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Immaculate Conception Church, Eden, NY�



Vigil: Easter Sunday�

Saturday, April 20, 2019�

7:30 PM Intentions of Father Dawid, req. Jerry & Casey�

� � Sercu�

Easter Sunday�

Sunday, April 21, 2019�

8:00 AM Ann Fregelette, req. husband Don & family�

11:00 AM Marie Schell, req. the Funnell family�

Monday, April 22, 2019 � Monday within the Octave of


� 8:30 AM� Father’s Day Remembrances�

Tuesday, April 23, 2019 � Tuesday within the Octave of�

� � Easter�

� 8:30 AM Communion Service�

Wednesday, April 24, 2019 � Wednesday within the

Octave of Easter�

� 7:00 PM� Edmund & Genevieve Awald, req. Ed &

Millie Awald�

Thursday, April 25, 2019 � Thursday within the Octave

of Easter�

� 8:30 AM� Communion Service�

Friday, April 26, 2019 � Friday within the Octave of


� 8:30 AM� Christine Penn, req. Paul D. Whelan�

Saturday, April 27, 2019 � Saturday within the Octave

of Easter�

� 8:30 AM� Communion Service�

Vigil: Divine Mercy Sunday�

� 4:00 PM� Howard Kirst, req. Dolores & Virginia Kirst�

Divine Mercy Sunday�

April 28, 2019�

8:00AM� Jeremy & Alfreda Krencik, req. family�

11:00 AM� Bobby Winter, req. the Funnell family�


Today we are filled with joy, for we celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord. He died on the cross, but now he has been

raised from death to new life. Today we are filled with hope, for the sacrifice he made on the cross has opened the way to

eternal life. His sacrifice is our salvation. Today we are filled with praise, for Jesus Christ has won victory over the grave.

He has redeemed humanity.�

Acts 10:34a, 37�43� Peter is an eyewitness: The Lord is risen.�

Colossians 3:1�4� All who are baptized, set your hearts in heaven.�

Luke 24:13�35� � The Lord is made known in the breaking of the bread.�


Sunday, April 21, 2019�

12:00 noon� Divine Mercy Novena�

Monday, April 22, 2019�

� � � Office Closed�

9:00 AM � Divine Mercy Novena�

Tuesday, April 23, 2019�

9:00 AM� Divine Mercy Novena�

Wednesday, April 24, 2019�

7:30 PM� Divine Mercy Novena�

Thursday, April 25, 2019�

9:00 AM� Divine Mercy Novena�

7:00 PM � Divine Mercy Meeting�

Friday, April 26, 2019�

9:00 AM Divine Mercy Novena�

Saturday, April 27, 2019�

3:30 PM � Divine Mercy Novena�


We pray for the sick recommended to us, please notify the

office when to remove their name: Vince La Greca,

Madilyn Bocchine, Marie Hart, Joan Moulthrop, Brian

Profic, Claudia Violette, John Grehan, Felice Krycia.�


The Vigil Candle or Eternal Candle that is always burning

by the Blessed Sacrament can be offered for different

intentions with the suggested offering of $10.00. This

candle will burn for 7 days and every Saturday will be

replaced. Please pray for the intentions of the donors.�

For April 20th in the Church the candle is for Ted &

Paulette Wittenbrink, req. your Eden family and in the

Chapel the candle is for the intentions of Pat Casseri, req.

