4es biiimm0 zconm1‘uirk:...

Post on 07-Jan-2020






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T o d a y

b m m '' - ■ ' '

: <ei?ii5hf?i5rSw*2^Uii^K ’■ -.

OAliGEIS “ i ILi•• '•------- ' Eac

P e o r i a , i n . , S u f f e r s H e a v i e s t

L o s s j ^ o o d j ^ A ^ i i t o - , • aOfTerm^

» T r a l u a » «*■ ■ aK“ -JlaJn nnd wtml HtoniiH,lliro»R>r In* '

<tlnna nnil llllnol)i lont ulu lit iiiiil ivirly J',7 , today oauuec] a nu'iii'iur of iloiiilin. tr<>* mundouB p roporly dnn'iiiBn nml jiciilo *' flufWrftiK.- TIic

Tl'oiwiHB toilny InillcuCmriit loiint'IG < pflnwn* lind iMwn killcil. T lw iiropnrly dnmnKo will bn upwnrdii o r SC.OOO.nuD. °>on

■ TJm diKtrlct rcntpxtnB nlmiit J'l^orln. «crlpl in „ wns dronclicd tn a drlvhiK ilnwii- nieuni pou r whtcli flondod ntrnnlx. Im im lrM nioru olocirlc ftorvlco nnd iito|>iicd biK )nun« dny I

• u fiic tu rlnn , pinout. Tlmo«ln .E :h il'P o o rln . ill ., morel lim n 20')

pcopln wero mnroonod on Hio roof* o You'th o lr bom es whon ih o :to rre n t cnuliMl Tlmojir a n n c re ek to o v c rn o w n&rf aond a Tw inflood Into tho city. Thoy w cro row- --------cued and nrt^.bolnj; c u K iL fo r hy x t- n | '

- Hot M o n c lea ... . - | | | . -•niillrowlB operaU ng Inlo Poorin ro- D L

■ porfod-W M houtii c lo io to tho cUy nnd ' ‘H rr lto < y o 8 dftlayod. . r •' • f o j t t l ilftniBBO In p W l n In on tlniatrd ntl'nipi;# thfln 13,000.000;

' dyc io n w to r o 'a 'p i t th tb ro u s h . Iu - .c)(AM-aDd « tru o k -n l Iho h e a r t o f ihc :b t> a |u H .d l i^ lc t o r IndlimapoMB. - T o la

• ■'•TfMfc woi^o.t'Hprootodi' com iriiiijieaK .---’* '

w lB fU ri& u ck .'th b s^ d laa n .n e tro p b lla JiM t'M tho M ioatres w e r i cT(MlD|t.(9i- th o n^ lb t. nB d 'huD drodH ..o r i>coDlo (trnlt wot«>on the s tre e ts . I t In o s tlm n te l ' l,;vN m oro th a n IOO vrnVo in ju red . rwl be

neportii from ru rn i Kocllonn of In- o{ p„( dlanii!coniildnrnble duniiiRo wiih don<' _ _ „ i.

• and ih e ro hnvo been reporlii n f aev-.....................

. . Kohoo

TELLS Jw m m

' . n.inclylroni<ti:

Sayi 'King Ben’ Offered Her$ 1 0 0 Not to T a l k of th e px

Experiences. * ^By ED W IS i - H K C K L n i, T P A

ITnllfd PrpRN HI«r(.(V>rrr»p<Miilrnt. I r l l- ST. JO flE PII. Mich.. Mny ID .-A d d - 1 L n

Pd dotnlla o f th o 'llfo w ithin "Shlloli.*' .pnlntlDl mnnslon prM ldcd ot<t by O I

.'•K ing" B m - P u m e l i oC.M ’o Unii»t> \ t}of UnvM. w orn Riven toilny In •thi* U L F uiate'n a tt«m pil..io tlUnoivo llio ’ fn- inoui r c J l B l o u R ^ r '■ M ri; R ulb Sw nnson. oneo on« of

• tho ra,rorilOB o f .lh o c ou rt n f "Kliii! OM - Hoth” ' nnld th a t K irli whrt lU rd In KdUli ah llob WOM. inU trootud. ^ nchool

"H e u ie d ^ v lle nompn in fro n t o f by n dMr*. SwnniioD nald an «be ro* of he r

iiutned th e a tnnd. oi’- “A fter m y purifica tion exp frleaeo

w ith Den. I decided, to lenvo ib e Tlincolony, n e o cnlletl m o nnmc*. Then, ycKlPn'be becam e m ore friend ly iind nnld h(> T tiewould ]|lve (m y bu ibond nnd m y room i M ir- 1100 i t I w ouldn 't te ll nnylKKlyw bat Den d id lo m c." Mr*. Sw nn- C i .« « to n i«un«K i.

■ ' .The• .'T'-W ft

' . },n .i, cW ASniN Q TO N . -May 1 » - A c o v a m - Th<^

m ant phyateU n 'iiU I -be M n t lo Q ncB - ton s u .v lll* ; & O / U o tan lD * B a r i C arro ll, c d t o d

- N«w. T b t* CM aM oU prodaoer.N wbo nrepari lu f fe r td K .n e rro o s b r « « k d e « a w hiW - en rau te to A t i u u p m l t u i U r y to . . n e m A • e a t a n n i a r p e r ja a r . A A r t

to M r 's U p c M lT u . - S pm ent, » J d . ^ w * d C a n w ll to<t PO« ~ ■ cbroote^dl—M C :____ . ------------------,

L O N baK . M ay l» ~ U a r tU i U w b u m t to ' b««a p ro ^ U ia o d « t.^ l« a l(O v . C hina. bUl’i i

.aeeonUa&jD-dltpatebM;rK«lTc<LiMtaL today. I a « z v I u u t i o « l l ^ dtapcithcM th a t m naid ttM A U ttkow popu lace w an dt»> b«ad w tn rbcd b r 'f b o apprdBeb oC n a r tb e r» « # rM ,l C U aa M M itr% _ dacUloi


jE jjH

\len andb^om To Share iiof llaily 1

ach and Every One* of Big Gii Time.&nd Effort Necessa:

For Your V e^ Own-f] or a Friend’s Nai

IDlKlilutn o r «‘lulity—w hntcvcr ymir Twiiu.-lli(< Dully Tliiii-n'' Fri'O n m ln Dlnl'rlbmlViti nffiTji ymi cilnli and worlil Klflti. liicliiiKat: four ldi!."inniil. W d :ul luxiirlouii niiKimotjMeii. ia clnni’tt deUvr inodoln. to r ynu r Himro linuiii. oiilyTho niilly Tlniim’ oCferii ycui llli* l’*"“ll componnntlon. II m n n n « ';n cmm Mnn: irii niuncy— from a ennh cumuilh*n o f Km PIT r r n l o t yotir kiiIi- Proprlptlon rolliicllnnfi. tci KlflH tthfcli cour■ubK cnmnonnnllon iit tliu rm.! ^ f “ P iru llinn l.iu.nii fo r ciich wnikln(; Hiy from nnw lo tho cml nr Tlm Dnil; n os’ l i b e r a l , . o f f o r . . t h e I

>’o KxiHTlfUC*' NpcoKHtry <tlci'ou need -no ' cxporlencc. Tbu t«olfmoa .nccd«; njon nnd w oinen ’ Jn ot.ljyIn F ^ lln . und te rr ito ry fo r which • :@El@B^ - By r o s T r a > : i T O s ; 4 1 l

inltMl 'P rriM ytart-('om >)>iHuil«nt) Iti-Hl .ANSINO. Mich.. Mny 19—T h e c h n r- mnoii

body or .Mm. Andrew t '. Kehoo, t , „ Dutli. wifo of thn mnn lidTtl ro- .. naililo ror th c dynaniltlnK of tbi’ h .conso lldn ttd nchool. . yo»(ordny. ‘ boon found noyr ib jv ru ln a nf tl.c

100 furin on the o u lA lr ln of Dnth .Thi BKC.' uccordlnx to w onl rciieliln;: .u .* !, itlvcH of th o f n m lly boro, he Ko1jo*o bome wn* lo tn liy do- ■ >yed by flro of mynterloun orlKin to r r M rTrtart«*J-ubo«l-one h o u r bcforo nancl nchool wnn dom olhhc/I ycntrniay.

lia«t bcoB i..-»rllQlly w rcckcd tiy an , itonlon.

______ , TilllATII. Mlcb.. Mny 13—Tin* rulnn count tho Bntb connoUdiitRd Kcbnot. iii- cly dymimltPd by tho nchool Jmnrd ii<tirpr. bnd yielded tbo liodien o t 37 Idren todny. - . • •. "o n y I b r r c m nrc. p itifu lly to rn by n"*' I pxplonlon w hlcb hrouRht the wont tiinllj

If; o f tlio bulldlnK d oun uiwii tbem hunlf

m m E O 0 F 3 JING husbands:

' "TjiKUMIQMA CIT.Y. Oliln.. Mny 1 9 - u .illh lb .\l. Dlnbop. foriiipr Siindnv rmi teacbor. lodny wnn iic-<]<iHted Ii n d in trlc t coiirl Ju ry of th e m un le r ^•e, ier detecllvo'hiinbnnH, L iithor Ulnh- ihrou nlnln In hln l>cd bi-rc cnrly lunt um oem ber S. ......... ....be Jury took Ibo cnnc n t 5:0S p. m

be crowd whlcb nackrd tb c court ] i n | ni n riiln iid~ l tho vcrdlct. . i f i j

earner w ith C rew ’• , o f 25 I* A ground ' *■ a y UmtUd m a m J .

KH FRANCISCO. Cnllf.. M ay' 1*-^ Stolb‘ Cnptnin O. OI»en nnd a crcw of jnen aboard, th c ntcnninhlp Indlann *=**

jT n o iS ^ o f San Prancl»6 >.’ ncconl-10 radio advice ho rq .today . M p

be v o iie l le ft Ihln r tiy yeaicrday mobtl1 ft aanom l- car«o. boiin<l fo r P ort- n i«h t1, O reson. Boatb h^-atoftm sbip H arurnk l o f the Un-S team ship com pany ban rvapood* Were I0 d l i t r m c aU r and I s siandlttfi by. U*at |u,. ^n . W . K . V a n d e r b U t IS ta " ;

5 p i i r n » R e c c i g c i l i a t f j i n

' o f th ll l i lS . U a j 19—M r:.aod Mra. V,\ K. k ilted d e rb ll t appaa red betore tbe-Jwd** T W Im 8«ta« i r lb o n ^ Im U j prellm lB- d d r a r to ' tb * b e a r ln s o f Mr*. T ander- lfl«S < a s v t t rot- iilTorce. T ho to m c r locket iB l* J> lt .« W B la ln « < b * r< l* c ia to n

n o r teo n c tlU tlo a w ith h e r hns- a ^ l« «1 w aa p0M tbl« a n d .th e lu d t* or* road.- i^ ,U tl.R U .V ik * n .la iD o o a rt to r .a /TIN sloB. ' a rdaqi

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; . • .V ■ — -r-.-r-

M / d mnenN eed^f in Big 1st :T iin ^ :^ is ;G i f t s . w i l l w i ^ d i e ' i i u H e ) i s a r ^ t(> S e e t h e T h e m - T ^ E n t e r Y p u r Own ! l a m e T o d a y . .

rwin Pnlln In ibp hu1i.rl(;bL hok . You n«(«r only ilio wllllnKncnn lo iry * ivork thlit Ih ciiny. |iU-nHitnl and die* m r td . To Im rn a ll t h i r nttm cU vo iolnJlH of tlui Tlmi'n’ bin 6fror..,you “ >nly nci'il to call, w rliii o r . tele- O ibmin Ibl- Clrciilutiiin CaiitpiilKH klnnnKur of tin- Im lly Tlimm. ainijily iuy,-.'’r i i liK Kind to look oviit-.your >ra:ionlllnu.’‘ No obllsn llon . of ' lourni'. 1( ynu "don’t w an t lo lake ]' tp Uki w ork.' * 1)

H undrvdn of imbHcriiilionH to Ibn p Inlly Tlmcn a n i duo to expfro In n lie tlm o betw een now [jnd Ihu mtd- llc of July, i lu n d rc ilir 'w ll l renew _ h o ir nubncrlptloni. Hundre,dn: of , ithcrn wlil_ nubncribo. J o r th e flrat ' T '.Coiirtnu'iiV'o'li ' i ’uKo' 7 ' '* mLiEFpiPliii

wi^ibelnK'enriW tOT i - l ^ i b l l a l n . ' . FIVo|,niiultH nl'so^w ci^ " monn thij'd i'iid. .I t wnn not cortuln^ w hether tbo dontb iq Ht o f -in would hc IticrciiKPd by fiii- In lo r nonrcli o f the rulnn.

I’nUiPlic .Siitlil. ' ' .. .Tho com m unity tndny wnn in r:>* n ifltlc. Mitnned m ournlne. Tlio com- nl inn s r lc f wnn too Krcnt lo allow room fl )r ronontm cnt n t tbo dnprouilnR fi* nnclfir b tfrd fn 'p ilp d o n - li5 nlrcad> ^erburdoneil nhouldcrn by tbo tmK- )„ly.Tho new nchool ho'unc. pridn nf Ib f -

>unty.-tbo cont o t,w h ich cnuxcd hlcb ixon w b lth w ofe (illpgoil lo )invj:_iii rnzcd A adrow K. Kcboo. tbo I r c ^ u i - ■. tljn t ho dynnm llod litru rtu r.' nd kllied blniKcIf «n well! w n « 'v lf . inlly in p ilna . nnd tho nlready over- — itnlonod, beuvily bnnilcd couimiinliy iced -the nccoDHliy ^ robultd lnc snily n ifuclu rc . ‘ HIO vercome by tho enorm iiy of tbc vo

ngcdy. Bntb 'n 700 cltlxena nomewhut nn jm bly unltad in ib c Kencnil opinion m t ’'no th inc llko ll uver hnppcncd •foro ." ' i,„

Ih Too J li ic h .. ' tbi"Thin In loo m uch for tJiin villoKP lo tin nnd.“ anld R obert Gnlcn fiitbcr o f d l i t-ycnr-old n tu d c n t w ho wnn burled llllly Ih ro u e h .n ' window by th e ex- tin onion. "Tim atn lo libonld inke- it-hnnii wl id bc lp UK e c t back on o u r fee t." lo Newn of the traxcdy nprend rapidly irouRh Ibe a tnlo o f M IchUan. Dy tbi- q mo_frnntlc, pn rcn tn nnd frlendn. Imd

Conllnumi oo .............. of

j Y s i R y m s 1=AlrtffACCIDENT-

-- J • W(

^o^^^(>r^F6im'd pvelFt^^ ^ ed Near Mountain Home; on . - B«li.eye P r i y »'H u rt.------ ^M y»lefy tod*}( surrounded an auto- obile aceldertt w h lch .occu rro4 lant ( h t a t n railrtM d crocslnR HtA milcn otb o f M anntala H o im ob the .B olne «d . acco rd ln i; to rep o rts ire from D eputy S h e rir t n iu B tn la c t lat p lace . - . i. »T b a machlfto, wUe& w as sto lfB la st (Ibt B t.O ol*e..w as fo u id orarta ftie il tb * m ud n o a r tb* ra ilro a d c roaalnc '

Is B 0 rntnK> * U h lh a top- 'c n tsbed . api Id t h e j u a r t « r -wh*al sUfTfciniled Ib aej g n r m d n i j k i i - M fTi-h -ftf th » tasU b. ha. <»«ooii faHed t s reveal >wbotbitr any tol th e o c tu p a a u oC 'tha carj>ad^'b««n —

FD oatida aald h*. « M c « r U ^ Iht iI r a r eou ld a o t hav* «kcapM] SmI no t- I «S th« sbarirr at Dot** to b« on the okeot fo r la jn r*d parM ns.■n* aco>4 >nt, w ta causorf by tho1«*r t a l i t u to aee » . t u n la th e (ad.- bro•Rw car u tb* property p t R. meh- mildsqa o f th s c ap ita l-c lly .- ' ' ' th i

Biiiiftirjll*i 'WeatKer. Conditions .Reitiain

A d^nie to New York*•-V Paris. Flight.. —

; ; By XfDlt«4 ^ t sAVASHlfioTON. May I D - ’tb n .\«nv

, Y ork b ranch ijt tin- U uiin l Sinn'H wea­th e r bwritnu counM'IIcd tlii> A iiii'rliiui Nuw- York^-rarln flyluu cunlondnrtt u.- dn> usnlhrit ntnriiiiK ib c ir ho|i o ff io duy. o r topaot'row. ncconllnK lo licnil* qimrlorR bvi'f.'

■- rK A l’K RhUlJN’.S ,- fJRW YOHK. .May 1H - 0 iil>.» m o iv a ’

ton iin l unnuunciiiiitinl- bun been iiuuli.’ thn l. n il quarri'lii In th<- viimp of lli > -nellnuca on iry lu the NViV'VSirk to Pnrln Oirplniic fllKbi huvo bi-on ncl* tied. : -

T hia Uhio It wnn Lloyd OcrtHU.t. navlRator. n f -tbu nu llancn i>Iune. w a i sa id ,b o aind ClmrlcH Lcvlnc. ow ner of ■ tb e rnaehtne. tvachnd nn utulcubm nicrii^m ant o t n mcellnR InnllnK iimiil o f iho .n iK ht n t l..iivln’H hnuiu. l ie nnld tbo M ro o rtc n t would lie pul Into w rll- ,- i In^ tb li .'a rto rn o o n . Dutnlln woro not .> mado public . ~

In t h o m oantlnio nn Injunction rc- ■„ a tro in iov .U tv ino from nenillnc tbo Dul. |* la tie a tp ;P a r l i i w ithou t Oiirtaud. nu ' , n a v lsa tb r.ynsiijU In D rooklyn.yflstoi^ X •day.^wUl'fi) liiltbdraw n. D ertnud nali).,': ’

"O ur dlm cuU lon hnvn a ll l>d&n due I'o mlBUJidkrslnDdlnB and roall^.-w ero no t I t n ^ h a n l ; ' ' .Dortiaud .aald.- J * . Tho qliaw oU centorlnit a rouud ’U»o ' ■

Bellnnen. ^ r j n tilta tlo a ond<<>tbft.|W«alh- •or V b T c a T jS -aolnyeff' CtmrJ6» Llhil. — Lbemh nnd h la o a o -U A aj monoplnno, 1% ha«« Worked In Cavor of.C om m nnder J m e h ard lly rd isn d hia s ln n l Kok- < ker|- w llli tbo i ^ u l t lh a t It now J lookn nn tbouRb -Dyrd m iRbt cvun bo -tbe flr«l m nn off.

F L l i :n 8 KROM M o s r o w .•^-PA•nI^^. Mny ia.~L louf--nnnl Tho^ - rn t le ft l 2 Ilourjtcl n ir field ln»l niRbt on - an a ticm picii non-ntop rilBlit to Moiicow.j- Iln, uned a 4U* bomnpow cr ”i>ony nlrp lnnc" w blrh welKbcd only "00 pound*. Ifp bopvrl to m nko tbo ICOO-mlle tr ip In 22 houm.

HILL »EDS . ST A G B ^m £

a y v m t* a r n t aIJVINOSTON, Mont., .M ajyU —Wnl* Sin

t e f . J . H lll. non o f .th e l.ilJ*Jam en J . *•'<’ H lll . 'ia llro .id buililor. wbo wun dl-vorccd he ro yentordny. wnn cnjoynii: Annothe r boneymootk todny. . moi

Thp S t .’ Pnul niultl-m llllonBlre nml ' '" f Ml»n M ildred .U lchnrdaon. form erly ol llm Z(ccf,-I<l FMIKc*. Wi-rc marrlmJ Intb c nnmc cou rt room w here n abo it !*” ' tlm o bctor'o H ill bad been im n te d nd ivorce from .Mrs. P nutlne S. Hlll. B:

A fter tbo w n ld ln s . tbo jin lr le ft fnr I'reithe H lll ranch , norUi of ■ I.K Insatou, l|lnw here It wan announcetl, they inton-1 pl>'to m ake th c lr bomc. I n l

H lH 'n.hrldo in th e dnu&hlcr of Mrs. AO. E .M c y c m of U n e Inland. ,\ . Y.. to 1nnd W. K nrl Illcbnnlnon. n flnnncier In*n t Bnakatcbow an. Cnnadn. Din'- Mr. nnd Mra. C. 11. SIcycn* of I.onc frorInland. N ew ^Y ork. accom pnnlcg .;,ih .- leflbride n t the w eddlnc. whlcb wnn p c - nbljform ed In Ihe otfICQ u t-Ju d jio A. abl]•Miller w lih io H few m inutcn n f t t r TJudRO B. D. Ij iw o f D ounw Q Thnd mtne m n ttd H lll a lU rorce: govi

Mr. and •Mr*. UIII w iir a p c n d two popiw eeks a t thn H lll ranch a f le r wblch pnnithey w ill to u r- th e -P a e l tic coant. Imn - U ^ ^ n - l e d m c d to d a y - t h n t Hlll'!* b ride wan Iii U v la sa lo n . m aking prej>-em tionn to r h e r w ^ d i n t . w hile t to *”*•'*'e1n ta r a le botUa” tliw irca caa* ,wa% _ .pSo j in « ^ « < m n iif IM I U B i r w j r i if- > S acbased $3,000 w orib of fu m ttu r* to N* _ uaed In « fn m l* h ln R .tb * - lU U . m nU i C bome la P a rk conniy, M onuna.'

N e w B U h o p ' i N a m e d : ■ «

f o r H e l e n i i D i i f i n c t J J a l----- - ■, - ? , n)«J

' » y «attM I 9 tm a - . . ■ aoai V TASH lN OTO S^M ay.-1*—W o rt ®t h

a p p ^ n tm c n t o t H t r e m d O aors* F la- iws< a e c a a a s b ls b o p .e f Uaieasi. M o st. cUci haa, b*4>a r*c* lr«d h a r ^ - b y ^ ^ apos> b r» i to llc d l a s t f - P r tr o m » a s o a t MOBdl. B U i

r o s f n i a M £r ' i / e o I

WCMDU»EE. O k U . J ia y 19 Oan , • baadT«d p o a e * n « B a « a r Q o v . fo rty m llas * u t ^ . T D l ^ a r« c lea lac ta oa th« b a ad it t a a s w u ^ > * s t n ^ raid - e d *

mm♦ . ♦ ♦ + ♦ +

m n , WHis Bride His^ Mother-in-Law k

'T he tw o M ^ B 'o t Davtil Boone o t ' <<(•: 'L ancnnter. Pa ., don’t know w hether ,},.

. tov'call him "pop’' o r '‘siiindpu .'’. T hc reason Io Mr. Boose (below ), '« * -tbe oih»r..day‘ roaitrIed b is mother* -In-law;. .MFs. . U v lr ia McCluno

(above). M rs, McClune is -12 years- iii, -■old.-wiU Mr. Qoosor-whoso wlfo died)

. ■■ , ,

B L A W ir^ FflUilNPARlSi

- nw

~j»V'Mi8stng~Tcapot~Domc C ase on

W itness Is Served W ilhSubpoena. i

--------- miIly A. I - imAIU-OHll,

I’nlli-cl P^ '«» S In « CorresiKiailciil. 1>MIIS. Mny 19—H onry M. U ln.li-

m er .fo rm er clmlriiinri o f tbo hnard <>( tio tbe MId-Weiil ItefinlnR company. iiiImi- In InR w ltncnn n o u s h f b y tb c -I’u iloa ii''i Slnten R ovcrnm ent in connocllon wisii IbCvTnnpot Domo oil I'eano cancHr wn i , .' found hore todny: >)“ '

A fier in ltln lly rctuiilnil any Mnic- mont. n iuck m er chnnRod;hiM mind to- day und tb ro u sh hlit Inwycrn lold tliP , , United Prean th a t n nubpoemU uuI'bi-ni " , Innuiil fo r him a n c nddcil llint'b^- ill'l not cnro tn mnkc nny ntnteincnt nn tlu* * " U nuancc o r ntborwl«e.

Blnckmur'p n tio rncy Inld Ibe U nit' d . _ I 'rean tlm t i t won “dnuhttu l" w bi'lhcr . D lnckm cr could bo compelled l<? com- , , ply wtlfi tho nubpocna bccnune he wan , ’ in n a n c e .

A fler.w «arch trom one ond of Frnnco lo tbo o th e r and lo tn sovnrul ndjoln- > In s counlrien. tho Unllod Prcaa foun 'l -j D Inckinor when ho retu rned lo Pnri:i from Ihc h'ri'rich R ivlcrn. n inckm er „ le fl .\lo n if Carlo cnrly In A pril prob- ab ly for n n o th e r countO ' aw l prrnum* ab ly for Itnly, ^

Tbc m.in w bn ie icntim nny I* no u r- to c m tntly -ilealrcd by th e United StntCi* B ovcrnm dfl tlm t he ban been nua- n ,,, popoapd abnvid under ft’ law reccniLv f a t passed t>y th e tJnllc<l S lalen conRTvr.^. Im m ediately w en t lo nn obncnre hotel ,i .irhawi Ihw . fritm .lj »rln» inim lly hm-ii. ■ifcfom panled him durlnR bis nclf-lm- o „ ,

_________________ Crii

S a rg e n t N ainM C aH form a Ju d g e Soon

• eaai• »r,TT»It*« Trim »'*’

WASHIN’CTO S. May- 3»—Selection of a fetlnral iuilR«,-for tho no rthern JudlcUl d U tr tc t o t Callfon jla w ill i>c . J mad* so^ a . A ttohvey O e iie n l S a rre a t- nisi aaaoaB c*4 I®***- , ' Is I

H *48U m aU d ..U o «*oIc*. .lle* he- iw s«a P n p a tU B .A .;O rtm B .'8 a a -rr» n - “ S eUco o a d Mtk M ateL -W alkar W llle- b raad t. L oa A aselea. a aa lstaat Uaitvd8t»t«i.attora*r . • ___ _ |J J

G iH « B iu « n s ; “i v - N

e o .11* t o r a «< ^B esss. p k U u leo tln s tw o banka « f .|l<CMO juMl luiU a* th* low n n a n h a l . ae« b n U a( 10 w o rt r v ^ e d v ^ a -v y -rth a 'a tie r tm rh n iM -M r* : ~ i „ ,

4ES0 zc

. * * * +

n n d S iS E y E N ^ R

INWYOJD istric t A round R oberls

A f te r W aters from B D am D estroy To

In to ThisF lc o il w ri te r s o f t l i c S i in k c r iv

L o r o iz o , n o r lh o f Id lilio F iiIIh, ac; T h e T im e it; a t ,3 j). m . tod iiy -

T lic i | 'l ( i0(l w iiliT s <.r l i l - .'<ii;il.i' iIk- C r o s \'<'rilr>> >laiu in W v o m iiij ' \ J .T i 'i t i i rv 1..-UV.-.-II 111.- il .- is r .;iiii’ '.-%iilli- r ..................lay . a ........ - .lin ;: 1., i-,-|m,i» n 'i r |a l s ;il l .h ih ., K nlls.

TIk- M illers a rc |i i i i ir ii i^ iiv c r iii llll- |i.-iik o f l h i - I'IikmI is Ix-lil-V.-.l Ic. <-i-al i .n ic iu ls a t M ill)'. I 'l i l ls I 's iiitii il ' lic li.u ti l l ' N la lio ii. iiliiiut i<(l m ile s fr U o li i 'ru tvoiil.l I..' rio>..l.-il l.y ii n isMii-il Id |iccii.ilr' ill lll i ' ||ii-i'aU-iic-il (I

a y TJolturtW A T E R S B L O (

U O C K SIM M X liS . W y.i-. M ;iy iTOil ti l l ' UriiM V i-iiirc v aH cy . | i r i ’Vi ( '(•rtain in^r ilu> cxm -t im n ilu ’r n f ! ^ t in u l itl ll ic UroK ^^’llt rn d a i i i ' n i-jilnm i’o lilic . '*

■ K.Vl'KCT L.UMlKR T O M - i<Tbn denib loll kIooiI nt hcm'u, hu t v

tho coun t wan expcclcd to rlnn iIk noon aa w urkeni could co lo r the | ■fjood liro ^ .. . ■ ; ■ . I

^ 'h c know n Vicrid loduy: ’ ‘ " ‘ 1 Mm. J . X ovejpy , h e r nlnter. nnnic

unknow n, a- mnil nam ed A lmy; threi-i m c in lw rn .of Ihc A. H. Npc-zI.' fam ily) and nnnibc r unldPntKli'rl ainui * ,

A ninunta in kIMc. Mlmllar to llic (■;, nun wblcb form ed th f tiTli'iTiiil rjio(tlc:o Vi-niri'’ <lam iw o yciiri' ai'.o unit hrtd foi r.d tionnjlile ' fo r tin- flood wblcb nwrpi liway ThT' lotvn of Kelly au<I (wundalcd Wllnon. anoHi-.-r villuKu. ' ''''I

W ith a Inw ’ rfimhic yc»li-rrli[y aO- crnoou thu dnm nave w n y , and a . wnll of w nt'T 20 feci biKh nliirtcil ,, to rncc down Ihi- vallc-y.

llrfcirc It ou boriifbiick and lu auto- tnobllen. 11 ncorc of tiKxIprii I’aul ; llcvcrcn hurried nbciid w nrn las ri-al* no dc>nt«. . CXI

Only tb e - r .ic t llu- villK-y wni* (),> npnmciy K-'ltlcd averted a rein-tl- oii' tlou of thi- fiimoun Ji>linflo»n llmid pn In I’nuniiylvaula. It wan rci>ortod i jii're. . wn

IdLho l.’eK W nnihitr, . r<< Tbe w ntcni. fed by a huce Take, i.ui

have couiiilcti-ly Inundated the n n i« HhI. Veulro viill.-y nnd a rc nxverplns <kiwn bpI thc nrfutb fork o t tliP Snake i;lvrr. In l li t ld e u U nionc lIu! rlv -'r nn fa r :4< 1 Idnbo Fnlln. Iduho. bnvp l>ceu wnro* nei I-.I to tnke rpfUKo In th e bills. Tli[- the cn 'h t Of the flood wnn cX|H'c{''it to w n n-nch .Idaho Fall# by noon itxlay. tbe

T be InkP, ln-lnK drnlni-.l -by ihc kui b reak In the dam In tb ree milen IrmB I and in'noiac 'plnc-'B a m ile wide. Ttiu .ncii dam wun formctl In --i;>23 when n nol m ouni.iin of nick In ibc T. tnn r .m sc cat topplpd Into llro O rw V ontre r iver, jml

NO DAMIKH IX L lW K It A «K ,\. n<‘« T be b reak lnc of Ibe dam a t Wil*

wm. Wyo.. Tbum dny w ill -hnve no m nterlnl vffcct w hatever on riv e r f l j condltlonn in the low er Snnkc. ninco I ' l tb e w nlnr from th a t aourco w ill be | | rrlntlvely^ nmnll com pared w ilh the to la l am ount tn the A m erienn Pnlln re n e n n ir . It wnn M ated lo.lny hy p iir tn n Sm ith, m annser of th e Tw in f o lia Cnnal compnnj*, w bo Is In touch w llh th e altuatlon n t thn bl* dom. T he floo.1 mny c au o r-n o m e \ ttnm nse- nbove Iho dam . h* -aald. M r. boa Sm ith nald th a l the t«*mporar?' T. brtdsA below Ibc <lam wooM- a o t be a n i gff>cle<r^ F a r

mo\-nl la te r becaus* o ( j{ e b tU I j n ^ W J « dow a by r ls ln s w alo ra> ro isbV r* n*®"- *•“ . . . . n - . T t a r . !• n . * i 5 7 ( U n . M 1 a '^ a n a o ro u a flood..condltidtl o t th e « 1« r iv e r bere . ¥ r . Sm ith said; b y . r « * . • o a off th e hU b banks. .v • f =

TbcM Is ao w ater ROlas ove r tbe M in e r <*•«» pn» « B t « c e p l '• h a t Is belftf used IB th e c aa ate Xor i r r i - . ieaUon. aad la th* optaiioo o t U r. __ _Sm llh.'a da ae e rea s flood a t M llo*r*la vM ualiy Im poiolbl*. A t Umi p o w tr 1 bouaW o t thfl Idaho P o « * r eoBipaay. Ma t X t ^ ; r a i i | C . r u w as a U tM t b s t i u tha ro . la ^praaU eallr a o W e r r w - tpd hlaS 'O m , O t ^ Shoahoo* m i * . . y n

N W TO RK . M a i iV -A iW * LalSh. “ IS y e a r o ld . »

T o d a y 's N o w s X o ^ y . ,r iM in p io T tm * * . b est com. tea nod f 'a tn r« a ~ V S A i s r*o-

i u ruiiad aa-.tha world’s M«tI . a ll a re iu a dauy n tw s (aatB>*f i f m e t . Twin raU s »*wa«

Idaho B*ws; W orld a e w ^ - TOSAY.

1‘U i r K : P i v k

onm* * * * * + + ♦

> ^ r m s

IfrDEAD §IG AREAIs a n d R irie T h rea ten ed B roken Gros V en tre —

Town an d Surge lis S ta te . __

riv<;r j:w n |il o u t llii’co. b r itlg c g oit a t 'jo n u i i ; ; to r e p o r ts r c c c iv o il b y

a l.l ' j'iv i-r- i-;iiisi'<i Iiy llic in-i'iil: in j; .;s i '-n la> . ; |„ . i ; . | | | i .. in iind iU i- t l l t^

sinii.Mi ;iii.| I.lah ,, F i ills s lu iH ly • |" 'r i . I ,.-r iv ..,I liy T ll- T im e s rro m

lill ' -I'ilU vay a l lli i ' lli-isi> Hliitii>ii I I ', lu u .- i-i-ii.'li.'c l'llia t llllliil. P c tl- iiJil''<l ililll a I'liirlv laru'<- t i - i r i tn f y li'-ini ill.- i-iiy l ic iu 'c n i K ir ic a m i '

[.. rn. Icidiiv. \V ;ir iiiiii;s liu v c liccji •ll tl is lr i ,- t . • _

ItBrt rrea* ~ •L O O K B E SC U E * ' .;*iy 1!!.— F lo ia l w u lf i’H to i l n y . m v - r i ’V i'iiliiij; n -w iii ' pu i'iitrs f r o t n a s .

