3. bpc overview

Post on 28-Oct-2014






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SAP BPC 10 NW MEGA ELITE ENABLEMENT BPC 10.0 NW Overview Exercises / Solutions


Exercise 1 – Logging On Logging on to the Start Page and Administration Console

1. From the desktop, double click the shortcut labeled as “Planning”.

This shortcut will launch the web browser and automatically log you into the BPCP_XX environment, using the BPC_XX user id, via the following URL. https://epm10.csa.sap.corp:1443/sap/bpc/web?re=1#cm=BPCP_XX

The user id and password used for SSO and which you will use for this entire exercise document is as shown below.

User ID: BPC_XX Password: Welcome!

2. Click “Ok” to confirm the SSO Certificate.


3. The “Start Page” will then be displayed where you can navigate to many other areas, including the Activities page, the Library, Consolidations Central(on the left), and create web reports(on the right).

4. Check the current environment at the bottom of the start page. If BPCP_XX is not the current environment,

follow the steps in Appendix A to change the current environment to BPCP_XX.


5. From the “Launch” window, click on the “Planning and Consolidation Administration” link.

6. A new “Administration” tab will then open. You will work with the Admin tab in Exercise 2.

7. Click on the “Home” tab to go back to the home tab.

8. Next, click on the “EPM Office Add-in Excel” link on the right side of the page.


9. Excel will then be started and the “EPM Connection Manager” displaying the default connections for this environment. Select the connection for the “Planning” model and click “Ok”.

10. Click on the “EPM” tab. This ribbon contains most of functions associated with BPC 10.0. There is also a “Data Manager” tab which contains all Data Manager related functionality. Also notice the “EPM Context” bar and the “EPM Pane”.


11. The image below shows the context bar detached from its normal position. You can achieve this by clicking on the title bar(where it says EPM Context) and dragging it and dropping it within the worksheet.


12. You can change the member values by clicking on the down arrow next to the value and choosing “Select Other Members”. Note: You may also change the values while the context bar is attached to the toolbar area.

13. The member selector dialog will then be displayed where you can navigate through the hierarchy and choose

the members. Click “OK” to make the selection.


14. Make sure to set ALL context values as shown in the image below.

15. After setting the context bar, close Excel by clicking the close button. You will log back on to the EPM Add-In in later exercises.


Exercise 2 – Dimension Members and Security Dimension Member Maintenance In this section, you will add a new product line for education games.

1. Go to the “Administration” tab by clicking on the tab in the browser.

2. Click on the “Dimensions” link on the left side.


3. Next, click on the PRODLINE dimension.

4. In the next screen you will see the members. You can add new members simply by putting the cursor in the empty cell and typing. Add a new member for “Education” with the ID as “EDU”. Make sure to set the parent as APL. Finally click the “Save and Process” button.


5. In the next dialog, click “No” to keep the environment online and accessible for users.

6. When complete, a message will be displayed. Click “Close”.


Task Profile Maintenance In this section, you will create an authorization profile for web reporting.

1. Click on the “Task Profiles” link under “Security” on the left side of the page.

2. You will notice there are several default task profiles which are delivered with the product, but none of those

covers web reporting only. Click the “New” button to create a new task profile just for web reporting.


3. Enter the new task profile ID as “WEB_REPORT_USER” and give a meaningful description. Then click “Next”.


4. Scroll to the bottom and select “Web Reporting”. Click the “Add” button.

5. Notice all actions under the “Web Reporting” node have been selected. Click “Next”.


6. Click “Finish”.

7. Click “Close”.


8. The new task profile is now shown in the list.

Data Access Profile Maintenance In this section, you will create a data access profile for the planning model with write access to the education product line.

1. Click on the “Data Access Profiles” link under “Security” on the left side of the page.


2. You will notice there are several default data access profiles which are delivered with the product. Click the “New” button to create a new data access profile.

3. Enter the ID and description as shown below.

4. Select the “Planning” model from the box on the left, which is the model we will give access to.

5. On the right side, under the “CATEGORY” dimension, click the dropdown box and select “Selected Members”.


6. Select “Actual”, and click “OK”.

7. Set the Access Right to “Read Only”. Access will be granted to the “Actual” member for read-only.

8. On line 2, click the dropdown and select “Selected Members”.


9. Select “Forecast” and “Plan”, then click “OK”.

10. Set the Access Right to “Write”. Access is now granted to “Forecast” and “Plan” for read and write.

11. Scroll down to the “ENTITY” section, and choose “All Members” on line 1.


12. Set the Access Right to “Write”. Access will be granted to all Entities.

13. Scroll down to the PRODLINE section and select “Select Members” from the dropdown.

14. Select “EDU – Education” from the dialog and click “OK”.


15. Set the Access Right to “Write”. Access is granted to only the “Education” member for read and write.

16. Scroll up to the top and click the “Save” button.

17. A success message will be displayed, and you should then see “Restricted Access” under the Planning model.


18. In summary, the “Education Director” profile allows viewing actual and writing to plan and forecast data for the education product line for all entities. Click “Close”.

