

• ID requirements

• What’s on the ballot

• Special (mail-in) ballots processes

• Accessible voting options

• COVID-19 safety measures

• Voter information card to every household (week of Sept. 20)

• Specific voting location information for voters residing at that address.

• Locations for where to vote for Advance Vote (weekday and weekend) and Election Day.

• “Where do I vote?” tool

• Notices and ads

• Legislative requirements for notice of Nomination Day and Advance Vote with ads placed in the Calgary Herald and surrounding areas.

• Ads through TV, radio, Spotify, YouTube, bold signs, billboards, community newsletters, etc.

• Translated digital and print ads to advertise the Advance Vote and Election Day.

Recruitment• ~3,600 election workers recruited for

• Presiding Deputy Returning Officer

• Assistant Deputy Returning Officer

• Deputy Returning Officer

• Ballot Clerk

• Tabulator Officer

• Information Officer

Youth program:16-17 year old (Information Officer)

Training• Varies by position

• Online: 1 hour

• In-person: up to 4 hours

• Webinar: 1-2 hours

Election workers: Calgarians from all walks of life

Voting options

There are three (3) vote options


1. Advance Vote (Oct. 4 – 10)

2. Election Day (Oct. 18)

3. Special (mail-in) ballot, if eligible

Advance Vote, October 4 - 10


• Advance Voting opportunities

• Weekday: 33 locations (includes City Hall)

• Weekend: 29 locations

• Voting stations are designated by community and may serve up to three wards.

• Monday to Friday: 8 am – 7 pm

Sat: 10 am – 7 pm

Sun: 10 am – 3 pm

• City Hall (Mon – Fri), 2 stations: Wards 1-7 & Wards 8-14

• Voter Assist Terminal (VAT) available at all Advance Voting locations.

• Outside Calgary separate school advance opportunities coordinated with

Airdrie, Chestermere, Cochrane and Rockview County.

Advance Vote, October 4 - 10


Other advance vote opportunities

• Care facilities (residents only)

• Shelters (residents only)

• CCSD only: Locations in Airdrie, Chestermere, Cochrane and Rockyview


• Post-secondary student vote

– 9 am to 6 pm daily

– 2 stations at each location: Wards 1-7 & Wards 8-14

▪ Bow Valley College (Oct. 4 & 5)

▪ University of Calgary (Oct. 4 & 5)

▪ SAIT (Oct. 6 & 7)

▪ Mount Royal University (Oct. 6 & 7)

Election Day (October 18)


• 187 locations across the city

– Each voting sub-divisions (VSD) is no larger than 6,500 electors

– 8 am to 8 pm

– PD day for both school boards: no students in schools

• Hospitals: (9 am to 6 pm)

– Calgary Foothills Hospital

– Peter Lougheed Centre

– Rockyview General Hospital

– South Calgary Health Centre

• CCSD only: 8 locations planned for Airdrie, Chestermere and Cochrane

• Must meet eligibility criteria to apply for a special ballot:

• You have a disability or illness preventing ability to attend in person; or

• You are working, vacationing or studying away from your place of residence; or

• You are an election worker, a candidate, campaign worker or scrutineer.

• Request online at ElectionsCalgary.ca or contact 311.

• Accepting requests from August 3 to noon on October 18.

• Instructions on how to fill-in and seal the package will be sent to voters;

translated instructions will be available online.

• Must be returned to Elections Calgary for processing by 4pm on Election


• See ElectionsCalgary.ca for mail-in ballot details.


Special (mail-in) ballots

Special (mail-in) ballot drop-boxes

Mail-in drop-box process:

• Drop-boxes will be made available to electors on September 27, 2021.

• From September 27 to Election Day (October 18, 2021) pick-ups will be scheduled once a day, 7 days a week.

• On Election Day (October 18, 2021) couriers will be doing a coordinated pick-up at each location simultaneously at 4 pm and uninstalling drop-boxes.

Special (mail-in) ballot drop-boxes

Drop-box locations:

• Country Hills Library. Located within the Vivo complex.

• Nose Hill Library

• Fish Creek Library

• Seton Library. Located within the Seton Y complex.

• Elections Office 2340 22nd Street N.E.

• City Hall Municipal Building 24-hour secure drop-box. East side of building that faces the Central Library.

Completing a special ballot

• Video

• Accessible voting station sites

• Facilities were inspected to identify accessibility considerations

• Accessible by public transit

• Free transit ticket program

• Voter assistance machines are available at Advance voting stations.

• Voter may bring a friend or family member to assist. Staff are also trained to assist.

• Mail-in option available

• Magnifying glasses available at every voting station


• Working with Access Calgary to ensure staff are aware of the election

• Posting accessibility information through the “Where do I Vote?” online tool

• Posters on site indicating which languages are spoken at the voting station. Election workers will have badges to indicate what languages they are familiar with.