Allison Cardarelli.�

If the weekend Mass is for the intention of your loved

one, inform one of the ushers so that they are aware that

there is someone to bring up the gifts.�


May 1st 7:45 PM� Eucharistic Ministers Meeting�

May 4th 3:00 PM Men’s Ecumenical BBQ Picnic�


Our second collection is for our Easter Offering.�


If you would like to join one of the following ministries or

find out more about a particular one, please fill in the

necessary information and you will be contacted.�

I am interested in joining: �

Parish� ________�

Holy Name ________�

Family of families___ _____�

Altar & Rosary ________�


Minister� � ________�

Music�� __________�

Couples4Christ __________�

Ushers� � __________�

Prayer Shawl� __________�


Divine Mercy�__________�

VBS�� __________�

SVDP�� __________�

Name:� � __________________________________�


Phone:� � __________________________________�


Exercise daily. Walk with Lord!�

Immaculate Conception Church, Eden, NY�



To receive a letter of recommendation for a sponsor for

Baptism or Confirmation you must be registered members

of the parish (for at least 6 months); who regularly attend

Mass and receive the sacraments. Regular use of envelopes

indicates attendance at Mass. Sponsors are to be Baptized,

Confirmed, and if married, have done so in conformity with

the laws of the Church. Adult children (18 and over) should

be registered on their own. Out�of�town college students

should receive a letter from their campus minister. People

in the military should receive a letter from their chaplain.�

Young adults who were confirmed recently and also are

working, even part time, should assume their own identity

in the parish by registering in their own name.�



Bearing Witness to Christ�

The Woman at the Well (John 4:4�26)�

Water that is suitable for human consumption is a

precious commodity. According to a World Health

Organization and UNICEF report, 663 million people in the

world do not have access to clean water, and more than 300

million people in Africa live in a water�scarce environment.

Women and children spend 125 million hours each day

collecting water. The Food and Agriculture Organization of

the United Nations states that 70 percent of water resources

are used for agriculture, irrigation, and food production.�

What can we do?�

�� Be mindful of our own water consumption.�

�� Support organizations, life Water with Blessings, who

equip, empower, and entrust mothers as agents of clean

water in their own communities.�

�� Advocate for safekeeping forests, wetlands, and

grasslands � nature’s water filters � so our water

sources may remain healthy and clean.�


Easter Blessings�

Easter, the feast of the Resurrection, encourages us to be

Resurrection people. The joyful message of the Gospel

explains the empty tomb and the experience of Mary

Magdalene, Peter and John. Mary Magdalene proclaims her

personal experience: “I have see the Lord.”�

As Resurrection people, we are not to lie buried in the tomb

of our habits, sins and addictions. It gives us the Good

News that no tomb can hold us down anymore. Not the

tomb of despair, discouragement, doubt, nor even death.

Rather, we are called to live a joyful and peaceful life con-

stantly experiencing the real presence of the Risen Lord in

all the events of our lives. “This is the day the Lord has

made, let us rejoice and be glad,” the Psalmist reminds us.�

We too can proclaim, “I have seen the Lord,” as we

continue to hope even when our hope seems unanswered�

we share in the power of Jesus’ Resurrection. The message

of Easter is that nothing can destroy us�not pain, sin,

rejection nor death because Christ has conquered all these,

and we too conquer them as we put our faith in Him.�

May the Risen Christ charge you with zeal and faith as you

go forth in His Name.�

A Blessed Easter to you!�

Fr. Dawid and the staff of ICC & Holy Spirit Churches�


The Lord is risen, it is true! Through his death and

Resurrection, Jesus affords us new life. We must now

decide how we are going to live that new life. Will we

answer the call from our Lord? If God is calling you to a

Church vocation, call Father Andrew at 847�5535.�




Today as we celebrate the feast of Easter, like Mary

Magdalene and the Disciples we find the challenge of also

seeing and believing the resurrection.�

As you put your gift into the St. Vincent de Paul box you

help those who are poor and hungry to “see and believe” in

the Resurrection.�


Jesus, through his death and resurrection, gave us unwaver-

ing hope. Today, we rejoice in our Lord and Savior’s glory,

and celebrate his promise of eternal life! We also want to

thank you for following the example of Appeal Patron St.