User Maintenance In this section, you will add a user id to the environment.

1. Next, click on the “Users” link under “Security”.


2. Before you add a user to the environment, it is important to understand that the users in BPC 10.0 NW are users created on the NetWeaver system. This is a major change from past releases where the users were usually created in Active Directory and authentication was handled by the .NET tier. In BPC 10.0 NW, you must create the users via NetWeaver transaction SU01 first. Only then can you then add the user to an environment. When creating users that will be used for BPC, there are no required roles or profiles that need to be added at this time, except if the user is to have access to the BPC Web Client. If web client access is required, the user must have the two roles shown below.

All other BPC roles and profiles will be assigned to the user when it is added to a team from the BPC Administration page. Continue to the next step.

3. Next, add the EDU_DIRECTOR user, which has already been created in the NetWeaver system, to your environment. Click the “Add” button.


4. Select the “EDU_DIRECTOR” user from the box on the left. Click the “Add” button to add the user to the box on the right.


5. You will notice that the user has been moved to the “Selected Users” box.

6. Click the “Next” button at the bottom of the dialog window.


7. Do not add the new user to any team. Simply click “Next”.


8. Finally, click the “Finish” button.

9. Click the “Close” button.

10. The new user is then shown in the “Users” list.


Team Maintenance In this section, you will create a team for the planners of the Education product line.

1. Click on the “Teams” link under “Security”.

2. Click the “New” button.


3. Enter the ID and the description as shown below. Then click “Next”.


4. Select “EDU_DIRECTOR” and click the “Add” button.

5. The user has been added to the box on the right side. Click “Next”.


6. Finally, click “Finish”.

7. Click “Close”.

8. The new team is then shown in the list. Notice that there are 0 task profiles and 0 data access profiles assigned to the team. Next we will add task and data access profiles to this team.


9. Next, select the team and click the “Edit” button.

10. There are three tabs, Users, Task Profiles, and Data Access Profiles. Here you can add all these objects to a team. Click on the Task Profile tab.

11. Click “Add/Remove”.


12. Select the WEB_REPORT_USER profile and click the “Add” button.

13. The profile is now selected, click “OK”. This grants the web reporting task to the team.


14. Click on the Data Access Profile tab.

15. Click Add/Remove.

16. Select the EDU_DIRECTOR profile and click “Add”. This grants access to the education data for all entities to

the team.


17. The profile is now selected, click “OK”.

18. Click “Save”.

19. Click “Close”.


20. The new team now has 1 task profile assigned and 1 data access profile assigned.


Exercise 3 – Drill Through From BPC To A BEx Query Drill Through Configuration – System Administrator Task

1. From the Administration tab, click the “Drill Through” link under “Features” from the left side of the page.

2. Click the “New” button.

3. Enter the ID, Description, and target URL as shown below.


4. Enter the target URL supplied below and set the model to “Planning”. .


5. Add URL parameters by clicking the “Add” button.

6. After a new row is added, click in the cell to change the value to &VAR_NAME_1.

7. Set as “User-Defined Value”.

8. Next, set the value. ZVACCT is the name of the parameter exposed by the BEx query.


9. Continue adding parameters as shown below. The &VAR_NAME_X parameters are parameters which hold the name of the parameter exposed by the BEx query(for example the name of the BEx Variable). The &VAR_VALUE_EXT_X parameters are the parameters used to pass the actual value to the BEx Query parameters. In this case we are passing members from the ACCOUNT and PRODLINE dimensions. Make sure to name the parameters exactly as you see below.

10. Click “Save”.

11. Select the new drill through target and click “Edit”.

12. Test the configuration by clicking the “Test Query” button.


13. Enter member test values “PL110” for ACCOUNT and “RPG” for PRODLINE as shown below, and click “OK”.

14. The browser will be launched showing the BEx query. You may close this browser session.

15. Next, click “Close”.


Executing Drill Through from a Report – End User Task

1. Go to the EPM Office Add-in for Excel. If it is not already opened, you may open it from the “Home” tab, under the “Start Page”, under the “Launch” window. Refer to the instructions from Exercise 1

2. Excel will then be started and the “EPM Connection Manager” displaying the default connections for this environment. Select the connection for the “Planning” model and click “Ok”.


3. Make sure that the context bar values are set as shown below. Refer to Exercise 1 for information about how to change these values.