GiilpI . 'l iy V A r i , K. .MALLOS*; 'i iru ll« .il I 'n ^ H 'S l l i r r t ’orreopoD drnl)

WAXliINCi'I’ON, May Ifl—Presiden t ^(rooK dce may cull nu oxirn nosnlon o t I . c:onCTi'jir. fnr November, n m onth l» - I fon- il« ' rpRulnr ncnnlonn bcRinn, to I <-x|>V<litc flnoil relief ieRlnlatlbn.

Thin inform ation cam o today fcom I'c'l.ubllcnn so iircci closo lo th e prenl-r ,

I (k-iit wbn nni’ lh a l w hllo he w ill no t ' . ileflnltely m ake up bln m ind to Issuo I l lir call for nolne Ume yot h* a o w be*

llcven IhiH c x th i montb of tim e w ould be am ple to enable conRresa to tako n irc <>r Ibo nltuutlon.

' Mr. (.'ooIIcIkc has oltlcloJIy OO*' noimccd Ibal bo iloen no l be lieve an

rxir.T nennlon In w arran ted n o w .-b u i lhe iirupnnal fo r moving up th e dalo omt m onth nieetn tho objpcliona b e baa

I pul forw nnl, . ‘ ■U nder roKulnr procedure congraaa

w nuld nol m eet un til D«com>>or S. T ax rvdiicilon. tnrni relief.- so v em m an t luipply 'hllln nnd o the r Im p o rU n t-;* * - ' iHtatlon munt Im> d ealt w ith a t tb e out*HPi. and ndloitrnm 'nnt m u st be ta k en In Mny foi* tb e potliica l con>’«oUona.

In thiH o rd e r of Ih ln tn . n a y ponnA*. n eat IcRlRlatlon-tor flood con iro l - la tlip MlK»|Nidi>|il vnlloy o r e1sewb«r* ^rrmleMiici, fcrlnun a j i l a y ^ n d . >r 'c*so- tbc re nbould bo nny cnnsldcrab le n r- »Tum<’n i It lUlRbt n o r bo paasedj

M nal decision as to w h etb ar .th e - , .'(Clinlon would bo cniled p ratu ib lr- w llt -■ n o l 1h( rnade u n til a rm y «Bno'e«r« c.-in w ork out stmia pro jec t tp r dam bulld lns, rener\-olr c o n s tru c tio n a n d ' pow or p lnata. Involved la th e pe rm a­nent plann. . - ' • -

P A R O i F i i #F O R W G f f l i i a

WiVatnNQTON. u « 7 - i ^ T b e 3 o A « ' board tw a \re co m ia* } td ^ i'th a K f,w tn n ,,*T . McCray, fo rtnw . «O T *nW -® t-lK fi^ '.- a n a . b« paro led .f itn a 'A t|aB t»^-artW r-

• " - - f iT i l i i r T i '^ l l r a H ^M aboi B j t 'm u a t T c S B B S i H H a ^ Hto d a y .

w im .ra ta

l o v i : ^

-•-PAG E T \ V ^ _ ; • ■

^ S o c i E ' n 'D eleg a tes to S ta te |.,v7|

C onvention Elected;™;;';r ThO ’Cutbol'lc WniiK-ir« l.<':iKiic m .'l . • I n th e c hu rch Imhfimmi \Vr.ln<'«<luy

j)vonini{. CommliU'o r.'iwirt« n t ilio yonr'* w ork w ere iclvi'ii J^ul ilolcKiit<n w oro Voted tn ttiu Miitio Minio Cniinc'll. ’ o t C atholic W oinni lo Iip1«I al l'r.- '

. ^ato llo JUIIO il). Ui'loKlltCM «-ll>c:K'il TT w oro MfK. ,Pn ink J, Sm lih. M rs. c . A. r l O ;

'R vrrnlnR or. .Mr«. I-im 'tf r i K lnc. Mt.i.'■ • I f K .'M cCntiih: iiltcrnuioii. MIhh K iti- ■ Duvnn. Mr«. II. K. l~nnlj. Mrn. T’u lrlc lf - .

W ynn. MrH. W. J . T nylor. 1*Jhiik w i-if M n . complvloil Tor ii niinmn>:u iiiilc lo Ik- ini'inl Rjvon Muy 2H. Dr. II. i;. I^imb ri'itil oiu' <. un IniorcHtlnK iiiijiiT nn “ Ilnw Ki >C<h-|>WiOI.” nh)l illHciiifKi'rl lllll :iiil>j<'r'i :it I'cl InHOino IcIIKth. cllUlir

_N ew M em bers G uests ■ 3 ”" ■ o f B ap tis t C ircle

--------- j !T ho niomborii of iliu Wninr>n’ti Cimii>>. im; s

c ll of. th o U a iillf ll church livid iiti nli-Tnoctlnic Thiirw lny In Hip n a |) tl ;i / ^ I n

y bunsn low .. Now wotiu-n rimnilnTii ».i p li3it~conKri'K«iion wi-ri' wiirjiUi ui Diin X niM tllii;. At noon ii dcllcloiiii ixil h i' l: ^ lu n c h c o n wim H rrv d . Mrx. I{. . II. f A lu u q r j}roHlOod over llic IjiihlnoM* ••J m w tlntc w hich rollowpil. An onpirclaliy '{J*'""' S d p ilsh t/u l proRrum or~v»inil nnil In- ,P M t'um nntal nuiBlo wim |)ri>H«[it<il d n i- j »ni5 th o foro im rl o f lln- iin.-nioun. f i W lilln CroiiH w ork oci-iiiilnl tlic wiini''U '> lo r lo K £Iio m t o r part o f tfw nm .r- > noon, nonp lliil miipiiU<-s fo r-tlip iwi-v-

w lilch tho orKiinlnillon tU'inlii iiiiniliit- ” ‘'1’" ' ' jy to Indliina-W ITI' inuTli- i ln r ltn : 'I Ik- '."‘V'

■ • • • ■ M embei-s M ee t fo r . £«"

' A fte n io o n o f B ridge " ------------------ ----------------- gsaa..Tliree inhli-H of pliiy«r«. mi'inbcTB 5

th o W cdnoxduy l)rlOK<’ oliili, im l yi'i< iI t6n lny n t thu lionut nf Mm. Jiioi; g I T ho rp on H cyhurn iiviniic for ili<- Q• wcflkly i;ninc-x. Mrn. Frccn iun l’os;i J_I w on th o hiKh nenrci iiwiird iiiid j ly

KoSDOth Qunch nccond liliili. >

C hurch A ssociation |' ■ E n te r ta in s ' M em ber |

Tho advancod B o n lo rd n u o f Ili'i M S 1 I. A:,ontortfllnod w ith n fntfw oll in iriy R

i o t ' l h o hbtho o t Mr. nnd Mr«. 0 . f . <, H A U'Tuoiidny ovonlnK for .Mrn. Hrmi. i w ho w ill lonvo sh o rtly for Pocntollo... W bere «b6 w ill muko hur homc. (iimio-i i^j r. obi] contoatu forniml tlio ovonlnc'ii d i- .-.-k,

v«r»loo; T ho mcmboM of th o cIiikh ,«ixpm 8«d th o lr 'n p p rc c ln t lo n of Mr:>.

' R ead 's conBclentloun w ork lQ>th(< c lni:i• by prosontlnK h e r w llh « beau tifu l nml

app roprJo to Rift. RotronbMienm wi;i<.M rved a t ft Into hour. TIioho prcn^n* w tro M cm nt. und M oiidujp>t»r^M .


9pieU 2 Slfpaeeb ta T2i« TltncS*'K ILER . Mny ID .-T Ia-ro worp U

• PSIer oiKhtb cm de KrniliiaU':i :in'] .tb e g r i^ u n ilo n cxi’rd»pH u c r" hrlil n l t h e x c h o o l niidltdrluin. Tbi' follow lne proRrniii win. kIvcii; SrtiO

M arch. ''O n r Invlnt-llilc .Niillon." hy m if p . rir::. Jinrl-* « lllll:in : liivo- ,

, ra tio n . Rov. J. 1). O lllllnn; Hioruh. ,i-n ii j• “OJd T/m n FV»vnrif/'^>”. in fJ»'

Dewy I>«1l." by Kra.li- Hcb.M>l n lrlt' y ’dn |Olco c lu b : plnmi iiol.i. ••KiiiiH'iinol |O strow ," by U ubfiuni'ln . TWii'tlby j Qoo<le; nddroHii. Ilrv . I). K .ndiillq f B u r le y ; violin »olo. "S.rlnT-Hoj;- i, ; imi ]m nrln ," hy Krilj? K rconlcr. Ciinlav'i' lii'cin |FIechtn<>r: prcHPnlntlon or dli>Inni:n>. ii; i in |C. A. Love, rb n lrn u m .n f tbp li.i:inl .i;„ic.- o t Irujitoi-ji, nn.l iH'iiedlrlloij liy 11. '^J . O. O rout. 7;iin I

Tho n u r a l lilRb ncbcinl ( iu iill) h;;») ! -oompoiiPd of Mpmlnmni W. I), Clllli'. .;i iu, E . I t. H ym o. A lfrril IIIIIIiikmIi'.v.MlMP« A llco T u ro 'jr . Kllcn O slrooi. j Mensrii QrorKn K. Ocnnmn. S. K. McUauRlilln. A . J. Suj;k. V iclor Kiro- »H>ck and K. R. D yrnc vurr* >:ii.-nl.. * o f . tho KlwunlB rln li Tni'n.j.iy. n.mn _______

• O ther Kupnlii of tU.- Klwanlrt ••lull j Ineludp.l Dr. Tln’<Mlori' ('oiH-liiinl nn. w v J n . H. M tm srr of Twin ^'.ill-..

Mr liml Mrn. AlluTI l>inr;ir I-t j ,j

a t Ihc counly ho?>iillal ------OIrli* rliTlP .I from llic ( J l i ^ U . -

l«rrvp» aH iIi- |.'k;iI.':i to I’a y l l . ' \ i k . - i In Ju n e n r r I,ori'n<' flaukln>.. Maty Ooninn. V lrtiii la Snydi-r. I^ ir .n a I 'c 1 ',"" Mohr and Marhin (Jravr-^ . . in i

Tlic n i r l It. i^ 'rv'i* ni. l Wi'.lni " il.i>. rvon inc fo r lii:Hall;.tInn .if .ifli. ' T ’.

In llla tlon of new m rnib. rn. i i r in iila , ,, Hon of rlURs anil f a r r u d l to Uir 'urnlorn a t lh .' lilch m IukiI ;;)inna- fllum. D .ilniy rrrrc» tuvw iU “ '-t-i'Btrvvil. NV»(y ptrct>il o r i l c t ^ .-ir.' - p rrx lrtm t. Mary Tloui.nn; vin- iir-i l- . , den i. l.« rcne Di- Mo»h; n.'. ti o r y . j jM arian O ravr» ; lr••a^ur>'r. VirKliil-i Snyder. T he cyioniislnm w.is Ix.iu-

- llfully.-u4*coralca w llh s lr ia m rr» of c repe imi>rr and flow rr».

Mr. Artd .Mm. C. N. T iirko r nnd fnm lly ‘W ill nrrlve Sniurilny for .i r l* « .w » h n j .T W rnd f.

T he S ta r Sofl«l clul> m rt w trt Mr». 4am e» llrenn .tn W-.liicnd.Ty for

. a pot- luck luncheon and li*n>lncion i T w etity membpr* » 't p n r rx i i i . i

M ri. J . A. l)rm rn l an 'l itatiKbt'T:' w ere ltmel>*wo tu«-«l» of MrK. O. J j ChiMM Tuewlay.

R K- D lllln rbam . .IM rlrt , c!-;iulyl ^ . ' srABd T nkrihal wax In c liar;;r o fi ,.

th e d l» tr lr t m eetlnc of (h r M .K"'nir| lodM he ld a t 'R u h l Tnr..i.-,y. Al.oul I IE M uo n * a ttrndeil th r I'antitirl r'n illt m e etln c th e re Tu*».Iay rv rn in s . M r i DllllniehAni m otnrr.l lo Albina B M dar to lakP rlj.lrc.- r l a iliM rirlj me«Unt; a t th a t p h c r .

J if . and Mr*. C. W . I 'a 'p and f.nn-1 I ly -m o to re d tn J f ro m r S-imlay.

Mra. J . A I>-tJ^rnl and .l.-\ushi<-r« ftoi) Mra. E arl Munyon .mri vrn Irfl b y au to fo r IviOrr.ndr, I’ortlnn.l .nnil Sm IIU . - - --------------

icHi. IIcrniHii U m l. I^c'c K likn ian .II I!ro.vn. A rllin r Jiiriiiaii. l^'Oiiiint ij'MPr. Uoy Wan.l. 0 , c . H all. A rllinr •efij.fifi, Mt'Kilumi’H Kiitr HlrUiiiun.\V. HlchcnH. llliodit W riiilil,' Onn.

iiirlfn IJIack. C arroll,:.!. .V W all.-r^. niicit I’oaxl Hrown. I 'a lll.' ArrinK lon.I'uli W biirlon. and Mc«;ir«. A llirii cncr. Lloyd iJavhi ami W.llllaiii lill-

[o s t.a t C harm ingly. A rran g e d Luncheon

Mrs, J. r ..M o o ri ' ciiK^rtiiiiicil lln- •in l.cm 'of tlic Ilurm ony oliib w llh u !• <ri'lticl( lnni lii'»in ut lii 'r ' bonu' o.i I'diii^mUiy. 'i'lic luuchcuiuii'iii* <l>'lall- lii lavi-iicl.T mill will!.. Illm-ii In l .i-

Ull.'II liiicii lii'liin .......1 n ii.liib ic an<lIMH ilfcoritthm:!, AJ Ibc iiHiioon'a rllv.'r«liiii. Mrt., \V. T, S rlllry d .Mrn. II. K, Hobl.T^won lb .' fln-.i .<1 nci'OIld prl7cii. I.ciinllful ]iic-lui.:> ilcb Mrn. .Moiirr bud |ialnii->>. ^ Irf.

.\liH)r«., w llli luT liuidiaml. In Icav- r Snm lny for California,

'lub SubscriJjes to- F lood R elie f F u n d

Mi'h. Orl.i Cryil.'r wu;< lioi;1cmi H. Ib • nilirrj. of Ihc M.-lilor r ln b \Vcdur».- y a fl.'rnoon lit b r r luun.' nn I'ojilav 'line. .Mu;!. ,V. S . Iloiiwi'll |irnil.li i rlH;- 111.' Iiiiiducrii iir;,;i[iiii wlicri J inH a n i.rtiiiriiili’d lo llic flnoil vi-lli i iTT ‘ li 'in liiT S .llia-|l:iiic.> liluiii: f..'' I'xlilliil ill lb .' I'ouiity fa ir m >l .Icm lx'r. liiirinK a r|,.|||;liiri1l social ir iln i, Cry.lcr. aimlMcil l.y Mij .A. IMbI nlld .Mm. K, \[{. Sm ilb, Hcri - •Utliiiy rclr.Hlnn.'iilK, .\lr». ' M<Jtc-

lii.i waa a Kni.i:l of ibc .-jiib.. .Mr..III Cowliiim will ll.' iuinl.'iai in Ib rb ul III. n ex t nii'cllii): Jn n c 1, U l

a a c K ! ia a c x > o ^ - > g ^ ^ ^

I ^R A D IO PR O G R A M |

(M oimtnln Tlmo)ilU'Pl

TIII'IW IIA V , .MAV IU ..... J'']"'KI’Cl— HI—SiM rK rniirl«ro :I0 p, IU.—Stidi-H .llr^iilniirniil or-

cbvMlia. Ii.'uilOft \r. in.— l''iilrmont luitcl orclipw- ,,| j,

In i00 p. ni.—Sliidbi proKram. , ,ou m,— N. II. r . proKrain. „

s S e S c '’'• K H J— I0.V3 m -L im AnKt'len lift p. m ,—riillrlrrn 'i. lum r.

1’. I>r. I’blllii .M. Ivovoll, iM) p, n i ,- A rllinr I-Mwln Wako, ,

iiian iiu rr X l.rab iim -I.ln - (u 'j" ' .'f.in Srliool fo r lioyi'.. q.,

Ul to lUMiii p, m..-(51ciiii I'Tdiiiiindii’• •Van.liy -I. •„ ,

K K l-H iT III.’0 ii.'iu .— I.rKlon niKlit club o r- .',^ 1

rbcn lra . .in II. m . - r i a r l r . . Ilunncll an.l •

KcHllr Ailamn ^u Jiluiio atlll vocal nniuluTii, .

lO ]i. in.—S.'Iill-el»;.»l.!al jiroKrainby I'- i’’ _ 10 M

III „ „ v _ K I ''l .dn iina - l^ iir .III ,, I,,.— I.i.rrllc Klrnlad, v lo llnb l.

m— ’*■' HI |i. m ,--l)ln n ‘'r c o n c i i . ^

...............T rin li S -..i.'ty , l!";''*

Ml n. m .- Vaiidi'v lllr iiunirani........ . n i . - N , 11. iui>.itani, _

ri- lianil. 0K K II A -I 5 U « ! . - S o i l l l r I -

m , , . ..................ball M'lirrK. UIII |i. in.— llu llcrw orlli nrrb.'M fn.ID III — Suiulc ami i l 'K v r.i tr io . I

.....s a ........ .........lO in. -N. II. C. iii-..i:n.iii. 'III 1.1 i;;:;:'i ^I. m. Il.uinli' llrac

V-J' ""-— — J ” 1

;O M IN G E V E N T Sn Local Club, O rd er and______Church Circles paiim

IHarrlIIOVAI. M :iM IH H ltS inK tl

It.,y.-,l u i l l V!

b .'is a iv b Tlic

im :t i IIV

M om ’n P o p -"^- AMD n e J t u E ME MO.VS

VJllCNTSTC eCTG BACK \ A>ioMW B a r r e « .o £ A i _ n 'VTART5 COfNG. X 'f.L V^AOC#?. (

* V/C'LC M-\Ke A «(U.(dN X . _ I F w c M /lk£ A c c n r _ y ^

J ^



-1 , ' -

’■ 1 — -Tin- Mliiinmilppl liclw.'i ii

llll lo ‘10 iiillcH acroiiii. In a ll Ibn lllll.^ i'lwmi li.'lnw C!ri-iivi Coiiyrlllbl. 1!C7. NTA Survli'.'

retS n s m PTRIP THROIIGH [:

SOUTH IDAHOl;ipaelal Oiipatc)> to T]i* TItnai i(

KIMIIKULV. May lU - II , K, i'o w .n i oi 'c in rn cd Kiiliir.lay iiIkIiI froni a iwi>- vpckii' hwIuk round the Houllipaiilcrn. ci larl of tjic -iilittr. U.l alivndi'd Ihc V •lull- blxb "cliool irnck nnd field n lU'pl a t ro rn tc lln Sntnrdiiy n m l 'r c - Ii inrln an Ident clay for tb e nu'ci. n !iJc-.iUti'H(Iiinci‘ iiiiiJ orir‘ ii'orJd r/'conl » mill.', .l).:nici'K of Sandpolnl. liurllu;: k. lip Jcvcllii lilin fcul nml 2 Ineb.'H, li .'uilni; tbc iircvlniiH rci'.ird liy never- I incbcK, K•Mr. nnd Mm, I.. K. Davln . 'iilc r- ui

uim-.l w llli n n ,^ u b .irn tc ":.30 .lln- ler Fri.lny ovcim tsr;- ..Tltu x<wn«.uW|itpVjim(uHcly <loror>. hi

'led »'Jlb vflpjde b)o»«oui». nml lb" Ui ivo tablrii 'a t which tlip tw enty uucnia ■ero iieiile.l wore pxircnudy n tirac- ' Ivc w ith tl i r l r b'-avilfnl an .l orllilniil 1“' pcorallnnn. which w ere ciirrb 'jl' out to I n color nchcnio of pink ami w hite, bi 'lip ku.-Mh w cr.' th e Mi:iidnnica and li'SKiM I’aul Scoll. J . Krunk ll'--nry. t. G. WIlMin. \V. A. I.- Hlow... iciiryc Crofi. Jobn Vair llonl;., G. K. irplmiinltli. Frnnk . Wllnon. Mrn. barlcii Tpntcr, Mrn. II. K. I’owern nd Muynr und Mra. no b c rt llobier < Tw lu Kalin, Awar.l for biRb I'orc for llic iadlcii wont lo Mrs. ioM.'r an.l bli:li for lb-' »:cnilPinen 1 Mr, IlobI.rr. Mr.'i. Cbarl.'ji -Tcnicr llrl u : G. WllKOn raoll rcrrlv.-d ll ont.oliiiliin Kin.A party coiniini.r.l of Siiperlnl.'nd-

in and Mrs, (llbtin, Mr;*, Klla May 'l.'ilKrr: the Ml.n.'r: IMv.'y, l-liicc. Ivdcnifi. WU'kLnml. !la.';r.ii’ ami b'^nrr• llcrkw llb. MuiIkou ami K.irlir'i iijnv.-.i a lic-clnleak .lln n c ^ o 't ^ho-

i l i i l r ”FOR'TOOl"

ILsiicci.illy P rc |ia rc (l f<ir In fa n ts

jiiu! Q iild rc n cif A ll A ges

M otliri! FlelciiPr'n Ca.ilorla ban •<•11 in ii!i.' for oMT .no yi'iim to re- n . ' liabirn ami ebiliircn of-ConMl* iili.u. Fluliil.'m-y. M'Inil f o l l r nnd. la rr lira : .illaylnr-F.-vrrl>lin.-!in nrbi-|K lll . 't. Irom. nn<l. by r.T iiia llnrt lhe! oiiKnIi ami Ifowrl^. ai.ii: tfcr .-int.lni-' illoii of I-\)Oil; Klvlni: iia lu ral idrrp iilioni o|>lali'.'<.Tlic n.'nniiic lic.irn iJcnaiu rc nf

/ - T h a t ' s F / n c : '^ h e l l o mom.1 ^ V B O T H o rrv i I J U S T R fW )

} ORYOO'LU X J e ^ V o 1

f i i

T W IN F A L I.3 D A n i t T n tE S . .

H IN G B U T W A T E R A ;^]

1 'A I .

, ff*'

■ - v-i..- - —.I-V.;-.',-,.,



III Vieknl>nrt;<-iin<l (ircrnv lll.’ in nntr n «r a ll lllin viKil rci'.Inn; tlio .S'KA fiyliiK cam iiv ilb ', coinpl.'iirly itiumliil.'d w llh lb<- vnnl ■li'c. - i L . i

1 aboiil. i''all't Krl.lny cv.riiiiii:. AII--T lib .- .Ilniii'r liililiiK nud ’:ili;bl la^clnr. ( .'v.iTc .'iijiiyi'.l. Til.i pnrly rclni'ni'.l j ' • la l a la lr bour. { '

.1 Mr, and Mr;i. W iilt.'r Norrln an - —

.lll ll ' iiar-nlti of u daiii:b l.'r bohi 1'I'liiirt'diiy. J

II 'i 'h r .Mlniii'ii liclbi'I lllalic apit ,,,„| Illanc'lir • I'cniilruilon wt rr Jornnic

Ivinlloi'H SaliiiditJ'; ' . -,!i;A. M. Si-nil li'f t for tVillon. Calif.,

I'VMiiy iiKirriliiK Jn .<« ’ .’i ^Irlrn rn in InfoniilliK him nf tb e 'd p u lb _i .of the fntber,-....................

Mlsn Ik 'lly I’u llcn of T»vln .rTnirii 'y ,. cnmc W eiliiestlnniW J).i.'<llip KileiH of Afi

Miim L'eola Wllnon'. T hurndny evo. f I nInK ilip yoiuiK lndlca wvnt lo B ur- Tkli

Ipy to r u nhorl. viidl w ltli, frlendn, Afi Mrn. W. S , ' M artin cifterlninod C

» 'ii) i* ;i rhfirnilHK b lj^bdny '/w jarly To' Kuiurday for , In-r crauddniitthlt-r. InR Ir.'iiP Scolt. . J i ’ ' ICC

Mr. nnd Mrs, R. W . Andlftion of 1 F iler wer.> wop|(-cnd Kuctiliijof Mr. of uml M rn .'M erv in Gill. fl ' S

----------- --------------------J vinFOH SAI.IC—W omen'll pu re nllk Afi

hoiif,. ,nnw iiha.lpn. ? p n d a l !IH ccnin, 0H arbor'Sbfie Co.—n d v , ....................... hoi-------------- _ _ 1' FOR SA I.I'— InfiinlH' nml cbll.l'n bor pnt.'nl Saiiduln nml Oxfor.ln, vniiu-. ( to Jl’.iiii. ClnHlni: fo r f*S reuiii. Ila r . wll l irr Sboe C'o.—adv. 'jc d li

Joe-K S ays:Note to pnrenlii: T he wny lo ' I

tlie lliw' fiuiekly nnd rrc-1 in nlowly

i g l g a i i T i < [ Dg 'f !T '4 g v ir ; ' 'n i‘MThere th e B ig r ic ln rc a Play**

\ — N O W SiHlC

' r w 3 ^ D ~D I X .

L I ‘■T IIK (il'A K T K IM l.V C h

A I s'|ii;ir<-.l f i n 'I f nm l ijc liv .

F (ii- ;iii ia lir k iux-k iiiil S lu

S w rili 'i- . \ l l i . lr l I’a y so it Tc

-A lso-“ TharilcB fo r the Boat-Ri

D ED U C TIN G\ / 'I’CO'ftG A M iN o r e ^) / T o o L A T G .D o r— n c

O JU ST i - e p T r c « T lie •) V c f F . c e — riC 's Q o i r c J*

r “) , .Bust NOW vii-ni h is

^ F A R A S T H E E Y E CA

■■■■ ■ ■ I '.'.

M f \

1 Rrcnt Inlanil nea. extondlnit 100 tnlieii i canicrntnnn found iiciirculy ,ii d ry njinl. Kill lulm ul iicji Htr.'tchlnK o u t In ibo ba

C an . You Ans'wer A ll -i o f T hese Q uestions?

— - --------- . !ibt!AKIUCAN tJKIMaiMI'IIV • ' ' '

1. Wlinl Ki'cni iiilaii.l lien off tli.' I _ ennt coaiiL’ of A frlra? «

2 . 'N an i . ''t lir cnii'c a l tbo Hoythorn- I tnoKi jmini on lb .‘ m ainland of M A fri« t, . ■“

3. i^ ln e tb rp '. nf tbo four Rreiil r iu T il 'o f Afrlcn.

fi^^'i.'Wwiiat twi) ncoann border oh A frica?

R, Nume Lw.o fnmous c roupn of TklnndK off lho"n o rthw .'n i coani of Afrlcn.

C. Ih It iiorhIIjIc lo ro from Capo ),(, Town lo Cairo hy Ijiiid W ithout Icnv^InR n rltlnh le rr iiu ry o r llrltlnh pro- wli icclornlcH? Foi

1. in Viciorln Fniin In Iho vicinity Bl»' of l^iko V ic torin?. 'i®?

8. Nnlnp thv flvo chief, polillcal dl? vinionr. nlonc tbo n o r th conni oJ »oiA frloor— ------- . wc

0. Whnl-~iicn exlendn nloni; Ibc nrl 'iior(hennli>tn b o rd tt' o f AfrlcA? gl*

10. W hnt four fnnioun "conHtn‘' fJ- border nn the Gulf nf (Jnlnen? . JJ"

ITlie nnnwern lo tli.-i..- fjucHtlonn _ will bo found .•bicwbrre i)i tbifi edition.)

10' bnndle a Rilino fbiii In .lo i;lvc *'ly KU. w bnt? s

N. — A DM ISSIONS—Si A d tJ ts ............. ................30cI Obilflrcn (u n d e r 12 ) . ,10c^ H onrs: 2, 3:30, 7 iind fl

-lOW ING— “ " ;___________________________ X ;

matotbW nJACKR^U^^

\ V \ \ " ia li . 's io I h r N

■liv..,-s .- /M ir.. . . .lo iiu h , E I

S lor.v Iiy lll l ' .siiiiri.s/ W jT .'r i i i i i i r . - S

S O - ' ' . - ^

•Ride” G ood C om edy

________________ / " ________• \ K i : a . H ) o « ( ) P e i r ' s y c fw t- 2 A SUCCCSS—GOOONtSS ) Be — KtAPVMS U e‘&V»'OHXCD r f OHMlf

^ c n o ijo i^ — $ 5 0 ^

:a n s e e '■ . J

. ' ......... I '■

J, .,i;- Ill

- ‘ “ i',;It "Fll

♦ • bl F i

. ' . Ill

■■■■■' • TlI"'

l i r '■ • — ■'''


■ J ■ i.'II iforth nml r n n ii i 'a n d from ' | yi' ll. .Tbbi pk iu i'.i idiowii onn of loi

baiknro iind . A inflnn 'i I'lioio In'

t I'lXCKLSIOIt <i«ASIJH '*T lic 'K xceln liir (.-rnnco lioKvec team

w iil'con fc r, Hlr fou rih dcnn-.i ntion ii biK thm n i'Vlilay ovunlnK, .May au. al, 1Ibo CxcolaliiriiiHi'ooI lioUMf. All in...... nli.bcriiiiirn urited lo bo |irc:ieiit nn i (.'l( nelKllbnrlnK Rran'Korn nrn Invllcd. a il’

|R heum ktisi b e riibl

Are you ope of tli'oso tinforlunates hi wiiu suifer will) p.ilns In yuur inuxclc.i* innnilju ln is , making you mlxef'abio, icsH j efllcienl, inlerferliiR w ith yuu rw ork lnehuun , ruliiInK yuur alcepT '

You m ay I ijvk IrJed many "wilhoul rellpf. W hy nol try S.S.S.T V For mnrc thau 100 yoart It h as i)ccnRivinK relief in lliniiiiniids o f cases, as Hicstliicd 10 Id uiisqllcltcd lollcrs of Tt gralllude.

"J cufTercd from rlifiumnllsin for a* \lrtRood many years. Al I lm n my Jolnls cl|would M\-elI Sll. 1 couldn't walk. I Na«rled tnoxl ovcrylblnK. W eni to Hot upfi[irln(W a n d ' finally 1 Uccldnd lo try ca'R S: S, I tonk 11 cournc.' fn a abori :llmo tbc rbcumullc pnliin entirely bifl lunio.. I o!ju bud a brcaUliis-uul on >ny cci

T h e O rp h eu m

a S m

a' fo lo rfu l romiine.e of dnrlni: nnd d ance r—n i i i ^ ponse nnd th rllln nmi Joy- oiin 4*UKlilor w ith Tom

' Mix In lhe nad.lie o f nd>.

Helcnc Oastclfo - Ma/cofm Wiitc Gcx)rgc Irv'ing - Dorothy Kitchcr

In a sto ry o f w estern ranges

and cloud tip p ed mountains.

— H e F iauK G S J \ D i D - -M i^n G /\BC0T ) ( Pop <3G'jo o ,o o o ^ __1 7 AN^THlf-- ----------- ^ — 17 I • B e t ic w

. 0

g?mp'aBAY£^rA\g T !^ ^

L O C ^ S T A P

i K M E E TT b r Miiiunl linprovom oht niiiiodn-

i fd ii .o f T w in Fnlls iiinlio: o f . th e L.I), S. w in hnvc. entrien In tfio ,drn- ninlle, mimical und puhllc , spoaklnK dopnrtiminin j i f ' tbo d in trlct eompo- lltlon n l U uf|oy tom orrow ntid’ Snt- ur«luy. a ix Sunken will b \ ropro- •ifrlircd. , . ......... ■■ ■■ ■"}

jyM ^o m iW li^ uvp tho Twin Fiilln

One-acl dramn. Clifford Toltpifn, M iirlniirh: Mrn. W. 0 . Dutnmor; Mur- tniiKb: Mlim Sylvia ' WUboh. T w in . Fnlln; M r,Pptnr«en , Klmhorly: men'n niiblie npcnkluK. Cnrol Dnyloy. Tw in Fnlln; .ioiibln mixed quarte t, Leo K irkinan. Goiald W. Jn rm an , Wenley- llncl.^v. W. t:. Itnppluy. Minx Cloo Illllll. Mlna Wlldn Hntnmond. MIhh T hi'lnui Illnek. Mrn: ?nrk,.JU lbnrilH : Im lica'.]iiibllc iipenklnK.. Mlnin^hfiriiln

•Amk.non;.. inillen'- cUorun,..umlor d i- ' ri:ctlb|i of MIbh Wlldn Hnnimond; W.1C. H iller. Twin Rilln. nuperintendeht of 111.! ninke M. I. A„ hmt been den- (jtnnled -to bnvn elinrf;ii o f voKoy fiall uud liorni'nlinii pfich inc cvnteitlH nl tbe Iliirli^y nv-'et. ,

DKFKXDAN'T WIXS CASK . ' . V.-idlel for llio .Icfenil.'int', In th o

ca:ip' of liie Iiri>adwn>\ OnniKe. com'- pnny niiuinni II, Ui Jaeobn. Involvlni; tbc i|ii<vilbm nf tiunlei'. ..jvnn . cIvpu

I'yrnicr.lay. ila i'ry J . Uenolt w tin -n l- ' lo rney for ibc dcfcndnnt. T he'cano liiv.ily.'d tiDOii.

