5 sources of financial reporting struggles and how to overcome them

Post on 12-Apr-2017



Economy & Finance



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5 Sources of Financial Reporting Struggles and How to Overcome Them

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No one likes financial reporting.

There, we said it.

5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

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Financial reporting takesmind-numbing focus.

And it’s easy to screw up.

5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

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But reporting becomes a special brand of “ugh” for

executives for 5 major reasons.

5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

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Challenge One:

Pressure to Make Financial Reporting More Efficient

and Transparent

5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

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Everyone wants access to data – the remainder of the C-suite, supervisory boards, audit committees and other

interested parties.

Making the flow of information and data insights efficient and transparent makes everyone’s lives easier, but that’s easier

said than done.

5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

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The solution:

Find the most efficient technology possible to organize your data and run your financial reporting automatically.

This moves resources from the reporting function to the analysis function without

sacrificing quality of good reporting.

5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

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5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

Challenge Two:

Burdensome Regulatory Requirements and

Compliance Deadlines

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5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

As soon as the finance team adjusts to new laws, another regulation comes along

to knock things off-kilter again.

CFOs have to answer to stock and shareholder regulations, auditors, and

other parties, which creates a huge drain on resources.

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5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

The solution:

Embrace them.

The sooner you do, the better off your company will be and the more resources

you’ll have at your disposal.

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5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

Challenge Three:

Complex Environmentsand Technology

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5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

ERP systems are frustrating.

They’re costly, take forever to set up, and are outdated within a few years.

And, they almost never provide you with the reporting solutions you need.

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5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

The solution:

Move your ERP to the cloud. Cloud-based technology provides team with the most

updated – and usually most intuitive – version of software.

It allows more users to access data, analytics, and findings from analysis in

one place.

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5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

Even if it appears grossly expensive on the surface, as cloud technology

becomes more commonplace, it gets less expensive.

In fact, an IDC study showed that cloud solutions offer an average payback

periodof 7.1 months. The five-year ROI is 626%.

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5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

Challenge Four:

Too Much Technology to Manage

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5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

32% of companies work with at least 16 different reporting systems.

That’s a lot of data management and organization to keep straight!

Financial reporting becomes a zig-zagged trip through multiple systems, creating for many mistakes and headaches along the


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5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

The solution:

It’s not going to be easy, but you need to start trashing some of your technology.

Find a solution that handles data management, storage, financial analytics,

and data flow automation.

Don’t settle until you find technology that significantly decreases the manual moving

of data.

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5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

Challenge Five:

Bad Data

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5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

Bad data is like a virus.

The implications of it multiply and spread to the point at which your financial reporting – all of your hard work – is

completely useless.

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5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

The solution:

Organize the entire data input, management,

and reporting process from the ground up.

Build a template of how data should beformatted and organized, and hold your

teams accountable for sticking to it.

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KiniMetrix allows companies to putall of their data in one place.

Its intuitive analytics can handle millions of lines of transaction data. It even

organizes your data for you.

Click here to see how KiniMetrix

can do this for you.

5 Challenges of Financial Reporting(And How to Overcome Them)

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