3.14 b

Post on 24-Jan-2017






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3.14The Final Score

First, review your Part 3 Journal Entry Summaries. Be looking for instances wherein choices were made, whether by Paul or other characters, that had a significant impact/consequence on Paul. Cite the page and specifically quote the text, then comment. You will need six unique pieces of evidence with commentary, from 2 or 3 main characters.

#1 Explained

Part 3: Monday, November 20–Wednesday, December 6

“Erik lashed out, smashing the back of his hand across Tino’s face . . .”

p. 205

Paul: “I landed hard on coach Warner’s back and held on tight. riding his neck and shoulders.”

p. 259

Review all the notes you made about choices in your double-entry journals and in Activities 3.4, 3.9, and 3.12. Choose one character whose choices had significant consequences in the development of Paul’s character. Select three or more of the character’s choices and add them to the outline below in a logical order. Consider arranging them in one of these three organizational patterns: • least important to most important • types of choices made (good, bad) • chronological order (first to last)


The Choices _________________ Made I. A choice made by ____________________ and how it affected Paul: A. Describe the choice. B. Why this choice was made:_________________________ C. How Paul reacted to the choice and its effect on him.


II. Another choice made by ____________________ and how it affected Paul:

A. Describe the choice. B. Why this choice was made: ___________________ C. How Paul reacted to the choice and its effect on him.


III. Another choice made by ____________________ and how it affected Paul: A. Describe the choice. B. Why this choice was made: _________________ C. How Paul reacted to the choice and its effect on him.


Write an explanation of how Paul shows his growing self-awareness and confidence in the choices he makes.

Check Your Understanding

Consider the different motifs that Edward Bloor uses in Tangerine. With your table-groups, work together to complete the chart below by finding examples of your motif in different parts of the novel; each one of you will find 2-3 pieces of evidence for each part of the novel for the motif you’ve chosen; then, tomorrow, you’ll jigsaw your answers together to complete the graphic organizer.

Exploring Motif → Jigsaw

Exploring Motif

Pgs. 1 - 94 Pgs. 97-199 Pgs. 203 - 303

Exploring Motif → a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition.

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