']!lin w nrld'n crcnipnl liiver-hnn como ' lo tbo RInllo. Jobn H nrrymoro In

;'I)on Ju iin ," now nhowhiK.—ndv.. 4

, FOR SAI.K—Men'n nnd iioya'^dreiw____nliwii nnd oxfiJCdH, vnluoit to 14.00. (;ioitin« for H urbor Sboo 'C o .- adv. . ________________ •

sm can^t bbeS aw ay

hnnils to r years tha l nolhlnff m u Itl heal, bu t now ihls has disappeared, and 1 auro tlinl It w u 6. S. S. whleh rc* moved tho cause. 1 am now .ln.porfect ' heallh, and w ant to add th«t I . havo tried a ll kinds of nicdlclnos but I Ihlnk S. S. 9. Is tho bost." Carl C. Caunbeli, - i t s \Vesl. Main Btreel, JobDson Q iy,Tcnn. ••• ■ •

g.S.S, Is purely vomlablo. I t Is e i - . \lracted from liio frcun root* of modl- clnal planiH oiid lio » i -a n d itlvei to Nature w bat sbD.needs In.hulldlDff you up so U iV ,):uucj4'ai<n)il)rowi.01I tho cause.

S..s'.S. t'i .Hold ol a ll pood druR Mores lu twn Kites. .The larger slzo la moro ccoiiumlcal.

M atinee an d Evening Today , F c i . , Sat.


Tiuju •^^SO B ISm ^

.hzn ’Imperial Comedy "Golf Widows’■

. Acwp# Fables L - See Tlds: ShoW:

I , -B y T aylor

5*JlKtiDVLbe._ 'N,.!:__3 -----CO T WHEN ' \< 3 G T 5 |B { c rre o aS octT '\THlN<F^OU O^H ONLY I . i c v e h a l P o p u j f i K r y

H E s a w s ;

R O f f i j p t J J S t I t i f e f f f l i i l SlIKDETERmiD

♦ ■ —- ..

B nrrati UnldH iTp A|.pniTol <>f » .U _ e ra l Al(t Mlti'iiKo . TnitiKfcr rrm l*

| : ’jn fr Itvport^ nf InH'xOfpitltiF,' Cl>m>. mlHctt I»iif LuU-r.

, -T hnt- f ln n r dc iorm rnntlnn or llm miipOBlUon or tlm tcilcrnt roiici (und

io Noviiilii wUl no t \>i> hwiIm puW lr •. t e r BDino (Info in Uio niihstnDeu

.n :.slorjf. In tlio Kly >Vi-o - PronH of I. M onday w htch iwyn th u t tlio liiirumi . or.,publlc romlfl.rcfoDod n l thIu tim e

;to Approve tlic rciiiieiit o f (lin iilntf hlRhwny (Itrcctora tlint tlm fcdrrnl

rond nillcnKo on tlio Bly Ihiiimli (rbnd and tlio Iiihonton-Mouml Houho J roftd bo {rnnnferrud to thn .propoHcil

h iR hw ar rrom McGill tliroiiKli Wullii to , tho Mnho lino. ,

TIjo road from Wollii to. tlio NV- vftda lino In In uno iind connfcln al .

• tho Btnto Ilnu w llh tho rond • In "Twin Fnlla. I t l» purt of tlm Yo- Dcmltc to Yi'llowKtoni) hiKhwiiy it lu " in rosaril to iliv Im iirom iir iit o ir ■■ ■ - - tJji* sJrfo or th e , Sw ad ii iHiuiidnry / Y A l l l th a t tho illnnor iiivoIIiik n t tho I | | l | no R e n n a tonlR ht. w in .i>o lii'ld. Tin^ V \ / i f rr(!c. Pro*H diiyH tho hiironii action c(iu*c<l' oonnldoraWo • HpccnliilUm 1a'nionif (iiipitorlnrn of tlKi iiroixmi'd 11

' fdaho rout(» nH wi-ll na llm n tate ^ lllcliwdy orctcliils

I t oddii: ' , '“Th'o fnct (linl Novadii'ii rriniilii- Bpselnt :

injt fcdcrnl iiUl road nillciiKC on (lii; M itin aoven p e r cont ny»tptn.,lf It wa» a ll

' branitrorrcd , to (ho jiropow d Idaho ' ' '’H'or >"rond. woiildi ho Iniiiifdclpnt hy nhont of Mnri

olR ht; mllon lo covor llio dhitiince K rldny ' from McUIll (o tho M aho lino l» „,,,iii,„.i one of tho ronnnnK th a t ll.o hiin.iin

-lB-hol.IlnR-«»iv-M»-.lo«l«lon.-l/-li*-»‘ttld.- iuD:ii_ui f t hnn (fcen’ p o in tod 'o tit hy {ilxhn'ny KknltitUi orriclnln .thnl IT tho federal povprn- h irc Iu k Tncnt ffirtlclpa tcd In llm hiiildlnr o t lho rond ll would oxt^nd lt« :. ,,,, nld ■ from Wnlio noutli Into Novada InnvlnR th t clRhly mllo pap nnrin r iWolln nnd McOlll. Tiiln w ould inSiko * ,vj n connection w ith ,tlm Victory hlRh- w.iy 'nnd lliuti eomploto the Idaho .'"n,,'',', rond to -n .c o n n ^ llo n w ith ll thi-iiUKli t i h . . WKhwor. Ai, iiny rate- It will M>o 'I '- s'avornl, monthH yot hoforo tho com- mlttoo. nolccted i i l - a road niecllnt;

.b o ro d u r ln s th e IcKlnlatlvo MCKnIon ‘ J° w m havo Itn rep o r t rcndy nnd the

.rburonu o f puhllc roads w ill no l tnko< dodnlto acllon .un til llm l commlltco " . r»iK)rl«.- - . r l . b.,oi


.____ . ___ . ■•- Mr. 1)1111


iB n tP A tlcnilnnrp U E xprcird n l tho nev D lnnpr lo Mn-l U .iu-rnor on IIIkIi- w ajM 8an t'runclHCii . Mnn lo Be wl»«n *' r m c n t .

LarBo ntti-ndnnce In* antlclpiitpd "I tbo dlnnor m crtlni: ut th*; I to jernon • . Ihln ovrnlntr, to m eel G overnor H.C.'B ftldrldR e nnd CommlMnlonpr J o r ,Wood of thn hiRhwny depiirtm ent. " and to dlnciiBs- la -tfir trailn 'rondl- . ‘ •

• ItonB w ith l>iwlM K IlnnH nf the Son '.F rnnclH co Chnn'ihcr o t Com-m ercc. . ■

Inlnrcn l rcR iinllnc the roiid rltiin- •tlon to llic Nevudn line Is ln(rnno hero. Thn local hlKhwnj- honrd of " i )Ihb Tw in F a lls d in trlcl nnd tlio road ^bureau o t lho chnmhor of commerco ? lanl Decem ber under*(ooil .from II. ; , ' W. QrcKory. tlieri cllroctor of IiIkIi-

i s :would pu l up 'ob tu t ICS.OOO for Im -t prorlHR lho road to th e N'ev.idn llnp .'i provided U ia tf.tho d lit r lc t nnd (ho ii A n n Btat« ,or Mnho w ould furnlali IiK'i , N T n hnlfltjce.' T ho hishw ny d in trlc l pul V I II jip -i:E ;ono nnd AsVod Mnl.. co-«p<t .t — l l O S . V , .V ’ It C

w tiy t l l ^ ’ tll■^c. luiTi Tiot com r ^v.-dne-nli Ihrouch Is ^thc .((Utiiilan wIdch han „ . (roi^hlcd mpiiihcnM o t- ;th r t. hiKhwny boafiL '-D n tiv«?S ii» Ion of a r.-ccnt ^ . vIhK ;x h . T y i4 W lH l.y. Governor R aldrldR c.^thP tKmrd dlncuiiiK'd (he cinealtOQ w ith -him. He "a l'l (hnl lh% m allor' wan to l>e liiin.lle.l popuiyby Commlnylonor Wood. I.nst week t.’.ft fnr ll wn« pliiJin*d .fo r n OoICRatlon to |jRO . to DotQo t o ‘ conBUli Govcrnnr OAldrldEO and ' th » comml«»loner. bm n . I-'. throiiRh John Ww.- G raham , ll wn.i nuffer ;irrnnK «l th n f the . mecllnR «linulU npotietl ( lake plnce here , tlila - ovcnlnc. jHirle.! m

B l i M M H O O L ^ ^ J. . . . - - — wherQ fcl

- Continued r« c« I of Pre^li! roeiaimwl tho lant of th e 'jroken fnriii* nodeilcfl ; of the Tlctlms (•(« ye*(er.»ay n •olid ! Hnn or au(om obiles n lrc tc lttn s I K c n llr MImi I:■ fo r m iles monjj cVcry t.)i*o,jchgln6 Id inrnp^T n-,lhV low n chw liert.rvorr h lphw ay ... a Spokn, W ith lho com lnjr.of th e tlriit dusk l>o tH«itei

o f tr*pe<tr. mehitM?™ or (hP’y im ln u th -r Hon. «mcom m unity h a ln r tW toW ''o r thfrJn** Mr*. II.

; plo*lon. M nrtln O. Mllllrtlflm. 72 year! old re* ldrn t o t B alh. toW -qt runn lne ’ N o w: {a (he »Chool w lth 'th e f l r t t .h ln i t aud * ^< of “pItcttlBg In (o »avc .a l W nny afl.T - I coukLJ’ r •

r r l l« o f .S w a d ,•Olut 1 coiilcln't Btaail f t fo r lo n r." n ■

h* **ld. - I h .d tnken ftm r Ixx llc . pu t Of thc m ln» when K ehoc. be ttere d -b y « ‘“ «f, everyono to h i \ r p lannea (be tTO r* d lM .t* r; <Jr»w up to the c tirb In-ftoi. o t th e w reckw l « fioo l nnd call«iJ-®u( to Em ory E. Iteyek . #up«rtiitea«eni. » 0 t w ho w a t »up*r»lVlne »ho w ork o f f r r - « cue •' ■ > '_ t ‘

- b o lh of th e m « j »too<l ta lklft« J t U < Artl. Ihe ctirl) to r a few m taotc* w hen aud- ^ w e ta .I tn ly Kehbr-* autom obile w as hlijwn h o * mu to bit*. He an.l H uvck w ere klllt-<itw ill sur

• o tJ tr lr tL N«l»on MtfFamiB.-w ho w»» acy.—ad p taaliu : by. w u alao. killed and Glenn B m J t iT M a ’fc po»lma»ler. w aa m or- T he wj ta l l r w ounded, w ith both lec* Reverrd in th e F p i the _______ * ' “ DOQ JU

Nine K illed Ne

ThlH rn rfff^n lilc tiltU ir» 'o f thi- do\ vlclnlly. hi typR-nl o t iicnie:! llmmKhoi a lull nf m a rly I'r.O di'ail In i-li;hl Mal jiaimitiii ini't di'iilh 111 tli«. nekhhiirh.Ki* almve wan tlm Clnrcni:.! .Knnli.' Ikhiu-, Hi.'fUKi; III -II tilOl'lH c ’.’lldr. .

iM S E M E N T .^ 'l '^ AT MURTAUGH^

a t S lipa tch to TJio Tlm .» • Ili-I.rtliTAlXH I. Mny 10. Tin- . fli-;.1 'ir hlKli i.clfool, .-oinin.'n<-.'a...|il- "I” ' Iiirluiich hli:h m-U«.iI \vim Ii<-1d |,i iiii(> ly 'I 'v cn ln ir. a l lln ' hlcIi i.cluiiil (<• jiinii orliiin and wan a ll.'ndn l hyL .uuabucc,__L'ul]Q«-JniU-Vv.!;ciL_ li<:.intc'.t; |;<jrJii CVawwii. FJor.i (Kir.'il f InK, Klilon Okclhnrry and Wll- Ji'm Silvern. I’rnKniiii kIvi'Ii: Sonmi ‘” '1/1'," miillenci': lliviicallnii. Itliiimt) ,>i:\\vi-U:onu- nom:. clami; n.lvU-i-.I Cliiwiion: povm. Klora Htrnlnn: ' '

Ivldon Qln-lbiTry: 'mldnvm. l)|-., Wtillv of Tw in KiiMi.; i.rtiH-n-fi of dli»lomii». C, C, t.'iilli'M. / “ ''-ll(! i-lKlith j:nidi' Ki-iiduall.iii ex-en- wer.! held T liurwlay cvrnlni: I!'!!!!.'''m hiKh ncliool iiudll.'irliiin wlili / .,,J-rollniflriK Htitd..’ntji recflvliiK .11-nw: .Marjnrle ItiKledKi-. U-ora 'Inn. Iner. Tolm an. lieu (.•alien, T uJn I n<mo. D orntliy SdirKeon. l»hyl- ,hicFarliinil. K dra HarKtlne. .\o r- I , ‘"" loodmiin. Ilenr>- Sllvera, Mnurlce i'..W urvln S tn rry . A rthur T erry. ‘ n l,ce. nnd Hlldn Llltaw . Pro- : Viilcdlciory. Dornlhy KiurBvim:

prophc'cy, Inez T olm an: c linn i>..iiiv" ■■Idaho.” nnd "SnrlnK Ih Hero", |,rr,.•l,^^ | chorun; nddreiln by Mrt SaKei-t>, [ |o tln ||y

nkHy: p resen ta tion o t .llplotfm.i. „ r,j pi,, )iiiiini'T . ■ ' S tn 'l r i l*. K, Miirslinll iiuftiTcd an In- |

foot. Friday In I'ocatello. j0 Hhe wan h it hy an autnnio- |>„(„y. | Mr. M arahnll nn.l Mr Wnclmllz olhnr w

>verliind a t once iQlor recelvlnc i;i U ie 'r neWd nf Iliy nccfdent nnd • cm u Ih (ll III th e himpltal w cnr plcaned of prod

Inlorm cd th a t Mm. Mamhall In llii<received 3iitil n nHcht Injiir.v. Hir<r.'>.. nnd ,MrH. Doe Matilicw o( lUiii ^l|(r l a rrived h 'T o m m ake llm ir iiinliy «i

H Miuliillne J«!irey of Kluilx'rly riLM lla week-end Kile»l n l Ihc C, C. Antiwi1 hnhie. . fijirr <. Fr.-d H erherl nnd -‘nn of H raek.iSSiirlnuH a re vlKllIni; wllli her n ir ir ri

l:i, Mr. an.l Mrii. G.r.irj;e Deil-l\ C. :

1. H n»el-O rey o l IWon wiik . a cnmplnl i!fii vhd lor In MiirtmiKh M.m- odn ,i„„

' Kludent hody of hich I'chool ,|,i„rei)r .evenlh und elKhlh Rrn.li' »lii-hn.l a Inwn p a rty nl l«" Cood- ----------

home Momlny evening, \ 1irlouii ■. were pl.-\ye.l nfl.T whieh, |-<- i}cJ)l».were i<erved. ^

lY OF THE FMSIlonrh of l.rw lnlon iirrlvrd] \ .

viiltly on a vli.lt tn hln r.on, Koli-:___ _ ■ • v 'i:! . '. I -

r .-W rlsh t. Inrm erly of. Tw in; **- now n re^Ul^nl of I^alt Uilte. |4 in Falln on hu«liiM.H. 1

■uty Sheriff Clii.rli'M . i:. J oim -. I i r I’n ra te llo nnd ! .-ilt l^il(e on I ll bunlnes^i W ednmd;iy ••venlnj.'

Sweet, w ell kftown nheep in.Tu. ffertnK w ith a sever.- rafe of t l fever, an.l hi" etindltion h r . - ,I nn helm; e rlllt al. I

I. n , M. H all. i>re»ld.-hl nf thc-j S ynodlral Mln^ilonary t.nrlM)-, - I

V ednr.day fc.r San Kr:.nrl*co. 1 1_ ; khe w ill nttend lhe liiennh ll n c of th e national orKanl/ailun I I — , exliyierl.in W om cira * .Mlrxihnar.* •Ic". . IK Irene <‘op.Ii-llo who iinilrrwent .y n r .ton"c rttir-T .tn ilH a n , «n • ---------->knne hoRpltnl, wa* reported to .Iter , hu t Mill in a nerloun enn.tl-! -----•eoonJJne lo word, rotylved hi­ll . 0 . M llncr. ^ g j . ,

nr E n joys E a ling , ' T h a n k . HU W ife

----- ■ • anr year* 1 m iX fered '^’lih atom- ' rouhle T hen , my w lf- w t me! ke Adlerikft Today 1 leel flnoj !«l w bat V-Uko:'—W w. 0 pp.e rlka rvllevea ktomacb r a t andl |-----ie«s In TE N m lnutef. Actlnc<OTH upper ami low«r boweli.l •mo»«i old wa»!e m a tte r youj

tb o u sh l * a » In you r anitem .;^rtlertka (rtve your momaeh and la a n r.A U c lea n iln s and i>ee much' b e t f 'r you » » I U .M irprlM you: .M.ije»tle 1‘harm -; •-adT. ~~

• worM 'a s r« a le i t lover baa eome It R ialto . Jo b n ' Barrym ore In; >Juan ," now ahomlng.—aJv. j ^

. ________________________

N ear T his Scene o f 'S lo n

dovaHtntloii w roiiRht hy a -lornnilo wh ;lioiil lho m idd'i) w ent nnd aouili. wher I'taiiiH and wrmiKlit |)ropcrly <laiiiiiKi: _ hood -whi'i-o th la |il» iio i:ra |ilr war. taki

io iiilh'H w eal n t IChloii. The fnmll;

at^the— ~ T H E JIT E R S Q

- oni'Hi-;i'.M I-Iene (■..»!,.11... whn Iday.'il IM.illia “ P*®dy ........ I'lir U niiirlio 'rw hiler." I'rt^ I a :iia ilram a idarrlm : Tox -Allx, H nn f„„,. iTt h.ific'«voiM:in. W hile on hic;i1l-.li iii(> of hel- plcliireii. h .T lioi-n.' had ' lump a riilleir trei; tha^ waa

thlelc. The lioriio look HiV Jiimi-. an uflt’r tiin ilm ; .lecld .il lie Im.l lo .:■!Hllln,—•>ll«t*-<'.o«*l«!lli»-W(i»-iio('-tire- -— ^ ■ll for fhlii imeoii.f (r-aji, hul tn-.;: Juiniwln uately. Som e o t h e r dnr- rhllnK u-lll he xecii a t the OrpM- ntr;..

I Ih -n ire lif ■•The-llrimeho Tvvli.i- w|ilc-h will h a r .y i ahnwlii,” of two ,,,^7

ediiiiiiciiciiiK |.)liiori-oli'. '

i i i A i i o ' ''tl.ll 111 ||(.1I|.V(.(| in ho the riuit lim e ^ '1-,, ial,H.-..u,-,. ,.f a million i.frliin- Iiav..■ •'.•en hroa.leaHl to lhe ra.Ho f;,iin. " irri:<l during; the film ing of .''i;.''■■Knoelioiif l^ .llly ," Ith.Iiard Div'

Ill RtniTlnK v<^ilel.- for I’armn.tiint ' - ahowlnH u l tlu- Idaho tlica tre. w enly Hlallona w ore In the nation- V’” ' r> hookup iicrviMl Ity lh - Nntlonel adeantlnK f-’.impiiiiy from Ne«- k. ff wiia ostliiiuleil Ihut -Srt.dfid.tirtrt l>»Vl o fu n aV ere tuned In on tliln hotii' mliiue onteri.-ilnnieiA. » i‘leJlir iiCL'nea from' "K nockout ehiir ly.” then hi.lni: lilmed wen- ‘ ' •it Mle:iin hy n rn h am MeNainee. nu- Mi a lly know n rad io annonncer. Uleli- reee Uix. Jack llen im ll apd Mulcnlr.i dd '- i

(•Inlr. dl’rec tor. \ ie j^ lh o * prlneljm l Tl llo lljjhla hetore 'ifT e microphone, non tfl Iliim phrleii. Jlnniiy De Forronl. .lay ly Haley, Hilly M.-rnrlhfrnl- un.l (1. ir well know n hoxlni; IMureii wnn; hiiid: tie 'rln ;; .lu ring (lie hrondl'aiillnK. Mi

Ih thou;:h t th a t lho hroiidcamlni: ami irodncllona opeiin a new rh an n e l j<,Kti he nutlonul ex |.lo lla tlon of pie..'<■ ll c iv /a lo (lie uilllloiia o t Inn- \t IdeU ire fan«, th e ir only oppn .- ,.r„}

ly of coniuel w ith pr.tdncUon,

I.Kll AN.SWKK A M i CO rN TK ll.:iti\vei*'haii Iti-en fllfd hy W allers twoI’a rry . attornej.ii f.ir ( 'h e s te r K. In -.'nk.'it. In a Niilt hroiiKhi aKaliinL ’ ^r ellen t 10 r.nnitel fiilMllltl..nl of p 'l j.!i;:r"<'meni l<> liny u ranch from vltfuC. M er.'dllh for StO.l/OO, CroiM- nt 1 plnlnt w.na liliTo filed nnklnR K'".-.hin'inse:. und lu.i.erlln;: Unit the K(ra r t In .inrM ion wa» o k la ln .d hy oxf.irepr.-nenlnllon. Jl.Til

| i r a t t f

F ^ J n T T E

F o r .O u tin g* o r J

D ress W e a r I

H a n d I------------i - T a i l o r e t l ---------------------- 1

Stylish new m ate- L rta ls in • tan , g ra y f! and lig h te r shades.


E X T p A '


r w T N f a t : i .s -t i a i t .t t i m k s ,

t r n x ’s F l u r r y - X IFL^ . . . . .

J ' . * .\loi


■ ill", ^ . j;;:’™, y i'.s:;;...... “ .

which nlnieU Kl.I.tn. Mn.. un.l IM liero'aprliiK i.ioiiin. h a \e liilten l | fu: rnnnhii; lni'< mlIlioni<, .Nlni.. lakV'ii, T h r « n ..lii ij:r nhowii ull> cacaii.'d liijuiv l.y i a k l n r ^ <-a



......... _ ' _ ' The

psclal DlsiiatPlt to TliB Tlniop '" ' '« i ' 'AMSTKIil'lA.M. M jy \% Paid, the

n ir j r a r oKI :o n .n" Mr mi.l Min. 1>e ex; lap. K nnull, was tak .'n lo Twin - •alh. Siimlay «h-.r.. he underw enl II OJI..full.Ill t 'lr (he ic-mtwul .ifiiindhi- nml iidrn.tliki,__ He fii inaklnr; Hu.in.a iln rurio r7 ') 'i oj:r>...!., • -K»;ei,m

W, H. Sw,-irl|..y. ilepnly eolinu- X tri..^•;l.r.' wa:-. ill Illh: vleliilly hi»l ' ■-.'ek miililm: i.;iM-:.Miieli1i. for Hie “ CAIi !i::7 iax . • iKiliiliiMr. utid-, Mra. II. .V. I 'ln .if Shnidione as nl:

ix.iil Sii'nili.y Iwi-r w llh h r r iiar..|ilii. Goveri lr. and l.<iwr. t‘ce. {■•Mlaiiet. lleli.|i H"l..ii Hil- vaeaill

ke r e.n.l J .’i;1;i Kiinli.-l ni.riil Sm i-hii.VMilnn nl th.; W 'K . Slilniiei. honn-. " f ,

The ft.' II. .■^Irleunu fumlly w.-r*. 'r o lei •will F itlh i'v l,.lti.rn Hatur.luy.

Mr. atlll -Mr:'.' 11. S. Kmikel anil h lli lr e ir drove 1.1 T w i n Kalh. F.-l- uy.

Thl! neveiilh nnd elKlith Kra.lo , ■iJpJJii wTule on Ihl' Jil;iie oxninJiia- ■Inna III llolHnt.T laat w"elt. Mra. 'lale KuhUel o f Amat.^nlain wax In hiirac of- (!m- exanilnallona for Jhlii en ter. . " ' •Mm,' A. K. Kiinltel haa rec m d y

eeelveil :;(Ht w hile , leKhnrn hahy hh-ljH ft'e d- Mra. C; I.. K unlirl ‘JWit.The ill-.voreml Mr. liinla of Kmiei- '

on v lflt-d AniKt.Tdam friends cme ay laat week.(leoriie Hlon nf Tw in l-'iilla waa a

iifdnexii viHllor here Friday.'Mra. Dal" Kiinlic-I mid eh lh lr .n

nd the Mlxaea lll ltlk e r. Waltu. nml ontn 'K niik .'l w cro tdtopplm; In TivIn •nllll Saturday .

Mlsx M arim fct l-ellTn a |ienl M'v- niJ , J;i).j wri'Jt . nl Ih.. JohnJintlfls hohl" n r a r Kcirerjion.

Mliia Neta Dem.m who hii?i“ l.f-r.!l — - I Jho I'nnl Herd hcmn- lhe pa:.t wo wocUh.. r e tu r n ..I lo h e r home □ i T w in {Fftllu Satim tuy.- '.aaic .f td lhh ..’Sliliiiier family fnmi lllliir.v leriiuy .’ iilt-ndcd i;hiirch ner- Itfou - lic ru '-n il' S im day and vh.lted .( hlH fa ih e r 'a home

FOIt S'Al.lw-Men'n clve»!i idion. auij xfordn. -uililea (o J7.on. Clnilnj; lo t I.'sl;. JJarher Sho.. C o .-a d v .

^ $3.95" '

- $ 4 .9 5

Sl.j - $ 5 .9 5


--------------- ^ . Iiy 11.n y Unltcrt Pr««« '

.M;W 0 I{(.1-:aNS. .May n - l-‘lnei| w .i. '■i-.siodj.ypoiii-i-d latci -he Arluifal.-iji, ” ' 1iMlu Injiiidatln-: nrw lerrli.n-.v. *.\fo:niif Ihe renldrifi;;, howl-v.-r, h;;d ' ' •en wari)-'-l aii-l ha.l d.-;.rri.--l i h ^i.ni.-ii i» 111.: unary ll-lV ......... . ‘ 11'loany w...e iVi.i-u.'-l hy rell.-f hr,;,i-

...... . n cIfe from dnm nfie 'iin-w isinier Mnrraii X j lu ■I>oiis Inille.ileil Mtt—nTTTrri^ju.iitln;; in iin 'li 'lh o Tein-an hai.lu., h;ul lireii v.'cted an.l u-ii|l.l e.'iiivn.' liiUt the Irhafahtyn ha:Mii. Ih ........ I]-.

i f S l lL I Y ME IRDER i

— :—Dy Ur.lta.I Presa n ..- 1

fA.SJdX ,- 0„. .M.IV IP liam .-ll- In.'rai r iy afl'.r lhe Jiity i, v.-nllrl lii:.| l.y lhiKht fliidlli.: l-'l-ty-l - H1n.-l1.'iil"-n;..t UnyIlity of lh e i.itudcT <ir lllill If. !ia-.....lk-1i; D-.fi.-liM' All->-iii.y Ja iiirr. letnal iihiTlHin annou.f)-i-d •li.it .In- i-ai.e S n ir.iil.l-n;twapp..|ilr-lv • >'la(vlT h - Jiii-y rer-niimriiil.-cl in.'i-,-y for ili lliell •in.-all» a ;.. ii|etl--r , ..t ill.- In.- n-r.-tri -iMimiirnl. I.V |>I 'The Jurv nf nine inm aiel l ln . . .:tmen i-'purted idi->rtlv iif ln In f S .. wiih Ihe verdli:!. ' • Mli;iSU-'.ll-.ali.7^ei- Is lh.. l ld id Man i-n .n . mil wh-nif> i.iieli piniivlini. iil • i - • tn ina r.i ■ .•xii..|rd f-ir 111.- m n iiler .tf M -ll-ll' an 'iv . :.t July, I'a l Men.-i-niitlt w.is tl,rM --r. M ■M eitnvlrl.d . l.Ihe Slr..|l--ii1»-r;:.-i'| — ,. war, liav.d fi'om ll .......h a ir h.v u | ---------i-y n.riuum..iidiitlnii of iiinc-y. He.,; ildner wa:i ....nt.'n.-e.l I-i lllr .111 al

. - 1 —5A >ii:s m ;w t im ;a s i ! i j : ii.

By VDltad r t« i« I . .CAUHON' CITY, .N-.v„ .May l?i A].- Iiilm enl of.G nonte Kiiinell nf f-lUic.

m ate ircM anrrr o f N..M'.da ....... .tveriior H al/ar ha.l ch.i-i;ii-i'<t Dn- c.^^■e. fo rm rrly held hy i:il-.v;Td .M.illrv" - ' eailt loday. liiarlird Ih r liiM lien hyU i.. a tale low ard i.io , r:-ii:l-.n ' d

.Mulley. i:eori;c (--.ile. f-irnn-r ectn- >ll-.r, and II. (.'. Cliipii. forni.T Itaii];, nhler. for alleseil enihez/.l<.iiieiit . i t : 'q all.OlK) ot i.(ule fumln. 1 J

STAIIS A «ilti:i: T « IHSAIillMi: bn y TTalt.a Pr««B ^

I.OS A.vni-:i.l-:s. May 1!I—niim ori;! • y ■re curren t hero l.td^y (h a t .Maiyl.ir>'Uler, muideal i-otiiedy «Wr. uud Jiiel;ekford, .......... . a tar . had itt rfe i l uj.-I perniaaenl a<’paralloiL_ _______ J

Ih ig g e c_ i n a ; S m 6 o t l

The outstandinR charac Essex Super-Si-x I's comp

- - - - - ■ labor in oil performance.

W hether spurting at top a comfortable 50 miles t long, you can realize il only by the w ay you d

Xhia sm oothness mea cconom y of efforf, econ c c o n o m y in t.he I b i moving, parts.

And in mokinii;^ long t your Essex oil day in c;

, w ill;find the greater eco \ tol' freshness that- con

driving; ridiog. steerin - and i ts fre e d o m fr<

at.all spMds.


Tbr N eyr^datt 'DelM:Thii'u lhe f n n t , reo m a w 'a ^ meat brnttsful 1

~Uly h bai r m y rcA ocim t aad d«t«U of comfoi

' • ‘ Kitex Modi■ 2-puufi{rr Spcrdibout ^ 0 0 * V pi

Cetup«|7M C w b r«. AH tria tA i . / A u i« i

•iRidingisMke , Jensen

124 SEOOND A V E . NO.

___________________ i___________ "

'o rd H as N othing to V \l S ay A bout New C a r i " *

11Ithini: 1-t lie j:l\eii nut .t 'h i:, ........!.• l i .r .Molot .iiMii.iay 1 ,.;-.ii.l|n-. ;ly III W Ill-Illrl .-;i| Ihev |,M> nr. » „ | |, . ;

i i i i S i i)ela™ ming 5

NEW EN FORCER'.........

« Uy Ualtort r r e . i Id -Jik»VA.-:i!l^:T().\. May v>- Anifi l:M ,e,ii ‘ t;.. ................... - l ai.i..dnl-jirni -,f In-.l

M. I)<.r;m. .«t. I'.in l..llie i.nthlM ti.ni I '''* " U-e;m':i lei hill.-iil di\l-.|-.ll .-lilrf, . r :

'>l'l-elM:illl|r |>l|t>fi<':il|l>ll oI'IIk- 1 > Ml H ll y il.-|i;n--ii-nr-. Intru le.li in ..■ ran lli. .|.i;u i-, m.v. li.-l-I n :,rily :

- lh'-*I>''-.l Inn •le.-lltiinl eninlii' ni nn I [i-trlr. Ihal ll .u n . .: vu.nM In 'v :ilu;i;-i -- | i! l; 'ia l ..id li'ia i thl- Mr>i.-.-, j ^

SIHtdlMTV S lST llIt VISITS }Mlnu ll..rlli:i 1,. Clilideniaii i>l H.m I

I'lV.d iMiI.iv l-l \ l - ll a M.ll.lllv-. Ml. ■ Minniiilil, I !■■■

— m u & k - rDo you know tli.'it the 1927 au

i;; Eoinu to p u t .t lo t o f you o u t o:

F A R M E' D o .^ u hiiow l l ia t you ca n 't 3i

ducta fo r a neighbor w itliou t pay in

Comc to thc m ass m c c tij ig 'n t 'C itizens B uilding, corncr T h ird Si N orth , nex t' F rid ay evening, M ay : belp form a p erm anen t stato-w idi t4rf intcrcstB of tru c k ow ners and u nconstitu tional law.

^ C

d P o w e ith s t r e a mracteristic of tlie • — ■ mplcte absence of- cc. ^ .

op speed’o r doing ^;s an hour all day ^J its sijpor ability j distance others..

leans cconom y— ly ^ onom y of power, BRSt]|k|^^ lo n g life of all ^

g tours o r usingI c ity traffic, you ^iconomy of physi-bmcs from easy .j'lring and control, 'f ro m v ib ra t io n


lA u c m s . •fu lSM nnrtrbd ilt. Nttiu> •m fontbuyoucoulddeilre. '

W f / f ' ■ ‘ ■

?flimsyn Auto Sales (

- ' P A f lE f n i l E E . - '


Dt o 'n itia ITM* ’•I .o s A.^>;(:f:i.i-:.s. M u y 'i f t - r j ic ion-;

I:ill ..f wlni.-ineH In ' Hollj-wooil'a niK-l.li- nuii'iler irh il girohahly » - ||| ho..... . l;,.e inday when Tnul Ktilly.-.iihii;. 'ill.. :.iaiid in hln own dc*

Tl.. ll. liiiij.ilr' y.niiiK al-lor; chnvKcl.• llh ila :.n iu id i;r .oc .iuy .ltu i'iuond„!uu -. . . i-.il .Iineiiy f.unrll--.*niu«t yc l fnrn •

li.ni.i;:i- <i1 i him. ..\uinlnaliOll bcloro lie i.f.iir l . - l : ; !im ooslnB cpunpel ■ ll,. m- ftii;il..fl';iinien(:i.

WiUi iii-ifcri roirtimr.nre yoiiiic Kel- -y ..... . Mil- i i a m r ia i . ' y..nierdny ninl•-iiIliI ain.in;: o lf irr lliiima.'

T1I..I 111:’ n ia -li.nn with Dorothy Ia-lci:yr. Mllr of III., imm lie III chnru- d v lll i h :iilni; Irsi-..|| 40 death , wcro n.vrtn'ni; Inil i.laUmle.Tha>-U.iyiiiiiiiil-Wllti the UKKreaaor

II th e (k ilt wlll. ll nan n iariod hy In- ■- iiltiiii: ji-niarli:. made hy thu formor.

