46593729 rancangan tahunan bi year 6

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page )o* )





    1st Social Expressions

    OBJECTIVESa) Listen to and repeat formulaic

    expressions.b) Repeat phrases and sentences.c) Making an emergency call.d) Pronounce the sounds clearly

    and accurately.e) Read aloud a ariety of texts.f) !bser e correct pronunciation.g) "ransfer information correctly.h) #ill in missing $ords and

    phrases correctly.i) #orm sentences correctly.

    1.1.% Listen to and repeat formulaic expressions.1.%.1 Repeat phrases and sentences.1.&.1 Making an emergency call.%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and accurately

    'th' ( oiced and oiceless.%. .1 Making emergency calls.*.*.1 Read aloud a ariety of texts.*.*.+ !bser e correct pronunciation.+.%., "ransfer information from passages- notices-

    posters refer to /SP 0ear ).+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    statements and 2uestions.+.+.1 #orm sentences.

    GRAMMARRe2uests- imperati es-responsesPunctuation

    SENTENCE PATTERNS/ello- 3 need help.4an you please send an

    ambulance to - Lorong *5

    VOCABULARY6on't $orry.Please hold on."hank you.3'm pleased to meet you.Excuse me.

    MORAL VALUES4ourtesy and politeness44"S


  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 2o* 2

    %nd Personal 6etails

    OBJECTIVESa) Listen to songs and rhymes.b) 3dentify ones personal details.c) 7sk 2uestions to gather information.d) Recognise and read rhymes-poems and passages.e) #ill out forms pertaining to onesparticulars.f) 8rite simple sentences.

    1. .1 Listen to songs and rhymes.1. .% 3dentify in a ariety of texts

    a) main ideasb) details

    1.9.1 Respond to songs- rhymes and dialogues.%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and

    accurately.%.+.1 7sk 2uestions to gather information.%.,.1 a) "o identify

    b) "o namec) "o stated) "o ask

    *.9.1 Recognise and read rhymes- poems andpassages.*.9.% :se headings and tables of contents to

    obtain information about a text.*.1;.1 Read rhymes and passages.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    statements and 2uestions.+.9.1 #ill out forms.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.+.&.% 8rite compound sentences using and-

    because- so and therefore.

    GRAMMARPositi e statements- negati e2uestions and responses

    SENTENCE PATTERNS8hat is your name58hen $ere you born58hat is your fa ourite game5

    3 li e at indness- patriotism-friendliness

    CCTSMaking inferences


  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 3o* 3

    *rd !ccupations

    OBJECTIVES?y the end the $eek- the pupils

    should be able to @a) introduce themsel es and

    others.b) make positi e and negati e

    statements.c) ask and gi e personal


    1. .1 Listen to dialogues- descriptions and songs.1.9.1 Respond to dialogues- descriptions and

    songs.%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and accurately.%.,.1 a) "o identify

    b) "o namec) "o ask

    %.,.% "o describe*.*.1 Read aloud passages.*.1;.1 Read passages A non( erbally.+.%.% Match phrasesand sentences to pictures and


    +.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases and2uestions in messages.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.

    GRAMMARPronoun forms ( personalPresent tensePast tense

    SENTENCE PATTERNS3. 8ho is he5%. /o$ does he go to $ork5*. 8hat is Encik Bainal's

    occupation5+. 8here does Mr. Lee $ork5

    VOCABULARYteacher- $orker- reporter-postman- surgeon- etc.

    MORAL VALUES4o(operation/elpfullnessPoliteness

    CCTS3dentifying details

    Making 3nferences

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page +o* +

    +th !ccupations

    OBJECTIVES?y the end the $eek- the pupils

    should be able to@a) introduce themsel es and

    others.b) make positi e and negati e

    statements.c) ask and gi e personal


    1.%.1 Repeat phrases and sentences.1. .1 Listen to dialogues- descriptions and songs.1.9.1 Respond to dialogues- descriptions and

    songs.%.+.1 7sk 2uestions to gather information.%.,.1 a) "o identify

    b) "o namec) "o ask

    *.11.% Sol e simple $ord puCCles- riddles- $ordgames and $ord maCes.

    +.%.1 Match $ords to pictures and symbols.+.%.% Match phrases and sentences to@

    a) pictures- symbols+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases and2uestions in messages.

    +.&.1 8rite simple sentences.

    GRAMMARPronoun forms ( personalPresent tensePast tense

    SENTENCE PATTERNS"o ask permission"eacher- may 3 go out5May 3 go out please- teacher5

    VOCABULARYteacher- $orker- reporter-

    postman- surgeon- etc.MORAL VALUES4o(operation/elpfullnessPoliteness

    CCTS3dentifying details

    Making 3nferences

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page o*

    th #amilyDRelations

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@a) repeat phrases and sentences.b) understand $ords- phrases and

    sentences.c) pronounce the sounds clearly

    and accurately.d) ask 2uestions to gather


    1.%.1 Repeat phrases and sentences.1.*.1 :nderstand $ords and phrases in context.%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and accurately.%.,.1 a) "o identify

    b) "o namec) "o stated) "o aske) "o refute statements

    *.%.1 Read and understand phrases andsentences.

    *.1;.1 Read signs- notices- labels and passages.+.%. 4reate $ord $ebs.

    GRAMMAR'8h' 2uestions and responses

    SENTENCE PATTERNS8ho is he5/e is my uncle.Pn. /anum is #ifi's mother.

    VOCABULARYrelati es- aunt- uncle- niece-cousin- nephe$- guardian

    MORAL VALUESRespect and lo e



  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page -o* -

    ,th #amilyDRelations

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@a) read and understand phrases

    and sentences.b) create $ord $ebs.c) transfer information correctly.d) form sentences correctly.

