54. *ms. rubina irfan: pleased to state · 54. *ms. rubina irfan: (deferred during 17th session)...

Post on 21-Aug-2020






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(18th Session)




to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on

Wednesday, the 8th January, 2020

54. *Ms. Rubina Irfan: (Deferred during 17th Session)

Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training bepleased to state:

(a) details of programmes initiated for human resource developmentin Balochistan during the last five years;

(b) the outcome of such measures/programmes; and

(c) whether post-evaluation has been conducted to evaluatewhether or not such programmes are beneficial; if so, the detailthereof?

Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training(Mr. Shafqat Mahmood): (a) NAVTTC as an apex agency for technical andvocational training sector in Pakistan is focused to prepare skilled humanresource in country and primarily targeting uplift of youth belonging to under-developed areas like Balochistan, tribal areas of KPK, Rural Sindh, SouthernPunjab, Gilgit-Baltistan and AJ&K. During past 05 years, NAVTTC equippedmore than 200,000 youth with technical hands-on skills enabling them earnthrough fair means of livelihood. Out of which, more than 16,000 youth werebelonging to Balochistan. Youth was provided skill development trainings attheir door-steps as well as in state of the art institutes of developed cities likeKarachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Multan, Peshawar, Quetta and for the purposefacility of boarding and lodging was also provided to such youth. Youth wereprovided market oriented skills in the following sectors;


i. Construction

ii. Energy & Renewable energy

iii. Textile including garments

iv. Agriculture, Horticulture, Livestock, Dairy, Poultry & Fisheries

v. Manufacturing (Small, Medium & large Industry)

vi. Services

vii. Hospitality, Tourism& Hotel Management

viii. Transportation& Logistics

ix. Business & Information Technology Skills

x. Fashion Designing / Stitching

xi. Beautician

xii. Creative Arts

xiii. Electronic & Print Media

xiv. Regional / Traditional Trades (List of trades / occupations for skilldevelopment attached)

(b) The outcomes of such measures are intangible and can only beascertained in long run as these programs are expected to improve humandevelopment index of lower middle class families belonging to Balochistanregion. The youth enrolled in Balochistan under this program were belongingto less-privileged segments of society i.e. low educated and low income groups.This training program converted them into valuable human resource to enhancetheir earning opportunities and eventually living standards of their families,helping them to come into national mainstream and play their role in socio-economic development. Due significance was also given to preparation ofskilled workforce belonging to Balochitan for China Pakistan EconomicCorridor (CPEC) and prioritized Special Economic Zones (pSEZs), whichare expected to generate significant job opportunities and Balochistan youthwas trained in required skills for Gawadar port and CPEC routes.

(c) The process and impact evaluation of previously completedphases of the program were carried-out by impartial Third Party Evaluationfirms (COMSATS etc) and the outcomes of report revealed that NAVTTCfollowed comprehensive institutional assessment criteria to select traininginstitutes (Impact Evaluation Report, Phase-III: COMSATS institute). Thetrainees’ selection was jointly done by NAVTTC and the training instituteswhere the focus was to select the most deserving and suitable candidates.


NAVTTC regional offices in provinces especially Balochistan made activeeffort to engage women and youth from marginalized groups. Almost 30% ofthe trainees enrolled in all phases of programs were females. Womenparticipation in the trainings wasn’t only limited to the traditional trades butfemales were also given due priority for enrollment in Business & IT, Hospitality,Hotel Management & Tourisms. In relation to the training venues and otherfacilities, some 90% of the respondents considered that these were adequate.Further, 89% of the respondents either agreed or strongly agreed that thetraining was as per their needs. From the perspective of impact on employment,based on the survey findings, 59% of the PMYSDP trainees enrolled underPMYSDP (Phase-III) were employed. Of the 59% of respondents who wereemployed, 54% had salaried employment, 41% were self-employed, and 5%had other types of employment such as working with family or friends (ImpactEvaluation Report, Phase-III: COMSATS institute). As per Impact Evaluationreport, special preference for enrollment was given to demographic andgeographic needs of the society likewise remote areas of the country wereaccessed for the skills development and widows, orphans, divorced women,Madrassa students & eunuchs.

Response of NCHD

1. Under NCHD Literacy Programme; 720 literacy Centers wereestablished in Balochistan during the last 5 years.

2. Under Universal Primary Education Programme NCHD has beenrunning 510 Feeder schools with 525 teachers for last 5 years.

3. 15,477 learners got basic literacy and numeracy skills, whereas792 Supervisors and teachers were trained in functional literacyand community mobilization & teaching role etc.

4. 27,419 children have been enrolled in these feeder schools toobtain primary level education. 525 teachers have been regularlytrained on quality education.

A third party validation exercise (by consultants & Phoenix Pvt Ltd.)was conducted to validate the existence and functioning of program activitieson ground. The reports validated 100% existence and functioning of NCHDProgram interventions.


A core committee constituted by the Planning Commission of Pakistanconducted a detailed study of NCHD programmes in 2016, which stated thatthe concerned communities were satisfied with NCHD’s program proqress.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

85. *Syed Agha Rafiullah: (Deferred during 17th Session)

Will the Minister In-charge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state:

(a) number of vehicles, which are at the pool of each division,attached departments and subordinate offices and any otherdepartment under the administrative control of the Ministry atpresent alongwith annual expenditure on account of suchvehicles for the last five years;

(b) detail of each vehicle and the name of person alongwith postand grade who is using that vehicle at present;

(c) whether authorities concerned have taken notice of misuse ofvehicles placed under each of above department contrary tomonetization of transport facility;

(d) if so, whether any inquiry has been made in this regard; if so,the details thereof and what steps are being taken foraccountability of those responsible for such misuse of vehicles?

Minister In-charge of the Cabinet Division: (a) The questionNo. 85 was forwarded to the attached Departments, Sub-ordinate Officesand other Organizations under the administrative control of Cabinet Divisionfor the provision of required details. The responses received from the respectiveOrganizations have been compiled and are enclosed herewith. Number ofvehicles and maintenance expenditure’s details for last five years may be perusedat Annex-I.

(b) 38 officers of NEPRA and 11 officers of PTDC who are notauthorized for the Transport Monetization Allowance are using the vehiclesas per their entitlement and Organizational policy. Detail may be perusedat Annex-II.


(c) No such report from any of the organization under theadministrative control of Cabinet Division, which has adopted the transportmonetization policy, is received. However, appropriate action will be taken, ifany report about the misuse of official vehicle received in the Cabinet Division.

(d) Organizations under the administrative control of Cabinet Divisionhave forwarded the nil report, in this regard.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

127. *Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali: (Deferred during 17th Session)

Will the Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social SafetyDivision be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the budget allocated for PakistanBait-ul-Mal has been exhausted since September 2019;

(b) the detail of funds allocated and released to PakistanBait-ul-Mal during fiscal year 2019-20;

(c) the heads under which the said funds were spent; and

(d) the number of persons from Chitral District, who have gotassistance from Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal under various heads?

Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social SafetyDivision: (a) It is incorrect. It is stated that an amount of Rs. 5653.000 millionhas been allocated to the Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) for the F.Y. 2019-20.Total funds released by the Finance Division to the PMB for first two quartersof the current F.Y amounts to Rs. 2261.200 million. Out of released funds, anamount of Rs. 2108.267 million have been exhausted/ utilized by the PBM ason 30-11-2019, whereas, remaining amount of Rs. 152.933 million is availableto meet salary expense of the PMB Employees for the month of December2019. Further, the funds amounting to Rs. 3391.800 million are yet to bereleased by the Finance Division for last two quarters of the current financialyear as per annual budgetary allocation for F.Y. 2019-20.


(b) Details of annual budget allocated to the Pakistan PBM for theF.Y. 2019-20 and its utilization/ exhaustion is as under:—

(c) Head wise detail of spent/ utilized funds is as under:———————————————————————————————

Heads Utilization Rs. Million——————————————————————————————

Individual Financial Assistance (IFA) 825.512

Projects 701.912

School for Rehabilitation of Child Labour 2.937(SRCL) is functional in Chitral

Women Empowerment Center (WEC) is 2.740functional in Chitral

Institutional Rehabilitation through NGOs 16.044

Administration 564.799——————————————————————————————

Total 2,113.944——————————————————————————————

(d) Detail of number of persons from Chitral district, who gotassistance from PBM under the head of Individual Financial Assistance (IFA)during FY. 2019-20 is as under:—


142. *Ms. Mehnaz Akber Aziz: (Deferred during 17th Session)

Will the Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social SafetyDivision be pleased to state:

(a) total amount alongwith percentage of funds against budgetallocation released to Benazir Income Support Programme(BISP) during first three quarters of financial year 2018-19; and

(b) total disbursement by BISP to the target beneficiaries by 30thApril 2019 with break-up of expenditure on various componentsof BISP like Waseela-e-Taleem and Unconditional Cash Transfer(UCT) etc.?

Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social SafetyDivision: (a) Funds released by the Government of Pakistan to BISP during firstthree quarters of FY 2018-19.——————————————————————————————

Quarter GoP funds released Percentage of(Rs. In million) total budget allocation

——————————————————————————————1st 28,175.00 25%

2nd - 0%

3rd 28,174.50 25%——————————————————————————————

Total = 56,349.50 50%——————————————————————————————

(b) Total disbarments by BISP by 30th April, 2019 (FY 2018-19) inCCT & UCT:——————————————————————————————

Initiative / Program Amount Paid (Rs. in million)——————————————————————————————

Unconditional Cash Transfer 51,684

Conditional Cash Transfer 1,805——————————————————————————————

Total = 53,489——————————————————————————————


@66. *Ms. Munawara Bibi Baloch:

Will the Minister for Federal Education and ProfessionalTraining be pleased to state whether the Quetta Medical Universityis insufficient in view of increasing population of Balochistan; if so,as to when more Medical Colleges/Universities will be established bythe Government there?

Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training(Mr. Shafqat Mahmood): Establishing a university or college though a charteris the domain of Provincial Government after 18th Amendment. Thus, this

does not pertain to the Federal Government. However, Federal Governmentthough Higher Education Commission supports the process in establishing theUniversities.

82. *Dr. Darshan:

Will the Minister for Information and Broadcasting be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that PTV has not yet launched Direct-to-Home services project; if so, then the year of its initiation andthe amount spent on salaries, perks and TA/DA of employeesworking on project; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that after spending huge amount andaround two decades this project has not yet been completed; ifso, then the time by which this project will be completed?

Minister for Information and Broadcasting: (a) & (b) Yes, it is a factthat PTV has not yet launched DTH service. The work was started in 2004,but could not be materialized due to the huge upfront cost and legal issueswith reference to the PEMRA Act involvement. However, a consultant washired for a very short period of time for DTH Project, but at the moment theproject is discontinued.

____________________________________________________________@ Transferred from National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Division.


83. *Nawab Muhammad Yousuf Talpur:

Will the Minister for Information and Broadcasting be pleased tostate:

(a) the names of Corporations, Autonomous Organizations andSemi-Autonomous Organizations under administrative controlof the Ministry;

(b) the share holding of Federal Government in each of above saidCorporations, Autonomous Organizations and Semi AutonomousOrganizations;

(c) the names of CEOs/MDs/Chairmen of each of above saidCorporation, Autonomous Organization and Semi AutonomousOrganization;

(d) the Compositions of the Board of Director, Board of Governor,Board of Trustee of each of above said Corporation, AutonomousOrganization and Semi Autonomous Organization; and

(e) the names and status of each of Director, Trustee and Governormentioning their dates of appointment, Tenure and Province ofbelonging in each of above said Corporation, AutonomousOrganization and Semi Autonomous Organization?

Minister for Information and Broadcasting: (a) The names oforganizations are as under:—

(i) Pakistan Television Corporation (PTVC)

(ii) Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC)

(iii) Associated Press of Pakistan Corporation (APPC)

(iv) Press Council of Pakistan (PCP)

(v) Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA)

(vi) Institute of Regional Studies (IRS)

(vii) Pakistan Information Commission

(b) All the above said Corporations, Autonomous and Semi-autonomous organizations are fully controlled by the Federal Government.


(c), (d) & (e) The requisite information is as below:—

(i) PTVC (Annex-I)(ii) PBC (Annex-II)(iii) APPC (Annex-III)(iv) PCP (Annex-IV)(v) PEMRA (Annex-V)(vi) IRS (Annex-VI)(vii) PIC (Annex-VII)

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

84. *Sheikh Rohale Asghar:

Will the Minister for Climate Change be pleased to state:

(a) the steps taken by the Government to control the smog in lastfour months in the country; and

(b) the names of cities where such steps have been taken?

Minister of State for Climate Change (Ms. Zartaj Gul): (a) After18th constitutional amendment, Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency(Pak-EPA) is mandated with its function under Pakistan EnvironmentalProtection Act’ 1997 for protection, conservation and rehabilitation ofenvironment in Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) only.

In order to tackle the issue of smog in ICT while controlling the airpollution of Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), Pak-EPA has notified thefollowing National Environmental Quality Standards;

NEQS for ambient air under S.R.O. No. 1062(I)/2010 (Annex-I)

NEQS for industrial gaseous emission under S.R.O No. 549(I)/2000(Annex-II) and

NEQS for vehicular emission standards under S.R.O No. 72(KE)/2009 (NEQS for motor vehicle exhaust and noise) (Annex-III).


According to above NEQS, all the industries of ICT are bound tocontrol air emissions through installation of anti-pollution devices.

Pak-EPA ensures strict compliance of above NEQS by the industriesand motor vehicles for industrial gaseous emissions and vehicular emission,respectively, on routine basis.

The likely contributing causes of smog in ICT are;

Cold and continuously dry conditions due to delayed winter rainfall

Industrial emission (particularly steel industries and brick kilns in ICT)

Vehicular emissions

Crop residue and Solid-waste burning (particularly a trans-boundaryissue)

Actions taken by Pak-EPA to control the smog in last fourmonths in ICT are stated below;


In Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) there are approximately 185+industrial units including different scale of sizes.

Major industries in Islamabad are steel furnaces, marble industriesand pharmaceutical industries which are also under observation by Pak-EPA.

Among all, Steel Industries are being considered as a major air pollutingIndustries in ICT.

(i) Steel Industries:

All the operational steel furnaces (06) situated in ICT have installedpollution abatement technology which have been monitored by Pak-EPA duringprevious four months through routine visits of Environmental Monitoring Team(EMT) and online surveillance cameras for stack emissions in order to ensurethe compliance of NEQS.


(ii) Brick Kilns:

Pak-EPA directed brick kiln owners to adopt zigzag technology onimmediate basis. The technology was introduced with the cooperation of theAll Pakistan Brick Kiln Owners Association (APBKOA).

During previous four months, Pak-EPA has sealed six (06) Brick Kilnswho were operation their kilns in Sectors H-15 and H-16, Islamabad withoutinstallation of pollution control technology.

Further, as per Governments anti-pollution measures, the Brick kilnswill be given financial aid to use zigzag technology which is environmentallyfriendly,


The major factor of vehicular emissions pollution is old age diesel truckand buses. Diesel vehicles due to overloading, faulty injection nozzles andweak engine emit excessive graphite carbon (visible smoke). Previously, Pak-EPA in collaboration with Islamabad Traffic Police (ITP) conducted severalseasonal and need based campaigns for testing of vehicular emission.

As per Excise & Taxation Department, ICT, over the last 2 years,huge jump was observed in the number of vehicles in Pakistan which wasabout 125 thousands from the year 2016 to 2017.

According to ITP, daily 25,000 to 30,000 vehicles enter in ICI bythree main entrances. Total number of vehicles registered has reached to78,082 in 2017 by Motor registering authority, Excise and Taxation departmentICT.

(Data source: Excise and Taxation Department, Islamabad andIslamabad Traffic Police, Islamabad)

The government’s anti-air pollution measures to control vehicularemissions are stated below;

Oil that meets EU’s Euro-4 emission standard will now be imported.By the end of 2020, a shift will be made to oil that meets the Euro-5emission standard.


Oil refineries will be given a three-year warning period to improvethe quality of oil produced, If they fail, they will be shut down.

The auto industry will be asked to shift towards electric vehicles. Allbuses will either be hybrid, electric or CNG-based.

(C) National Electric Vehicle Policy

The Government of Pakistan is committed to curb emissions to mitigateand adapt to the harmful effects of climate change. Transportation accountsfor 43% of the airborne emissions in the country. Therefore, the Governmentof Pakistan has approved mandated minimum penetration targets for ElectricVehicles. The National Electric Vehicle Policy is developed to ensure meetingthe penetration numbers set forth. This policy will begin an era of clean air inthe country that we desperately need for our future generations.

