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Post on 18-Aug-2020






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New Madinah Times

5th June 2020 Phone: 02 6382 7873 Email: admin@nmc.nsw.edu.au Website: www.nmc.nsw.edu.au


In It Together!

Principal’s Message

All praises be to Allah SWT and peace be upon his noble messenger Muhammad PBUH.

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

It is wonderful to see school life resuming to some normality during the past two

weeks. I am so thankful to Allah SWT that the COVID-19 pandemic is easing and

hopefully will be completely part of the history of the year 2020 soon. In saying that we

should not become complacent and hygeine at school must remain optimal. Students

are instructed to wash their hands regularly, use hand sanitiser during class time, be

hygeine focussed and play their part in keeping our school safe for everyone.

I hope all families had a blessed and happy Eid Ul-Fitr! It was a Eid like no other with

the restriction in play. Hopefully everyone took advantage of the situation to enjoy Eid

with their intimate family. May Allah SWT bless our children and fill their hearts with

contentment and imaan.

Alhamdulilah although we have missed out on some of our beloved annual events

including the Ramadan Picnic, we have some exciting events planned during term 3

such as our Book Fair, School Photos & Eid Al-UdHa celebrations . Be sure to check out

the ‘Upcoming Events’ section of the newsletter. Wishing everyone a blessed Jumu’a.

Mouhamad Chmait - Principal

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents & Carers,

Welcome back to school everyone! What a jouney the past couple of months have been SubhaanAllah!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Eid Al-Fitr filled with blessings and joy. Alhamdulilah we have already passed the half way mark of term 2 with only 4 weeks left of the term. Teacher’s have been assessing students on all key learning areas and revising the workload provided during the home learning period. I am confident in shaa Allah there are not too many gaps in the students learning progress.

I would like to thank all the staff of New Madinah College for their tremendous dedication during the difficult time that passed us. MashaaAllah I am so proud of us as a school for how we were able to manage and implement structure so swiftly and support students in their education. I would also like to thank parents for their patience, efforts and support. It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a terrific team to run a dynamic and leading school. I am so so proud of us all Alhamdulilah!

Please remember we are in this together, we believe in your children and their future.

May Allah SWT protect us all from disease and sickness and be our guide through these trialling times. Regards, Ms Nada


The Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon his) said: “If you hear that it (the plague) is in a land, do not go there, and if it breaks out in a land where you

are, do not leave, fleeing from it.”

Term 2, Week 6

Page 2 New Madinah Times Term 2, Week 6

Zaynab Chmait

Abdul Hafiz Chmait

Ashraf Adra

Jannet Al Tabbouch

Aeeshah Suyachmir

Dania Tradie

Rajaa Najjarin

Raneem Hraichie

Muhammad Chmait

Yazan Alhasan

Abdullah Alhasan

Ayesha Ibrahim

Maymuna Ali

Yasmin Alhasan



Assalamwalikum friends welcome to week 6!!! I am very happy to see the smiling faces of kindergarten each morning as they come back into class. Kindergarten have been working very hard as we revise some concepts explored during lockdown. If you child did not get much done during this time, please reviser their letters ASAP!! Kindergarten will be starting their exam next week in week 7 in order to stretch them out more.

Report cards will be coming out next term as there will not be adequate time between exams, marking, data collection and report writing to get them out beforehand. However if for any reason you would like to come in for a friendly chat or a rundown of your child’s progress my door is always

open just send me a quick message on seesaw so I can arrange time. 😊

Lastly, if all goes according to plan the end of term assembly should be going ahead and kindergarten should (Insh’Allah) be performing their colours routine. Please stay connected on seesaw to find out more details. Your child will have to come dressed in their colour that day and bring a coloured cloth to school to practice with. I will let you know the colours next week.

Until next fortnight, As always it has been a pleasure to have your children in our class, Nikki

Assalamu alaikom parents, I am very delighted to have year 1 back in class. My priority for the last 2 weeks was to get the students ready to adjust to the classroom routine again and be comfortable in their learning environment , and they have shown great progress alhamudillah.

During weeks 5 and 6, year 1 worked very during English writing sessions as they were learning how to construct information text. Students also learnt about materials and matures in science and enjoyed the hands on experiments. During Mathematics lessons, year 1 have been busy learning geometry, 3 D objects and counting including the number line counting strategy.

I would like to thank all parents for their cooperation in transitioning back to full time mode and look forward to achieving satisfying outcomes by the end of the term inshallah. Ms Shiema

Asalaamualikum Pearl 2 families, I hope you have had a chance to take a break with some of your children back at school full time. It’s been hectic getting everyone settled back into the school routine but I think we are getting there. I’m happy to see that many children are coping well and they all seem happy to be back with their friends.