    1.%.1 Repeat phrases and sentences.1.*.1 :nderstand $ords and phrases in context.%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and accurately.%.,.1 a) "o identify

    b) "o namec) "o stated) "o aske) "o refute statements

    *.%.1 Read and understand phrases andsentences.

    *.1;.1 Read signs- notices- labels andpassages.+.%. 4reate $ord $ebs.

    +.%., "ransfer information .

    GRAMMAR'8h' 2uestions and responses

    SENTENCE PATTERNS"o make encouragingexclamations.


    VOCABULARYrelati es- aunt- uncle- niece-cousin- nephe$- guardian

    MORAL VALUESRespect and lo e



  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page .o* .

    9th 4alendar and "ime

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to @a) listen to and discriminate

    sounds.b) repeat phrases and sentences.c) identify main ideas and

    characters in stories and plays.d) fill in missing $ords and phrases

    in statements and 2uestions.

    e) $rite simple sentences.

    1.1.1 6iscriminatec) double consonants

    1.%.1 Repeat phrases and sentences.%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and

    accurately@c) double consonants

    %.,.* "alk abouta) main ideasb) detailsc) se2uence

    *.*.1 Read aloud ad ertisements and simpleinformation reports.

    *.,.1 Scan for specific information.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases instatements and 2uestions.

    +.&.% 8rite compound sentences usingG andG because

    GRAMMAR8h' 2uestions

    SENTENCE PATTERNS8hose birthday is on ==5/o$ many $eeks are there in==58hen is 4hristmas e ery year58hich months are rainymonths5


    century- fortnight- minute-$eekend- a 2uarter to- a 2uarter past- half past

    MORAL VALUESPunctuality

    CCTSPlanningSol ing problems

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page /o* /

    &th 4alendar and "ime

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@a) read aloud simple information.b) repeat phrases and sentences.c) identify main ideas and

    characters in stories and plays.d) fill in missing $ords and

    phrases in statements and2uestions.

    e) $rite simple sentences.

    1.1.1 6iscriminatec) double consonants

    1.%.1 Repeat phrases and sentences.%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and

    accurately@c) double consonants

    %.,.* "alk abouta) main ideasb) detailsc) se2uence

    *.*.1 Read aloud ad ertisements and simpleinformation reports.

    *.,.1 Scan for specific information.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases instatements and 2uestions.

    +.&.% 8rite compound sentences usingG andG becauseG soG therefore

    GRAMMAR8h' 2uestions

    SENTENCE PATTERNS"o seek for assistance4anD4ould you open the door please58illD 8ould you please help mecarry the chair5

    VOCABULARYcentury- fortnight- minute-

    $eekend- a 2uarter to- a 2uarter past- half past

    MORAL VALUESPunctuality

    CCTSPlanningSol ing problems

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page o*


  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page )0 o* )0


  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page )) o* ))

    11th !bHects and Shapes

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@a) identify obHects seen.b) dra$ common shapes.c) play a simple language game.d) read sentences in contracted


    1.1.% Listen to and repeat formulaic expressions.%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and

    accurately.%.,.1 a) "o identify

    b) "o name*.+.1 roup $ords according to categories.*.11.% Sol e simple $ord puCCles- riddles- $ord

    games and $ord maCes.+.%.1 Match $ords to pictures and symbols.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    statements and 2uestions in messages.

    GRAMMARRe2uests- imperati es andresponses

    SENTENCE PATTERNS8hat is this53t is a ===8here is the blue bag58hat is the shape of the clock5

    VOCABULARYhelmet- diskette- plier- clothespegs- triangle- cone- rectangle-round- cylinder- compass-s2uare

    MORAL VALUES"hankfulness

    CCTSMaking interpretationsSol ing problemsMaking connections

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page )2 o* )2

    1%th !bHects and Shapes

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@a) match pictures to $ords.b) dra$ common shapes.c) play a simple language game.d) read sentences in contracted

    form.e) $rite simple sentences based

    on the pictures.

    1.1.% Listen to and repeat formulaic expressions.1.*.1 Listen to and understand $ords and phrases

    in context.%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and

    accurately.%.,.1 a) "o identify

    b) "o name*.+.1 roup $ords according to categories.*.11.% Sol e simple $ord puCCles- riddles- $ord

    games and $ord maCes.+.%.1 Match $ords to pictures and symbols.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    statements and 2uestions in messages.

    GRAMMARRe2uests- imperati es andresponses

    SENTENCE PATTERNS 7pologi sing3'm sorry- 6e i. 3 broke your

    ase.3'm sorry 3'm late.

    VOCABULARYhelmet- diskette- plier- clothespegs- triangle- cone- rectangle-round- cylinder- compass-s2uare

    MORAL VALUES"hankfulness

    CCTSMaking interpretationsSol ing problemsMaking connections

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page )3 o* )3

    1*th /obbiesD3nterests

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@a) find out and state ones likes and

    dislikes.b) pronounce $ords correctly.c) read a poem and understand it.d) fill in missing $ordsDphrases in

    sentences and in 2uestions.

    1. .1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-poems and descriptions.

    1. .1 3dentify in a ariety of texts@a) main ideasb) details

    1.,.1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-poems and descriptions.b) dra$ conclusionsc) make inferences

    %.+.1 7sk 2uestions to gather information.*.*.1 Read aloud rhymes- poems- stories and

    descriptions.*.9.* Read and extract information regarding

    a) main ideasb) details

    *.1;.1 Read poems andb) dra$ conclusions

    +.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases instatements and in 2uestions.

    +.+.1 #orm sentences bya) using substitution tables

    +.+.% #orm paragraphs bya) using substitution tables

    +.&.% 8rite compound sentences.


    SENTENCE PATTERNSSheila likes playing chess.

    7mir likes playing hockey butdislikes playing olleyball.

    VOCABULARYathletics- badminton- chess-darts- football- gymnastics- hide(and(seek- hockey- snakes andladders- etc.

