4. non verbal communication

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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What do the following convey? Receiving applause by a large audience at the end of

inaugural address...

A pat on your back by your elders ...

A risen eyebrow on a statement during a conversation..

Meaning A system of symbolic behaviors that includes all forms

of communication except words.

Example: body language

All the ways we convey messages and feelings without words.

It accounts for over 50% of communication , thus needs serious consideration.

Classification of non verbal communication Kinesics: Body Language

Proxemics : Space language

Time language


Sign language

KINESICS Makes use of body movements

Gestures, Hands, palm, handshakes, Finger Movements and arm movements, postures


May be classified as:

1. (R)Regulators

2. (E)Emblems

3. (A)Adaptors

4. (D)Displays

5. (I)Illustrators



Direct translations of verbal message

e.g. an ok sign or thumb’s up


control oral communication by

alerting sender

e.g. Nodding your head to indicate



indicates emotional States

e.g. Smiles and frownsIllustrators :

Gestures that accompany our speech

and accentuate what we speak

e.g. holding three fingers when pointing

to number 3


Unconscious body movements that originate from

nervous state of mind

.e.g clasping the hands to the face in fear.

Facial expressions Face is the index of heart

Facial expressions are linked with happiness, surprise, fear, anger, sadness etc.

Face expressions continuously change during an interaction.

Eye contact Windows to the soul

Eyes along with the eyebrows, eyelids and size of pupil convey our innermost feelings

Eyebrows and eyelids raised and combined with dilated pupil: Surprise, scared

Staring Eyes: superiority, lack of respect , threatening attitude.

Too little eye contact : dishonesty, shyness

Withdrawal of eye contact: sign of submission

Handshakes CRUSHER hand shake: too dominating &


DEAD FISH hand shake: lacking enthusiasm, passion, and confidence

SKIPPING hand shake: not paying enough attention & not serious about relationship or refraining it

HANDCUFF hand shake: gain or express sympathy and fulfill personal interest.

Postures It means different ways of standing, sitting or lying.

Posture or movements convey self confidence, interest, status etc. e.g.

Superiors usually take a more relaxed posture than subordinates.

Leaning forward depicts interest.

Finger Movement Pointing finger: associated with authority but in a

heated argument taken in a negative sense.

The OK gesture: in this the thumb and finger join to form a zero.

In India, it means all OK

In Japan , it means money.

In France , it means zero.


How we communicate using the space around us

Space language

Four types of Personal Space Zones:

1. Intimate Zones(0-0.5 m)

2. Personal Zone(0.5-1.2m)

3. Social Zone( 1.2-3.0 m)

4. Public Zone (3.0 & above

Space use

People enjoying higher status in the organisation have better and more space allotted to them.

Higher people are protected within their territories which are often closed.

Surroundings Colour

Layout or design

CHRONEMICS :TIME LANGUAGE Concept of time and its impact on people.

Amount of time devoted to something


SIGN LANGUAGE Visual signs

Audio/ sound signals

PARALANGUAGE The way in which words are said.




speaking rate/ pace


non fluencies


How loudly or softly you are speaking

Loudness or softness alters the meaning considerably.


How high or low the sounds of your voice are

A high pitch may indicate nervousness, anxiety, anger etc. and a low pitch may mean sadness, boredom or affection

Speaking Rate/ Pace

How fast or slow you are speaking

Increase in rate indicates urgency, anxiety or impatience

Decrease in rate can indicate thoughtfulness or a reflective attitude.


Pauses have to be at the right moment

Can be effective in gaining listener’s attention or in emphasizing a point.

Non- fluencies

Pauses scattered at intervals inserted with sounds and utterances like ‘ah’, ‘oh’, ‘uh’, ‘um’, ‘you know’ etc

Gives the speaker some time to think.

Too frequent non fluencies can irritate the listener.

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