We got straight back into work in English and have been busy writing informative texts. The children will do a talk later in the term using an informative style to talk about an animal. We are back in the routine with spellings and had our first class spelling test last week. Good to see many children have kept this routine going and did well in the test.

We have been working hard in Maths as well. Many of the children are doing well with the strategies in Think Mentals and are able to complete their signpost pages with little support.

We made some sticky slimy mixtures in Science this week to learn about how materials can change when they are combined. In History we played detectives to try and find out about the past using packets of artefacts. We also made some beautiful thankful hands as a CAPA activity to finished of the Ramadan focus after Eid. We will have assessments in week 8 and 9 this term so if you know your child was not coping well with the work during the home learning time then they made continue to need some support to help them achieve their best this term. Ms Ellen

Page 3 New Madinah Times Term 2, Week 6

COVID-19 As we see the

restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic easing, we must not

become complacent.

Hygiene remains our best for of defence.

Wash your hands regularly and if you

feel sick STAY HOME!

WINTER Winter has come, and

it has come on strong. Please ensure

students come to school wearing their school jumper and a black or navy jacket

if needed. School jackets are in the production phase and inshaa’Allah will

be available for purchase soon.

UNIFORM Thank you to all

parents and students for being mindful and adhering to the school

uniform policy.

Please be aware that covering the ankle is part of the Islamic

Hijaab and therefore we would like to ask

that all students wear socks to cover their ankles. Thank you!

Assalamu Alaikum everyone and a very warm welcome back to all the children. I am glad that everyone has kept themselves safe and well during these difficult times, and a huge thank you to all of the parents who took over my role as teacher for a short while there! I am of course delighted to have all the students back in the classroom again and we have kicked off the return with a great few week together. We are getting stuck into some review writing in English and will be working on this skill for the remainder of the term. The children particularly got excited over reviewing some cakes that I brought in for them to sample and write about! And in Maths we are developing our measuring skills and learning about different forms and means of measurement, which will include quite a few hands-on lessons over the next few weeks that I know the children will enjoy. We are also continuing PE on Thursday’s, so please remind the children to come in wearing their sports uniform. I am looking forward to the remainder of the term that we have together and continuing our learning journey! Please keep safe everyone and thank you again for your cooperation over the past few months. Miss Jasmin.

Assalamu Alaikum students, parents, and caregivers, Hello everyone! Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a lovely EID and enjoyed spending time with loved ones and celebrating their culture. Wow! It has been so long since I have done one of these. I almost do not know what to say. Firstly, I would like to thank the students for their application to their online learning. Education is important and it was good to see students dedicate themselves so well to their online activities. Most performed exceedingly well and presented some excellent work! Well done to those students! I am a little disappointed of those students I did not see much work from. There is quite a lot of things they have missed out on and I am sure their assessment marks will reflect this.

We have been having a great return to school this term and students are very keen to be back. We have been doing a range of interesting things in our classes like learning fractions and percentages in Maths, creating Ramadan/Eid advent calendars for Eid, learnt End Zone for sport and have been reading Holes in English. Most are completing some great pieces of work and I look forward to that continuing in the future. I would also like to take this time to remind students not to rush through

their work if they want to get the best out of their learning! Miss Amanda 😊

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome back! It was a hard time for all of us over the last few months, but I hope that you’ve all remained safe and haven’t experienced any hardship. Believe it or not, teachers had to adapt very quickly to online learning and probably had to do more work than ever before! Furthermore, the students, despite our best efforts, had to figure things out on their own a lot of the time, as the teacher wasn’t right in front of them. This was the negative part of online learning, although the silver lining is that it gave them experience in problem solving and what the real world is like. From observations of work submitted, I gained a great understanding of each student’s specific skills. I will use this knowledge to structure lesson activities in the future. To be honest, it has been refreshing seeing the students back. Both Stage 4 and 5 have been behaving well and have remained on task. I can also ensure that every student is completing and comprehending the work in class, as opposed to some not submitting work through online learning. If your child was one of these students, I have left the work up on Seesaw for them to complete. It is up to them to complete it as I won’t be chasing them any longer. Both online and in-class work will be tested in a couple of weeks during the assessment period, so it is to their detriment if they do not complete the content. Wrapping up, for now things are going swell and there is a good mood amongst the students I teach. I hope this continues for a long while into the future.

Kindest Regards, Mr. Adrian


Page 4 New Madinah Times Term 2, Week 6

Grid Copy Puzzle

Copy the grid using the grid lines as a guide. You might find it easier to copy one square at a time. Count the squares carefully!


FRI 05:39 AM 12:07 PM 02:47 PM 05:05 PM 06:29 PM

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Date Event

3rd July Last day of Term 2

21st July Term 3 first day back for students

21st – 24th July Book Fair

24th July K-2 Hajj Simulation (date to be confirmed)

27th July School Photos Day


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