2residential corner

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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Residential area

1 table & circular chair

Chairs arrangement

By rows and single file

No interaction

Is this enough?


users elderly



Timing they visit?

Initial observation of the location & my feelings..


Empathy map??

Observe with different timing?



Do observation

Objective: creating a residential corner that is beneficial for the users when they interact with the surrounding


Dirty & unhygenic Elderly?

Chairs are facing different direction from the table


Rubbish chute,, consider this place also in part of designing(16/11/2011)

After observation

• Visit the place- record the most crowded period of the timing-

- Measure the area… dimension..

Observe the surrounding..

• Observe the activities

- Interview the elderly

• Learn from the elderly what they want?

personaWalk through



• Saw a man reading a newspaper and writing something on a diary which he had.(14/10/2011) at

• See elderly..

• Saw two men talking(15/10/2011)- middle aged men

• Saw a coke cane on the table that was not thrown—inference( looks like the person came there to chill) dustbin was present in the corner then why..?

Removals of the tables and the tables are re arranged.

Looks cramped..People might have problem getting out from the seat.

Looks spacious at front, and side

Looks bit cramped

Should I change the type of chairs here..?

Can I increase the size??

Do I really need so many chairs???


• Can I change the color of the walls?

• Too many chairs can be reduced?

• Can I but chairs in different shapes and sizes?

• How to get rid of the smell and keep the place more hygeine?( serious)

Should go and observe other residential area???


Improve the smell and look??

Fresh air….

Fresh air


Candles to be light up..

What about day??

Air refresher??

Spray ??




Might last whole day


Observation of people using??

• Saw a man reading newspaper..

• Have a coffee , on bag

• Was sitting there for about 50 mins. (13/11/2011)

Another man was sleeping on a chair.,, while sitting down

A woman in her fifties with a toddler,, trying to feed the child

twenty mins later left the place

Why plants?

• Plants to beautify the environment.

• Need to get rid of the smell, so that people breathe fresh air

• Plants would calms the minds of the people who visit.

• Natural- gives the people an exposure of greenery in a built environment

Research on plants

IvyThis plant grows in a range of climates and is suitable for hanging in shaded areas. Ivy is an evergreen plant and can grow either as a trailing or climbing vine. During hot weather, the plant needs watering throughout the season as well as pruning two to three times a year due to its impressive growth. Ivy comes in a range of varieties, from the dark green English ivy to Baltica ivy, which has smaller leaves and turns a shade of purple during the winter months

Read more: Plants for Shaded Hanging Baskets | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_7500365_plants-shaded-hanging-baskets.html#ixzz1exHnIOOr

Jade plants

• grow in full sun to light shade

• mealybugs are common pests to jades and can cause deformation to new growth.

• soil should drain quickly and be allowed to dry between waterings

• Jade trees are notoriously easy to propagate. They can be propagated by stem or leaf cuttings

Flower of a jade plant

Adaptations from other designs

The chairs can be altered to different size.

Can I use circular shape for my design??

Chairs?/ Any other use??

Other problem

• Cutting down the smell

Do another visit???



So that can adapt and place it to the residential corner

Spray perfume???

Sounds impossible..


Alternative choice??



•Visit place where plants are used

Doby ghaut ..

Adaptation from doby ghaut

Placement to 3rd floor with plants

Converting the space into a indoor garden

• Plants surrounded the environment

• use the plants that have been research about

Bring in to the spaceCut down the unhygienic

Cut down the smells

From the rubbish chute

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