4 simple ways to turn facebook fans into paying customers

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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You’re sharing great content on Facebook. You have tons of Fans who Like, share and comment on everything you post. But why are none of them are becoming pay customers?!! My guess is that you’re not creating content that drive sales. You don’t want to make posts that are funny, but have nothing to do with your products. And you don’t want to make posts that are solely about your products. You want to tell an interesting story that includes the product. In this presentation I’ll show you 4 ways to create posts that turn Facebook Fans into paying customers. Learn more at http://blog.wishpond.com


4 Simple Ways to Turn Facebook Fans Into Paying Customers

Table of Contents

1 “Fan-Only” Coupons Create an Incentive to Buy

Tell a story that includes your product2

3 Build Trust with a Behind-the-scenes look at your products

4 Customer Testimonials are your secret weapon

“Fan-Only” Coupons Create an Incentive to Buy


Example coupon Facebook post below with my critique:

How do you create a coupon on Facebook that will maximize sales?

1Concise Call-To-Action: Keep it simple stupid. The call-to-action can be one of 3 simple formats: Either “Claim your coupon: [LINK]” or “Use it on [Website URL]” or “Use it in our [Address] Store location”


Image of what you can buy: Show them your most enticing products so they can see something they want to use the coupon on. If they don’t think you sell anything they want, they’ll have no reason to claim the coupon.

3Description of how you use it: Don’t leave any questions. Tell them exactly where and how to use the coupon so they feel confident enough to click.


Very small amount of text: The shorter the better. People don’t read on Facebook, they skim. And if they see a wall of text they’ll likely skip over the post completely. My rule of thumb is to keep your posts to 140 characters, just like Tweets.

Tell a story that includes your product


Tell a story that includes your product

A product by itself is boring. It only becomes exciting when you show people all of the cool things you can use it for. If you post a photo of a hedge trimmer no one will care.

But if you show a hedged trimmed to look like a giraffe with a link to see how to do it, people will be interested.

The example from Walmart (left) is great. It sells the products necessary to grow your own salsa without even mentioning them in the text. Instead, they show them in the photo of a typical backyard.

In this way, the text is kept short and punchy. The average person skimming their News Feed will easily be able to digest this.

4 Ways to Optimize “How to use a product” posts:


2 Images are superior to words: Tell the story using a photo: Show the end result or process of what can be accomplished using your product

Solve a Problem: Giving people cool new activities to do are great, but if you can show them how your products solves one of their problems, you’ll give them a hard reason to buy.

1. Don’t focus on the product: Focus all attention on the results and activity - how fun or fulfilling it is. Only mention the product as a facilitator of it.

Drop in Well-Known Names: Discuss how celebrities use your products (or that type of product) 3


3 examples of how to use this formula


2 Find out how Kate Upton keeps herself looking so fabulous: [LINK]

Learn how to create your own necklace made of [Material]: [LINK]

Find out what Lebron James ate and drank to keep his mind and body in shape to win the NBA Championship: [LINK] 3

Build Trust with a Behind-the-scenes look at your products


Build Trust with a Behind-the-scenes look at your product

Apart from the fact that there’s free wine - people love going on winery tours to learn about how the wine is made. When a person has a better understanding for the materials and processes used in the refining of a product they appreciate it more.

It’s just like when you appreciate a colleague more when you see how much work they put into their projects.

Anthropologie introduced a new collection with an interview with the founder. Founder interviews are great. They allow you to get a look at:

- why they started the business, - what their inspiration is for their products - how they choose which products to make.

2 More Ways to Drive Sales Using Behind-the-scenes Posts

1Employee Interviews: The people behind the product are just as important as the product itself. Model them as experts and ask their opinion on the products and how they use them at home.


Show how your products are made: The more people understand the workings of your products, the more they will respect them. Some people may think that your products are cheaply made or made with cheap materials. If you show them the time, effort and quality behind your products, they’ll respect them. And it will give you a leg up over all competitors

Customer Testimonials are your secret weapon


Customer Testimonials are your secret weapon

Fans are interested in what their friends and peers are saying, not your business. They don’t want to see self-promotion, they want to see cool things that real people are doing. And customer testimonials are your way to give them that.

This post from Coca Cola is great. It’s a real image and quote from a Coca Cola Fan that shows a girl and her cousin bonding over a Coke.

For a merchant who wants to emulate this though I would include a call-to-action to do something. A hard sell isn’t what you want, but a link to a piece of content that expands on the idea in the post would be perfect.

Thank you for viewing!

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