(D) Vehicular Inspection System

The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Government of Punjabhave introduced Vehicular Inspection System in Province to check and controlvehicular emissions.


Solid Waste / Crop Residue Burning:

Solid waste / Crop residue burning has become a major environmentalproblem causing health issues as well as contributing to Smog issues. As perGovernments anti-pollution measures, imported machinery will bring to assistfarmers to make use of the post-harvest rice crop, rather than burn it.

However, as far as ICT is concerned, there is no crop residue burningpractices exercising in ICT, whereas, due to trans-boundary movement of AirPollution from surrounding areas, ICT has been the victim of air pollution andsmog in winter season, specifically.

(b) The above actions have been taken by Pak-EPA in ICT and theGovernment of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Government of Punjab haveintroduced Vehicular Inspection System in Province to check and controlvehicular emissions.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)


85. *Ms. Naz Baloch:

Will the Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunicationbe pleased to state what steps have been taken to create jobopportunities in IT sector?

Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication(Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui): Pakistan is a youth dominated country.Ministry of IT & Telecom is trying its best to address the issue of employmentfor this large segment of our population.

Many initiates have been taken to create jobs, provide skills to enablethem to get jobs in the local and international market and promoteentrepreneurship and freelancing by the Ministry and its organizations.

Some important steps are at annexure-A.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

86. *Ms. Shamim Panhwar:

Will the Minister for Climate Change be pleased to state:

(a) the number of brick kilns in Islamabad wherein zig zag technologyhas been installed; and

(b) as to when the said technology will be installed in the remainingbrick kilns?

Minister of State for Climate Change (Ms. Zartaj Gul): (a) InICT, five (05) out of sixty-four (64) brick kilns have now turned over theirkilns on newly environment friendly zig-zag technology. The zigzag kilntechnology has been established to embellish fuel efficiency, energy savingsand lessening in emissions.

(b) All the owners of brick kilns who have not yet submitted Affidavitsto convert their kilns environment friendly zig-zag technology have beendirected to convert by the end of 2020.


87. *Mr. Muhammad Hashim Notezai:

Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training bepleased to state the province-wise number of employees of BPS-2 to22 working in each Federal Public Scetor University in Islamabad?

Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training(Mr. Shafqat Mahmood): Currently a total of 15 (fifteen) Higher EducationalInstitutions (HEIs) are in Islamabad. The HEls & Province-wise number ofemployees of BPS-02 to 22 working in each Federal Public Sector Universitiesin Islamabad is at Annex-I.

Note: Currently a total of 15 universities / HEIs are in Islamabad. The data from

10 universities / HEIs have been received. The remaining data is being compiled and will

be provided shortly.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

88. *Mr. Saad Waseem:

Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training bepleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Government has recently changed annualexamination system of Matric and Intermediate, across thecountry; if so, the justification thereof;

(b) whether the Government has conducted any assessment priorto make such change; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasonsthereof; and

(c) how will such change impact the overall quality of the education?

Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training(Mr. Shafqat Mahmood): (a), (b) & (c) During 14th meeting of Inter-ProvincialEducation Ministers Conference (IPEMC) held on 24-09-2019, followingwas recommended: “IPEMC has recommended Provinces / Areas to startBoard exam for 8th class and issue certificate to the students. Provinces /Areas may also examine stoppage of class 9th and 11th exams at boardslevel.” The matter is under consideration of IBCC forum. However, no Change


in annual examination system of Matric & Intermediate across the country hasbeen made for Annual Examination 2020. Federal Board of Intermediate &Secondary Education (FBISE) shall conduct its forthcoming examination forMatric & Intermediate on annual basis as per past practice.

89. *Rana Iradat Sharif Khan:

Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state:

(a) minimum NTS marks a candidate needed to be selected forinterview for the post of ASI and Corporal;

(b) names of applicants who were selected for interview alongwithNTS test marks obtained by each candidate for said posts;

(c) list of candidates who obtained the minimum marks forinterview but were not called for interview;

(d) the weightage of NTS test marks and interview in final selection;and

(e) marks in interview obtained by each candidate, alongwith NTStest marks and the status as to whether candidate was selectedor not?

Minister for Aviation Division (Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Khan): (a)According to Establishment Division letter No. F.53/1/2008-SP, dated 16thJanuary, 2015, 5 candidates against each vacant post will be required toprocess through interview phase. A candidate who has scored the minimummarks in ITS objective test as per quota wise threshold is eligible for interview.

(b) Out of final result provided by the Testing Agency, 2154 candidatesfor ASI and 10076 candidates for Corporal have been called for interviewagainst vacant posts on merit.

(c) As at “ b” above.

(d) The weightage of NTS test marks and interview in final selectionis being followed exactly in accordance with Establishment Division’s O.M.No.F.53/1/2008-SP 16th January, 2015 (Annex-A) i.e. the score in the writtentest have 70% and interview has 30% weightage.


(b) The Departmental Selection Committees (DSCs) were formedin accordance with the instructions of Establishment Division and comprisessenior officers (Grade 20 & 19) of ASF and one officer of Aviation Division.The DSCs have concluded the interviews at Karachi, Quetta. Multan, Lahorewhile interviews at Islamabad and Peshawar are in progress on daily basis.The interview process will be completed on 22nd Jan, 2020 after which, thedata of six centers will be compiled to prepare a region / quota wise result.After the scrutiny & signature of DSCs and approval of Director GeneralASF, candidates will be called for basic training.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

90. *Mr. Saad Waseem:

Will the Minister for Climate Change be pleased to state:

(a) whether data of air pollution in Islamabad is collected; if so, themonth-wise figures of such data for the last one year alongwithmechanism which is adopted to collect such data and pointsfrom where such data is collected;

(b) what steps have been and are being taken to reduce the airpollution of the Islamabad; and

(c) the funds, which have been spent for the propose of reducing airpollution in Islamabad in year 2018-19 and funds reserved forthe same in year 2019-20?

Minister of State for Climate Change (Ms. Zartaj Gul): (a) Pak-EPA monitors the ambient air quality data of Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT)on daily basis. The data consists of environmental parameters such as SOx,NOx, CO, O3 and particulate matter which are being analyzed by using Fixedambient air monitoring station set at sector H-8/2, Islamabad in the premisesof Pak-EPA in accordance with the methods and procedures prescribed byUSEPA.

The daily and monthly air quality data generated by Pak-EPA for ICTis available at the official website (www.environment.gov.pk) and TWITTERaccount @PakEpaIslamabad.


(The month-wise air quality monitoring data for the duration from June2019 – November 2019 is enclosed at Annex-I)

In addition to above, Pak EPA monitored air quality assessment of theentire industrial areas of ICT in February 2018 through mobile air qualitymonitoring stations. (Annex-II).

(b) After 18th constitutional amendment, Pakistan EnvironmentalProtection Agency (Pak-EPA) is mandated with its function under PakistanEnvironmental Protection Act’ 1997 for protection, conservation andrehabilitation of environment in Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) ONLY.

The contributing causes of air pollution in ICT are stated below;

Industrial emission (particularly steel industries and brick kilnsin ICT).

Vehicular emissions.

Crop residue and Solid-waste burning (particularly a transboundary issue).

In order to control the air pollution of Islamabad Capital Territory(ICT), Pak-EPA has notified the following National Environmental QualityStandards;

NEQS for ambient air under S.R.O. No. 1062(I)/2010(Annex-III)

NEQS for industrial gaseous emission under S.R.O No. 549(I)/2000(Annex-IV) and

NEQS for vehicular emission standards under S.R.O No. 72(KE)/2009 (NEQS for motor vehicle exhaust and noise) (Annex-V).

According to above NEQS, all the industries of ICT are bound tocontrol air emissions through installation of anti-pollution devices.

Pak-EPA ensures strict compliance of NEQS by the industries andmotor vehicles for industrial gaseous emissions and vehicular emission,respectively, on routine basis.


The major factors that contribute to air pollution are;

Industrial emission (particularly steel industries and brick kilnsin ICT).

Vehicular emissions.

Crop residue and Solid-waste burning (particularly a transboundary issue).


In Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) there are approximately 185+industrial units including different scale of sizes.

Main industries in Islamabad are steel furnaces, marble industries andpharmaceutical industries which are also under observation by Pak-EPA.