Improved Type Car Awnings.

$2.50 feL i n d A u t o C o .

au to tran sp o rta tio n ta x law t o f business?

E R S !‘t liiuil a pound^Gf fa rm pro- i . .y in j .th is heavy"pcnaltjf tax ?

: 'n t thc Citizen Club Room,I S tre e t and Sccond Avonno ly 2 0 th, lit 8 :30 o ’c l t ^ a s d v id e o rg a n iz a tio n .to p ro tec t m d to fig h t th is unJoBt a a d


T r '■ / '

■ /


_ ‘.jFAGE - ■

Twin Falls DailY Tin^s^ • ANI,S'BEJ’I5Ni«wNT.Ni:\V8l'Ari:il. •

■TinTMoTriu.'firconil 'cliitMi ni»tl7r' April l l . '- M ife i-v .’ f f l ; .

. ^ b ttiil ie a rvrr> ..vmilr.c rxc-l.‘l S>iii.l;iv n,l ,SSCf ^ I n uvrnu '^M ^I. Twin K ill-. l-Mli". ,

«U H «(:ilIlT IU N ItATl^t,

M o t p s e E r a - ;7 {• ’' I •’/* '• 1 •' a' lw 'w 3*


’'[t h e ’ s q h o o l ' d i s a s t e ^ ^ '

■ ’r-.A .jiVliotil I'lOiu'cl i‘.ff|c la l. c n . / . . i ; i t W » u \ ', " , leKrrf. l*y u n r ry ovnr fltx I»-vIoh for i

or Mip Until. Mk'h.. ni-liii-.lu. .vr,it(-nl;iy pliir.Ml . ■ Kei-»rnl oth-hK of dyniiiiillc iituliT lli>- lu illil- j, infi .i in ^ r , llm t-lilMnin lui-l iiJ-s.inl.I.'-l. I l t j .llH'.fii.ign uml nuU i'.l Ivnrn 'ili.' .......................tieruru nio^riH im iuii ix|,l<ii.lci. w rrrk rd ii..- ' tiiniutiiri! I'uklii;! Ilii' llvivi of ;ir. Monir'

' , Of llicm IciJs ll'iuti iiliif jo iin i «rl<l. Till'll. AccortUiiK tu Ilnr iii-wi; iciHirtii. tln ' liir;uiii'mnn rnn to lilii unio wIiit i- tif v,a:i ^wliuu un ]

' cniiNril liv uiiotliur nili'li o t ilyniiiiilti'. ;>[iliii- , Jerccl liib m nrhlbc.•• I t In 'Hi'oor, lull Il^vi'rllii-li':>» n-rfti'l. Uiul j

• In nm ny iriiK<''>ii.'ii Innoroiit clilMrcii ,n iu th e v k llW i of Vnmc iiiliili'n'«'iii!''l(';'mu-;'H. jaln o r folly. J um wJiy hucIi In tli<r Ii- ’ iv .,iiuvM ll<it^lilcli prolmbly ik vit « lli huansW crcil Ovlx "I'lc (l>o urnvc. i

' T lio rea l p liy o r tlm trnKcily. unn'l.lc- «i tih e Horrow lirouKlii lo .lliu imririiln «P tin- 'c tiildroii. Im Mini « iiiiin >vuul'l nliow lilm- .M ?f (o Ijo tiraiiKliC to Ow ixiliit u t coiniiill- (

“ t in s rfuch n (Joo<l ’tliro iisli w orry over tlic ’I»IIU<«1 Hluintlon wlilcli iiilKhi ri'Hi.U fioi.i ^c x p o n m o r la x IuvIch In cniiiHTtlou wllli ,th e oporiiilon <if tliit.ticlinol Hynt^i^ i


T w in tV lln In IKIHI, loiliiy. for ihn w com i j dny thiii w w k. lo Uir nlnlc, fOMV^ntlon of I Ifto lln>-nl AnOi .Mnnoim, ilclrK »tr» from ncvS^ R l liliilin loitnn.iH 'IiiK In ntlvmliiniH-.

ISucJi- noHiflonH. iiHlilc from th r fruli rm.l IfehnfJlii tu he .<lnrlv-<-il lliu rffru in hy thu ^icmUhfJt o f Uiu urc iin l/u tlun . rci>nti In k.d-ui B«p4'*fdr uuy -con iiiiu iilty nnd TJio TIiik-h tl6|ie8 'th n t tliC 'K oynl A rrh -Mimonw will ncc

tUlH c lly f>» lh« .inn-lInK I'lu rj (ar..'|}io;.l928 convuntlon.•?A j h p lrll o f'rrlo n illln o a ? j<ti<l co-oponitltir}

prnmotPil n t iho')raUic,rlni!« of nnjr ( rn le rn n i Imiljr nm l. nClcr nH 1« n n iil ' nml • ^oiiffi.nil t>r ih n n i.n rn .w orklni: w ith (>iui nb>

naiitfily Iho nilyuncom rnt o r jiuninn wolfAre. Ill m lillllan,'otil'tic(tuulnuin<:cH nro tfh cw cil hnd Hi'w ■frliinilHhlivi (ormoil lie- • ^i^qjpn'tiioiio In’JYnj.lhiia 8?cllonn of ihn iiliilo

irn(>a*|(<Kiir«incl(>« to tt'O itiitiK.-ii 'W l^ |i r < ) r n ll-w it^uriim l.'

. V' B E O I K I ^ G l i f e !

ToiilKhl. (It th r Or|>hmiin tlii'iilMr, tho Tw in . K'n!;!!'. JilKh rH-hoofclnHii o f K nutuutrn will rpftelvr the (IIii^oimiis for whleli tliry hnvr p lH*oh w orklni; fo r 12 jn iM . r k h t yrarx in |i f{^u<J prliool« uml four yriir« In hluh m-liool. “

•R tllow liiB th r Kiici<'t.Hlii| iirrM -ntullou...'j th e ficnlor pIiihji jilny. J ia n i ir D 'A ir. th r ccrunionlrH ionli;lil will he- ii llilliiu r lln i:i\ it to Jn n K yrriri. o f h i'x .r i.n.l for ncimr ..r ih r '' mrnilxTK of tin: rfilr.K. Ih r t;l^l four >.iii-‘ ,, Imvc luriiiH iiiiiir thA^i m rrrly •m.liii; itncliool nn<l Mu.lj-lii;;, In iic u ly iv r r y ('llii>rc nru Uiuiiu xv'ho luivr iiri lii/Tnr<l_ oiifiili|<- w firk. o ftrii m uniiul hihor, In ii i 'l r r ti> oh f, Inln.fnnilH to c n rry ilii'ni lUn>iii;h. il

w iih n n t iiiiy In irn tlo n of.••IhrnwliiK rnhl w n lc r" »i|K>n lh<t_Jio|irn^iinil aiuhlttcni;' oi tliP, ^ t ‘“ 'un tr;i. l io \ \;v r r . II c ;in h r s:ild In d

-o ll-trM tli th iiM ht-y urr-only-l)r,-.lonini."m r.- ThQ-ic Who On im t j.lan i« i;n lo rullrK... ■' nlU ft mnko ro n lirrtlin i u llh n iionltlon Iji

-Whft-b tliry ra il m iilir ;i lUI'i;- n h lk iIkhv ' Ii u-fro «0 Cri i„ Kl /.<!) /« ,„ HyriiM in i.rr -.f -l.wly .......... ... to ,,Ilmi.'M icy h a \ r | . i i- ;n l 1liioii;;h «1ll ................rn n jj " •

K rr ry n irn ih rr .if th<' lil>lllcl a ii.'„ .i•co llPB v.lt a l-a l l ikkisII.I.'. In ll |r : i - mililri ii

t l m ^ l l i r man l>rnt <'»ltiliii.v'I li 'r a iiK 'f,-.. ti any kin.l h. th .' ..n.- «l)o, In niu.- •.

cri!.f:« ont o f tn. it..'.-i'. « i^ i tl........ r.u,-.r C - J 'in la l r r lifr. In l.y;;(.n.' >r-.i-, tli-r.- ri w riv muny .iji|H>rt iilillh for llir >.'>.riill.'<l "1

\ l . r u t t l .u l m an; tliat I ., tl..' man u h i. ol.l.iin- >h1 <tT»i1r MhcHil ..r Iih:h .'.rti-.vl lia lii ln ;: ..ml r. M.i!5 «-.^ll riiuli.j.i'.l u ll! . «h .ii 1. Un..«ii a . rnntniou i-rn:--. -'^ncli r a ^ ^ a r . - .'M ii'U i iy m r # ;jn th c ^ r .1ay« or MiiuT-lralnlm: i.ml t-rK-tliillrinK un-l t li r man mil iirriM i..! » n t «• fin .l life ’., |.;itl' lln r .1 » i ih ttn .rn-,

la n ra r ly . \ . T y ' lili:h rrhool .I .. '- , lln r.-arVUhOM- who h-v<- an .....................th r l r iirrt>ni|<Mxhmrntr. Init tlir. nnnih.-r lit h> thiH j;ri«ii» I-. Iirfoiiilim !.•?» rtirli y i.ir . 'J'n !'• llurJ.'W « h o iiilnUt lKi.<.ihl) Imlll M uh m .» .. th r ,^ . l l lo r w ouhl. n 'l l r ra t i ; hi* - * ta l. in«:iil h'

- m u ^ c a r l l r r 't ^ l - ._ w c r 'k ; namri.v. thk i th r P S r r< l-» lonls«t_ l» t- n c»rtilly w hat ,Ui. ^ llBinJ Jllll'llri*—r « r i0icnrrnfi:u l--ll..1t 1?. l l i r tll rn 'd fan tm m r r r ly 'j i r c fM-«Innfn= lff/> ' i.n'f th n i Ih r Sll^f•r .1 ‘Utt-J-• hnvr Irjtrr JTl i*. i;._l_‘ v r ry 'in m lt „u tll.' k'in.l of a f.'uimhiilon lli..- hA»y'nnil will s r l In J.larC. Hi)

: ........................................ . Sl. ; . r e Al j q y . -

(|V > wiirli vou hkV-n. «A rl.nI .ilnnv .< .iii >grf « a ln th r n f c r r t I fo U a a >iy r V Uic f th lt lk rr . who kn ..« ►•th.it. ;. Iiun.li.-.! vrar- a fl« r h r i> ,!rn.l nml fiirco llrii, m rn -

■nrvpr b ra r ri 'o f him will Ik- imnlnK to tli rl " .ljl.pa.iurr of hl» Ihoiislit. ^ ' (

L A W ^ ^ r a x i i s i L I T y . (

U > .ip nm r^ -ll.-r I . i r i r ..f *'

kHcM rlwinTi' In th r lu.tilt nf lh .' f i l 'I i .mln*t, , . ' _ L

CopTrttht. l»jr. Wor'n»f ■Ocn Ju tn ," te re en p!*y b> D eii ,M«

' . U * W arner tJrof. nictur

I« . K i - s n p s i n I, r , ‘ baC T fj/o f/ifr-iiu«n i/n i;r-‘T.iJ.:.-trnIn- Iin

rri-i !ov< ,r.„ n tu llu~ an< l lo rg fV 'r- oh* 'I'M ninrJc. Juon tnr. tcn ih l'i y im ld U ni«

'.over, l i l t cvMcliPi- ii,'Cl>rcUr(t l u U,.■_i-Uatlon;iu-/lA,e. vldrlflnu. .Vur<i»''<c:, >1".

’ot'in;; her. hr. t r / 0»ni.n,(lk{ O ic jri no‘ Ihe rn m ilu o f in fiip in tn .'ljucrctla or

, . 7Mrj7la..tefti» Zoirji h im , <inil/loiKfU. tio fcin*iiinn.'t(7i<. col'tff*

I Cfn‘H m .ifunrrt , <Ir»frr.V .fi-,i«‘*; Mlf/i In ylilrlunr).. C’lriiU’u l oifiilii, /i>: <|ii

I , V rtii/jr» f/ir lo i^ r ../• /-ii<T<rn-i, Tu lo '* jt(ii,'r hvr } .ilh ,r . A-lrlnua rm in/rnt : lloiuili, lllll Juitii k ills IIOiuill nud .'.1II '.I f/un ii/i Ini', a .Iiiriarim bu l.ucrr.- uu ,. fin, u h J Imiias lo U>-ak M j .t/ilrlt; lui

luanr^U -tp ile /iInjicJ/. c 'rcamj o / aK'■ <l«Id<tito— • Al1. . . . ' ' lin.. CHAPTER XI—C entlttued lo' ll J l« r KJ«nca JinJ Ijcou a cnrean,

hpnvlcr Iniloii w llh . lo y o 'tlia n th r •klMjos o t niAny wotuun." . O'"'

Anil yot—yot tliuro nho had liucn n l ih . Doiinll, lij h e r h(xl vliuiulicr,

, tha l nljsh: w hrn ho w rn t lo liw.How frlKlilcnud nho had liccn. how

' (lolcrnilnril to i>rot(!ci hur luvcrl '■A falthlM n thhiB. Ilftc nil o ther Iy.

1, women. If .on ly ho could forffm,, Iier! . nt

I]U choushtfl hn ld ’him no cloioty 'In.i. lluit whou thu do<Tr Ot hln coll waa h it

I opfnftd hi) did not n t llrs l rrallzo. w hat bud Impponod. Then ha ror

lookad up nlowly. witlinuc Int.'rrHl. iihi■ .Tho kflupitr o t Iho. p rin o n , .liood mr■ th e re ,,an d «* he /itoppi'd ti»Ula, a nlii ; vcllrtd womnn tonk hln plnro. . coi

Sbe moved down tn iho^/lritt ofIhu tn-o RlP|)ii louillUR from thn Hnl

' dnor t<i thu v r ll; tho hcm of hur dmtlark ulduk f ril to-'lho ntop hulow, nnuUs cdRO Irnlllni: In ibo wnlcr. Ior

-------ShB*Ttrtlonjit-tmrrtonn:ionprt"fip.- miih ind h r r . th rew hnrk h f r roll, nnd «eJAtond for n m om cni Inokinc n t J

> Juan . Hor oyen UHcd wiUi irn rn ; out ’ thun, M hs nlitr<‘d hack n t her, np*

I t

i M i rnr^^/ '

U rlfflv th e onvt! ihe k t< prr‘ih e o

pnrflnilr wllh nn though t of ram- llol Ior tn .h rr . t l i r t’ KrrW cnM »nnd "Ai Biicry. "n

•Tom e h r r r ! " nhu rxcln ln ird , •• hdlitluK oat h r r hnnd. ihn

Jiy,ti-n .'V.-ry di-llhrrni.i m av.- ^„.- m.'iiT wu.. un in'iiilt. an h r „|-.w1y.'runflrd th r r r l i / Moi.il for u .. ............niwjl Junltliu a l h r r hand, '.hrn Ilflrd ll t'l hln lil>' ami h;vr>»'.v in u d ir .l 11. an If ll w rro r r r a M v r (o him. I .

Ifn ilnn ii'rd h r r • hnnd , 'n n d l , '

^ 'h " l 'H . : ‘; ! . r c ':iuuam l,!d

■‘'' 'i i r r - v n l c r Irumlilvil w ln ii 3h p ,j; ''"

" "■ m o r k l i . r ’Mnlh''’'l i i;!i ir 'a . ;'i'i'. h|.i f.ii«‘. ?’'■

Shu Ji'.-Jtati'il n riu.i.ii 'iit i>. '..:<• i--"'; nhr fip'.kr aiMlii, TJ'::U •ir' It ill.'

■had only tha l m om -iit ;!i..iu-i I ..r '- i'­ll, ».hi> rs l.li . ' I'i"

•'Vn.ir lr.^.d..m -^tla:l !..• ;;l'i ,1

' " ‘' ' ‘ 'a ,!,' Jtian ja illi 'C aK.Mn. -iiriiKs-il Ills i>< ahoiil'li-r'', a ;tiw rrrd ii'T lh mock rlni hum ility , . r.-vij

•'(!.':ii-rr'iily h . i ' . -n r v r r h rrn j \viii tra i l I'f mifir. niy lailv." hi> rriilln l. !.>v.

1..-;.,-.i :.rl = h(, l--..r a n:om riil In of i rr.-ilallt.v li.-l.l ti.-i - im -i in h a '.h ; ^ -ll.- al him MaaUIy. - „ .

C.nil.l ll l.i- Ih.ll ll.- war. „f ,

............. .••V..ti -u n titil V n i ' . r r - !ihr riFk-'il.

Alm.i.il llru lh lrr . '.l. nm offrrln r o J ,

«nrh l, lo hav r w h n trv rr yoii Wl.h • - ^ h M r v r r rnn wI'U." r h - r r r - a t .- J Fln»ly, kiL .w Int lha t h r «..iihl " i.ml.-r^i.in,l. '

.laan ■'irill'-!. w rnrlly, W h n i-rrr h r R l-h .'.l; If «n.- r<MiI,l hnv,, i:lv.-n1.1,w h i . r.ilih tn Ailrln:i,i. ,-r;il-.1 havr r—t.'.r.'d tr. him th,- r r - 1n:’>,.f th r ri.in .-n lft lir hsd np-n t r l 'h J 'h'->«lll t:>.- it t l l r T.vnl'-li h r .|,> ^ '|Ii* MkI

' .h iii rh , Ihi.l wnn}'!, hav f m r.t^ t t'k"

KBi noihinc .-rfin. roiilit CU'C htm r<-ai ' t l u i would X'f ■troriW h%Tii;n. f f

Ciirloii*. w hea ««; rtften ha. lia J .ojrv f«r,f.(l d^A»h anil dpfl<-rt Q. lh a l miw, tiisl trh rn h r so jR b t tt^ .lt «.ladnd lihn'l -itin

Hhc ainod looklnp a t blm b« I f h»e1 ahe had ncT rr le e n b i o iicforp. n u Sha WM u k ln c b e ra tU w h al had



- ' /.-~T .-.v. ' ' • - . ' 1r " j u A s w ~

SABASTIHK f / m ' f l

'n»r nros. PJclur«», Ino..Moreajrth, a tn rrlng John Qarryir<or«

c tu r lu t lo n o r th in rtov*!.

bSppenA'i) tn tiln}; how cuiild Imvu chhnsed ii^oinpl<-iul,> 7 ■-v„ old moclicry V as lliuro. ym w... ranrrly ii Ir.itio w hnl It iwd ho. tio i:rniijtHl lik.) n mnn wh’.) llvn;,>n_l waH._iini,nllvo, d mnn whoiiK irotKlng'cdiilil' louclu tmi lia;.iiliii-i:i' o r wrulchi.()iif!4u o r puln (V fvnr. ' tlb l lovo itnulf. • . 1

.Sot lovo IlK.ilf? I’r rh f tp i thora ' wna nllll onc arrow tr t i In h r j ; .liilvur, ono ibUif. I rii wlfli which ; lo itnad him. 1

l l r r rlrnulii'd linnda hual ni;aliit<i | rnch nihnr. hrliOi'anly. Stic tiiri|.''l j uw ity'from lilm. an If to lonvu, ih rn . lu rn rd hack nitnln, dntR crd Mrf< aKnlimi hur will. A snlnai her'p rldo .All he r irnlnluK ur^cd ho r to nli.ip- don him lo .li ln ftno, hu t till b r r lovn hndo h e r auiy and auo for blx favor.

Jnnn w atched h e r ln.lir{..renll)\.' Ordlmirlly bo would Im v.i' li’orii am iinrd a t b r r nhjecl-plnAillnc. (or kindnuas' frnin him , l i i i nOw he coiiM otfJj- (vhh. w rnrlly fJi.it «hti wouhl KO nway and louve him. •

Sbo upoko-lit lanl. nlmoii,>7f-loua-Iy. ‘ - • , . ........ '

"W bon ynu-aro led iq.,ihO'i>’oclc n t m ld |il|th t' you wlU. f e itro t thin In.iull to n O orRlnl" nho to ld 'h im , h lttc r ly . .- - • • •

"Iln l I (ball, prrnpl-fo m y aplf- ronpcer,'' ho' rem lndl.^ hor. Iiad aha hu i known hnw llko a deml mnn hn futt, h«* lol.I hlmnelf, niirnly yihn itaiiUl iioi h a re Votlieroil -to como'.to blm tn ihlfl way.

•'Yun, 'y o u r ‘ uolt runtw ct." nlir nnld, nlowly. "And no doubt thn dnuch ter o f thn Dnko della Vtiruii- nnu. who tn u l thin niom cnl bclnv v i torinrnd by my Rood N crl tn nn- I nthar-cell'of-lhli<-i>riHon,-koopi-b(lr. ^ nejf renpoct n» w oll."

Juan 'ii m onth iw lnlod ionlCmpliL ounly.

"T blnk you lh a t I hcllorn lhal

- * (■'

4B , ■

1 ""JI' L'Bt

KBRBfil iM

M H i Q l lB k H v u i u r ilf e V H i<t <

i ' 'id"' ii"

'le 'o r.Jfr fe r J u n n 't rrfcrWloti.

llo?" hil r r to r ird , nlmoni nmrnir l. for '•Am I a rh lld , li) K l yon irnno n'.i rr.n nn w lllo n n ly r , . nir

"1 ir ll you ll l-i true! I Irll yo< ""I th a t .-vrn now nim U m in rr ln : ru.-h (ortiiru u.i idii- n rv e r nrriiii'.: I'm .•nnld hpf” I

"And. ovrii Kruiillni; th a l h hn, J ' " ' irha : h It -to m -7" J |r iiitk'vl oi'--rhl.l hlmul.lrr. " n o ym......... kno -./ii'a iI h a l - t lm t—" t i r o

iln i 'h o cnuld no t IlliUn Jh ,i n . 'i i- i" ’'' l.'iir .'. illn Invr fnr A.lrlunn, .1 '. Mhll ni-lir Illn frnntlc nll-'Oitil.i lo irn r U ' >h.' rrom 'hln In-iiri. ^ltl1 I 'lT nhlrd . A'l- .H "' r ia i i 'i- li r i- luv,-ly. pale t .n r . li.-r Ira'

tliniilh—A.irlumi hiifrrrlnr,! ' '<" Im knew that mnnv >-'f

«..m.-n h.ivr riutl..rril h.-raun,. nf 'I - l ni.-V 1i,' d-'n iaii.h-l. liirn lne lo nm ui.'.M lrr. "Y-.n y ..u rr.- lf-y ..ii h-iv'. , 'n o

,1.' .% „n.lrU 'irw hy r v r„ | l , r IV,1.| .V --.11,lilty th u l w hul nho nald nhn.it h r A.lrl.itia unn trn - . M id-nol nllr him « r : lo In n u n t nctlnn. Of . '. .u ta r . 'V t- Itm rlnnn wa* fallhlrnn, hnd nol fp-illy' Inti. r.-vi*-,| fo r him, w.m llk r all oth.-r Jy , n i im r n - v r t h r loxr.l |,e r. .»DII nr !.>v.-d h r r . l ln l now Wt. oi(lv I Uur Ihoucht w ni or .Ira th . bln ..niv d . '- 'iv r Hirr wnn It. dir. U r r,-ll llir.liulil., ! j;,,., of inaklnK any r rtn rt. I,,,,,.

Sh r lurnml i i ^ y . rralirliiK th;.l ho',tf -!ir ntnyr.l -rm crr .ill ^gmhl.in.;.- Iny nr iHcnlty wonhl tir m rn from h.T th r hy hi-f rmt.Miinn, Im pr.llrm ly «:i.-i„i„, r.illn t in<- h r rp r r ; Hr rutno rnn I „„

ord.T— Iho order for j i i a n 'i r i^ c n j''"',* tlon. ,„.r

Ilut > r « n wh*n Ihnt ha.i h r r t dnn>. nhr lu rn rd m look n n r r m or- T ai Jiw n. hop-fiil Hint h - nouM w.n Midb ■»(in|,> nlen nf rc lrn tln< w,-< Sr.'n ilnc ly h r ha,l fo rcatl-'n h .'r lj ,.,-l p r r . r n r r In th - r-11, S h - movr.l ..h ,. .iv»ay Ihrn . h r r hrart h rl,i h irh ; th.. i r ,,l

rlat;s--J l.rh ind h fr, * i,),.,« " 0 | h.ick in Ih r sa rm w . irim

htRh wlmlow. ntmid looklac up a t jTli.-rl'!: . n i ..............

r<-ai-h<-d a rro n , th*. th in rnu iaa jl* ' Hr( o'r lleh t. linhtlne a hU of Rjrcll- 1 ,.rf, tnrni. Jo a n m n ld hvirdly th a l It was acn ia lly ihe ra a t f ln t>> tn i- l\i«8f--a« lh « ;h a n d a»«mpd to heekoa him. b a becaa i r j i a c • . r»aeh tt. , ,,

.(Te h e c oatlnued) . '

S f G ^ I A L T O "

T O R E J io n J u a n ” I “

■ Directeelbu 1 "” ALANCROSMD

R O O U C T IO M . -------------------------------------- ^

• TTO- PALLS .DATTiT-'TniEa. .V.

T a - tm - M .- M '- / d a n d V

“ ~ 7 vdu'RE. a - f f iJ .P u f O f W . G £ E , X w i s r t i

^ O W A aiRL NOVM-.^O U 'B B 'A 'N FU L V OU.J'

■ UEyER'Gl-rVA l e l . - : F l K j e r - i - I S A W M O W M '

; ' s i o t i c e ; M c i s A i . V ^ a r n a l - r i ‘5 - l / W

/ \ I ' I '.V p K

■ - " T T V V ^ .M O M E K i r s w e 'd

___________ .A PE.RP&CT U


M erger of W est an d South Up T ^at V ast W aste and DesI

B enefit o f Both Rc<Ity n iiu M .i;. ■ Th-j

lliilSK. May 19-M hiiiii.:.li.iil' ri.>n<t Ilnl rrlh 'f . uml Itur wli|i-hi>ii-u.l illMiHi.ir fnir rallliK; It forlli. nvr offrrlnK Miili.i rinli. .oh jrcl l.innonn vulmihli' in varloim llntl< wnyn. lu Iid.lllion lo,,KlvhiK hur pco- coui' p ir lh .' op|Kirtnnll.'> w hirli Oov.-riior stnti llnI.IrldKr In hlH [iror.Iniiinllon r*nl.l Itu dnivnun Kiirr Ihcy wonld no t m b:i. to nhow ciilliIh .'lr wiirm -hm rlt-d iiym iiulhy w iih lorn

......Olin aid. |iur-iIII Ofrirlul M.I10 i-li'rl.'K uml nmoiii: lii.w

ur.'ul pul>tl.'.Mplrll'’tl 111,11 or Ihu u tu lu lh .'n i It In hucoinliik* npi>ntrnl Ihn l llirn r oh-lohnuJrri lrs»rmK will Ilr (.ftrjrrdnl.v Unitn l. T hry n rc: ITn.t, llm l pi’iin l illn s doln,flood wn1rr;< lo flow hri.ll.-snly I'l th .' uiIkulira Is InvliinK la'.,rr .irnnllm to r ' th r PoihlDdliiK Vroiiii In nn Irr lu a tio n 'ro u n - vlitnIry ; nrniiid , llio ' lliu ir cTomirrvntlnn mineilriien.ln l.oih iipon l.iill.llnu of rnoic j>tml,jTKO“vi)lin. nnd iipm i-piiitrcttoit'<>f Ui*’ rlalnfor'.nl rovor. u lihou i.-^ 'h ich ''’ nutblnK counrr.i) .a v r ih.^ w lu irr 'n llorcH for »uii.- forkm rr'h 111...; and thlril;V«l"lt, r.-rlam a- thattlon In thin rt-iiiit- .i>^ h r^ ^ K - far hy nhniacirr llinn a i ita M ^ o r hrctlon.il trc]iljirohlrm . - , • Mrm

I.llllr .louhl tiiay |,|. cn t.'i 'ta llird . lo noun JmlKr fn.m .-aitl.Tn j.iilillcalloun. thal i-on«rpMi will w.on iindrrink r 'ii.i i i nallnnal i-oni-i'tn n lr^ 'i lo iin 'th n t a l lr .'tn 'ltllrn of ihln rp rlri«-a.onlifinlty m V lIhr ,Mlji.ih.Kli>|d la lliy ,'^ f l n t '.10 Un- , ih lnkliic m.'n <if l.laho Jiiln )tu};>:rni'll ......... <rf Jn liiliip 'r ih .-',lll lam :-linn i.iohlrnin of iho. noiMi«'4’ttt In i'l lra-.t an lntrrri';itr'lu<>t;ram , ir m.t .1

' 'T h i 'y a r . - ,.-rnl«M« Unit ^ . % i n « ‘"

millonal ............Mion ' l.roi:ra)n n . f*""1,10,1,1 ami r.l, n .r-rO arh lnc Mip, I..' h ..ii,'.K -,-n r.a lIy u r rP , ,m ;:rp^l - r .la7.,-1.,|, lhlnkln»: lu- uan'.ii.<lll»Hns !n

" I w 'ifiry a i . ''’'l„-y(iin<n;:'to h-iKrv.- K'J'- h r wiiM hrlliKlni: -n «oim- ..f t l ^ l . i r l h -

Itoil. T fto K.-.-.liiii'r* of Ih r i.lalm l,-«- Kain lnli.tnr.-, f.ir .'xam i.lr, hnvr hr,.ii Kr.'at- Ml )y cnnrcnii',! at th.- i,.Ti.lntriit r t f o n llrr.' nr proninl.:rn .it lh .- (-oliioihln Uiv. r ,n<">n ihinin proji r l to Ininiri*^ n in ra s r of. w.i- sm ';' I.T .In noiiir nf idah .rn nlrrsiniii uml Srnr l a K i d l l Mir .ilti. r hulid, Iwo <h t, TImliK'I .'ftnrt:! hav.- h.-.'n m ado on I.la -w n ho 'n 'l-arl |,> r-r iit .- ih .' r l;;h t of M...-im; U.tti-r r.ir h -r I.... in .1 l.a.-ln mtlir r.m lh« ,-M .iii r „ r n r r o f Y -U ou- t) i1 - Ll.in- f-.it.. -fh.' nnr^h«'c'^1 min.l u n i'.' s ,„ i, l.n hoMi .ll tli.-.r, m any. ii..w h.-lli v - , r , , |„ and 'h r w.-r. .land ;>oulh JltU-;t n n i! ' W. 10 nhtain Ih r h rlp " ir y n r n l tu r Ih.'i.- vh-lh I'.-rullar rrr la ina llon nri-iln. ,.»rn

--------- ' MlTh.' f.M.n,1 .IM iI .l ...........................I ar.'

ivoiio n'M rluh,.:-m--. tin;; In HoIm. Ia--i w.-rk, .I.Tlil.il a j i r r ulrint; th .'-> u l.- ,r.- In-l frankly on 'lln - fhtor. U. lra».- Ir Ih.' liaml> of th r ;iia ir iH.ar.l of .'dn- ra il..11, wllh iu l l ro iiti.l-ni-o In lh ’ j„ ,, l,o:irir-. w l,.lom . r r l . r t i o n . ..f a 11. nmiiiilr.sloii, r of .-il.i. aUmi for l,la^--. .Th.' r.tat.- t.-,.<-li.rs- .o .o r la t lo n . h-n.•Trr. MII! r. tr.-mh< rl 1,;; th,^ M .irj. 1h.‘- . irT rMrTiiii'iit n h . i n i 'iti'ii m -iimin T.T l i r r l , - / . I n r ln : Ih, l- i:M a tiirr to 11..- i- r f ,- .^ i .ii Ih r n-w rt,nimin.--lnn.'r mn-.t xvrf- from onf-f'fr th .-fc ta to . In tin .- y_ tnr Ih-.' son..' rh.inr.- ;,tlll l.." l. ft n[.^l :or a i i j j . i l f o .d n -a '. ,r . ;

7l.iltih i;.lmi.n,l-- ,it 1,1.ih o ri«)k- l..- ;- \- u n - Ihr U,.l'.- ,\d a ' a i.v ,-,,. j,11. n in e .in.! 11,.,:,!.. ir. .,f tll.- .-In', l - '- ' i ;, ,'N,'rK!o-i to -on .r of "..... , *ilml-.m - i.ro ,.,is-.r.h .. T h ry n.trt W. n ! ,lso « n ,.l.in> fn: .i,K rifinln,.-i.n ,I :,rw- ,-.,:i..n v , r . -rT .:,i !r ;: ly o , . 'i .n l- . . ',1.1, lhal hi^ fM-l.r,-, ,,;-4lIisl Hi.'-.- ‘‘S - ...alTol o f Ih r ,t:,t. rh .ir.iS rr o.' ;::ir,0- - h . . r jiih .- t to -o I.- f-.-l .in .l f i r an tir h a - d rc l . t r j ty ' • ] . i . ' j „ _ .

l-.i-r I..-, I.lo.-r-ii..-. of tail.Ji...'-lnJ»U »llilL -a iiV l..l.T ”

6 u t o u r : w a V ^

OL^ i R T iE R b j W r t m o S I R - S M D

5 U T > ^ o u w o . i ' B A R E F o o T e b\ J - A - A . C O o B S E ■ A M O C b O Q H lW i O W G f U E T - B u T , A M O M E .O r H

A G E r - P A ' O , / W IT M <c T S E B M W A / M U S - t f t n O - A M

. \AiiLu;vT:;'.««>■ - r ' i W A c a i i ' - r o o w /

V o F . g o u R S E . - i - '

B p p.'d uK5.-ro uve'.Qv^ -- '•

[E R S -IN W E [IN ]1 ECTSBBNCllRCBI) ’---------- MAUpon Flood Control to E nd '' •estruction May End to „Md Rccomnien'dcd....--Th-...- .......................... . (.icul uffali;.. •'*'*Ilnl Ihc fl:.'-! Im im lahl.' h.Tnnnr^lt Idd-i fnir lo Imll.l ni> iiinonK tin- v r lr rn if — f li.|i.'rm rn tif th r n ln lr u 'iirl.tn In ni- llntlo fliuKln;: o f riljm wIilcU nii.y li...;co..... tliu mi'iiini' Ilf KlvhiK thu Cimn' -----i tn tr n now i.vuiiii.' of dlM'Im-tl.ni iiii-li I. Iniu-'Volnmi'K of hllhurl.i iim oin-hud| - :-liUinainHm fi.nil Ihul rii<-Iiii.rv.. f r . ' . - l , . , , ' lornlty n il o v .t Uk- o o u n try - Ih o i;n- lic r-cxprrl rli-y.fiy nnirluni.-Tll^ <itlirr <’“ l'' .11 w orlli iioinrihlnK iillfo ln odujrtl«lif;j 11. ■).:nim,.! I lo h r ntiirlrd Mmili- W<..* ihnurvnm-.. f|:-,.t of any rlly In .Uu , t?ti/(rd Hhitvn. nmt n n in « c ff( r« nou .. .‘'l loliiK ll In inuKnirionil a tyic nckiioW - •iIku li(-r I'lun.:rrlna. 0.