4. From the EPM tab, click on “Open”, then “Open Server Report Folder”.


5. Select “COST_MANAGEMENT_REPORT.XLSX” and click “Open”.

6. Click the “Refresh” button.


7. Put the cursor on the F13 cell.

8. From the EPM tab, click on “Drill Through”, then select “Drill Through to BEx Query”.


9. The BEx Query will be launched in the browser, click “Ok” to confirm the SSO certificate. Notice that the query

is based on the parameters passed to it, PL110 for the Account and RPG for the Product Line, so no manual entry of values is required. Also notice that the full year value of 42,000 for Material Cost for the RPG product line from the BPC report reconciles with the number in the BEx report.

10. You may further analyze the data by clicking on the icon next to the “Cal. Year/Month” characteristic.


11. The report now shows the values by period. You may close the browser session as well as the CostManagementReport.xlsx.


Exercise 4 – Data Manager Uploading Data from SAP BW into BPC 10.0 NW

1. From the “Start” Page on the “Home” tab, launch the EPM Office Add-in Excel. Refer to Exercise 1 for more information about logging on.

2. Excel will then be started and the “EPM Connection Manager” displaying the default connections for this

environment. Select the connection for the “Planning” model and click “Ok”.


3. Verify that the context bar is set as shown below. Refer to Exercise 1 on how to change the values of the context bar.

4. From the EPM tab, click “Open”, then “Open Server Report Folder”.


5. Select the “PRODUCT_LINE_REPORT.XLSX” file and click “Open”.

6. You should now see an empty report. Click the “Refresh” button to pull fresh data into the report.


7. After the report is refreshed, you should see the following data. Notice that the new product line master data we created in exercise 2, EDU-Education, is automatically added to the report. But it does not contain any data yet. In this exercise, you will load data for EDU from BW.

8. Next, you will load data for the EDU product line from BW via a Data Manager package. Click the “Data

Manager” tab from the ribbon.

9. Next click on “Run Package”.


10. Select “Load Transaction Data from BW InfoProvider” and click “Run”.

11. Enter the name of the InfoProvider as “ZBW_CUBE”, and click “Next”.


12. Click “Browse”.

13. Select the “BWLOAD_TRANSFORMATION.XLS” file and click “Open”.


14. Click “Next”.

15. Select “Aggregate Overwrite”, then click “Next”.


16. Select the “Replace & Clear” option, and click “Next”.

17. Choose “No”, then click “Next”.


18. Choose “No”, then click “Next”.

19. Click “Finish”.

20. Click “Ok”.


21. Click the “View Status” button to check the status of the package.

22. Select the package, and click the “Detail” button.


23. Check the record counts, then click “Close”.


24. In the “Package Status” dialog, click “Close”.

25. In the “Run Package” dialog, click “Close”.


26. Return to the open report, PRODUCTLINEREPORT.XLSX, and click the “Refresh” button from the EPM tab.

27. The EDU product line should now have a value for Actual, 2010.TOTAL, the sum of the records we just uploaded from BW.


Copying Data Using the Copy Package In this section, you will use the data manager copy package to seed a forecast.

1. Next, run a data manager package to copy the value to Forecast, 2011. Return to the “Data Manager” tab, and click on “Run Package”.

2. Select the “Copy” package, and click “Run”.


3. Select the “Merge” option, and click “Next”.

4. Select “No”, and click “Next”.


5. Select “No”, and click “Next”.

6. In this dialog, you will select the records which are to be copied and define where they are to be copied to. You will copy all EDU product line records for the ACTUAL category for 2010, into the FORECAST category for 2011. Start with CATEGORY by clicking the “Add” button to the right of the input box as shown in the image below.


7. Select “Actual” by checking the checkbox next to it, then click the arrow to move it to the selected box.

8. After you have made the selection, click “Ok”.

9. The selected value will then show in the box.


10. Repeat the same steps to select “Forecast” in the destination field.

11. Repeat the same steps to select “EDU” for PRODLINE. You may leave the destination field as <same>.

12. Repeat the same steps to select the periods for TIME. In the source field, select all periods in 2010, and in the

destination field, select all periods in 2011. Select only the lowest level members, 2010.01, 2010.02, etc.


13. Click “Next”.

14. Click “Finish”.

15. Click “Ok”.


16. Click the “View Status” button.

17. The package status should be “Succeed”. You may check the details if you wish, by selecting the package

and clicking the “Detail” button. Otherwise, click the “Close” button.


18. From the “Run Package” dialog, click the “Close” button.

19. Return to the opened report, PRODUCTLINEREPORT.XLSX, and click the “Refresh” button from the “EPM” tab.


20. You will notice that the value has been copied successfully. This exercise is complete, please close Excel.


Exercise 5 – Business Process Flows Update the Master Data In this section, you will update master data to add task owners and reviewers for each entity.

1. From the “Start” Page on the “Home” tab, launch the “Planning and Consolidation Administration”. Refer to Exercise 1 for more information about logging on.

2. From the “Administration” tab, click on the “Dimensions” link.

3. Select “Entity”, and click the “Edit Members” button.


4. Update the highlight cells(BPF_OWNER and BPF_REVIEWER) with your user id (BPC_XX). Then click “Save”, then “Save and Process”.