Among all, Steel Industries are being considered as a major air pollutingIndustries in ICT.

(i) Steel Industries:

All the steel furnaces situated in ICT have installed pollution abatementtechnology and Pak-EPA regularly monitors these steel units for ensuring thecompliance of NEQS.

Gradually every industry situated in Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT)are being taken in loop for the installation of pollution abatement technology.

(ii) Brick Kilns:

Pak-EPA directed brick kiln owners to adopt zigzag technology onimmediate basis. The technology was introduced with the cooperation of theAll Pakistan Brick Kiln Owners Association (APBKOA).

Many brick kilns in Islamabad and Lahore has now turned over theirkilns on newly environment friendly Zig-Zag technology.

The zigzag kiln technology has been established to embellish fuelefficiency, energy savings and lessening in emissions.


Recently, Pak-EPA has sealed 05 Brick Kilns on November 25, 2019who were operation their kilns in Sector I-16, Islamabad without installationof pollution control technology.

Further, as per Government’s anti-pollution measures, Brick kilns willbe given financial aid to use zigzag technology which is environmentally friendly.


As per Excise & Taxation Department, ICT, over the last 2 years,huge jump was observed in the number of vehicles in Pakistan which wasabout 125 thousands from the year 2016 to 2017.

According ITP, daily 25,000 to 30,000 thousand vehicles enter in ICTby three main entrances. Total number of vehicles registered has reached to78,082 in 2017 by Motor registering authority, Excise and Taxation departmentICT.

(Data source: Excise and Taxation Department, Islamabad andIslamabad Traffic Police, Islamabad)

The major factor of vehicular air pollution is the emissions of old agediesel truck and buses. Diesel vehicles due to overloading, faulty injectionnozzles and weak engine emit excessive graphite carbon (visible smoke).

Previously, Pak-EPA in collaboration with Islamabad Traffic Police(ITP) conducted several seasonal and need based campaigns for testing ofvehicular emission.

The government’s anti-air pollution measures to control vehicularemissions are stated below;

Oil that meets EU’s Euro-4 emission standard will now be imported.By the end of 2020, a shift will be made to oil that meets the Euro-5emission standard.

Oil refineries will be given a three-year warning period to improvethe quality of oil produced. If they fail, they will be shut down.

The auto industry will be asked to shift towards electric vehicles. Allbuses will either be hybrid, electric or CNG-based.


With a view to sensitize the masses on the issue of vehicular pollution,a mass awareness campaign is being developed consisting of 10 seconds and20 seconds media messages that will be disseminated through electronic media.


Solid Waste / Crop Residue Burning:

Solid waste / Crop residue burning has become a major environmentalproblem causing health issues as well as contributing to Smog issues.

As per Governments anti-pollution measures, imported machinery willbrought to assist farmers to make use of the post-harvest rice crop, ratherthan burn it.

However, as far as ICT is concerned, there is no crop residue burningpractices exercising in ICT, whereas, due to trans-boundary movement of AirPollution from surrounding areas, ICT has been the victim of air pollution andsmog in winter season, specifically.

(c) Pak-EPA has been allocated an amount of PKR. 14.24 Millionand PKR. 14.22 Million for the year 2018-19 and 2019-20, respectively onaccount of operational expenses of Pak-EPA (except salaries).

However, as far as the funds for reducing air pollution is concerned,no funds has been allocated to Pak-EPA for the purpose of reducing airpollution specifically is Islamabad in year 2018-19 and 2019-20.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

91. *Ms. Fauzia Behram:

Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training bepleased to state:

(a) the steps being taken by the Government to impart moderntraining to the teachers teaching in Government schools; and

(b) the steps being taken to improve the standard of education inGovernment schools?


Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training(Mr. Shafqat Mahmood): (a) & (b) In order to improve the educationalstandard of the teachers advanced teaching strategies through capacity buildingof teachers focusing on modern teaching methodologies has been introduced.For this purpose, a comprehensive teacher training program for more than1000 teachers has been completed in June 2019, the detail is as under:—

Training on Pedagogical Skills for Primary School Teachers.

Training on Pedagogical Skills for Secondary School Teachers.

Communication Skills.

Moreover, teachers have been engaged in Massive Open OnlineCourses (MOOCS), which is one of the most convenient and affordable wayto improve professional capacities. In first phase 300 teachers have beenenrolled in various online courses. This will also provide an opportunity toacquire qualifications from internationally renowned universities.

In addition Federal Directorate of Education in collaboration withUniversal Services Fund, a project of Ministry of Information Technology hasestablished 226 Computer Labs in girls educational institutions (primary level)with allied facilities to provide equitable opportunities to excel and to spreadthe benefits of the telecom revolution to students in ICT. Under this project,200 IT teacher have been placed in schools with collaboration of USF. Thesestrained teachers have been placed in schools being engaged in imparting ICTskills to untrained teachers.

In order to improve the educational standards, the presence ofteachers in their respective institutions is necessary. For thispurpose, FDE has completed a project for the installation of FaceDetection Biometric System in all the educational institutions underFDE. 440 biometric devices are installed for the purpose and12000 teaching and non-teaching employees have enrolledthemselves and are marking their attendance at morning and atthe time of departure.

Thousands of teaching and non-teaching staff have been trainedin order to enhance their capabilities for betterment of educationalinstitutions through foreign and local trainings.


FDE conducts Centralized Annual Examination for Class-V andmiddle standard scholarship exam to develop a sense of competitionamong students as Academic performance is reflected through resultsof Centralized Annual Examination for Class-V, X and XII. Detail oflast 05 years are as under:—

——————————————————————————————CLASSES 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019——————————————————————————————

V 91.23% 93.32% 92.22% 94.96% 94.65%

VIII 92,03% 91.91% 86.69% 95.42% 90.86%

X 85.45% 84.33% 86.81% 85.60% 87%

XII 75.44% 73.56% 67.86% 72.86% 75.49%

—————————————————————————————— All the institutions have been affiliated with Quaid-e-Azam University,

Islamabad at Degree level.

The students of FDE enthusiastically participate in Federal Board ofIntermediate & Secondary Education (FBISE) and University levelsports competitions where they earn positions not only for theirinstitutions but also for FDE.

FDE aims for providing access to equitable quality education forensuring sustainable national growth through active participation ofthe civil society, non-government organizations and private sector interms of introducing educational technology in FDE’s schools. Inthis regard FDE has partnered with JAZZ, USF, Teach the WorldFoundation, Taleem Foundation etc. Due to these interventions, FDEteaching faculty has been trained to embed technology in routinelesson plans and learning has been made meaningful and productivefor FDE’s students with the usage of tablets, computers, interactivesmart boards and digitized learning content. For meeting shortage ofstaff, FDE also entered into partnership with Teach for Pakistan wherecompetent young graduates are recruited from eminent universitiesof Pakistan to render services as teaching faculty at FDE’s schoolsfor 02 years supported financially by teach for Pakistan as fellows.The quality of teaching in particular and education in general hasbeen raised with the advent of these initiatives taken by FDE.


Moreover, school adoption program on a small scale has also beentaken in Sihala, Tarnol and Nilore sectors where development inliteracy, SUNBEAMS and Moawin Foundation are working closelywith the administrative, teaching staff and students to enhance qualityeducation by providing soft skills and missing facilities.

FDE in order to provide equitable quality education to all, is engagedin massive drive of brining OOSC in ICT. 11000 children have beenidentified as OOSC and 7000 have been enrolled in FDE’s schoolsand non-formal education centers designated by FDE so far.

92. *Mr. Muhammad Afzal Khokhar:

Will the Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social SafetyDivision be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration by theGovernment to grant monthly allowance to all disable personsin the country;

(b) if not, the reasons therefor?

Reply not received.

93. *Ms. Nusrat Wahid:

Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training bepleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the temporary and daily wages Lecturersare being appointed in the Federal Government Colleges/Universities in Islamabad;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the standard of education is beingadversely affected due to said policy; if so, the steps being takenin this regard?

Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training(Mr. Shafqat Mahmood):

Higher Education Commission (HEC).

