5 habits that drive your cat crazy!

Post on 08-May-2015






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Are your everyday habits driving your cat crazy? Learn what they are and how you can fix your pesky behaviors.


Habits That5

As your confidant, feet warmer, and finder of every

loose string, you want to take the very best care of

your cat.

But are your habits really your cats pet peeves?

Here are 5 human habits that drive cats crazy and how to fix your pesky


Forced Affection

• Cats are independent by nature. Chasing down your cat to give them a big bear hug will most likely result in them wiggling free to race away. The more you try and force affection onto cats, the less of it they will want to give.



• Act more like your cat by being still. Let them seek you out for attention and affection.

Dirty Litter Boxes

• As clean animals, cats can become quite annoyed by their owners delinquent litter box cleanings. Imagine you home minus a bathroom with the only option being a filth filled port-a-potty in the backyard. Sounds repulsive right?



• Try and scoop your kitty’s litter on a daily basis with litter box cleanings done weekly.

Loud Music

• With cone shaped ears, cats are much more sensitive to loud sounds and music then humans are. Turning up the tones to your favorite song might just be one of your felines biggest pet peeves.



• Cats tend to prefer the rhythmical genres of classical music and jazz. If these aren’t for you, try wearing headphone next time you want to blare your music.

Unpunctual Feedings

• Cats are creatures of habit and enjoy being fed on routine schedules. If you feed your cat every morning after waking up, your cat will begin to expect a feeding minutes after you are up. Your delay could result in one upset kitty.



• Stick with a regular feeding schedule for your cat. Make sure it is a realistic timetable that you can habitually maintain.

The 3 C’s of Concern: the carrier + the car = the veterinary clinic.

• Unlike dogs, cats are homebodies and do not find a thrill to go “bye byes” with you in the car. Like trips to the veterinary clinic, cats perceive that the only time they are in the carrier is when they are going somewhere unpleasant.



• Turn your cats carrier into a place of comfort with comfy bedding inside. Leaving the door open, place the carrier near your felines favorite napping spot, occasionally putting treats inside for your cat to enjoy.

Information found on Pets Best Insurance Blog, a low cost pet insurance provider.

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