Elections Calgary continues to follow all health and safety requirements of The City of Calgary and Alberta Health Services.• All election workers will wear masks or face shields and are encouraged to be


• Single use golf pencils provided for each voter.

• Voters encouraged to bring their own pencils or ball point pens.

• Masks or face shields will be required to be worn by voters, candidates and their scrutineers.

• Masks and hand sanitizer available at voting stations.

• Voters encouraged to complete registration form at home in advance.

• Frequently touched areas sanitized throughout the day.

• Social distancing signs and line management.

Voter experience

What to expect in the voting station

How to vote •Video

Marking a ballot

How to mark a ballot

• Fill in the bubble to the right of the name of the candidate or answer of choice.

• Voters may use their own pen/pencil. A single use pencil will be available.

• Voter assist machines (e.g., sip and puff, enlarge for visual, audio recordings) assist voters to mark their ballot independently.

• Statement of interpreter will be available.

• Scrutineers cannot assist a voter.

• Voter will be asked to wait until their ballots have been processed by the tabulator.

Vote tabulation technology

• Local Authorities Elections Act and Bylaw 35M2018 (Elections Bylaw) authorize use.

• Successful use in 2018 Olympic vote of the electors, other jurisdictions.

• Improves speed, accuracy and timely reporting of results.

• Each tabulator and associated software is thoroughly tested and secured before, during and after use.

• Elections Systems and Software (ES&S) vendor for election.

• The tabulator scans and tabulates ballots. Marked ballots are stored in a secure ballot box.

• The tabulator uses physical and digital security keys, including lockable doors, tamper-evident seals and access codes to ensure tabulators are secured.

• Secure storage and access.

• All data in the tabulator is digitally signed and encrypted using industry standard technologies.

Vote tabulation technology, Cont’d


Vote tabulation technology, Cont’d


• Rare occurrence

• Tabulator has battery should temporary power failure occur

• Should a mechanical failure occur, ballots placed into axillary slot

• Processed after the close of voting station

Tabulator disruption

Ballot markings pt. 1

Rules set out in Election Bylaw and Local Authorities Elections Act

Over-votesWhen a voter has marked more than the permitted candidate or answer for that contest.

For example, two markings for mayor.

• A beep will sound when one contest is over-

voted. Voter has two choices:

1. Voter can correct their ballot. They are

offered a replacement ballot, and their original

ballot is marked SPOILED.


2. Voter can choose to leave the ballot 'as is' and

the tabulator will record that contest as "over

voted” and their vote in that contest will not

count toward total. Any properly marked

contests on the ballot will be counted.

Ballot markings pt. 2

Rules set out in Election Bylaw and Local Authorities Elections Act

Blank ballots

When a voter intentionally leaves all contests blank on a ballot, or does not mark their ballot properly by completely filling in the bubble to the right of the candidate or answer of their choice.

• A beep will sound on the tabulator when all contests are left blank. Voter has two choices:

1. Voter can correct their ballot. They are instructed on how to mark their ballot properly and return to do so.OR

2. Voter can choose to leave the ballot 'as is' and the tabulator will record contests with nothing in any bubble as blank.

If a voter has properly marked their ballot for one contest and left the balance

of the other contests blank, the tabulator will not beep and the ballot will be

accepted. The tabulator will count any contests where the bubble is filled in.

Ballot markings pt. 3

Rules set out in Election Bylaw and Local Authorities Elections Act

Unreadable ballots

• A beep will sound on the tabulator when all contests are left blank. Voter has two choices:

1. Voter can correct their ballot. They are instructed on how to mark their ballot properly and return to do so.OR

2. Voter can choose to leave the ballot 'as is' and the tabulator will record contests with nothing in any bubble as blank.

Ballot markings pt. 4

Participation in a contest

• A voter may choose not to vote in an election, question or referendum.

• An election official is obliged to issue a ballot to a voter, even if they choose not to vote.

• A ballot returned to an election official when issued is recorded as a “rejected ballot.”

• Voter may choose to leave their ballot blank, or only participate in contests of their choice.

Spoiled ballots

When a voter makes a mistake when marking their ballot or their ballot is misprinted, a replacement ballot is required.

• The original ballot is marked as spoiled and placed in “spoiled ballots” envelope.

• Voter is provided with a replacement ballot.

Voting stations

1. After close of voting, in presence of any candidates or scrutineers, election officials:

• Remove any ballots submitted via the auxiliary slot from the auxiliary compartment

• Set aside any ballots where identity of voter has been revealed (e.g., voter signed ballot) [must be rejected]

• Determine where voter intent is clear, but ballot has been marked incorrectly (e.g., outside bubbles or faint marking in bubble), as well as damaged ballots

• Prepare a replacement ballot. Mark original as spoiled.

2. All ballots run through tabulator:

• Blank ballots accepted

• Over voted ballots accepted

• Candidate/scrutineer may object to how election officials interpreted and/or replicated voter’s ballot. Election official’s determination is final.

