8 things about grimsby

Post on 19-Feb-2018






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7/23/2019 8 Things About Grimsby

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8 things about Grimsby you might notknow

Oh England you’re fair, but there’s none to compare with my Grimsby.

1. Elton John's song 'Grimsby' was written by Bernie Taupin about his youth spent in the town as a

young lad. One line of the 197 reads! "Oh England you#re fair$ but there's none to %ompare with my


Through nights of mad youth$ & hae loed eery slui%e in your harbour."


2. The (ort of Grimsby is the )*#s largest port

by tonnage. +uring ,orld ,ar &&$ had the

German inasion been su%%essful$ Grimsby

would hae been one of the -rst landing points

in the north of England.

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3. Grimsby has featured in -lms used for -lming s%enes for 19/0 -lm 'lo%2wise'$ starring John

leese and (enelope ,ilton$ while Grimsby's famous do%2s were used in 'This &s England'.


4. Grimsby has homed %elebrities3

T4e5 bass player 6tee urrie$ Tin2er Tailor 6oldier 6py a%tor John urt$ This &s England star Thomas

Turgoose and re%ent 8a%tor %ontestant Ella enderson$ now signed with 6imon owell.

5. Grimsby Town ootball %lub$ 2nown as the :ariners$ is not based in Grimsby3 Blundell (ar2 ground

is based in leethorpes so the %lub neer really play at home.

6. ,hen the Olympi% Tor%h passed through Grimsby$ it was abseiled down Grimsby +o%2 Tower on

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+ay ; of the relay.

7. The -rst <orth 6ea natural gas -nd was made only ; miles from Grimsby in 190=.

8. &n 1;/0$ Grimsby was mentioned in the +omesday Boo2$ and was listed as haing a population of

>;;. The town now has a population of almost 9;$;;;.

Grimsby beeches food 

&f you'e been loo2ing for a wee2end away$ Grimsby has some of the -nest seafood in the %ountry

and Bee%hes otel and 4estaurant would be more than happy to a%%ommodate you. ,e are proud of 

our Brasserie restaurant$ %osy hotel rooms.

or more information$ please %onta%t Bee%hes otel and 4estaurant on ;17> >7//?; or email us.

 ,e loo2 forward to wel%oming you soon. http!@@www.thebee%heshotel.%om

 Top ten things to do with your kids inGrimsby and Cleethorpes

ere you'll -nd some of the Top 1; things to do with your 2ids in Grimsby and leethorpesA from

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iewing the famous -shing heritage %entre to going to the lo%al i%e rin2$ we hae plenty of things to do

for %hildren and the entire family...

Top Ten things to do with your 2ids in Grimsby and leethorpes


National Fishing Heritage

2.National Fishing Heritage Centre - The ishing eritage is more then ust a museum3 &t's an

insight into Grimsby's :aritime history where you %an dis%oer what life was li2e in Grimsby ba%2 in

the 19=;s with the sights$ sounds and smells of the times that follow isitors through intera%tie


3.Children's indoor Time 4 Pla - ,ith a main play area and a toddler area$ Time (lay is a three

leel indoor soft play %entre with a ariety of obsta%les$ sports areas$ slides and ball pool proing a

se%ure and safe play enironment

4.!eels" Par# $iding %&hool - OCering a ariety of wellmannered mounts for lessons aailable

from = upwards this s%hool has both indoor and outdoor fa%ilities with fun for all the family

5.F(( )d's at the Cri&#eters - (reiously 2nown as ,a%2y ,arehouse$ now uDDy Ed's at the

ri%2eters has an indoor play stru%ture full of many diCerent a%tiities for 2eeping %hildren amused

for hours

6.*rims" +&e $in# and ,eisre Centre - ,ith great musi%$ dis%o lighting and een a snow ma%hine3

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The Grimsby i%e rin2 and leisure %entre will gie you a great and oyful e5perien%e.

7.*rims" %imming Pool - The Grimsby 6wimming pool oCers a main pool whi%h is >=m long as

well as a separate tea%hing pool and +iing bay with a 1m springboard there's also an inatable slide

whi%h is used for fun sessions3

8.Cleethores ,eisre Centre - This leisure %entre oCers many swimming and leisure swim fa%ilities

in%luding a >=m -tness pool with ume$ waes and bea%h entry

9.,a"rinth o/ 0oralia - The Fabyrinth of +oralia is an intera%tie and %hallenging e5perien%e

featuring a FaDer adenture whi%h will ta2e you to the ne5t leel and yes$ it's the largest laser

adenture in the <orth3H

10.The ngle oo - The Jungle Ioo %entres around a tropi%al house in a spe%ta%ular ungleli2e

setting whi%h in%ludes a large water feature %ontaining gold-sh$ redeared terrapins and other

animals from <orth meri%a

11.Cleethores Ten Pin oling - ll 2ids loe bowling espe%ially when you %an use ramps and

guards for the smaller bowler. 6T4&*E3 perfe%t day out for the family.

 And there you hae it, our top ten list of family!friendly attractions in Grimsby and "leethorpes. #hin$ we%e

missed any& 'et us $now( 

The ee&hes Hotel in Grimsby

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