Ponr .h-fhili.- iii-ojrriM huv.- hrun «lf. 7 .-hlnl npnn l.y Ui.i nlnlc hiir.'U ii. <d nlnra nnd crojc.uy for nuxl y rn r; Ut- i, 'tm ly or hol I'lirlmm un.l I'oml iiinl';'-lain; n ;.'rnluj:iral nurvey n t Clarli •ounly; n nlmlhir njirvry In tin- (Jiark ’n rk urcii tip iiorth . and u siiidy <,i 11 Jlat nrctlon (if G rin 'c m u iy lumiii'cK d (tmr ly n la r« r uml KrowlnR niinih.-r of In- rcidd .lonin .in coiilalnlni: i.ii Iniim -n:.' |.'( d rn rju r* ' rrom w hlrh ijClrolunm •nla.v o^ f,

TO ROOD AREA qJp»cl»l »lii>atch to Th* Tlm*i

I-:ill':,\, May 1'.--Th.' I .ad lrs .twx.Illlar.v unll idilpjir.l n liarM l \ f :-l.ilhlni: qn Sun.lay lo I'u- iiurfrr.-m In Ihl' Ilmid ar.-a I

.Mr, I.mt Mrn, r iln tc n A '. 'r l l l , a r - • I i-oiii|ianl.-.! hy .Mrn. Ill ' 1 l-n ry ,nn.l I \:h-a t.ota w,T.' i.imppin;; In TiVln

Itu .MoiJ/Ia.v, . IT h r U idlrn Aid w llM r i '1 a .iiol..: , 1

'.I ro.«l -ah- al. rtilloji'n Mon,’ ^ |i -Jaliir.lay. •{ |

Mr I.n.l ,.Mr:.. 11, AV.- .\rlM in-. j .f r irr .' Irom UdIm- lonkltif ' a f l r r l|il-1l- i.-in aH.iir.-i Whlh- hl-r.. th ry aft»;u.':.|s .;il Ih r hnm.- of Jfr. uml ^jl;|•

T h - City ,-„m ,.il mVi -MoiclAJ ,

' 'a,•l::ilrm:.n u llh .Mav Kahn a.-i r tr rk ,)l1 -i Ul. ii.t..-r:i of th r ro n n rll u i r lo 't 'o lt IOImiii. ('. (). llal.'.' ami K iaiik bulf ■‘nllon- lahlr

W. I:, .Summ. j-. wa;. a hii:.)ii-> .n W ,.h-l|or from J-i.nm - 011 .M,in,lay th r . •vnlnK . II,; II

Mm. Ii:,1lH-. (:.ir,lan and !l,'rnard ,r r M ,.-m lin .N h r^ .- . i . iMIh I rl .m l- mil r r l a iu . - . tH .Tv.ln I 'alN . j ' '

ir.-x II;o"i. a . r '- ^ l l . l r n i an,| Minn d a rlr Can.i.l.i u 7 n ^ ^ . r . .ra l . l1o 5nm1.,y 1,. Mstl Mr:', l la ') . '. . 'h o I:. n Ih r l io ^ [rt i„ 1 ..h ,ir_ _

Alinn C 'll'h .n .^a•: ;i ............... M -tor M, T « l„ T.i,-:..l,,v. ..niv

Mr.- .V. II il.irilh'K nt l'hilad.-I[.hia 010(1

!unirri> ' imTMiu: In li.v Int.T-'M o f l ^ ^ h - t:oU -i:r .,t Idaho u f fal,1«<11. j

.v T r im .s A i . , \ s K \ \ v o t . r .w o .s \ ; ’ B t Ualt»« rT*»« I

KDlllA'C. A!a-.l,a.'-Ma*-i:‘- Thoman,I. JaKKi r- M.h-;,inlnulst n l thu r.iim m 'l laim.i 1-1.1 ..;...,-r.nt,>rvOn* lt::v.-ill. a : - ! ' 'f

Hr w ill 111-.,,11 iw.. n,.lMi...p.n, 1-1.1 ..t 1 he ii-.n- In; ha-. ,1r-.rlo|«-a a l Maili.S;^

; ; i i , ; l o n ^ Iiiilch U ;,rU .r • |


F ile r ,Roof G arden ^

■{OO C A w r Q o io! SNOFFtiKier IW &, A tL N IG H T ?? > H A L p m j; Nl&HT E S P E A S t AWd.^ '• ‘ ?ci

/ J , - • ........ Ihl

Ir ' ‘- 1 \(r -tA -I i'*<i

_ J ^ • ^ / f i . A l ' N«

— ■■ .Mr ---------- ■ I'J,

V ^ ‘ - ‘ • ,MoV fs

s i • - , ' aoil'j,r?..AjiLL.AMS, S"«

. . S - ! 9 ■ }.■ U B.PAT.efr.eimrfHtaawicfciafe j . j jr ;---------- ------- ----------------------------- ' II

— ... ...... - - ___________J___ niu


Sjr tjn ltad P re ia |MAY in. i'117. Vii

I’rriddunt Wllnim nrip.ilttin i l r l 'h r r l ' 1,,,, iln o v rr rr.li.rut foml ndlillnlbl ralov ; nml. ai.k:i f .inR rrnu for hrond rrc i.- JnUoji /v firrn i yi'<T Iho rf/nfrJfwUo;t " nmt (:unMiiii|itU.ii'of fouiinlutfK, JlliW TIO N S -1 . | £

A nsw ers

I. Ma.luiiiiKuar. 'C|I|M1 AKulhati. (Thr- Cupo 'o r '

liimd llopO ll.iH In Um norlhw ont of ;:upu AKitiiij^io." ■'

:i. Ml.-. t ’onKo. NlKrr nn.l Zainhrnl, liiilluii ‘und A llunllu ncuunn. |„

fl, t'n jin ry l>ilnndii mid 'Cnpt: V crdr -ohs inia'iid,.:.............. ■ ’ a

7, ^o . ll hi m o rr Ihun - l.iiOd niltr:i « | | |<o:ilb of tliu Ink*’. kin,

«. I'-Kypl. T ripo li. Tuiiln. A lsorla. . Vm d Mornrr.). >cm

!i. Ilfd S rn . ‘■•'I' 10. Ciriilii Coant. Jvory Coanl. Uold

:^iiiHl and Slave Connt. .

I-'Olt .SAM:‘-.\V onirirn I-illiiiia andl,V,(!l :)xfor.l.-i. S ho rt lotn. viilllm lo J8-0I.. o t .;io»liiK for j;i-«3 und J1.S5. I J a r lr r i^hou ^ :o .-ndv . ,

------------------------------- .- i„ f ,i n : j r n i ' iio x k »iio. d » . cm i

•ORTi:iL HOI!K.S 1) iu t l ^ d r . 'o i l

Dit.' W. 1 ', AT TMK A Q tO r 09 ________ •

T.) Hr, W. II, C ahlw rll, n f .MonllccI-1 Krip 0, ill ., n p ia r l lr ln ;: phynlcinn for 47 |lcnli i-ars. It n .'rn ir.l r r i ir l lim l no n ia liy h n r r on.K |l|.;.t.'d.lnfnnIn nnd d illd iu n bndjcron u Iiu k r |it r.m nlariily "niirrt-d up" nn.l Rln.l nlf Plrk l.y tuh ln i: cnthnrlU- pllln. Hi ah lrin . sa ltn . rntmnf-l nnd nnnly-olln. nior

W hile h r Jinrw Uial ronnIlp;ilion h;i.i ■ S.vi Iir r u tu r of n ra r ly a ll rhlldrpn^fl ill- f.ir l<: Illn. h r clh! oo l Urtlpvr lha l a.Klck- Junl nliiK "puiK.-" o r •■ph.u.lr" wa:. nrrc.'.- a iy .

In Ur, C uidw .'li’n .'!yrnp i ’rpidii bo h .c m riril a Jnxnllvr w hlrli lirll>« to r.lal.lUh n a l,.ra l l - m r l "r.'Kulnrlty" vrn If Ih r .'h lhl l» rhn .n li'u lly conntl- a ird . I>r. C.il.l»xrirn S yrnp IVpnln no t) _- n iv r;iiifrii a «rntl.^. urny iKiwrt. loVrnirnt^ hlll. livnl o f .J f t ; It n rv e r i

Sonuner Is ComingI s ' j o n r c a r i n ^ o d m n n in g r 0

f tttb h t io n . I f , i t d o t i w e a a k yo il E m p ir e A n to S h o p w h e r e tb « v v

We Make No ClTarg ora a d a r e p le a s e d to d o th is . B em ei T H IS L I N E . L e t u s p r o v e th is yon d r iv e i n th e o r a n g e f r o n t d r i i A v e . N o . . y '. * ,

E M P I R E A t n

f • E D O E O R O E , G o o d S e n - jc .s I s ,O n r M o t t o . '

~ ' . ‘T i t G R s n a y r ^ r A T ^ T t 7 - i 9 e 7 - - ^

a s i s i P N i e ■

■paeUt Stapatata to Tha.Xlmea ■ '.M A n6A .-M ny'ti-*C h» Maron ncbrwl

.th e iiHiml inrRu nltcinlnncc, and iHu- n-.-r, in lln- hull Rniti^c hclw uca (bo

. iii:»rrjcil*.mt!rt am »ilriyM iiih‘m r«*i»rrn .Vtclnrn.,,,. Tbo, u'kn(<i of, i b c iiiipftr Rrnd(>.i Mvliicli' Wm^.jwiitpnnmi. on- nc-

t'ciiuju (If (DCietpntU' woniher w ill ho j held nl .IJnnhury’fl -I— Tbe -ujKblli^ Knidft'C ommVnp^ -

proKinm .w ill !’<■' B^voii ■{t',Ot,Q .f^bool honno T hiirsdny ’ ovcnlns. '-.Mny JO w ltli 'ih c^ folloVvltir; I n g ra m :

n'ldrcNii o t ihol ovefi'JijK l.y Ihf! Kuvcrcnd \ . 0 ' J’cnriwo. o f.T w in Fiilhi; plnno nnnihorn b y -M rn .lU G. Nowm.iii, nnd Ocncvlrvo N ldutinon; vocal dnul hy Mrn. 1. L, thrown: and Mra. R, A. Ihintn. nnd . nolo.: by ■Mrs.I-:, ii. IlonK. Irn Blnklny .Ik WaJcdlc- to rinn . T bcrn nro nlno" Rmdhnten Sn fnltown; In i Ulnkley: Oien Bcnn. ’ Orncc Cohh; M.irk D ayley;' ,'.np8a .Motteley; o irn O nrncil; JloJnoy TuRan: Hnlph Shnrp nnti Dudley CnminliiKN. < .

Tbu Itrv rrrm I llnlowcll pren'ciicd u t Ibu Hi'lmol liomic Hunday. -. '

Mr. und .Mrn. - S. G. Dlchl, .Mr.R Dlrhi o f Iloliio; iMIiiH Viola nnd A nnu .Mnc D iehl,' Mr. and 'M r«. S .'I’. ' IChlcr nnd fntnlly o f ' F tlcr.::nm l .Air. nnd .Mrn. l .- 'l lil 'llro w if^ an a fam­ily,- wuro (iliibiT ’ (Eiiciilii Snnday nt Ibe home of'M r, nnd-M nt, W ,T . Dlobl ’o f tbu O icrhrook '-riinclj nenr Jerom e. '^ I l '- i n u d .Mrn.'-A'. S.' U M ontff'nnil linit' V utnu vlnltud. Itic IlhniiOn brIdRo Sundiiy:' MrH. K, II, Kny<fcr,“ '^fr«. Ix« ''K nal«.Mni. L..*,S,'N’lchiiliiim nV'l" *'W . U — .. II llruw n u tten 'dl-d '.lho KllorJ..W o- niun'i. cllib linniinl' Ill’onHom luncb-

1 c m u l Twill I-^illn SntunlnyMnrJoricA lllnntock. Illttu . duiiKlitor

I'lif .Mr nn.l Mca,..B*lJ'<.Tt. l}In!ilotk_lj!____uiuffiirlnK front ii. hrnktin nrin.

Minn Joycu JeonlnK a. npd . Mr.[ Veriy ii Clnrlt of New ile'ndowa' wcro

Iiini'rlr.l. S iilur.lay May 7. . Z T bn Mnroit Woincii'.l cldb win nicol

|T lin in ilny nfti-riiDOil Mny 13 nl‘ U w . lioniu of ,Mrr„‘Chiirl<rii .Shoff. •, Mr. !•:. Dlrhl of 'Uoltiu Ik vlnltlnR hiK 'liriiUict' .Mr, a . 0 . D lrhl.^


a r U nitea »r#*a " ’ 'rMANll.A. r . 1., Mny IB—tiu ro n c h - ,’

unido. Mrlf-iitylril "m npcro r Of th e no- . Kroeii." w as-c n ro n lo Iff Manila today lo ho tn k c n ,lo nn Inmino aiiyiuiq fur '0 hNcr\’nU0n< ■■ '

tio'v( rno r ,'(SL't]urnl t<uoii(r(dv.,‘ (Mid w irclrnned ofllrlnln iiurc TctincstlilR lh a t :in uinbulaiico mei-l u nU-am^r wliluli In lo n rrlvo h c u rln s .trio '" ‘mnd klnc."-

WroiI luft Itollo for Jo ro n fto r w lrt- iCMiliiK a roinplulo repo rt lo lllo- w ar d rpnrtm unl a l WnnlilnKloii,. II • wuu nald.

In In undcrnioo.l lliul In trencbnrado ldiinno.l a Konural iiprlnlni; ncaltinL lhe Uftlrcd Slut.-:. reKlnie, nnd hoj>fld to inuke..M aniiot Qiiuzon, now proa|dt\nt o t lhe Innnlnr nennie. klni; o f 'U t io n nn.l .S. On^^mn. npenk rr of Uio hiltjup, a "m onarch" over Uin Vinayan lnlandn, In frcjiehrrnd .j ftfntnrlf wnn (o hflconcc e n ip r r o r / i f ihu PiiU lpplnrs l / ' i l j c ro- voll hnd nucceudcd,

Ilher! It’s uel to “Physic”

Xm MRrlpcii, Hlckeno orMipact^ ihc n o a t del- Icntc nynletn. U rtl.lun,, it- la n b io lu ie ir hnrnilcnn und no p lc iu n n l 'th n t even a crons, fpver^nh. htiloiin, nick child Rla.lly lukes IL

n n y ’a la rco CO-ccDl hottlo a t any m ore M intScila turd ic lne o r ir r lto ' Srrti[> V i'ta ln ," MnnJJcnlic.’ IlU aois. f .ir n n iK K .SAMPLE U O TT^E ' and * Junt nro fo r joum olf. .

DBalthtdl'sS Y R U PP E P ^

I Ri ht SoonIff order, o r doisi it 'aeed lonu yo il.to drive it down jr will give voa some oC -^b

For%sti^ Yonr ForlianeBAir wo.SSSOM^OZE o kbis by.yonrjM m inff. be n r « ' driveway d o ^ a t 128 Secood

j f o s H b ' p . _3E. P rop .

Phoao 768W.

M G W A T S f l lS H

l^anreil lPitche* Steady Game, Kee : . . t , ■• tered; Gate City Fails to

. Opposition for Gardiner'/ . ip i e iu 2>lj;^ieb to » l i i T ta»» i~ ^^ .;'‘j-.'l^^A ‘TELLO.‘**Slny" ' i s ,—Pnciilello lli'rcp '

ncn ln -'. to fiim tnh tifts; 1m ^ e , tlm n u iirnellco. Bumo for. tlio C ox.!;

, !I^IU ' Fi i IIh nrniriK nnil- Ihu tpniti n l iy , 'lro ik (Iiu MftBic City; 'allied by n Htotuii

; ■ il(fl and snvcn orrorii, won llio hcc- dmititn, of U'O «crlc« Iiorc. ;j2 Cntluh:

'■ynofiK o r " T w in Knitfl, Oupiicincij v ^ N - i}n perrorm nnco of t l u ^ d m Riiino o iit: M

» ailJ ■ nstiln, croBlicil ou t n blow to Jon S. fiPlil“ for n Jiomo run. TiiilovI

•.f^ rre Jl. on iho m oiuui tor T hJh Ciimc]}• ' th'rlv*. Allowed only flovitn iiUn anil i>lr&n;

WM Rlvfth K O od'nupport whllo Ciil- - - Hibnn. who pKchcd for Pocnteilo. . .. s whlf^cd flvo I’ocntclto Imtlorti. Ulu AtfucBled riKnlniit poor mipporl. All o , , . Ot -tbo T w in PallH h lls w jro clwin. , ta fffK or. KrnnovHcIi. Tw in n>»«

: . tlilr<l Imuomnn. Hubsi.-mUnlci) cnrly : PMdlclJonn tUnt ho would bo ono of r .,tl}9 ,f rta rn o t.- llin IcaRUC -whun ho 5,*’" " “

'WBneGtcd. wUlLtlie hall fo r- fo u r-h im l ‘‘“ A". • o titi.o t' bIx tlm o Q iil hn l, includlni; a i " ' ,1 ,ihrco-hnK9 blow, lie handled hln

dhe, fielding rbonco clwmly. H o k n d , i ' * " ' . . lljo^'ntWiik for Ihn Tw in-KallB K -ntn., RbsnDbcrff, a t x l i o r l nlop, .imil Lful., *

Oklctior. Rurncred tw o hitn *, . FhllR . Illekok. .jihiylni: r ig h t flijtd; '1 C tn flno r, HodKC, 1‘fnlilor. wlm wonl , * i n ,o t Bhorl la tp r In tfic K am JfN for- . ,.ton ..and HonK. nII ftnl oan h it ciiclH

InchidlpK . a thrub-bniiu mimnh by i V,., .

'T he B ru ln s 'a ln rtc d th c ruhhi w llli i i? , ~u~ lm nK *-by.;.«otU afi.-lw o_run*-lii-U ic .*^“ 5: ‘ , t M ‘nnlnn nnd flvo In tho noeond. , * ,®i®.

They, nddrd nnothor In th u Ih lrd . ono . In the fifth,', tw o .In tli<i olBhlli nnd U” „•

cldicd-w IU ) ono m ore In lho n ln lh . Pocntellb Hcored two In the f l r t i . _ nnd ono .cach Ih 'lh o f in h .n l» th , ikiv- ‘

. ci)th ^nd alfilh . . \ SiillThn BrinnH' flchllnK wnn ulmoi>l {*>fdnc

POt^&cC. IljoIr on ly e rr o r liChiK c>iurit~ oil to H orton. One t e n t im .o f tUi: Smneke fleldlnn . vrns, ,lhn t T w iu -TnUii hnd Moflo. o h jy 'fo j ir- wi8l»t»; lho > o i i f o r !iho NIc^Bon, putoutK bo lnn-on fly bu lls « r u tr lk r- Crowlej 0 It*. ■ ’ ' . WnfttTN

• ' A h c i h o x « o r o : , ; Cnffoy.: - ilT w ln Falllt— . A B . I ’O .A . K. Hnll. c.

• Hiei'ok. rf. ...... r '2 • 1 - i - d o fni'H*'.k ranovjtch . bh ........... C 1 . 4 1 O; u llnncku

• OurdlDor. lb ............... C s: 1 ' 7 I) u Wise. 1‘ ModKO, cf, .................C 1 1 a I) 0

. iftaliler. s*.................. 1 0 1 0 0 o Toln.1. riosfloherR. sn.......... . 4 0 a a .1 0 .Scoro• HorJon. 21i.......< l 1« 1 a l l-ocnn

lions. If....................... 6 1 1 .T • 0 ’ 0 Kntl I..11Ulnl., c. ........ ...........4 .3 „ 2 '.C ..0 Q . Sumii

••••>jnr/eH,Mpr-...,,„.....,;.,M -J.' 0 - ^ _ l _W

! Totnln ....................« 12 1< 27 '4 I Crowloi• I I'ocJilello— A n, n . II. PO. A. K. Je»»o;'

J cnjnm ln. 2h..............4 1 1 rt' 5 0 nor: diViislch. rf. ......... 4 2 1 n • 1) C va l: at,«Aivnnslno. ir ................ 4 0 I I f 0 - 2. Wj«fDotnoo, lb .................. 2 1 0 . 3 0 (I off PiiDwyer. «s ................. E 0 'I ■ 3 3 .» tJrw aSnncet. c f.................... B 1 1 2 ,2 1 Hnucko

• O'Connnll, c ........... 2 0 1 4 , 0 •! 'C., Hnn«' Ol»on. 3h 0 0 3 0 on bnn<

•' f jillah a n . p ................. 3 1 0 (i 3 0 runs b' gim m ons. ................... 2 0 I v 0 o l4 . Melf• • xllblroen ................... 0 0 0 0 0 Q 2.' Pnpk

_________________ Ix p p cri; Totnln :..................J 4 C 7 27 17 7 pltchcr;• x« an to r O'ConacU In aJnH*., - UBiplrci •Score by I nnt agH— •. . j, !

Twin Kftlls ................ :C1 0 1 0 .0 2 1 -1 3 'I-----------Pocatello ............;......... 200 ,0U 101— 6 I

I sum m ary—Two hsBo h ltnu Dopja-, j v>L i nilri: th roe hn io h its ; P tah U r. Vu** , icb.- K rasovU ai. AvnnslnQ; homo ■ ' i run»: Honir: bttBo on h a l ln ^ .^ W .W t /-.C lub- I4bab 4. off F 'ttrrell l ; ttlruclc o u u , XwJa i bl- C allabnn 1. by F a r re ll S i.fito lc n s a l t La

. btuiei: U a l . D w yer; sacrlU ce W U: Ondon CATtUDer, F a rn lt.- A T oniloo: lo ft on Poeaioll

' h M v - T j 'I n ' A U b 10; P0C.1H110 U : Mfliio V d ^ l e . 'p r a y a : OtBon lo B e o ju n ln . to Lo^an . D otson ; V lld p itches: C nilnhan 1, - l-^rrcM 2 : h it hy p ltcho r:

fb>i;» C allahan. U m pires: Fcrgiimin c i t ib - • tju id .-^ Ic* . T l w e ^ W . ; .SVW Y

7 ^ - t S i i i f FA J.i,ik «. S Stp*«lM I>Up*toh M TS* TlmM 1^1

OGDE.S. May 1 9 -O p lW won n ja lp , oo lro lt jc R te rd a y from the Idaho ... « iil« -w a iih ln i team o f ffco- ,lrtah-W abo Zeafftr- riflvoino score Iwlni;, 7 to « . -Doston

■ TIio"l>o*. ic o rc :-; Idnho FWl»— AD. n . U, 1*0. A. K.

Jlu lton , :b , ..... ........ 2 0 0 1 0 - c iu h -ColllaB. I.B ................ 3 0 0 1 i 0 Now V.Dufke. If. .... ...J....-: C 0 3 1 I a U uc a n a h a n - .ll) . 4 I S 2 PhlladelE richs rf. — 3 1 , 1 2, 0 0 p iu sb u rTftrfmpsbn. e . * 1 - * 1 CblcuroAllen, 3b: 3 2 3 . 3 * 0 u reok lyTftdeWch. cf. .— 3 1 ? 3 J o Bo»len

tN f l M a .^ . ; ^ . ^ f . ^ r . . 4 J ^ p i c l n w

• T o u l / 31 O i w 9 5 I*il

V A n » H .i> O .A .F . c iu l> -‘ r t f f i l lp . U .‘ .....4 .. u. D J 1, 0 0 q o« jiU ^,|

u r --------------- 3 1 1 1 4 0 MiMlOOlr. a- 3 2 3 II 0 Ran Fri

2 2 11 I* 0 Saeramc ? j j r ; 3 Q ? g ; °

H iW iW i’i i f .’U r . y n y a 1 1 * : 0 o m '» b >Umit>«rdL c...........t ... 4 C l fi I 0 HoKywe

••■a.iir.Total* ...... ...........50 “ **• ^ hoi

; ICAR AWN]L a t e s t F a s t C s I p r C f i J i p p

P a t t e r n s to Choos

........^ ^ W : ; $ 3 . Q P i

^ e I ^ r e d T f M S I


................... ' ' ' ' ' ' ' f f be e p i h s B i n s l i ^ W ^ f r S c i i t - ‘^ n 0 t o F u r n i s h M u c h ' ' • S " n ia l e r ' s F a s t G a n g ; ‘

lumninry—nAnio nin ii: M urphy.' track o p " b liio ' h l i s : " K r l r I i ; ' Iw b 'h iiiic fi 1:, n u rke Alien, CnntnIIo, Denn, cost «

Murpjiy; iincrltlcB h its : Miir* " ‘t . 'I j im p c . C illln*, A lU n: ‘Mckluifh iiM !a: Thompson, W ilson; *u hio plnyn: Ilu llon lo Collins lo Or liihnn, Dcnn to LnmtM 10 Mnr*

Mlchnebi to D enn; bnsc on r - ' s ; MIchnelH 2, .S'olson G; struck . p : MIcliiu'In c, .Vrlxon 0: runn: Al- *

2. Cnlliilum, Krich. Thompson, r lovlich. Cox 3, M urphy 2. D m n, “JeJJe; tUne a t cnmo l : S f__L'hi; -L!i: Uennhv.'i nnd McQulllnn.

• ,S,\I,T I,.\KK 12; I.ocpu 3. lUl Siipatoh (Q tn * T in** I’orllniM .T LAKB C i r r i ^ l n y 13.—Tbo Scnltlc ds took n bIuk fost from th f Shen on Icnm Iioro yontorday. 12 lo U. imd Sc .IlcCn inndc 11) hllK w hile Ix>Knii

noclcd fnr 12, T ho foiituro- uf , ~ Rnmn w n o .tw o h o m o r im s , <f4a 'i j l ls n f.«eart o t Lo<rnn notl t^io OUjcr Ai Crowley of Siilt Lnko. , .u • p i i r firrlviil, UiKiin .uhortBlop, wlm dora h III 10 tho lioNplliil n fto r hit "wiin on tho hrnd In thc ■.'iKhtli InnlnK — ll. pitchod bull. ■ ' llo llyit110 box Hcoro: Snn Fi iKun— • All. n . 11. PO.A. fi. FiiUir ro n .' cf.................4 1 1 2 0 0 .Moudy•Ivnl. MS ................3 1 2 i^ r r~ e i ■dlnr. II................. .... 0, 0 « l . 0 IIiinki. If................. 4 0 « 1 0 u Onklnn□vnn. lh-2b. 3 2 1 4 1 0 oncrnn

rf. .................fl 1 a 1 M 0 UouhiIor,~3t)............—2 ~ 3 I*~0 and-boirrl, c............... C l 1 5 ' .0 11m. 2b-s»................ G I 1 2 1 • ft RVAJin, p ...... .......: ....... G : 3 1 ..1 o .U n b o r

— J--------- 1 ------- hnll »iiiiinlH ....................u 12 24 'J 0 hns ho(111 i.-ii(( - A ij.it . h . i -(3!a . k.inc r. rf. “ ...... 0 2 3 1 (i 0 " n ' f .c. ............ ......... :i 2 2 2 4 llcker. c:f................. 5 , 3 3 l - l ) 0 -----------0. 2b.................. B. 2 . 1 0 4 0w n, ab.................. G I 2 1 1 0fley. lb. ,............. 4 2 2 16 1 0.ors. If. ............... I (I 0 U 0 0ciy. If. .................. 2 « • I 0 Q..U .. . _.. c . .................. G (I 2 c 0 I10, p, :.................. 3 0 1 II 0 'I:ku. V.................... 1 0 I) 0 0 0!. Hi ................... 1 0 0 0 1 '»

Dln.ls ........ ........ 41.12 19 27 n Ioro by InnlnsH— ,m ................. \ ..... 00(1 nor. 1 3 0 - ai^iiKo ................... 420 r.(io Olx—12

imiiinry—Homo runn: • L ucii\H oy; Ibrco bnnn b lln ; ‘ Ivoporrf': ''•*

bano hltB: Molle, 2, NIelsoa. - • vloy, H u ll Klni;; nacririeo lill: o; Btnlen biinea: Sroackor. O anl- •

double p iny : KInff' u ^ C n r r l - a lri itk ou t: hy Pnpkc/5 . Hnnckn

I’lfi'o 1. O re en -5 ; baai> oa Pnpko 3. Hnncke 2. WIbo I, n 4; b it bntnmun: C nrrlval hy :ko; runs rcHi»ni>lblo fdr: Pppko Innck? n. "Wine 1. Grcon 12: left iwbcb: lioKnn 10. Sn it I nWI H :. bntlcd In : by Sm nckcr, Mol> lelson 2, Crowley, W nllora, Hull npko. Cnrrlvnl. Klnc 2, K rcsslPr, ■ . ic rrl 3. Lucns. OrcoiJ: wtnnlnR ic r: Papke. Time of RnmL-: 2:11. ilrcs: W nrc nnd Davl#.


ub— W. Pci.1 KoIJn ............... 2 0 IJWOLako Clly .......... 2 0 l.OOO

in ......................... 2 • 0 l.OOOlollo. .....................0 2 .000) > '«lts ............. ....0 2 .Ooon ...... ..........^ ..... 0- 2 .000

A M E B rtU X L K A O F E .lb— , W. L J 'r t .

York ......... 20 . « .714riBO ..... .'.............. 17 • 13 .067irtelphln .............. IC 14 .r.l7 . .Louis •............ .. 14 14 'jCOO .o lt ..;...... ...........N 13 14 .481hlninoa .............. 13 IG .4*4 ,(Innd ..... .............. 12 IC -.444 .)n ................3 13 .:33

SAflO.NAL LtA O UK .I b - » - W . L. PCL ^

Vork ..... - ........ IS 10 .CM/>uis .................... IR 12 .M«idelpbla .............. 13 10 .C6Rb u rsh ..... ..........- 14 II MOMTO ..... ................ 14 11 .660klyn .................... 13 -18 .419en ........ 10 14 .417 •n a a tl ................. 7 20 .269

TACIFIC COAST L EA «CE. ii>— y \\ L. Pet.snd ...................... fll- ■ 19 .650loo» J................... 27 23 -.C40Francisco .......... 26 23 .Mliinento ...... -___ 25 24 .CIOland ................ 24 24 :C00Je_______________ 2a . - _ .2C. . .4 7 2 ______

.43*rwD«^ ............ 17 .^ 2 . .« fi

i n ' I ? i i S 5 f l o i t 2 3 3 i r t e « n menhonored w ith jMBObatl le tte r* and —WJttt a ir ln m liw la t t e n a t Notn* - :— ) , i ^ ^ ^ lty hy lCDU^a n o c k je . dl-

«NGS I> p e S t r i p . e - F i f t y ■

3 s e from

! a P a ir C o t t i p a n y

' ' I I I I H iff ;:.

i S e q d n ci u g e N e w T r a c k Is _ . | i

A s s u r e d a t C h i c a g o U

f -c a r v a iu d VMM 1CHICAGO, .Mny 1 0 -A n addUlomil | oins'counH ) to r tho ChlcnRO dinlrlct i« boon nnsurod th rough tbo foniin- .>n of. tbo A m orlcnn N ntlonnl J«ri:key ub o ( whlcb H nrry . D. Drown, Cnll- r n la '.m illionaire-nnd sportninnn. In0 BponMr.Tho conM ruclIon of tlio' now' ruci: ack will bc s ta rted Immodlntoly, il , w wild; nnd th o track ' probnbly w ill ^ s t flhoiJt fS.'Oflp.OnO. s Dni" I t ill tny Inten tion .to mnke thin mui ■ek Ibo niom honutlfu l’ In A merlcn. nml se n em l wc will follow tho plann >f. T

B O rleuinl lrnek la H nvnnn," he snid. moi----- -------------------------- froi

--------:---------------------- — . Irql


___________• ________ nini; :------ two

■•ollowInK nrn yeHtordny’ti rCBuUii In t«-ni ; Pacific Consl loriKUu: U

H. II.K , llmrllnnd ..... J ............• .................. 4 12 2 bonultlo ........................................... r; 12 0 had>hon. S to rll nnd Yolle; I-Mwnri:n Sox J SchmbU. cd

-----real“ ;i'. TillSBlortijt.’i ................................. 7 I I 2 plnc» AnW&> ,,....i . - ..................- I *4 3 virtInrfoQt And W btlnoy; I'lc rcy , Snn- Uroi ■a hnd<^lnnnnh. Kbr.

•• 1-^ --------- whllIt. H. I-:, men

llywbod ................................. 0 7 2 tho1 FmndBCO ........ ................. 10 14 1 W^lUel-lon, P Itlo re r nnd 'D . ' M urphy; il ll udy and Akdow'. • Iny.

--------- , ntfc^ 1 1 . 1I..K. nnfo

klnnd ..... .................................. 4 « 0 John:rnmonto ............................... J 6 1 8 tolouhlor, Crnchcnd nnd U eud; Vlncl HiI-8 o v o rc ld ,- ----------- — — ^ -- aide

— ................. ;----------- - , lhe;VA^’3 T0 N. in.—A rlhu r ■•Dutch" iborff. toKiTDr footbnll nnd ’bnskoi- I n tnr n t Iho Unlvornily o f Knnnnn.> heon mimed lifRld hnnkelhnll conch Northwentorn unlvornlty. Ho re-

ilfc- him bcon hnnkelhnll couch irt Fj shb u n i collece, Topckn, Knnn. FOS

" N c



^ l i k e t h e f e l l o i

t h e s u n a h i n i n

■ t h i ^ P r i n c e A l b e r t

m e n t . I t b o u g

a n d p q > e -a m o f c

c h a n g e f o r t h e

a t »

r e d t i n u d f e

. .. A l b e r t f r a g r a i

_______________t n « n « 0 0 o t h e r

m i ! g o t t h a t .