5. Click “No”.


6. Click “Close”.

Creating the Process Template In this section, you will create the process template. This is an administrator task. The BPF template is the generic version of the planning or consolidation process flow that you want to model. Instances of this generic template will then be executed during a specific close or planning cycle.

1. From the Administration tab, click on “Business Process Flows”, then click “Process Templates”.

2. Click “New”.


3. Enter the name and description of the process. Also choose the Planning model for the process.

4. Click the icon on the right side of the “Dimensions” input field.

5. In the following window, check the “Category” dimension. Then click ”OK”.


6. Click the icon on the right side of the “Users” input field.

7. In the following window, select your user id and click the “Add” button.


8. Now that the user has been selected, click “OK”.

9. Next, click on the “Activities” tab, then click “New” to add the first activity performed in the BPF – running a report to review last year’s actual data.


10. Enter the name and instruction as shown below. Also, choose “Entity” for the driving dimension, and select “All” for the opening Criteria.

11. Click the icon on the right side of the “Members” input field.

12. In the following dialog, click the icon on the right side of the input field, next to “Single Member”.


13. Select “United States”, then click “OK”.

14. Click “OK”.


15. Select “BPF_Owner” for the “Performer” field.

16. Check the checkbox for “Allow Reopen”.


17. Under the “Workspaces” section, click “Create”.

18. A new tab called “Create Budget” is launched.

19. On the right side of the screen, there are several options. Click “Add Hyperlinks”.

20. Configure the hyperlink from the box on the right side of the screen. Enter the name and description. For the

target action, choose “Microsoft Excel”, and “Open specific report”. Then click “Browse”.


21. In the following dialog, click “Public”, then “Templates”, then choose the report called “DYNAMIC REPORT WITH SUBTOTALS – ACCOUNTS.XLT. Click “OK”.

22. Next, set the context(formerly known as Current View” for the report. Set the model to “Planning”. Then click

on the icon on the right side of the field for the Account dimension.


23. Select “Select a member below”. Then choose “Net Income”. Click “OK”.


24. Repeat these steps to set the context for all dimensions in the list. When complete, the context values should the same as the following.

25. Now click the “Save” button in the upper right hand corner.

26. Click “OK”.


27. Click the “Add” button to add another hyperlink.

28. A new hyperlink is created. Configure the hyperlink on the right side of the screen. Enter the name and

description as shown below. For the Target Action, select “Data Manager”, and “Run specific package”. Then click “Browse”.


29. Under the “Public” folder, click the “Data Management” folder. Then select the “Copy” package on the right and click “OK”.

30. Notice the package information is filled in for you. Next, choose the “Planning” model under “Target Context”. Leave all other context information as the default.


31. From the upper right hand corner, click the “Save” button.

32. Click “OK”.

33. Close the tab by clicking the small “X”.

34. Add one final activity by clicking the “New” button. This action performed from the BPF will allow you to review the budget. Unlike the previous steps, this time we will specify a reviewer of the task.


35. Configure the new activity as shown in the image below.

36. Under the workspaces section, select the radio button for “Same as Performer”, then click the “Create” button.

37. A new tab called “Review CY Budget” is launched.

38. On the right side of the screen, there are several options. Click “Add Hyperlinks”.


39. Configure the hyperlink from the box on the right side of the screen. Enter the name and description of the report, and for the target action, choose “Microsoft Excel”, and “Open specific report”. Click “Browse”.

40. Click “Public”, then “Templates”. Select the reported called “DYNAMIC REPORT WITH SUBTOTALS –

ACCOUNTS.XLTX. Then click “OK”.


41. Set the target context as shown below.

42. Now click the “Save” button in the upper right hand corner.

43. Click “OK”.

44. Close the tab, by clicking the small “X” in the upper right hand corner of the tab.


45. Click “Save”.

46. Click “Close”.

47. From the list view, select the new process, and click “Validate”.

48. The process template should validate successfully. Click “Deploy”.


49. The process is now deployed.

Creating the Process Instance In this section, you will create an instance of the process template. This is an administrator task. The BPF instance is what is being executed during a specific planning or consolidation cycle. You can make minor modifications to the instance – overwriting what was delivered in the template, for example, you can assign a different reviewer.

1. From the Administration tab, click “Business Process Flows”, then click “Process Instances”.

2. Click the “New” button.


3. Select the “Create Budget” process, and click “Next”.

4. Select your user id from the drop down box, and click “Next”.


5. Select the members for “Category” and “Time”, then click “Next”.

6. Click “Next”.


7. Check the checkbox for “Start the process instance” and click “Finish”.

8. Click “Close”.


9. The process is now available for execution.

10. You may now close the “Administration” tab by clicking the small “X” in the upper right hand corner.

Executing the Business Process Flow In this section, you will execute the BPF. This is an end user task.