    MORAL VALUES#riendlinessRespect

    CCTSMaking interpretationsSol ing problems6ra$ing conclusions

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page )+ o* )+

    1+th /obbiesD3nterests

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to @a) read and extract information to

    retell the main ideas.b) pronounce $ords correctly.c) read a poem and understand it.d) fill in missing $ordsDphrases in

    sentences and in 2uestions.e) $rite simple sentences.

    1. .1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-poems and descriptions.

    1. .1 3dentify in a ariety of texts@a) main ideasb) details

    1.,.1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-poems and descriptions.b) dra$ conclusionsc) make inferences

    %.+.1 7sk 2uestions to gather information.*.*.1 Read aloud rhymes- poems- stories and

    descriptions.*.9.* Read and extract information regarding

    a) main ideasb) details

    *.1;.1 Read poems andb) dra$ conclusions

    +.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases instatements and in 2uestions.

    +.+.1 #orm sentences bya) using substitution tables.

    +.+.% #orm paragraphs bya) using substitution tables.

    +.&.% 8rite compound sentences.


    SENTENCE PATTERNS"o congratulate one another 8ell done- #itriF4ongratulations- 7ngela.

    VOCABULARYathletics- badminton- chess-darts- football- gymnastics- hide(and(seek- hockey- snakes andladders- etc.

    MORAL VALUES#riendlinessRespect

    CCTSMaking interpretationsSol ing problems6ra$ing conclusions

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page ) o* )

    1 th 7cti ities of people

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to @a) listen to and respond to songs-

    rhymes- fables- stories- poemsand descriptions.

    b) identify $hat one is doing.c) fill in the missing $ords in

    sentences.d) $rite simple sentences.

    1. .1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-poems and descriptions.

    1. .+ ?e a$are of stereotyping.1.,.1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-

    poems and descriptions.1.9.1 Respond to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-

    poems and descriptions.%.,.1 a) "o identify%.,.% "o describe*.9.* Read and extract information.*.&.1 Read and interpret illustrations.+.*.1 #ill in missing phrases in sentences.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.

    GRAMMARReflexi e pronounsSimple present tenseSimple present continuous tense

    SENTENCE PATTERNSMother cooks rice e ery day."hey $atch tele ision e erye ening.

    7ini is combing her hair.Mr. "an is painting the $all.

    VOCABULARYrepair- sa$- paint- fold- $atch-fishing- baking- cooking- sa$ing-dusting

    MORAL VALUESPatriotisme#riendliness

    CCTSMaking interpretations6escribing

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page )- o* )-

    1,th 7cti ities of people

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@a) listen to and respond to songs-

    rhymes- fables- stories- poemsand descriptions.

    b) identify $hat one is doing.c) fill in the missing $ords in

    sentences.d) $rite simple sentences.

    1. .1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-poems and descriptions.

    1. .+ ?e a$are of stereotyping.1.,.1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-

    poems and descriptions.1.9.1 Respond to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-

    poems and descriptions.%.,.1 a) "o identify%.,.% "o describe*.9.* Read and extract information.*.&.1 Read and interpret illustrations.+.*.1 #ill in missing phrases in sentences.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.

    GRAMMARReflexi e pronounsSimple present tenseSimple present continuous tense

    SENTENCE PATTERNSMaking an emergency call./ello- 3 need help. 4an youplease send an ambulanceto S> Palong + #)5

    VOCABULARYrepair- sa$- paint- fold- $atch-fishing- baking- cooking- sa$ing-dusting

    MORAL VALUESPatriotisme#riendliness

    CCTSMaking interpretation6escribing

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page ). o* ).

    19th Personality traits

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@a) read and pronounce $ords

    correctly.b) describe ones character.c) listen to and respond to stories

    or descriptions.d) match $ords to

    phrasesDpictures.e) fill in missing $ordsDphrases n

    sentencesDstatements.f) construct sentences.

    1. .1 Listen to stories and descriptions.1.,.1 Listen to stories and descriptions and

    a) dra$ conclusionsb) make inferences

    1.9.1 Respond to stories and descriptions about( characters( contents of text

    %.,.* "alk abouta) main ideasb) details

    %.&.1 Express feelings to characters in s toriesread and heard.

    *.*.1 Read aloud stories and descriptions.*.9.* Read and extract information.+.%.% Match $ords to phrasesDpictures.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    sentencesDstatements.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.+.&.% 8rite compound sentences using and- so-

    because and therefore.+.1;.* Purposes@

    ( to seek clarification( to describe


    7dHecti es

    SENTENCE PATTERNS 7CiC is a polite and friendly boy.Buli is a bra e and strong girl.

    7nitha's $riting is ery neat.

    VOCABULARYalert- bra e- clumsy- kind- rude-pleasant- polite- shy- busy- timid-

    friendly- neat- dirty- etc.MORAL VALUES4leanliness?ra ery

    CCTSMaking inferences6ra$ing conclusions

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page )/ o* )/

    1&th Personality traits

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@a) read and pronounce $ords

    correctly.b) describe one's character.c) listen to and respond to stories

    or descriptions.d) match $ords to

    phrasesDpictures.e) fill in missing $ordsDphrases n

    sentencesDstatements.f) construct sentences.

    1. .1 Listen to stories and descriptions.1.,.1 Listen to stories and descriptions and

    a) dra$ conclusionsb) make inferences

    1.9.1 Respond to stories and descriptions about( characters( contents of text

    %.,.* "alk abouta) main ideasb) details

    %.&.1 Express feelings to characters in s toriesread and heard.

    *.*.1 Read aloud stories and descriptions.*.9.* Read and extract information.+.%.% Match $ords to phrasesDpictures.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    sentencesDstatements.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.+.&.% 8rite compound sentences using and- so-

    because and therefore.+.1;.* Purposes@

    ( to seek clarification( to describe


    7dHecti es

    SENTENCE PATTERNS"o offer assistance4an 3 help you50es- please.