. t u m H c a l b a d i i

---------- p i p e a o d U ^ t

T ‘~ m w v d o u a t a n

> R- ■/'

.............. . . ,T^^M N FA L T .3 D A IL Y T H IK S


TIGERS WIN, 5-3 |By tJn llta r r t t s ?

-VoBfoniny'»: hiTo: • - K nrl-W hltonitl; ' DnCcoIt (illcluir ,who (Hriiok nu t in f t mumbcrn of-ilin WnHlifnistoii .Sc.iuitorii. nnd won*r. lo :i 6

'H ie Khiiip wns ri’iiloVo wtlh oxclu-- • - f m ont Wllb IWO • Mion-bcliiK bnnlnhdl / • from tho llolil. Jo h n n y Unsslor, Do- ^ Irq il c a tc h o r wan oxciiiiod for pro- H I testlni^ n duclninu nnd hilor Jnck Ons- V low. W iiahlnxiim conch, wns fiont to Ibo chiO Iiduxc Cor ihc sniim rrnson . ;« M nrty .Mc.MnnuH. lie lro ll hocona-buHi’- ' '

mnn. wnn ih f hlitInK nco. uliooiln;; n u ll IWO d^ bb iH whicli ucurcd Ihrco nf bln li-nm’» run«.

Ulhg Ml.llnr ;;i)l four lillii oui o f [lv<. ^ Union n l hnt. i>no of tho liliii helni: n ^ liome nm . ;.lid lli<; St. Uiuls llrnw iin , nnd n field day-lii dofenllnR Iho Il<*d iW i?ox 8 to 6,- Mlllor Inrldonlnlly lionnl- V -- :d bln hnttliur nvornKU In .lifl uh n > •onult of,yi:Mi.id;iyii lillllni;.. •Meol■ T ho'C hlcnxo t'liliH wi'Mt Into nocnnd Luki ilncc’.li) Ibe N:illnnnl I,oninJo nici- by ciev I r t iw 'o t th rir 7-1 vJcJory o i'cr JJi/r ' fniio

Irooklyn'D i)d:;i?ni. Nellher Donk iii>r| - ,_ ,1 Cbrlinrdt- w .'rr nhle lo hold the Ciibn. vh llo 'Ilob l loy-cl wllh llrooklyn. bnl*.- , u en .. T he I 'lhlcors lind n biid dny Id ho field, couirlbuiluK five urrorn.• Woo W lill/. SliiTd.'l, li'ft liniidMl n«-- --------it tbo HI.' Uiiiin Cnrdlnnls, hml u bpd ~ Iny.nnd ihu Ilo..<ii)n nriives foil on hM . vL iftorlnKii fur u nerlos of sucri'sn lvn l f I afe iles. Ilf . w.im rollcvcil by l-ftll.--i ohn bMt the Cnrdlnnls woro dofentcil. |

“ > «. . ■ I _Homo runi. by WriKlil nnd T rn> nor,

lded-by..olliur..llm i:ly %kiiockii oiinbled | jodny Ite PltlfiburKh I'Irnlon to nninnb.niii ,^nlnn

13 10 0 vli'lnry ovt'r ibo Nnw Y ork '1,,.,, s llnnm . • T h f I’Initos Iniided nn th ree ({] lotlinm piu-berii fnr IK snfe blln. F n r- erentb cll o f thn r,I.m ill ninn i;ni n homo run.

-------------------------------• 1FKMT IH 'H T l r i lD S i ; s io . IHJ. lo Iht

'O STKlt. IIIH'IIK U to ndv. . ["Don

3 t h i n I

b l u e s

f r p m I

o nlow in the song, I .^'nevn sawjing -so bright — never saw as"{ so For IVe found gr;rt and complete plpe^joy* MilU^t I knew alt about pipes th;olddg.' Z had no. idea whac a ab:he better P .A would be. olc reat it was to open die tz ^ free thar"Wonder£ui i?riHcc"- "be

rancel To a (upieJmngry Ater aroma ever came within a th<it. I c ^ d lurdfy wait to^ P.,j intp the b<^ of my jimmy- di<^ t up. And then • i .'that coiistel Yc

—.tfae nationalV -

... "

3- .... ^

F r o m P c^T hird ^

M l

Meet' Tom m y Sew ell, b ro th e r ' o f "dioo[,uko nnd Joo Sowoll w i th - th e b l ' - n:iflveland Ind ians . Tom m y (m ay ;to rv ll 'ollow In th e ir foo tsteps a n d land :n tho m ajom . Ho Is th ird base-n a n and c ap ta in , of tho presen t. , Jnlvora lly o t A lribaina <biittebnll

^ > '“ ■----------------------------1 , 1 / ----------------- — ■ -----------------------Knns.

EIGHT DEAYED s .milclil— 4 ;«'nn /

_ Dy Vait«a m i B I foundNKU- VOUK, Mnr ID .-T rx lll ik i.n l 1' “ '" 'm dn) annonnced Ihnl (In- .Shnrki-)-wuiniMi n1nn<‘V fl.ithl Hrhislnled fo r tho Ynn- I'h rou i >0 Slndlum hnd born imsljionod nn- I"»)r 1 I liimornnv nl((lit becnuso of b n d ' entlier. | w a

Tho w orld’B Krcnleiil lover ban como jlilnlor tho Ulnllo. . John Ibirrym orn in hnn bi

)on Junn." now nhowliiK,—ndv. j nitjrni

'• • ”

; • • ' ■ t- r ' “ - r - * » • _

g H

> k t e s

n o w

I " ; '/N • . .

Coo! a stuAmons to court, as 'l inning your ease. Mild as tl gratulgtions of- the second*besi Mild, b u t \ ’ith a full, rich tobacc that satisfies your smoke^hankerin; absolute itmitTN^m talking about i old plpe^stiiokef Men . . . Prince

No matter how satisfied you a^ be With- your-pttaent $ct*up, gke A l ^ a whirL. You’ll never ki then what a friend y^ttr {^pe 1 P. A tiem bites the tongue or ] die throat. It never wears out come. 'T ry this (ong>bumtng-ti You’ll ch e^ with ailTve said.

k t f ^

' j o y sitf.o k 'eT ......................J - V ' .

/ ■ r v . ' r i i . . - i ' - ;■ u - T f -

. . r ■ ■■

o o a te u o yBIG FOUR Rl

O F -B A SE B A L L i fa y Unlt»a P ra ir

Hornnny'n avrrnK f ilro])i><'d pi.ri i^p')1y >vhi'n hc w«-iit w uiK Jurn lill 1 )u r tlini'M up. I,'<ili1> mill UiiiIi iwi llo w hen rnin upollnl ih r lr nniin.n.SpenKor w eul h ltk w in two irl.'.i,• , • "Ali II ;-i-t K'c lli

obb ....... ........ ,.417 , ,orttnt>y .............. li/y JIm b Il-;t 33 .320- .!)I12 I’c n k iT ............... !IH31 .3lt; -jVi •• ,"nii


' ->atrl--------------- ‘ .^rlKi;

By U n lu a P r . t .K O flli:.STi:H . M lnn .-W lllinu i M w ^I'.vr|. p itcher fn r th e Mnntorvlll.- lil;;: ,innr,bool Ifnni, .................. .. nerond l.u ^ ro rHf. nn-n in •.•niiii' of Ih.. nl’n-on, Mni'. x.-.yln rvlllo flefenleil Snyflold lo 10 n.

O.MAllA—i;nrl Cnsii, pK cln r f n r jb ' u-,'.'ni ;nl W onleru I.enKiin bnHcbnll rlii'>. M.'.ro' 11 bi. opera ted on lodny n’l n riv:il- Iiijiirlen rrri-ivi.i| ,Mmidn,v' av’i" ii Vr,

Id luto bonu- In n cnmo n!l WlcIilin,

S T .'rA tlK . M ln n ,- I ll li..:illli l" In;•Vfd to hnvi- lieon Mi.. eniK',. of :!i ^ '1,,,,Iclile o f Kddle Mea.l.., lor;d Aiiicr;. ii,,,,,,n Ai'noelnlloii iiltchcr^ 'ib o wii;. i^|,iui,nnd ili-nif fn (ifn r p ^ T M i ' l ; AIl.'ii. i'ainn;innKor of tlio lovnl chib, rrc i-n ih cli.iit,niMinced bo (houtrlU Mi’ndi- w;,;i hrt..v. roui:li for iblr. yi-nr invliiv to hi.-o r conillllon. ^ ijiinii

W ASHINfiTOV—Wllat l« .|.'< l;ii-.'d id ;',7l7icl'Un. lnri:<'Kt :ind b.:al Ui;lcl In Ui :in \il

Iilory o t wlilpin-t rnelu); In Aini-rlr^* inrciln biroil nunembleil tor n r i l in !h t ‘- !•’ Iiamlljrn iw nnd K aiur.lny u li .r , t-ai>ll')l troiili;


rt. Sweet ^ ^5 th e con* -ntest man.acco bodyring to thc * nu ta grand ------« A l b e r t .

a^ p w to • ive f^iwcc know, till

e can be.>r [Mirdics .I t its wel*;- tobacco. - '

I 2 W 0R i F i E a n i i s FfeST SHOOTING ATlEGIONteL

' VtW. A, n rlfv e . by maklnR n scoVp iif * wnj. hlnh mnn In Ihe f lr s fa h o o ti.r :

■t Ihl. i.rn»ii)ii by llie Twrn‘ P illii” n ifli.........•n n n n IllO UKion liulldInK;'ln w ht-:i ' ' 'I'niii :i(i look pa rt. A tcnm w ill b f . ornir.i |n n nhorl Ilme nnd com p*!'- !vo iihoo',lni!. w ith olbi.r chibt* r ll!•'ko p la rr . Secri-lnry H.'C.'KdToUMil.. ‘ rinntinrrd.The iiirKot Innt n iK h t'w n s nmnlli-i-

bnn th r ono form erly un^d In pi,i>Ico. Tlie Bcoros of pn rtjc lpan ts r-I- ow.'■aini., . Sco rr..Vlib;ii)), O. W........................................... * ,ililpmftu, \V, a ...............................4*•lil|>inaii, <■. II...................................... _.4K'a trick , J. II ............................................:nirlKKii. C. Sv............................. ...........3?IniKKi.Mian, llonry ____ __ ,'.............. J.'’alrlek , K, I ............................ .............. 4 'Ii-.rro.n. }Jrrm;.n .................. ?!______ 41.Innrc. T. K.............................................. 31lorrlKh. Cro. W. ........ ............. 41•.-<yloi-, 0 , 0 . .............................. ,'42nbniinn. f.co. It....................... ;..... ........4^rnldnn. ^7/rn .........................................’nHlncton. Hnl ......................................'luircoy. s .................... ..............................i ’ •Imik-, II, J ................................;......... :2li-rinitn, Mnriin ................................ . 30.ib.'Ma. I. i : ............: ............................ 415aal.ii-. F r ll / ............................. ;....... nliT:n:iii, I lr rb o r l ............................. . 10lack. l,...itiT .......................................... 30 ,cbivaru.. 0 . .V. ...................................... 41lilnl-*!-. Cuy K............................. ..........Illilll. A. I)................................. .-........... 40ainniock, II. \V ........................r - ..........JOilillh. I lr rb ............. ' ....... ................... 45 ,rlrv.i. .rrn n k ..........................-1...-. t iiichriiii, Jnhn ........................................iliiiiindn. ll- .( - ................ ..................... Cic ldv will Kll Itn flrnt l.wio o t purh tn r l c.inli'nlii. I-Tfiy-lwo doM a re o n - Ti'd lu Ibo fontnro.l |iitc i^o tl''u r .l. anilleap for ilu ' Spcnkcv ^ n i r y i ’ri!i •oiiiiy nnd IniKO money prUflfl.

,3|V, , ' ‘


/ y / /

'' m ■ ' m V

.Ln : l ^•/M m W htc*n 'A n tr l ,

- ■ ■ D ?r- >

TimeF o r

A N N O J U rIn tho o n g in iil r.immmcc

T im es' (8 ,0 0 0 "Ei'«.'ryl;oJj- V, brand new , la te s t inodc! B i; value $1,G3D.OO w:ia nnjiovincci Prizes. •

Thifl cor w aa i)urcliasc( Com pany, b u t sinco in n k in g t 'm anagcnicn t has. been ndvise

. h is op inion, Tho T im es’ woul(m oro dosirabJo g if t, if this i a 'B u io k M aste r S ix .<l.Door Sc

W Uq tile 4-D oor S edan ii ' a t $110 m ore th a n th c 2-Do(

give th e very, I 'incst to th e ( follow [HJr. L ih d ’u snsficstion ycBTs of - cxpcrlcnco in hiini w ill g ive a b ra n d new , - I r te s t :

■ Sedan, vttlne $1,740.00, instei J m odel p rev io u sly announced .

A w o n d e rfu l o p p o rtu n ity liv in g in th is t e r r i to ry to ti profit* Como in , te lephone c r

1 1 1 I J " r----- ;___ ^ ^

B U I C K M i

'I . ......

^ P U R C H A S E D FR

I P O J S fT lA

P U R C H A S E D f r o :

.v.itiiimiiiiiii Ut ’I':!.' i u in

y “ K .irjIW j <:i

Good for 500I hrn-l>j rn lc r uu<l «-B'I

■* a raixllJalr ia Th.* T«ii. V.ili' b(>Jj IVIn*** J 'rh c l)i»trlliiitli.n.

..V.. ' I>OTK—<)nlf iHimiiiUtlnii itluuUranJiilBli' n<imlnatril.'

p h on e 3 8 — ^

j s ’ K■ r P F

" Y o u tI N C E M E N Ticem cnt of Tho T w in Fiills Daily.

Wifjf!” F re e G ift D islrib iition j i- B i;ick M .isier S ix 2iSioor ijedan, icvd one of tho G rand C apitn l

ksed from th c L infl 'Autom obile 5 Iho above pu rchase Thc T im es' ised by M r. C. E . L ind th a t, in luld-’be o ffe rin g n littlo fin e r nnd s nori'Spfipcr wouJd o ffe r irM cad S edan . “

I in th e M aste r S ix M pdcl re ia ils^ )o o r Sedan, The Tim es w an ts to D candidates, an ti lias' decided to ion w hich w as p rom pted by hia iind liug B uick autom obiles. Wc s t m odol B u ick -M a8 tcr’S ix '4 ;D o o r- itcad of th e low er p riccd B uick d.ty fo i \ am bitious m en an d w omen

th o ir sp a re tim e in to real c r w rito to d ay fo r fu ll particuijrrR.

r ..................... l l l l l ............ ..

[A STER Sl!i^

OuicliMoildlZCMT rour^iocr

V a l u e $ 1 ,7 4 £R O M T H E LIN D A U T (

■>' _______________________

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y B |jV a lu e ^1,020 i 'F i lly Eqtfipped


ill laH v Illlil? Timi-O

2 0 (0 0 V o t e s ^

. • li.iIlT Ttill.s i„ r -nt .Mlti-i:

/ ........../ - • N.II-'." f>t

I ' I '- 'il j l i ? '- - '’

, I'l.'iMi- '■ . C.iliillilal.

auk a cn -v td l tn r l a ch ■{,

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pnpaign Office ii

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t o M a l

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" ' G kId . ; ■ ' ^■d


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4-D oor Se^

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D o o r Sedan->— _________________,

l i M-S O A K L A N D C O M PA


)0^ 000 E x t r a )i-oiii>on, ulif-n nrcoiiiii.ntiK'il with

T ii'tlons I 'lr ili ' ir ••cjtilx.ilfiii) In Tin Ttinc.-. Mititl>« llif r iiil 'll'U ti' in llOO.ilii

I iLi^lloiis ti in i 'i : III iliirlii:: tlu-

/ ' ''fS .‘ ijIi'.rillK-r .....................................

.,t SiiJ.i..

ilal.'-'< Nsiii.' •n - F lr» f W.',-K r .tiu ^ H t* ;i Iw; voted 1 •. f o r fx e r y llirr»> niil>»<-rit>tl«n iriit. tiiVnfil in ilu rln c «hr c:xniJldalf'• r.iwpalRn.

in The Tinies B

T\vl^^^^\T;r.f;'riAIrA’ TurRg

i B I G O p p i

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a s p t h e W

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V f l f p C Acrnmp^nkil^* _______ Urr,I,' nitfi«c:ltiilnn,

ith H irer :^ a r ly .Till. T w ln% '..ll»iiiiifl ..•.ir-i vofm coupon may be iift':u- i'ir:.t -Wrck- ' 'actompanlrd liy a

S'nmo of .Subscrlt. . ................... CamllJatc-R Xamo

Atnounl Enclo^nl • — Thl* m illion vt.. ................. . rcLoracd to tli"

Twin Falln Dally. , ,•......... aerlptlon j-ou obta:

•«1 I.y r.ifli can- , and Xbi- *uh*et>tt_oni.. o r thH r y „ f j,, looefr. Tlii l f t first week lo tbe number kI

r«KUl«r Ttiie j»clir<l

Building, Open £\

1. '

IDi!>ORTUNirm e R e

: I t O v e r £

V o n d ^ r fa l


W H IP P E l

J I P P E D ^ ^ ^ ^



>r lO jO O O E x t r a V o t e ;JST s r n s c H U 'T K J v i 'o i i ‘c»\ ‘ \'fl Iiy till' iioinlniillnn ti!;iiik .•uni 'vo iiiInti nAllj'^in-.uilU . - i - ^ --- .. . m tl l ' ttHiiaKiiltlceat Tw in KnlJn Dally Tlme.i Kittn

Intnl of more than 2n,0>*ik \o ir;i. Ttiti t iiKiM only p n re iinil lu ^aliii o n lv j i ; ! ''' ' y a wiitj.icrlptlon n-nilttancp. ^

:prlb rr ..................................................... V :...... .

me ^

“n l . .. ■1 will count lO.OIKI e x tra frrr* voir* w hen

f ^ m iu ls n .M;inaKT. j t tti.' nfftrt- of Thn, •lly T Iaief. loKffiher w ltti tin* flr»i r>ul>". ib ta ln . II muAt be accom ^anlrd by tbe. uh*crlptlon Jntr»i Ih> for a i»erif>d. o f_one

T he lO.COO free votes n re I.V ADDITION Klven on Hie subBlrlpilon a* j>cr thc

rlin lu lc. ____________ - -

ivery Evening Un


si|Ms a l M o

Big If Y o u

1 O p p o r tu



: S i x ' 2 - D o (


ffl -1 9 I

V a l u ^ $ l , (H EPi>LER-N A SH MOT<

g j F R E E VO TJN

Good fon:III T lir T u la . Falln Diin)'

r*'!" _ U rand I*ri*eI J lrrrtiy «a»t lOO FIIEE

y .-Mh5.'Mr.:-Cr .M«. .'.......L C . ..-l‘Wrri»* ....... ...................................

. . Tilt* coniw n. NKATLy C ixldrri’t of th o csmU datc nilc-

, "re<! lo th c Camtwlfm D cpar hen D.illy Time*., will cou n i a s 1( riin, nol r o t l anyljilnic In ta n t.tlu 'i ub". Ite cand lila tr . «n»l * r4 »ot the., . -totinK them . Oct a i l yoa ca: ope all coiinl. 1 ON ~ , D5~h?>t~->Tni flf Tnlii r ' «T5TTv th c . NOTB—T h lt coupon m ust ____ p.- m . Ju n e 3. 1927.

ntil 8:00 o ’clock -

I .........i lH U H S P A T T T T A '^ lg , li)27- •

m e y

u W i l l

u n ity "

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^ $ 1 ' 0 8 0 . 0 0


3or Sedan

[ ,0 8 7 0 0TOR COMEANY


Uy T J tn r * ' ' “ iS cT jh o d j M-ln*’’ ri*e CanitaliiiiREE ■ VOTES lo . th e ' crf.«lU of

y ■ ■ a J r i - K o o iT r r ' nnroo'‘'a tid ■ tilled In. and malletl o r dellv- fp artm c n t o t T he T w in, Falli* s 10(t FJIE B V O T E S ...it, tlu 'ie coupont fo r )-ou5 favor- r »o t M atrlc ted la , any *m »e In

. can nbd »«nd Utvni Id—tb«?

TSTTe r m nsi pacsoce.---------—:iuM be >-OCetl Oa o r before S

k~Phone 38

' i F W S l iBpmiess Directory

■' Wo W !,v ■ . ; ;>AlL inako*. .D en lera Jb . • '. •


■ •I'QCft* ofH iy: 218 M ain Avei No." B R O '^ s t u d i o , o v e r YOUNO — /.H a rd w a re . W o - drf" JiomjiiftcMoj:,;

-( covor bu tto n s and m nko Orapnrlcn.:,' !» SoUBfacUon itl iy an tcc d . __________

• UNDERWOOD T Y PR W R lT nH S -O F T r. tbo boat, w rlto o r pUo;)o (or rop.ilrn.j

;■ raotftls , o r purchuiio nrlccii nml : te rm s. . Im m oaiato norvlco. II. K.

P e rk lb s, local rcprosontntlve. I’lioncr677. '___________ _________________

M ILL WORK — CABINBT WOUK ■lono to ordor. A uto nml wlmlow

• Klaas. Modern P lun ing Mill, m T h ird avonuo SQ^^Pliono 603.

I MODERN WOODMEN O P AMKIUCA- I. , m eet o t I . 0 . 0 . F . H all cyory 2ml

and 4th W ednesday.' .T IIE P R B S T -O -U T B B A rrE t tY S r.ll- “

* vice S tn tlon now n t 121 Srd-Avc. W.• , J . A . Montcl» ami Sons.

. , HOME PLUMIllNO Q. IIHATINO CO.; , Now locnllon, 13B Tliln l Avi>. B.

Pbono 2B3.______ ^ "•

- ‘• - 'T a A N SFEB . ^C U O z I i a ’’ T O A l ^ ^

Phbae 348. Storago a n d c ra ting . •* • j>

'. M oN IC aib l^ T itA N SPRR & STOU- .J 'j "■UKO Co. O arbnso -bnulcd daily , m f

, Plione 20Q. In

; W ARBERO TRA N SPK il & STORAOi: J l Co. StorsKO nnd npcclnl cnriond .pQ nblpm cotn to Cnllfornla. Pliono H g. i,i

SH O E R E ^ A IB m Q . ■

ROYAL SHOU R K P A IR IN a,'F . MEY- e rs . Prop, 130 2nd St. E . - r -

---------------------------------------------------------- - WAIDA IIO SH O E REPAIBIN O . JO E s

WnBHor. P rop. 218 Main N ortb. —— - — ------O H IEOPBACTOR. ci

' DR. S . C. WYATT. CHIROIJRACTOIl WA• a n d e lcc tric tborapy . O re r W ool- k

■ iTortb sto re . Phono 4C7.


, .0 . C| lU L U OVER . CLOS BOOIC ^^1 Store . Pbono 07; R es; 13GB.

Jam es R . B othw ell—W . O rr ChapmhnBO TH W ELL 4 CHAPMAN . ' _ i J

W oods Bldg. Room s 6. 0. 7. 8r 0, 10. i.*6 j

S W iro iB Y & SW EEUTY. ATTOR- DCjrs. Idabo P o w er buildinR.

„ ,W . L . JJUNN-rLAW ; p F P IC E S . RMW jfo J ^ 7 3 nna^t.»8 mltb-<RIa-biiHdlng. , n'


- RY E SPE CIA LIST —D li. W.m7D . KEY- »jno lds. 20D Mnln. N ext door to — G olden R u le .________________ POI

■ ‘ PIAW O” T U N I N O r ~ - -------ilPIANO TITNER. w

PIANO TUNER—a . O. HULL. ID YRS. -----■ Jn Tw in K ails w ith Clnudo Brow n KOI

Music com pany. Phono 96P o r S34W. ni

• M O N EY a o LO A K . _ ?. . AlUNEY TO LO A ^—D O N ^ if liw c w

th a t DiortjcaRC. Oet a federnl fnrm *'{■ ^ loan . F o r (\ir tbo r pn rtlcu l.irs cnll o r , '

^ w r ltn J . W. McDowell, T w in I 'l i i s . V.^ P h o n o C77J1._________• _______

MONEY TO I.OA N ’ ON FARM AND c ity property . Com pnny nml p rivato "* m oney. C. E . P o tto r. rea l csUite,

' Tw in Fnlls. , • '___________^ POp

FAUM I ^ A N S - C . 10 OR 20 YEAR Joans Qt tiVi% iDteroHtI No commU- slon. C.' D. T hom as & Co.. 128 Sbo* pQp shone W . ___o1<

• M A N S -F A R S I AND C IT T LOANS. ^ ; ■ T w in Fnll< Tl^to a ad A b strac t Co. p o

■ W A 2J m > . l i l f l C [ E t L i i S B 0 n i " J"'• m J ? ?oim '^^‘'c H i? } c S u S A f u i v ——

•'-bB rrin jt r t b ^ U ' f r o n l . l i t W e buy POR back you r in e ro u e . CblDcbllla Rab- »o b ll nnd F u r E xehonco. 336 FJr<t nv

- ’•■i. H IG H SCHOOL B 0Y :W A N T 8 PASS- r 'I ORC to G ale^ii Sum mit- o r S tan ley . L _

TBUMdny o r .P r l i la y o t th is wock. Phooo 964W. . . c l

WANTED — L A D IM ’ T iS x )R IN C and dressm nkin* . Call C Sifr. Mr*. Cam eron.. . ' y ___' . ------------

- G E T YOUR S n E A J tf 8 IL U tP E N I':D -'^ T p e r t srJod lnc . Id ah o D arbcr — LShop.____________ ._______________ TOR

W ANTED—NO. 1 H ORSES TO PAS- , tu re . Pbone B17R3. P a tr ic k Wynn- f o r

W A N T E D -F O R O E AND A NVII^ 1-4 _ 2 ! m ile nouth ro ck c ro sb e r. Jo h n MU- p lA f

'■ _ l e r ;___________ . • _________■ CASH PA ID F O a A L I ^ KEC38.. OK FOR

, ; . pouUfT. IW 4 tb »ve. -W. in to n e SSO , 481

.‘ ‘ TW IN F A L L S . JUNK, H p i K ^ M C T .. a ls . rubber, bide*. p«Tt>>%d fur*., _ _


iS * - F t r M lnldoka — _7:40 a . m . _ 5 ! :.'■ ■/ (Opanecta oM f s a d w est) p o B•! M - r S r B u r ie r «»d< ‘ —

Po c * te llo -------------- » l » p . K FOR^ - -<OeeB«et«.-«Mt> . s u

r l» —F t r BnM — — — 12«*- P. E n/ ■ y . ab- ‘ itm

m ^ V o t H o g w w a -to d B«iW t lk C ^ e v . ------- - l » U p . » . bed. a J o o , .W ed, F r i .) . , _ ----- -

A rr lraa fv)R.' m - T n a n a i i . -----------. lm

- - S z £ S S « s s ^ f ^ --SS O W f , T r n m , W V

' - tor,

ids in The Tii

I."’ , ' O lN T T -T A K E CA RE ,

- B l l l i l l l '

y .


p rodusnon—RcvenKO cctii them miro I'O nnd quick—sood on Iiorii to o ," Kroo i i iiainplp. U nrrow I1;qo. .Seed & SujJ- ply Co,. Twin Kails. :

SPECIAL C inC K SALE Tiii.ri WKEK. m Unrrcd Rocltii.nnil R. 1. Rinlii, »i*,Prem-lit o r fu tiiro delivery. Phntiii 102». .\I. 0 . Cnnadn, <

m foD l” I s T ^ o l l E D l 'A N D T u ^ n 'lioni hnliy d ildcii n l .rciliiccil pricm , i ltlKK?*fn Q unllty H nlchcry.________ i

r o i . i:t o u t o n anA U ics l e o u o u n - J liiil.y olilckii. ' 'n iKiii'rl'ii Quulily Ffl lln tclii'ry . I'liomt C12J2. i

i.VANTi:D —" iV o a s r ^ J E U i* . !T w in l--nllB Ju n k Houbp, Phonu 79S. _

WANTKD TO UUY— LIVKSTOCK". ■S<flr Pae?!jHff P tan t. Plinni- sn s j} .

WANTED TO U m —ALL K INDS OK _ J cnltlo . Phono C02J4. J . P lynn. • q j ,

WANTED — POULTRY 0 7 A LL ! kimln. J . A- Flynji. P lione CQ2J4. ;

FOR SALE—1000 EW ES AND FEB - — ru n ry lam bs. A rth u r I* Swim.

PASTURE TOR KEW'^MORE HI2AD ; Ot cuttle . K lagsh iiry C om er. I

WANTED—POUI..TRY. IL C. HUN- BA tc r . Pbone a03W.___________________ I

r o R SALE-SBTTING HENS. P lIO N i: I B l C j a . ' _________• —

F O E BE N T ^P t u r ^ u B N T ~ ^ : ^ ^ i i o c s e k b E S K o . . .’

nUiirtinOniB, to m p le le ly rum iabcd Sor IlKht hbi»el(nr>p)}]jr. T » -o am! ,th reo room s, closo In. hnd low raten^ ___by weok or m ontb. The Oxford, 428 _ | Main N. ■ - ■ PO

i'OR R E N T -T W O MODl'IlN, KURM- IInliod niinrlini’ntH__ for coniplciii ___liouHvhrcnlnc. CIobo In. HoaMiijiilili^ ko Minn Cunningham , 32K Bhonhnnn | wcnl. • , ^ ]

POU RENT—KURNISIIED APART- jTq m cnt. 3 room s nnd. nleoplng porch.

' Bnncmcnt npnrtm cnt, 2 la re e roomo. ~Phone 3 G 7 J .____________ . I'O

^ R RENT — TWO FURNISHED - J houPokeiMtlni; room.i, outnldo rn - FU trance . C40 2nd Avo. No. Phoho — 484J. • FO

rU R E E ROOM FU R NISHED A PART- t m ent fo r runL Bunculow. A part-m enls. Sccoo<) a iy n a o cn»L j,

^ )R . RENT—80 SH A Ri:S , TW IN ■'.J ^ t l t f Cnnal Co. w ator fo r th e sen- ''

son. Swim nnd Com pyiy.______

'O R REN T — FRONT DRDROOM, " e lec tr ic bent, 'nlno Koo'l saraRo.CUufi In. Pbone 1309. ____________

'O R R E N T — HOUSUKEKI'INO ^ foomn ovor C liy Cafe. Soe II. IJ. ^ Johnnon o r c n l t 900. • .,J

O R RENT—FU R NISHED IIGUSIJ* ^ koe p 'n e room. Modern.- C02 M ala’ nve. N. ‘ . »

FUKNISHliD A I'A R 'rim N T S FO R ; ^ rent- O aa^ H r a q . Pbone 071.

•OR R E N T -F IV E ROOM FURNISU- T ed. C. D. AntI»r«on. H u n t J e u c lry . ^

O R REN T - . FURNACi: HEATED room, a lso irariiKe. Phone 1033.

OR R E N T -C UOOM HOUSE, C I .B * : n . ■ Inqnlr<i C ity P a rk G rocery. p

UR.N1SHED AND UNFURNISHED hoiincg. G e tle rt Real EMnte.

OR R B N ^ O N E APARTMENT IN ___B enoit F lata . Pbone 124^._________

lANO TO -RENT—8 l i ^ \ C L -\m )E f ' D.rpwn .MOsIc company.___________

OR RENT—nO U SE K E EPIN O RMS. ^481.M alrt »T»Mg..W. . _____________

UUM AXU » o x i r D --i ; i '7 tu Av r . - - * * n o rth . .Pbone SW< H

F O B S A L E r ^ ^ '^ M O B I L E a l*Al OR . s A i^ - - iw iD ^ - c o u p e T ^ 'g o o o r,eondlllon. » IM : cheap a t th e pHcc. — L, M. 8 mUb. F»ec . - MP

5R ^ l ^ F O R D TRUCK 34 MOD- o e l.-P boaa aW J2. . > : ^

OB SA LK .-.U ISC E L & A N S0U 8 h^

3 R ' ^ l i — ST A TE ~ IN8 PECTCT S tra w b erry p U a ts . -P tpK »«*lve . pi E rerbaa rl& c a n d 'M a d e O em t. a .— »m ttedJH firpIyor Birrb«nk-«nd .Wrf» ^

bed. Phone S 3 7 J^ . .•

)R SALE—SPLEN D ID BOOKKEEP.- la s O urroBxbs sd d ln c m acb lM la gTR * 0ffd.j:p«dl«on.__U *2d o n \ : ^ few on n o a th a . l& qnira a T 'T fa i ir f l tO e ro r ~ ru phona 3«. »«. . e r

JR -8 A IJ 5 -1 POTATO CULTIVA- mi to r . .p b o a e U l& U L -wi

imes Go Into

O O N T e f U O M G ? ) j i f f e v n M O T 6 0 .

<! 'k C & N o n i TAK.1N '(l-t - CARE. O P A B IR O

M L ’

FOR SA L E -.M IS C E L LA N E O U S/c)v)llni')ci)j

Ifci'iT. s a u : . — n io 6 i ,v M A iifa 'i 'ici ranff-: 2 l»*aVy‘ s»-liii;lh‘i; hp lfo ri: ‘■■WhllL' I.eKliotiifboniiJillolinrt Hiiyo:i,

I'A mllti! w.!iii .sonili I’nrk.

KOU S A L ^ — HOME COMFORT i;ruDKa, K .m a cupboard , ch lld ’n folil-

lii'K cni't nnd Intn pinyor plnno, rolln clionp. 23(> 7tli nvc. E.