1. From the “Home” tab, click on “Activities”.


2. From the “Activities” list, select the “Create Budget” process. From the list below, click on the “Create Budget”


3. Click the link for “2010 Actuals Report”.


4. Excel will launch and you should see a report which resembles the below image.

5. From the EPM tab, click the “Refresh” button. Note: You may have to put your cursor on a cell in the spreadsheet in order for the “Refresh” button to become active.

6. The report should be similar to the below image. Notice the report context is for “Actual” and “2010”.


7. After reviewing the data, click on the “Execute Copy Package”, link from the EPM Pane on the right.

8. You will be prompted by the “Run Package” dialog. Select the “Merge” option, and click “Next”.


9. Select “No”, and click “Next”.

10. Select “No”, and click “Next”.


11. Choose the members as shown below. Make sure to select all 12 periods for 2010 in the source box, and all

12 periods for 2011 in the destination box. Then click “Finish”.


12. After clicking “Finish”, the dialog will disappear and you will see an empty excel spreadsheet. Click on the

“Data Manager” tab.

13. Click the “View Status” button.


14. You should see the package log for the package you just ran. You may check the details by selecting the package run and clicking “Detail”. Otherwise, you may click “Close”.

15. Close “Excel” by clicking the “X” in the upper right hand corner.


16. Return to the “Create Budget” tab. Click the “Complete” button.

17. Close the tab by clicking the small “X” in the upper right hand corner.

18. Click on the last activity, “Review CY Budget”.


19. Click the link “2011 Budget Report”.

20. Excel will launch and you should see a report like the one in the image below.

21. Click on the “EPM” tab, then click the “Refresh” button. Again, you may have to put your cursor on a cell in the spreadsheet in order for the “Refresh” button to become active.


22. You will notice that the report is now showing data for “Budget” for “2011”. This data was copied in the last activity.

23. After reviewing the data, you may close Excel.

24. Return to the “Review CY Budget” tab. Since, this activity is configured for review, you will not “Complete” this activity from here, instead you will click the “Submit” button.


25. You may now close this tab.

26. The last activity is in “Submitted” status.

27. Since you are also the reviewer, you may select the activity and choose “Actions”, then “Approve”.


28. All activities have been executed and the process is now complete.

29. From the “Home” tab, click “Process Monitor”.

30. Select the process and click “Finalize”.

31. The process is now finalized.


Exercise 6 – Reporting and Inputting Data Reporting from the Web Client

1. From the “Home” tab, under the “Start Page”, click the “New Report” option in the “Create” window.

2. A new tab called “New Report” is opened. Click the “Manage Context” icon on the upper left corner, then choose “Change Model”.

3. Change the model to “Planning”, then click “OK”.


4. Click the + sign, then click “Add All Dimensions”.

5. Click on the TIME dimension, whose current value is 2006.


6. Change the value by selecting 2010, and clicking “OK”.

7. Repeat the same steps to change the context values for all other dimension to match the image below.


8. From the box on the right, select “Account” and drag and drop it into the “Rows” box.


9. From the box on the right, select “Time” and drag and drop it into the “Columns” box.

10. You will notice that the report has been updated with the selected rows and columns, and data has been

populated as well.


11. Click the small + icons next to the accounts to expand the hierarchy. Click the – icon to collapse.

12. Click the “Chart” button, then select “Show Report and Chart”.


13. The report should now show a chart as well.

14. You can save the report by clicking the “Save” button in the upper right hand corner. Then choose “Save As”.


15. Choose the “Public” folder, then enter the name as “Demo Web Report” and a description as shown below. Then click “Save”.

16. Notice the name of the tab changes to “Demo Web Report”. Close the tab by clicking the small “X”.


Inputting Data from the Web Client

1. From the “Home” tab, under the “Start Page”, click the “Library” link.

2. Click on the “Public” folder, then click on the “Demo Web Report”, or select it and click the “Open” button.


3. Change the context value for the PRODLINE dimension and set it to “RPG – Role Playing Game”. Click “OK”.

4. Click the “Edit” button.

5. Change from “Report” to “Input Form”.


6. From the upper right hand corner, click “Save”, then “Save As”.

7. Click the “Public” folder, then enter the new name and description as “Demo Web Input Form”. Click “Save”.

8. Notice the tab name has changed. You may close this tab.


9. Under the “Public” folder, open the Input Form from the library by clicking on it.

10. Expand the “Q4 2010” column by clicking on the small + sign.

11. Change the value for the intersection, “Financial Income/Expense” and “Dec 2010”, from 2000 to 9999.


12. Click “Save Data”.

13. Click “Yes”.

14. You will notice that the report has been refreshed.

15. You may close this tab.


Reporting from EPM Add-In Now that you have built a report and input form from the web reporting tool, we will basically repeat the same tasks using the EPM Add-in for Excel.