(a) At present, total 15 (twenty five) Higher Educational Institutions(HEls) are in Islamabad. The HEIs are following the HEC’s faculty appointment


laid down criteria for faculty appointment. There is no such practice in vogueto appoint Faculty Members on daily wages. Nonetheless, courses are offered/advertised to hire the faculty on contract, visiting, and part time basis to fulfilshortage of regular faculty in HEls. However, a transparent and stringentprocedure is followed to hire the contractual faculty, which fulfills the minimumeligibility criteria of qualification and experience. The performance ofcontractual faculty continuously monitored by Head of Department (HOD)/Deans. The extension in contract granted on the basis of the performance ofthe faculty member.

Not applicable in the view of above.

Federal Directorate of Education (FDE)

a. It is not correct, infact, Federal Directorate of Education,Islamabad has imposed ban on the engagement of temporary and daily wages(teaching and non-teaching staff). Moreover, the Honorable Islamabad HighCourt has passed the following directions in ICA No.340/2017 vide ParaNo.123(i) upheld by the Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan regardingregularization of daily wages employees working under the FDE which havebeen conveyed to the Head of Institutions:-

“No one is allowed to hire any person on daily wagers, contractbasis, in Any project, organization office ministries, etc., except inaccordance with law”.

(b) It is not a fact that the standard of education is being adverselyaffected due to said policy. The steps being taken in this regard is placed atAnnex-A.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

94. *Mr. Raza Rabani Khar:

Will the Minister for Climate Change be pleased to state:

(a) whether Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (PEPA) has taken notice of discharge of industrial toxic across thecountry and in particular in District Muzaffargarh throughdifferent rivers, nallas, streams, etc.; if so, the details thereof;and


(b) the steps being taken by the PEPA to prevent all such industrialunits from discharging industrial toxic in the water courses?

Minister of State for Climate Change (Ms. Zartaj Gul): (a) Since,Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) is mandated with itsfunction under Pakistan Environmental Protection Act’ 1997 for protection,conservation and rehabilitation of environment in Islamabad Capital Territory(ICT) only after 18th constitutional amendment.

(b) However, as far as ICT is concerned, there are no such industrialunits who are discharging industrial toxic in water sources. Pak-EPA regularlymonitors the liquid industrial effluents of industries falls in ICT jurisdiction toensure the NEQS as per Annex-I of S.R.O No. 549(I)/2000.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

95. *Ch. Muhammad Hamid Hameed:

Will the Minister In-charge of the Establishment Division be pleasedto state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Secretariat Training Institute (STI)conducts “ten minutes” proficiency test for LDC; and

(b) if so, under which law/rule the same is conducted?

Minister In-charge of the Establishment Division: (a) SecretariatTraining Institute (ST) conducts “ten minutes” proficiency test for LDCs.

(b) Secretariat Training Institute (STI) has been assigned this role bythe Establishment Division vide O.M. No. 10/2/79-F.I/D.5, dated 17-2-1983.The details are available at Annex-I.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

96. *Ms. Naureen Farooq Ibrahim:

Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training bepleased to state:


(a) the number of on going scholarship programmes of Pakistanwith China;

(b) the number of students benefitted from these scholarships sofar in detail; and

(c) the number of such programmes expected in next five years?

Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training(Mr. Shafqat Mahmood): (a) The following 4 ongoing scholarship programsof Pakistan are with China:

i. China Scholarship Council (CSC) Chinese GovernmentScholarship Programme is for undergraduate, Masters and PhD.

ii. Yes China Youth of Excellence Scheme for Masters Programme

iii. Xi’an-Jiao-tong University Scholarship Program for Masters andPh.D

iv. HEC-CRBC Scholarship Programme for Masters

(b) A total of 100 (hundred) students benefited from these scholarshipProgrammes. The detail is as under:

i. China Scholarship Council (CSC) Chinese Government ScholarshipProgramme is for undergraduate, Masters and PhD: Seventy (70)students were nominated by HEC under Chinese GovernmentScholarship Program however Forty (40) of them were awardedscholarship by China at Undergraduate, Master’s & PhD levels.

ii. Yes China Youth of Excellence Scheme for Masters Programme:One (01) slot was given to Pakistani professionals under “Yes ChinaYouth of Excellence Scheme” but no one was finally selected by theChinese Embassy.

iii. Xi’an-Jiao-tong University Scholarship Program for Masters andPhD: Ten (10) slots were given to Pakistani students for Mastersand PhD under Xian-Jiao-tong University Scholarships four (04) forMasters & six (06) for PhD have been awarded.


iv. HEC-CRBC Scholarship Programme for Masters: A total of 50 (fifty)students are enrolled under this program.

(c) HEC is hopeful that these 4 Chinese Government fundedprogrammes will be continued. Furthermore, 3 to 4 new scholarshipprogrammes proposal are under consideration for future.

97. *Sheikh Fayyaz Ud Din:

Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training bepleased to state the reasons to handing over the administration oftwelve departments of the Ministry of Education to Ministry of HumanRights?

Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training(Mr. Shafqat Mahmood): The administrative control of followingdepartments was transferred to the Ministry of Human Rights with the approvalof Cabinet vide Cabinet Division Memo No. 4-1/2019-Min-I, dated05-08-2019. These departments /Offices functions were related to Welfareand Human Rights rather than Education.

Name of the departments:—

i. National Council of Social Welfare (NCSW)

ii. National Council for Rehabilitation of Disabled Person (NCRDP)

iii. National Trust for Disabled (NTD)

iv. Social Welfare Training Institute (H-8/4, Islamabad)

v. Women Welfare Development Centre, G-7/1, Islamabad.

vi. Rural Community Development Centre Punjgran.

vii. Pilot Comprehensive Community Development Centre Sohan

viii. Community Welfare Development Centre Noon (Fateh Jang Road)

ix. Pilot School Social Work Centre, F-6/2, Islamabad

x. Social Services Medical Center, Polyclinic

xi. Model Child Welfare Centre, Hummak, Islamabad.


98. *Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state the city-wise, total value of moveable and immoveable assets of Civil AviationAuthority at present?

Minister for Aviation Division (Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Khan): Thecity /location wise, total value of moveable and immovable assets of CivilAviation Authority as at 30th November, 2019 are at Annexure-‘A’.

The assets have been categorized based on Generally AcceptedInternational Accounting principles wherein immovable assets are those thatcannot be moved from their place, such as Land and Buildings; and includethose fixtures that could not be removed from their place without impairingtheir parent asset to which they are attached.

On the other hand assets not covered under definition above are allimmoveable properties.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

99. *Ms. Munawara Bibi Baloch:

Will the Minister for Climate Change be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that most of the land of Balochistan is barrenand unproductive; and

(b) the quota allocated for Balochistan under Green Pakistan Projectand to what extent the work have been completed on it alongwithdetails thereof?

Minister of State for Climate Change (Ms. Zartaj Gul): (a)Balochistan has entirely different climatic, edaphic and geographic conditionsas compared to other parts of the country. Balochistan, in fact, is havingaltitudinal range from sea level to highest peak 3,600 m. It also has 60%mountainous area and rest is plains and deserts. Besides, more than 65 % ofprovincial area has pasture / rangeland land-use. The province, on average,receives 150 to 300 mm precipitation, which depict arid to semi-arid climate.These are the reasons, the Barren and Un-productive Areas including deserts


and sand dunes in Balochistan are reported in the Land cover atlas ofPakistan - The Balochistan Province (Published by United Nation’s Food& Agriculture Organization of Pakistan-FAO 14/07/2017) as 21.1% of thetotal province.

(b) The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council(ECNEC) in its meeting held on 29th August, 2019 has approved theumbrella project “Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Programme Phase-I,Up-scaling of Green Pakistan Programme (Revised)” with the total costof Rs. 125.184 billion; the Balochistan Specific details are as under:

a. The Forestry Component-Balochistan is approved with thetotal cost of Rs. 16.668 billion (Rs. 8.355 billion through Federalfinancing; and Rs. 8.333 billion through Provincial financing). Thecomponent is planned to be implemented from Financial Year(FY) 2019-20 to 2022-23.

b. The total targets of planting in the Balochistan Component are100.814 million plants.

c. The Balochistan Component is in inception phase and the plannedtargets for FY 2019-20 are 3.130 million plants planting targetswith raising of 11.272 million Nursery plants.

100. *Mst. Shaheen Naz Saifullah:

Will the Minister In-charge of the Establishment Division be pleasedto state whether the quota for disabled persons in GovernmentServices has been increased from 2% to 5%; if so, the time by whichit will be implemented by the Government alongwith the completedetail thereof?