    VOCABULARYalert- bra e- clumsy- kind- rude-pleasant- polite- shy- busy- timid-

    friendly- neat- dirty- etc.MORAL VALUES4leanliness?ra ery

    CCTSMaking inferences6ra$ing conclusions

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page ) o* )

    1 th #ood

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@a) listen to songs- rhymes- fables-

    stories and descriptions.b) identify main ideas in a ariety of

    texts.c) pronounce $ords correctly and

    $ith clear enunciation.d) recognise and read stories-

    passages and directions.e) match phrases and sentences to

    pictures and symbols.f) form sentences by substituting

    $ords.g) $rite simple sentences.

    1. .1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-descriptions.

    1. .% 3dentify in a ariety of texts.a) main ideasb) detailsc) se2uence

    %.,.% "o describe.*.*.+ !bser e correct pronunciation.*.9.1 Recognise and read stories- instructions-

    passages and directions.+.%.% Match phrases and sentences to pictures

    and symbols.+.+.1 #orm sentences by substituting $ords.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.+.1;.* 8rite for different purposes.

    GRAMMAR8h' ( 2uestions and responsesIuestion tags

    SENTENCE PATTERNS/o$ much are these cherries54an $e ha e piCCa for dinner53 like to eat porridge./e does not like to eat fish curry.

    VOCABULARYpiCCa- porridge- burger- satay-

    mushroom- lettuce- radish- yam-salad- etc.

    MORAL VALUES4leanliness


  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 20 o* 20

    %;th #ood

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to @a) listen to songs- rhymes- fables-

    stories- descriptions.b) identify main ideas in a ariety of

    texts.c) pronounce $ords correctly and

    $ith clear enunciation.d) recognise and read stories-

    passages and directions.e) match phrases and sentences to

    pictures and symbols.f) form sentences by substituting

    $ords.g) $rite simple sentences.

    1. .1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-descriptions.

    1. .% 3dentify in a ariety of textsa) main ideasb) detailsc) se2uence

    %.,.% "o describe*.*.+ !bser e correct pronunciation.*.9.1 Recognise and read stories- instructions-

    passages and directions.+.%.% Match phrases and sentences to pictures

    and symbols.+.+.1 #orm sentences by substituting $ords.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.+.1;.* 8rite for different purposes.

    GRAMMAR'8h' ( 2uestions and responsesIuestion tags

    SENTENCE PATTERNSSho$ing concern/o$ are you today53'm fine- thank you.

    VOCABULARYpiCCa- porridge- burger- satay-mushroom- lettuce- radish- yam-

    salad- etc.MORAL VALUES4leanliness


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    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 2) o* 2)

    %1st 7nimalsD:ni ersal truths

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@a) pronounce $ords correctly.b) describe ho$ animals mo e-

    sound and beha e.c) identify and talk about ones

    fa ourite animal.d) retell stories that are heard and

    read.e) $rite descriptions of animals.f) construct sentences using the

    correct subHect and erbagreement.

    1. .1 Listen to songs- rhymes- stories and

    descriptions.1. .* 3dentify the main story line and characters in

    stories- plays- etc.1.,.1 Listen to songs- rhymes- stories and

    descriptions.%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and accurately.%.,.1 a) "o identify

    b) "o namec) "o stated) "o aske) "o refute statements

    %.,.% "o describea) main ideasb) se2uencec) similarities and differences

    *.*.1 Read aloud rhymes- fables- passages.*.9.1 Recognise and read rhymes- passages.+.%.% Match phrases and sentences to@

    a) pictures- symbol.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    statements and 2uestions.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.



    SENTENCE PATTERNS?irds ha e $ings."he young of a co$ is called acalf.

    7 frog is an amphibian.4ats meo$ and dogs bark.

    VOCABULARYamphibian- mammals- birds-reptiles- fish- meo$- neigh-cluck- hiss- bird- elephant-bea er- dolphin- beak- feathers-fur- etc

    MORAL VALUESLo ing>indness


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    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 22 o* 22


    7nimalsD:ni ersal truths

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) pronounce $ords correctly.b) describe ho$ animals

    mo e- sound and beha e.c) identify and talk about one's

    fa ourite animal.d) retell stories that are heard

    and read.e) $rite descriptions of

    animals.f) construct sentences using

    the correct subHect and erbagreement.

    1. .1 Listen to songs- rhymes- stories and

    descriptions.1. .* 3dentify the main story line and characters in

    stories- plays- etc.1.,.1 Listen to songs- rhymes- stories and

    descriptions.%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and accurately.%.,.1 a) "o identifyb) "o namec) "o stated) "o aske) "o refute statements%.,.% "o describe%.,.* "alk about

    a) main ideasb) se2uencec) similarities and differences.

    *.*.1 Read aloud rhymes- fables- passages.*.9.1 Recognise and read rhymes- passages.+.%.% Match phrases and sentences to@

    a) pictures- symbol.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    statements and 2uestions.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.



    SENTENCE PATTERNSSeeking clarification3 beg your pardon. 4an yourepeat that please5SureD0es- of course.

    VOCABULARYamphibian- mammals- birds-reptiles- fish- meo$- neigh-cluck- hiss- bird- elephant-bea er- dolphin- beak- feathers-fur- etc.

    MORAL VALUESLo ing>indness


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    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 23 o* 23


    4lothing and #oot$ear

    OBJECTIVES? y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) identify and name clothing.b) state- ask and refute

    statements pertaining toclothing.

    c) fill in missing $ordsDphrasesin sentences.

    d) form sentences by usingsubstitution table.

    e) $rite simple sentences.

    1.%.1 Repeat phrases and sentences.

    1.*.1 Listen to and understand $ords and phrasesin context.

