697 sbi po/cl [grand set] -...

Post on 06-Oct-2020






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1. Which one of the following sentences is incorrect? If

all the sentences are correct as they are, your answer

will be (e) i.e. No error.

a) Following months of mass protests in Sudan, it

appeared that Omar al-Bashir had been ousted as

president by the army.

b) Mr al-Bashir had misruled since taking power in a

coup in 1989.

c) His civil war against non-Muslim black Africans

ended with the secession of South Sudan.

d) Separately, the International Criminal Court charged

him with overseeing genocide in Darfur.

e) No error.

2. Rearrange the following sentences into a coherent

paragraph where the FIRST sentence has been given

as the STARTER of the paragraph.

STARTER: Binyamin Netanyahu won a record fifth term

as prime minister of Israel.

A. His Likud party tied with Blue and White, a centrist


B. In the final days of the campaign Mr Netanyahu

vowed to begin annexing parts of the West Bank.

C. He further dimmed the prospect of any peace with the

Palestinians based on a two-state solution.

D. But the right-wing and religious bloc, of which Likud is

a part, won a majority of seats in the Knesset.

(a) ABCD (b) DBCA (c) ADBC

(d) CBDA (e) None

3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate options given

below the question.

Khalifa Haftar, Libya’s most powerful warlord, attacked

Tripoli, which is controlled by the ———————

government. Dozens of people were killed in the fighting,

as ——————— allied to the government ——————

— to defend the capital. A UN peace conference,

scheduled for this month, was ———————.

a) un-sponsored, guerrilla, backtracked, advanced

b) un-supported, squad, backed out, put off

c) un-backed, militias, rallied, scheduled

d) un-patronized, military, bailed out, set

e) un-controlled, army, withdrawn, slated

4. Which of the following sentences doesn’t contribute

to the central theme of the paragraph?

a) It happened just opposite to what takes place

around the world.

b) Protests continued in Algeria, where crowds called

for the resignation of Abdelkader Bensalah, the

interim president.

c) Mr Bensalah succeeded Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who

resigned amid widespread anger at his regime after

20 years in charge.

d) For the first time police used tear-gas to disperse the


e) Mr Bensalah said the country would hold a

presidential election on July 4th.

5. Rearrange the following sentences into a coherent

paragraph where the FIRST sentence has been given

as the STARTER of the paragraph.

STARTER: Theresa May, Britain’s prime minister,

attended a summit in Brussels to discuss another

delay to Brexit.

A. He said that if there was another late-night meeting on

the last day of the talks he might have to leave at

midnight; his term ends on November 1st.

B. That means Britain faces having to vote in elections to

the European Parliament next month, though

British MEPs will have to step down if Brexit actually


C. The president of the European Commission, Jean-

Claude Juncker, joked the situation.

D. The European Union offered Britain six more months,

pushing the deadline to October 31st, Halloween.

(a) DBCA (b) BCDA (c) ABCD

(d) ADCB (e) None

6. Which of the sentences given below the question can

come as the next line of the paragraph where it ends?

Julian Assange, a founder of WikiLeaks, was arrested by

British police in the Ecuadorean embassy in London.

Ecuador had granted Mr Assange refuge in 2012 after he

had jumped bail while facing rape allegations. His

relationship with his hosts soured after a change of

government in Ecuador, where a leftist president was

replaced by a more moderate one.

a) Mr Assange has said he fears extradition to the

United States, where WikiLeaks is not popular,

having published reams of leaked American military


b) The government of Ecuador, apparently sick of

Assange’s bad habits of authorizing the release of

sensitive Ecuadorean documents as well as failing to

keep his bathroom tidy, finally revoked Assange’s

asylum claim.

c) He was promptly arrested, and now faces extradition

to the United States on computer-related charges.

d) It was this agenda that made Assange so useful to

America-hating governments the world over.


e) Everything was to be revealed—everything, at least,

that didn’t happen to be in a foreign language.

7. Which one of the following sentences is incorrect? If

all the sentences are correct as they are, your answer

will be (e) i.e. No error.

a) Turkey’s ruling party demanded a fresh vote in

Istanbul, where it narrowly lost the mayoralty in

elections on March 31st.

b) Turkish democracy continues to fluctuate between

contending poles.

c) This includes conflict among republicanism and

democracy, majoritarian and consensual democracy,

French and American versions of secularism, and

civic and ethnic nationalism.

d) The conflict is over not only the principles of the

Turkish Republic, but also two competing definitions

of nation, state, secularism and democracy.

e) No error.