1. From the “Start” Page on the “Home” tab, launch the EPM Office Add-in Excel. Refer to Exercise 1 for more information about logging on.

2. Excel will then be started and the “EPM Connection Manager” displaying the default connections for this environment. Select the connection for the “Planning” model and click “Ok”.


3. Make sure that the context is set as shown below. For more information about setting the context, refer to

Exercise 1.

4. From the EPM tab, click “New Report”.


5. Drag and drop the “ACCOUNT” dimension to the “Row Axis” box.


6. Drag and drop the “TIME” dimension to the “Column Axis” box.

7. Double click on the “TIME” dimension in the “Column Axis” box.


8. First remove any selected members from the right hand side, by selecting them and clicking the “Left Arrow” to move them back to the left side.

9. Select only 2010.Q1 through 2010.Q4 and the parent 2010.TOTAL from the left. Then at the bottom of the screen, select “Members Only”. Once you have selected “Members Only”, then click the “Right Arrow” to move the values to the selection box on the right.


10. Make sure that only the 4 Quarter members and parent 2010 are selected, and that the relationship is “Members Only”. Then click “OK”.

11. Click on the “Options” tab, then uncheck the checkbox for “Inherit Sheet Options”. Then click “Top” under the

“Totals Placement” box. Selecting the “Top” option moves the totals line above the detail lines instead of below.


12. Click “OK”.

13. The report should look like the following image. Put your cursor on cell A3, then click the down arrow next to the “Expand” button and choose “Member and Descendants”..


14. While the A3 cell is still selected, click on the “Expand” button.

15. The report should now look like the following image.

16. From the EPM tab, click the “View Formats” button.


17. You should now see the EPM Formatting Sheet.

18. Under the “Hierarchy Level Formatting” section, uncheck the checkbox. We do not want to apply formatting by the hierarchical levels.

19. Scroll down to the “Dimension Member/Property Formatting” section and check the check box. In this example, we want to apply formatting at the dimension member/property level.


20. Under the “Dimension Member/Property Formatting”, in the “Row” section, check the checkboxes for “Calculated Member Default Format”, and “Inputable Member Default Format”. In the next steps we will apply the formatting for calculated and input ready cells.

21. Right click on the cell under the “Data” column for the “Calculated Member Default Format” row, then choose “Format Cells”.


22. Click the “Fill” tab, then choose the color shown here, finally click “OK”.

23. Repeat the same steps to format the cell under the “Header” column for the ‘Calculated Member Default Format” row.


24. Click the “Fill” tab, and choose the color and click “OK”.

25. Right click on the cell under the “Data” column for the “Inputable Member Default Format” row, then choose

“Format Cells”.


26. Click the “Fill” tab, then choose the color, and click “OK”.

27. Repeat the same steps to format the cell under the “Header” column for the “Inputable Member Default Format” row.


28. You’ve already done the formatting configuration under the “Row” section, now repeat these same steps to format the cells under the “Column” section.

29. Return to “Sheet1”, by clicking the tab at the bottom of the workbook.

30. From the EPM Add-in, click “Edit Report”.


31. Click the “Options” tab, then check the checkbox for “Apply Dynamic Formatting”.

32. Click “OK”.


33. The report should now look like the following image. If not, click the “Refresh” button.

34. Save your new report by clicking the “Save” button on the EPM tab. Choose “Save to Server Root Folder”.


35. Select the “Reports” folder, then give a name for your report such as “Demo EPM AddIn Report”. Then click “Save”.

36. Close the report, not Excel, just the worksheet.


Inputting Data from EPM Add-In

1. Open the “Demo EPM AddIn Report” from the last section, by clicking “Open”, then “Open Server Report Folder”.

2. Select the file, and click “Open”.


3. You should now see the report.

4. Change the context value for PRODLINE to “RPG – Role Playing Game”.


5. From the EPM tab, click the “Refresh” button.

6. Click on “Edit Report”.

7. Click the “Options” tab, then check the check box for “Use as Input Form”.


8. Click “OK”.

9. Save the new Input Form by clicking the “Save” button. Then choose “Save to Server Root Folder..”.


10. Select the “Input Schedules” folder, then enter the name of the Input Form as “Demo EPM AddIn Input Form”. Then click “Save”.

11. Close the Input Form, not Excel, just the worksheet.


12. Now open the Input Form by clicking the “Open” button on the EPM tab. Choose “Open Server Input Form Folder..”.

13. Select the file and click the “Open” button.


14. Select the F1 cell, this is the header called 2010.Q4. Click the “Expand” button.

15. Your Input Form should now look like the below image. The cells that are highlighted in light blue are cells that

are ready for input. You had configured this earlier in this exercise.