    %.+.1 7sk 2uestions to gather information.%.,.1 "o identify- name- state- ask and refute

    statements.%.,.% "o describe.*.%.1 Read and understand phrases and

    sentences.*.&.1 Read and interpret diagrams- tables- flo$

    charts.+.%. 4reate $ord $ebs.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    statements and in 2uestions.+.+.1 #orm sentences by using substitution table.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.


    7dHecti es

    SENTENCE PATTERNSPn. Lina $ears a beautiful baHukebaya.Malay men $ear sarung andsongkok $hen they go for #ridayprayers.

    7li $ears a pair of $hite shoesto school.

    VOCABULARYshirt- shorts- singlet- skirt-pyHamas- Heans- pinafore- baHukebaya- baHu melayu- trousers-kurta- saree- dhoti- sal$ar kameeC- samfoo- etc.

    MORAL VALUES"hankfulness#riendliness



  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 2+ o* 2+


    4lothing and #oot$ear

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) identify and name clothing.b) state- ask and refute

    statements pertaining toclothing.

    c) fill in missing $ordsDphrasesin sentences.

    d) form sentences by usingsubstitution table.

    e) $rite simple sentences.

    1.%.1 Repeat phrases and sentences.

    1.*.1 Listen to and understand $ords and phrasesin context.

    %.+.1 7sk 2uestions to gather information.%.,.1 "o identify- name- state- ask and refute

    statements.%.,.% "o describe*.%.1 Read and understand phrases and

    sentences.*.&.1 Read and interpret diagrams- tables- flo$

    charts.+.%. 4reate $ord $ebs.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    statements and in 2uestions.+.+.1 #orm sentences by using substitution table.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.


    7dHecti es

    SENTENCE PATTERNSExpressing gratitude"hank you for helping me.0ou're most $elcome.

    VOCABULARYshirt- shorts- singlet- skirt-pyHamas- Heans- pinafore- baHukebaya- baHu melayu- trousers-kurta- saree- dhoti- sal$ar kameeC- samfoo- etc.

    MORAL VALUES"hankfulness#riendliness


  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 2 o* 2

    % th

    E ents

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) listen to and repeat the$ords.

    b) pronounce $ords correctly.c) listen to- read and respond

    to text.d) ask 2uestions to gather

    information.e) scan for specific

    information.f) find missing $ords in

    sentences.g) $rite simpleDcompound


    1. .1 Listen to fables- stories- dialogues-

    descriptions and information reports.1. .% 3dentify in a ariety of texts

    a) main ideas b) details1.9.1 Respond to fables- stories- dialogues-

    descriptions and information reports.*.1.1 7ttain meaning of $ords by

    a) identifying base $ordsb) identifying prefixes dis(- un(- re(

    *.*.1 Read aloud fables- stories- dialogues-descriptions and information reports.

    *. .1 Read and select the definition suited to themeaning of the $ord in context.

    *.,.1 Scan for specific information.*.9.* Read and extract information.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    statements and 2uestions.+.+.1 #orm sentences by using substitution tables.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.+.&.% 8rite compound sentences using and- so-

    because and therefore.


    "he simple present tense"he simple past tense

    SENTENCE PATTERNS"o seek for and makesuggestionsSheila- can you gi e me anidea5Let us play olleyball.

    VOCABULARYfaster- disco er- $edding-accident- gotong-royong -robbery- concert- speech-band practice

    MORAL VALUES/onesty>indness

    CCTSMaking inferences or conclusions6escribing

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 2- o* 2-


    E ents

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) listen to and repeat the$ords.

    b) pronounce $ords correctly.c) listen to- read and respond

    to text.d) ask 2uestions to gather


    e)scan for specificinformation.

    f) find missing $ords insentences.

    g) $rite simpleDcompoundsentences.

    1. .1 Listen to fables- stories- dialogues-

    descriptions and information reports.1. .% 3dentify in a ariety of texts

    a) main ideas b) details1.9.1 Respond to fables- stories- dialogues-

    descriptions and information reports.%.+.1 7sk 2uestions to gather information.*.1.1 7ttain meaning of $ords by

    a) identifying base $ordsb) identifying prefixes dis(- un(- re(

    *.*.1 Read aloud fables- stories- dialogues-descriptions and information reports.

    *. .1 Read and select the definition suited to themeaning of the $ord in context.

    *.,.1 Scan for specific information.*.9.* Read and extract information.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    statements and 2uestions.+.+.1 #orm sentences by using substitution tables.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.+.&.% 8rite compound sentences using and- so-

    because and therefore.


    "he simple present tense"he simple past tense

    SENTENCE PATTERNS"here $ill be a floral parade into$n today."he $ater le el is rising./e plays the iolin e ery day./o$ often do you go to thecinema5

    VOCABULARY#aster- disco er- $edding-accident- gotong-royong -robbery- concert- speech- bandpractice.

    MORAL VALUES/onesty>indness

    CCTSMaking inferences or conclusions6escribing

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 2. o* 2.



    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) listen to and understand$ords and phrases.

    b) identify- name- state- askand refute statements.

    c) describe buildings.d) listen to cues and fill in the

    blanks.e) form sentences.f) $rite simple sentences.

    1.*.1 Listen to and understand $ords and phrases.

    1.+.% Listen to and identify the location of places inthe country and other countries.

    %.,.1 "o identify- name- state- ask and refutestatements.

    %.,.% "o describe%.&.+ "o express opinion*.%.1 Read and understand phrasesDsentences.*.,.1 Scan for specific information.*.9.1 Recognise and read signs- notices- labels-

    instructions and directions.+.*.1 #ill in missing letters- $ords and phrases.+.+.1 #orm sentences.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.


    '8h' 2uestions

    SENTENCE PATTERNS/o$ far is the ne$ airport from>lang5"he mos2ue has a dome andfour minarets."he uni ersity campus isbeautiful.