Transferred to Human Right Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

101. *Ms. Shunila Ruth:

Will the Minister In-charge of the Establishment Division be pleasedto state:

(a) the details of services quota reserved for minorities;


(b) the number of employees hailing from minorities recruited inall federal departments under the said quota;

(c) department-wise number of posts lying vacant against saidquota; and

(d) the time by which said vacancies would be filled?

Minister In-charge of the Establishment Division: (a) The FederalGovernment has reserved 05% quota for employment of Minorities(Non-Muslims), to all posts across the board in the Federal GovernmentServices /jobs to be filled by direct recruitment including CSS, in addition totheir participation in the open merit. (Annex-I & II).

The above reservation will not apply to:—

(i) The percentage of vacancies reserved for recruitment on the basis ofmerit.

(ii) Recruitment made by promotion or transfer in accordance with therelevant rules.

(iii) Short terms vacancies likely to last for less than six months; and

(iv) Isolated posts in which vacancies occur only occasionally;

(b) The number of employees from minorities working in FederalGovernrnent arc as under:——————————————————————————————

Category Number of Employees——————————————————————————————

Federal Government Civil Servant 16612Employees of Autonomous Bodies 7109

—————————————————————————————— Total 23721

——————————————————————————————(c) Detail of department-wise number of posts lying vacant against

5% minorities quota, is readily not available. However, letters have been issuedto all the Federal Government Ministries / Divisions to collect the information(Annex-III). The compiled report will be submitted after data collection.

(d) Information will be submitted after data collection.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)


102. *Mr. Muhammad Hashim Notezai:

Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state whetherGovernment will pursue other airlines to start flights on Karachi-Turbat-Dalbandin-Karachi route if PIA have not enough source tostart flights operation on said route?

Minister for Aviation Division (Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Khan): Currentlyamongst the three airlines namely, PIA, Airblue & Serene none of airlines areoperating on the route Karachi-Turbat-Dalbandin-Karachi. Also only PIAhas the compatible / suitable aircraft i.e. ATR to operate on the said locations.At present PIA is operating five (05) flights on Karachi-Turbat-Karachi.However, PIA has suspended operations on Karachi-Dalbandin-Karachieffective from September, 2019 due to limited market demand / passengerload factor.

103. *Mr. Ramesh Lal:

Will the Minister In-charge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that in Sector I-16, Islamabad mobile signalsare either extremely or almost nil due to non-availability of towersin the vicinity of the said sectors; and

(b) the steps intended to be taken by the concerned department toresolve the said issue?

Minister In-charge of the Cabinet Division: (a) Licensees areproviding mobile communication service (voice & data) as per the rolloutobligations under their respective licenses whereas, it is pertinent to mentionhere that Licensees already exceed the minimum network rollout obligationsimposed in line with the terms and conditions of their respective Licenses. Asper record, none of the Licensees have defaulted on rollout obligations, As faras provision of services at a particular location in addition to the rolloutobligations is concerned the licensees make such decisions after necessaryevaluation and comprehensive commercial feasibility analysis.

PTA receives requests for provision of service to a certain populationwhich are duly analyzed and taken up with the licensees. Status of networkcoverage in Sector I-16 is appended below;


a. Ufone : Satisfactoryb. Jazz : Moderatec. Zong : Moderated. Telenor : No coverage

(b) In addition to (i) above, matter has been referred for on-groundverification of the coverage and Licensees have been instructed to take appropriatemeasures to improve coverage in the area.

104. *Ms. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Information and Broadcasting be pleased to statethe steps being taken by the Government to promote classical artand music?

Transferred to National History and Literary Heritage Division for answeron Next Rota Day.

105. *Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali:

Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state:

(a) the income and expenditure of PIA during the financial year2018-19;

(b) whether audit of the statistics of the year has been carried outaccording to the prevailing law or otherwise; and

(c) the deficit being faced by the PIA at present?

Minister for Aviation Division (Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Khan): (a)Fiscal year of PIA is from January - December. Therefore, Summary of Profitand Loss of PIACL from Jan-Dec, 2018 is as under:

PKR in MillionRevenues 103,490Operating expenseFuel & Oil 43,552Other than fuel 92,019Operating loss other than exchange loss (32,081)


Exchange loss (14,953)Operating loss (47,033)Finance cost (20,385)Loss before tax (67,418)

(b) These statistics has been audited by PIA’s external auditors, as perthe prevailing law.

(c) The total deficit figures as on December 31, 2018 is 437.7 Billion.Further, the financial accounts for year 2019 are not finalized but a declining trendin losses is expected.

106. *Nawab Muhammad Yousuf Talpur:

Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Trainingbe pleased to state:

(a) the names of Corporations, Autonomous Organizations andSemi-Autonomous Organizations under the Ministry;

(b) the share holding of Federal Government in each of abovesaid Corporations Autonomous Organizations and SemiAutonomous Organizations;

(c) the name of CEOs/MDs/Chairmen of each of above saidCorporations, Autonomous Organizations and SemiAutonomous Organizations;

(d) the Compositions of the Board of Directors, Board ofGovernors, Board of Trustees of each of above saidCorporation, Autonomous Organization and SemiAutonomous Organizations; and

(e) the names and status of each of Directors, Trustees andGovernors mentioning their dates of appointments, Tenuresand Province of belonging in each of above said Corporation,Autonomous Organization and Semi AutonomousOrganization?


Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training(Mr. Shafqat Mahmood): (a), (b), (c), (d) & (e)

National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC).

a. National Vocational & Technical Training Commission (anautonomous body) M/o Federal Education & Professional Training.

b. Not applicable

c. Syed Javed Hassan is Chairman and Dr. Nasir Khan is ExecutiveDirector of NAVTTC.

d. The composition of NAVTTC Board of Management BOM is atAnnex-I.

e. The names, status, date of appointment & province of members is atAnnex-II.

National Commission for Human Development (NCHD).

a. National Commission For Human Development (NCHD)

b. Not Applicable.

c. Dr. Amir Ullah Khan Marwat

d. Public Sector Members 05Ex-Officio Members 02

e. Name of Director /Member Province Year of Appointment

(1) Dr. Amirullah Marwat KPK 10th Jan. 2019 (Chairman)

(2) Mrs. Roshan Khursheed Baluchistan 04th December 2002 Barucha

(3) Dr. Sono Khangharani Sindh 01st Feb. 2013

(4) Dr. Saba Gul Khattak KPK 01st Feb. 2013

(5) Dr. Mobashir Ahmed Bhatti Punjab 15th March 2016


All Members / Directors except Chairman are inactive as the ministry is inthe process of reconstituting of the Commission / Board.

Higher Education Commission (HEC).

a. Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad, is an AutonomousOrigination established under section 4 of the Ordinance No. LIII of2002.

b. Not applicable.

c. Mr. Tariq Banuri, Chairman HEC Islamabad.

d. The Composition of the Governing Body of HEC viz. Members ofthe Commission is at Annex-III.

e. A consolidated list containing the Section of HEC Ordinance, Statusof each Member, names, dates of appointments/Tenures, andProvince of belonging is at Annex-IV.

Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education (FBISE).

a. Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE)

b. FBISE is an autonomous body working under administrative controlof Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training. (NoteApplicable)

c. Dr lkram Ali Malik, Chairman, FBISE.

d. Composition of the Board of Governors (BoG) of FBISE as perFBISE Act, 1975 is enclosed at Annexure-V.

e. List of the current Members of BoG of FBISE with requisite detailsis enclosed at Annexure-VI.

Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Authority (PEIRA).

a. Islamabad Capital Territory – Private Education InstitutionRegulatory Authority (ICT-PEIRA).

b. Not applicable in case of ICT-PEIRA.

c. Ms. Zia Batool, Chairperson (ICT-PEIRA).

d. Not applicable in case of ICT-PEIRA.

e. Not applicable in case of ICT-PEIRA.

National Education Foundation (NEF).

a. National Education Foundation (NEF) was established in 1994through Cabinet Resolution and became operational in 1996. NEF


was later on restructured through Presidential Ordinance XX/2002as autonomous body with its own Board of Governors (BoG). NEFhaving its geographical outreach in FATA. GB, AJK and ICT.

b. National Education Foundation (NEF) working as autonomous bodyunder the administrative control of M/o Federal Education &Professional Training. (Note applicable)

c. Presently, the post of the Managing Director NEF is vacant.Mr. Shafqat Mahmood Minister for Federal Education & ProfessionalTraining acts as Chairman Board of Governor BOG -NEF.

d & e. The composition of Board of Governor, (Name & Designation ofmembers Province. Tenure of appointment enclosed at Annex-VII).