8. Fill in the blanks with appropriate options given

below the question.

Italy’s deputy prime minister, Matteo Salvini, announced

the formation of a new nationalist group within the

European Parliament, ———————————————

————————. However, none of the party leaders he

hoped would attend from other countries turned up.

A. to call the European Alliance for People and


B. to be called the European Alliance for People and


C. to be calling the European Alliance of People and


(a) All A, B & C (b) Only B (c) Only A & C

(d) Only B & C (e) None

9. Fill in the blanks with appropriate options given

below the question.

The Trump administration —————— a four-month-old

agreement under which Cuban baseball players could

join Major League teams in America without —————

— from their country. The administration said the

agreement would —————— human trafficking and

help —————— Cuba’s communist government.

a) called off, affecting, stimulate, improve

b) cancelled, effecting, incentivise, upgrade

c) put off, defecting, boost, entrap

d) adjourned, affecting, animate, snarl

e) cancelled, defecting, encourage, enrich

10. Rearrange the following sentences into a coherent

paragraph where the FIRST sentence has been given

as the STARTER of the paragraph.

STARTER: Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s president, sacked the

education minister, Ricardo Vélez.

A. He is alleged to have shared his socially conservative


B. Mr Vélez had courted controversy by instructing

schools to film classes singing the national anthem

and repeating Mr Bolsonaro’s campaign slogan.

C. He will be replaced with Abraham Weintraub.

D. He is an economist and has said that crack cocaine

was introduced to Brazil deliberately by the left.

(a) DBCA (b) BCDA (c) ABCD

(d) ADCB (e) None

11. Which one or more of the following sentences is

incorrect? If all the sentences are correct as they are,

your answer will be (e) i.e. No error.

A. Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit was the leader of

the Future Forward party.

B. He was charged of sedition in relation to a protest

against Thailand’s military junta in 2015.

C. It is one of several repressive steps that has marred

the country’s supposed return to democracy after an

election last month.

(a) All A, B & C (b) Only B (c) Only A & C

(d) Only B & C (e) No error.

12. Fill in the blanks with appropriate options given

below the question.

Kassym Jomart Tokayev, Kazakhstan’s interim president

following the sudden resignation of Nursultan Nazarbayev

after three decades in power, —————————— for

June 9th.

A. called for a snap election

B. called on a snap election

C. called a snap election

(a) All A, B & C (b) Only B (c) Only A & C

(d) Only B & C (e) None

13. Which one or more of the following sentences is

incorrect? If all the sentences are correct as they are,

your answer will be (e) i.e. No error.

A. South Korea’s constitutional court ruling that the

government must end the country’s ban on abortion,

in place since 1953, before the end of 2020.

B. Doctors can currently be imprisoned if they

performed the procedure.

C. Therefore, tens of thousands of abortions are carried

out each year.

(a) All A, B & C (b) Only B (c) Only A & C

(d) Only B & C (e) No error.

14. Which one or more of the following sentences is

incorrect? If all the sentences are correct as they are,

your answer will be (e) i.e. No error.

A. Voting began in India’s seven-stage election.

B. The final phase may take place on May 19th and the

results for all seven stages will be announced on

May 23rd.

C. Polls suggest the ruled Bharatiya Janata Party will

remain the biggest party.

(a) All A, B & C (b) Only B (c) Only A & C

(d) Only B & C (e) No error.

15. Fill in the blanks with appropriate options given

below the question.

A court in Hong Kong found nine people guilty of public

—————— charges relating to their leading roles in the

Umbrella Movement of 2014, which —————— weeks

of —————— and demonstrations in busy commercial

districts in support of democratic reform. Among the

defendants were three founders of a group involved in the


a) annoyance, complicit, protests, rebellion

b) ennui, engaged, demonstrators, revolt

c) lassitude, involved, opposition, aggression

d) nuisance, involved, sit-ins, unrest

e) restlessness, complicated, protests, hawkishness

DIRECTION (16-23): Read the following passage carefully

and answer the questions given below it.

Many United States companies have, unfortunately,

made the search for legal protection from import competition

into a major line of work. Since 1980 the United States

International Trade Commission (ITC) has received about

280 complaints alleging damage from imports that benefit

from subsidies by foreign governments. Another 340 charge

that foreign companies “dumped” their products in the United

States at “less than fair value.” Even when no unfair

practices are alleged, the simple claim that an industry has

been injured by imports is sufficient grounds to seek relief.