    VOCABULARYmos2ue- pagoda- church-airport- parliament- prison- arch-dome- minaret- porch- balcony-lift- to$er- city- court- entrance-etc.

    MORAL VALUES"ogetherness4arefulness


  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 2/ o* 2/



    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) listen to and understand$ords and phrases.

    b) identify- name- state- askand refute statements.

    c) describe buildings.d) listen to cues and fill in the

    blanks.e) form sentences.f) $rite simple sentences.

    1.*.1 Listen to and understand $ords and phrases.

    1.+.% Listen to and identify the location of places inthe country and other countries.%.,.1 "o identify- name- state- ask and refute

    statements.%.,.% "o describe.%.&.+ "o express opinion.*.%.1 Read and understand phrasesDsentences.*.,.1 Scan for specific information.*.9.1 Recognise and read signs- notices- labels-

    instructions and directions.+.*.1 #ill in missing letters- $ords and phrases.+.+.1 #orm sentences.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.


    '8h' 2uestions

    SENTENCE PATTERNS/o$ far is the ne$ airport from>lang5"he mos2ue has a dome andfour minarets."he uni ersity campus isbeautiful.

    VOCABULARYmos2ue- pagoda- church-airport- parliament- prison- arch-dome- minaret- porch- balcony-lift- to$er- city- court- entrance-etc.

    MORAL VALUES"ogetherness4arefulness


  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 2 o* 2

    % th

    Modes of "ransport

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) classify the types of ehicles.

    b) discriminate final graphs.c) interpret and describe

    illustrations.d) determine mode of

    tra elling to places.e) fill in missing $ords.

    1.1.1 6iscriminatek) contractions

    %.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and accuratelyk) prefixes%.,.1 a) "o name

    b) "o identify*.*.+ !bser e

    ( correct pronunciation( clear enunciation

    *. .1 Read and select the definition suited tomeaning of the $ords.

    *.9.* Read and extract informationb) details

    +.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases.+.1%.1 8rite a short description of the information

    presented in graphic form.


    4onHunctions'and'- 'but'- 'or'- 'so'- 'because'and 'although'

    SENTENCE PATTERNS6ad- can 3 ha e a bicycle58hy don't you Hust take a bus5

    VOCABULARYcon enient- comfortable-

    ehicles- cheap- expensi e- fare-air- land- $ater- car- LR"-commuter- etc.

    MORAL VALUES"hankfulness4ourage

    CCTS"o find proof 4larifying

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 30 o* 30


    Modesof "ransport

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) classify types of ehicles.b) discriminate final graphs.c) interpret and describe

    illustrations.d) determine mode of

    tra elling to places.e) fill in missing $ords.

    1.1.1 6iscriminatek) contractions

    %.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and accuratelyk) prefixes%.,.1 a) "o name

    b) "o identify*.*.+ !bser e

    ( correct pronunciation( clear enunciation

    *. .1 Read and select the definition suited tomeaning of the $ords.

    *.9.* Read and extract informationb) details

    +.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases.+.1%.1 8rite a short description of the

    information presented in graphic form.


    4onHunctions'and'- 'but'- 'or'- 'so'- 'because'and 'although'

    SENTENCE PATTERNS!ffering sympathy3'm sorry to hear about your grandmother."hank you.

    VOCABULARYcon enient- comfortable-

    ehicles- cheap- expensi e- fare-air- land- $ater- car- LR"-commuter- etc.

    MORAL VALUES"hankfulness4ourage

    CCTS"o find proof 4larifying

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 3) o* 3)


    JegetationD:ni ersal "ruths

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) listen to and discriminatesound.

    b) speak clearly.c) gi e rele ant information in

    response to en2uiriesmade.

    d) tell stories and recitepoems.

    e) group $ords according tocategories.

    f) match $ords $ith pictures.g) fill in missing $ords in

    statements.h) $rite simple sentences.

    1.1.1 6iscriminatee) final blends

    1.1.% Listen to and repeat formulaic expressions.1.+.1 Listen to and follo$ simple instructions.%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and accurately.%.,.1 "o name and state.%.9.1 Recite poems.%.&.1 Express feeling to characters in stories read.*.+.1 roup $ords according to categories.*.9.* Read and extract information regarding

    b) detailsf) differences

    +.%.1 Match $ords $ith pictures.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords in statements in

    messages.+.+.1 #orm sentences by substituting $ords.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.+.1;.1 8rite different text types

    h) $riting a simple description


    Positi e s tatementsSimple Present "ense

    SENTENCE PATTERNS"hose Hasmines are not yello$."hey are $hite.

    VOCABULARYs$eet potato- bitter gourd- yam-groundnut- rattan- ferns- $heat-coconut tree- mangro e- mangotree- etc.

    MORAL VALUESLo e for the en ironment"hankfulness

    CCTSMaking interpretationMaking connection3dentifying main ideas

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    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 32 o* 32


    JegetationD:ni ersal "ruths

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) listen to and discriminatesound.

    b) speak clearly.c) gi e rele ant information in

    response to en2uiriesmade.

    d) tell stories and recitepoems.

    e) group $ords according tocategories.

    f) match $ords $ith pictures.g) fill in missing $ords in

    statements.h) $rite simple sentences.

    1.1.1 6iscriminatee) final blends

    1.1.% Listen to and repeat formulaic expressions.1.+.1 Listen to and follo$ simple instructions.%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and accurately.%.,.1 "o name and state.%.9.1 Recite poems.%.&.1 Express feeling to characters in stories read.*.+.1 roup $ords according to categories.*.9.* Read and extract information regarding

    b) detailsf) differences

    +.%.1 Match $ords $ith pictures.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords in statements and in

    messages.+.+.1 #orm sentences by substituting $ords.+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.+.1;.1 8rite different text types

    h) $riting a simple description.