Faustina, who devoted her life to sharing Jesus’ message of

divine mercy. Thank you for showing mercy to those most

in need in WNY. Together with your generous support, we

are helping our neighbors find hope. Thank you!�

4:00 PM� 8 AM� 11 AM�


Fr. Dawid� Fr. Dawid� Fr. Dawid�


C. Cybulski� M. Clawson� C. Brown�


G. Tripi�

C. Sercu�

K. Smith�

C. Livecchi�

C. LaGreca�

A. Cardarelli�

R. Smith�

B. Wickett�

N. Kelsey�


Team 4� Team 5� Team 1�


In today’s readings, St. Paul encourages us to think of what

is above; that is, eternal life, instead of being consumed by

the ways and concerns of this earthly life. His words

provide wonderful guidance for us on how to live a

purposeful and happy life. St. Paul is challenging us to

pursue those things that are of lasting value, rather than the

temporary pleasures of the world around us. If you are

finding that your success in this world feels empty, that the

‘things’ you have acquired don’t bring the lasting happiness

you thought they would, then listen to St. Paul. His

message is one of hope that may just lead you to the true

happiness you are seeking. Hope and joy are what the

Easter message is all about. Dare to embrace the hope

offered by St. Paul’s words. It’s the way to a happier life

now, and a happier life to come.�


We will be having a meeting of all Eucharistic Ministers on

Wednesday, May 1st at 7:30 PM in the rectory meeting

room. Please join us, we have much to discuss. Thank you.�

Holy Spirit Church, North Collins, NY�


Pray For The Sick

Pray for those who are ill; Lynne Blasz, Kathy Bley, J ackie Bollinger,

Albert Booth, Russell D., Stella Debicki, Sara Dunn, Bob Felterick, Sean

Hanley Jr., Christian Jacobs, Janet Jones, Steve Jumper, Peggy Kessler,

Kristy Kohler, Dan Kujawinski, Mark Lawton, Angeline Lehner, Kathy

Leiker, Luana Lipka, Patsy Loretto, Gloria Lukonaitis, Brandy

McLauglin, Donna Motak, Bonnie Novak, Maria Pacsirta, Daniel Palmer,

Sam Palmisano, Levi Perkowski, Isabella Phelan, Sydney Piniewski,

Marge Puntillo, Jerry Redmond, Brian Reid, Jeffrey Riehle, Kevin Riehle,

Bill Roberts, Roberta Simmons, Michelle Smith, Charleene Spicola, John

Tomaka, Chuck Tretyak, Marilyn Villagomez, Valerio Villagomez, Keith

Wright. �

Saturday, April 20, 2019�Holy Saturday�

1:00 PM Blessing of Baskets �

3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena in Church�

Sunday, April 21, 2019�Easter Sunday�

9:30AM Joseph, Grace Mangus & Salvatore Acquisto by � �

� � � � � Family�

3:00PM Divine Mercy Novena in Church�

Monday, April 22, 2019�

8:30AM Communion Service�

3:00PM Divine Mercy Novena in Church �

Tuesday, April 23, 2019�

8:30AM Marge Neubaurer by Jerry & Pat Wittmeyer�

3:00PM Divine Mercy Novena in Church�

Wednesday, April 24, 2019�

� � � � � “No Morning Mass”�

3:00PM Divine Mercy Novena in Church�

Thursday, April 25, 2019�

8:30 AM Bernie Leiker by Marge Mackey�

3:00PM Divine Mercy Novena in Church�

Friday, April 26, 2019�

8:30AM Communion Service�

3:00PM Divine Mercy Novena in Church�

Saturday, April 27, 2019�

3:00PM Divine Mercy Novena in Church�

5:30PM Joseph L. Kelly, Jr. by Bruce Bowman Family�

Sunday, April 28, 2019� Divine Mercy Sunday�

9:30AM Don Janik by Holy Spirit Ushers�

Remembrance Candle

The Vigil Candle or Eternal Candle that is always burning

by the Blessed Sacrament can be offered for different

intentions with the suggested offering of $10.00. This

candle will burn in the church for 7 days & be replaced

every Saturday; and in the Chapel will burn for

7 days & will be replaced every Tuesday. Please pray for

the intentions of donors. �

The Church; April 20th: Easter Blessings for all

Parishioners �

The Chapel; April 16th: All Deceased Pastors of Holy �

Spirit Church�

*If a weekend Mass is for the intention of your loved one, please

inform the ushers so that they are aware there is someone to

bring up the gifts.�

Liturgical Ministry Schedule

April 27/28� � 5:30 p.m.�� � � � � 9:30 a.m.� � � �

Presider� � � � � Fr. Dawid�� � � � � Fr. Dawid�

Lector�� � � � � � Anne Foit� � � � Brandi Lobianco�

E. Minister� � B Noto, C.Leone, M Hernek, L Turnbull,�

� R Gullo�� � �� � � G Jablonski� �

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

Altar Server�� � � Eric Bowman J Contro, A Fera � � � � � � �

“Spring Chicken BBQ”