16. Change the value in cell H15. You will notice that this is the same intersection that you changed while working with Input Forms from the BPC Web Client. Change the value from 9999 to 2000, the original value.

17. From the EPM tab, click on the down arrow on the “Save Data” button. Choose “Save and Refresh Worksheet Data”.

18. One record should be selected to be sent, click “Yes”.


19. The “Save Results” dialog will appear. Notice that one record has been accepted. Click “OK”.

20. Close Excel, no need to save it.


Exercise 7 – Publishing Books Create the Template An end user can actually create the publishing template themselves. This template is then used in the second step to publish the books.

1. From the “Start” Page on the “Home” tab, launch the EPM Office Add-in Excel. Refer to Exercise 1 for more

information about logging on.

2. Excel will then be started and the “EPM Connection Manager” displaying the default connections for this environment. Select the connection for the “Planning” model and click “Ok”.


3. Make sure that the context is set as shown below.

4. From the EPM tab, click “Book Publication”, then “New Template”.

5. The editor will appear. Supply a name for the template, “Cost Management Report Book”.


6. A section has been created by default. Supply the name of the section and the description.

7. Click the box next to the input field for “Report Workbook”.

8. Select the “COST_MANAGEMENT_REPORT.XLSX” file under the “REPORTS” folder, and click “Open”.


9. Click “Select Dimensions” from the right side of the window.

10. Select the CATEGORY and TIME dimensions, then click the “Add” button next to the “Variable Members” box.

11. The dimensions have been selected, click “OK”.


12. Click the button next to the input field for CATEGORY.

13. Select “Actual”, “Budget”, and “Forecast”. Then click the “Right Arrow” button to move the selections to the box

on the right. Make sure to remove any other members from the right hand box.

14. Now that the members are selected, click “OK”.


15. Click on the button next to the input field for the TIME dimension.

16. Select only 2010 and 2011 and click the “Right Arrow” button to move them to the selected members box on the right. Make sure to remove any other members from the right hand box.

17. Now that the members are selected, click “OK”.


18. The variable members are now set, click “Save”.

19. Give the name as “Cost Management Report Book”, then click “Save”.


Publish the Book

1. From the EPM tab, click “Book Publication”, then “Publish Books…”

2. Select “Publish Now”, then click “Next”.


3. Select “Publish to PDF format”, then click “Next”.


4. Check the checkboxes as shown in the image below. Click “Next”.


5. Click “Next”.


6. When the process is complete, click “Finish”. Close “Excel”.

View the Book from the Library

1. From the “Home” tab, click “Library”.


2. Click “All” to show all documents in the library. Then click the “Public” folder. Finally, click the “COST MANAGEMENT REPORT BOOK” book. You may have to click the “Refresh” button.

3. The book will then be opened in the browser. Set the context on the left side as shown below, and click the “Display” button.


4. The report is now shown in the book viewer.

5. Now change the member values for “Category” and “Time” as shown below. Then click “Display”.


6. The report is then updated with new data based on the member selections.


Exercise 8 – Dashboard Design Enable the BPC Model as a Source of Data In order for the SAP BW ODBO provider to read live data from the BPC 10.0 NW system, the BPC model needs to be enabled as a source of data. This is an administrator task.

1. Log on to the Administration console (Refer to Exercise 1 for more information), and click on “Models”.

2. Select “Planning” and click “Edit”.


3. Check the checkbox for “Use as Source of Data”.

4. Click “Save”.

5. Click “Close”.

Creating a Connection using SAP BW ODBO Provider

1. Open Dashboard Design again by double clicking on the icon on the desktop.


2. Click “Blank Model”.

3. Click on the “EPM” tab in the embedded Excel ribbon.


4. Click the “Log On” button.

5. In the following dialog, click the box next to the “Connection” input field.


6. From the EPM Connection Manager, click the “Create” button.


7. Select “Local” connection type, then choose “SAP BW OLE DB Provider” as the OLAP provider.

8. Then click “Connect”.


9. Enter the system information and click “Next”. Make sure to use the assigned application server which was assigned to you at the beginning of the session.

Application Server: epm10.csa.sap.corp System Number: 00 Client: 001 Language: EN

10. Enter the user id and password. Use the same user id and password that is mentioned in Exercise 1.


11. Select $INFOCUBE and click “Finish”.


12. Choose your Planning model from the drop down list box. There will be quite a few cubes listed here and they

are in alphabetical order, so you will need to scroll down to the “Planning” cubes. Choose the Planning cube that corresponds to your environment, in this case BPCP_XX.


13. The “Create Connection” dialog should now look like the below image. Click “OK”.

14. Select the new connection, and click “OK”.


15. Once again, enter the user id and password. Use the same user id and password that is mentioned in Exercise 1. Click “Logon”.