National Book Foundation (NBF).

a. National Book Foundation.

b. Purely Federal Government owned organization.

c. Managing Director (BS-21) vacant w.e.f. 12-12-2019 (required tobe Filled by Cabinet Division.

d. Composition of BOG is mentioned as per clause 4 of the NBF Act1972. As Annex-VIII & Annex-IX and copy of Act is enclosed.

e. The constitution of Board of Governors (BOG) of NBF is in process.Last meeting was held on 7th November, 2003. The tenure of BOGmembers for three years.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

107. *Dr. Darshan:

Will the Minister for Information and Broadcasting be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that PTV has always increased house rentalceiling for its employees as and when announced by theGovernment of Pakistan for Federal Government employees inthe past; if so, the term-wise detail of previous increases madeduring last three times; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that the 50% increase in this regardannounced by the Government of Pakistan w.e.f 01-07-2018has not yet been approved by BOD for PTV employees; if so, thereasons thereof?


Minister for Information and Broadcasting: (a) Yes, the increaseannounced by the Government also applies to PTV employees in PayGroup-1 to 9 as per ASI-74 part-X para (i) notified vide no. HSA/90l/2454dated 17-09-1996, which states that the rent of hired accommodation shallbe increased as and when decided by the Government and also notified byPTV subject to approval of Board of Director. The detail of last three timesincreases is as under:

(i) In the year 2008, PTV increased the house rent ceiling vide OfficeOrder No. HP/2613/2626 dated 25-08-2008 with effect from01-07-2008 @ 25% as approved by the PTV BOD in its 181stmeeting held on 18-08-2008.

(ii) In the year 2011, PTV increased the house rent ceiling vide OfficeOrder No. HP/2613/4075 dated 23.01.2012 with effect from01-07-2011 @25% as approved by the PTV BOD in its 197thmeeting held on 23-12-2011.

(iii) In the year 2015, PTV increased the house rent ceiling vide OfficeOrder No. HP/2613/44 dated 13-01-2015 with effect from01-01-2015 @ 35% as approved by the PTV BOD in its 209thmeeting held on 31-12-2014.

(b) The Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Housing & Works,Islamabad vide letter No. F.4 (8)/92-Policy, dated 25-06-2018 has revisedthe rental ceiling for hiring of residential accommodation for FederalGovernment employees @ 50% w.e.f. 1st July 2018. As per policy in vogue,increases in rental ceilings are allowed to PTV employees with the approvalof the Board of Directors which is the rule making authority of the Corporation.Accordingly the matter for increase in rental ceiling of PTV employees waspresented to the Board of Director for consideration & approval in its216th meeting held on 10-05-2018, 223rd meeting held on 14-01-2019 and224th meeting held on 28-01-2019, but it was deferred keeping it viewfinancial position of the Organization.

108. *Syed Mehmood Shah:

Will the Minister In-charge of the Establishment Division be pleasedto state:

(a) the total number of registered private institutes which areworking as testing service institutes;

(b) the total number of such institutes which are under theregistration process;


(c) whether it is a fact that the said institutes conduct the tests ofdifferent vacancies on same day with same questions for thepost of grade 1-5 and grade 7-16 and most of the questions arefound irrelevant;

(d) whether it is further a fact that the helpline numbers of saidinstitutes are not responding properly even some time the callsare not attended due to which candidates face difficulties?

Reply not received.

109. *Dr. Mahreen Razzaq Bhutto:

Will the Minister In-charge of the Establishment Division be pleasedto state:

(a) the total number of vacancies in Federal Public ServiceCommission;

(b) as to when recruitment will be made on said vacancies;

(c) the number of posts vacant against promotion quota; and

(d) the reasons for not promoting the employees against saidvacancies?

Minister In-charge of the Establishment Division: (a) Total Numberof vacancies are 75

26 Gazetted posts meant for direct recruitment32 Non-Gazetted posts meant for direct recruitment17 Gazetted and Non-Gazetted posts meant for promotion

(b) Recruitment to 26 gazetted posts is under process within theCommission. Similarly, the recruitment against 32 non-gazetted posts is undervarious stages of recruitment process. FPSC is actively pursuing the processto fill up the said vacancies under the rules.

(c) Number of posts are 17 as referred in (a) above.

(d) Cases against 02 posts has been forwarded to CSB recently, 06posts will be filled after meeting of DSB in near future & DPC shortly, 05 postare vacant due to non-availability of eligible persons and work on 05 postsare under process.


110. *Dr. Shazia Sobia Aslam Soomro:

Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training bepleased to state whether it is a fact that Government is planning tointroduce uniform education curriculum for all in Pakistan; if so,please share the details of the program and reasons for adoption ofthis policy?

Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training(Mr. Shafqat Mahmood): (a) National Curriculum Council (NCC) Ministryof Federal Education and Professional Training initiated the process ofdeveloping Single National Curriculum, with input from all federating units ofPakistan.

(b) The exercise of development of single national curriculum isplanned in three phases:

Phase I: Grade Pre-I to V (By Mar 2020)Phase II: Grade VI to VIII(By Mar 2021)Phase III: Grade IX-XII (By Mar 2022)

For this purpose, the first draft of curriculum for grade Pre-I to V hasbeen developed by NCC, with input from the subject, curriculum, assessmentand teacher training experts from public sector as well from renowned privateinstitutions for inclusive curriculum development process.

This first draft has been shared with all the provinces and Areaeducation departments for their input. At each place four-day curriculum reviewmeetings are scheduled after which the input will be submitted to NCC.

This input will be incorporated into the first draft and be presented ina national level conference where the presence of experts from all federatingunits will be ensured.

The next step will be to take this curriculum document to NationalCurriculum Council after the approval of which, it will be presented to Inter-Provincial Education Ministers’

ISLAMABAD: TAHIR HUSSAIN,The 7th January, 2020 Secretary.

PCPPI—27(2020) NA—7-1-2020—600.


(18th Session)




For Wednesday, the 8th January, 2020

55. Mr. Saad Waseem:(Deferred during 16th Session)

Will the Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and SocialSafety Division be pleased to state:

(a) number of persons, who have been working in PakistanBait-ul-Mal and its projects including Dar-ul-Ehsaas either oncontract basis contingency basis or ad-hoc basis at presentalongwith dates of their appointments;

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to place the services of aforesaid employees/personson regular basis;

(c) if so, the details; if not, the reasons thereof?

Reply not received.

54. Ms. Rubina Irfan:(Deferred during 17th Session)

Will the Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social SafetyDivision be pleased to state:

(a) the funds allocated for ”Ehsaas” programme in the financialyear 2019-20;

(b) the percentage of above said funds which are to be utilized inBalochistan?


Minister In-charge of the Poverty Alleviation and Social SafetyDivision: (a) The details of funds allocated for Ehsaas programme in the financialyear 2019-20 are as under:—

(i) Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP):

The budget allocated for Ehsaas programme for Financial Year2019-20 is Rs.180.00 billion.

(ii) Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF):

An amount of Rs.5 billion is allocated for Interest Free LoanProgramme (IFL) under Ehsaas in the budget of Financial Year 2019-20.

(iii) Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM):

The Federal Government has allocated Grant / Budgetamounting to Rs. 5,653.000 Million to Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal forFinancial Year 2019-20 under the Ehsaas Programme. The break updetails of allocated funds are as under:

——————————————————————————————Sr. Budget head Allocated 2019-20No. (Rs. In Million)

——————————————————————————————Individual Financial Assistance 2,430.000i. Medical 1,830.000

i. ii. IFA General 150.000iii. IFA Special Friends 100.000iv. Education 350.000

Projects 1,659.000i. Dar ul Ehsas 748.000

ii. ii. Schools for Rehabilitation of Child Labour (SRCLs) 467.000iii. Women Empowerment Centres (WECs) 422.000iv. Pakistan Great Homes 22.000

iii. Child Support Programme -Out of available balance of CSP Account



——————————————————————————————Sr. Budget head Allocated 2019-20No. (Rs. In Million)

——————————————————————————————iv. Institutional Rehabilitation through NGOs 40.000

v Global Cooperation on Assistive Technology 100.000(GATE) for people with disabilities

vi. Administration 1,424.000——————————————————————————————

Total 5,653.000——————————————————————————————

(b) The details of the percentage of above said funds which are to beutilized in Balochistan.