Sunday, April 28th �

Theme Baskets�

Our Spring Chicken Dinner is just a week away,�

and it’s time to make & bring your completed Theme

Baskets to the office. Any questions please contact Bonnie

Noto or Marcy Jablonski. *Gift cards are great & money

donations will be used to buy additional gift cards. �


We need your help in all areas; workers, bakers, set�up,

clean�up & best of all purchasing and enjoying the delicious

dinner! Please remember...it takes ALL of us to

make our fundraisers a success!�

*Ladies don’t forget your home�baked goods

will serve as our dessert!�

Questions/to volunteer: Contact Ellen Bowman at

553�5839 or the Parish Office at 337�3701.�



“In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told”�

Bringing to life the drama and splendor of�

God’s merciful love revealed in Sacred Scripture.�

Join Us for this 10 part video series �

with small group sharing. �

Continues…… �

Thursday mornings at 11:00 AM &�

Thursday evenings at 7 PM�

at the home of Marge Awald, �

WHEN….Happening Now!�

Everyone is welcome to join us. �

For any or all sessions.�

For more info Marge Awald..337�2908�

� � � � � � or e�mail…maawald@aol.com �

Office News

The Parish Office will be closed the day after Easter, April

22nd. It will re open on Tuesday, April 23rd We would

like to wish everyone Blessed Easter!�

Divine Mercy Novena

Jesus requested that St. Faustina prepare herself for the

‘Feast of Mercy” (Divine Mercy Sunday celebrated the

Sunday after Easter) by making a Novena which was to

begin on Good Friday saying” At three o’clock implore

my mercy for the whole world..In this hour I will refuse

nothing to the soul that makes a request of me in virtue

of my Passion, for at that moment mercy was opened

wide for every soul.” Please join the Legion of Mary in

reciting the Divine Mercy Chaplet from Good Friday, April

19th through Saturday, April 27th Ending with Mass on

Divine Mercy Sunday, April 28th�

Holy Spirit Church, North Collins, NY�




There Is Help…

If you are a victim of domestic violence and are in need of

access to safety planning, spiritual care, legal assistance,

limited medical assistance, counseling, law enforcement, the

Family Justice Center of Erie County, Inc. “Where Families

Come First” is for you! All services are free. All conversa-

tions strictly private. For more info call 716�558�7233 or

visit www.fjcsafe.org.�

Cemetery News

It’s finally spring and that means it’s time to clean off your

winter decorations from the cemetery. Please do so at this

time as lawn care will begin soon.�

Our Offering To God �

Your sacrificial Gift presented at the Offertory:�

� �Regular Collection�� � � � � � � � � � � � � $1,765.00� � � �

� �Fuel�� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � $97.00�

� �Education Assessment�� � � � � � � � � � � � � $26.00�

� �Easter Flowers� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � $238.00� � �

� � � Thank you to all for the support of our parish.�

GIVE TO GOD What is RIGHT, not what is LEFT�

Please remember Holy Spirit Parish in your will.�

Every Month With Mary

April’s Focus�

Why and how does Mary always point us to Jesus?�

Pope Francis has said, “Mary points to Jesus. She asks us to

bear witness to Jesus. She constantly guides us to her Son,

Jesus, because in Him alone do we find salvation. He alone

can change the water of our loneliness, difficulties and sin

into the wine of encounter, joy and forgiveness. He alone.”

Mary literally brought the Gospel to the world through the

incarnation of Christ, her son. At the wedding feast of Cana,

and to us today, she continually invites us to “Do whatever

he tells you.” �

*Devotion for April: Easter Novena.�

Quilt Raffle

Holy Spirit Parish is holding a Quilt Raffle. The Quilt is

available for viewing in the church vestibule. This is a

homemade quilt donated by the ladies of the Chasen Dreams

Quilting and Embroidery group. Tickets $1 each/ or 6 for $5

and are available for purchase in the church vestibule or at

the parish office. The drawing will take place on Sunday,

April 28th at the Holy Spirit Chicken BBQ Dinner. �

Question of the Week

How have I encountered the risen Lord: through God’s

word, through the Eucharist, through my contact with �

� others, through prayer? How will I bear witness to these

encounters with the risen Lord to others?�

TV Mass For The Homebound

WNYO Channel 49 (MyTV) at 8:30 a.m.�

Is someone you love unable to join us at church during

this holy time of Lent and Easter? For the faithful at

home or in healthcare settings, the Heart of the Nation

Sunday TV Mass brings spiritual comfort and the blessings

of joy�filled hope in our Risen Savior. Please invite

anyone you know who cannot get out to church to tune in to

Catholic Mass on TV or watch online anytime on Sundays

at www.HeartoftheNation.org (For those who can get to

church, the TV or online liturgy does not fulfill the Sunday

Mass obligation.)�


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