16. Click the “New Report” button.


17. Drag and drop “ACCOUNT” into the “Row Axis Dimensions” box.


18. Drag and drop TIME to the “Column Axis Dimension” box.

19. Double click on the ACCOUNT dimension in the “Row Axis Dimensions” box.

20. Remove all selections from the right side box, by selecting them, and clicking the “left arrow”.


21. Next, select “Material Cost” and “Labor Cost” from the left side box, and click the “right arrow” to move them to the “Selected” box.

22. The members are now selected, click “Ok”.


23. Double click on the TIME dimension in the “Column Axis Dimensions” box.

24. Remove all selections from the right side box, by selecting them, and clicking the “left arrow”.

25. Next, select “Jan 2010”, “Feb 2010”, and “Mar 2010” from the left side box, and click the “right arrow” to move them to the “Selected” box.


26. The members are now selected, click “Ok”.

27. Drag and drop the remaining dimensions to the “Page Axis” box at the top.


28. Double click on RPTCURRENCY dimension.

29. Select “Local Currency”, and click “OK”.

30. Double click the “CATEGORY” dimension.


31. Select “Actual”, and click “OK”.

32. Double click the “PRODLINE” dimension.

33. Select “First Person Shooter”, then click “OK”.


34. Double click on the “ENTITY” dimension.

35. Select “United States” and click “OK”.


36. Click “OK” to generate the report.

37. You should now see the report in the embedded Excel spreadsheet.


Building the Dashboard

1. Drag and drop the BPC DataGrid component into the layout.

2. The layout should look similar to the image below.


3. Configure the BPC DataGrid using the property sheet on the right. Click the icon next to the “Header Data” field.

4. Select the header row of the report, and click “OK”.

5. Next, configure the columns of the report. Set the alignment of the last three columns to “Right”.


6. Next click the icon next to the “Detail Data” field.

7. Select the detail rows of the report and click “OK”.

8. Click the icon next to the “Selected Row” field.


9. Select an empty row, for example row 10 and click “OK”. This range of cells will hold data from the selected row of the grid at runtime.

10. The completed configuration of the BPC DataGrid should look similar to the following image.


11. The grid in the layout view should look similar to the image below.

12. Drag and drop the “Line Chart” component into the layout editor. Move the BPC DataGrid around in the layout to accommodate the new chart.


13. Configure the line chart by using the property sheet on the right side. Click on the box next to the “Subtitle” field.

14. Select the cell for the account from the selected row of the grid. If you used row 10 for the “Selected Row”

configuration, then you would choose cell A10 here. Click “OK”.


15. Set the X and Y Axis labels as shown here.

16. Click the icon, next to the “By Range” field under the “Data” section.

17. Select the range of cells associated with the detail data of the selected row of the grid. If you used row 10 for

the “Selected Row” configuration, then you would choose cell B10 through D10 here. Click “OK”.


18. Clear out the detail data from the excel spreadsheet. You will configure the EPM Connector to retrieve fresh data from the BPC server.

19. Before configuring the EPM Connector, enter the =GetReportDefinition() function in cell A11 and hit enter.

20. This will generate a report definition XML string which you will use to configure the EPM connector.


Using the EPM Connector

1. Click “Data”, then “Connections”.

2. From the “Data Manager” dialog, choose “Add”, then “EPM Connector”.


3. Set the name of the connection as “readData”. Choose the application and operation if not selected already.

Then supply the URL of the BPC NW server. Use the URL supplied below. https://epm10.csa.sap.corp:1443/sap/bpc/

4. Click the icon next to the “Report Definition” field.


5. Bind this field to the A11 cell of the Excel spreadsheet where you entered the =GetReportDefinition() function, then click “OK”.

6. Click on the “Output Details” bar, the check the “Refresh on Load” checkbox.

7. Finally, click “Close”.


Publishing the Dashboard

1. Choose “File”, then “Export”, then “Flash(SWF).

2. Save the file to the desktop as “Demo Dashboard”. Click “Save”. If you receive a message saying “UnSupported Excel Function:GetReportDefinition EPMOlapMember”, just ignore it and click “OK”. You may close Dashboard Design.


3. Log on to the BPC Web Client. Refer to Exercise 1 for more information on logging on. From the “Home” tab, click “Library”.

4. Click the “Public” folder.

5. Click “New”, then “Dashboard”.


6. Click the “Browse” button.

7. Select the “Demo Dashboard.swf” from the desktop and click “Open”. If the swf file does not show a flash

player association, meaning that it does not have the correct icon, that is ok,


8. Uncheck the checkbox next to “Edit After Upload”, and click “Upload”.

9. Click the “Refresh” button. The dashboard has now been uploaded to the library. Double click on the “Demo Dashboard” link in the library.


10. The dashboard is then loaded into its own tab. You can then add this dashboard to a workspace .


Appendix A

How to Change to a Different Environment

1. From the “Start” page, click on the current environment name.


2. Select the environment which you want to connect to and click “Connect”.


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