Contrary to the general impression, this quest for import

relief has hurt more companies than it has helped. As

corporations begin to function globally, they develop an

intricate web of marketing, production, and research

relationships. The complexity of these relationships makes it

unlikely that a system of import relief laws will meet the

strategic needs of all the units under the same parent


Internationalization increases the danger that foreign

companies will use import relief laws against the very

companies the laws were designed to protect. Suppose a

United States-owned company establishes an overseas plant

to manufacture a product while its competitor makes the

same product in the United States. If the competitor can

prove injury from the imports—and that the United States

company received a subsidy from a foreign government to

build its plant abroad—the United States company’s products

will be uncompetitive in the United States, since they would

be subject to duties.

Perhaps the most brazen (marked by contemptuous

boldness) case occurred when the ITC investigated

allegations that Canadian companies were injuring the

United States salt industry by dumping rock salt, used to de-

ice roads. The bizarre aspect of the complaint was that a

foreign conglomerate with United States operations was

crying for help against a United States company with foreign

operations. The “United States” company claiming injury was

a subsidiary of a Dutch conglomerate, while the “Canadian”

companies included a subsidiary of a Chicago firm that was

the second-largest domestic producer of rock salt.

16. The passage is chiefly concerned with

a) arguing against the increased internationalization of

United States corporations

b) warning that the application of laws affecting trade

frequently has unintended consequences

c) demonstrating that foreign-based firms receive

more subsidies from their governments than United

States firms receive from the United States


d) advocating the use of trade restrictions for

“dumped” products but not for other imports

e) recommending a uniform method for handling

claims of unfair trade practices

17. It can be inferred from the passage that the minimal

basis for a complaint to the International Trade

Commission is which of the following?

a) A foreign competitor has received a subsidy from a

foreign government.

b) A foreign competitor has substantially increased the

volume of products shipped to the United States.

c) A foreign competitor is selling products in the United

States at less than fair market value.

d) The company requesting import relief has been

injured by the sale of imports in the United States.

e) The company requesting import relief has been

barred from exporting products to the country of its

foreign competitor.

18. The last paragraph performs which of the following

functions in the passage?

a) It summarizes the discussion thus far and suggests

additional areas of research.

b) It presents a recommendation based on the

evidence presented earlier.

c) It discusses an exceptional case in which the results

expected by the author of the passage were not


d) It introduces an additional area of concern not

mentioned earlier.

e) It cites a specific case that illustrates a problem

presented more generally in the previous


19. The passage warns of which of the following dangers?

a) Companies in the United States may receive no

protection from imports unless they actively seek

protection from import competition.

b) Companies that seek legal protection from import

competition may incur legal costs that far exceed

any possible gain.

c) Companies that are United States-owned but

operate internationally may not be eligible for

protection from import competition under the laws of

the countries in which their plants operate.

d) Companies that are not United States-owned may

seek legal protection from import competition under

United States import relief laws.

e) Companies in the United States that import raw

materials may have to pay duties on those


20. The passage suggests that which of the following is

most likely to be true of United States trade laws?

a) They will eliminate the practice of “dumping”

products in the United States.

b) They will enable manufacturers in the United States

to compete more profitably outside the United


c) They will affect United States trade with Canada

more negatively than trade with other nations.

d) Those that help one unit within a parent company

will not necessarily help other units in the company.

e) Those that are applied to international companies

will accomplish their intended result.

21. It can be inferred from the passage that the author

believes which of the following about the complaint

mentioned in the last paragraph?

a) The ITC acted unfairly toward the complainant in its


b) The complaint violated the intent of import relief


c) The response of the ITC to the complaint provided

suitable relief from unfair trade practices to the


d) The ITC did not have access to appropriate

information concerning the case.

e) Each of the companies involved in the complaint

acted in its own best interest.

22. According to the passage, companies have the general

impression that International Trade Commission import

relief practices have

a) caused unpredictable fluctuations in volumes of

imports and exports

b) achieved their desired effect only under unusual


c) actually helped companies that have requested

import relief

d) been opposed by the business community

e) had less impact on international companies than the

business community expected

23. According to the passage, the International Trade

Commission is involved in which of the following?

a) Investigating allegations of unfair import competition

b) Granting subsidies to companies in the United

States that have been injured by import competition

c) Recommending legislation to ensure fair

d) Identifying international corporations that wish to

build plants in the United States

e) Assisting corporations in the United States that wish

to compete globally

Direction (Q. No.24-30): In the passage given below there

are 5 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold.

Even blank has four alternative words given in options

(a), (b), (c) and (d). You have to tell which word best suits

the respective blank. Mark (e) as your answer if the word

given in bold after the blank is correctly used. i.e. “Given

word is correct.