Processing ballots in auxiliary compartment

Processing mail-in ballots

Mail-in ballots (Elections Calgary office)

1. After 8 am on Election Day (Oct. 18), in the presence of any candidates or scrutineers, election officials:

• Open ballot envelopes and run them through high-speed tabulators.

• Any blank, overvoted or defective ballots queued to a separate tray.

2. Ballot adjudication

• In presence of any candidates or scrutineers, election officials:

• Collect any ballots that were queued into separate tray for adjudication.

• Review and reject any ballots where identity of voter was revealed (e.g., voter signed ballot)

• Identify where voter intent is clear, but ballot was marked incorrectly (e.g., outside bubbles or faint marking in bubble), as well as damaged ballots.

• Prepare a replacement ballot, spoiling original.

3. Election officials run adjudicated ballots through tabulator.

4. Results may be produced after 8 pm.

• Candidate/scrutineer may object to how election officials interpreted and/or replicated voter’s ballot. Election official’s determination is final.

Not permitted in the voting station

No campaigning.

• No one can wear campaign materials such as:• Buttons

• T-shirts• Hats

• Signs• Stickers, etc.

• No campaign signs inside the voting station or on voting station exterior property including parking lots.

No photography or video recordings. • No selfies.• No pictures of your ballot.• No social media live streams.

This applies to everyone in the voting station: voters, election workers, candidates, official agents and scrutineers.

ScrutineersScrutineers represent candidates, parties or a side of a

question at the voting station, to ensure fairness and

transparency; and, to observe election procedures and

the counting of ballots. (Elections Alberta)

• Rules for scrutineers are defined by the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA).

• Scrutineers are appointed by candidates or the Returning Officer.

• Must complete scrutineer appointment form and statement of scrutineer at the voting station.

• Candidate or official agent can act as scrutineers.

• Scrutineers must be at least 18 years old.

• Scrutineers must not have been convicted of an election

offense in the previous 10 years.

Where can scrutineers be?

Scrutineers can attend the following:

✓ Advance voting stations including

• U of C, SAIT, MRC and BVC

• City hall

✓ Election Day voting stations

✓Counting centre at Elections Calgary office at 2340 22 Street NE.

• Mail-in ballots: 2nd floor.

• Adjudications: main floor.

• Results generation for advance, hospitals, and institutional votes: Warehouse area

• Recounts (if required)

Scrutineers cannot attend voting stations at:

X Hospitals

X Care facilities

X Shelters

Election signsElection signs are treated the same as all other temporary signs until Election Period which runs from the close of nominations to the close of polls on Election Day (September 20 – October 18).

Prior to Election Period During Election Period (Sept 20 to Oct 18)

Maximum Surface Size 0.6 square metres 3 square metres

Maximum Height from the Ground/Grade

0.92 metres 2.5 metres

Maximum Width N/A 3.05 metres

Display Period 14 consecutive days in the same location.

Can be in the same location for the entire Election Period.

Distance from Intersections 15 metres 15 metres if smaller than 0.6 m2 30 metres if larger than 0.6 m2

Rules for Sign Removal Must be removed after 14 consecutive days on display.

Must be removed within 72 hours after polls close.

• Election Day unofficial results will be generated in each voting station. Tabulator results tapes will be printed and posted for candidates/scrutineers to view.

• Unofficial results from the advance voting period and special (mail-in) ballots, will be generated at the Elections Calgary office. Tabulator results tapes will be printed and posted for candidates/scrutineers to view.

• Unofficial results will be securely transmitted via private and secure segregated network to a stand-alone server located in a secure city facility.

• Compiled, unofficial results streamed after 8 PM (link from electionscalgary.ca).

• Citywide total votes: mayor, fluoridation question, Senate election and referendum.

• Ward-level votes: councillor, public and separate school trustees.


• Voting station by voting station results are released before October 20, noon (electionscalgary.ca)

• Official results are released by October 22, noon.


• By 4 pm on Wednesday, October 20

• Application must be made to the Returning Officer

• 12 hours before a recount

• Elections Calgary notifies candidates/scrutineers and staff

• By noon on Friday, October 22• Recount must be done prior to the time set for the

declaration of results

• Candidate, agent, or scrutineer makes a written application that shows grounds that the Returning Officer deems reasonable.

• Returning Officer considers:

• Valid ballots objected to

• Rejected ballots (not blanks)

• Are these sufficient to affect the results if they had not been counted or rejected? Or;

• The Returning Officer believes there was an administrative or technical error.

• Due to use of tabulators, per Local Authorities Elections Act, a judicial recount not permitted.


Questions and Answers

• Submit your questions in the Q and A field.

• Can submit questions anonymously.

• Q and As will be posted on electionscalgary.ca in a couple of weeks, along with a copy of the presentation and recording of the session.

Contact us

Elections Calgary

Tel 403-476-4100

Web: www.ElectionsCalgary.caEmail: candidates@calgary.ca

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