258 leveraging the big 5 twitter, you tube, googleplus, facebook and linkedin facilitator guide

Post on 19-May-2015






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Lisa Ann Landry spoke this year at #IVECCS13 on the topic of Social Media in this session she addresses how Push Marketing on social media annoys people and the consequences. She suggests instead using the Baskin Robbins Little Pink Spoon Method of education based marketing. You also gain ideas on interacting with Your Customers, Fans, & Trolls and learn some of the Goals You Can Accomplish with Social Media Marketing.


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This presentation and PDF was created by

Lisa Ann Landry - Social Media Marketing Trainer

Co-Creator - The New SNCC Way - Strategies, Networking, Customer, Capitol


I’m happy to work with individuals and organizations to teach you social media. When you

connect with me on my social sites you will see I share content about social media so you

learn about it through our connection.



Social Media is Not the Place for Push Marketing!

Before you can leverage the Big 5 you’ll need to get a few things straight: Why? Traditional marketing

methods such as radio or television commercials, billboards, and print advertisements are defined as

interruption marketing. They interrupt you from what you’re doing to be heard. Some brands use the social

sites such as Facebook and Twitter in the same way. Those of you who have liked brand pages may have

experienced this type of marketing, and felt spammed. For example, A few years ago I was given and iPad for

my birthday and was so pleased with it I started Tweeting about it.

• I got a new iPad!

• I luv my new iPad and all the things I can use it for.

• No more hard cover books, paper document, or paper anything why? IPad! Yippee!

As soon as I used the word “iPad” I start getting spammed, “You’ve just one a new iPad”, “You’ve won a gift

certificate for a new iPad” and so on. Getting spammed on these sites is aggravating. You may have thought

you had no way to avoid spam. The reality is you do have options. You can unfriend or un-follow, block them

from your page or report them as a spammer.

Push marketing on the Social Platforms has Negative Consequences

As a brand you must understand that push sales behavior turns your fans off and they don’t call you to inform

you that they are disconnecting with you. When you lose your fans you have defeated the purpose of being

on the sites. I was doing a Facebook marketing seminar in Pasadena there were about 70 people in my

program. We were discussing expectation an attorney in the room said he wants to know how to set up the

Facebook page so no one can post anything on it. There is a keyword in social media. It’s SOCIAL. Does that

sound social to you? I asked why have a Facebook page? The Attorney said to push our message out. I don’t

think you have to read between the lines to understand what he was saying - he wants to use social media to

do push marketing. Instead of using push marketing, the social sites are best used to do inbound marketing

(Mirman, 2008) also called content marketing (Kuperman, 2011) or what I describe as education based

marketing (Landry, Education Based Marketing the Baskin Robins Way, 2013).


Sell Your Products & Services Using the Baskin Robbins Little Pink Spoon Method

At Baskin Robbins there are baskets of little pink spoons (LPS) all over the store. Their purpose is to

entice you to sample the flavors in hopes you buy a gallon or 31. Never have you been at Baskin Robbins

and been told “You’ve reached your limit I’m cutting you off.” One of the easiest places to do education

based marketing is through blogging. Think of your blog as the gallon of ice cream. Creating content for

small business (Baker, 2013) is time consuming, once you put in the time why not leverage it by

sprinkling LPS of juicy morsels of goodness around to your other social platforms?

I see blogging as the foundation of our social media work because it also helps achieve PRESENCE.

Presence helps us get found (Zarella, n.d.) by the people who are willing to pay for what we have to

offer. The Reality is we can only be in one place at a time but a blog offers:

• International presence – 24/7

• A platform for education based marketing

• A place to build credibility, influence, & trust – this makes people want to buy your stuff

• A unique time stamped & dated URL for every post (Search engines love URL’s)

To drive home the my point there is a story about Cindy Gordon, VP of marketing at Universal Orlando

Resort who was responsible for promoting the Harry Potter Theme Park (Kuhel, 2012). All though she

had a budget she simply invited 7 highly influential Harry Potter bloggers and the award winning British

production designer (creator of the Harry Potter sets) Stuart Craig to a midnight webcast were the

bloggers were able to talk and quiz him. Of course they blogged about it and within 24 hours how many

people do you think learned about the Harry Potter theme park? 350 million people learned about the

new theme park. How much money did Cindy Gordon spend? $0


Wrap Your Head around Interacting with Your Customers, Fans, & TrollsBusiness are hesitant to participate on the social site because of concerns about complaints, negativity, etc. I don’t believe you can avoid being talked about. Why not listen to the conversation and participate? Why not look at complaints and negativity as opportunities to improve. Social media is excellent for giving brands the ability to interact, listen, provide customer service even improve your products and services. But you have to listen and participate in the conversation. Case in point, I’m a long time Sprint customer and did a lot of research when the revolutionary HTC EVO smart phone was announced. At that time iPhones weren’t on the Sprint network otherwise that would have been my likely choice. I loved my EVO so much I wrote a poem about it called Ode to My EVO (Landry, Ode to My EVO, 2010) and posted it on the Sprint Forum for Android devices. You can see the poem was posted November 6th, 2010. I had no response what so ever from Sprint so I made a video out of it and posted at the Sprint Forum on February 21st, 2011. Finally I got a response from a Sprint tech RC1024 Jul 19, 2011 5:53 PM and this is what he said: “Beautiful work, I love it, and it makes me happy!”

An analysis of the situation clearly shows Sprint had the opportunity to engage with a raving fan (who writes poems about their phone?), provide customer service, build goodwill and awareness with another 2586 others. They missed the opportunity to deliver customer service to correct a few problems (battery issues and forced close errors). When the tech finally responded he complete missed the mark. This is an example of a disengaged brand. The tech should have said something like “there are extended life batteries for that phone here’s a link to a website where can get one, or forced closed errors are common problems on these devices here’s a link to a technical forum where you can get corrective instructions”. In contrast I had an issue with a rental from National Rental Car (Landry, National Rental Car, 2011) and out of frustration sent this tweet:

Guess what, they responded which means they were paying attention and listening. Their response was prompt and in a non-defensive manner. This is what they said: You may wonder how they knew about my tweet. It’s because they were using some kind of monitoring tool like Google Alerts (Landry, Google Alerts for content ideas , 2013) or Social Mention (Lokitis, 2012). You too can use these tools to monitor conversations, conduct competitive research, and identify content ideas.


Goals Can Accomplish with Social Media Marketing

There are hundreds of social media platforms the ones you choose depend upon your

goals. Goals you want to achieve can include:

• Building credibility,

• Becoming an influencer

• Building trust

• Creating raving fans,

• Gain customers, strategic partners, press, and qualified leads.

So how do you make that happen? By using the Baskin Robbins method of education based

marketing. Decide which goals are most relevant now and adjust as you mature with social

media. Applying these strategies will make creating engaging, valuable, relevant content

fun and easy. Get more depth in these types of strategy by taking my program Strategies for

Marketing Successful in Social Media (Landry & Evanston, 2013).


Applying these strategies will make creating engaging, valuable, relevant content fun and

easy. Get more depth in these types of strategy by taking my program Strategies for

Marketing Successful in Social Media (Landry & Evanston, 2013)


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