If one word could best [24] demarcate a man, then for Atal

Bihari Vajpayee that would have to be compromise. Ever

the contrarian, Vajpayee was equally the consensus-seeker

and the alliance-builder who could [25] go along ideological

divides and overcome political animosities with a skill set

that was a [26] reminisce to the Nehruvian era. A brilliant

parliamentarian and a shrewd politician who could demolish

political opponents with his [27] animus wit, Vajpayee was

also the elder statesman who was never afraid to reach out

and make peace with India’s neighbours. Without a doubt,

he was born of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the [28]

torchbearer of Hindutva. But his rise in the Jana Sangh

was at a time when it was not on the [29] wane, and this

meant he always tried to outgrow his organisation. Vajpayee

spent a lifetime trying to [30] make his party displace the

Congress from power, and to this end he switched between

fighting the Congress’s tactics and mimicking them.

24. (a) explain (b) describe (c) define

(d) delineate (e) Given word is correct

25. (a) travel (b) cover (c) move

(d) traverse (e) Given word is correct

26. (a) throwback (b) comeback (c) returning

(d) reversal (e) Given word is correct

27. (a) acrimony (b) acerbic (c) bitterness

(d) dulcet (e) Given word is correct

28. (a) vanguards (b) pioneers (c) trailblazing

(d) tutelage (e) Given word is correct

29. (a) decline (b) fall (c) ascendant

(d) deterioration (e) Given word is correct

30. (a) enable (b) capable (c) compel

(d) encourage (e) Given word is correct

Directions (31-45): In each of the question given below

a/an idiom/phrase is given in bold which is then followed

by five options which then try to decipher its meaning as

used in the sentence. Choose the option which gives the

meaning of the phrases.

31. A Dime a Dozen

(a) When something is difficult to acquire

(b) When something is difficult to quantify

(c) When something is easy and simple to measure

(d) When something is extremely common and simple to


(e) When something is really expensive

32. Cup of Joe

(a) A cup of tea

(b) A cup of coffee

(c) A cup of someone special

(d) A very special possession of someone

(e) A difficult situation for someone

33. A Fool and His Money Are Soon Parted

(a) Someone acting foolish can easily lose his or her

money due to carelessness

(b) Someone acting smart can easily save the money

(c) Someone acting foolish can't save the money

(d) Someone cheating an innocent will soon die

(e) Someone trying to smart will soon suffer a loss

34. Beating a Dead Horse

(a) Beating an animal mercilessly

(b) Suppressing someone under the power of authority

(c) Revitalizing someone

(d) Something considered as lucrative

(e) Something that is seen as futile

35. Close But No Cigar

(a) Coming close to a trade but then find no way to start it

(b) Coming close to a place but then find it useless

(c) Coming close to a successful outcome only to fall

short at the end

(d) Trying to achieve something big but fail at the end

(e) Trying to save someone from a loss but fail at the end

36. Cut the Mustard

(a) Harvesting the crop

(b) Meeting expectations

(c) Breaking the silence

(d) Leaving abandoned

(e) Making futile

37. Fat City

(a) An important country

(b) A big pub or club

(c) A wide community

(d) A great society

(e) A great thing or place

38. Go for pinks

(a) To be a feminist

(b) To be a male chauvinist

(c) A drag race where the stakes are the car's pink slip

(d) An event organized by the females

(e) To choose pink as your favorite color

39. Royal shaft

(a) Royal treatment

(b) Bad or unfair treatment

(c) Royal place

(d) Royal food

(e) An expensive possession

40. Make the scene

(a) Make a plan

(b) Destroy a plan

(c) Create a history

(d) Miss an event or activity

(e) Attend an event or activity

41. Mushroom people

(a) People who come out at night to play

(b) People who are unwanted to a particular place

(c) People who are intellectuals

(d) People who are dwarfs

(e) People who are very important

42. Cut To the Chase

(a) To summarize

(b) To cut the difficulties

(c) To reach to the conclusion

(d) To get to the main point

(e) To win the argument

43. Knuckle sandwich

(a) A delicious sandwich

(b) A dish which is tasteless

(c) A reason of contention

(d) A fist in the face

(e) To face the music

44. Razz the berries

(a) Scandalize

(b) Excite or impress

(c) Burst with the anger

(d) Break the silence

(e) Start the argument

45. Agitate the Gravel

(a) To leave

(b) To die

(c) To get angry

(d) To fasten

(e) To slow down

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