(i) Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP):

BISP is serving extreme poor of Balochistan who are eligible accordingto its transparent targeting criteria. BISP will extend its subsistence allowancecalled Unconditional Cash Transfer (UCT) to 196,115 number of beneficiariesin Balochistan during FY 2019-20. The amount allocated exclusively forBalochistan under UCT is Rs. 5 billion (approx.) during this period which isroughly 4% of the total BISP unconditional cash transfers.

BISP has also earmarked Rs.185.00 million for disbursement to eligiblechildren under its Waseela-e-Taleem Programme which incentivizes poorfamilies to enroll their out of school children (4-12 years). Furthermore, budgetto the tune of Rs. 338.00 million (approx..) has been allocated for povertydata collection through the National Socio Economic Registry (NSER) updatein Balochistan during 2019-20.

(ii) Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF):

An amount of Rs. 700 Million is allocated for Balochistan. At presentIFL Programme is being implemented in 10 districts of Balochistan. Furtherthe detail of disbursement of Rs. 700 million in 6 additional districts is mentionedin the below table for the Financial Year 2019-20.


——————————————————————————————# Districts No. of No. of On-lending funds allocation

UCs loans (FY 2019-20)

per UC No. of Loans Amount (Rs.)

——————————————————————————————1 Sibi 10 500 5,000 125,000,000

2 Gwadar 10 500 5,000 125,000,000

3 Killah 10 500 5,000 125,000,000Saifullah

4 Awaran 10 ‘ 500 5,000 125,000,000

5 Kech 8 500 4,000 100,000,000

6 Sherani 8 500 4,000 100,000,000

——————————————————————————————Total 56 3,000 28,000 700,000,000

——————————————————————————————The percentage of the above said funds which are to be utilized in

Balochistan is 14% for the Financial Year 2019-20.

(iii) Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal:

Funds amounting to Rs.388.700 Million are to be utilized in Balochistanwhich is 7% of the above budget.

45. Dr. Seemi Bokhari:

Will the Minister for Information and Broadcasting be pleased to statewhether it is a fact that PTV management has not increased the salaryof its employees according to the announcement of the Governmentof Pakistan for employees at the eve of every year in Budget Sessionsince 2016; if so, reasons thereof alongwith year-wise detail ofGovernment of Pakistan’s percentage-wise increases and PTV’sincrease in juxtaposition?

Minister for Information and Broadcasting: This is to inform thatPTV is an autonomous body registered under the Companies Act-2017. Itsaffairs are managed by Board of Directors duly nominated by the Governmentof Pakistan. The financial terms related to the employees are settled throughMOU agreed between the Management and CBA Union. The BOD approvespay scales of the employees.


The detail of revision of basic pay scales & allowances and AdhocRelief announced by the Government of Pakistan for civil servants from2016 to 2018, while PTV has given increase only in 2018.——————————————————————————————

Govt of Pakistan PTV——————————————————————————————

Year Increase Year Increase

2016 10% of the 2016 NILRunning Basic pay

2017 10% of the 2017 NILRunning Basic pay

2018 10% Adhoc relief 2018 10%Adhoc reliefon the Running Basic pay on the Running Basic pay

2019 5% Adhoc relief 2019 NIL

on the Running Basic pay

——————————————————————————————46. Mr. Muhammad Afzal Khokhar:

Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training bepleased to state the educational institutions under FederalGovernment in which admission quota is reserved for students fromminorities alongwith details thereof?

Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training(Mr. Shafqat Mahmood):

Higher Education Commission (HEC)

Currently a total of 25 (twenty five) Higher Educational Intuitions (HEIs)are under Federal Government. The HEIs/University-wise admission quota reservedfor students from minorities alongwith detail is at Annex-I.

Federal Directorate of Education (FDE).

No specific admission quota is observed for admission for studentsfrom minorities in educational institutions under Federal Directorate ofEducation, Islamabad.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)


47. Mr. Asmatullah:

Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training bepleased to state:

(a) the criteria devised by HEC for appointment of Lecturer (BS-18)in the Universities;

(b) whether it is a fact that the University of Balochaistan is notimplementing the HEC criteria for appointment of LecturerArcheology (BS-18); if so, the reasons thereof;

(c) whether it is also a fact that test has been conducted for thepost of Lecturer Archeology (BS-18) in the University ofBalochistan on 09-11-2019; if so, provide the names, marksobtained in the test, district of domicile and qualification/grade/marks/division obtained from Matric to M.Phil of all candidatesseparately; and

(d) whether it is further a fact that third division candidates wereallowed for test; if so, the detail and reason thereof alongwithaction taken?

Reply not received.

48. Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister In-charge of the Cabinet Division be pleased to statethe names and total number of Federal Ministers, Ministers of State,Advisors and Special Assistants at present?

Minister In-charge of the Cabinet Division: It is submitted that atpresent total number of Federal Ministers / Ministers of State and Advisers /Special Assistant to the Prime Minister are as follows:

i. Federal Ministers 25ii. Ministers of State 04iii. Advisers to the Prime Minister 05iv. Special Assistants to the Prime Minister 13

The list of Federal Ministers / Ministers of State and Advisers / SpecialAssistants to the Prime Minister is attached.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)


49. Mr. James Iqbal:

Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state the namesof operational and non-operational airports in the country at present?

Minister for Aviation Division (Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Khan): Therequisite information is placed at Annexure-A.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

50. Mr. James Iqbal:

Will the Minister for Aviation Division be pleased to state:

(a) the number of airports including Bannu and Sargodha Airportswhich are non-operational throughout the country; and

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration to make themoperational; if so, the time by which same will be operational?

Minister for Aviation Division (Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Khan): (a) Therequisite information is placed at Annexure-A.

(b) At present there is no proposal under consideration foroperationalization of Bannu & other scaled down/closed airfields as there is norequest received from any airline/operator for starting operation on these airports.However, Sargodha is not Civil airfield thus being operated by PAF.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

51. Ms. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training bepleased to state:

(a) the number of teachers who have been promoted from BPS 19to 20 and BPS 20 to 21 by after 25th July, 2009; and

(b) whether it is a fact that said teachers have been demoted; if so,the reasons and details thereof?

Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training(Mr. Shafqat Mahmood): (a) Fact is that no post of BPS-21 exists in FederalDirectorate of Education and its allied Educational Institutions. Maximumpromotional avenue are provided to the teachers of Islamabad Model Colleges/Islamabad Model Schools to BPS-20. Total number of 53 teachers werepromoted from BS-19 to BS-20 during the period from 2009 to 2019.

(b) Fact is that 01 female teacher has been demoted from BS-19 toBS-18 due to misconduct under rule 3(b) of Government Servants (efficiency


and discipline) Rules 1973 with the approval of Secretary, M/o FE&PT,Islamabad.

52. Ms. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunicationbe pleased to state:

(a) the payment made to international organizations for the use ofInternet, data transfer, fiber optics, satellite and such otherservices during the fiscal year 2018-19; and

(b) whether the Government intends to set up its own infrastructurefor such services; if so, the detail thereof?

Transferred to Cabinet Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

53. Ms. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister Inchange of the Poverty Alleviation and Social SafetyDivision be pleased to state the total amount collected under thehead of Zakat and Ushr in Islamabad during the last one year andthe amount distributed to the deserving persons alongwith the detailthereof?

Minister Inchange of the Poverty Alleviation and Social SafetyDivision: As per Rules of Business, 1973, PA&SS Division is responsible forcollection of Zakat and its bulk distribution to Provinces/ Federal Areas asper distribution formula approved by the Council of Common Interest (CCI).The Amount of Zakat collected from Islamabad Capital Territory during thelast financial year 2018-19 was Rs.1440.697 million and an amount ofRs. 181.476 million was released as share of ICT in accordance with theZakat distribution formula approved by CCI.

The distribution of Zakat in ICT to Mustehqeen is with ICTAdministration M/o Interior. The Quarter concerned has been requested fordetail of Zakat distribution to Mustehqeen in ICT during the last FinancialYear (2018-19) which will be provided at floor of the house once receivedfrom ICT Administration.

ISLAMABAD: TAHIR HUSSAIN,The 7th January, 2020. Secretary.

PCPPI—27(2020) NA—7-1-2020—600.

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