TOR a A L E -H ,\N D PlClCtCIl I'litInK iiolntooM J1.2G li(>r mi(;k. Af-‘o hnnd p lr l^ d nom hcoiI ^wtTitt/L-!:........ion. Plion(< nir>ii:i.

FOR •.’ B A L E - rn A r r iC A L W - 'i^ E W Coliunliln Criiplitinoln. 31 ri'CdrdM. or Irmle for »:ood nliot KUn. :!3C Clll uvenuii norlli,

KOU SALI>-U.S|.:i) I.AWN MOWEH?. uliit) nnod Knrdcn lioni'. Twin I-'nll'! Jim k HnUsf. .1C4 •Uh Ave. Soutli,- Ph^nc T!)n.

G i : : ^ U R PR IC ES ON lU N Q K BO H ^ cr hcatoni nnd (urnaccH dlnplnycd nt 13S Snd Ktrcot c ast. Orlzoo MotnlW orks.______________

TOR SA L E -ST RA W BE RR Y PI.AN’l’S —ProRrcsBlvo evorbcnrln*: nnd InrRc AnnunI Gemn now rondy. P h o n ;S4gn3. ,___________ ,

BABY CHICKS " a n d CUSTOM hntchlnR n t rediicvd prlcpH. RIk* Kort'H’'Q u a lity H nlc lio ry .. PliounS42J2.___________________ _________ __

BATTERY »9.96 cx. fo r 7G% of car*. E . O. H avens B a tte ry M fg.'rom pnny, Twin F alla, Idnho. fhone.p jC W .^

W u rS A L E -S B C O N b llA N D ELEtN ^^f^icjsyw litni; mnchfn<-. IC5 T cn(/i

FOR SALE—A I.L KIN D S OK GAU- den pinnlii COc jH-r hundred up,V.incc. ______________

K 0 irS A X E = 4 “ GOOD—USED - 31x I llrcH. Tw in Falln Ju n e Hou;.p. 1-lione 7!)5--__________ _____________

TOU s a l e —UAUY IJUGGY USED « -nionlhiu Chonp. IfiO WnidilnKlon N.

Ko r s a l k —GOOD h a y d i :l i v e u -cd: nlita-Jn 1112-J.

n tL L E R BRUSHKS, f llO N E T228W.

TOR SA LE—w h E A T . P IlO N E r.lSJl.


movlnK lo coun try . KOod m odern homo, flno locnllon. P riced rlKhi to r quick nnlo. Term n. Plione 7pC:

FOR S A L I> -FIN E 4 ACRE .TRACT, nmnll pnymem dow n nnd bnlnncc

.m onU ily o r w ill ta k e good used cnr n s.dow n paym ent. Pbone-C03R3. .

TOR SA LE OR WOULD LEASE a ' reelRtercd P e rche ron ftu d . Can-l>e| seen n t » r r o o i » ’ c o rra l. W rito H-

: .q. W ln k l^ ^T w la . F a l ^ ^

S O R ^ .S A L S ^ - ro o m ' m odem bouse . ; ' w ttb ■ l e « ^ ^ ^ r g | f t ' ^a'rago; i ^ U

^ r ' - S A L E ^ M S ^ J i ^ I R A B L V . ;

In. W ltl s e U '^ ' f i r ^ ac rcs . Pnco*l ^ B h t fo r quick sale. Term n If deslr-

ed. - -Phono 1215-_______ .

FO B TBADE.K m H t j r o u T R ^ ^

FViUs p roperty . 320yflcrea Innd 00 m iles ennt o f D ertftr . Phono-4D7RI

. o r see W. P . Beshears. S

. M ISCELLA N EO U Sn A S T r a r ^ s r N i c n H r T i A r ^ .

cured the n r e n o ' fo r th e Grecl.ift j H eallh Cor*t nml w elcom es pa trons ,old and new. Phono 1347W.________ .

J55 REWARD FO R T H R A PPREH EN* ' slon and convlcllon o f th e part>

th e IB m y store . .H arry A pplebanm . MurtaQKh.

IJ^DY . DRIVING EA ST D E S lR tS pasaenser. R eference* cxchanced. ^Phone 1249J. —_______________ _ a

MPROVED T ^ 'PE CAR AWNINGH. I2.W p e r pa ir. Llml Automobilo '

• Company. , - . j,O&STLE SADDLE H ORSES FO R f

h ire . Phene C61.____________ ' <

WANTED TO • B tn r - F U R N I T tJ R ^ Phona W l . . . - - — r r c - ?

— i g M » r - A * ? D - y o r o n ) _ — . -TRAYED—O N E *'''''3A lC ir'‘~DROW N Sm are, ball-faced . lonR m a ae .-w e lib t e 1400. shod. P hoae 4!>7ni. *

5T R A Y E D -I BLACK MARE. STA R • on bead, w t. abo u t UOO; aUp rb o d . h

'm 4 fl6 'B ~ tn c l je i t o t r t - l - s r e y — o cr«aito colorwJ aaddle ixiTse. 1 aboe r oa . r«M:bed m aa* . S tray«^ Sdfadav » momlaif.*W rHe o r phoa* M. F ia i» ^ « woHh^.SlORL ttuHL'ftewaiKL. . —

■ T w i j r m i E g ^ a a i i T T r r M g g : ^

0 the Homes o' B RIN G IN G y ]

» 1 I F T H Itl e ta P H A M T r OE^CtOE^j . I ■ ^ o ; h o n w A'aV 'I ■w o n d e r .- I B > -IF /U i C Q P TM IN K .S » C O U U I? r i


IS SITUATIONS ^... FA-MILV Of-’ fi WA.ST.S WOUK J I*- hi'cl floldn f l r nny (iilior ft-ork, cou::

U y of town- Ailcln.-nn 107, c a ic T u l: Knlln DnIly -Tlini-ii.________________

~ K IltST OI-ASSj:OC)KS, .MAN A N I, \ IT - wlfi! wnni riiniii oi-'lKmiiilliK liou:<i ' ll- 361 3nl AYI’, Knsl.

W AN Ti:b-K A UM \VORIC- GOOD II!— rlKiilor; Ray llnk<T, EdcD., Idnlu- v't JJox 75.

•1!. YOUNG WOmI?N W A N - i^ " 0 F i^ r i n wurk- K. V.. n irv f in...,..-__________ 1

W nlU li-W A N ’l‘H-W «»imr-^PHONK-l5fii-

In ~ r a i f l A I J S ~ H E L i v v [ ^ ^ ^ I_ WANTED—G lin . ii'O lt ^ lo N K R A !;<}_ lioUHdWorlc. I’hrmi- /;r.!W. v

'l r -KOU QUICK 's i\u - ;: i?f-:Asi: a m '; «

— ' fur'iiliihlnKn of nionilni; houKe. Gnm' n I/- ne t Incomo. W ill ncc«|)l nniull cn.n t nn pnrl pnymeni- Monnco Renlty Cii 1

r! l i O N r w o M i is ■ . — . - ■>

Contlnur-O Kruiii J’.ijfe 1 llm r. You cnn enrn n «linre of tlip Jj

' Kcnnroun profltn hy lo.oklnB n f tr r rrnew nl nubHcrliilltinn fo r The TItm'n In your v lclnlly nnd hy itecurhiK

. . . new nOhncrltnloiin rnr tliln nen-K- r*. imiior. n fnvorltn In countlrnH hom<! j ly, Klnco It -wnn ontiriillnlivd In tn n n .' j

I M '" »'"> ' ' " ' " ‘ V s', ' j l t n nnd women a re , nredod In '•very jmrl n f-the rJiy n«d Kiirro-jml- a

’ InR country to h r l |i tnko cnro nf j _ Ihe trenu'mlniin hiihlnenn Ihnl'H 9 ll. comlUK. I t makCH no d iffcrcncc how . -M- little 'tim e you hnvp, .xo lonj: nii you .\

hnvo nomo Ilme, eomp'-niintlon for j— evrrj'one Ih llie founilnllon of thl* -S

circuliilfon liullclInK ciimimlKn. .‘Stnrl- lnR \ wltli n iinnrnnteecl rnnh com-

__ mln»lon- of ti-n p r r cen t nf ynur^ HulmcrliUlon cnllrctlonH, If ynu fnll

>■ (o w(n n Kirr. nnd condntifne on u[i ^I .’ throuKh n innmniotli Kift 11*1. whlcli 'It- IncliidoH Ihrco c.iiili jirlzcii of $100,ooty

j?nch. lhe SS.OOO Klfi IIhI culm lunici— In hiK henniltnl ..au io inn liltri vnlucd j, ’• nl $1,020. $1,OSO, .^$1.0S7. nml • on j

up 10 Jl,74f... " . ■ ■ „J . Il Ih for linnrRi e ffo rt well <‘X-

[tended Ihn l^h lii iiu ipcndoiin 'c lft lint —. Ih offered tn tho iicoplo of Twiu ^ ■S Knlln-nnd UiIh le rritn ry ; E very o n ' ^ ■0 of tlic' -KlftH llnlccl nre w ell w orth • ' ■'t th r lline nnd w ork II' t.ilf'd lo ne- ^ cur<> tlieni- E very pnrilc lpnnt Im ■

coinpvnii.nti-il. Elnuwher-.' In HiIh hisue you-w ill find a iiaKO announce- meni of the Dnlly T im es’ J8.000 Free . GIfi DiKtrlhullon. An Inquiry will

-i-ibrlnB ynu fu ll deinlls. “ The offer - A In now. It’s Junt ho tn r nnmiiinc'-'d- " w |T h e field Ih unw orked nnd will he " >t frultfHl iJje pxtreinn If you hnve • '

some Bpn* tim e , you can devote lo - r he lp lnc lh - Ikilly ,Tlme.n handle nil ?; thin husineim which In he re simply V wnllluR lo he calhored. T he rew ard Pf *• IH nure. Clrculntlon CnmpnUn H end- «1 querter* nt The Tim es' offlcr m e Wi K open dnlly from !» a- n>. to 8 p . m. « le The telephnne fium ber I* 38. W

----= = ---- 1“— - GlassineJ Adtertlsements j,';S Too L a l i For C lassH lM llD ii i»

' S T O I.E N -I-\S T n i g h t 'IH .A CK . AND— Kreen hlcycle No: 40tf«48, Iver John- • '

sen . Notify Peter* Shoe Shop. 217I: E ast .Mnln- R e w ard .________ . '

" FOR HIGH GRADE HOME .MADi:»• cakes call AU ord ^ Molt-_________e r

r TOR SA L E -X S T E R . CABBAGE, CET,- Ifp ery and tom ato p lan ts, any tim e ex- •£

J cept Sundays a t Spackpi^n 'ii.'

~ IDK r L V k b i ) T x u a TO COAST I ^ I S v Oa>t«a 7MM® QUEBEC C I T t Que.. May 10—Com-

inander>^le Plnedo. four-contlnent avl- Btor. o t Rome, hoppei! o ff h e re Joday s'"

I for S h lppeian Island, o ff th e north- B e a * te n r t lp o f th e I 'ro rln ce .o f N e* ”

[4lniasw lek. Ho w ill refuel th e re be- '■* : foro hla f llsb t to T fepasaey Bay. New »>« I Found1and.*Whlch 1* th e la s t American “ P

po la t b e w in touch bafot^ (he (ra m - I oceanic tr ip to th e A*or«*.

N______, f o y r i ; r ! ' . a c j i i f i l h <Mr t r a i t s T i m 10'

• — DO/SBr— f< U * e r-^ a y — 4 * - O W « #• Sheriff Coleman le ft Boise th is a n -t e raogn - fo r - M aontaln m i i i e . nedt, •>-

w h e n ■ K oU n c a r baUniriaR to I t ©J— R ichardsoa of BoUe waa found wroCk- *-< t ed and reported lo bla beadQ oartera pai . b m h r ta ii*boo» -)« feu th a t .search < r o t lb* v k J a J ? o f-tb « jjb tid « a t failed to k ll i> reveal traca o t t b t an toaw bll* th la rea Uy f w ho a r* to h av a b e te b u r t. ate ' H o . a a d . - J f l f f , f » n c p C . : . g t o c r a sta

of the Peipai]. y P F A T H E R r - ; ■ -

H E 'f - JU S>T A -M IM U T E - v o u \ / t i C O T r t ty •W H fSK E R

I D A I L Y ]\/

W H E A T P R I C E S SUy RM 'lV .nth W., TORMKV 1'■

, I'n lied l’r<->s Slnff, riirri-Hinindent. ■> CHICAGO. Mny IU.—Wli.'nl iirU-i'nif'

M-ere nhnrply lilijlior In n nrrv»iiK.|,_ nnd r rrn tlc ninrkrt, nu llie . Chie:ii;o; ” lionrd o f’ T n id " lodny. T h rre wnn nM '

_ w orld nf.. <-ri>|» nnd w enihor lu-wnl t'oiiiiirnod'"’n:' • Iniliiiiii.- n'lTd ll-adlui:' 'vnn very nctlvr, w ith tln-^pnwer In i nn iiiirnnr uuihI of tho iiesiiliin. • I T.

I Forol>:ti driiianil for cnnh i;rnln i: wnn h e ller w llli xnleM In n ll inml- o

- llonn rrpo i-f 'd nl sr,t),ono,000 huidirln. /ncIndlnK ilnrnvHiln ii whenl. Tho canh jnn rkei wnn stronj; 1<

i> nnd lc higher. * i>Henvy rninn tliroii;;h Mlnnrnotn. $

lown. Mlitsourl nml cmil throuKh lhe Ohlcr. vnlley led lo ^ehornl biiyliiK il

T of enrn a»;nl». prlceii ndvnnclnc V ‘} $ g Io He. Cnnh d'ininnd wnn rc|iorled* fnlr overnlKht. w iih prlcen 1 ,lo IVjc .- ldi:her.

Oats alno partlclpnlod In the Kon- i. e m l m lvnnce, w llh .p rice s ncorluc «’’ lictlor Kaliis lh^^n for some thue. • nr provlKlons w ere hlR lier.. nT F u tu res rnnsed , a s follow s: ti~ Open. IIIrIi. Low. Clonr, \'■ W HEAT— e?- Mny ....... H3Vi 143‘ 142% »2%

Ju ly ....... 13KU 13ll?4 137% 138’fcSepl .......

n COR.N— . • ■ .I- Mny ........ M l i SR«r '•f J u l y ....... 90% U3 00% 91% 5H Sepl 93>4 f)5. o:iU . as%V OATS— . $II .Mny - 49U liO 49Uir Ju ly ........ 49 -; r.0>^ 49-% r,o"■Sept ........-<40% 47;i, 4(5% 47U j,

•' n iK 'A fiO (’A sil OR,\IX.I' . CHICAGO. Mny ID.—W henl—So, 1 j " red. | l ,4 4 U : .No. -J red . »l,‘4Ci4: .No. f 4, »1,40H-l[ C o rn -N o , 3 yellow. 87% ©90..; No,

'yollnw . sx>,.i.{?8S’/4c; Nc.-.5..,.y'illo“ - S 7 ^ c : No. C 'V ollow ,-8»rcf«"c; No. 4

mixed. H7'/408Kc; No. S mixed, XS\i ” WS7',4c: No, 3 w hile, 9f>»',c: No. * j.

while. S7c: No, f. wtiU”. S7®87'.ic:■ No, fi w hile. fifiVic; nnmple. 7f.e,* Oiits—No, 2 while. M ffiM c: Ni>.. :i ’ “ whllo. '49fl'I>2e: So. i w tiltr, 4 « ,' ,, ; i l r ; *oinple, ,44»6 « i4««, . j,,

l)n r(ey-« i;jiU 4c.Timoiliy—Jtfii'r..2fi.

” ' <riover-'530fll'nc. •

; .PORTL,VM» WHEAT. u, P O R T J^.sn i. Ore.. May H .- H a r d n . .While.. $1.C7: SOU > W tc , $1 .48 :,weul-

e m wblto. 11.48; Ju tfd w in ter, j,; no rthern . sprlnB. 11.48; w estern rrd . j'j

»l.'4fl. ______ M

CHIf'AOO’.L l'P I^M O rK . stC inC A Q O .'.JItar 'I’t-'C flW ® — Re- 9*

oelp li, -SlpNn- fed \ a ^ v e ;»tT0n K : ; f tW ^ h1» l» r f / iu K lie m and wt W elih tr:< u S « 2Se hl£hb)f; bM t b«nvy «t

$1i-7C; Bcallni; Aronnd ir.00 b(Mada; fo « ; loads ,I» 0 1 3 X O ; tome 'TS^PO aadl»tiT«raees a t la tte r price; lotiK yoarllnKii *12.65: medUmi a iic rs ce vory sc a rce ; «o<vJ tm d lo jt on yenr- (f K acs: a n d ' ibo -stock ; bglls lOOll^c 3S hiKher; hoav>- medium bu lls » 7J6« ‘ 40 7.40; veale rs SGOGOc low er; hlddlnp S9OI0 on llRhl vealet<i. dl

Sheep — RecelpU , .i4 .0oe: b « tc r 28 arnde s p r in s lathbs In fa lr iy active is dem and, about steady wJih Wedner.-day ;'c lip p ed lam ba opened ve ry slow. 23nround SSc low er; California sprlnclamb* to k ille rs aod ah lppera. S17.60: hep acker to p JI7.C0: few native sprfoc- dae rs up to $17; desirab le clipped fcIam bi, elU lb le a l I M ttW iO ; asklOR h rup to $14-76 fo r best o n s a le ; sheep ici SEesOc- low er: heavy ewea •b*fd«tnm ove; few l&O to.ISO P o u n d » ; |7 iJ lle t n

Hoca — R eeelp ts S&OOO; m arket rom ostly 10© l6c h U b er ; biK packsxa aaba linnc ' o u l; to p IIO-OS; bu lk better ctlcra tle TM ito SOO-poUad a%-eraxe«. n i$9.75010; 210 to ,240.pousd welfiiits n | $9.«SO10; 2fi0 to 355 pouifds. $>J5(?“ >.«5: packlni! sowa taoally $8.SOOL$^:best a lau eb ter pbc*. $».350»-«S: few ;up lo $>.76. —■

K A 58AS CITY LITESTOCS.' Jo! liANSAS CITV. Mo', May W .- $7.

H o rs -R e e a lp ta . 7600; m a rk e t nw stly sc. I ttS tO e h J f h * r r $ * .« -O B -l» -u » - l$ 0- w . j?onfld a v a r a w ; ISO- to SM-pound $ t,

$ l-»oe9-46; ^ to 2fi0 p o n a ^ 7.7 $ s - ise s ,< 0 : l U to 200 poands. K -U die «> .»$ : 130 to 1»>.<S: M to U « pounds, caip a e k la r m w K « :-7 i» S 4 0 . c al

C a t t i * - R w A J tt . 3P00; m arket: kllllBK a te e ra 'n o ^ lS c b U b e t j f t iUy o thM elaaaaa a taady: beef ]■ te« n .-> 7 -M O U -U : yM rilng ^ aa t a m i ^ / M f e m . $ M 0« » ^ ; . b e e f , k

r a t t e r , a s d co tter | 2(

' • . ■ ' ' . ' o '

iient Earning (

\ ^5^'C .JlC .C .'b•^•O u.^ I.• , i : i E v o u r c i ;o f ' 'v w i

E R ‘='- C iC A R - v o u BT-T------./ A M ' T A I.K T O Uirv

I O O rH T aV U M K

W "' ; J iit^



IrowK, Vi-nkTii. > 7 ^ iil;hrnvy nilveK. JTTi'K; hillk ntnek aii<l fender :i(lierii. niiUe.

..)_ Heec'liilii.. "itno; m;irl(i.i;iJ tiietiil}-;' hulk .!i(ii'lnu latuhn.;,jifi,fiii; h:iiii .fill i-H^i. $i;.:i:.-;7i:.7.'-,. v

c t------------- tli ;l» K N -l .t\T y i'O C K .-----------sIII on iiK N . Miiy - ........ . .S

Ir>a2:; mnrket loe hli'.ln'i': nie'lliiin .o j n noricl il'rlve-lii-i innHlly $1H; p a n .e a r , II .- o f 217-poiin'l welnhln nt flil.lo , |!1 1. C nlllr Uei-i'l|il!i, 4'i: o.hl ln(.i o! i; <! It) I'otvii fH.rjiifjir.'r.; .1 /;1: hind (If KOoil Lnyiiin. l.'inli, leil ;.yi-

iionnil nlc-er!. d lrre l to l<.c;il lilll.T,.. jj I. $9.40. • 1.e Slirei) ....... UevelpU, *SfiO; a fev,K ilrlve.In 73-]ioun<l* lo'fln.': Ininhr. j. i $13.r,i).- • * - ■ sll — _ «

I,(IS ANfJKI.KS l-D rTTnK S.— * •„ LOS ANUKt.ES. l.’nl.. Mny I 'i .-S n n ,,

• DIeco ucw -hlnck .Vo Jn. iiinnlly ;i9i q 1: <ific V rr pound. Cnrlot^nnlen Wo.l- “

ncndny: Snios from n lorni:r Idnhn J; nnck*>d runnrtn U. S, .N'o. 1. $4; »nle;i C lo Jobbers: Oregon snckoi) llurhnnlix S

'' i;. s . No. 1. $:i,40: W nshlnRion nnck- T eil ruxnelH U. S. No. 1, $n.40. T

i --------- Tj* ' UK-NVKR LIVESTOCK 0*. - DJiNVBRi- May, lO r-C alU o - r r - l l '- - B , c e lp ta .;COO; m a rk e t n ie n d y ;' .,hccf y nt<'ern, row* nml M ti- tK jj $G,MffJ9.7r.; cnlv'B . $7CM3.r.fl; feed- n

‘ < rn nnil Bloclirrn. |7.CUfi u.Tfi: hulln, .S . $5,7507.26. , 31“ Hokb — Recrlptn, 2i)on; irtnrkei C , irtondy: lop. $!i.Rr.; hulk. w‘ plKH. $g®10, L

• Shi-i-|i *- RecrlptB, ISOO; iMiirk-'i weak t» 16c low er; ellp|i<'.il Iniiih--,

1 $ r j& n ,7 r .: »pi-lnK Inuihfi, tir.iTi Ui.7.‘.; C '■ ewen. $C«rT. . L

--------- TUOSTON WOHI- a:

: UOSTON, May 19-—T i r mni ko i\ » , nieady nn<l I h rn " In innre hiiulnesii T j dohlR wllh mlllH owluc tn ih r fact C . Ih.'ii prlcen In the locnl ninrket nro Ji• helow n pnrily w lih forvlun imm<,elr. jj

Som e fine 'nm l fine uh-<IIuiu le rilm ry p, wooln. InrKoly of th r PVenrh eo in l- t ' Ini: -clnn^, nohl a t $1.04> < l.i-r. e lran

Kllll notile thr<-e-<-(f}ifh^i Mood nold ul SSfiKKr. _

OMAIIA ‘ U V i;sf(iM 'K .OMAIIA. , Neh.. Mny. in .-C n tt le — f«

, Ri-cclpin. 4500; m arkc l: iiironK. i n i '' l5 c h leher; o rnrllnK B , .,$7,7'.<MI.21!: * - s tcors, $8©13; cowh nnd hrlfcr.i. m

$4.2fiW10.S8: nlockrm nnil feeders,' $7.26Jfln; cnlv-ii. $0,60JM3; hulln nnd W'

fttnss. $6,6008.60. . . clH oks — K ecrlpls. flfion; m arkni. ,

stro n e . lOOl&c hlKher; hulk of u lc n , $K.86O-9.60; lop, $9.66.

S h e e p .— Rocelptn, O W O;'-hwrket. *■' Ulcnily^ fnt lomhn. $i4&>l<bC0: evres. »626«8,50: feeilcr lam b*,'.$12^14.50.

' . r iiK 'A tJ t) i ^ o n r c K . ' CHICAGO. May 19-—B utler: Ro- •

celpts . 8204 packnses;. cream ery, 39^4 (^ 4nc: Jttanihirils, 4 li^ ; firs ts , 3 7 9 38H c; sccouds. s t e s c c ; ex tras, 40<ic., . • ■ • ■ '- E r r s ; Receipts, 24,008 cases; o r- '-

d lnnry. 20«?20^4c; rx tra fIrsU . 2 3 0 28H e: firs ts . S : e 2: ^ c ; seconds. I9 H c ; ex tra s 25>/ic.

Clieeke: Twin*. 22*4c; A m ericas. 23c.

P ou ltry : Receipts. B c ara; fowls. .- hen\-j- 22>,jc. llRhl 23H c. sprinRS 40c; ducks, henvy eSc. spriotrs 30c; ireeae. !. 16c; tu rkeys . 23c; roosters 13H c; ll hro llera IH <0 1% pounS* 30ft3Sc; le cb o m b ro lle n . 22028c.

Potatoes: A rrl'jC n : 41. new 6S; on i; track old. 170; new 103; In . traaaR

^ n dsacked m m t a . $4.7S; Alabaifkft arfcIN 1 c l B U /^ r lu m p h a . tS © U 5 ; T esaa Bllaa T flnm pha $S05.1G: Texka aack- i eil BUsa T rium ph* $5; aweeta, $ 1 0 2 . 1

rORTLAXD llT E S T O rK . . J PORTLAND. O re . May -U .-rC atU e -i

—T t e M i p t s . ^ tona of au rk a O i ateady; s t l ^ eood E i^ e , M . t f 9 -ii 10.19: m edium . $8 .5009 .2^ eom m oa J 17 .2(08.50; .c an n e ts a n d c o tte ra . -H SC.S0O7.Z5: h « fe ra . to o d . *7 .1*0 - fl

n « d lu in . $ tM 9 »^it-€Omaaea S9JS: TMdlom a ad com m oa. M -M O 1 ] 7.7S; beef co v a. cood. S7.S80S: n e - | dInm a ad com m oa. » « J tO T J f i; c u « < ;< ae r* a a d c n t ^ ttO « 4 & : M la . * canao ra a a d ^ bolocna, »& 0«JO : U l caivea. medium s a d ehoiee IM ponnda (m dow n - n o i O ; ;M ur~ tt0 p e s a f a . mitt0 .E «O U .S0. wc

H oc* — R acalpta. <B0; n lBtMdy; m td lom . good, 1 « » ^ Iba.. U l lO A e u i S j - S O e . t o .SSO .. poaaaa . m f l 9 M 9 i U S : S M .ta SSO in a a d t . m S l

riiosB • ,Uasses 38— By. M cM anus

J l i t'.l.r-.PHANjT 'wi|r;:!<.i;Ll':^> -%*j'i'l'i-

r-TTf.i-N c o i - ' . r iDOvJN u irv ;, 1 ii:r< o : ^ n ’ -.4 K W O ^ ^'^T •‘b ^ l A , t - l £ ‘

[E P O R T S '


f lirv i.M J I’UICKSWlM.-al. .N.i J nr l . . - i h ' i ................. $1.11

SrC A R— Stirtii-: !p'p-..|----- J7.C2:i, .Sn iar. ..,n \- $7.'/2 .« VlIflUIj'CK I illh i li- rf ; .! ...................................::Kfi-nc

j!!uil<-r ...... ....................... ..................40c ■'>! i;;:t;;. <-:i'.li .......... ......... IGc-■ C.'kI.' I. • r c1- n r . i . ’K K hs AMI v o H i.a .

Henvy Ik u ;,. 4'/j llm. nnd up ...... 1 7 ^I J rI i l hPiifi. nndiT -n.i Ihn..............._13oi.e rh o ru hrn» ___ •....... ............... ........ 5cCox ...................:...... --------------- - _G0SprlnpcM . colorrd ------------- --------- ICoSprlnRern, L echorn ------------------- _10o .llro llo rs, coiorod, 1>^ Sp 2 Ihs. _....16c U rollern, Ler.horD. IH lo 2 Ihu. _ l P o

*. Sfaifa ...................... ..........>------------- ; * iCapons, No. 1 ____ _______________ J3oCapons, No, 2>t-r:£r.—......................170

in S lip s — ....... ..........----------------------- J 6«i- T urkeys. No, 1 __________________ 27c

TiKkoys, No, 2 ___ __ —...... —....._ 20oTurlieyH. old tom s _______ -_ .__ .28oGecso .......... ......................................- l l o . j > ^

i> D ucka ....... : ..........................ef ■ [.irES T O C K . - ^I*. H osn. (nilcher. ow l. . ...^ -------1- Unun. h»avy ............................'..C'.6<?7yc“, Slecrn .. ....... ............. _..i______ _ 6 © 7 c/ .................................... '

M uuoo Z Z I........^...T ,»0L am b -________________ ;_________ lOo

. SK LLIIfti rm C K S *•C elery ____ ____________________ 170 •

. L e t lu e n ........................................2 fo r 25oT u rn liy . n e w ------------------------>:,_.10o.a irlo ln s te a k ______ . '.7’- ' »aA

ifl Round s t e a k _________________Loi-JSC .*11 T .boao atcnk ________________■I Croam ehoese ------

'■ Bacon, allced ------ ■ • aos *•>' P cppo ri, lb. ---------------. I fin" L am b cbopa — _ ,Ij lUtllskBj. b o n c h ___ _________

tfi’l l ; " 2 5 o 'imiiniiV up, $9.60(fl0.06: linrklnu. nmnolh nml rouali,- b ravy . $7(f!i; slniirthter plipi. $10.65011.15;

- ft-edern nml m ocker^ $11011-50. 'Shhrp ~ U cc c lp l^ 500; intffket:

w onk. low er; Inmhs. S4 pounds dow n, • " J. medium lo cliolre. $9 .50 ftll.60 ; cullsI sud coinmniin. n ll w elcb ls $8 0 0 ^ 0 ;II w ethers. $760«?l0: ewes, eommon to

choice, | 6ea.f.O .' - . 1— >


close .$ I J 5 H ; J u ly cloao .$LS7«.

. Chjwlie in C oiM '^ ■

T»AOE Eian?.


A JoU l nf* :0B liljcU I'd ionl Slu- Wlllli i ln a u w IIl'rcRcIvi- <U|iInniiiH u t (l>c .{tiincc com m onccnicru iixurclNM ut tlw O r- Mi.rK phGUm thonlro u l 8 o'clocfc loiiiKlii. Itonu A ll Jh in rcinllnfna for llin c»Mir- Himji; tnonloH conHflctocl w llli llio rm ifei-

- H nu o f iho documciiiit. U in rti*ro»fnim T m ik lit. «on.

711(1 prOKrnm will njinn w ith ;in T uylr ovo rtum liy llie hiKli ncltool nrrlii^n- ICIh'n

■ |rn iinili'r t l i r illrcctloii of I’rof; J, T . o rlu .■ Dnlnlirlilnn. Tlic Itrv , B. U nnoti lonc

w tu Klvo till!, Invijcntlon nnrl l>riir- w ruv •Illcllon. -T ln 'ro will !«• u’ Holrrtloii K. , liy, a qiinrtrlt-.- comi.Ohid, of U, H. virKlI SliuiBur. W uUcr Curlor. A. U. Ilcl- w jla i Iftiny nml L. L . Pu lrlck ; n ro rn i 'l w>tn

.b y lloilurlck 'WlBlit: Um lom m onrc- Jiiont ndilriiHii Iiy Dr. tlm irKr 1C. H l l Sloan. piiHinr of iliu (;onKrri:iiii'»iiil l A v c hu rch Hi Pocn l'jllo ; jiroi'rniullon of tho cloa* Bift I>y ll"nil;*lili IproAcnlntlon of Iho clnHH liy Mury | Itiilh KlHhor. hlnh ncliool iirlnM |i;ii.. * nnd prflKontnllon of d1|ilo,Miu» l>y ,J3. Cruliirno; o lialrinan of tlni Ijoun l; o f trUHloM.

I,UI or llo n .i r StH tlriils T ho . rollowInK uro ihy li<in'>r i>ln-

•/JrniJi to r tljr-c)n»» : • ,„ ,j ,Mory K nlhorlnt' Vrovont. ^ .u c c i l l 'l

A nn Jolm non." Siiniin Kllzulii-tli ’'I'-'- • Cluin, Cleono 'Colotnan, Mnrlnn nrilhl.