    Positi e s tatementsSimple Present "ense

    SENTENCE PATTERNS"hose Hasmines are not yello$."hey are $hite.

    VOCABULARYs$eet potato- bitter gourd- yam-groundnut- rattan- ferns- $heat-coconut tree- mangro e- mangotree- etc.

    MORAL VALUESLo e for the en ironment"hankfulness

    CCTSMaking interpretationMaking connection3dentifying main ideas

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 33 o* 33



    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- the pupilsshould be able to@

    a) listen to and follo$ simpledirections.

    b) read and follo$ directions toplaces.

    c) $rite simple instructionsand directions.

    d) fill in missing $ords insentences.

    1.+.% Listen to and identify the location of places

    in the country and in other countries.1.+.* Listen to and follo$ simple directions toplaces in other countries.

    1. .1 Listen to songs- stories- dialogues- plans anddescriptions.

    1. .% 3dentify in a ariety of textsa) main ideas b) details

    %.,.1 a) "o identifyb) "o statec) "o name

    *.*.1 Read aloud the signs- instructions- stories-directions and passages.

    *.&.1 Read and interpret diagrams- maps- plans-graphs- illustrations pictures- photographs)-fables- flo$ charts.

    *.&.% Read and follo$@a) directions to places in the country and

    in the region on a map+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    statements and 2uestions in directions.+.1;.1 8riteDcreate different text types.

    c) $riting instructionsDdescriptions+.1;.* Purposes@ to gi e directions



    SENTENCE PATTERNS"he bathroom is do$nstairs onyour right."urn right and go straight untilyou reach a Hunction.

    VOCABULARYaround- bottom- east- $est-north- south- northeast-southeast- south$est- north$est-to$ards- to the left- to the right-border- etc.

    MORAL VALUESLoyalty4ourtesy

    CCTSMaking interpretation6escribing

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 3+ o* 3+



    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- the pupilsshould be able to@

    a) listen to and follo$ simpledirections.

    b) read and follo$ directions toplaces.

    c) $rite simple instructionsand directions.

    d) fill in missing $ords insentences.

    1.+.% Listen to and identify the location of places in

    the country and in other countries.1.+.* Listen to and follo$ simple directions toplaces in other countries.

    1. .1 Listen to songs- stories- dialogues- plans anddescriptions.

    1. .% 3dentify in a ariety of textsa) main ideas b) details

    %.,.1 a) "o identifyb) "o statec) "o name

    *.*.1 Read aloud the signs- instructions- stories-directions and passages.

    *.&.1 Read and interpret diagrams- maps- plans-graphs- illustrations pictures- photographs)-fables- flo$(charts.

    *.&.% Read and follo$@a) directions to places in the country and in

    the region on a map.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords and phrases in

    statements and 2uestions in directions.+.1;.1 8riteDcreate different text types.

    c) $riting instructionsDdescriptions+.1;.* Purposes@ to gi e directions



    SENTENCE PATTERNSMaking and recei ing telephonecalls

    VOCABULARYaround- bottom- east- $est-north- south- northeast-southeast- south$est- north$est-to$ards- to the left- to the right-border- etc

    MORAL VALUESLoyalty4ourtesy

    CCTSMaking interpretation6escribing

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 3 o* 3

    * th

    8hat 8e Plan "o 6oDMust 6o

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) state $hat one plans to door must do.

    b) copy sentences clearly-neatly and legibly.

    c) fill in missing $ords insentences.

    d) construct sentences byusing all the $ords gi en.

    1. .% 3dentify in a ariety of texts

    a) main ideas b) details c) se2uence%.+.% 7sk 2uestions to seek clarification.%.,.1 c) "o state- ask and refute statements.*.1.1 Read aloud notices- $arnings- messages-

    announcements- passages- etc.*.,.1 Scan for specific information.*.&.1 Read and interpret diagrams.*.1;.1 Read and b) dra$ conclusions.*.1%.1 Sol e a problem.+.1.% 4opy sentences in clear- neat- legible print.+.%., "ransfer information from a schedule.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords in sentences.

    +.&.1 8rite simple $ords.+.&.% 8rite compound sentences.



    SENTENCE PATTERNS8e must not damage schoolproperty.0ou must not eat or drink in theclassroom.0ou must $ear a tie e ery day of the $eek.

    VOCABULARYshould- could- may- might-

    $ould- ha e to- shall- must-mustn't- remo e- keep off- feed-enter- etc.

    MORAL VALUES6iligenceRespect

    CCTSMaking interpretations6ra$ conclusions

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 3- o* 3-


    8hat 8e Plan "o 6oDMust 6o

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) read aloud notices thatha e been gi en to them.

    b) copy sentences clearly-neatly and legibly.

    c) fill in missing $ords insentences.

    d) construct sentences byusing all the $ords gi en.

    1. .% 3dentify in a ariety of texts

    a) main ideas b) details c) se2uence%.+.% 7sk 2uestions to seek clarification.%.,.1 c) "o state- ask and refute statements.*.1.1 Read aloud notices- $arnings- messages-

    announcements- passages etc.*.,.1 Scan for specific information.*.&.1 Read and interpret diagrams.*.1;.1 Read and b) dra$ conclusions.*.1%.1 Sol e a problem.+.1.% 4opy sentences in clear- neat- legible print.+.%., "ransfer information from a schedule.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords in sentences.

    +.&.1 8rite simple $ords.+.&.% 8rite compound sentences.



    SENTENCE PATTERNSSeeking confirmation8hat time is the meeting today53t is at %.;; p.m.

    VOCABULARYshould- could- may- might-$ould- ha e to- shall- must-mustn't- remo e- keep off- feed-enter- etc.

    MORAL VALUES6iligenceRespect

    CCTSMaking interpretations6ra$ conclusions

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 3. o* 3.