O ia rlo t lo H nrrln t Vojsel, KlIii MllclirJ K niox^r. M nrcrllft E m rlino - W ynn, \y a n l Nava Ln Pouno O I»h,'IM llh U. Jolm - non. D orothy M. D lnkeliirk rr, J,A lbe rt Kcofor, H uth liln lr Diirlinf;. Ircno -L oo ia H urnt. IJcwIh Jo iirs . ^ 01,1 , T h 6lri>ft U icy WflHon. Siiruh Vrrii v rii.li3 Lojvry, Srlccl'n Miiry ISulrii. lliiili r|,.],i y W lnonn CohJwcH. . wilt i.i

• ■ 'T lie OroditoiltiK Tho, to llow lns uro tli r Krmtimir'i: '

, M erlo It. AlvxiindiT, L<-on> MiirU- A ndm a. C hn rlo i P. A nilfm on, Kl «- pi."| s o r JJabcock, Murlnii Uiilrd. . i l r l r n May Btirnofi, Uromwoll. II. I)n»yi’. n rfklii Clltro rd U D oll. l/>i;nn M. lt(>lt«-vlll<-, uiHiti 1 H ow ard E dw in B orr. » K W alk rr wlik-h Bortiieh, L iittior It. Hk-r. Wlliiiii wmi hi H*1en UovorcombH. N olllr Liil’rrn l hntii h S laekbu rn ) Vloln Clm rlotio I lu ilc lirr. % F re d eric k Mnriilinll BrolU ford. .Mnry 1 A nn O ralliirord. M nranrci Moniuiiii B um * . R uth W inonn CoUlwcll. Amy H irr Lola Caraon. C lsono Colomnn. N nnnu iirclfri' V ivtnn Crydor. Kutli D liilr OurtlnK, A mlin Ju lln B llznbn li nnvln. D orothy M. for Hi D lnkolnckcr. Annotlii DouBlii-Tiy. o„ . K en n e th V. DouKlnxn. U oniihy Mur- jm U r cello Kdlllmt,. Solcclu Mary Nova L a Fniino OIbIi. Uilhy U rr4;l M l^ s tn , n u lh . Ellwihtlth Ihiw lcy.^ a n k J . HnyncR. Muriol D orolliy ,M»(J*lroin. E the l Ornco llcm n lim an . • ' RU aiell M. H erro n . W andn BIlM brili x i,p , H fi lb e c k , H a « l UicUlo H lnr*. H enry m .t|,o M. H Irab, I re n e Loom H urdl. H vlrn ron lln i K a th e rin e Jacky , E dllh R. Johnnon. c . Hm M arR arct' A nn Jolinnon. kowIh I’uul |nu ca Jones. . J . A lbe rt K rcfer. E lvin A.K elly. Nanoy A nne K d ty . noiioiliy i„_B: ' KcnHler. VlrRlnln ’ M. K lrkn ian . vi-hllp B lnnche KuykcndulInJ-VlwlB O. I.«lii«.'r.I ^ u r n L incoln. S a rah V rra I-«w -' m ro. ry . SuHon E llxabrtli M c C I n 1 ir. florn A nnrlto M uhnkrn. H "r'i> ''l Kniinii M eunlor. -.MadKC L eonora Mnl- HnH. Dunc.nn ll. Munn. f lu r a i

• N e l le ^ o o re . Sylvia Aiinr.ttii Mormm.N eonia^A K nca Nnvln. H ricn .Mar-, i v J Jorlo NCalc. nu rlliu Nowmnn, • l ln i rv j NU'Hsrn. I.onrtra 0>n;ln N lrlioU .'A l- E van Owimx. l .u r lll r I’a ik rr , L m 1i-T

,pheua OoilrldKP Nye. W ultlivr O. ' ' ' - I , , , , , ' , O dlerloh. V rra .Eva W ynn. ;,VC. I’lc rc r . M tihrl' I 'o r lr rf lrh l .W m a PotterT .Mnry 'K n lh r r ln r Pro'vonl. n r - iind M( Vllle n y m n . Jlrndalil. >r;iry Annn R eynolda ,-acrn lc llnu Mnry IMrlmiund, At <'

OlSSFLA^ S 192 7 I^IN D E R i:;;H

OF 1926 TH EFTii: _ IIOM.III

D arlntr n n n j la r j U h lrh ltr«iil(r<l In Takhitr nf WiMl (’n-nlr.l K\r»<-m.-ril „ v ,, |m La » t V e n n M i.nr) Mu n XoI lU r .,,- • e rw L ' . j

T h r r r r r J r t n of ili r prmrniHilcm » ( |. ciiic i lh e x rn lo r r la x s iil.iy. ••Jcjiini. Ii 'A tr"w ill l>e m ifflclrnt to p.iy fu r ......... .hua l nlfl of tin- Kr.-KliiatlciK <b>.H"rc) th e h lsh nrhool. w lilm ut tin- c trK ..- , m ent th a t m a rk n l th r rnlnlni; :in>l I«s- I n c o f i h r fund In li>:C. • Cincli

On t h r m o m ln c n f ir r a liirc rly ;ii- ,.,i ,;,i, Irndetl c laM play o r i;i;r, hmt p r n r n l c d It wnn found tlin l burKlar.i ,<i i , had forcw t ih e lr w ay Into ih r liUh achool by imlnc a Jimmy on a li<m' / M i v

^ I n d o v . had forced th e In n rr door uti-l I I 4 t tb e tw o doors on lhe vault. nn<l lia,) I J I - I ta k en tb e procec.lj. ani» n rv rra l r.iiiall ' fu n d i le ft Ih iT r for M fr kri-iilnK c h , t n lc h t. a e c r r s a t ln c nl>oiit ICuo.

A ftrr n nr.iroli for »i'vrriil iImm; li'- Iil'N> officer*. It. i:. I^ lc b lo n . p o iirr rlil, '. I'l- Cili w a* llpf>eU o ff b y j« . woman llu.T lii-. nln e ra l m en nnd a wnmim In a Im n v in (b r Cir> h e r nrlcblMrhcKHl w rr r a r t ln s sn'.. dLiun' k plcloualy. T b r Rnns mrmUrrx w rr r till tlr<l n r re a trd . T bt-rr wn* no r v l . lm r r the bnn

, agn lnu t tl i r womun an<l only r ir ru m - ir .11> I.r a tan tia l evldencii aca lnat th r mVn. In nff nn< th e COUmr of Inv rn tlsatlon It d rv rlun - lilm. " rrd th a t tw o of l>ir m rn w rr r wunt.-.i fo r h u rx la ry In th r * ta ir of W iisblns- .ton . W brre th ry ^ r r r U k rn n n d '.rn '. *•«to the pen llen itary . T h r loot h r r r v .U T lir ; n e re r recovere<l. , |« ib r 1

L a m r p.M ronacr th r nrrom l n frJ! ih i r f i r l a o d o th a r com m unity rn -op rra iioo -i-;i]<-< t lnibur*e<l thc ela»« for It* hravy lo«> o^-nii

-----M a rr ia ge Licenses ^" . 's . ,

-C arl K c l H T f f f M M - ' t t l * - l - n i l i , | ,. Af BobM*. and W llllnm lllnlnn-r>M {.,u-

aen . and Jenn ie of Tw in K'.ii;--. , ’______________________^ 3 t

rL A > T S■Pao*(M« a» lrr* . I I IMT b iir..irr,l: T h r w

c a b tn r e an<t tnniaK v* i,r r l,n;i. lo itn- id r rd . Ed V ai;c..,-adk-. " I ' ju J .

EXERCISES TO « M TONIGHT)lllliiin J . RnbcrlR. .Mul^lr KllMilii'th H moov. Illchard R. Holirrlixin. A nna g iirKnrct Siixon. S lu u r t .W , .‘<cntt. 0 in te r J . Shlimiiin. i:iiarlnll<‘ 'l /)iili)u . U mjirnin, D uioihy A llr r Sm ith, il. .-’ 9 iMiH Sm ith. W ajie r W. -rtnowv 5 S’ •nrso K. HpriiKiie. -Jr.. U wIh S llni- ; n. p i r i t - U Kiilllvun. llu th ChaHft lylor, Jariir* f.:(lwln’ T m r . I.ola '• ll'n Vunaiihdoln.—Ma* I t. ' Vtinaun- •In. Illrlm rd ilo m rr Vlclicrx. Chur- l|Ic I ln rrlc i VoKrl. IJiiRjiir MIiT'Kiii'rllo' ■„ I'uvrr. llodorhtk* 11. WIkIiI.' Elliot!■ WlllluiuH. Tholmii Lucy Wllnon.; ;l

rKlI l.c roy Wllnon, n c iiln h ’ Tlrllvji; yland. Murl-:-lle Em cllno Wynn

[O L S ¥lN liN ^ m TRIP ON

NEXTMONDAY i/fiJnr<'fti liri'i'ifrr.'i •>(rin'nil I'xniridiiii '

iirjn "Momlny tn leaviv the, rn n il UK? Ill and vIhU lirrdti ut lh '‘ lowhiK fariiui:, i;. ii.« Itpif.'.deiuan.Jls T rnck lnv lt. A. I f.'Jaa rdn . ,h". |iii: n l. Jii.ti'iih W e b r r . 'J f . . J. II.' I.i. » if tc r th r to u r II n irc llnu w ilt- , bn K d. I 'rrn lden i Dnvln of- Ib r ' SlnV' |k iHlrln iiKKorlation: I). 1.. ro iiti . • d da lryiiinn: I'\ \V. AtkoKon. ITiil- I'liy « r‘ Idilb .i: und it.’ i-:. K vn lv . d rrjiH'Hi'niallvi> or llir iiHiKx-iiiilmi ‘ ■ c u t/ ' .SrrMKK PHi;VKNTKD J,"'*

By UuKsd P r i i a repiK T iJO ir. Mli-h.. May I 'l -W o r l io i- ««» Ihr I 'rri- .M aniiirtlr lullrund iiutldn ln of Ih r nyiilom hnvr a n r r o ' t ____in a ll m ajor polntn In th r illHimio _ _ :t-ti/ilinnm iirrrljilialiH l u i.'irlkr. It T I JI Hliniiiiiicrd loday hy »iiokc»ini'ii of I PII HidcH. • * • '

v K iM iic r IS u n t K n ’KD t

H rrc trd v',-nt|ct fn r p la ln llfr \va:i rri 'd In ihr.raH i- of Mnim' nKiiliini ilinmr r l a l. Involvluit . itiiri llr.'i

Ih r llulil Olid I'Vllii.WH ti'xlu.- Ill l . r rloHi' of i-'Hilmiiny loilny. wlu-n in»; 1

Icr W. A. llntyni-K K ranlrd itii' »ml ' H on. or ilo lhw rll & t'hiiiniiaii In “ ''I '’

can r iJinn

n o w .MI’CII A T JIL K T trS . h e re will bo innny alh lo lle drlllN Hmr tho c lllzen 'a tn d n ln e eumpH. ue- Thi illnc I'o w ord r rn d v rd Iiy John jnijnn llnrvpy who rriiren rn tn lhe tra in - biilf c am p rimutdallnii In Tw in l-'iillii '*<'

nty. Drillit a n d ' inllllnry • train - w ill be h rlil In th r forrnoon, •'“ '5 '

16 ' Ih r a ftrrn o n n w ill he c lv c r f . r to vaiJntis aam m . .lluilrii.nd • ' J '' ’. Ulllf.iloiM. iilh lr tir rciulpmrlll V,'"'’

mi'illr.il atK 'nilnii u i r Mipi.lb'd.U l„.=liiii.T« l„. I.I-

....... ........ '■ n,iODAY^S R E SU L T S ; |S

A.Mi:iM»‘ ' • i , r '1 . 1 1:

LlSiir; I; ‘1

"Md.-lVi-dv. ^

I I 'ti 'v rl.in ilr It. II. i;Ynrli . . . . , I >. II \ ll!

rHinil ,:i n :• ‘••''"iiux h r r and C xllllri: Hui h i< r . ainl "'h« {,,U,'ll. ' wllhli

I D i'i ro l l- i:nil Mh, If. I'ill'.'hln>;t>m

liitr.Ucm :iiiil^H urt; ( \ir iii l l and

: .><1. I.nulK- i:nd r,lh. ■ 11.

l.iiiilJ.■'l/.'i Ml.l lliirriaan : \Vlni::ir.l aial

N \ n o M i . 1.1: v<;i 1:

,iiM.;il al llK,(,1,l,vi.. |» r.tl»ili..il; j , |

' ............ , t 'll ls l .n id i .11 S .'» Voifc. i.n'.rt.!.nr,l;

n rlnnall a t ................ 1»<.,tV<>r,-

. I.onls III lloninn. no c.iliu-. la in ,

;HWGGETSN0.9 ]» r w * iud im r * __

■NN r i ! ; i . i i , (• i.t:v i;i.A M i. \i; 'v I. Iiilc . Yankt-r tl^^l ti.isrui.tn. Iiir ' n lnlh liunir run of lh i.r.iMin In n f tir>t InnlnK of Ih r V aa k rr- ln - ,.ii

Kanir tirn- ttil:; atlrrn.T.ni, T lir . ir .1 CrlirlK « l lh ll-il.-' Hulll lor iiinir run !• .iit<-r»tuji i>( itir .\n ir r - l . r . i tu r , . 'C rlilli ; Kill t lir liouirr

liick ' v,'. hirtHni; »'i)niti>. .ill''.Ill n t W, __ - V').

L c n £ A u t t r a l i a n R i v e r -i,ir Au'«lr»tl*a “ K alb rr «>f W ater*" ir |tl» e r M urray, w blrh. w ith II* — • lrll.u l*ry, llir t'n rlln ff. tlowt » t iv fo n r ra r t iln s tb e Sourhem u. *•' . ' *1'

W e l l - F o u n d t d R u m o r •I ra*Irrni;>r wbo ha* c u a r ti> Call- a l l l.u lldlnc b lia ir lf a *tnnr ca»- Ar Ib r wall* of w btd i wtll Le flve • Ib ldr. nnd tb r n in m r ' I* pnlne S>

nd ttia t tie itiien.ls te i t a ; . — i , . ult N r«* . ^ _

r w orld'* r r i a l r ^ t lo v rr b a i con-.r ir Rl.iltn, Jo h n I la r r j l i .o r r I'l


Mias A nna McCor^Ia! blond nnd 10. tiwaa chosen from lil girlo to repre- Tsen t Edm onton, A lbortn, Jn tb o m CunadiAD pa em n t of beauty a t Van- . 01 coUTor, whoro' “Mloa Canada" v»iubo ctaoses. Tho lucky, r.lrl w ilt m rep re ien t Canada In th o ln i« n i» - . . intlu tM l,'ra s«no (.r« ( P iilcbrK bte M "v

OalTopjPD, Tcxaa. |w

i m i OF NEGRO i! R E SEpiES WAR

S y V Blt«d'Pr*ia , ' . | t ii.rr 'i'i.i-: u o r ic , Arii.. Muy i : )~ r ! i( -

IK churyrii of fliv.i d r c r r r nuirdi.i'. lul crim lniil aKi<aiit( —u lth rr |iiiiiif<b- _ tlid hy il(-alb un d rr ih r ArkannaH law. .<innli‘ Dixon. Ii:-yi'ar-<ild noi;ro. eiy^i- 1 ro u r l •tnday under lirnvy Kiinrd^W I llll Iho courl hniiK<! and v icinity lo- *■'' smhllnt: a iiillllury riicum pinrn i In

The lunli of iu-k’rilnK .n Jury m urlrit iiinndlalvly and liy.jjonn' wuh n ra ily llif roiii|i1rlrd . T h r Jury hi ex p rrird I Ik' ronillli'K 'd liiifnrii Ih r rnd of lh '' ml day'll nphxIuii nnd irHtliuony l‘> , ' ,arl to m o r ro w .; '; . /n i? o n I* on'.4rlnI fo r thn fn n rd rr of I"

I y ra r old. F lorlla .Mrl)<mald. w ho:.r >I tidy w as found In I tir ' h-I1i j o f tl:.- <'> irnt i’rr.Hhvioitnn church lic rr a Hi lort H m r aco. W

iiAMi*.'<iiii{K iiiM :i:iti:r ts m i: i :tl-*orl.v nH'niU'TK of I lir Idaho Mtimp-

hli-f •..ilri'ril.'rM- ah»iirlnilon nu-l a it ;.:n Ibln iillrrnoiin In itir rhatnli-'i' ul ni.......rr.-.. In n d lx lilr t inrclln;;, V ur-' Kl,ilH inuirn 111 -o u lh -n i M,ilic. w r . i 'lm |ii.';<rulc'il. I)n1v i-iintlni' Jiiinlnn,.! ‘ lti :<l l.rrll ■nill.'cic lrd a l ' [U'CH.'i Ilm r. i C<i

ON SK I.I.IM ; TIMI* ■ I Inti-.M ir,. .,f ||„ . n rn u tb of ihVl • ' i n : . ■>! Illl' A luiiilnilin C n iv r ' (

l .-,i..: i-nr..|iali.v, of IbW clly.lil.r.- .,|- 11-.' Illiir ' l-ndrrlaV I^V rno

itii|i;iu,v, aud niliirtiia l M ..i-lfhnl*.r.i^C Illl h u i'iitrd II.,' [lalrn l. w ilt'> l i i r t ( » llliln :i Irv.' dnv,'. on an ••xlriiidvriijH., 'Illni; lr l|i, Ithi ranilly will u rrom •^H l any t;ini. wl

B o s t o n118 M n in A v e r

\Vi- linv i' Ililll ji iihi'nciiiii'iia] r r s I 'ifM .'li S .M .K Ull r r i iits :ui<! lirr'-'M tin* p lil il ir l;iKt\r; th u f .'H'l' slu;I 'u ills ' r v r n i l r i ' | i iT flniri lilsl _ u rck

. Coa V2 Price c

I-'ri.iii .\ ,m - T u f i l Till-;

O m : s |i.'.-ia l ciflVriuK t l i i ' w i 'I i il n f ilijiii'l; a ll 'l w llil.- I'liat-. in K a.'liaa ll '- iif iv liir li Mill! f rn u i ,'v-.':.*.,'i(t In > A h Ic .I /f u s llll'V liisl fn r . .

W r ,1111 b :u r a fr« i.T c nV'Mln Ihiil UI- snid rrm itarly •for ii:. Vliih :i'i JIS.:.u lo Ik- j'

g g ^ Q Q ,

All US.Tf. r 'la l* In I‘o lr r t S b rrn« iiiu»l>ori cd ari . ^

' $19 .50 C oats IAnd -tf.ii:-!!! ih ro tir li l lir a ll rin.irkln:-.. H uldc hv l« o >oiir.'<lf.

S> -t'l.-.l-A ll r!ill.li-.n '* C0.1H. \.ilil'-«

nr.->uttfiil nrw iirrlvBl* In lad ir* ; (lal* v a lu r. Io jT.r-.. now

T \ l ' ! S ' 7AT.T-S l l .U I .Y ‘m i T J !

G E T T H E T I M E S - I ON T IM E ? IF 1 N O T , C A LL 3 8 ,1

\ If j . ,„ .I .iU u l n T i-lt,. T I,.. UbII,;. I ! 't'liiirs ll) hix VrliiVk each I'vriilii):. ; ,

id ra s r (olr'ili^nc :W..' «<■ n » l xeiid i ‘ luir to >i!li jBMi-dlafely by spi-clal nii-isritiffr. ' )• '

T h r nnv mntmKrmriil' 'o f ,. 'T h r,I T im es I* very nnx iiiiiH 'tl^ iit- I 'K ir ^ f sn iis rr lh rr rm 'Iv c IJk j/nppr e,'c«ri* iij I l.v on linn* oaeli i‘u-)ilu«.. ,lii<,; « . . dii

■ >1111 dn nil*. Inform ifn ji'lii!ii,,'yoii , in I a r r niU ied by 'IJie ejirrb-'r b n y /iw ' n i I m iliirully iihhUiiK' / n d ,nrc' ue ttliii; nr I Ih r p re tn p l ninl r ritn ltir tlpllvery’ scrvU'*' f« n h lrh ymi ar<*'ejiUtliM i.r ' j uuif H r ilohln- fo - i tl 'e . ' , fi1i



--------------»3:(^riiru’r 0 . Ilithn !»■'Iteuilvltiiynl ArcIi ■>"

na<iiiiif. Mhll Are <'liislnic .Mrrtliiu This AHiTimnn; liiilKlifs T rinp liir . J'rlilay. J','

f Klcclioi) of neor;ii' l>. UiiJi;! of JJoI.->r jilrp iiiy tii;;h prlow, to Ihe |.oSlilnn of '■ ! llllilr p r lr s t o f ‘h r llnyiil A rrh Mii. iHomi of luaho. und iiroiiioilnii o f a lil lo ih r r Krnnd officer* In i i r r o rd u n r r >V" jw lih tti r uioial rn ie la lr itn» i i f i r r - ' - - tno 'u i. hi rx |ir.-t..d a t tlir Tri..|i)<, wlicrn.................... in nriadon.

Ttilu. mornliiK w'uii nnriit .rrcelvfiii: „ !r<ipon« <if commltioi'H and n ttrnd ln i: to IrclHlallvo nnif JuriiiillcHniial w o i l 'T h r HrH^dnll ^ U\ dnm- uftiT .rJorHrin id \A iir(I(?i'ii> and u rirrllon of -.hr n rx l iila rr of iiii'ullnu.

A m ajorlly of llix di-lrKiilrH to llu- loi'cilni: of Ihn lioyikl. A rc li-u ir a lio u

, iiM-inl.rr.1 o f the KnjHh'i;iV3> jiip ln r and i,„. will rem ain’ovm'-fnrt-hr.JtuSii.JuiX'lhi;: ron

jwlilidi r<invriit'«n?iniorrow. A lur):r ; njj^ihr-r.or n lhe r d rlrca ti'n u r r ooinin:’ 1,01 ,'tonlK hl o r-lom orrow -i<» ' utii 'iid Iho jf|_(. O rnnd rom niunik 'rv ; .. ...............I The DrMcday band and n ilr trca lim i ,, 1, from P orn trllii will i ir r lv r lonlKht, („

lAfli-r ro rrp ljo n ami lou llno buHlncan Itl Ihe mornliiK nnd nnon Iunchrnn . Ihc ■{

iKiiIkIiik will m arch In a hody hehlnn (jn„ , l h r band a t 2 o'clocl; to rrc rlv e O”' ib r luran il o ffirrrn nud «1 (•orf them to lh-: T rii,i.lr. T h rn : w ill >.i- a rompoTlHvp i,„, di'lll al :i oVlncli an.l ( 'on frrrlnu of Iho O rd rr of T em jilr In th e rveiiflif.. ti,,.

T h r coninmnilory tiici ilnft will cio,;;- S a turday iirturnoon. n

Ilrn ry P. -Ollndeman. Krnnd muHlrr > o f Iihiho Mamina iind 'C urtlu K. Plhc. Krnnd necrcl.iry. who 'iiliendrd n fiic- eoi'iifiil Maitonic m colhiK.in Unhl yr-*. ten tiiy w ere .hero loilay.

— - - S' (il'K ST S AT WIIITK STAII.T he .K lw anl* c h ih ’wuii e n le r la ln rd I’l’ il

nt llinclie.on lo d a y ' tiy' tljp—'W hlle "I"* S ta r U u n d ry . ' A tir r n InJk oh Ihr lb/;, Im hu 'try by GeorKO K. S nndhnlii. Ihero wnn u tromH ono'holo by U llo y ” ‘V M fllr ld r. 11 lulk nn tho laund ry In- dUKtry In Tw in K nlbi'co;inly l.y Mor- l lu (i. Ib illry . a vorM nolo by F . H. ' ” W bllr and a in u r of InHprrilon ot I lir W tlli" S inr I.aiindry..

KNTKKS (JI'ILTV P1.KA.rai.i'i;i. In Ihr raae of the Ktair

iu ;a lm ,r T. S. I'ark* w ho ^ r n d r d KiilHy to foruinK the nnm r A LNew -

I m an lo n rh r i lc :inij pnHHlnjr ll In < Itnhl. w rr r fllrd Ih Ih r d is tric t , 1 court IhlH nfii^nnnn. T h - iirna liy ' j fo r forKrry b in io m one lo H yenrij f.I In Ih r p rn llcn llary .

’ r o i 'K T OK HONOit POSTI'ONKO. n mjs.^Wtial will b r llir InrKCKl ccuirl of •rloiior In the lil.iioi'y of iV ln KuIIh

:i w '-rk , frnin to n lc h t. All. ^ J i i t t " ii’ooim a rr 10 he p rr« rn l and' ‘■Hbl'ons wnn nl ih r neout lia i:k^m rel

will be ron frrri'd . _____________

S t o r e I/cn 'uo S o u th I

r i-s |u m s r tn mil- - r e n t H . \ L F I s'M--. Ih is wi-i'l: um l w illi III Trl ilu v h iu i: l l i r iv in a im liT o f o iir •ck.

its Are and Lessl i r y , \ r r . \ l l S o l .I.

w ill ll.' n il o f <nir i i j i t i r o i i r k •llils, S a l i i is m ill I’l i i rc l S l iee n s ,

...$12,95 -T h rn w r h :i\ r a t lean t t u " ~ viKiii m a in » tib fur trlniniMl <-oll,.it. Iji \<Ty d . ’ver iia ttom * ]In a ll wool matrr(.-il*. U e c u la r. '

...$7 .3S

.. $8 .38 _ j

\ now $ 9 . 7 5 ‘ro.ilv o n .'b .i tf Ibclr iriii ila r

S4.85 ;

■ §2.95 8 3 . ^ '



: ‘A m ended cainnlnlnl In w hut mny ho llitl Innl null III- Hio lonK htnlory ot Salm an Iruct llilKOllon Imn lie^n 'W eil

■ In thc d lh lrlct courl here hy Wolfe A ; 'N le lnon fn Ix'hulf o f I r a -0 . DrAUIry '•nnd tiR nlnnl-ihe Salmon Rlvor Cnn:.l com pany and .Murray Brookmun. '• r'Tho orlKinnl cimiidnl'nt wu» asalnsi ,llio & 1I1H011 Ulver Canal compnny, hut ihn . nnrnndmenl Indiidr.i ,Murniy

' Uroiiknmn. whn rcpreKontH Hie iwnri- j’f holderH cnnim ltlee. and from W hom ■’* ind d e dunuiKoei .a ro ankeil. OriuUny .Hi Kueii for Jfl'JfiS.SO for lh** U2< crop. c> whleh hc nNHorlH wn* dnmoRod by reiiHon nf fnllure }o de liver w ater lo which he clalnrii he wan cntlC|ed. Rnul- hr ley did nol necopl llioacrniH of uel-

. H enu'iii offered by Uroiiltinan for ilin hondlHfldei-'n a fte r the tr a c t wan <ui

, down, and da lnm Hial Iil> wnn ontllind lu a p m ratu *hure nf th e w ater f -r Wfi.oao w llhout iiiuklni: Hie ex tra piiv- luuiii on wMch th e nullk'm ent Wi\; _

, bancd." , P=.More than r.Ofijuilii^ many Ineliidlnii:

u poolhiK of In'ereiil *011 thn pnrt of .11 nun ih rr of lillKaiitH wore filed In th"! Salm on ronirnvor«y hefore ndjum - 1 mont wan rencliL'il In mnnt l-uiiuk.. T heie u re severul o ther cn»en pun-l-

■ InK iJi'owIni; out of dlfrilrenl conHirur- jtlonn of the<law,’Vflth i;^ferencc X» the iro iilru c t. hut l l 'In helhivoiLrtinl niohln( the aellon* whleh will bo'Ylletl n ir

liipw In the w m hs:'A nd nenrb" n il nf ^ lh e hiindrnlH referm.d ‘in hnvr brri'i dlnpniird o( In iiriiiii' wny.

W ealth y M a ^ K i b b y V in S a lt Lctke' H otel

SAI.T I-AKi: CITV. Mny Ht--u\ dai- Ini; robber Jorn-11 hl.n w ay' hlfn Ihe roiun of.-'r. M rC afry^ wi'u lihy rueehnnir/iwner_or_Callf()r.nIii,.,nl_il_10Cili _tioirl th ta iijornlnK. rohbeil : him ot $ i .r , i in i ^ :u lu u u l .l l .o o i i worili.fiC.illa... •nw.'nlTrrutiil made IiIh ofir.niK>‘ ihroul:li | a heal cnnvryor tu n n r l from the^’b o irij lo n la rc e buNlnemi hloi'U luid ilbiap- pearrd .

The robber knocked on McOnrry'.' door nnd wliim MeCnrry ojiened li, ihruM. a Kun In hln fuco, McGnrry at- lurhnd him and illHArnird Iho rohher bu l Ih r liilliir knocked .McGnrry down. ;iel>;rd Hie pur.tr and dhiiiionihi fnm i ttir drriiMrr nnd ran . ,

P resb y te rian W om en O pen C oast M eeting

Br tTAlted rme 1SAN F ilA N as'C O . .May 10—Tho l.l- ,

onnlnl conference of tbo women'ni I* bonnin of nn'.lnnnl und forolnn ml"-] Hlonii of th e Presbyterlnn church Inl Hie L'nllPI Slateii opened hero loday] w ith reprenonlnllvcA from n il pnrtH of thv. country aiid .torclcn-A tatlons p ro j- en t.

The meellnK In prollm lnnry to tlio » P m ih y lr rln n Konenil nnnembly which will ironvrno here .May 21 to .Ju n n 1.

T h r Ki'KwhinH today w rre - prenldrd 1 o v r r by .Mr*. H, f . l.oiiderb(5iiKli of* Nrw Y ork, a riln i: (tinlrm an of the women'll iiatlniial ‘forelKn mliinlon’i comnilitee,

s ii ip i-K i i OI T r A rp u KfhnrleH Kloivrrdew hint • evenlnK

ntdpiw^l a car loa.l of d a iry ntock; lo IIymr;i. Cal.. a flec exam lnnlloii hy

cr. J . Doinnmr. br(ind Innprctor. - |_ ^

■ Ti-

Today, Tlw e a rc un load ing anotl o f colors to se lec t froi drive out a new Ford i

^ R unabout ............R unabout w ith piTom -ing.................T u d o r .............Coupe ...........F o u rd o r ...............

T O D A Y ’S FO R D CAF Y E S f l

W e have several goo, — C oupe. 1925 Fort

Union IGEC

142 Second A ve. Nortl

i a t \ i l 1 STiln v u rJ n a rr d t i , ' Bo'n of MrT and •

.Mrn. J . A. D arrett. fln^a Ainoricu m ore' IntoronllnR tlian ’ E u ro p a o r tho O rloni. h o ' declaron* nn hl» rc lu n i f /o m ft tr (p 'a ro u n d .; Ibe. w orld , onthn flonHng ualVerAlly. \H o took an tiacUvo Inlercn l In ‘old 'w o rld ,, ua blshow n by lo tto ra of hla publlahed in cl (ho Tlm ea whllo away, b u t ho fonnd 8no In'duiilrhil plnntn abroad to com- 01p a r o , w llh (bo Studobnkor nuto mw orkn -ami o th e r a re a l facltjHon, ot- irw tth ou r Indiintrlal cenlisni iii

Jx sK ii ) y j tp M r r T .i i : A t i K X T J,'R cllevliik* 'ihul - mnny pcipfo"lVnv(i)di

m o n e y -'W ltn -v h lch 'tb e y eo u ld -p a y 01 Ib e lr tnxen now an well n* Inter, Cnri <11 J . county tre ijiiu i^r,-loday ia-H ued -an ’ hpp c iil- lo n ir-,w bo can to nl puy .early . ,lJf';Bay/i tha l, i f . a , nijin* In h e c v p n y -w lth ltM b c e 'lie h !tw o wiwkn ll lhe m o n e y can bn hnndled w llbout .«( e x tru 1ielp and 'will ohorlen Hie tim e hi w hen ex lraii will bavo to lie on- :ii xaxed , la te r . T he hnlf yen r inxen bi'coine delln<iuent Juno 27. - -

IHSriLVHOEI) KIIOM HOSl'ITAI*MrRi Dnrothy ToiikIi " r i f '- J to l l t tH ^ “ni

^maiidU-chnrKed'from the honpltnl lo- r l day. s ' _ ;, dll

i i r v s M ( i n s ' ' \ T

-S P E C IA L , E R I \ SA Tbli^D A ’!

^ Womef^.s'P0^6


„ _________ ______


^ A I- ■ ^

K riiln y iiiuI S u l iir il iiy o n ly w o m c it’fl, n n d ■jjro'vmtf i;i

k (ixfonlK . M osl n il I h is seilo ts . .M ilita ry . I .im is .-iml I'i'itni In - \A to D , :i

B a rb e r S h o e.\'c‘x i to O ri

• ■ J


‘hursday,W3th6r c a r lo a d o f N E W FC ‘om w ith a l l the new refii i on the fo llow ing low db'

p ickup body ...................... ......................... .............................................. ..

................x r .............................


3od buys in e x c l^ ^ g e d C >rd C oupe. 1925 F o u rd o r £

M otor C bnEORGE R . JO N E S , P rop , r th . ^ .

I ■ m ::G ir iv ^ 5 5 p g ;- ; ,• . '.a n 'V a ite d ^ i n

n JJROOKLVN, n : y :, May I# —W ai-. ,n (o r Ooldberg. „ l7-year-o ld - Brooklynifl blch-BCliooi'bor.' wftR./roed oC m u r d e r . '- -n cbarK ^a-todoy'i by '-J ttsU ce ; T ow niond. d Scudder. bb/o're 'whom lio' baa beenI- on tr lo l fo r th reo daya 'in an- indietr0 n tcn l REowloi: o u t o f thn fa ta l aboo t't- in s of bla c laaam u to / A nna HorrM , ^

- JuHtlco. Scudder, who jircalddd |i(i! llie'ShVdoVJOray ir la l, ru led th e :a(nlo' bnd rfa llod to ,m o k o .a .ca to^d f. f i r a r -

(i dekrciS mnrdef'uKfalD*H(3bldb6rK nnijj y on hln on-n.nintlon dlsm laaod-thn lu-s,■1 illclinoni. /I; ' /■ •'.'■ >'I- • Thc boy wna aceuaeil ;o(.,hnvlni:.' o nbiil and killed Mlaa H orrta ,ln ho<.-

Immo lanl M arch 14. Ho tnnIn(o|n(i(t'^ a ihni'N ihnlK irl ncchlenlnlly',jibtol h c rr 'It nelf w hite ‘ HKsy atriiRCled [or poH ;0 Honnlon of a plalfll' they- 'wor® cxniny

i'nluK. i • ■ •’

" iJOKs TO .’incK T u o v f r in y o ii ’ •I A nher B. W’llwm, prea ldonl o f tho cbnm bcr' of co teiiftrce, nnd aiivenit

^;.inembeM .of.Jlih*,or8nnUn(lon:(lrove Uf •»% RuTil todny to'mCM G overnor Rnid;.• rIdKe nnd othor* who nro a t B u lilU j- '

dny and wiy^ he Iiero UilH evenlnK.

r A s i i o r : .s t o k i -; ‘ |

RID A YA Y ONLY,'- ‘ -',

Pumps and / /fdrds...■ ■--"■7 '-':

_______ ____

. 4 ^


in ly - r O iic iiK N ortm ont o f K ir is ’ ' p tim pH ' n n d t i c

seiiH nii’K Kl^lc.s ill fllio rt m il (!iilinn iiccln . V jiliifH

:i to 7 fot-..............$ 2 , 4 9

>e C o ., -Inc.O riih i'u in

i l a y l i l bFO R D S, A v a rie ty sfinem ents. Y ou candow n p a jrm e n ts :.

■ r ,, ( J )o w n r n y m o o t )

- .«105.60 ^$113.70 $106.08 $139,84 4139.60 $161.04

t ¥ r e n t ' f r o m .


c a r i . 1926 F o r d \ 'ir S e J a h . - . ‘ '

_ ;'C


P h o n e 129

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