    /o$ "o Make "hings

    Processes and Methods)OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) listen to and follo$ simpleinstructions.

    b) pronounce the $ordscorrectly.

    c) ask for and gi e simpleinstructions.

    d) fill in missing $ords in

    sentences.e) read and se2uence

    sentences in the correctorder.

    f) $rite compound sentences.

    1.+.1 Listen to and follo$ simple instructions.

    a) pertaining to processes%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and accurately.c) double consonants

    %. .1 7sk for and gi e simple instructionsa) pertaining to processesb) pertaining to procedures

    *.9.1 Recognise and read instructions.*.&.1 Read and interpret diagramsDillustrations.*.11.1 Read instructions.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords in statements and in

    instructions.+.+.% #orm paragraphs by se2uencing sentences.

    +.&.% 8rite compound sentences.+.1;.1 8riteDcreate different text types.


    SubHect erb agreementSENTENCE PATTERNS#irst- peel the $atermelon andcut it into small pieces.

    7dd $ater to the rice.Pour the Huice into a blender.

    VOCABULARYfirst- next- after that- add- pour-mixture- stir- blend- finally- lastly-beat- light- fluffy- etc.

    MORAL VALUESModerate4ooperation

    CCTS 7rranging and Se2uencingMaking generalisation

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 3/ o* 3/


    /o$ "o Make "hings

    Processes and Methods)OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) listen to and follo$ simpleinstructions.

    b) pronounce the $ordscorrectly.

    c) ask for and gi e simpleinstructions.

    d) fill in missing $ords in

    sentences.e) read and se2uence

    sentences in the correctorder.

    f) $rite compound sentences.

    1.+.1 Listen to and follo$ simple instructions.

    a) pertaining to processes%.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and accurately.c) double consonants

    %. .1 7sk for and gi e simple instructionsa) pertaining to processesb) pertaining to procedures

    *.9.1 Recognise and read instructions.*.&.1 Read and interpret diagramsDillustrations.*.11.1 Read instructions.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords in statements and in

    instructions.+.+.% #orm paragraphs by se2uencing sentences.

    +.&.% 8rite compound sentences.+.1;.1 8riteDcreate different text types.


    SubHect erb agreementSENTENCE PATTERNS3ntroducing oneself and others8hat is your name- please5My name is

  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page 3 o* 3

    * th

    People of 7sia

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) identify the people of 7sia.b) identify the country-

    currency- official religion-official language and thecapitals.

    c) match the phrases andsentences to pictures.

    d) read and extract details.

    e) fill in missing $ords insentences.

    f) construct sentences.

    1. .1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-

    dialogues- descriptions- extracts of speechesand information reports.1. .% 3dentify in a ariety of texts.1.,.1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-

    dialogues- descriptions- plans- extracts of speeches and information reports anda) predict outcomes.b) dra$ conclusions.c) make inferences.

    %.,.1 a) "o identi fy b) "o name*.*.1 Read aloud stories- descriptions- extracts of

    speeches- passages- simple information

    reports.*.+.1 roup $ords according to categories.*.,.1 Scan for specific information.*.9.* Read and extract details.*.&.1 Read and interpret maps.+.%.% Match phrases and sentences to pictures.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords in sentences.+. .* 7pply spelling rules plurals).+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.+.&.% 8rite compound sentences.+. .1 :se the apostrophe.


    Punctuation markPositi e 2uestions andresponses

    SENTENCE PATTERNS/e is a ?angladeshi. /e li es in6haka- the capital of ?angladesh./e uses rupee as money."he people of "hailand arecalled "hais.

    VOCABULARY?angladesh- 4hina- Egypt-Pakistan- 7ustralia- 3ndia-?angladeshi- 4hinese- Egyptian-Pakistani- 3ndian- 7ustralian-baht- rupee- yen- dollar- rial-pound- etc.

    MORAL VALUESLoyaltyPatriotism4ourtesy



  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page +0 o* +0


    People of 7sia

    OBJECTIVES?y the end of the $eek- pupilsshould be able to@

    a) identify the people of 7sia.b) identify the country-

    currency- official religion-official language and thecapitals.

    c) match the phrases andsentences to pictures.

    d) read and extract details.

    e) fill in the missing $ords insentences.

    f) construct sentences.

    1. .1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-

    dialogues- descriptions- extracts of speechesand information reports.1. .% 3dentify a ariety of texts.1.,.1 Listen to songs- rhymes- fables- stories-

    dialogues- descriptions- plans- extracts of speeches and information reports anda) predict outcomes.b) dra$ conclusions.c) make inferences.

    %.,.1 a) "o identi fy b) "o name*.*.1 Read aloud stories- descriptions- extracts of

    speeches- passages- simple information

    reports.*.+.1 roup $ords according to categories.*.,.1 Scan for specific information.*.9.* Read and extract details.*.&.1 Read and interpret maps.+.%.% Match phrases and sentences to pictures.+.*.1 #ill in missing $ords in sentences.+. .* 7pply spelling rules plurals).+.&.1 8rite simple sentences.+.&.% 8rite compound sentences.+. .1 :se the apostrophe.


    Punctuation markPositi e 2uestions andresponses

    SENTENCE PATTERNS/e is a ?angladeshi. /e li es in6haka- the capital of ?angladesh. /e uses rupee asmoney."he people of "hailand arecalled "hais.

    VOCABULARY?angladesh- 4hina- Egypt-Pakistan- 7ustralia- 3ndia-?angladeshi- 4hinese- Egyptian-Pakistani- 3ndian- 7ustralian-baht- rupee- yen- dollar- rial-pound- etc.

    MORAL VALUESLoyaltyPatriotism4ourtesy



  • 8/12/2019 46593729 Rancangan Tahunan BI Year 6


    Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

    Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu M! "erhad, #uala $u%pur Portal Pendidikan & UP'R & "( & Page +) o* +)

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